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The Magazine of the

Gerald R. Ford School

of Public Policy
University of Michigan

Fa ll 2009

The Ford School at 95

From Our Corner to the Four Corners of the Globe
ith this first issue of State & Hill, our new school magazine, we celebrate
the 95th anniversary of the Ford School and pay tribute to the efforts
from the dean

of so many people whose creative energies have enabled us to thrive.

The scope of our research, teaching, and policy engagement has grown over the
decades, from an initial focus on city governments to an understanding that the
world has become a much smaller place and that most policy issues have global

The tools we use to explore public policy have evolved as well. During the late ’60s,
IPPS was at the forefront of a movement to apply rigorous social science techniques
to pressing policy issues — a revolutionary idea that has stood the test of time.

So what hasn’t changed since 1914? Certainly not our commitment to public service
and cutting-edge research, our belief in the value of sending well-trained and
dedicated public servants out to work on the issues that impact our communities,
or our collegial environment.

In addition to looking back, this issue of our magazine also enables us to share
recent accomplishments — the graduation of our first class of undergraduates,
the success of our innovative PhD programs, the launch of a new research center
charged with exploring issues of diversity and public policy, and the policy impacts
of our faculty and research centers.

With so many strengths to build on, we look with optimism to the future. We will
continue to strengthen our ties with the policy world, grow our faculty, recruit and
train the brightest and most dynamic students, and internationalize our educational
programs and research.

State & Hill But the same economic pressures challenging our state confront us as well. Like
the University of Michigan, the Ford School has worked to contain costs without
Dean: Susan M. Collins
sacrificing the quality of our educational and research programs. As we sharpen
Associate Dean: Alan V. Deardorff
our focus on student support, we will increasingly need to rely on your generous
Director of Communications/Editor:
commitment to our current and future students.
Laura K. Lee
Contributors: Megan Levad, Katie Talik, What are our hopes for State & Hill? We seek to deepen already strong ties with
Miao Qing, Amanda Grazioli, Tom Ivacko, our alumni, provide a window into the policy research and education we foster,
James F. Reisch, Geoffrey Ponte and show how our alumni and friends can continue to be a part of the Ford School
Design: Savitski Design mission. Let us know how we’re doing – please send your comments and sugges-
Printer: University Lithoprinters tions about State & Hill to
Printed on paper made from 100% post-
We hope to see many of you in Ann Arbor for the alumni reunion festivities in
consumer waste using biogas energy.
September. But we’ll be celebrating our 95th anniversary all year, so please drop
by if you’re around the corner. I’d like to hear your memories — the part you
played in our history — along with your hopes for our future.

Let us know what you think:, or Editor,
State & Hill, Ford School,
University of Michigan,
735 S. State Street, Susan M. Collins
Ann Arbor MI 48109-3091 Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy

Regents of the University of Michigan The University of Michigan, as an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable
Julia Donovan Darlow, Ann Arbor federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action, including Title IX of the Education
Laurence B. Deitch, Bingham Farms Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The University of Michigan is committed
Denise Ilitch, Bingham Farms to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race, sex, color, religion,
Olivia P. Maynard, Goodrich creed, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression,
Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor disability, or Vietnam-era veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions.
Andrew C. Richner, Grosse Pointe Park Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Senior Director for Institutional Equity and Title IX/Section 504
S. Martin Taylor, Grosse Pointe Farms Coordinator, Office of Institutional Equity, 2072 Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-
Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor 1432, 734-763-0235, TTY 734-647-1388. For other University of Michigan information call 734-764-1817.
Mary Sue Coleman (ex officio)
F all 2 0 0 9

Photo: Bentley Historical Library,

University of Michigan
95 Years of Service 2
A Look Back at the Evolution of the Ford School

Prepared to Make a Difference 6

Three Grads, Three Eras

Crossing Borders 10
Applied Policy Seminar Evolves with Student Interests

A River Runs Through It 12

Alums Tackle Municipal Land-use Debate

A Philanthropist for the Future 14

A Few Moments with Ranny Riecker

Public Policy for Difficult Days 16

Research that Makes a Difference

In Addition
Shot-Callers: Gubernatorial Campaign Joined by Students 8
Tight Times: Community Supports Fellowships and Internships 9
Visiting VIPs 13
First Public Policy BA Students Graduate 13
Greenhouse Governance 15
Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies 19
PhD Program Flourishes 19

Guess who?

Recognize these two?

Faculty News & Awards 20
Send your best guesses to Class Notes 22
Correct responses will be The Last Word 24
entered into a drawing for a
Reunion Weekend, Calendar Highlights 25
Ford School souvenir. Bonus
gift for the most creative caption!
2 S TAT E & H I L L

95 Years of Service
Cover St ory

This year, we celebrate the Ford School’s 95th anniversary. We’re proud of the school’s
contributions to public policy research and education – proud that through our program,
the University of Michigan has trained so many generations of committed public servants.
Here is our story.

The University of Michigan benefits The IPA Era

from an original
Teaching was suspended temporarily by the
In 1913, Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of the Great Depression and, later, by the scattering
University of Michigan political science of faculty and students during World War II.
department, proposed an academic program But the program reached a key turning point
dedicated to training future leaders in city in 1945 as the end of the war brought new de-
government. mand for trained public servants. In September
1945, the Regents approved a plan to establish
In a letter to U-M President Hutchins, Reeves the Institute of Public Administration (IPA),
wrote: “I believe that the University has a dis- officially launched in 1946.
tinct opportunity, not only in offering a public
service to the people of the state…but in leading Core IPA courses included fiscal administration,
the way in the training of municipal experts.” public personnel, intergovernmental relations,
and techniques for research and reporting in
A year later, the political science department public administration. Michigan residents paid
launched a program leading to a Master of Arts $65 per term to attend.
in Municipal Administration — the nation’s first
systematic public service training program with Most IPA graduates entered into public service.
a municipality focus. Between 1949 and 1963, just over a third went
to work for municipal governments, including
The program required coursework in economics, graduates who became the city managers of
law, civil engineering, and landscape design as Bloomington, Howell, and Jackson.
well as 3 months of fieldwork. It started small,
with just two students enrolled in each of its IPA-trained public service professionals were in
first ten years. By the time Michigan Stadium high demand. “During the whole period since
opened its doors in 1927, the fledgling program World War II, placement of our graduates has
set a record high of eight enrolled students. been a minor problem at most,” recalled Ferrel
Heady, director of IPA from 1960 to 1967.


Photo: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan

Photo: Courtesy of Larry Collins

S TAT E & H I L L 3

“Even as the number of graduates per year rises, Faculty research interests broadened as well.
the number of available positions grows at a Nearly all IPPS faculty were jointly appointed
fast rate,” he said at the IPA’s 50th anniversary with other top-rated schools and departments
celebration. at the U-M, fostering an interdisciplinary ap-
proach that enriched research and teaching.
The IPA era saw faculty research expand into Jack Walker, IPPS director from 1974 to 1979,
active engagement with state issues, including studied political and administrative decision
constitutional topics, taxes, expenditures, state- processes around the U.S. Defense Department
local fiscal relations, and information disclosure. budget and evaluated the effects of the 1967
In 1954, the faculty-led Bureau of Government Detroit riots. Other research projects investi-
published A Study Kit on Michigan Local gated relations between market power and
Government, a top seller with 15,000 copies racial discrimination, the diffusion of innova-
sold at 40 cents each. tions among American states, and theories of
organizational behavior.
Bringing social science to bear
Ned Gramlich became the director of IPPS in
The scope and nature of the school’s mission
1979 and for the next two decades he, Paul
continued to expand. In the late 1960s, Pat
Courant, Edie Goldenberg, and John Chamberlin
Crecine, a young, newly tenured associate pro-
each served one or more terms as director. The
fessor, wrote an influential article for the Policy
remarkably smooth transitions among them
Science Journal, calling for a new, interdisciplinary
reflected IPPS’s collegial culture, as well as the
way of bringing the analytic tools of contempo-
leadership abilities of the directors. Courant
rary social science to bear on social problems.
went on to serve as Provost and recently, Dean
Crecine’s approach marked a revolutionary of Libraries for the University. Goldenberg later
milestone in the development of today’s had a very successful 9-year run as Dean of the
Ford School and in the broader field of public College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. And
service training. Under Crecine’s leadership, Chamberlin became founding director of both the
the Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) school’s groundbreaking undergraduate program
was established in 1968 to award a new degree, and the U-M Center for Ethics in Public Life.
the Master of Public Policy. Similar programs
From the late 1970s through the early 1990s,
sprang up at Carnegie Mellon, Harvard,
IPPS saw a steady expansion and diversification
Berkeley, Texas, and Duke, eventually joined
of the student body. The class size was 33 in
by dozens more around the country.
1974, with just 7 women. By 1994, it had dou-
The new IPPS curriculum was designed to pro- bled and over half were women. The percentage
vide students the analytical skills to deal with of minorities more than doubled, from 10% in
challenging problems in an increasingly com- 1974 to 24% in 1984.
plex environment. First-year MPP core courses
As in the past, many graduates went to work in
built basic knowledge in economics, the political
local and state government, but increasingly,
environment, operations research, and quanti-
IPPS alumni found excellent matches for their
tative methods. Students then applied their new
skills within the federal government. IPPS engaged
skills to a summer internship and spent most of
with the Presidential Management Internship
their second year developing a specialty.
(now called the Presidential Management Fellows)

Photo: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan
An Early Global Reach In 1949, IPA director John W. Lederle struck a deal with
4 S TAT E & H I L L
the State Department to offer public administration education to various groups of
international students. The initiative started with several German visitors to Ann Arbor.
Later, the IPA sent faculty members abroad, helping the University of the Philippines
establish an Institute of Public Administration in 1952 and in the 1960s, helping create
the Taiwan Center for Public and Business Administration in the Republic of China.

Photo: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan

from the program’s start in 1977, affording In 1999, the U-M renamed the school to honor
graduates opportunities with agencies such President Gerald R. Ford — a 1935 graduate
as the Office of Management and Budget, of the University of Michigan. First proposed
Department of Energy, and NASA. back in 1977 by then-director Jack Walker, the
naming of the school for President Ford was an
Paul Courant led the IPPS move to the 4th floor excellent fit given his Michigan ties and his life-
of Lorch Hall in 1985. The program’s entire fac- long commitment to public service.
ulty and staff were under one roof for the first
time since the early years, a happy circumstance “The school represents so many of the exem-
despite some aesthetic quibbles (student David plary qualities by which my father aspired to
Baruch, quoted in the May ’86 IPPS News: “The live his life: professional excellence, integrity,
furniture clashes with the carpeting. Hold it — moral purpose, and service for the greater good
the furniture clashes with the furniture.”) of humanity,” notes President Ford’s son, Mike.
“Gerald Ford loved his alma mater, the University
The school formally began to offer international of Michigan, and he was deeply honored and
coursework in 1978, including International humbled to have the School of Public Policy
Economic Policy, World Politics, and International bear his name.”
Security Affairs. By 1988, Goldenberg reported
to alumni that fully 40 percent of incoming New space for new programs
classes were interested in the international
program. The school had again outgrown its space.
In 2002, the University approved its ambitious
Named for a president goal: construction of a new building on the
corner of State and Hill, the southern gateway
Led by the tireless efforts of Ned Gramlich and to central campus.
others, in 1995 IPPS became an independent
school within the University of Michigan, the Between the naming ceremony in 2000 and
School of Public Policy (SPP). December 2008, friends, donors, alumni, and
foundations contributed a total of $51.4 million.
Gramlich left Ann Arbor in 1997 to serve on the Those generous gifts and grants funded con-
Federal Reserve Board of Governors. In 1999, struction of the new building and continue to
Rebecca M. Blank, a professor at Northwestern provide support for students, faculty research,
and a Member of the President’s Council of and programming.
Economic Advisers, took the reins, with a clear
mandate to grow the program and raise its vis- In 2006, the school moved into its new home,
ibility as one of the country’s top policy schools. Joan and Sanford Weill Hall. The beautiful,


Photo: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan
“In eighty-one years, the mission of training people 5

to be thoughtful and effective public servants has

not changed. We continue to educate students for
careers that make a difference. ”— Ned Gramlich, 1995

state-of-the-art space has enhanced the school’s “We will continue to build on strengths that
role as a central venue for public policy discus- have distinguished the school for decades — ”
sion and helped attract top students and faculty. Collins notes, “a commitment to the importance
of analytic and quantitative social science to
Under Blank’s leadership, the school established improve policy, a top-notch multi-disciplinary
two new degree programs. In 2001, it launched faculty, high-quality and diverse students, the
an innovative joint PhD program with the de- ability to leverage connections throughout the
partments of economics, sociology, and political world-class University of Michigan, demonstrat-
science. And since 2007, a new BA program ed success as teachers and mentors, and our
allows some of the best U-M students to pursue community’s collegial and cohesive spirit.”
a Bachelor’s degree in Public Policy in their junior
and senior years. The school also founded three During this anniversary year, the Ford School
vital, engaged research centers: the Center for looks back with pride at the program’s growth
Local, State, and Urban Policy; the National and impact: a 95-year history of training effec-
Poverty Center; and the International Policy tive, committed policy leaders and breaking new
Center. intellectual ground. From the program’s early
focus on local government, the decades brought
The four corners of the globe a widened lens and increasing engagement with
state, regional, national, and international policy
Blank stepped down in 2006 and was later
appointed Undersecretary of Economic Affairs
in the Commerce Department. In 2007, the We look forward to the next century of service,
University appointed international economist from our corner to the four corners of the globe.
Susan M. Collins from Georgetown University
and Brookings as dean. With her leadership, the
school will enhance its international activities
— continuing to expand student opportunities to
study and work abroad and in the U.S. on inter-
national issues and integrating cross-national
issues more fully into the curriculum and the
research programs. The newly-launched center
on policy in diverse societies will also have
international dimensions.

6 S TAT E & H I L L
At Wo rk i n t he Wo rld

Prepared to
Make a Difference
A lot has changed over 95 years…the program’s name, core curriculum, size, physical
location, the student body nickname (anyone else miss ‘IPPSters’?), and more. But our
graduates share a commitment to public service and a belief that first-rate quantitative
and political analysis can and should help solve public policy challenges. Here three
alums – representing three eras from our history – reflect on their Ford School education,
their careers, and their continuing connections with the school.

Hughes ’90
McMillen ’04 siva
S TAT E & H I L L 7

peaking with Ford School alumni, one Hughes has witnessed similar challenges.
quickly learns that policy professionals A consultant for municipal governments, he
in the local, national, and international says the core question is how to sell program
realms deal with many of the same challenges— analysis and establish relationships while taking
challenges for which the school helped prepare into account the political environment. When
them. By gaining an understanding of the influ- Hughes worked with San Diego, deciding how
ence of the political environment and the value many police officers were required to provide
of quantitative analysis in policymaking, Ford the services needed was not about the city’s
School students gain the skills necessary to crime or emergency statistics. “The numbers
apply theory to real-world problems, balance didn’t make a difference—it was about who
stakeholder needs, and implement successful supported the police more.”
IPPS-era graduate Cheryl McMillen (MPP ’90)
When Rich Hughes (MPA ’61) was in graduate agrees. “You absolutely have to do analysis, but
school, about a third of the class was headed when it gets down to it, it’s the political environ-
for careers in municipal government. Even the ment that moves policy.”
students who arrived in Ann Arbor from abroad
tended toward an interest in local or state She should know. As the Director of Health
issues. “Several of my classmates were interna- Benefits and Income Support for the Department
tional students, mostly from India,” Hughes of Health and Human Services, McMillen is
recalls, but “they all had a state or local focus.” constantly negotiating the political environment.
For example, when the Secretary and the
More recent graduates have had a wider range Attorney General announced plans for HHS
of faculty interests, coursework, and internship to intensify its focus on health care fraud and
opportunities to engage with while in school. abuse, many in HHS had numbers at the ready
But even those who have gone on to careers to show how effective fraud prevention measures
with international organizations have found could be implemented.
common threads with earlier eras, including
the importance of well-run, accountable local Politically, however, the department needs to
governments. find a balance between prevention and prosecu-
tion. “Arresting people gets attention, it’s an
When Dileepan Siva (MPP ’04) traveled to India action. Prevention is hard to prove and not
as an undergraduate studying public health, he very sexy,” McMillen says.
was frequently asked, “What are the challenges
in your community?” Siva notes that “While the Still a part of the core curriculum today, Political
context may have been different, the actual Environment of Policymaking was a formative
problems were almost identical.” MPP course for McMillen. “We read an Ibsen
play, Enemy of the People,” she remembers.
After graduating from the Ford School, In the play, a town’s doctor discovers that their
Siva spent several years with the National water source is poisoned—but the mayor refuses
Democratic Institute for International Affairs to do anything. “The town’s new baths, a major
(NDI). He explained that the political consulting source of income, are in danger of shutting
and poll watching he did for NDI in Zimbabwe down if the water pollution is acknowledged,”
was about connecting people to their local and McMillen explains. “The play illustrates the
provincial governments. It’s the same challenge need to find a balance between evidence and
he saw earlier in his career, when Los Angeles policy [creation]. That message is still very
Unified was working on public high school relevant.”
reform. The underlying problem in both places
was constituent access and the ability to hold Siva’s current work at Synergos has taken him
state and local government accountable to into new policy territory, centered on partner-
deliver services. ships among the nonprofit, corporate, and
public sectors. Siva views social enterprise as

“…when it gets down to it, it’s the political environment

that moves policy.” — Cheryl McMillen
8 S TAT E & H I L L

“The Ford School attracts and educates people who believe in

At Wo rk i n t he Wo rld

service and are out to make a difference.” — RICH hughes

the next big thing, the “fourth sector,” and he Hughes echoes Siva’s sentiment about the last-
is enthusiastic about the possibilities created ing impact of his graduate education and adds,
by an increased emphasis on corporate social “The Ford School attracts and educates people
responsibility. who believe in service and are out to make a
difference.” An Alumni Board member, he is
Corporations, with their immense reach, exper- also excited about new developments in the
tise, and ability to draw on capital, are especially Ford School’s curriculum, noting that “what
well positioned to work on environmental and hasn’t changed are the values of the faculty
social issues. “In a partnership, government and the inquisitiveness and motivation of the
and business can hold each other accountable,” students.”
Siva says. “For example, the water shortage
problem in the Himalayan Basin won’t be After all, while the curriculum and internship
solved by the governments of China or India. opportunities at the Ford School have expanded
But because they rely on the business of both over time, what makes policy effective and what
countries, it’s in the best interest of corpora- gets it implemented has not changed.
tions to work on this issue.”
Emphasizing the importance of both quantita-
Though his interests have long been around tive analysis and the political environment,
addressing poverty and social injustice in devel- of public accountability at all levels, the Ford
oping countries through NGOs, he found that School continues to turn out lifelong learners
the Ford School’s emphasis on quantitative with the skills, commitment, and curiosity to
analysis and the political environment prepared generate real policy impact.
him well for his current work on multi-sector

Gubernatorial campaign joined by
Ford School students
What are the odds of a former U.S. Army Captain and Michigan
basketball’s co-captain embarking on the same statewide political

Despite their diverse backgrounds, Jeffrey S. Barnes (Simon

Fellow, Bromage Intern, MPP ’09) , who served stateside and
overseas on active duty for nine years, and C.J. Lee (MPP ’10),
point guard for the Wolverines, share an interest in state and local
politics. It’s no surprise that they joined Republican Rick Snyder
(BA ’77, MBA ’79, JD ’82), a native Michigander and the founder,
Photo: U-M Athletic Media Relations chairman, and CEO of Ardesta on his 2010 gubernatorial bid.

“I wanted to get out of my national security niche, and politics at a

Jeffrey Barnes, Rick Snyder, C.J. Lee
state and local level has always been a source of interest to me,”
said Barnes, who works as Policy Director for the campaign. Lee,
completing his summer internship requirement, joined the team
as Rick Snyder’s personal assistant. When asked about people’s
reactions on the campaign trail, Lee concedes with a smile:
“People often recognize me and it sometimes throws them off
because they are used to seeing me running on the court!”
In Tight Times, We’re Tight Knit
Ford School community supports student fellowships and internships

ith its long history as a small, collegial program, previous summer, at the Clinton Foundation. The Faculty and
it’s no wonder Ford School students still feel Senior Staff Internship allowed a student to spend the summer
strong connections to fellow students, faculty, at Innovations for Poverty Action in Lilongwe, Malawi.
staff, and alumni.
The fact that every Annual Fund dollar is committed to student
Even as the student body has doubled in the past decade, those support sends a unique and powerful message. Ford School
connections remain strong because members of the Ford School alumni continue to be the largest group of donors to the Annual
community invest in the students. They give time, energy, Fund, providing fellowships for top-notch incoming students as
knowledge, and most tangibly, philanthropic support for student well as the internship support that helps students hone skills and
fellowships and internship funding. clarify career goals.

The need for such support is clear. Trey Williams, director of the But perhaps the most inspiring donors are the students
school’s Office of Student and Academic Services, notes that themselves. For the past three years graduating students have
“While we are extremely grateful for the support we have provided future students with opportunities like those they
received, we have not been able to keep up with the increase in themselves had. Abby Newcomer (MPP ’09), recipient of a
fellowship support offered by key competitors or the combination Gramlich Fellowship, co-chaired the 2009 Master’s Class Gift
of increases in the cost of tuition and the flat levels of federal Committee. “I contributed to the class gift program for two
need-based support.” reasons,” she says. “First, I wanted to express my appreciation
for the school’s supportive community. And second, I was
95% of the school’s incoming graduate students are out-of-state
committed to supporting internship opportunities for future
residents, for whom the estimated two-year cost of attendance
is $104,458 ($70,366 in tuition alone). And as Williams points out,
need-based aid has not increased in at least five years. This year, the school’s first BAs enthusiastically joined their
graduate counterparts in making a class gift. The need is clear,
Alumni, faculty, and staff have all pitched in. For the past two
and Ford School community members—even the newest
years, the Alumni Board has provided support to enable student
members—are responding.
internships at the Asia Foundation in Manila, Philippines, and, the

Support the Ford School in its 95th year

Ford School Annual Fund

The Ford School is a leader in professional
education, research, and public service.
Be a leader, support the Annual Fund.
To find out more about the Annual Fund and
other giving opportunities, please contact
the Development Office.
734-615-3892 or visit
10 S TAT E & H I L L
An In t e grat e d approac h

Applied Policy Seminar
Evolves with Student Interests

n the shadow of the Detroit-Windsor that students recognize the need to explore policy
Ambassador Bridge, Mexicantown’s issues through a more integrated lens. These
authentic restaurants and bakeries delight factors make the Detroit-Windsor border cross-
tourists and locals. Every year, millions of ings an ideal focus of study for today’s Ford
Midwesterners drive through the Detroit- School students. The border invites consider-
Windsor tunnel and head to the Caesars ation of a wide range of both domestic and
Windsor casino for gambling and entertain- international policy issues. For example, it
ment. But the Ambassador Bridge and the very naturally places issues of local economic
Detroit-Windsor tunnel are more than landmarks development in a global policy perspective,
for the two communities. They represent the and frames international security issues within
busiest international border crossing in North a regional context.
These opportunities in part led Professor Liz
According to a recent Brookings Institution report, Gerber to select the Detroit-Windsor border
the Ambassador Bridge, which is privately owned crossing as the topic for the Applied Policy
and operated by the Detroit International Bridge Seminar she taught in the Winter 2009 term.
Company, “carries more trade between the United Gerber, herself a political scientist with exper-
States and Canada each year than flows between tise in domestic issues such as land use, trans-
the United States and all of Europe and Japan portation, and economic development policy,
combined.” Billions of dollars and hundreds of was attracted by the wide range of issues that
thousands of jobs depend on the infrastructure can be viewed through the lens of the border
that connects Detroit to Windsor, Ontario, Canada. crossing.
It’s a major border crossing between two powerful
nations, and as a result, has important implica- Gerber secured the Detroit Regional Chamber
tions for many policy issues such as trade, immi- of Commerce as the project’s client and collabo-
gration, and national security. rated with Ford School alum and instructor,
Steve Tobocman (MPP ’97), to develop the basic
As the Ford School’s field of vision has expand- framework for the course. Given the client’s
ed over time, so too have the interests of the broad interests in border crossing issues, the
students. Some students still envision their Chamber was happy to allow the students a
careers following either a domestic track or an great deal of discretion is choosing the specific
international one, but increasingly, faculty find focus of the project.
S TAT E & H I L L 11

So when the class convened at the beginning of along the U.S.-Canadian border and could be
the Winter semester, students were given the replicated in Detroit.”
initial task of defining the scope of the project
and deciding which particular issues would be The opportunity to gain public sector consulting
part of the project’s focus. The students chose experience has made the Applied Policy Seminar
a structure that would let them learn about local a popular elective for a number of years. Past
economic development and workforce issues, clients have included county governments,
as well as a number of policy areas traditionally school districts, and city administrators. The
labeled as international, such as national secu- complexity and methodology of each project
rity, immigration, and international trade. is established collaboratively by the client, the
When Gerber contacted the Detroit Regional students, and the faculty director. Students con-
Chamber of Commerce to discuss the proposed duct research, analyze data, review best prac-
project scope, the clients “were initially most tices, meet with stakeholders, interview actors,
interested in trade and local development, they produce briefs and reports, and present their
were less interested in other global issues such results to clients.
as security or immigration,” she notes, “but
Jeff S. Barnes (MPP ’09), who took this year’s
they were not resistant to the idea of broaden-
course, highlights the importance of the practi-
ing the focus.”
cal, consulting dimension to him. “I did not
The resulting project, “U.S. Border Crossing have any consulting experience, so that’s what
Analysis: A Case for Detroit-Windsor,” was di- drove me to this class. The ability to work with
vided into two parts. The first phase involved local actors was a great opportunity for me,
data collection on all major border crossings in and I also learned a great deal about the
both the north and south of the U.S., including Detroit metropolitan area.” The instructor’s
indicators such as trade, infrastructure, traffic role, Gerber explains, is to “help with the
volume, security measures, employment and design and the management of the project,
immigration, and the characteristics of local and act as an interface between the local
communities. The second phase broke students clients and the students.”

“…more and more students want an education that

integrates domestic and international policy.” — Liz Gerber

into groups that worked Gerber has taught the Applied Policy Seminar
on case studies of the several times, always with a domestic focus.
five largest U.S. border She thinks that the broad scope of this year’s
crossings: Detroit- course was a positive development, and credits
Windsor, Buffalo-Niagara, the changing nature of the MPP students who
San Diego-Tijuana, come to the school. “There was definitely even
Laredo-Nuevo Laredo, more interest in international issues than I had
and El Paso-Juarez. thought,” Gerber notes, “More and more students
Student Suzanne Gill want an education that integrates domestic and
(Bromage Intern, MPP international policy.” Barnes is just such a stu-
’09) explains, “The ulti- dent. He says, “I had taken many courses fo-
mate goal of this project was to highlight the cused on international security and I thought
unique qualities and characteristics of Detroit, that it would be an interesting opportunity to
as well as to make recommendations on what approach this issue from a local standpoint.”
could be improved based on the study of other When asked about the next iteration of the
border crossing cities’ best practices.” course, Gerber says she’s already looking for
more clients like the Detroit Regional Chamber
The students presented their findings to a di-
of Commerce, clients who see the value of an
verse group of stakeholders from Detroit and
integrated approach to public policy. “I hope we
Windsor. “We gave some practical recommen-
can continue to find opportunities to satisfy the
dations based on our case studies,” Gill said.
broad range of interests our students bring with
“For instance, we studied the Buffalo-Niagara
them to the Ford School, while at the same time
region where there is a bridge used solely by
having a positive impact on our local
Nexus cardholders. The Nexus pass is a pre-
authorized custom card that makes cross-
border commuting easier and reduces traffic
congestion. This type of initiative is unique
12 S TAT E & H I L L

A River Runs Through It

Lo c al t i e s

Ford School graduates tackle cost/benefit analysis

of repairs to Ann Arbor’s Argo Dam

nn Arborites live for summer’s long days, ripe
cherries, and sunny afternoons at the Huron River.
The river is a quiet place for locals to “get out of
the city” without going anywhere, and the waterway and
bordering parks provide opportunities for hiking, running,
cycling, kayaking, canoeing, and more.

The Argo Dam, originally built in 1820 to power flour

mills and rebuilt by Detroit Edison in 1913, was
Kasina presents his work at the
decommissioned for hydropower generation decades 2nd Annual Gramlich Showcase
ago but remains a key component of Ann Arbor’s
recreation landscape. The 3,200 meters of rowable
water created by the Argo Dam makes the Huron River Bhavani Prathap Kasina (Wege Foundation Intern,
the venue of choice for local rowing groups. High school MPP ’09) worked for seven months this year under
and collegiate rowing teams and the Ann Arbor Rowing the supervision of Matthew Naud (MPP ‘89), the city’s
Club make more than 50,000 trips each year through Environmental Coordinator. “Prathap did terrific work,”
the pond created by the dam. Naud said. “He provided the city with some excellent
economic analysis of the monetary costs and benefits
But the lifespan of dams is limited, and the regular of the various options.”
need for extensive repairs has begun to raise questions
about the future of the dam. A heated municipal land If the City chooses to keep the dam, costs such as
use debate has ensued: should the dam be removed, construction and maintenance must be considered, but
returning the riverbed to a more natural state, the restoration of hydropower generators could eventually
reducing noise pollution, and enhancing public offer revenue (although not for an estimated 50 years).
recreation opportunities—but limiting options for Removing the dam would incur removal costs and
rowers? Or should the dam be repaired? possibly require dredging sediment, and offer no direct
monetary benefits.
Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
gave the City of Ann Arbor until July 2009 to make But the Argo Dam debate provides plenty of evidence for
a decision. Two Ford School graduates have been the importance of non-monetized costs and benefits in
instrumental in collecting the data and performing public decision-making, as Kasina saw first-hand during
the analysis necessary for the City’s decision. a series of public meetings about the future of the dam.
Environmental groups presented as passionate a case
for removing the dam as did the rowers (many of whom
consider themselves environmentalists) for saving the
pond. “The issue generated considerable interest in
the city and among local groups and communities,”
Kasina says. “I gained a better understanding of local
communities’ issues and I was able to see how political
and social factors, as well as economic analyses, weigh
in to the policy-making process. The cost-benefit analysis
itself is just one piece of the final decision.”

As of this writing, the analysis and debate go on. Taking

into consideration fervent public input (some voiced on
yard signs), conflicting recommendations from the two
city committees with jurisdiction, and the solutions other
communities have found to similar challenges, Ann Arbor
Mayor and Ford School faculty member John Hieftje and
the City Council requested a nine-month extension from
the DEQ to gather additional information about the city’s
options for the dam.

Photo: John Baird

S TAT E & H I L L 13

First Public Policy Visiting VIPs

BA Students Graduate

ifty-four new graduates walked across the Rackham Auditorium stage
in May 2009 and took their place in history as the inaugural class of
undergraduates to receive degrees from the Ford School. The first
group of BAs are outstanding students with broad-ranging interests in policy
at home and abroad. They combined their accomplishments in the classroom
with significant engagement with campus and community life.

Among the accomplishments of the Class of 2009: four members of Phi Beta
Kappa, the winner of a Hopwood writing award, the editor-in-chief of the
Michigan Daily, two varsity athletes, the leaders of a dozen student organiza-
tions, and the organizer behind the first new party in a decade to achieve
a strong showing in the Michigan Student Assembly elections (who says he Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president
learned how to do this in Rusty Hills’s course on campaigns). In addition to of the Children’s Defense Fund, delivers 2009
staying busy in Ann Arbor, about 40% of the class spent a term in study- Citigroup Foundation Lecture in January.
abroad or in the Michigan in Washington program.

As the Class of 2009 moves on to the next stages of their lives, we are learning
the answers to one of our most frequently asked questions: What can someone
do with a BA in public policy? So far, the answers include: go to law school,
pursue a graduate degree in public health or higher education, join the Peace
Corps or AmeriCorps or Teach for America, teach English abroad (in one case
with the support of a Fulbright), join the Air Force, be a legislative aide in
Lansing or DC, and get an internship with the New York Yankees.

This extraordinary group of students set the bar high academically, person-
ally, and professionally for the undergraduate classes that will follow them
into the Ford School. We look forward to continuing to work with the Class
of 2009 as alumni of the School and watching the contributions they will
undoubtedly make in this new role.

Joshua Bolten, former White House Chief of Staff,

speaks to a packed room of Ford School students,
faculty, and staff in April in a session titled, “Running
the White House: Advice I Gave My Successor.”

The BA Class of ’09

14 S TAT E & H I L L

Ranny Riecker
In t e rv i e w

A Philanthropist for the Future

argaret Ann (Ranny) Riecker (HLLD Ranny Riecker : The economy keeps me up late.
’05) is the Ford School’s single most I think President Obama is extremely charismatic
generous supporter of students. Her and quite successful at promoting his policies.
philanthropy through the Herbert H. and Grace But I also think his proposals leave open some
A. Dow Foundation (where she is president), the important questions. I’m an advocate for elec-
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation tronic medical records, for example. But we
(where she is chair), and her personal giving haven’t even started to assess the cost of digitiz-
with her late husband, John Riecker (AB ’52, ing everything. Just our health care system here
JD ’54) has already funded the education of 16 in Midland alone would have to pay close to $30
public policy students, and more than 400 stu- million to make it happen. How can we achieve
dents campus-wide. this goal in a way that we can afford?

Here at the Ford School, Riecker and her family S&H : In the face of these economic challenges,
have also: what tools does Michigan have to turn things
» helped support the construction of
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall, leading RR : Our higher education system is one of our
to the naming of the Margaret Dow greatest assets. It’s very hard for people in
Towsley Reading Room in honor of Michigan to stop thinking about everything in
Ranny’s late mother; relation to automobiles. But the U-M and our
other research universities around the state
» endowed the Towsley Foundation
have so much talent that they can devote to
Policymaker-in-Residence program;
incubating new industries like alternative
energy and health sciences.
» significantly advanced the Science,
S&H : Where is the Ford School’s role in this
Technology and Public Policy program
through funding for postdoctoral
students. RR : I’ll be honest again: Michigan’s legislators
and governor don’t understand the assets they
President and Mrs. Ford with She also chaired the School’s highly-
have here. There are so many times when they
Riecker in 2000 successful fundraising campaign and
wouldn’t need to hire outside experts because
serves on its advisory committee.
they could go to U-M or any of our other univer-
A former Republican National Committee sities for more and better advice.
member, Ranny Riecker is a frank advocate for
Of course the School is doing some very inter-
a Michigan characterized by a diverse economic
esting things with local communities—with the
base, effective health care, informed policy,
bridge in Detroit, for example. It’s not an ivory
civility in public life and respect for the value
tower. But it can be very hard to get people to
of education. She recently shared her thoughts
change the way they look at universities.
about current events and her reasons for sup-
porting the Ford School. S&H : You and your late husband, John, have
been the School’s largest supporters of students.
State & Hill :
Let’s start with some big ques-
What inspired you to give for student aid?
tions: What do you think about the state of our
world? What are the issues that keep you up
at night?
S TAT E & H I L L 15


“WE’RE BALANCING OUR STATE Greenhouse Governance

BUDGET ON THE BACKS OF THE The federal government has been grappling with the issues
surrounding climate change for nearly thirty years and new scientific
FUTURE BY CUTTING EDUCATION.” evidence strongly supports the idea that a viable governance strategy
needs to be developed. According to a recent survey, while a
majority of Americans believe the earth is warming and government
RR : The thing that really frightens me is that
should be responsible for addressing climate change, they are not
we’re balancing our state budget on the backs
willing to directly support climate change policies. Where does that
of the future by cutting education. For example,
leave policymakers?
much of my support now is for science policy
because we don’t raise scientists anymore. If
A group of the nation’s leading researchers and policy-influencers
we’re going to have a foreign policy that allows
gathered at a recent national conference to discuss the complex
people into the U.S. on education visas and then
forces them to get a green card or go home, issues surrounding climate policy. The conference proceedings,
we’re going to have to start cultivating our edited by Barry Rabe, will appear in a forthcoming book from the
own talent. Brookings Institution Press called Greenhouse Governance:
Addressing Climate Change in America.
S&H : If we were to look back 50 or 100 years
from now, what would you want to see as your Barry Rabe is a professor at the Ford School of Public Policy,
legacy? a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and
organizer of the 2008 National Conference on Climate Governance
RR : Positive change in the quality of life for citi-
at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs.
zens in the communities we’ve touched. And
some civility in our public policy, in our dealings
with people we disagree with…or even those we
agree with.

S&H :What are the things that make you happy

Internship offers
or proud or excited to live in Michigan? full-circle experience
RR :I love this state: the variety, the lakes…And Frank Szollosi (Annenberg Intern) came to the Ford School
the people. Even with all our problems, there are to ‘sharpen his policy chops.’ He joined the MPP class of 2010
so many positive people. Michigan has historically with experience as a congressional press secretary, a political
been a breeding ground for entrepreneurs, people consultant, and a seven-year member of the Toledo City Council.
who make positive improvements. We love our
history, but we don’t rest on our laurels. Szollosi’s interest in climate change, cities, and a post-Kyoto
international climate agreement led him to an internship with the
 For more information about the U.S. State Department’s Office of Global Change (EGC). While with
Riecker Fellows at the Ford School, go to
the EGC, Szollosi was able to attend a round of negotiations of the
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn,
Germany. The UNFCCC was full-circle experience for Szollosi.
“Negotiations are all just a matter of scale,” he said. “Whether it’s
a small city or the UN, you try to find common interests, agreed
upon goals, and communicate with each other.”
16 S TAT E & H I L L

Rules of the Game are

Pub li c Po li c y fo r Di ffi cult Days

Changing for Michigan

CLOSUP to Survey Local Government Leaders

or much of the 20th century, Michigan The Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) is
was an economic powerhouse fueled by unique: it is the only ongoing survey research
a growing industrial economy. Times, program in the country that targets every unit
of course, have changed. of general purpose local government across an
entire state.
Michigan’s near decade-long economic decline,
worsened recently by the national recession, The intended respondents are the chief elected
has hit communities throughout the state with and appointed officials in every county, city,
severe problems. And now, due to falling tax township, and village in Michigan. Twice per
revenue and state cuts to general revenue shar- year, the surveys will gather factual data on
ing, Michigan’s rising unemployment and social local government operations, as well as opinion
service needs are coupled with declining state data on today’s most pressing policy issues.
and local government fiscal capacity.
While the 2009 surveys will focus on economic
As the demand for public services has increased, and workforce development, the ultimate goal
the ability to deliver them has fallen. of the MPPS is to foster improved quality of life
in Michigan communities through better
Complicating things further, the state is under- policymaking.
going a large-scale economic transformation.
Michigan’s former industrial economy is giving CLOSUP planned and implemented the MPPS in
way to what many hope will be a 21st century partnership with the Michigan Association of
knowledge economy—so what worked in the Counties, Michigan Municipal League, and
past will not work in the future. Michigan Townships Association. The
launch of the MPPS and implementa-
Whatever Michigan’s future economy looks like, tion of the first two survey waves
it is clear that the rules of the game are rapidly will be funded by the W. K.
changing. New strategies for economic and Kellogg Foundation.
workforce development are required to return
prosperity to the state.  Learn more:
The Ford School’s Center for Local, State, and edu.
Urban Policy (CLOSUP) has launched an innova-
tive program of survey research to help Michigan
communities deal with these critical issues.

These Surveys Will:

Provide local public officials with a better Give state-level policymakers a clear and
understanding of the views and priorities of their comprehensive view of the priorities and
peers across the state, as well as of the programs challenges of communities across Michigan,
similar communities are developing to meet highlighting commonalities and differences across
today’s challenges. regions and community types.

Identify best practices for fiscal management Make possible analyses of convergence and
and for economic and workforce development, divergence in the attitudes and priorities of
given the economic transformation underway. Michigan’s local political leaders, citizens, and
business leaders on issues of fiscal policy, service
Enhance opportunities for intergovernmental/
provision, and economic development in their
regional cooperation and coordination.
S TAT E & H I L L 17

The Right Place at the

Right Time, Unfortunately
National Poverty Center surveying effects of recession and
federal stimulus on Southeast Michigan workers and families

ong affected by the loss of well-paid manu- non-economic well-being of workers and fami-
facturing jobs, workers and families in lies, and will assess the extent to which social
Southeast Michigan have been hit espe- welfare programs and federal stimulus spending
cially hard by the current economic crisis. offset some of the negative effects of the econom-
Michigan has among the highest rates in the ic crisis. It will also investigate the effects of
nation for foreclosures, unemployment, and
personal bankruptcy filings. ”It could be that we’re about to see health and emotional
problems increase dramatically.”— Sheldon Danziger
The federal government has poured stimulus
funds into the region under the American changes in exposure to economic hardships
Reinvestment and Recovery Act, providing and in the use of social programs on health
direct aid to the disadvantaged and unemployed and socio-economic disparities between African
and significant additional funding to the automo- Americans and non-Hispanic whites.
bile industry.
Danziger says, “Past research on job loss links
This confluence of economic suffering and the layoffs with significant increases in health prob-
rapid influx of government funds make Southeast lems, in part due to increased stress. However,
Michigan the right place at the right time to none of that research has been conducted under
explore the impacts of economic and public economic conditions like we have now. It could
policy changes. be that we’re about to see health and emotional
problems increase dramatically.”
Poverty researchers at the Ford School
have designed an ambitious new panel On the other hand, Seefeldt points out that many
survey that will help policymakers and in the media report that recession adversity is
researchers better understand the bringing families together. “But stories like these
effects of the severe recession, are anecdotal,” she says. “We need solid evi-
the housing crisis, and the dence about how families are managing and
federal stimulus funding what types of public policies work best to miti-
on workers and fami- gate hardships.”
lies in the region.
Sheldon Danziger A stratified random sample of 1,000 households
and Kristin in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties will be
Seefeldt lead surveyed. The survey instrument covers a com-
the re- prehensive set of issues: demographics, employ-
search ment and the labor market, income and assets
team, (including net housing worth), material hard-
which also ships, credit and debt, health and mental health,
includes Ford and public program use. Researchers will field
School faculty the first survey wave this fall, with subsequent
Robert Schoeni waves planned for 2010-2012.
and Sandra Danziger,
as well as Institute for The surveys that will be conducted this fall
Social Research health are supported by generous grants from the Office
economist Helen Levy and of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and
U-M sociologist Sarah Burgard. Evaluation at the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, the Ford Foundation, and the
The study will explore the influence Office of the Vice President for Research at the
of the recession and the collapse of stock University of Michigan.
and housing prices on the economic and
 Learn more:
The State Capital rotunda, Lansing
Photo: Mike Savitski
18 S TAT E & H I L L

Opening Doors to
Pub li c Po li c y fo r Di ffi cult Days

Higher Education
The Obama Administration implements Susan Dynarski’s research on financial aid

tretched family incomes, fewer already submitted to the IRS; and set of reforms would “improve the
private sources of credit, and ultimately, one fewer barrier to a effectiveness of the billions already
rising tuition costs—while still college education. committed to higher education, al-
a key predictor of lifetime earnings, lowing aid to serve its intended goal:
a college education has become harder Secretary Duncan’s announcement opening college doors to those with
than ever to afford. Ford School was the culmination of a long process the ability but not the means to pur-
economist Susan Dynarski’s research of policy engagement by Dynarski sue higher education.”
has focused on ways to close the and other academic researchers. In
racial and socioeconomic gaps in 2006, Dynarski and her co-author, In 2007, the Brookings-based
college entry, particularly around one Judith Scott-Clayton, set out to con- Hamilton Project commissioned a
key factor: federal financial aid. Now duct high-quality, nonpartisan re- nontechnical, policy-oriented version
Dynarski’s work is in the hands of the search on the costs and benefits of of the original research papers. The
policymakers who can put her recom- the complex process of applying for resulting publication, “College Aid on
mendations into practice. federal financial aid. The researchers a Postcard,” was widely picked up by
concluded that with very little loss the mainstream press and specialty
The Obama Administration sees access of accuracy, the application process publications such as The Chronicle of
to higher education as both an equity could be reduced to a simple check- Higher Education. Dynarski testified
issue and a means of building a box on tax returns, indicating the before Congress, participated in
skilled workforce prepared for the desire to apply for financial aid. countless conference calls with policy-
economy’s rebound. In June, U.S. Information already collected by makers, and met with financial aid
Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan the IRS could then be used by the administrators from around the
announced significant changes to the Department of Education to evaluate country. Several presidential hopefuls
form college students use to apply eligibility. — Republicans as well as Democrats
for federal financial aid, the much- — incorporated the ideas into their
maligned Free Application for Reduced complexity would also help platforms. Dynarski was invited to
Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. families by enabling the Department join the Rethinking Student Aid Study
to communicate financial aid deci- Group, sponsored by the College
The results? A shorter, simpler online sions earlier in the process, when the Board, and they included her recom-
application form; proposed legislation information could more meaningfully mendations in an influential publica-
to remove more than half of the help students make the decision to tion last fall.
financial questions; the ability for apply to college. Dynarski and Scott-
some families to re-use financial data Clayton asserted that this Co-chaired by Sandy Baum, a senior
policy analyst for the College Board
and professor of economics at
Susan Dynarski accepting Golden Quill Award from NASFAA Skidmore College, the Study Group
assembled some of the most promi-
nent experts on higher education
finance in the country. Baum praised
Dynarski’s contributions, noting that
in its deliberations, “the group relied
heavily on Susan’s research and her
expertise, especially on the issue of
simplifying the application process
for student aid. The respect with
which the report has been received
has been significantly enhanced by
Professor Dynarski’s reputation and
her role.”
S TAT E & H I L L 19

Welcoming Vets
Back to School Center for Public Policy
The University of Michigan and the Ford
School are pleased to announce a new
partnership with the U.S. Department of
in Diverse Societies
Veterans Affairs called the Yellow Ribbon

GI Education Enhancement Program. he Ford School will launch a new research center this fall, a first-
The Yellow Ribbon Program—as it’s more of-its kind initiative designed to shed light on how public policy can
commonly known—will benefit military most effectively navigate the opportunities and challenges posed by
veterans by providing funds to help societies that are becoming increasingly diverse locally, nationally, and
students cover tuition expenses above internationally.
those included in the original post 9/11 GI
International migration and differential rates of birth and mortality con-
Bill. The program is just one element of a
tinue to drive complex changes in the composition of communities, high-
larger set of services the U-M provides to
lighting the need to confront their diversity in terms of culture, religion,
help veterans transition successfully from race, ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status. Academic researchers
active duty to the academic community. have tackled the resulting issues from a variety of perspectives, including
Learn more by contacting the Student the social sciences, education, business, and law. But with the opening of
Services office at 734-764-0453. the Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies, the Ford School will be
home to the first university-based effort focused specifically on the public
policy issues associated with diversity.
The Department’s FAFSA proposals The new center will build on intellectual resources from around the
fall short of the wholesale simplifica- University as well as those already present at the Ford School. The center
tions recommended by Dynarski and will initially be funded by the U-M Provost’s office, the U-M’s National
Scott-Clayton. But Dynarski believes Center for Institutional Diversity, and the Ford School. We will be seeking
that the Administration is laying the funding support from foundations and donors to sustain and expand the
groundwork for more sweeping work of the center.
changes while government agencies
resolve daunting implementation and
technical issues. She continues to
Early joint PhD graduate
consult with House staff as the legis-
Jordan Matsudaira, now
lation enabling the initial simplifica-
Assistant Professor at
tions makes its way through Cornell (2005)

For her body of work on student

financial aid, Dynarski received the
prestigious 2009 Robert P. Huff
Golden Quill Award from the National
Association of Student Financial Aid

PhD Program Flourishes

Administrators (NASFAA). The award
was presented in August at the orga-
nization’s annual conference in San
Antonio, Texas. The Ford School has highly selective joint PhD programs with
Economics, Political Science, and Sociology.
The NASFAA reward is gratifying, but
the greater satisfaction for Dynarski 76 students have entered the program since it began in fall 2001.
was in seeing her work change public We’ve graduated 6 joint Economics PhD students, 6 joint Sociology PhD
policy. “I’m in this profession because students, and 7 joint Political Science PhD students.
I believe that good academic research Career destinations have included tenure-track positions at universities such
can and should influence policy. as Princeton, Rutgers, Cornell, West Point, Claremont McKenna College, City
Complexity in student aid dispropor- College of New York (CUNY), Colgate University, and Penn State; research
tionately hurts the very groups the
roles with think tanks such as Mathematica; and government positions with
loans are meant to support. Our re-
search pointed toward some clear
the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department.
solutions to that problem, and it’s a Nearly 80% of the active students have been awarded full- or multi-year
terrific feeling to see those solutions competitive fellowships and many have received prestigious national awards.
move toward implementation.” 10 students are expected to complete their degrees within the next year.
20 S TAT E & H I L L

Faculty News
Fac ult y

& Awards Axelrod Danziger Goldenberg

Bob Axelrod is part of a project inter- Associate Dean Alan Deardorff Mel Levitsky accepted an invitation
viewing senior Israeli and Palestinian gave a plenary address, “Dangers and to become a member of the Operating
leaders to improve understanding about Opportunities for Developing Countries in Committee of the U-M Substance Abuse
what is really most important to each the Current World Trading System,” at Research Center (UMSARC).
side in resolving conflict in the Middle the 12th Annual Conference on Global
East. Among other issues, the group ex- Economic Analysis, UN-ECLAC, Santiago, In May 2009, the American Civil
plored the potential impact of a joint wa- Chile in June. The Ford School and the Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in the U.S.
ter project between Israel and Jordan to Economics Department will celebrate Court of Appeals challenging the patent-
connect the Red Sea with the Dead Sea. Alan’s 65th birthday this year with a ability of genes linked to breast and
The group’s leader, Lord John Alderdice Festschrift: a two day conference called ovarian cancer susceptibility. Shobita
of Northern Ireland, presented the “Comparative Advantage, Economic Parthasarathy , who wrote a book
results of the work directly to George Growth, and the Gains from Trade and comparing the development of genetic
Mitchell, President Obama’s special Globalization.” Paul Krugman will be the testing for breast cancer in the U.S. and
envoy for the Middle East. keynote speaker on Friday, October 2, Britain in 2007 (entitled Building Genetic
2009. Learn more and register: www. Medicine), has been asked to file a decla-
Dr. Ken Pienta – co-author with Axelrod ration in support of the ACLU’s case.
and David E. Axelrod of the 2006
National Academy of Sciences publica- John Dinardo has accepted a joint The International Monetary Fund’s
tion, “Evolution of Cooperation Among appointment at the U-M Law School as Independent Evaluation Office commis-
Tumor Cells” – has developed a drug in- the school’s chief statistics consultant. sioned a paper from Bob Stern titled
spired by their work together. The drug The Law School has asked him to assist “Trade in Financial Services: Has the
will soon start Phase II trials with human faculty with “projects that require statis- IMF Been Involved Constructively?”
subjects. tical analysis, and help those who may
Jan Svejnar has accepted an invitation
feel ‘statistically challenged’ to learn how
Sandra Danziger has a paper forth- to survive in an increasingly quantitative to join the Editorial Board of the
coming in the Annual Review of world of scholarship.” European Economic Review. He was
Sociology (36), “Decline of welfare and co-organizer of the World Bank’s Annual
implications for poverty.” Sandra has James J. Duderstadt received honor- Bank Conference on Development
begun a 3-year, McGregor Foundation- ary degrees this spring at McGill Economics. The conference, titled
funded project to evaluate the Family University and Dartmouth. In addition “Lessons from East Asia and the Global
Success Program of Starfish Family to many other national and international Financial Crisis,” was held in Seoul,
Services in Inkster, MI. The program leadership activities, he is the co-chair, South Korea in June. Jan is co-editor of
provides support to economically dis- with Jeff Sachs, of the National Science a new book from Routledge titled, Labor
tressed families with young children. Foundation’s Roundtable on Global Markets and Economic Development.
Sustainability. The book is comprised of papers first
The Rockefeller Foundation selected presented at the Ford School’s
Sheldon Danziger for a month-long Edie Goldenberg and co-author John International Policy Center in May 2007.
scholarly residency at its Bellagio Center Cross have a new book out from MIT
in Italy, where he presented a seminar, Press, Off-Track Profs: Nontenured Katherine Terrell and co-author
“Four Decades of Antipoverty Policies.” Teachers in Higher Education. Michael Troilo won the IJGE/WAIB 1st
With Maria Cancian, Sheldon is the edi- Annual Emerging Scholar Award in
tor of a new book from the Russell Sage Brian Jacob was chosen by his alma Women’s Entrepreneurship in June for
Foundation, Changing Poverty, Changing mater, the University of Chicago’s Harris their paper “Culture, Values and Female
Policies. School, as their distinguished alumni Entrepreneurship.” Katherine has forth-
speaker for the U of C’s 500th coming publications in Labour Economics,
Convocation, to be celebrated in October. Economics of Transition, and World
Development. She and a team of re-
searchers are consulting with policymakers
from three Central American countries
on the impact of minimum wages on
poverty. The results will be presented in
February 2010.
S TAT E & H I L L 21

Parthasarathy Yang Ciorciari Potter Chen

David Thacher published “The

Cognitive Foundations of Humanistic
Two Political Scientists High Praise for New Book
Governance,” in vol. 12, no. 2 of the Join the Faculty Associate Professor Anthony S. Chen ’s
International Public Management new book, The Fifth Freedom: Jobs, Politics,
John D. Ciorciari is an Assistant
Journal. He also contributed a paper and Civil Rights in the United States, 1941-
called “Community Policing Without the Professor of Public Policy. His interests
1972 (Princeton University Press, 2009),
Police? The Limits of Order Maintenance include public international law, the theory
has garnered tremendous reviews for its
by the Community,” to a comparative and practice of international relations, and
groundbreaking exploration and analysis
volume called Community Policing and international finance. His current research
Peacekeeping (London: Taylor and
of the history of affirmative action.
projects focus primarily on Asia and
Francis, 2009). examine foreign policy strategies, human While the book was in press, the Social
rights, and the reform of international Science History Association named it the
Maris Vinovskis published “From a
economic institutions in that region. Since 2008 President’s Book Award winner, an
Nation at Risk to No Child Left Behind:
1999, he has been a legal advisor to the award given each year to mark a meritorious
National Education Goals and the
Creation of Federal Education Policy” Documentation Center of Cambodia, first work by a scholar.
(New York: Teachers College Press, which promotes historical memory and
2009). He was inducted as an American justice for the atrocities of the Pol Pot The Fifth Freedom, an expansion on Tony’s
Education Research Fellow in 2008. regime. He holds an AB and JD from doctoral dissertation, connects the advent
Harvard and an M.Phil. and D.Phil. from of affirmative action with
Amnesty International USA’s member- battles over fair
Oxford, where he was a Fulbright Scholar.
ship elected Susan Waltz to a 3-year employment practices
term on the organization’s governing
Philip B. K. Potter is an Assistant legislation from the
Professor of Public Policy. His primary 1940s to the 1970s.
research interests are in international
Congratulations to Dean C. Yang , who
security, political economy, and methods.
was promoted this fall to Associate
Professor of Public Policy, with tenure. His current research explores the
Two other faculty received promotions relationship between interdependence
this year as well: congratulations to and international conflict, the impact of
Sharon Maccini (Lecturer IV) and media on foreign policy, and the role of
Kristin S. Seefeldt (Assistant Research networks in transnational terrorism.
Scientist). Kristin’s book, Working after Philip holds a BA from McGill University,
Welfare, was published this year by the a PhD from the University of California,
W.E. Upjohn Institute. Los Angeles and has been a fellow at
Harvard University and the University
of Pennsylvania.
22 S TAT E & H I L L

Class Notes
Alumn i

Yoo Norquist Brown

Jong-Hae Yoo , MPA ’65, received Daniel Polsky , MPP ’89, welcomed his Evangeline Sophia Drossos , MPP
the Higashikuninomiya Cultural Award second child, Issac Davis Polsky, to the ‘97, was promoted to Co-head of Global
from the Japanese Imperial House for family on October 11, 2008. During the Foreign Exchange Strategy at Morgan
Japan and Korean Cultural Exchange. 2007-2008 academic year, he served as Stanley. She and husband, Gabriel,
He served as a Professor of Public a Senior Economist for the President’s welcomed a son, Zachary Alexander
Administration at Yonsei University from Council of Economic Advisors, and in Ovanessian, in December.
1971-1996 and later as President of the June 2009, was promoted to full profes-
Korean Society for Public Administration. sor of Medicine and Health Care Holly B. Anderson , MPP ‘98, and hus-
Management at the University of band Scott celebrated the birth of daugh-
Michael (Mike) Winn , MPP ’71, looks Pennsylvania School of Medicine and ter Charlotte Jane Anderson on August 8,
forward to attending the 95th re- the Wharton School. 2008. The family, including son Ross (7
union. Mike works in DC and lives yrs), is absolutely in love with their new-
with wife, Elizabeth, in Annapolis, Peter Gross , MPP ’93, started Dot Org est member.
MD. Mike is taking the summer off to Consulting, which assists nonprofit orga-
enjoy Sherwood Forest, where they live.  nizations with managing constituent re- Craig Garthwaite , MPP ‘01, finished
lationships, in November 2007. He and his PhD in Economics at the University
Scott Elliff , MPP ’78, recently wife Shelly adopted their second child of Maryland and has accepted a tenure
retired after a career in the Office of from China in December, a fantastic boy track position at the Kellogg School of
Management and Budget, Executive named Wade (4.5 yrs), brother to Clara Management at Northwestern.
Office of the President, and later in pri- June (6 yrs). Peter would love to hear
vate sector business consulting. Now Ben Sossa , MPP ‘01, and Genene
from his fellow ’93 grads at peter@do-
Scott owns and operates DuCard Fisher Sossa , MPP ‘01, live in Raleigh,
Vineyards ( NC with their children, Lucas (3 yrs),
and is involved with non-profit boards, Susan McLaughlin , MPP ’93, was pro- and, Sofia (1 yr). After earning his MBA
including the Piedmont Environmental moted to Senior Vice President at the NY at Duke, Ben recently returned to Duke
Council and the Center for Nonprofit Fed last December. as Director of the Executive MBA
Excellence. Programs. Genene continues to work on
Gary Brown , MPA ‘95, recently com- science policy issues at the American
Sue Poppink , MPP ‘83, earned tenure pleted a 2.5 year tour with the U.S. Meteorological Society and is an adjunct
at Western Michigan University, Agency for International Development professor at North Carolina State
Department of Educational Leadership in in Afghanistan and is returning to Ann University.
June 2008. Her research interests are in Arbor in the fall to obtain an MSW, with
teaching practices and their relationship an emphasis in individual practice and Stephen Stowe , MPP ‘01, and Lisa
with federal and state policy, particularly mental health. (Berry) Stowe , MPP ‘00, welcomed
the Elementary and Secondary Schools Elliot Michael Stowe on April 15,
Act of 1965 and its reauthorizations. Dylan Conger , MPP ’95, and her 2009. He joins big brother Daniel (3 yrs),
husband Michael Smith-Welch brought who is thrilled with his little brother.
David Norquist , MPP ’89, is a partner home their youngest daughter, Julienne Steve is a research analyst at Samson
with Kearney and Company. He worked Ejigayehu Conger (born June 29, Capital Advisors and Lisa is a business
for the federal government for 19 years 2008) from Ethiopia in March 2009. analyst in the Markets Group at the
in various positions, most recently as Julienne is healthy, happy, and beautiful Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Chief Financial Officer of the Department and adores her big sister, Camille. 
of Homeland Security. He is married and Walter Braunohler , MPP ’02, and
has three children who dress themselves Holly Donnelly , MPP ’96 and Bob his wife, Loren, are moving back to
in maize and blue on football Saturdays Donnelly , MPP ’95, are moving back to Washington, DC where Walter will be
despite living in Virginia. the DC area. Holly spent the last few working at the U.S. Department of State
years at home with children, Helena (6 in Foggy Bottom after two years as the
yrs) and Robby (4 yrs), and recently ac- spokesman at the American Embassy in
cepted a job with the General Services Khartoum, Sudan.
Administration. Bob is the Senior Director
of Health Policy at Johnson & Johnson.

Class of 20??
Pictured from left to right are: Charlotte,
Scott, and Ross Anderson; Camille and
Julienne Conger; Eve Skrocki; Daniel and
Elliot Stowe; Sofia and Lucas Sossa;
Winn grandchildren; Grigori Zolikoff
S TAT E & H I L L 23

From State Street to

Pennsylvania Avenue
Braunohler Holmes, Dosanjh, Gupta
In June, Annie Maxwell (MPP ‘02) was
Bulbul Gupta , MPP ’04, Sukhi one of 15 named as 2009–2010 White House
In Memoriam
Dosanjh , MPP ’01, and Stephanie Fellows. Selection as a White House Fellow is
Holmes , MPP ’05, met in New Delhi, Howard Vaughn Gary , MPP ’72, highly competitive and based on a record of
India in March. Bulbul was in the city to passed away February 15, 2009. Howard remarkable professional achievement early in
work and visit family while Sukhi and broke ground as the first black City one’s career, evidence of leadership potential,
Stephanie were in New Delhi working for Manager of Miami, serving from 1981- a proven commitment to public service, and
USAID and the U.S. Embassy, respectively. 1984. Howard was born Jan. 13, 1947, the knowledge and skills necessary to
in New York City. In addition to his IPPS contribute successfully at the highest levels
Stephanie Schmidt , MPP ’05, married MPP, he earned under- of the Federal government.
Scott Leiser (who recently finished his graduate degrees in po-
PhD in cellular and molecular biology at litical science and Annie is the Chief Operating Officer of Direct
U-M) in May. They are moving to the business administration Relief International, a nonprofit that through
Seattle area for positions at the from Morehouse College. humanitarian assistance improves the quality
University of Washington: Stephanie in After IPPS, Howard of life for people affected by poverty or
the PhD program at the Evans School of served as the budget director of Newark,
disasters in 59 countries including the U.S.
Public Affairs and Scott as a postdoctoral NJ, and then as Miami’s budget director
fellow. Annie served as chair and vice chair of the
in 1976 before moving on to become City
Ford School’s Alumni Board. In addition to her
Manager of Miami in 1981 at the age of
Aaron Skrocki , MPP ’05, is back in
35. Howard’s administration was instru- MPP from the University of Michigan, Annie
Ann Arbor where he completed his first received a BA in English and Political Science,
mental in efforts to build modern down-
year of MBA studies in the Ross School Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude. She
town Miami. After his career with the
of Business. Aaron previously worked in attended the U-M on a full athletic scholarship
city, Howard went into the private sector
international development with Catholic
as a bond manager. He died after a five- and was captain of the volleyball team.
Relief Services and the UN World Food
year battle with cancer.
Programme. On February 11, 2009, he Bev Godwin , MPP ’82, is working in the
and his wife welcomed a daughter, Eve Deil Wright , MPA ’54, passed away White House as Director of Online Resources
Elisabeth Skrocki. after a brief illness on June 30, 2009. He and Interagency Development at the Office
was a native of Michigan with BA, MPA, of New Media @ The White House. This new
Mikhail Zolikoff , MPP ‘05, and wife,
and PhD degrees from the U-M. Deil was office manages all the online media for the
Deborah, welcomed their new son,
an Alumni Distinguished Professor at the
Grigori Mikhailovich Zolikoff, into the President and Administration, including
University of North Carolina. He joined
world on March 1, 2009. They don’t and online citizen
the UNC Political Science Department in
know what they would do without him! engagement initiatives such as Open for
1967 after teaching at Wayne State
University, the University of Iowa, and Questions, live chats, video, photos,
Chris Dorle , MPP ‘07, recently
the University of California at Berkeley. Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
deployed to Afghanistan where he is
He is the author or co-author of numer-
serving with USAID as a Development Bev was also recently honored with the
ous books, articles, and papers, including
Advisor to NATO/ISAF Headquarters. President’s Award from the National Capital
three editions of Understanding
Intergovernmental Relations. He was Area Chapter of the American Society for
Geoff Young , MPP ’07, was the recipi-
director of the MPA Program at the Public Administration, and she has been
ent of Crain’s Detroit Business “20 in
University of North Carolina from 1973- nominated to be a Fellow at the National
their 20s” award for his work on the
Detroit Region Aerotropolis Project. 1979, and in 1975 he was elected to Academy of Public Administration.
membership in the National Academy of
Dina Ufberg , BA ’09, is completing a Public Administration. Deil is survived by
Fulbright in Hong Kong where she will his wife, Pat, and three children.
conduct research and serve as an English
Teaching Assistant.  

Bev Godwin
24 S TAT E & H I L L

The Last Wo rd

Opportunities Jennifer Niggemeier

Alumni and financial support key to international internship growth

International internships for MPP students have increased We continue to work to create new opportunities. One
significantly in the last decade—but not without deliberate successful strategy has been the development of internship
planning on the part of the Ford School. ‘partnerships’: that is, relationships between the Ford School
and key organizations in the U.S. or abroad that specifically
Alumni connections and increased financial support have been
agree to host a Ford School intern.
essential to the growth in international internships. Jennifer
Niggemeier, Director of Graduate Career Services, explains GP: What role did our alumni play in this evolution?
more in this interview with Geoffroy Ponte (MPP ’09).
JN: Our alumni have always been the greatest resource in terms
Jennifer Niggemeier: One of the goals of the program over the of connecting us with what’s really happening in the policy world:
past ten years was definitely to expand the school’s international what are the hot policy issues? Who are the employers doing
offerings. Part of that deliberate goal was to create more cutting-edge work? Where are the opportunities? Our alumni
opportunities for students to secure internships overseas, and have been absolutely critical in helping us to find those answers
also to find internship opportunities that were within the U.S. and connect our students with incredible opportunities.
but focused on international issues.
GP: What are the prospects for future students regarding
So, over the past ten years, we have seen significant growth in internships and jobs?
both those areas, moving from a place where less than 5%
JN: There are always new opportunities and new organizations,
percent of the students were going overseas for internships to,
and finding ways for students to connect with these organizations
in recent years, 20 to 25 percent of the class (nearly twice the
is part of what our office is about. We do that in a number of
size it was 10 years ago) interning abroad, with an additional 20
ways, from active employer outreach—we actually go to different
percent doing international work within the U.S. That’s more than
countries and meet with key employers—to working with alumni
a four-fold increase, from just 8 internationally-focused
who can point us in those directions.
internships in 1997 to 34 last summer.
For example, a new internship partnership developed this
Geoffroy Ponte: How did the school achieve such results?
summer with The Asia Foundation (TAF) in the Philippines was
JN: Around the time that IPPS became the School of Public not a result of me going to the Philippines, but of an employer
Policy, a significant investment was made in expanding the outreach visit to San Francisco, where I met with an alum
Career Services department. With a commitment of additional working for TAF. She was instrumental in opening that door and
resources, we were (and are) able to not only develop setting up the opportunity. Building more opportunities like that
relationships with more employers, but also provide more is what we seek.
students with funding support. Funding was critical to making
Geoffroy Ponte, a citizen of France, completed his internship
international internships a reality; we had to reduce the financial
(with funding support from the Ford School) working in DC for
obstacles which often prevent students from accepting the
Senator Mary L. Landrieu (D-LA), where he was assigned to her
internship that best suits their career goals.
Foreign Affairs & Military and Veterans Affairs Department.

International Internships within U.S.
Internships Abroad















S TAT E & H I L L 25

Calendar Highlights
September 25-26, 2009 November 2, 2009
95th Anniversary and Douglas A. Brook (MPA ’67), former Acting
Alumni Weekend Under Secretary of Defense/Chief Financial
October 2, 2009
A Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation
Paul Krugman, Princeton University
Policymaker in Residence Lecture
and The New York Times
A Citigroup Foundation Lecture November 5, 2009
Alumni Reception at APPAM Conference in
October 2-3, 2009
Washington, DC
Comparative Advantage, Economic Growth,
and the Gains from Trade and Globalization: December 10, 2009
A Festschrift in Honor of Alan V. Deardorff Lt. Governor John Cherry, keynote lecturer for
conference: The Future of Higher Education in
October 7, 2009
Senator Chuck Hagel, Georgetown
Hosted by CLOSUP
University and the University of Nebraska
at Omaha
A Citigroup Foundation Lecture

Can’t make it back to Ann Arbor? Visit our website for details, video, and audio.

Friday, September 25
Are you coming to the 95th Campus bus tour
Anniversary and Alumni Weekend? University-wide lecture series
Coffee Talk with Dean Susan M. Collins
Alums: mention this note at registration Faculty panel discussion
Alumni reception: presentation of the Neil Staebler
and receive a free Ford School gift. Alumni Service Award to Dr. Douglas A. Brook (MPA ’67)
For a full list of activities, visit: Dinner with Ford School student organizations Saturday, September 26

All-school tailgate
If you can’t make it, look for event highlights online, Homecoming football game: U-M vs. Indiana
in the feed and in the next edition of State & Hill.
More: 734-615-3892 or
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall
735 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091

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inCircle: RSS Feeds:

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