Tonight On Paranexus Universe Radio: Psychic Perspective: Helping Spirits During Investigations

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Tonight on ParaNexus Universe Radio

The ParaNexus Newsletter

© 2009 by Thursday, 9-3-09 • 9pm - 10pm Eastern
Editor: David Desjardins Psychic Perspective: Helping Spirits During
This Newsletter is distributed free of Investigations
charge to anyone interested. Please
visit to subscribe. Se- with Psychic Lawyer Mark Anthony
rious article submissions welcome. We welcome back Mark Anthony to discuss how to help spirits during investi-
Please send submissions to ad- gations in an effort to resolve the phenomena.

September 3, 2009 Tune in at
Editors Corner
2 Recent Blogs
Gadgets and Gizmo’s • Getting going and moving on...
—How Much is too Much? • Something Happened in 1875
2 • Watch Life Leave
• She Called My Name
Directors Notes • Outside the Box – 5 of 5’s
—New Photo Contest!
3 These Blogs and others can be found at:
Hollow Earth
—Theoretically Sound or a Can
of Worms? Not a ParaNexus Member Yet?
4 Membership Expired?
Join or Renew your membership now to take advantage of
many new membership benefits.
Letters to the Editor

Special Announcements:
See Page 3, Directors Notes, for the ParaNexus
Fake-a-Photo Contest! Open to everyone!

ParaNexus Newsletter

Editors Corner Gizmos and Gadgets – by Dave Desjardins

by Dave Desjardins A weekly review of the latest tech in paranormal
Hello and Welcome to the
ParaNexus Newsletter!
In addition to the latest news, This week in Gizmos and Gadgets: Investigative equipment, can you have
announcements and upcoming too much? I’ve often been asked, as I’m sure many others can relate, “what
events within the ParaNexus do I NEED to get started in paranormal investigations?” For most the answer
community, My goal is to provide is simple, depending on what your primary area of interest may be. For oth-
you, the membership, a platform ers, myself included, who have an affinity for shiny new toys that go ping,
for new thoughts, ideas, self there are a number of places to purchase the “newest, best and most tech-
growth, discovery, and discussion nologically advanced paranormal equipment.” Note the quotations; I do this
within the ParaNexus Forums. for a reason. Keeping in mind that paranormal investigation is still a theo-
retical science, in particular, my primary area of research is forensic para-
From standard practices and ac- psychology. Even though ParaNexus established the CIPRIS International
cepted norms to the more con- Standards which is freely available on, each organization has a
troversial concepts and theories slightly different way of conducting business. There is also no specific ghost
in the paranormal, nothing will detection equipment, despite all the really cool looking lighted boxes that go
be too hot to discuss on a profes- beep and or buzz at appropriate moments. Theories abound on what a spirit
sional level. does and does not do upon manifestation and for each there seems to be a
new technology that shows up on the market and on television to detect this
I’ve received a number of great theory.
suggestions as a response to my
Can you have too much? In my humble opinion, yes! While it may look
forum post and for those I thank
awesome to roll into an investigation with truckloads of “scientific equip-
you all.
ment,” realistically, how important is half the stuff? I’ve had several experi-
ences where one piece of equipment will cause false positives in one or sev-
Communities like this cannot
eral other pieces of equipment. Practical? Not particularly. Frustrating? Abso-
survive without the membership
lutely! There is also the consideration of evidence review. A lot of team’s are
and their inclusion into every
small, have full time jobs, and families so evidence review can be tenuous at
aspect of the community.
best. The more data logging technology you have the more time is spent on
review for that “holy grail” that we all seek.
Additional questions comments,
or suggestions, pertaining to this Paranormal investigation is becoming more of an accepted science, espe-
newsletter or any topics covered cially as of late, so technology is advancing, which is the purpose of Gizmos
herein may be sent to me at and Gadgets, however, one must use caution when browsing through the world of paranormal equipment. Research into technology is almost as impor-
tant as our own personal research so as not to get bilked with another pretty
I look forward to receiving them looking box full of LED lights and buzzers. Others may argue (and that is their
all. right), “but, I’m for keeping it simple and tangible: audio and video record-
ers; still photography; paper and pen, etc.” To me this also eliminates the
Until next time, best wishes. amount of “theory” that I have to explain to a client which may cloud the
—D. Desjardins validity or credibility of any real evidence. This is one man’s opinion only and
the purpose is to spark additional discussion, (insert disclaimer: the opinion
expressed in the preceding article are those of the author, yadda, yadda,
yadda...), so let’s hear what everyone else thinks. Perhaps, I should change
my primary focus to Ufology; things seem so much simpler there….

Paranormal Investigator Certification Course (CPI)

A serious and professional academic course with certification available in a home study or structured class
version. Discounted pricing for ParaNexus members.

ParaNexus Newsletter

Directors Notes
By Doug Kelley CH, CSL, CLPI
ParaNexus Executive Director

Hello ParaNexus Members and Guests!

I first want to commend and thank Dave Desjardins who recently took the Newsletter Editor position and has in-
vested a lot of time in getting the weekly newsletter put together. I truly appreciate the help as the newsletter be-
came more than I could handle along with everything else ParaNexus related.
We invite your feedback on making this newsletter a publication that you look forward to receiving each week gen-
erally on Thursdays. I know under Dave’s oversight, it will grow and evolve into a useful informational tool.
Thanks Dave! It’s great to have you on staff!

New! Just Launched! You Can Choose a Winner! PRIZES

First Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive:
ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Contest 1. 1 year paid membership to ParaNexus ($39 value)
which includes all member benefits.
I’m happy to announce that the ParaNexus Fake-a-Photo Con-
2. Your choice of the CPI or CLPI Course (digital on-
test is now open for entries! This contest was inspired by Stephen line version) on ParaNexus Academy ($55/$65 val-
Wagner at and is designed to be a fun and educational ue). These prizes can be assigned to another per-
experience. This contest is open to everyone including non- son if you desire.
members. You can even participate in judging entries by voting for 3. A printed 1st Place Certificate showcasing your
your favorite fake photo! achievement (U.S. residents only. A PDF certifi-
cate will also be emailed).
As a contestant, your mission is to create a fake photo that will 4. A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29,
stump the experts! Your subject can be any type of anomalous 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.
phenomena including ghosts, shadow people, UFOs, aliens, cryptids Second Place Winner (determined by panel) will receive:
(such as Bigfoot), etc. You can use any type of software available 1. 6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50
including PhotoShop, cgi software, etc. You can start with any par- value) which includes all member benefits.
ticular photo and then manipulate and enhance it to produce your 2. A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your
final entry. achievement.
3. A guest spot on ParaNexus Radio on October 29,
The overall objective of this contest is to educate and raise 2009 to discuss how you created your fake photo.
awareness of what fake photos look like and how they are Popular Vote Winner (determined by public vote) will re-
achieved. This will aid anomalous researchers to better identify ceive:
photos that are faked, hoaxed, and/or are false-positives. The en- 1. 6 month paid membership to ParaNexus ($19.50
tries from this contest will be published and available on ParaNex- value) which includes all member benefits. for the benefit of all members. 2. A PDF Second Place Certificate showcasing your
The contest will begin on Thursday, September 3, 2009, 12am
Eastern, and end on Thursday, October 29, 2009, 12 pm Eastern. The winners will be announced on ParaNexus Radio on
Thursday October 29, 2009 at 9pm Eastern.

So, You Ready to Start Hoaxing?

For More Info, Contest Rules, Judging Criteria, and to Enter, Visit

ParaNexus Newsletter

Hollow Earth – Theoretically Sound, or a Can of Worms?

By Dave Desjardins

I’ve been doing some light reading lately on a the- claiming that Google earth depicts the entrances to
ory that is relatively new to me, (mostly because I live these subterranean worlds.
a sheltered Canadian life and just happened across it
Google earth is a great resource; however, black
on the net), however, the more I read the more in-
spots in the ground or photo’s that may or may not re-
trigued I become. Not because I believe or disbelieve
semble some sort of door taken by a satellite in orbit
the whole theory, but because of all the other opinions
around our fair planet are to me, not substantial proof
there are out there on the topic. For those not familiar
of underground worlds. If one were to believe Google
with the hollow earth theory, (other fellow Canadians)
earth with 100 percent certainty then the FireFox
it goes something like this. “Scientists” and researchers
Internet browser logo is indeed a crop circle some-
have theorized that the planet that we live on, and
where in the western hemisphere (really, it’s there,
others, are not as solid as we may have initially
I’ve seen it ).
thought. In fact, they may be hollow or contain pockets
providing refuge and habitation for other civilizations I (we) are scientists at heart, searching for answers
and or advanced life forms. that others are not willing to look for or don’t care to
look for. A hollow earth may be a distinct possibility,
Again, intriguing. With the number of reports of
hell, the earth was once believed to be flat until one
unidentified submerged objects (USO’s), unidentified
intrepid explorer took a huge risk to prove otherwise,
flying objects (UFO’s) and even some crypto reports, it
but right now I’m not seeing the evidence to support
begs the question, where are some of these things hid-
the theory. I’m certain that there are others that have
ing? It’s not logical to think that they come and go to
done more research into this theory and I would en-
where ever it is they originate from every time they
courage you to educate those of us that have limited
visit. Unfortunately, the only evidence that I have been
knowledge. I just can’t buy the whole Google-earth-
able to find to support such a theory (although I ha-
say’s-its-so theory.
ven’t done a lot as of yet) is a few YouTube subscribers

Letters to the Editor

By Dave Desjardins

As this newsletter is a new endeavour for me, we have yet to receive any letters to the editor. That being said,
I would encourage our entire readership to fire away. Whether related to something written within this newsletter,
something that you feel needs to be said, or questions for myself, Doug Kelley or any of the other ParaNexus staff,
let me have it. Correspondence may be sent to
I have been told in the past that I have a rather, ahhhh, dry, sense of humour (comes with my job), I will apolo-
gize for this right now. I think that a little humour is always good no matter what the topic so, please don’t think
that I’m making light of any subject if I throw a little comment in here and there. It’s only ever gotten me in trou-
ble once, maybe twice… well… never mind. I take all topics of discussion on the paranormal very serious and wholly
encourage thought and discussion outside the box. So, lets get this party started, shall we?

ParaNexus Newsletter

ParaNexus Sites

Join Today! The ParaNexus Academy offers a growing list of paranormal and
ParaNexus is a global professional association of dedicated and personal growth courses that are affordable and comprehensive.
progressive parapsychologists, ufologists, and enthusiasts focused Our instructors are skilled and knowledgeable in the topics they
on researching and understanding the human condition through teach. All courses are conducted online and may feature live
the scientific study of anomalous and psychical phenomena, its video sessions, online content, instructor articles and books,
reality, its reach, and its impact on humanity. and additional activities and material.

ParaNexus Universe Radio Program
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investigation including training courses, log books, ID Badges,
Join Doug & Grant for interesting guests and interesting topics. and more.

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