(Runequest) Sorcery

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Copyright 1998, Sandy Petersen AN OVERVIEW OF SORCERY Who Cannot Learn Sorcery Learning Spells Increasing Spell Skill

l Memory Re !irements Casting and Maintaining Sorcery Spells THE ARTS Learning "he #rts "$% &#SIC #R"S 'Intensity, Multispell, Range( S%C)*+#R, #R"S 'Accuracy, Ease, Force, Hold, Permanence, Reinforce, Speed ( RANKS OF SORCERY (Apprentice, Student, Journeyman, Adept, Magus) VOWS Learning -o.s 'The High Vo , The Vessel, !ore Mastery( )ther -o.s SPECIALTIES 'Alchemist, "on#uror, Healer, Enchanter, Forest Mage, Illusionist, Metamorph, Monitor, $ecromancer, Ship%s Sorcerer, &arloc' (of named element), &eather Mage* SPELLS Sorcery /sed With )ther Magic "ypes +e0initions o0 Spellcasting APPENDICES Con1erting 0rom )ld Sorcery )ther.orld Creat!res and Sorcery

AN OVERVIEW OF SORCERY ************************************** Se1eral di00erent 2loranthan magic traditions are all 1!lgarly termed 3Sorcery34 5ralori mysticism is restricted to 5ralorela, and is 1ery di00ic!lt 0or o!tsiders to learn4 "he pec!liar magic nati1e to the %ast Isles is sorcery6like, in that the e00ects are created 7y manip!lating magic energy4 +.ar0 magic is s!per0icially m!ch like standard sorcery, and indeed the latter may ha1e deri1ed 0rom it4 Sorcery in its 7est6kno.n 0orm .as originated 7y the &rithini and -adeli4 It has spread across m!ch o0 the .orld, and many, perhaps most, "hird #ge sorcerers are not Malkioni at all4 Who Cannot Learn Sorcery a shaman can learn no sorcery !nless his 0etch has 7een permanently destroyed4 # person .ho kno.s sorcery and 7ecomes a shaman loses all his sorcero!s lore4 most priests cannot learn sorcery, o0ten 7eca!se it is considered sin0!l 7y their deity, 7!t also 7eca!se the nat!re o0 their philosophy and de1otion renders the priest !na7le to alter his mindset in the necessary manner4 #n initiate o0 a non8sorcery8!sing deity may ne1er 7ecome an acolyte, priest, or r!ne lord .hile he retains his sorcery lore4 *ormal d.ar0 magic is m!ch like sorcery, and 0ree d.ar0s take to sorcery like d!cks to .ater4 "rolls also !se sorcery in con9!nction .ith their nati1e darkness c!lts4 :e. el1es can learn sorcery, as their minds and so!ls are not keyed into seeing the !ni1erse as nat!ral reso!rces to 7e manip!lated 7y principles o0 imm!ta7le la.4 "heir Weltanscha!ng is highly personal 66 #ldrya is immanent4 Sorcery re !ires an impersonal 1ie. o0 the !ni1erse and #ldrya is more than 9!st a distraction 88 she makes the sorcerer;s 1ie.point an impossi7ility4 )nly rootless el1es, .ho ha1e lost their .orld 1ie., can sometimes learn sorcery4 Most nonh!mans can learn sorcery like anyone else, al.ays ass!ming that someone is .illing to teach them4 5rarshtkids and 9elmre cannot learn sorcery 7eca!se the 0ormer ne1er !se any magic and the latter only !se their species6!ni !e emotion magic4 Learn n! a Sorcery S"e## From an instructor +this takes <= ho!rs o0 training 0rom someone .ith skill o0 at least 9= in the spell4 #t the end o0 the training, the st!dent recei1es a skill e !al to 1d> pl!s his Magic &on!s in the spell4 I0 this res!lts in a score o0 = or less, another <= ho!rs adds another 1d> to his skill, and this can contin!e !ntil he is 0inally at a positi1e le1el4 # teacher can train a n!m7er o0 st!dents e !al to his I*"4 From a Scroll or ,oo' 6a st!dent .ho s!ccess0!lly Reads a .ritten description o0 a spell, st!dying it 0or <= ho!rs, learns the spell 7y rolling his I*" or less on 1d1==4 I0 he 0ails, he can st!dy another <= ho!rs, then try his I*"?@4 "hen I*"?A, etc4 # special Read do!7les the readerBs chances on that and all s!7se !ent attempts4 # critical Read is an a!tomatic s!ccess4 Spell Inscription 6anyone .ho kno.s a spell at 9=C can inscri7e it 1ia a s!ccess0!l Write4 I0 a matri? o0 the spell is enchanted into the scroll or 7ook, the matri?Bs skill 7on!s is added to the st!dentBs chance o0 learning the spell4 Increa$ n! S"e## S% ## E-perience +as per normal RD r!les4 Research . Training 6s!ccess in training or research pro1ides a 1d> increase, rather than 1d>8@4 Maintenance 6i0 a spell is contin!o!sly maintained 0or a .eek, and makes !p at least a tenth o0 the sorcererBs Presence, the sorcerer gets a skill check at the .eek;s end4 I0 the skill check res!lts in an increase, the skill raises 7y 1d>8@4 More than one o0 the same spell maintained only pro1ides one skill check4 &e'ory Re() re'ent$ # sorcery spell takes !p 1 I*"4 "his I*" can come 0rom the sorcererBs o.n 7rain, a spell matri?, a 7o!nd spirit, or a 0amiliar, 7!t m!st 7e stored some.here4 # sorcerer can increase his skill in spells .hich he has not memoriEed '7!t has access to thro!gh a 0amiliar, magic item, or .hate1er(4 Ca$t n! an* &a nta n n! Sorcery S"e##$ "he chance o0 casting any sorcery spell is e !al to the !serBs skill in that spell on 1d1== 'possi7ly modi0ied 7y Ceremony(4 In all cases, the caster may not place more #rt le1els into a spell than his skill in that spellF1=4 "he casterBs degree o0 s!ccess can 7e rele1antG Success Level Result Critical Spell goes o00, costs only 1 MP, takes 0!ll e00ect4 Special Spell goes o00, costs 1 MP less than !s!al 'minim!m o0 1(, takes 0!ll e00ect *ormal Spell goes o00, normal MP cost :ail!re Spell 0iEEles, only 1 MP lost :!m7le Spell 0iEEles, all MPs lost 'alternati1ely, spell goes o00 on .rong target or other.ise spectac!larly mis0ires(4 "ime needed to cast a sorcery spell is e !al to the !serBs +%H SR pl!s 1 per MP4 "he #rts o0 %ase and Speed and the Ceremony skill may modi0y this4

Co''oner$ +most sorcery6!sers are not .iEards, and do not kno. any #rts4 S!ch indi1id!als can cast spells !sing the art o0 Intensity 'only(, .ith a ma?im!m le1el e !al to their skillF1=, ro!nded !p4 S!ch spells ha1e a ma?im!m range o0 1=m, and i0 temporal last 0or 1= min!tes4 # commoner may only ha1e one '1( spell in e00ect at a time4 $e may drop a spell that is in e00ect to cast another one4 In any case, none o0 his spells last longer than ten min!tes4 Sorcerer$ 6those .ho kno. any #rcane #rts m!st determine ho. many le1els o0 each #rt are !sed in each spellcasting4 I0 a sorcerer has more total le1els in e00ect than his Presence, he cannot cast any spells, !ntil eno!gh o0 his spells ha1e 7een dropped to red!ce the total le1els 7elo. his Presence4 # sorcerer can cease maintaining a spell instantly4 # temporal spell cast 7y a sorcerer has no d!ration4 It remains in e00ect !ntil the sorcerer 1ol!ntarily chooses to cease maintaining it, or he dies4 $e ne1er has to Irene.J the spell, or re8cast it, !nless it has 7een dispelled4 Cere'ony 6increases the casterBs chance to cast a spell, and hence also the total #rt le1els he can !se in it4 Ceremony cannot more than do!7le the !serBs skill4 %ach ro!nd spent chanting, etc4, permits the sorcerer to !se !p to 1= percentiles o0 his Ceremony4 "h!s, a sorcerer .ith 8<K Ceremony can spend !p to 9 ro!nds chanting 0or C8< to a spell;s chances 'ass!ming the spell is at least 8< itsel0(4 When casting a rit!al spell, an ho!r m!st 7e spent per 1=K 7on!s instead o0 a ro!nd4 Re$ $t n!+D $"e## n! Sorcery 88.ith 0e. e?ceptions, only Intensity is !sed to determine a sorcery;s po.er 1s4 co!nterspells4 #n Intensity 1, Range > spell acts as a 1 point spell and is stopped 7y Co!ntermagic 1 'knocking do.n the Co!ntermagic in the process(4 S"e## Co'"onent$ 6i0 the sorcerer possesses an o79ect or s!7stance especially appropriate to a spell, the 2M can gi1e him a < percentile 7oost to chances o0 s!ccess4 Special or rare components gi1e higher 7oosts, depending on the 2MBs .him4 #n e?tra ro!nd m!st 7e taken in spellcasting .hen a component is !sed4 E-ample/ Su0adim casts Fly using an eagle feather1 The 2M rules this gi3es him a 45 0onus1 If he6d used a griffin or s'y 0ull feather, he6d%3e gotten a 478 0onus1 A phoeni- feather or dragon ing scale ould 0e 498, and a feather from Vrima', :ing of ,irds, might 0e orth 4581 A chic'en or cro feather is orthless1 The tongue of a cro ho6d 0een taught to spea' might 0e orth 478 for a communication spell1 S"e## Prece*ence 6spells are layered 0rom the inside o!t in the order in .hich they .ere cast4 :or instance, i0 yo! cast Resist Magic >, Cast7ack >, and Resist +amage > in that order, a 0oe casting %1oke :ire at yo! 0irst needs to o1ercome Resist +amage, the last spell cast4 I0 Resist +amage 0ailed to protect, the %1oke :ire .o!ld strike the Cast7ack4 I0 it 7ypassed Cast7ack, it .o!ld strike yo!r Resist Magic4 )nly i0 it then o1ercame the Resist Magic .o!ld it a00ect yo!4 %1oke :ire had to o1ercome Resist +amage 7eca!se it directly ca!ses damage4 "he Resist +amage .o!ld not ha1e inter0ered .ith a St!pe0y4 ,oo$t n! a sorcerer can 7oost a spell .ith additional MPs, !nlimited 7y skill or Presence4 It does take an e?tra SR per MP4 "he additional MPs ser1e no 0!nction e?cept to add to the spellBs Intensity 0or p!rposes o0 o1ercoming co!nterspells4 E-ample/ Su0adim thro s E3o'e Fire ; at a 0roo1 He suspects the ,roo has "ountermagic up, so he 0oosts his E3o'e fire ith < MPs1 The E3o'e hits the 0roo ith 78 MPs of force1 If the 0roo6s "ountermagic is = or less, he%ll 0e affected 0y the E3o'e Fire ;1 THE ARTS ******************************************* "he #rts o0 sorcery are !sed in casting spells4 Remem7erG the !ser cannot ha1e more MPs in a spell than his skillF1=4 "hree &asic #rts are normally recogniEedG Intensity, M!ltispell, and Range4 # n!m7er o0 3secondary3 #rts are also commonly recogniEed4 )ther secondary arts are kno.n, 7!t not all are a1aila7le to all colleges o0 magic4 Learn n! The Art$ "he #rts are learned 7y three main methods4 It is possi7le to mi? and match these methods, tho!gh most st!dents do not4 Re0er to sect8speci0ic techni !es o0 learning the #rts to see ho. yo!r sect does this4 )nly general r!les are listed 7elo.4 S" M#L5I)* 6 most Malkioni !tiliEe St4 Malkion himsel0, the 0amo!s 0o!nder o0 the Western Way, to gain their #rts4 #n apprentice .ith Malkion as patron can in1oke Malkion once a year at Sacred "ime to gain one #rt4 S"/+, 6 some gro!ps and c!lt!res treat the #rts as Magic skills .ith a 7ase chance o0 =, ac !ired and learned like any other skill4 )nce the st!dent achie1es 9=K in an #rt, he has mastered it4 I0 the st!dent tries to !se #rts .ith a skill 7elo. 9=, his chance o0 casting the spell is no higher than the lo.est o0 all #rts !sed 'or his skill in the spell, i0 that is e1en lo.er(4 #R" -)WS 6 most non8Western sorcerers !se #rt -o.s4 #n #rt -o. can 7e taken .hen the st!dent gains 9=K in a sorcery spell4 When taken, the st!dent gains access to a single chosen #rt, and his Presence is increased 7y the -o.Bs 1al!e min!s A4 In most cases, this gi1es a negati1e res!ltL ':or e?ample an #rt -o. o0 Sh!n Immortality red!ces Presence 7y @4( I0 a sorcerer 1iolates an #rt -o., he does not lose !se o0 that #rt, and his Presence is restored to .hat it .o!ld ha1e 7een .itho!t said -o. 'it may increaseL(4 $o.e1er, he also loses 1= percentiles 0rom all his spells4

THE ,ASIC ARTS (Inten$ ty- &)#t $"e##- Ran!e)

I*"%*SI", 6the most 7asic #rt4 When a spell is listed along .ith a n!m7er, the n!m7er in1aria7ly re0ers to Intensity4 I-enom >J is shorthand 0or I-enom, Intensity >J4 M/L"ISP%LL6lets the !ser cast m!ltiple spells sim!ltaneo!sly, at the same or di00erent targets4 M!ltispells can ha1e identical MP le1els 0or all #rts !sed, or the !ser can 1ol!ntarily lo.er the le1els 0or one or more spells selecti1ely4 %ach MP in M!ltispell permits the !ser to cast one spell, or to strike 1 target .ith all the spells cast4 *oteG M!ltispell 1 is pointless4 Chance 0or s!ccess is 0ig!red 7y the lo.est skill o0 all spells 7eing cast4 I0 a mage M!ltispells %1oke :ire >= M #nimate :ire 8=, he may place > MPs into the com7ined spell 66 limited 7y his %1oke >=4 Since he needs M!ltispell @ to cast the t.o spells, his Intensity can 7e no more than N4 $o.e1er, all spells in the M!ltispell share the same Intensity4 So the spell .o!ld 7e %1oked at Intensity N, and #nimated at Intensity N, 0or the same > MP costL When attack spells are com7ined, each de0ender needs to make only one resistance roll4 I0 he 0ails, all the spells take e00ect4 I0 he resists, none do4 I0 the spells ha1e di00erent chances o0 o1ercoming him, !se the single die roll to determine s!ccess or 0ail!re 0or all4 "h!s, one spell co!ld s!cceed .hile another 0ails4 "he single Intensity is !sed 0or all the spells com7ined .hen 7reaking thro!gh magic de0enses4 "h!s a Co!ntermagic N .o!ld resist 0i0teen M!ltispelled @6point spells4 E-ample/ Thra-on the i>ard Multispells ?iminish STR, ?iminish "@$, ?iminish SIA, . Shapechange1 He applies Intensity < and needs Multispell ; B0ecause ; spells are in3ol3ed*1 The total cost is 78 MPs, and the target ends up ith +< SIA, "@$, and STR, plus enough Shapechange to affect a target up to SIA 791 If Thra-on included Hold =, he could 'eep the effect readied for a total of 7= MPs spent1 @f course, he%d need 7C7D s'ill in all the spells in3ol3ed1 If he speciali>ed as a Metamorph, then he%d only need a s'ill of =<, a 0it more reasona0le1 BSee the Specialty rules, follo ing1* &hen Thra-on casts the spell, he only rolls to o3ercome his foe6s MPs once1 If the target6s SIA is 7E or more, then the entire spell automatically fails, 0ecause the 788D certainty of the Shapechange spell6s failing is the Flo est chanceF among the spells in3ol3ed1 R#*2% 6.itho!t this #rt, a ranged spell can 7e cast !p to 1=m4 %ach MP in Range do!7les this4 #n acti1e spell needs s!00icient Range to keep the target .ithin its e00ect4 Range Distance = 1=m O 1 @=m 8 @ N=m 9 A 8=m 1= N 1>=m 11 < A@=m 1@ > >N=m 1A Range Distance 14A km 1N 1>= @4< km 1< A@= < km 1> >N= 1= km 1O @= km 18 N= km 19 8= km @= Range Distance km km km 1A== km @<== km <=== km 1=,=== km

SECONDARY ARTS (Acc)racy- Ea$e- Force- Ho#*- Per'anence- Re n.orce- S"ee*) #CC/R#C, 6 only !sa7le .ith spells that !se a random die roll in targeting 's!ch as a random hit location(4 %ach MP in #cc!racy allo.s the caster to modi0y the die roll 7y 14 %#S% 6 this #rt act!ally costs 61 MP per le1el !sedL $o.e1er, each le1el o0 %ase adds 1 e?tra SR to those needed to cast4 ,o! cannot red!ce the total MPs in the spell to less than the le1els o0 %ase !sed4 E-ample/ Thra-on ants to Palsy an unsuspecting guard, 0ut sees no reason it should cost him a fortune in MPs1 He applies Palsy ;, Range 9, Ease E, for a total of ;49GE H E1 It ould 0e foolish to use Ease ;, 0ecause that ould reIuire at least ; MPs, and he%s already got it do n to E1 The spell ill ta'e J SRs to cast, plus his ?EK SR1 And of course Thra-on needs a s'ill of at least =7D1 :)RC% 6 only !sa7le .hen the sorcerer is casting an attack spell that matches the casterBs MPs 1s4 the targetBs MPs, P)W, etc4 on the Resistance "a7le4 :or each MP in :orce, the casterBs chance o0 o1ercoming the target are raised 7y < percentiles4 I0 the casterBs chance is nominally less than =<K, it m!st 7e increased s!00iciently to o1ercome this handicap4 $)L+ 6 lets yo! hold a single sorcery spell ready to cast4 "he MPs in $old m!st at least e !al the highest other #rt !sed4 "he spell pops onto the )ther.orld, .here it remains ready 0or release4 "his gi1es yo! an 3emergency3 spell4 When a $eld spell is loosed, it goes o00 on yo!r +%H SR4 %ach $eld spell co!nts 1 point 1s4 the !ser;s Presence !ntil it is cast '.hen it co!nts normally(4 "he MP cost o0 the spell is paid .hen initially set !p, not .hen it is cast later on, so this makes a I0reeJ spellL P%RM#*%*C% 6 ca!ses a spell to co!nt as a single point o0 Presence, regardless o0 its act!al siEe4 "he MPs in Permanence m!st e !al the highest other #rt !sed4 In addition, the caster spends 1 P)W4 R%I*:)RC% 6 renders a temporal spell more resistant to dispelling4 %ach MP in Rein0orce gi1es the spell A additional pse!do6Intensities 1s4 dispel attempts4 SP%%+ 6 lets yo! cast a spell more !ickly4 Speed does not co!nt against the SRs needed to cast the spell 'tho!gh it does cost MPs(, pl!s each MP red!ces the SRs needed to cast the spell 7y 1, to a minim!m o0 1 SR4

RANKS OF SORCERY ********************************************** In most societies, sorcerers rise thro!gh de0inite degrees, and are ranked according to their achie1ements4 #PPR%*"IC% 6 an apprentice is attached to an older sorcerer, normally at least a Po!rneyman, depending on local c!stom '.hen sorcerers are common, typically only #depts take apprentices(4 "he apprentice 0irst de1otes himsel0 to the mastery o0 a partic!lar #rt, normally Intensity4 )nce he has learned the #rt, he takes the $igh -o. at a 0ormal cele7ration4 # good master .ill insist that his apprentice learn se1eral di00erent spells4 # master may or may not cast #pprentice &onding on a ne. apprentice4 Apprentice ReIuirements Magic &on!s o0 1=C4 S"/+%*" 6 once an apprentice has learned the three 7asic #rts, he is permitted to take the -essel in another cele7ration4 #t this time, he is considered to ha1e risen to the rank o0 St!dent, and is gi1en e?tra pri1ileges4 "echnically, a st!dent is still an #pprentice 67!t a more important one4 # St!dent may choose to 7ecome a specialist, i0 his master is one4 "he master m!st 7e a specialist in the 0ield chosen4 Most sects re !ire a master to per0orm #pprentice &onding 7y the time his apprentice 7ecomes a 0!ll st!dent4 Student ReIuirements 5no.ledge o0 all 7asic #rts Ceremony, %nchant, and S!mmon skills o0 =1 or more4 P)/R*%,M#* 6 once an apprentice learns eno!gh, most sects permit him to lea1e his master4 $o.e1er, he is not re !ired to do so, and 0or some time .ill 7e considered second8rate in any case4 Income may 7e signi0icantly straitened !ntil he impro1es his skills4 "his is normally the le1el at .hich a player8character 7ecomes an ad1ent!rer4 Lourneyman ReIuirements 5no.ledge o0 all &asic #rts and at least one secondary art Ceremony, %nchant, and S!mmon skills o0 @<C Mastery o0 at least one spell at 9=C #+%P" 6 adepts are considered competent in all aspects o0 sorcery4 #n #dept m!st meet speci0ic re !irements, and are respected or 0eared e1ery.here4 In ci1iliEed lands, adepts are licensed 7y the a!thorities, and !s!ally permitted certain pri1ileges4 :or instance, in most Malkioni lands, only #depts are permitted to .ear all8.hite ro7es4 #depts are a7le to learn spells normally restricted to specialists, 7eca!se their lore and kno.ledge has gro.n !ntil they can comprehend s!ch4 Adept ReIuirements 5no.ledge o0 all #rts Skill in at least 0i1e non8rit!al spells at 9=C4 Ceremony, %nchant, and S!mmon skills o0 <=C Possession o0 a 0amiliar4 'Malkioni only( at least three Patron saints4 Iconoclasts or non8Malkioni m!st ha1e accomplished something similarly impressi1e, 1arying .ith the sect4 M#2/S 6 at some point, an #dept can proclaim himsel0 a Mag!s4 2enerally, this is not done !ntil most people .ho kno. o0 him ha1e 7eg!n to consider him s!ch 'or he risks mockery(4 "here are no speci0ic conditions, 7!t 7eing called a Mag!s normally implies at least the 0ollo.ing minim!mQ "ommonly Recogni>ed Magus Mualifications Ceremony, %nchant, and S!mmon skills o0 9=C Skill in at least a doEen non8rit!al spells at 9=C $a1ing in1ented at least one ne. spell Presence o0 <=C VOWS **************************************************** Sorcerers create and increase Presence 7y means o0 -o.sG oaths the sorcerer m!st try to keep4 I0 a sorcerer 7reaks a -o., he loses all Presence heBd gained 0rom it, and may ne1er take that -o. again4 "his 0act is taken 7y Malkioni as e1idence that sorcery is go1erned 7y the In1isi7le 2od, deity o0 La.4 # sorcerer can take one -o. 0or each #rt he masters, or each sorcery spell he gets to 9=K4 #n #rt -o., co!nts as the -o. 0or that #rt4 Learn n! Vo/$ When a sorcerer masters his 0irst #rt, he can take the $igh -o. o0 his sect4 "his sets !p a mental discipline 0or him to 0ollo. thro!gho!t li0e4

)nce the sorcerer has learned the three 7asic #rts o0 Intensity, Range, and M!ltispell, he can take the -essel 1o.4 :or sects that teach these arts 1ia St!dy, the sorcerer may take the -essel 1o. as soon as he has a positi1e skill in the appropriate #rt4 :or each #rt he learns a0ter that, he may take one additional -o.4 In addition, 0or each sorcery spell he masters at 9=K, he may take yet another -o.4 I0 a sorcerer someho. 0orgets an #rt, or an appropriate skill drops 7elo. 9=, he does not lose the -o. he recei1ed 0or that skill or #rt, 7!t .hen he relearns the #rt or the skill rises 7ack to 9=, he does not get to take a ne. -o. 88 only one -o. per #rt or spell4 Arts Known Vows available none none one only "he $igh -o. all 7asic #rts "he -essel each other #rt #ny -o. each spell at 9= #ny -o. "$% $I2$ -)W 6 this is the 0irst 1o. an apprentice takes4 $e recei1es it .hen he masters his 0irst #rt4 "he $igh -o.s 1ary .ith the partic!lar sect o0 Malkionism, hence there is $igh $restolism, $igh Rokarism, etc4 "he !ser m!st adhere to his SectBs general strict!res 's!ch as Caste de0initions(4 "he $igh -o.Bs Presence 7oost is e !al to the sorcererBs 7asic Magic &on!s 'not co!nting magical 7oosts(4 I0 the 7on!s is = or less, the st!dent still gets 1 Presence 0or the $igh -o.4 When a sorcerer con1erts to another sect, he loses this -o.4 $o.e1er, he can retake it in his ne. sect the ne?t time he !ali0ies 0or a ne. -o.4 %1en non8Malkioni sects o0t ha1e an e !i1alent to the $igh -o. 88 !s!ally some philosophy !pon .hich the sorcerer can 7ase his mindBs architect!re4 While it is possi7le 0or a person to learn sorcery .itho!t this kind o0 mental 0rame.ork, it is o0 co!rse m!ch harder4 Most !naligned sorcerers adhere to an ethical doctrine or mental discipline as a $igh -o.4 I0 they ha1e no s!ch dogma to 7ase their reality aro!nd, no $igh -o. is possi7le, and their sorcero!s po.er is correspondingly .eaker4 L)R% M#S"%R, 6 this -o. is taken .hen the sorcerer learns his second #rt, tho!gh it may or may not add any Presence right a.ay4 &asically, Lore Mastery gi1es the sorcerer 1 Presence 0or each o0 certain skills mastered at 9=K4 D!ali0ied skills incl!de all ReadFWrite skills, any Lore, Ceremony, %nchant, S!mmon, and all #rts learned as skills4 "his -o., like the -essel, cannot readily 7e 7roken4 I0 one o0 the sorcererBs applica7le skills drops 7elo. 9=, the -o. is not 7roken, 7!t he does lose that point o0 Presence !ntil it rises again4 "$% -%SS%L 6 this is the -o. taken !pon ac !iring all three 7asic #rts RIntensity, M!ltispell, M RangeS4 #ll the !serBs I*" that is not taken !p in memoriEing spells 6 i4e4, his 30ree I*"3 67ecomes a magic -essel added to his Presence4 )nly the !ser;s personal I*" co!nts4 "his 1o. is especially !se0!l 7eca!se it cannot really 7e 7roken4 # .iEard .ith no 0ree I*" gets no Presence, 7!t sho!ld he 0orget a spell 'and 0ree !p some I*"(, the Presence ret!rns4 Other Vo/$ #0ter each -o.Bs name is a parenthesiEed n!m7erQ this is the amo!nt 7y .hich the -o. increases Presence4 #&P/R% #RM)R '@(G ne1er .ear any physical armor4 #&P/R% #RMS 'A(G ne1er !se a .eapon o0 any type4 #&P/R% #R" '<(G yo! may not !se the chosen #rt, selected 0rom Intensity, Range, or M!ltispell4 I0 yo! chose Intensity, all yo!r spells are Intensity 14 I0 yo! choose Range, spells .hich normally ha1e Range are to!ch8only 0or yo!4 "he only e?ception are spells .hich center on yo! 7!t .hich re !ire a Range component 0or an area e00ect 's!ch as #ttract $arm(4 I0 yo! choose M!ltispell, yo! may ne1er !se that #rt4 May 7e repeated !p to three times, 0or a di00erent #rt each time4 #&P/R% MI*)R #R" 'A(G yo! may not !se the chosen secondary #rt4 See #79!re #rt 0or details4 May 7e repeated, 0or a di00erent #rt each time4 #&P/R% LID/)R '1(G ne1er drink alcoholic 7e1erages4 #&P/R% R/*% M#2IC '1Q @ i0 yo! ha1e ne1er cast a R!ne spell(G yo! may ne1er sacri0ice 0or R!ne magic, and m!st ne1er cast any yo! no. kno.4 /na1aila7le to $enotheists4 #&P/R% S%R-I"/+% '>(G a rare -o.4 ,o! may not ser1e as a 1assal nor 7e a master4 "his incl!des apprentices, 7o!nd spirits, 0amiliars, etc4 ,o! may not cast Command, +ominate, or similar spells4 #&P/R% SPIRI" M#2IC '1Q @ i0 yo! ha1e ne1er cast a spirit spell(G yo! may ne1er learn spirit magic, and m!st 0orget any yo! no. kno.4 #&P/R% W)RS$IP '8(G only a1aila7le to atheists4 ,o! may ne1er .orship a god, spirit, or hero4 "his incl!des patron saints4 #+/L#"I)* '1(G de1otion is gi1en to a saintly relic, icon, or idol4 "he relic m!st 7e kept sa0e, gi1en ornamentation, ro!tinely tended, prayed to, etcT )nly a1aila7le to non8iconoclastic Malkioni sects4 C%LI&#C, '@Q N i0 yo! ha1e ne1er engaged in coit!s(G "his incl!des se?!al congress o0 any type, incl!ding homose?!al, cross8species, etc4 +%-)"I)* '@(G each year, sacri0ice 1 P)W to the In1isi7le 2od4 )nly a1aila7le to Malkioni4 :#S"I*2 '@(G m!st not eat or drink one chosen day each .eek4 "his -o. may 7e repeated4 I0 the sorcerer 7reaks this -o., he loses the Presence 0or all :asting -o.s he has taken4

:L%% R%lementS '@ or more(G this rit!al Ceremony costs 1 P)W4 It is 1ery rare4 )nce per0ormed properly, yo! are harmed .hene1er yo! are le0t e?posed to the 0!ll 0orce o0 the named element4 :or instance, :lee Sky .o!ld harm yo! i0 to!ched 7y 0!ll s!nlight4 :lee Storm harms yo! 1ia mo1ing air 'i4e4, .ind(, and so 0orth4 When taking this -o., yo! m!st choose .hat kind o0 loss yo! .ish to take ':P, MP, $P, or P)W(4 "his -o. can 7e repeated 'no P)W is lost on 0!t!re ceremonies(4 "he 0irst :lee %lement 1o. ca!ses yo! to lose 1 point per ho!r e?posed4 )n second and s!7se !ent :lee %lement 1o.s, yo! may accelerate the harm done4 ,o! may also choose to add another type o0 loss to the 7asic -o., keeping the points additi1e4 *oteG creat!res .itho!t a partic!lar stat cannot select that type o0 loss4 E-ample/ ?eentim has ta'en the Flee ?ar' 3o Bso must stay out of shado s, and 'eeps the lights on at night*, choosing to lose FP1 He gets 7 Presence for this1 !ater, he accelerates the 3o 1 $o , he loses 7 FP per minute, 0ut gets E Presence for the Vo 1 Still later, he ta'es the Vo again and chooses to lose HP as ell as FP1 This adds another ; Presence, for a total of C1 He cannot choose to lose 7 HP per hour, and must lose it per minute1 The mightiest Vo he could ta'e ould cost him 7d< FP, MP, HP, and P@& per round GG this ould ta'e = Flee ?ar's to attain, and ould pro3ide him ith 97 total Presence1 ase !ype o" Loss !ime Acceleration :P U 1 Presence C= 6 per ho!r o0 contin!o!s e?pos!re MP U @ Presence C@ 6 per min!te $P U N Presence CN 6 ro!nd P)W U > Presence C> 6 lose 1dAFro!nd C8 6 lose 1d>Fro!nd /nlike the 1o. o0 Sh!n Moon, the 1o. o0 :lee Moon is in 0act a1aila7le to certain sorcerers4 "he :lee Moon 1o. is pec!liar, tho!gh 6 d!ring the dark M dying moon, yo! take no loss 0rom e?pos!reQ d!ring the crescent phase, yo! take losses as tho!gh yo!r time acceleration .as 1 step lessQ in the hal08phase, yo! take losses normallyQ and d!ring the 0!ll moon yo! take loss as tho!gh yo!r time acceleration .as one phase more4 I0 yo!;1e only chosen the minim!m time acceleration, yo! take no losses d!ring the crescent phase4 I0 yo!;1e chosen the ma?im!m time acceleration, yo! lose @d>Fro!nd d!ring the 0!ll moon4 *%-%R 5ILL # $/M#* '@Q A i0 yo! ha1e ne1er e1er done so(G the sorcerer is still permitted to let a h!man die 7y inaction, and he can order someone else to kill a h!man4 RI"/#LS 'N(G m!st spend an additional melee ro!nd in preparation 7e0ore casting any spell4 S#CRI:IC% #PP%#R#*C% '1(G lo.er #PP 7y @4 May 7e taken m!ltiple times 0or a single -o.4 "raining #PP 7ack !p 7reaks the -o., tho!gh &oost #PP is legal4 S#CRI:IC% C)*S"I"/"I)* '1(G lo.er C)* 7y 14 See Sacri0ice #ppearance4 C)* can 7e red!ced to = or less, i0 the sorcerer has C)*87oosting spells s!00icient to raise his C)* to at least 14 S#CRI:IC% %,% 'A(G tear o!t one o0 yo!r o.n eyes, .hich cannot 7e regro.n4 "aking this -o. a second time gi1es yo! an additional 9 Presence4 )nly h!mans can take this -o.4 S#CRI:IC% 2%*I"#LS '>(G remo1e yo!r o.n pri1ates, .hich cannot 7e regro.n4 S#CRI:IC% $#*+ 'A(G c!t o00 one o0 yo!r hands .hich cannot 7e regro.n4 "aking this -o. a second time gi1es yo! an additional 9 Presence4 )nly h!mans can take this -o.4 S#CRI:IC% L%2 'A(G c!t o00 one o0 yo!r legs at the knee, .hich cannot 7e regro.n4 "aking this -o. a second time gi1es yo! an additional 9 Presence4 )nly h!mans can take this -o.4 S#CRI:IC% P)W%R 'A(G lo.er species8ma?im!m P)W 7y 14 "his only red!ces c!rrent P)W i0 it is already at species ma?im!m4 # h!man sorcerer .hoBd taken this < times '0or C1< Presence( .o!ld ha1e a species ma?im!m P)W o0 1>4 *ot a1aila7le to most Malkioni 'it is considered to risk oneBs a0terli0e(4 S#CRI:IC% S"R%*2"$ '1(G lo.er S"R 7y 14 See Sacri0ice Constit!tion4 S%CL/SI)* '1(G spend one .eek o0 e1ery year in total secl!sion4 +!ring this time, the sorcerer may not speak, may not cast any spells, and m!st a1oid contact .ith the o!tside .orld4 "his .eek m!st 7e the same .eek e1ery year4 "his 1o. may 7e repeated4 I0 the sorcerer 7reaks this -o., he loses the Presence 0or all Secl!sion -o.s he has taken4 S%L:8#&*%2#"I)* 'N(G ne1er cast or maintain any spell on yo!rsel04 S%L:8%H#L"#"I)* '>(G ne1er cast or maintain a spell on any target sa3e one;s o.n person4 "his incl!des inanimate o79ects4 S$/* $#RM '>(G cast no attack spells4 2enerally only a1aila7le to healers4 S$/* R%L%M%*"S '@(G cast no spells that control, e1oke, or other.ise manip!late the selected element4 :or e?ample, a sorcerer .ith Sh!n Sky cannot cast 2lo.4 # sorcerer .ith this 1o. may learn Resist spells 1s4 the chosen element4 *ote that no7ody can take Sh!n Moon, 0or non8L!nar sorcerers canBt !se s!ch magic any.ay, and L!nar sorcerers are 0or7idden this 1o.4 S$/* IMM)R"#LI", '1(G *e1er cast or maintain the Immortality spell !pon yo!rsel0 'yo! may do so 0or others(, nor recei1e any similar li0e8e?tending magic4 *at!rally immortal entities may not take this -o. !nless they ha1e someho. 7ecome mortal4 S$/* "#P '1Q @ i0 yo! ha1e ne1er cast "ap(G *e1er cast or maintain "ap4 SIL%*C% '>(G ne1er comm!nicate 1er7ally4 ,o! may !se "elepathy, hand signals or the .ritten .ord to comm!nicate4 "his does not prohi7it spellcasting4 "%*+ :#MILI#R '1(G ,o! can get this -o. simply 7y taking a 0amiliar4 When yo!r 0amiliar dies, the -o. is cancelled, 7!t 7y taking another :amiliar 'or res!rrecting the old one(, yo! can accept this -o. again the ne?t time yo! !ali0y 0or a ne. -o.4 "his -o. can 7e repeated i0 yo! ha1e more than one 0amiliar4 -%2%"#RI#*ISM '@(G %at no animal 0lesh, incl!ding 0ish M 0o.l4

SPECIALTIES VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV # sorcerer can specialiEe in a partic!lar type o0 magic4 #ll spells .ithin the chosen specialty ha1e an #rt limit e !al to his skillF<, .hile spells o!tside the specialty ha1e an limit o0 his skillF@=4 :or instance, an ill!sionist .ith 7oth Phantom Sight M "reat Wo!nds at 8< co!ld cast Phantom Sight 1O, 7!t only "reat Wo!nds <4 # non8specialist co!ld !se 9 MPs 0or each spell4 Sample Sorcery Specialties ISpells3 U all spells .ithin that specialty4 3-o.s3 U alterations in -o.s d!e to this specialty4 3Lore Mastery3 U those skills .hich gi1e him Presence a7o1e and 7eyond the normal Lore Mastery 1o.4 3)ther3 U any special 7on!ses or handicaps4 Alc#emist Spells 6#nimate Rs!7stanceS, &less Ro79ectS, &oostWRattri7!teS, $old0ast, Locate )79ect, Prod!ce RenergyS, Sense Rs!7stanceS, #rmor %nchantment, Create &asilisk, %nchant RmetalS, Warp %nchantment !ore Mastery 6Cra0t, %1al!ate, Mineral Lore, and World Lore gi1e @ Presence each4 @ther 6ne. #rtG #lchemy $on%uror Spells 6Create &asilisk, +ominate Rother.orld speciesS, Mystic -ision, Protecti1e Circle, Resist Magic, Resist Spirit, S!mmon RspeciesS, &inding !ore Mastery 6+emonology, Magic Lore, Spirit Lore, and S!mmon gi1e @ Presence each4 @ther 6 ne. spellG &oost '%lemental( &ealer Spells 6&less 'medical gear, antidotes, etc4(, +ominate Rdisease, emotion, healing spiritsS, Regenerate, Resist +eath, Resist +isease, Resist Poison, S!mmon Rhealing spiritS, "reat Wo!nds Vo s 6none !ni !e, tho!gh *e1er 5ill a $!man and Sh!n $arm are common4 !ore Mastery 6:irst #id, "reat Poison, M "reat +isease gi1e @ Presence each4 @ther 6ne. spellG *e!traliEe +isease *%/"R#LIX% +IS%#S% "o!ch, instant Relie1es the e00ects o0 disease4 "he Intensity is matched 1s4 the disease;s P)" on the Resistance "a7le4 I0 the disease is ca!sed 7y a disease spirit, !se the spirit;s MPs to determine its P)"4 I0 it is a normal disease, its P)" is considered to 7e < per Ile1elJ the disease is atQ i4e4, ac!te diseases are <, chronic 1=, etc4, I0 the P)" is o1ercome, the disease is c!red4 /nlike most *e!traliEe spells, *e!traliEe +isease has a chance to take e00ect e1en i0 its intensity is less than hal0 the disease;s P)"4 *ormally, m!ltiple applications are necessary4 'nc#anter Spells 88 all %nchant spells, Identi0y Spell, Mystic -ision !ore Mastery 88 %nchant and Magic Lore gi1e @ Presence each4 "he 0irst Cra0t the enchanter masters pro1ides A Presence4 "he second Cra0t pro1ides @4 :!rther Cra0ts are .orth 1 each4 @ther 6 ne. spellG &reak Conditions4 Special #7ility 6 added Conditions to his enchantments cost him no P)W4 (orest Mage Spells 6 #nimate Wood, #nimate Plants, #nimate "rees, #nimate Rplant speciesS, &oost Perception, &oost Stealth, +ominate R.oodland speciesS, Pro9ect RsenseS !ore Mastery 6 Plant Lore co!nts 0or A4 %ach Stealth skill gi1es 1 Presence4 @ther 6 "rans0orm to "ree, +estroy Scent, other special spells4 +%S"R), SC%*" ranged "his spell re !ires Intensity e !al to at least 1FA o0 the target;s SIX4 "he target gi1es o00 no odor, pleasant or 0o!l, 0or as long as the spell is maintained4 )llusionist Spells 6 Phantom RsenseS, Pro9ect RsenseS !ore Mastery 88Conceal, Sleight, each Perception skill, and each Stealth skill gi1e 1 Presence4 @ther 6 ne. #rtG Ill!sion Ne/ Art0 I##)$ on 1 "his art gi1es a temporal spell a sort o0 mock8sentience4 ,o! need as many MPs o0 Ill!sion as o0 the highest other #rt in the spell4 It;s easier to gi1e e?amples o0 ho. Ill!sion .orks than it is to e?plain in the r!les4 %?ampleG !se Phantom So!nd to create a 1oice that speaks in the air4 With the Ill!sion art, the caster can set !p the 1oice so that it .ill only speak .hen someone is there to hear it, and it .ill 7e a7le to respond to simple !estions4 )r yo! co!ld cast Ill!sion along .ith Smother to ha1e the Smother only acti1ate .hen the 1ictim .as inside an ill!sory

clo!d o0 poison gas4 *ote that i0 Ill!sion is !sed properly, acti1e and e1en transient spells can 7e internally controlled, instead o0 needing the caster;s concentration4 Metamorp# Spells 6&oost Rchar4S, +iminish Rchar4S, Shapechange RspeciesS, "ap Re?cept P)W and I*"S Vo s 88 may ne1er Sacri0ice any characteristics in a -o. !ore Mastery 88 #nimal M Plant Lore gi1e A Presence each4 Monitor Spells 6+ominate RspeciesS, Mystic -ision, S!ppress Sorcery, St!pe0y, "ap I*", "elepathy !ore Mastery 6 each Comm!nication skill gi1es 1 Presence4 @ther 6 ne. spellsG $ypnotism, Clear Mind, Comprehend, Implant, Mind Pro7e CL%#R MI*+ ranged %ach Intensity gi1es the target 1 point o0 protection 1s4 spells .hich act against I*"4 :or instance, it pro1ides 0alse 30ree I*"3 0or de0ending against St!pe0actionQ and s!7tracts 1 0rom the targetBs e00ecti1e I*" 0or reco1ering 0rom &e0!ddle4 )ther spells that target I*" are a00ected like.ise, 7y raising or lo.ering the casterBs I*", .hiche1er is most help0!l4 "he target 7ecomes resistant to all mind8 and emotion8a00ecting spells4 I0 he is !nder a mind8a00ecting spell .ith a lo.er Intensity than the Clear Mind, the latter masks the 0ormerBs e00ects !ntil the Clear Mind is allo.ed to lapse4 "his renders one imm!ne not only to harm0!l spells, 7!t certain 7ene0icial spells as .ell, s!ch as :anaticism, "elepathy, %rotocomatose L!cidity, and Mindlink4 Mental contact .ith a 0amiliar or apprentice remains intact4 MI*+ PR)&% #ttack, ranged, transient %00ecti1e only 1s4 creat!res .ith normal I*"4 I0 the target is o1ercome, then the Mind Pro7e;s intensity is matched 1s4 his MPs4 I0 he 0ails to resist, the caster can o7tain one tr!th0!l ans.er 0rom the 1ictim4 $e may try again once a melee ro!nd4 )nce the target s!cceeds in resisting the Mind Pro7e, the spell;s e00ects end4 "he ans.er is transmitted 1ia telepathy4 I0 the caster is already in telepathic contact .ith the target, the latter a!tomatically 0ails to resist the incoming spell '7!t he can still resist 1s4 its Intensity(4 I0 the caster does not speak the target;s lang!age, only I,esJ, I*oJ, and II don;t kno.4J responses are gi1en4 *ecromancer Spells 6 #nimate +ead, +ominate Rtype o0 !ndeadS, +rain, $and o0 +eath, Resist +eath 'e1en 0or non82al1osti(, Sense Li0e, Sense /ndead, "ap RcharacteristicS, &anishment, Create &asilisk, Create -ampire, Immortality, S!mmon Rtype o0 !ndeadS Vo s 6 Sh!n Sky m!st 7e the Ard -o.4 In addition, e1ery <th -o. m!st 7e Sacri0ice #ppearance, !ntil #PP has dropped to 14 *e1er 5ill and Sh!n Immortality are 0or7idden4 !ore Mastery 6 Magic M /ndead Lore gi1e @ Presence each4 %ach Stealth skill gi1es 1 Presence4 @ther 6 ne. spellG $ide Li0e4 *ecromancers are considered to 7e chaotic, or at least meddling .ith chaos4 $I+% LI:% Sel08only "he target cannot 7e detected 7y means o0 spells, !nless the spell in1ol1ed has a higher Intensity than the $ide Li0e4 I0 the caster concentrates on the spell, as .ith an acti1e spell, then the $ide Li0e has a chance to resist detection spells 7y matching its Intensity 1s4 theirs on the resistance ta7le4 S#ip+s Sorcerer Spells 6 #nimate Rrope, can1as, .ood, etc4S, &less Ship Rand ship7oard e !ipmentS, &oost RshipBs attri7!tesS, +ominate Sylph, +ominate /ndine, %1oke Wind, $old0ast, )pen Seas, Skin o0 Li0e4 Vo s 6 Sh!n Sea, Sh!n Storm, and Sh!n Sky are 0or7idden !ore Mastery 6 &oating, all appropriate Cra0ts, *a1igation, Shiphandling, and World Lore gi1e @ Presence each4 ,arloc- (of named element) Spells 88 #nimateFCallF%1okeFResistFSense RelementSQ +ominate RelementalS, S!mmon RelementalS Vo s 6 Sh!n Renemy elementS is re !ired as the third -o.4 %nemies are the dominant or in0erior element to yo!r o.n 88 0or instance, Water M +ark are enemies to :ire4 "he other Sh!n Renemy elementS m!st 7e taken as the 0i0th -o.4 %ach time yo! take the :lee RelementS -o. 1s4 an enemy element, yo! get an e?tra 1 Presence4 !ore Mastery 88 Mineral M World Lore gi1e @ Presence each4 @ther 6 ne. spellG &oost RelementalS4 )nly the element chosen can 7e !sed in the listed spells4 :or instance, Resist :ire is a specialist spell, 7!t not Resist +amage4 #ll aspects o0 a gi1en element are .ithin this specialty4 :or instance, 7oth %1oke :ire and %1oke Light are .ithin a 0ire .arlockBs specialty4 ,eat#er Mage Spells 6#nimate :og, Call Rappropriate energyS, +ominate Sylph, %1oke Lightning, %1oke Wind7last, :ly Vo s 6 may not take Sh!n Sky or Sh!n Storm !ore Mastery 6 World Lore gi1es N Presence4 @ther 6Predict Weather, pl!s others4

PR%+IC" W%#"$%R rit!al Ceremony, ranged #cc!rately predicts the .eather 0or the 0ollo.ing day4 I0 the ceremony is 0!m7led, the .eather mage gets an inacc!rate prediction4 Spells and s!pernat!ral a00ects are not allo.ed 0or4 "he spell;s prediction only holds 0or the area .ithin the range o0 the spell4 SPELLS ************************************************ Sorcery 2$e* W th Other &a! c Ty"e$ )ther types o0 magic inter0ere .ith sorcery4 When a sorcerer casts a spirit spell or R!ne spell, they co!nt against his Presence4 $is Presence remains enc!m7ered .ith these magics !ntil they e?pire4 $o.e1er, he cannot cancel them !ntil they e?pire nat!rally, nor can he maintain them past that point4 %ach point o0 spirit magic takes !p 1 Presence4 %ach point o0 R!ne magic takes !p N Presence4 Instant spirit and R!ne spells only !se !p Presence 0or the ro!nd they are cast4 When sorcery and other types o0 magic are cast on the same target, similar spells do *)" add together4 Instead, they 3o1erlapJ4 :or instance, i0 &oost +amage > and &ladesharp N are cast on the same s.ord, damage is increased 7y > '&oost +amage(, and attack is increased 7y @=K '&ladesharp(4 &eca!se o0 the .ide 1ariety o0 possi7le com7inations, the gamemaster is the 0inal 9!dge o0 .hether or not a partic!lar spell pairing 3o1erlaps34 *ote that some similar8appearing spells may not o1erlap4 :or instance, tho!gh :ire7lade and &oost +amage 7oth increase damage, they do not o1erlap 6instead, :ire7lade takes precedence, 9!st as it does .ith &ladesharp4 De. n t on$ o. S"e##ca$t n! #n 3attack3 spell, s!ch as $inder, re !ires the caster to o1ercome a targetBs MPs .ith his o.n in order to take e00ect4 # target can choose not to resist4 # non8attack spell, s!ch as "reat Wo!nd, normally does not ha1e to o1ercome the target4 $o.e1er, a target can choose to resist s!ch a spell4 When an 3acti1e3 spell is !p, yo! cannot cast any other spells 'e?cept a $eld one(4 ,o! can only !tiliEe an acti1e spell .ith some other spell i0 M!ltispell .as !sed .hen it .as cast4 ':or instance, com7ining :ly .ith #nimate Stone to make a 0lying gargoyle(4 #n acti1e spell can 7e allo.ed to lapse into !iescence, and then later 7ro!ght 7ack into acti1ity 7y concentration4 ,o! can only control one acti1e spell at a time4 # 3transient3 spell is acti1e, 7!t in addition, i0 yo! end yo!r concentration the spell is cancelled4 ,o! can only control one transient spell at a time4 Many spells cost points or do damage de0ined as 1d'intensity(4 "his means a die or com7ination o0 dice is rolled .ith a ma?im!m 1al!e e !al to the Intensity4 "h!sG Intensity A U 1dA4 Intensity > U 1d>4 Intensity 1= U 1d1=4 Intensity 1N U 1d8C1d>, Intensity 18 U Ad>, etc4 Some spells come in the 0ormat -%R& Rno!nS Ws!ch as #nimate Rs!7stanceS4 S!ch spells come in a 1ariety o0 0orms, sometimes indi1id!ally descri7ed, 7!t sometimes not4 $ence, #nimate Rs!7stanceS is not a single spell, 7!t a .hole category, each o0 .hich m!st 7e learned separately4 5no.ledge o0 #nimate Stone is !seless in casting #nimate :ire4 #*IM#"% +%#+ ranged, acti1e %ach Intensity animates > SIX or 1d> S"R4 *ormally, s!00icient Intensity is re !ired to make the entire corpseBs SIX animate '7!t in special circ!mstances, 9!st a corpseBs arm, head, etc4 need 7e acti1ated(4 I0 the corpse is not gi1en at least hal0 as m!ch Intensity 0or S"R as it has 0or SIX, it .ill only 7e a7le to .riggle aro!nd, not acti1ely locomote4 More SIX cannot 7e animated than the creat!reBs original SIX, 7!t the creat!re can 7e gi1en more S"R than in li0e4 #n animated corpseBs mo1e is 1 less than in li0e, and an animated skeleton mo1es as 0ast as in li0e4 %?ampleG S!7adim the sorcerer .ishes to reanimate a dead horse, SIX A@4 "his costs > Intensity 0or SIX, pl!s i0 he .ants it to 7e a7le to .alk aro!nd, he;ll need to spend hal0 as m!ch Intensity on S"R 'i4e4, A, .hich gi1es a S"R o0 Ad>(4 $e can make the horse stronger i0 he .ants 'and i0 has s!00icient a7ility(4 #*IM#"% Rs!7stanceS ranged, acti1e %ach Intensity lets the caster animate 1 SIX, 1 %*C, or 1 c!7ic meter, as appropriate 'non8solid s!7stances s!ch as air, light, or 0ire .o!ld 7e per meter, 0or instance(4 +i00erent s!7stances ha1e di00erent characteristics4 #n #nimate spell cannot 7e !sed to a00ect a comple? li1ing creat!re, s!ch as a h!man or troll4 /nless the animated s!7stance is appropriately cra0ted, it cannot .ield o79ects or tools4 "he o79ect retains its 0ormer armor points4 *ormally, a .ooden o79ect has a mo1e o0 A, a stone o79ect a mo1e o0 1, and a metal o79ect a mo1e o0 @4 )ther s!7stances can ha1e their mo1e rates 0ig!red o!t appropriately4 !sed 0or animating s!7stances s!ch as stone, .ood, metal, etc4 #n #nimate can 7e generic, s!ch as #nimate Metal, or speci0ic, s!ch as #nimate &ronEe4 "o determine the degree o0 control the caster has, yo! m!st to 0ig!re o!t ho. speci0ic his #nimate spell is, com7ined .ith certain other conditions4 See the 0ollo.ing chart 0or the 7asic system4 ?EK Multiplier Spell ?O Speci0ic 6 3#nimate Weedeater the S.ord3 ?< Item M Material 6 3#nimate &ronEe S.ord3 ?A Material 6 3#nimate &ronEe3 ?1 Class 66 3#nimate Metal3

I0 an o79ect is 1ery !ns!ita7le 0or the desired action, it cannot per0orm it regardless o0 +%H roll4 0 the target is especially .ell6s!ited, the caster may get a 7on!s4 I0 the target o79ect has mo1ing parts 'like a door lock(, the !serBs +e1ise skill applies, i0 lo.er than the +%H roll4 # damaged o79ect can 7e repaired 1ia #nimate, i0 the caster takes at least an ho!r 'more, 0or 1ery delicate 9o7s s!ch as 9e.elry or 0ine mechanisms( and is a7le to s!cceed at the appropriate Cra0t4 When #nimate ends, the target o79ect ret!rns to its original 0orm, !nless the caster makes the e00ect Permanent, or s!ccess0!lly !ses a Cra0t, as a7o1e4

#""R#C" RharmS attack, to!ch, transient "he recipient tends to attract 1ario!s harm0!l attacks4 It starts .ith a 1=m radi!s aro!nd the target, and Range can 7e !sed to .iden the e00ect4 I0 the target 7ecomes inanimate 'i4e4, dies(, the spell ends4 I0 t.o #ttract spells .o!ld 7oth a00ect a gi1en attack, the higher Intensity spell checks 0irst to see i0 it s!cceeds4 I0 t.o spells o0 e !al Intensity compete, the one nearer to the attack checks 0irst4 Magic 6ranged spells only4 "he recipient m!st 7e a legal target o0 the spell in !estion4 :or instance, i0 he is not 1isi7le to the spellcaster, he does not attract the spell4 Match the #ttractBs Intensity 1s4 an eligi7le spell on the resistance ta7le4 I0 the #ttract .ins, the spell targets the recipient, e1en i0 he cast the spell himsel04 Missiles 6all eligi7le missiles roll 1d@=4 I0 the total is e !al to or less than the spellBs Intensity, the missile hits the recipient4 Impales and criticals apply i0 the missile;s original roll to hit .as s!ch4 Spirits 6all spirits capa7le o0 o00ensi1e spirit com7at m!st roll their MPs 1s4 this spellBs Intensity each ro!nd they are .ithin the spell;s radi!s4 I0 they are o1ercome 7y the spell, they m!st attack the recipient4 Spirits c!rrently engaged in spirit com7at or .ho ha1e 1= or more MPs than the #ttractBs Intensity can ignore this spell4 &L%SS Ro79ectS "o!ch Makes a speci0ic tool or .eapon slightly magical4 %ach Intensity adds < percentiles to all skills !sing that tool4 # .eapon has 7oth #ttack and Parry increased4 &))S" #RM)R "o!ch Re !ires Intensity e !al to the o79ect;s %*C4 %ach additional Intensity past that adds C1 to its armor points4 :or instance, i0 &oost #rmor 8 .ere cast on a medi!m shield '%*C A(, the shield .o!ld recei1e < e?tra armor points4 &eca!se o0 the high .eight o0 7ody armor, this spell is normally cast !pon a single piece o0 armor at a time, rather than the entire s!it 'a medi!m s!it o0 chainmail, 0or instance, takes @= Intensity, 7!t a chain coi0 only @(4 &))S" +#M#2% "o!ch #dds C1 to damage on the a00ected .eapon per intensity4 Can 7e cast on innoc!o!s o79ects s!ch as coins to gi1e them a damage potential4 &))S" R#*2% "o!ch '7!t Range is re !ired .hen casting the spell( #dds the spellBs Range to a missileBs 7asic and long range4 Re !ires Intensity e !al to the missile;s %*C '1 Intensity is eno!gh 0or all 7!t siege missiles(4 &))S" RcharacteristicS "o!ch %ach Intensity adds 1 to the selected stat4 More than do!7ling a target;s #PP 7y this techni !e makes the target !nrecogniEa7le4 I*" and P)W cannot 7e &oosted 7eyond the !serBs original rolled I*" or P)W, 7!t the spell can s!7stit!te 0or I*" or P)W lost d!e to "ap or disease4 &))S" Rskill 7on!sS "o!ch %ach @ intensity adds < to the selected skill category modi0ier4 #ll skills .ithin that category are increased4 :or instance, %nhance Perception N adds 1= to all perception skills4 *oteG sorcery spells are *)" a00ected 7y &oost Magic, 7!t Ceremony, S!mmon, and %nchant are4 C#LL RenergyS ranged Prod!ces the speci0ied energy e1ery.here .ithin the spell;s Range4 "all "alm 6 decreases .ind 1elocity 7y @ kph per Intensity4 "all "old 6lo.ers the temperat!re 7y @C per Intensity4 "all Heat 6raises the temperat!re 7y @C per Intensity4 "all !ight +creates a 0aint glo.4 Intensity 1 is eno!gh to read 7y, Intensity < is near8daylight, 1= makes 7right daylight4 "all Shado +creates a 0aint shado.4 Intensity < makes a shado. e1en in 0!ll daylight, and 1= is like a moonless night4

"all Tide 6only !sa7le at the seashore4 "he .ater;s height is raised or lo.ered 'caster;s choice( 7y @ cm per Intensity4 "all &ind 6increases .ind 1elocity 7y @ kph per Intensity4 C#S"&#C5 to!ch I0 an attack spell 0ails to o1ercome the targetBs MPs and has Intensity e !al to or less than the Cast7ackBs, it 7o!nces 7ack at the caster4 I0 7oth target and caster ha1e Cast7ack, the spell may ricochet 7ack and 0orth !ntil it 0inally a00ects one o0 the targets4 +IMI*IS$ RcharacteristicS attack, ranged )nly S"R, C)*, SIX, +%H, or #PP can 7e +iminished4 %ach Intensity s!7tracts 1 0rom the selected characteristic, do.n to a minim!m o0 14 +iminishing #PP makes the target !nrecogniEa7le i0 the #PP is red!ced to less than hal0 its normal 1al!e4 +IMI*IS$ Rskill 7on!sS ranged %ach @ intensity s!7tracts < 0rom the selected skill category modi0ier4 #ll skills .ithin that category are a00ected4 %?ampleG +iminish #gility lo.ers all #gility skills, incl!ding parries4 +)MI*#"% RspeciesS attack, ranged, acti1e "his is an assortment o0 spells, each tied to a single species4 +ominate re !ires an Intensity at least hal0 the targetBs MPs4 I0 the target 0ails to resist, he 0alls !nder the casterBs domination4 I0 the caster tries to 0orce the target to per0orm an e?ceedingly rep!gnant action, it gets an immediate chance to 7reak 0ree4 In any case, a sentient creat!re gets s!ch a chance once a day4 # 7eing inside a 7inding enchantment cannot resist this spell, and only one Intensity need 7e !sed regardless o0 the 7eingBs MPs4 +R#I* attack, ranged, instant %ach intensity lo.ers the targetBs c!rrent 0atig!e 7y 1d>4 %-)5% RenergyS ranged, instant Lets the !ser send a 0orce as a 7eam to.ards a 0oe, striking a randomly rolled hit location4 E3o'e "old 6does 1 pt o0 damageFro!nd, contin!ing 0or the spellBs Intensity in ro!nds4 #rmor does not protect4 E3o'e Flame 6does 1d'intensity( damage4 :lamma7le materials may ignite, .ith a de0a!lt chance o0 <? Intensity4 #rmor protects !nless a 0lame hits the same location 0or a second consec!ti1e ro!nd or the target site ignites, armor stops helping4 E3o'e !ight 6the target is lit !p 7rightly4 +arkness entities 's!ch as hags or shades( and !ndead take @d'intensity( damage4 %1oke Light ne!traliEes darkness87ased magic4 E3o'e !ightning 6the target takes 1d'intensity( damage, ignoring metal armor4 E3o'e Shado 6the targetBs sight87ased skills drop 7y < per intensity4 "his sit!ation impro1es 7y < percentiles per s!7se !ent ro!nd4 *e!traliEes earth87ased magic4 E3o'e &ater 6deli1ers a knock7ack attack o0 1d>FIntensity4 *e!traliEes 0ire87ased magic4 E3o'e &ind0last 6does 1d'intensity( a7rasion damage, 0irst destroying armor, then hit points4 *e!traliEes .ater8 7ased magic4 :L, ranged, acti1e Lets the caster le1itate A SIX o0 a target o79ect at a mo1e o0 14 %ach additional intensity adds A to the SIX allotment or increases mo1e 7y 1, at the caster;s option4 Cast on an !n.illing target, this is an attack spell, o0 co!rse4 2L)W ranged Works m!ch like Call Light, e?cept that it is cast !pon an o79ect4 "hat o79ect then shines .ith the chosen Intensity '1 is eno!gh to read, 1= is 7right daylight( e1ery.here .ithin the spell;s Range in a radi!s aro!nd it4 $#S"% ranged %ach @ Intensity increase the targetBs mo1ement 7y 1mFro!nd and lo.er his +%H SR 7y 14 *o matter ho. lo. +%H SR drops, no action can take less than 1 SR4 "he target loses :atig!e e !al to Intensity4 $I*+%R attack, ranged %ach Intensity decreases the targetBs mo1ement 7y 1mFro!nd, and increases his +%H SR 7y 14 I0 the total SR o0 the target adds !p to more than 1=, he can take action only once e1ery other melee ro!nd4

$)L+:#S" '0ormerly &ind( attack 'i0 cast 1s4 a li1ing target(, ranged Minim!m Intensity @G Ca!ses t.o 1=cm 7y 1=cm s!r0aces to stick together .ith a S"R o0 A4 %ach Intensity either adds 1=cm in each dimension to the s!r0ace area to 7e commingled or adds A S"R to the gl!e4 I0 !sed to a00ect li1ing tiss!e, the targetBs MPs m!st 7e o1ercome4 "he e?act shape o0 the $old0ast can 7e altered 7y the sorcerer !pon casting, so long as the total s!r0ace area is not increased 7eyond the spellBs parameters4 )nce the $old0ast;s S"R is o1ercome 7y the target, the spell ends4 I+%*"I:, SP%LL ranged, instant #llo.s the caster to identi0y a spell4 Intensity Perception 1 general category 'i4e4, Sorcery, R!ne, Spirit Magic, Mysticism, +raconic, etc4( A point 1al!e '0or Sorcery, only Intensity is gi1en( < the spellBs name O the spell;s 0!ll description L)C#"% )&P%C" ranged, acti1e "he a00ected o79ect 7ecomes tracea7le 7y the sorceror4 When he concentrates on the o79ect, he recei1es an impression o0 its c!rrent direction and distance4 I0 Locate )79ect is dispelled, at that moment the caster in1ol!ntarily learns the o79ectBs c!rrent direction and distance, and a mental pict!re o0 the indi1id!al casting the ne!traliEing spell4 I0 the caster or o79ect mo1es 7eyond Range, the spell is n!ll, 7!t remains in e00ect4 M/S"%R P)W%R sel06only :or each Intensity in this spell, yo! lose 1 ghp and 1d> 0p, and gain MP e !al to the rolled 0atig!e loss4 ,o! cannot increase yo!r MPs higher than yo!r P)W 7y means o0 M!ster Po.er4 M,S"IC -ISI)* sel08only '7!t Range is re !ired in casting( )nly a00ects the caster himsel0 'the spellBs Range is ho. 0ar he sees(4 +arkness or opa !e st!00 7locks yo!4 ,o! see the e?act amo!nt o0 MPs in all yo! percei1e, !p to Intensity ? A4 #nything o1er that is 9!st 3greater34 #t close range '.ithin a 0e. meters(, Mystic -ision can 7e !sed to tell .hether an MP so!rce is regenerating or non8regenerating4 In this .ay, he co!ld tell an MP Matri? 0rom a spirit, or the li1ing 0rom the !ndead4 # sorcerer can see spirit magic in e00ect, and he can see a 0lo. o0 magic 0rom a sorcerer to his maintained spell4 *%/"R#LIX% M#2IC ranged, instant Cancels a spell i0 the *e!traliEe MagicBs intensity o1ercomes the de0ending spell;s on the Resistance "a7le4 "he *e!traliEe Magic;s intensity m!st 7e at least hal0 that o0 the de0ending spell4 P#LS, attack, ranged $its a random melee hit location4 I0 the target 0ails to resist, and the Intensity is e !al to or greater than the locationBs c!rrent hit pts, the location is paralyEed4 # damaged hit location healed 7eyond the PalsyBs Intensity remains Palsied4 I0 the head is palsied, the target 0alls !nconscio!s4 I0 the chest is palsied, the target is incapacitated, and 7egins to smother 'start rolling at C)*?1=(4 I0 a selected location is already Palsied, reroll !ntil an !nPalsied location is selected4 P$#*")M RsenseS ranged, 'acti1e to mo1e or attack, other.ise temporal( "his comple? o0 ill!sion spells each a00ect a partic!lar sense4 I0 the caster concentrates on the ill!sion, it can 7e mo1ed aro!nd, animated, or other.ise altered4 #n ill!sion can 7e mo1ed .ith incredi7le speed !nless Phantom "o!ch is incl!ded in the e00ect, in .hich case it is limited as descri7ed 7elo.4 Phantom @dor 6higher Intensity makes an odor more intense4 Intensity 1 is mild, s!ch as air a0ter a storm, .hile Intensity A is some.hat stronger, like 0resh6c!t grass4 Intensity 1= is !ite potent 6 0rying onions, cloying per0!me, or dog 7reath4 #n odor stronger than an am7ient scent can 7e !sed to mask it4 '%?ampleG an !ndead co1ering !p his stink o0 corr!ption4( #n odor .eaker than an am7ient scent can 7e !sed to modi0y or alter it4 '%?ampleG trans0orming the smell o0 c!t .ood into the smell o0 c!t cedar.ood4( :o!l odors can 7e !sed o00ensi1ely4 "o do this, match the odorBs intensity 1s4 the targetBs C)*4 I0 the odor .ins, the target is incapacitated that ro!nd4 5eep re8rolling each ro!nd !ntil the target s!cceeds, in .hich case he is no. acc!stomed to it and does not ha1e to roll again !ntil the odor;s Intensity rises4 Phantom Sight 6each Intensity creates a solid6looking ill!sion o0 SIX A4 #lternately, a caster can create a larger ill!sion that is more or less transl!cent4 :or instance, an Intensity 1 SIX > ill!sion .o!ld 7e mostly solid, tho!gh dim o!tlines co!ld 7e seen thro!gh it4 Still ass!ming Intensity 1, a SIX > ill!sion is transl!centQ SIX 1@ is a colored transparencyQ SIX 18 only an o!tline or 0aint shadingQ and SIX @N hard to detect .itho!t a Search roll4

Phantom Sound 6creates a lo!dness o0 1= deci7els per Intensity4 #ny kind o0 lengthy or comprehensi7le speech or m!sic needs to 7e concentrated on as per an acti1e spell4 ?eci0els 1= @= A= N= <= >= O= 8= 1== 1@= 1N= 1>= Typical Sound normal 7reathing r!stling grass large empty 7!ilding !iet 1illage at night !iet ta1ern in 7!siness ho!rs con1ersation4 a 7!sy high.ay a hair dryer s!7.ay train g!nshot 9et0ighter at takeo00 .ind t!nnel

Phantom Taste 6a00ects an area o0 1 SIX, .ith a strength e !al to Intensity4 Intensity 1 reprod!ces mild 0la1ors, like lett!ce or .ater4 Intensity A pro1ides stronger 0la1ors, s!ch as apples or 0ried chicken, and Intensity 1= is 1ery po.er0!l, a7le to reprod!ce 0la1ors like red6hot peppers or 7iting into a 0resh lemon4 # taste ill!sion can 7e !sed to attack a 0oe, like an odor ill!sion, 7!t the target m!st act!ally take the ill!sion into his mo!th4 "he target m!st o1ercome the ill!sionBs Intensity .ith his C)*, and is incapacitated any ro!nd he 0ails4 )nce he has s!ccess0!lly o1ercome the ill!sion t.o ro!nds in a ro., he is p!rged o0 it !ntil he takes it into his mo!th again4 Phantom Touch 6mani0ests as an in1isi7le solid 0orce4 "his sets !p a 0rame.ork so that other, non8ill!sion spells can 7e cast on it 's!ch as 2lo. or Resist Magic(, 7!t cannot ha1e a higher Intensity than the "o!ch4 It cannot do damage 7y itsel0, 7!t can 7e +amage &oosted, $eated, or ha1e other spells cast on it4 %ach Intensity gi1es the "o!ch a mo1e o0 1 .hen concentrated on4 PR%S%R-% I"%M "o!ch )ne Intensity is needed per %*C o0 the a00ected item4 "he spell grants a 7on!s o0 C1 #P to the preser1ed item4 "he &lessed item remains in the same state o0 repair as .hen the spell .as castG armo!r remains shiny and ne., clothing is di00ic!lt to soil, a room stays clean and tidy4 PR)P%C" RsenseS ranged, transient Lets the caster pro9ect the speci0ied sense o!t to Range4 "he caster can mo1e the 1ie.point at 1mFro!nd, each additional Intensity adding 1 to speed4 "he spell cannot penetrate more than 1=cm o0 dense material per Intensity4 "he 1ie.point is in1isi7le to normal '7!t not magic( senses4 Spells directed 1s4 the Pro9ected sense a00ect the caster as i0 he .ere present4 Since the Pro9ected sense is transient, the caster cannot himsel0 cast spells thro!gh it 'e?cept 0or a single $eld spell(4 Someone in mindlink .ith him co!ld do so, 7!t s!ch spells m!st ha1e Range eno!gh to reach the 1ie.pointBs distant location '.here1er it is(4 PR)"%C"I-% CIRCL% to!ch 'Range m!st 7e !sed( Creates a magical 0rame.ork on .hich other spells can 7e cast4 %ach Range gi1es the circle a 1m radi!s 'at least one m!st 7e !sed(4 Intensity pro1ides the circle .ith its po.er, and none o0 the spells on the Circle can ha1e a higher Intensity than it does4 "he circle is immo7ile on the s!7strate on .hich it is cast 66 i0 the s!7strate is mo7ile '0or instance, a shipBs deck(, the circle mo1es .ith it4 #ny spell can then 7e cast on the 0rame.ork 7y the CircleBs original caster or 7y anyone .ithin the Circle, and that spell 7ecomes part o0 the Circle4 "his is a good .ay to protect a gro!p .ith Skin o0 Li0e, 0or instance4 Instant and #ttack spells placed on the Circle are !iescent !ntil triggered .hen an appropriate o79ect crosses the edge4 :or instance, a *e!traliEe Magic in the Protecti1e Circle acti1ates .hen a spell crosses the 7o!ndary4 +ominate $!man remains !iet !ntil a h!man tries to cross the 7o!ndary, .hen it is cast on him4 #ttack spells act as i0 they ha1e MP 7acking them !p e !al to any MPs !sed to 7oost the Circle4 R%2%*%R#"% to!ch "his spell ca!ses a se1ered lim7 to regro. at a rate o0 1K per Intensity per .eek4 "he spell m!st 7e maintained !ntil the lim7 is 0!lly restored4 I0 Regenerate is dispelled or dropped 7e0ore a lim7 is completely restored, a medical crisis ens!es4 Roll 1d1== min!s the Intensity o0 the cancelled Regenerate4 "he res!lt is the percentage o0 the lim7 that 7ecomes necrotic and m!st 7e c!t o00 7e0ore another Regenerate can .ork4 *ote that a 1ery lo. roll might act!ally end !p spro!ting additional lim74 "he percentage lost is s!7tracted 0rom the entire lim74 # res!lt o0 more than 1== is considered to 7e so 7adly damaged that the lim7 cannot 7e regro.n4 Hapless Henifer loses C8D of his right arm in a fight1 The healer casts Regenerate 79 on it, hich ill regro the entire arm in < ee's1 After a single ee', the spell is dispelled1 His arm is currently E8479 H ;9D there1 He must no lose 7d788 + 79 off his lim0 as a percentage1 If the final roll is negati3e, he%ll ha3e gro n 0ac' a 0itN If the final roll is ;E or more his arm ill 0e so destroyed that he can ne3er regro it1

R%2%*%R#"% +#M#2% to!ch "his spell is cast at one in9!red hit location, and re !ires Intensity e !al to or greater than that location;s normal ma?im!m $P4 It accelerates the nat!ral healing processes o0 the 7ody4 "he .o!nd stops 7leeding and starts regenerating one $P per MR, starting .ith the MR .hen the spell .as cast, !ntil totally healed4 I0 the location is in9!red again 7e0ore it is 0!lly healed, the process contin!es4 Creat!res .ith no C)* or .ho do not regenerate $Ps nat!rally cannot 7e healed 7y this spell4 R%SIS" Rattack typeS to!ch #n incoming attack m!st o1ercome the ResistBs Intensity in order to ca!se harm4 Most Resists m!st ha1e an Intensity at least hal0 o0 the attackBs 1al!e or it is ignored4 In addition, an attack less than hal0 the Resist;s Intensity is normally ignored as .ell4 Resist ?amage 6stops physical damage4 Resist +amage m!st 7e cast on the o!tside o0 any armor or armor6like spells or has no e00ect4 5nock7ack can still occ!r, e1en i0 damage is 7locked4 Resist Infection6helps 1s4 disease4 I0 the target is attacked 7y a spirit o0 disease, this spell acts like Resist Spirit4 I0 the target is e?posed to disease in the normal 0ashion, !se the Resist intensity as an Ie?tra C)* rollJ that m!st 7e 0ailed 7e0ore he is in0ected4 %?ampleG +eentim, C)* 1@, is e?posed to the Shakes and the 2M deems it re !ires a C)*?N roll4 +eentim has Resist In0ection 8 !p, so 0irst tries to roll A@ '8?N( or less4 )nly i0 that roll 0ails m!st he resort to a C)*?N roll4 Resist Magic 6helps 1s4 incoming spells4 Spells that harm one indirectly, s!ch as Shake %arth, are not a00ected4 Resist Poison 6helps 1s4 any kind o0 poison or 1enom4 Resist Spirit 6an attacking spirit m!st o1ercome the spell;s intensity 7e0ore it can attack the !ser in spirit com7at4 It m!st re8attempt the roll each ro!nd4 S%*S% Rs!7stanceS ranged, acti1e /pon concentrating, the caster 7ecomes a.are o0 e1ery so!rce o0 the chosen s!7stance .ithin range4 "he spell penetrates 1= cm o0 dense, opa !e material per Intensity4 Commonly !sed s!7stances incl!de gold, sil1er, 7ronEe, gems, etc4 Some !n!s!al 3s!7stances3 are listed 7elo.4 Sense !ife 6any li1ing creat!re4 "his does not incl!de semi8li1ing things like elementals or !ndead, o0 co!rse4 Sense Magic 6 any spell or enchantment in e00ect4 Sense Malice 6 anyone meaning immediate harm to the caster4 *ote that the target m!st 7e a.are o0 the caster 7e0ore this detects him4 Sense (Species) 6 the !se is o71io!s4 "rolls, h!mans, horses, are all !se0!l targets4 Sense Ondead 6 any !ndead, or dead87!t8animate creat!re is detecta7le4 "his incl!des not only o71io!s !ndead like 1ampires, 7!t animated corpses, ghosts, etc4 S$#P%C$#*2% RspeciesS attack, ranged "his spell re !ires intensity e !al to at least hal0 the targetBs SIX4 "his spell is only !sa7le on complete creat!res4 # di00erent 1ersion o0 this spell e?ists 0or each di00erent target species 7!t yo! may choose .hat yo! .ant to trans0orm the target into each time the spell is cast4 Shapechange does not alter any o0 the targetBs statistics, incl!ding SIX4 Special po.ers o0 the target species are only trans0erred i0 they are inherent in the 7ody 0orm and meta7olism4 "h!s, a man shapechanged into a 7at co!ld 0ly 'there might 7e a learning process in1ol1ed(, and i0 he .ere a 0ish, he co!ld 7reathe .ater4 S5I* ): LI:% to!ch "he !ser is relie1ed 0rom taking harm 0rom certain types o0 physiological threats4 Intensity > U no need to 7reath Intensity 1@ U no need to eat or drink Intensity 18 U no need to sleep SM)"$%R attack, ranged, transient Lasts 1 melee ro!nd per Intensity4 "he target takes normal C)* rolls as per asphy?iation, taking 1dA damage per ro!nd once he 0ails4 S"/P%:, attack, ranged "o 7e e00ecti1e, this spellBs intensity m!st e !al or e?ceed the targetBs :ree I*"4 I0 so, the 1ictim ceases all action, and simply stands there, taking no .ill or interest in .hat goes on a7o!t him4 $e may 7e led or 0orced to .alk, eat, or sit, 7!t takes no independent action4 $e may 7a77le incoherently4 $e remains in this state !ntil he s!stains physical or magical damage or the caster drops the spell4 S/PPR%SS S)RC%R, attack, ranged

"his spell a00ects a target sorcerer;s Presence4 %ach Intensity traps 1 Presence, rendering it incapa7le o0 s!pporting spells4 "#P RcharacteristicS attack, to!ch, instant "his spell permanently destroys 1d> o0 the speci0ied characteristic and pro1ides either MPs or :P to the caster in an e !al !antity to the points taken4 # characteristic cannot 7e red!ced past 14 "he Intensity needed 0or the spell to a00ect 1d> o0 a partic!lar characteristic 1aries4 Tap Intensity per 7d< loss S"R @ C)* A SIX N I*" < Tap Intensity per 7d< loss P)W 1 +%H N #PP A

Remem7er that the ma?im!m MPs a person can ha1e is t.ice his P)W, e?cept that 7eings lacking P)W ha1e no MP ma?im!m4 "%L%P#"$, ranged, acti1e #llo.s mind8to8mind comm!nication 7et.een the caster and a target, or 7et.een t.o targets chosen 7y the caster 'it m!st 7e M!ltispelled 0or this latter p!rpose(4 #n !n.illing target can attempt to resist4 Intensity 1 U only the li0e, death, or !nconscio!sness o0 a 0ello. comm!nicant can 7e sensed4 Intensity A U comm!nication as in Mindspeech4 Intensity < U each caster can see thro!gh the otherBs eyes4 Intensity O U the !sers can cast one anotherBs spells4 Intensity 9 U they can !se each otherBs MPs4 Intensity 11 U one !ser can control the otherBs actions 7y o1ercoming his MPs .ith his o.n4 $e m!st rene. s!ch control e1ery melee ro!nd 'and i0 he 0ails, his 1ictim can try to control him1 Since "elepathy is #cti1e, the 7ene0its o0 Intensity O and 9 can only 7e !tiliEed i0 someone else cast the spell or i0 yo! are mentally linked to a !ser 'as .ith a 0amiliar(4 "%L%P)R" ranged, instant %ach Intensity teleports A SIX 'to!ching the caster( to a 1isi7le point .ithin Range or to a $oming Circle .ithin Range4 I0 the caster has se1eral $oming Circles, he can choose .hich to !se4 "R%#" W)/*+S to!ch, transient "his spell may 7e !sed in t.o .ays4 Emergency form 6heals the target 0or 1d'intensity( damage4 $ormal use 6ena7les the target to recei1e :irst #id a n!m7er o0 times e !al to Intensity4 %ach s!ccess heals damage as per normal :irst #id r!les, and takes only a 0raction o0 a melee ro!nd4 :!m7les, special s!ccesses, and critical s!ccesses are all as per normal r!les4 -%*)M attack, ranged, instant I0 the target is o1ercome, a 1enom .ith P)" e !al to Intensity in0!ses him4 I0 he resists the P)" .ith his C)*, he takes hal0 damage4 )ther.ise, he takes the 0!ll P)" in damage4 Other/or#* Creat)re$ an* Sorcery # n!m7er o0 entities rely largely or solely on sorcery, yet do not take -o.s or other.ise train in the #rts4 In general, sorcery is 3nat!ral3 to these entities4 It is their 0lesh and 7lood, inherent to them4 Incomplete creat!res lacking normal I*" cannot normally !se sorcery4 "hose 0e. that e?press sorcery6like e00ects do so 7eca!se o0 meta7olism or innate gi0ts, not 7eca!se they intelligently manip!late their en1ironment4 Arts typically other.orld creat!res learn #rts 7y st!dy, since they cannot access St4 Malkion and #rt 1o.s are di00ic!lt4 Vo s 6all other.orld creat!res can ha1e a $igh -o. i0 they kno. an #rt, and -essel once they kno. all three 7asic #rts4 "he creat!re;s 1ery e?istence constit!tes a $igh -o. o0 sorts4 Incomplete creat!res .ith 0ree .ill 'i4e4, not 7o!nd into an enchantment, reasona7ly intelligent, and not a 0amiliar(, are occasionally a7le to learn other 1o.s4 "hese 1o.s are o0ten 1ery pec!liar, and sometimes 7eyond h!man comprehension4 Former Sorcerers 6 "he re1enant o0 a sorcerer 'i4e4, a ghost, m!mmy, 1ampire, etc4( retains his 0ormer Presence and -o.sQ ho.e1er, an e1il re1enant o0ten has his 1o.s in1erted4 :or instance, i0 he 0ormerly had Sh!n "ap, it might 7e replaced 7y "ap +aily4 Sorcery Access "or selected unusual entities C$)*C$)*G these entities are created o0 spirit magic, and can ne1er learn or !se Sorcery4

2)&&L%RG can 7e ta!ght spells, 7!t has only those #rts and Presence .hich has 7een enchanted into its hide4 2R%MLI*G can 7e ta!ght spells, 7!t has only those #rts and Presence enchanted into it or pro1ided in an enchanted item4 $%LLI)*G a $ellionBs Presence is e !al to its $P, like most o0 its characteristics4 *,MP$G #!loniads, +ryads, Limoniads, *aiads, and )reads do not learn sorcery4 M#2IC SPIRI"G only special sorcery8!sing magic spirits can gain Presence and learn #rts, tho!gh all can learn and cast sorcery spells4

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