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Grameen Danone Foods Ltd: Customer Satisfaction & Consumption rate of Shakti Doi

The purpose of this survey is to learn about customer satisfaction on consuming Shakti Doi. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. All information will be treated as confidential. I heartily thank you for your cooperation.

Gender: Male Age: 0-10

(Please put tick mark on your selected option)


10 20 20 or above

Income (In BDT): < 10,000 10,000 50,000 51,000 90,000 > 90,000 Location: Dhaka Bogra

Frequency of Purchase: Once a Day Twice a week Every 2-3 weeks Once every two months Purchase Period: Less than one year 1- 2 years 3- 5 years more than 5 years Please put tick mark on the appropriate answer

1-Strongly Agree 2-Agree 3-Neutral 4-Disagree 5-Strongly Disagree Quality of the product
1.The quality of Shakti Doi is excellent 2.The scope of improving the quality of Shakti Doi is high 3.Grameen Danone is trustworthy for providing good quality product 4.Grameen Danone should work more on improving the quality of Shakti Doi 5.Other companys yogurt is much nutritious than Shakti Doi 1 2 3 4 5

Pricing of the product

6. The level of Shakti Dois quality provided by Grameen Danone is available at cheap rate 7.Poor people should be satisfied with the current price of Shakti Doi 8.Grameen Danone should reduce the price of Shakti Doi 9.Customers will pay high if the quality of the product is better than before 10.Grameen Danone should offer Shakti Doi at same price both in rural and urban areas

Product Availability
11.The distribution process (door-to-door selling) of Shakti Doi at rural area is an effective selling process 12. Shakti Doi should be available at every grocery stores 13.Grameen Danone distribute Shakti Doi timely throughout the specific rural area 14.Shakti Doi is one of the most widely promoted product of Grameen Danone 15.Grameen Danone should work more to improve the distribution and marketing strategy of Shakti Doi

16. The main aesthetics of Shakti Doi is Attractive Packaging 17.Grameen Danone should offer more flavours of Shakti Doi 18.The taste of Shakti Doi is very satisfactory 19.The size of the cup and the amount of yogurt in the cup should be increased 20.The packaging of Shakti Doi is attractive to children

21.Shakti Doi helps in reducing malnutrition level 22.Parents prefer Shakti doi over other yogurts as it is nutritious 23.Grameen Danone should add more nutrients in Shakti Doi 24.Shakti Doi should be consumed by the malnourished children 25.Grameen Danone is working marvellously to achieve their objective on reducing malnutition 26. Please put tick mark to answer according to the degree of your overall satisfaction

1- Extremely Satisfied 2 Satisfied 3- Neutral 4- Not Satisfied 5- Hate it

Variable Product Quality Accessibility Taste of the Product Price of the Product Packaging of the product 1 2 3 4 5

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