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Traditional medicine

Fact sheet N134 December 2008 Key facts

In some Asian and African countries, 80% of the popu ation depend on traditiona medicine for primar! hea th care" #erba medicines are the most ucrati$e form of traditiona medicine, %eneratin% bi ions of do ars in re$enue" &raditiona medicine can treat $arious infectious and chronic conditions' ne( antima aria dru%s (ere de$e oped from the disco$er! and iso ation of artemisinin from Artemisia annua )", a p ant used in *hina for a most 2000 !ears" *ounterfeit, poor +ua it!, or adu terated herba products in internationa mar,ets are serious patient safet! threats" -ore than 100 countries ha$e re%u ations for herba medicines"

&raditiona medicine is the sum tota of ,no( ed%e, s,i s and practices based on the theories, be iefs and e.periences indi%enous to different cu tures that are used to maintain hea th, as (e as to pre$ent, dia%nose, impro$e or treat ph!sica and menta i nesses" &raditiona medicine that has been adopted b! other popu ations /outside its indi%enous cu ture0 is often termed a ternati$e or comp ementar! medicine" #erba medicines inc ude herbs, herba materia s, herba preparations, and finished herba products that contain parts of p ants or other p ant materia s as acti$e in%redients" Who uses traditional medicine? In some Asian and African countries, 80% of the popu ation depend on traditiona medicine for primar! hea th care" In man! de$e oped countries, 10% to 80% of the popu ation has used some form of a ternati$e or comp ementar! medicine /e"%" acupuncture0"

#erba treatments are the most popu ar form of traditiona medicine, and are hi%h ! ucrati$e in the internationa mar,etp ace" Annua re$enues in 2estern 3urope reached 456 7 bi ion in 200382004" In *hina sa es of products tota ed 456 14 bi ion in 2007" #erba medicine re$enue in 9ra:i (as 456 1;0 mi ion in 2001" Challenges &raditiona medicine has been used in some communities for thousands of !ears" As traditiona medicine practices are adopted b! ne( popu ations there are cha en%es" International diversity: &raditiona medicine practices ha$e been adopted in different cu tures and re%ions (ithout the para e ad$ance of internationa standards and methods for e$a uation" National policy and regulation: Not man! countries ha$e nationa po icies for traditiona medicine" <e%u atin% traditiona medicine products, practices and practitioners is difficu t due to $ariations in definitions and cate%ori:ations of traditiona medicine therapies" A sin% e herba product cou d be defined as either a food, a dietar! supp ement or an herba medicine, dependin% on the countr!" &his disparit! in re%u ations at the nationa e$e has imp ications for internationa access and distribution of products" Safety, effectiveness and quality: 5cientific e$idence from tests done to e$a uate the safet! and effecti$eness of traditiona medicine products and practices is imited" 2hi e e$idence sho(s that acupuncture, some herba medicines and some manua therapies /e"%" massa%e0 are effecti$e for specific conditions, further stud! of products and practices is needed" <e+uirements and methods for research and e$a uation are comp e." For e.amp e, it can be difficu t to assess the +ua it! of finished herba products" &he safet!, effecti$eness and +ua it! of finished herba medicine products depend on the +ua it! of their source materia s /(hich can inc ude hundreds of natura constituents0, and ho( e ements are hand ed throu%h production processes" Kno ledge and sustaina!ility: #erba materia s for products are co ected from (i d p ant popu ations and cu ti$ated medicina p ants" &he e.pandin% herba product mar,et cou d dri$e o$er8har$estin% of p ants and threaten biodi$ersit!" =oor ! mana%ed co ection and cu ti$ation practices cou d ead to the e.tinction of endan%ered p ant species and the destruction of natura resources" 3fforts to preser$e both p ant popu ations and ,no( ed%e on ho( to use them for medicina purposes is needed to sustain traditiona medicine" "atient safety and use: -an! peop e be ie$e that because medicines are herba /natura 0 or traditiona the! are safe /or carr! no ris, for harm0" #o(e$er, traditiona

medicines and practices can cause harmfu , ad$erse reactions if the product or therap! is of poor +ua it!, or it is ta,en inappropriate ! or in con>unction (ith other medicines" Increased patient a(areness about safe usa%e is important, as (e as more trainin%, co aboration and communication amon% pro$iders of traditiona and other medicines" W#$ response 2#? and its -ember 5tates cooperate to promote the use of traditiona medicine for hea th care" &he co aboration aims to'

support and inte%rate traditiona medicine into nationa hea th s!stems in combination (ith nationa po ic! and re%u ation for products, practices and pro$iders to ensure safet! and +ua it!@ ensure the use of safe, effecti$e and +ua it! products and practices, based on a$ai ab e e$idence@ ac,no( ed%e traditiona medicine as part of primar! hea th care, to increase access to care and preser$e ,no( ed%e and resources@ and ensure patient safet! b! up%radin% the s,i s and ,no( ed%e of traditiona medicine pro$iders"

List of plants used in herbalism

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Chelsea Physic Garden has cultivated medicinal plants since 16 !" The plant sho#n here is montbretia $crocosmia aurea%, used as a remedy for dysentery"

This is a list of plants that have been used as herbal medicine" Plants have the ability to synthesi&e a #ide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biolo'ical functions, and to defend a'ainst attack from predators such as insects, fun'i and herbivorous

mammals" (any of these phytochemicals have beneficial effects on lon')term health #hen consumed by humans, and can be used to effectively treat human diseases" *t least 1+,,,, such compounds have been isolated so far- a number estimated to be less than 1,. of the total" /10/+0 These phytochemicals are divided into $1%primary metabolites such as su'ars and fats, #hich are found in all plants- and $+%secondary metabolites 1 compounds #hich are found in a smaller ran'e of plants, servin' a more specific function" /!0 For e2ample, some secondary metabolites are to2ins used to deter predation and others are pheromones used to attract insects for pollination" 3t is these secondary metabolites and pi'ments that can have therapeutic actions in humans and #hich can be refined to produce dru's4e2amples are inulin from the roots of dahlias, 5uinine from the cinchona, morphine and codeine from the poppy, and di'o2in from the fo2'love"/!0Chemical compounds in plants mediate their effects on the human body throu'h processes identical to those already #ell understood for the chemical compounds in conventional dru's- thus herbal medicines do not differ 'reatly from conventional dru's in terms of ho# they #ork" This enables herbal medicines to be as effective as conventional medicines, but also 'ives them the same potential to cause harmful side effects" /10/+0 (ost cultures have a tradition of usin' plants medicinally" 3n 6urope, apothecaries stocked herbal in'redients for their medicines" 3n theLatin names for plants created by Linnaeus, the #ord officinalis indicates that a plant #as used in this #ay" For e2ample, the marsh mallo# has the classification Althaea officinalis, as it #as traditionally used as an emollient to soothe ulcers"/70 *yurvedic medicine,herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are other e2amples of medical practices that incorporate medical uses of plants"Pharmaco'nosy is the branch of modern medicine about medicines from plant sources" Plants included here are those that have been or are bein' used medicinally, in at least one such medicinal tradition" (odern medicine no# tends to use the active in'redients of plants rather than the #hole plants" The phytochemicals may be synthesi&ed, compounded or other#ise transformed to make pharmaceuticals" 62amples of such derivatives include 8i'o2in, fromdi'italis- capsaicine, from chili- and aspirin, #hich is chemically related to the salicylic acid found in #hite #illo#" The opium poppy continues to be a ma9or industrial source of opiates, includin' morphine" Fe# traditional remedies, ho#ever, have translated into modern dru's, althou'h there is continuin' research into the efficacy and possible adaptation of traditional herbal treatments"

A[edit source | editbeta]

*loe vera

*:ai $Euterpe oleracea% *lthou'h a:ai berries are a lon'standin' food source for indi'enous people of the *ma&on, there is no evidence that they have historically served a medicinal, as opposed to nutritional role" 3n spite of their recent popularity in the ;nited <tates as a dietary supplement, there is currently no evidence for their effectiveness for any health)related purpose" /=0

*lfalfa $Medicago sativa% leaves are used to lo#er cholesterol, as #ell as for kidney andurinary tract ailments"/60

*loe vera leaves are #idely used to heal burns, #ounds and other skin ailments"/


*rnica $Arnica montana% is used as an anti)inflammatory/?0 and for osteoarthritis"/1,0 *shoka $Saraca indica% is used in *yurvedic traditions to treat 'ynecolo'ical disorders" The bark is also used to combat oedema or s#ellin'"/110

*sthma #eed $Euphorbia hirta% has been used traditionally in *sia to treat bronchitic asthma and laryn'eal spasm"/1+0/1!0 3t is used in the Philippines for den'ue fever"/170/1=0

*stra'alus $Astragalus propinquus% has lon' been used in traditional Chinese medicine to stren'then the immune system, and is used in modern China to treat hepatitis and as an ad9unctive therapy in cancer"

B[edit source | editbeta]

@arberry $Berberis vulgaris% has a lon' history of medicinal use, datin' back to the (iddle *'es particularly amon' Aative *mericans" ;ses have included skin ailments, scurvy and 'astro)intestinal ailments"/1

@elladonna $Atropa belladonna%, althou'h to2ic, #as used historically in 3taly by #omen to enlar'e their pupils, as #ell as asedative, amon' other uses" The name itself means Bbeautiful #omanB in 3talian" /1>0

@ilberry $Vaccinium myrtillus% used to treat diarrhea, scurvy, and other conditions"/1?0 @itter 'ourd $Momordica charantia% is used as an a'ent to reduce the blood 'lucose level" /+,0 @itter leaf $Vernonia amygdalina% is used by both primates and indi'enous peoples in *frica to treat intestinal ailments such asdysentery/+10/++0

@itter oran'e $Citrus aurantium% used in traditional Chinese medicine and by indi'enous peoples of the *ma&on for nausea,indi'estion and constipation"/+!0

@lack cohosh $Actaea racemosa% historically used for arthritis and muscle pain, used more recently for conditions related tomenopause and menstruation"/+70

@lessed thistle $Cnicus benedictus% #as used durin' the (iddle *'es to treat bubonic pla'ue" 3n modern times, tisanes made from blessed thistle are used for loss of appetite, indi'estion and other purposes"/+=0

@lueberries $'enus Vaccinium% are of current medical interest as an antio2idant/+60/+ 0 and for urinary tract ailments/+>0

@urdock $Arctium lappa% has been used traditionally as a diuretic and to lo#er blood su'ar/+?0 and, in traditional Chinese medicineas a treatment for sore throat and symptoms of the common cold"/!,0

C[edit source | editbeta]

Chili peppers

CatCs cla# $Uncaria tomentosa% has a lon' history of use in <outh *merica to prevent and treat disease"/!10 Cayenne $Capsicum annuum% is a type of chili that has been used as both food and medicine for thousands of years" ;ses have included pain relief and treatin' fever, cold, diarrhea, amon' other conditions"/!+0/!!0/not in citation given0 /!70/unreliable source

Celery $Apium graveolens% seed is used only occasionally in tradition medicine" (odern usa'e is primarily as a diuretic"/!=0

Chamomille $Matricaria recutita and Anthemis nobilis% used over thousands of years for a variety of conditions, includin' sleeplessness, an2iety, and 'astrointestinal conditions such as upset stomach, 'as, and diarrhea"/!60

Chaparral $!arrea tridentata% leaves and t#i's are used by Aative *mericans to make atisane used for a variety of conditions, includin' arthritis, cancer and a number of others" <ubse5uent studies have been e2tremely variable, at best" Chaparral has also been sho#n to have hi'h liver to2icity, and has led to kidney failure, and is not recommended for any use by the ;"<" Food and 8ru' *dministration $F8*% or *merican Cancer <ociety"/!

Chasteberry $Vite" agnus#castus% used over thousands of years for menstrual problems, and to stimulate lactation"/!?0

Chili $Capsicum frutescens%Cs active in'redient, capsaicine, is the basic of commercial pain)relief ointments in Western medicine" The lo# incidence of heart attack in Thais has been sho#n to be related to capsaicineCs fibronolytic action $dissolvin' blood clots%"/7,0

Cinchona is a 'enus of about !> species of trees #hose bark is a source of alkaloids, includin' 5uinine" 3ts use as a febrifu'e #as first populari&ed in the 1 th century by Peruvian Desuits"/710

Clove $Sy$ygium aromaticum% is used for upset stomach and as an e2pectorant, amon' other purposes" The oil is used topically to treat toothache"/7+0

Coffee senna $Cassia occidentalis% is used in a #ide variety of roles in traditional medicine, includin' in particular as a broad)spectrum internal and e2ternal antimicrobial, for liver disorders, for intestinal #orms and other parasites and as an immune)system stimulant"/7!0/770

Comfrey $Symphytum officinale% has been used as a vulnerary and to reduce inflammation"/7=0 3t #as also used internally in the past, for stomach and other ailments, but its to2icity has led a number of other countries, includin' Canada, @ra&il, *ustralia, and the ;nited Ein'dom, to severely restrict or ban the use of comfrey"/760

Cranberry $Vaccinium macrocarpon% used historically as a vulnerary and for urinary disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, stomach ailments, and liver problems" (odern usa'e has concentrated on urinary tract related problems"/7

D[edit source | editbeta]

8andelion flo#er

8andelion $%ara"acum officinale% #as most commonly used historically to treat liver diseases, kidney diseases, and spleen problems/7>0 8i'italis $&igitalis lanata%, or fo2'love, came into use in treatin' cardiac disease in late 1>th century 6n'land in spite of its hi'h to2icity"a 3ts use has been almost entirely replaced by the pharmaceutical derivative 8i'o2in, #hich has a shorter half)life in the body, and #hose to2icity is therefore more easily mana'ed"/7?0 8i'o2in is used as anantiarrhythmic a'ent and inotrope/=,0

8on' 5uai $Angelica sinensis% has been used for thousands of years in *sia, primarily in #omenCs health"/=10

E[edit source | editbeta]

6lderberry $Sambucus nigra% berries and leaves have traditionally been used to treat pain, s#ellin', infections, cou'hs, and skin conditions and, more recently, flu, common cold, fevers, constipation, and sinus infections"/=+0

6phedra $Ephedra sinica% has been used for more than =,,,, years in traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory ailments"/=!0Products containin' ephedra for #ei'ht loss, ener'y and athletic performance, particularly those also containin' caffeine, have been linked to stroke, heart arrhythmia, and even death" <uch products have been banned in the ;nited <tates since 8ecember, +,,!" Fther dietary supplements containin' ephedra #ere similarly banned in February, +,,7" /=70


6ucalyptus $Eucalyptus globulus% leaves #ere #idely used in traditional medicine as a febrifu'e" 6ucalyptus oil is commonly used in over)the)counter cou'h and cold medications, as #ell as for

an anal'esic"/=60

/= 0

6uropean (istletoe $Viscum album% has been used to treat sei&ures, headaches, and other conditions"

6venin' primrose $'enothera spp"% oil has been used since the 1?!,s for ec&ema, and more recently as an anti)inflammatory/=>0

F[edit source | editbeta]

Fenu'reek $%rigonella foenum#graecum% has lon' been used to treat symptoms of menopause, and di'estive ailments" (ore recently, it has been used to treat diabetes, loss of appetite and other conditions/=?0

Feverfe# $%anacetum parthenium% has been used for centuries for fevers, headaches, stomach aches, toothaches, insect bites and other conditions"/6,0

Fla2seed $!inum usitatissimum% is most commonly used as a la2ative" Fla2seed oil is used for different conditions, includin'arthritis/610

G[edit source | editbeta]

Garlic bulbs

Garlic $Allium sativum% #idely used as an antibiotic/6+0/6!0/670/6=0 and, more recently, for treatin' cardiovascular disease/660/6

Gin'er $(ingiber officinale% is used to relieve nausea/6>0 Gin'ko $)ing*o biloba% leaf e2tract has been used to treat asthma, bronchitis, fati'ue, and tinnitus/6?0 Ginsen' $+ana" ginseng and +ana" quinquefolius% has been used medicinally, in particular in *sia, for over +,,,, years, and is #idely used in modern society" /

Goldenseal $,ydrastis canadensis% #as used traditionally by Aative *mericans to treatskin diseases, ulcers, and 'onorrhea" (ore recently, the herb has been used respiratory tract and a number of other infections/

Grape $Vitis vinifera% leaves and fruit have been used medicinally since the ancient Greeks"/


Guava $+sidium gua-ava% has a rich history of use in traditional medicine" 3t is traditionally used to treat diarrhea- ho#ever, evidence of its effectiveness is very limited" /
!0/ 70

H[edit source | editbeta]

Ga#thorn $specifically Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata% fruit has been used since the first century for heart disease" Fther uses include di'estive and kidney problems"/

Goodia $,oodia gordonii% is traditionally used by Ealahari @ushmen to reduce hun'er and thirst" 3t is currently marketed as anappetite suppressant"/

Gorse chestnut $Aesculus hippocastanum% seeds, leaves, bark, and flo#ers have been used medicinally for many centuries" The ra# plant materials are to2ic unless processed" /

Gorsetail $Equisetum arvense% dates back to ancient Homan and Greek medicine, #hen it #as used to stop bleedin', heal ulcersand #ounds, and treat tuberculosis and kidney problems"/

J[edit source | editbeta]

Damaica do'#ood $+iscidia erythrina or +iscidia piscipula% is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of insomnia and an2iety, despite serious safety concerns"/ potential"
/>,0 ?0

* +,,6 study su''ested medicinal

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Eava $+iper methysticum% has been used for centuries in the <outh Pacific to make a ceremonial drink #ith sedative and anestheticproperties" 3t is used as a soporific, as #ell as for asthma and urinary tract infection/>10

Ehat is a mild stimulant used for thousands of years in Iemen, and is banned today in many countries" Contains the amphetamine)like substance cathinone"

Eon9ac $Amorphophallus *on-ac% is a si'nificant dietary source of 'lucomannan,/>+0/>!0 #hich is used in treatin' obesity,/>70constipation,/>=0 and reducin' cholesterol"/>60

Eratom $Mitragyna speciosa% Eratom is kno#n to prevent or delay #ithdra#al symptoms in an opiate dependent individual, and it is often used to miti'ate cravin's thereafter" 3t can also be used for other medicinal purposes" Eratom has been traditionally used in re'ions such as (alaysia, Thailand, and 3ndonesia"

Eanna $Sceletium tortuosum% *frican treatment for depression" <u''ested to be an <<H3 or have similar effects, but unkno#n (F*"

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Lavender blossoms

Lavender $!avandula angustifolia% #as traditionally used as an antiseptic and for mental health purposes" 3t #as also used ancient 6'ypt in mummifyin' bodies" There is little scientific evidence that lavender is effective for most mental health uses" />

Lemon $Citrus limon%, alon' #ith other citruses, has a lon' history of use in Chinese and3ndian traditional medicine"/>>0 3n contemporary use, honey and lemon is common for treatin' cou'hs and sore throat"

Licorice root $)lycyrrhi$a glabra% has a lon' history of medicinal usa'e in 6astern and Western medicine" ;ses include stomach ulcers, bronchitis, and sore throat, as #ell asinfections caused by viruses, such as hepatitis"/>?0

"[edit source | editbeta]

(ari'old $Calendula officinalis%, or calendula, has a lon' history of use in treatin' #ounds and soothin' skin/?,0 (arsh mallo# $Althaea officinalis% has been used for over +,,,, years as both a food and a medicine /70 (orin'a oleifera is used for food and traditional medicine" 3t is under'oin' preliminary research to investi'ate potential properties of its nutrients and phytochemicals


(ilk thistle $Silybum marianum% has been used for thousands of years for a variety of medicinal purposes, in particular liver problems"/?10

#[edit source | editbeta]

Aeem $A$adirachta indica%, used in 3ndia to treat #orms, malaria, rheumatism and skin infections amon' many other thin's" 3ts many uses have led to neem bein' called Bthe villa'e dispensaryB in 3ndia"/?+0

Aoni $Morinda citrifolia% has a history of use as for 9oint pain and skin conditions"/?!0

$[edit source | editbeta]

Fpium Poppy $+apaver somniferum% is the plant source of morphine, used for pain relief" (orphine made from the refined and modified sap is used for pain control in terminal patients" 8ried sap #as used as a traditional medicine until the 1?th century" /citation needed0

Fre'ano $'riganum vulgare% ;sed as an abortifacient in folk medicine in some parts of @olivia and other north #estern <outh *merican countries, thou'h no evidence of efficacy e2ists in Western medicine" Gippocrates used ore'ano as an antiseptic, as #ell as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments" * Cretan ore'ano $F" dictamnus% is still used today in Greece as a palliative for sore throat" 6vidence of efficacy in this matter is also lackin' evidence"

%[edit source | editbeta]

Purple coneflo#ers

Papaya $Carica papaya% is used for treatin' #ounds"/?70 Peppermint $Mentha " piperita% oil, from a cross bet#een #ater mint and spearmint, has a history of medicinal use for a variety of conditions, includin' nausea, indi'estion, and symptoms of the common cold"/?=0

Purple coneflo#er $Echinacea purpurea% and other species of Echinacea has been used for at least 7,, years by Aative *mericans to treat infections and #ounds, and as a 'eneral Bcure)allB $panacea%" 3t is currently used for symptoms associated #ith cold andflu/?60/?

Passion Flo#er $+assiflora% ) Thou'ht to have *nti)depressant properties" ;nkno#n (F*" ;sed in traditional medicine to aid #ith sleep or depression"

&[edit source | editbeta]

Hed clover $%rifolium pratense% is an in'redient in some recipes for essiac tea" Hesearch has found no benefit for any human health conditions"/?>0 Hosemary $.osmarinus officinalis% has been used medicinally from ancient times"

'[edit source | editbeta]

<a'e $Salvia officinalis%, sho#n to improve co'nitive function in patients #ith mild to moderate *l&heimerCs disease/??0/1,,0

<yrian Hue $aka Garmal% $+eganum harmala% ) (*F3" Can be used as an anti)depressant, but carries si'nificant risk" ;sed in traditional shamanistic rites in the ama&on, and is a component of *yahuasca, Caapi or Ia9J $#hich is actually usuallyBanisteriopsis caapi but has the same active alkaloids"

<t" DohnCs #ort $,ypericum perforatum%, evaluated for use as an antidepressant, but #ith ambi'uous results"/1,10/1,+0/1,!0

<a# palmetto $Serenoa repens% #as used medicinally by the <eminole tribe/1,70

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Tea tree oil $Melaleuca alternifolia% has been used medicinally for centuries by *ustralian abori'inal people" (odern usa'e is primarily as an antibacterial or antifun'al a'ent"/1,=0 Thunder God Kine $%ripterygium /ilfordii% is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat inflammation or an overactive immune system/1,60

Thyme $%hymus vulgaris% is used to treat bronchitis and cou'h" 3t serves as an antispasmotic and e2pectorant in this role" 3t has also been used in many other medicinal roles in *sian and *yurvedic medicine, althou'h it has not been sho#n to be effective in non)respiratory medicinal roles"
/1, 0

Tulasi $'cimum tenuiflorum or Goly @asil% is used for a variety of purposes in *ryuvedic medicine" /1,>0 Turmeric $Curcuma longa%, a spice that lends its distinctive yello# color to 3ndian curries, has lon' been used in *yurvedic andtraditional Chinese medicine to aid di'estion and liver function, relieve arthritis pain, and re'ulate menstruation"/1,?0

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Kalerian flo#ers

;mckaloabo, or <outh *frican Geranium $+elargonium sidoides%, used in treatin' acutebronchitis/11,0

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Kalerian $Valeriana officinalis% has been used since at least ancient Greece and Homefor sleep disorders and an2iety"/1110

+[edit source | editbeta]

White #illo# $Sali" alba% is a plant source of salicylic acid, a chemical related to aspirin, althou'h more likely to cause stomach upset as a side effect than aspirin itself" ;sed from ancient times for the same uses as aspirin"/11+0

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Ierba santa $Eriodictyon crassifolium% #as used by the Chumash people to keep air#ays open for proper breathin'"/11!0

&eferences[edit source | editbeta]

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L Dump up toMDump up toMa b (eskin, (ark <" $+,,+%" +hytochemicals in 2utrition and ,ealth" CHC Press" p" 1+!" 3<@A ? >1=> 16,>! "


L Dump up toMDump up toMa b William <" Gaubrich $+,,!%" BofficinaB" Medical meanings3 a glossary of /ord origins" p" 16+" 3<@A ? >)1)?!,=1!)7?)="

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Traditional %edicine: &efinitions

&he fo o(in% terms are e.tracted from the Aenera Auide ines for -ethodo o%ies on <esearch and 3$a uation of &raditiona -edicine"

* ic, here to $ie( entire document B=DF 21;C9D

Traditional medicine

&raditiona medicine is the sum tota of the ,no( ed%e, s,i s, and practices based on the theories, be iefs, and e.periences indi%enous to different cu tures, (hether e.p icab e or not, used in the maintenance of hea th as (e as in the pre$ention, dia%nosis, impro$ement or treatment of ph!sica and menta i ness" Complementary'alternative medicine (C)%* &he terms Ecomp ementar! medicineE or Ea ternati$e medicineE are used inter8 chan%eab ! (ith traditiona medicine in some countries" &he! refer to a broad set of hea th care practices that are not part of that countr!Fs o(n tradition and are not inte%rated into the dominant hea th care s!stem" #er!al medicines #erba medicines inc ude herbs, herba materia s, herba preparations and finished herba products, that contain as acti$e in%redients parts of p ants, or other p ant materia s, or combinations"

#er!s: crude p ant materia such as ea$es, f o(ers, fruit, seed, stems, (ood, bar,, roots, rhi:omes or other p ant parts, (hich ma! be entire, fra%mented or po(dered" #er!al materials: in addition to herbs, fresh >uices, %ums, fi.ed oi s, essentia oi s, resins and dr! po(ders of herbs" In some countries, these materia s ma! be processed b! $arious oca procedures, such as steamin%, roastin%, or stir8 ba,in% (ith hone!, a coho ic be$era%es or other materia s" #er!al preparations: the basis for finished herba products and ma! inc ude comminuted or po(dered herba materia s, or e.tracts, tinctures and fatt! oi s of herba materia s" &he! are produced b! e.traction, fractionation, purification, concentration, or other ph!sica or bio o%ica processes" &he! a so inc ude preparations made b! steepin% or heatin% herba materia s in a coho ic be$era%es andGor hone!, or in other materia s" +inished her!al products: herba preparations made from one or more herbs" If more than one herb is used, the term mi.ture herba product can a so be used" Finished herba products and mi.ture herba products ma! contain e.cipients in addition to the acti$e in%redients" #o(e$er, finished products or mi.ture products to (hich chemica ! defined acti$e substances ha$e been added, inc udin% s!nthetic compounds andGor iso ated constituents from herba materia s, are not considered to be herba "

Traditional use of her!al medicines

&raditiona use of herba medicines refers to the on% historica use of these medicines" &heir use is (e estab ished and (ide ! ac,no( ed%ed to be safe and effecti$e, and ma! be accepted b! nationa authorities" Therapeutic activity &herapeutic acti$it! refers to the successfu pre$ention, dia%nosis and treatment of ph!sica and menta i nesses@ impro$ement of s!mptoms of i nesses@ as (e as beneficia a teration or re%u ation of the ph!sica and menta status of the bod!" )ctive ingredient Acti$e in%redients refer to in%redients of herba medicines (ith therapeutic acti$it!" In herba medicines (here the acti$e in%redients ha$e been identified, the preparation of these medicines shou d be standardi:ed to contain a defined amount of the acti$e in%redients, if ade+uate ana !tica methods are a$ai ab e" In cases (here it is not possib e to identif! the acti$e in%redients, the (ho e herba medicine ma! be considered as one acti$e in%redient"

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