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Interesting stuff about Romania

The Romanian Palace of Parliament in Bucharest is the second largest administrative center in the world, next only to the Pentagon in the United States.
Page | 1 The first ever perfect score of 10 in gymnastics was given to Romanian gymnast Nadia

Comaneci. She bagged the score after her performance in a competition held in Montreal, Canada in 1976. The archetypical vampire Count Dracula, created by Bram Stoker, was inspired by the pitiless Romanian general Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler because one of his favorite ways of punishing people was by impaling them. ROMANIA HAS ONE OF THE HAPPIEST CEMETERIES ON EARTH
The Merry Cemetery (or the Happy Graveyard) in the village of Spna - Maramure is one of the world's most unique resting places and a popular tourist attraction! It is famous for its over 800 colorful gravestones, carved in oak, are decorated with colorful paintings and funny epitaphs about the deceased.

Tucked away in a tiny village of Maramures county, near the Ukrainian border, the Merry Cemetery (Cimitirul Vesel) is not only a very unique burial site, but also an open-air museum and a tourist attraction in its own right. Designed in 1940 by the local woodcarver Stan Ion Patras, Sapantas cheerful cemetery stands out for its colorful high wooden crosses carved in oak and painted with scenes of the deceaseds life. Moreover, each tombstone features a witty poem depicting the persons life and the way he/she died. Nicolae Constantin Paulescu discoverer of insulin; Eugen Pavel inventor of Hyper CDROM; Aurel Persu the first engineer and car designer to build a car with the wheels inside its aerodynamic line; Petrache Poenaru inventor of fountain pen; Emil Racovita founder of biospeleology (the study of organisms living in caves); Anastase Dragomir inventor of parachuted chair, an early version of todays ejection seat. Henri Coanda, Traian Vuia and Aurel Vlaicu they all played an important role as pioneers in aerodynamics and aviation. Romanian Inventor Traian Vuia was the first European to built
and fly a fully self-propelled, fixed-wing 'automobile airplane' (March 18, 1906).

ROMANIA HAS 7 UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES These include: the Churches of Moldavia; the Dacian Fortress of the Orastie Mountains; the Historic Centre of Sighisoara; the Monastery of Horezu; the Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania; the Wooden Churches of Maramures; the Danube Delta. ROMANIAS NATIONAL CURRENCY IS LEU, WHICH MEANS LION (ENGLISH)

Although the second largest river delta in Europe after the Caspian Depressions Volga Delta (Russia/Kazakhstan), the Danube Delta in Romania is the best preserved on the continent. It features not less than 23 natural ecosystems, boasting an amazing variety of unique flora and fauna
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Somewhere along the Danube, near the small city of Orsova, in southwestern Romania, lies a 55-m high rock sculpture depicting Decebalus, the last king of Dacia. The monument can only be reached by boat. t h e s t a t u e o f d e c e b a l u s , e u r o p e s largest rock sculpture The Top Gear boys raced down the Transfagarasan Highway, a twisting, contorting road with an abundance of hairpin turns and S curves, flanked by idyllic scenery. In other words, the perfect road for letting loose and burning some rubber the name "Romania" comes from the Latin word "Romanus" which means "citizen of the Roman Empire." The empire expanded into what is now Romania in 106 AD, under the rule of Emperor Trajan (98 to 117 AD) when the Roman Empire reached its greatest territorial extent through his conquests in the east. It took the Romans seven years and two long wars to conquer Dacia (today Romania). The Romanian occupation lasted until the end of the third century. The meaning of the word "Transylvania" is the land beyond the forest. The ruins of Sarmizegetusa Regia the capital of Dacia (present-day Romania) prior to the wars with the Roman Empire are located in Hunedoara county - central Transylvania. The Roman capital of Dacia, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, was built by Roman Emperor Trajan, some 25 miles away.
Ancient Tomis (present-day Constanta) has been associated with the legend of Jason and the Argonauts who embarked on a long voyage from Greece to Kolchis (Georgia) on the Black Sea coast in search of the Golden Fleece. Three clay tablets, dated to around 5300 BC, discovered in the village of Tartaria (central Romania), have been the subject of considerable controversy among archaeologists, some of whom claim that the symbols represent the earliest known form of writing in the world.

Voronet Monastery, located in northeastern Romania, is also known as the 'Sistine Chapel of the East'. The monastery built in 1488 is known worldwide for its abundance of interior and exterior frescoes (wall paintings) featuring an intense shade of blue commonly known as Voronet blue.
Universal literature found valuable sources of inspiration in Romania's castles. The most famous novels written are "The Castle in the Carpathians" by Jules Verne, and "Dracula" by Bram Stoker.

The modernist "Dada" movement (Dadaism) of the 1920s was co-founded by Romanian artists Tristan Tzara and Marcel Iancu A 150+ years-old linden tree in Copou Park (Iasi - Romania), also called "The Lovers' Tree", has become a favorite destination for true romantic lovers Page | 3 from around the world. It is believed that the tree brings good luck in love. Romania's national poet - Mihai Eminescu - used to relax and reflect under this linden three. Eminescu's creation "The Evening Star" (Luceafarul) is considered to be the longest love poem ever wrote. It's a miracle how this tree survived for so long" - says Dr. Mandache Leocov, former director of Iasi botanic garden. 2,000 B.C. a distinctive Thracian sub-group emerged in what is now Romania. The Greeks called these people Getae, but to the Romans they were Dacians. Herodotus called them "the fairest and most courageous of men" because they believed in the immortality of the soul and were not afraid to die. 2004 Romania joins NATO. 2007 Romania becomes a member of the European Union

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