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Original Content at!-"oseph-#erni$-Corruption%Integrit!%Israel%"ustice-&'(&()-)*+.html ,-ote: .ou can /iew every article as one long page i0 !ou sign up as an Associate 1em er2 or higher3. January 3, 2014

ISRAEL: Large-scale Fraud in the Supreme Court's Office of the Clerk

By Joseph Zernik A court2 which operates with no law0ul o00ice o0 the cler$2 is an incompetent court. 4he e/idence shows that starting in 5((52 the Israeli Supreme Court operates with a sham O00ice o0 the Cler$. 4he 0raud in appearance o0 Attorne! 6en 4o/im as 78ead o0 9ro Se Section7 in the Israeli Supreme Court has a close parallel in the conduct o0 7Court Counsel7 :ann! 6ic$ell in the ;S Supreme Court. ::::::::

Occup! 4el-A/i/2 "anuar! 5 - Israeli Supreme Court 9residing "ustice Asher <runis has een again re=uested to present the appointment letter o0 Attorne! :ann! 6en-4o/im as 78ead o0 9ro Se Section7 in the O00ice o0 the Cler$ o0 the Court. >&? 4he original re=uest was 0orwarded to 9residing "ustice <runis on :ecem er &&2 5(&)2 ut no response was recei/ed so 0ar. 4he original re=uest noted that Attorne! 6en-4o/im acted as holding the authorit! o0 a Cler$2 or e/en a 1agistrate o0 the Supreme Court -- accepting and re@ecting the 0iling o0 papers in the Supreme Court 0rom unrepresented persons -- t!picall!2 indi/iduals o0 lesser means2 coming to the Supreme Court to protect their 0undamental rights against a use ! the authorities. Attorne! 6en 4o/im was also contacted ! phone and in writing2 ut re0used to eAplain the nature o0 his appointment. 4here is more than reasona le asis to elie/e that Attorne! 6en 4o/im acts with no authorit! at all. 1oreo/er2 the e/idence shows that in such conduct Attorne! 6en 4o/im a uses the rights o0 access to @ustice2 0air trial2 and e=ual protection under the law -- 0undamental 8uman Rights. 9residing "ustice <runis did respond on two pre/ious re=uests 0or the appointment records o0

indi/iduals2 who acted as cler$s: B Re=uest 0or the appointment record o0 then 7Chie0 Cler$7 Sarah Li0schitC: 9residing "ustice <runis 0ailed to present her appointment record. 8is response instead noted that 71s Sarah Li0schitC2 Chie0 Cler$ o0 the Supreme Court2 was appointed2 pursuant to pre/ailing rules in the State Ci/il Ser/ice2 relati/e to people o0 such ran$.7 Such response was used as part o0 the e/idence in a criminal 0raud complaint2 0iled with the Israel 9olice against 9residing "ustice <runis. >5? B Re=uest 0or the appointment record o0 7Cler$7 o0 the sitting Supreme Court 1s Aluma #erni$: 9residing "ustice <runis 0ailed to produce her appointment record either. Instead2 his response eAplained that 1s #erni$ was his law intern2 and law interns o0 the @ustices acted as 7Cler$s7 o0 the sitting court ! rotation... >)? It should e noted that 7Chie0 Cler$7 Sarah Li0schitC 7departed7 0rom the Supreme Court on Octo er )&2 5(&)2 a couple o0 wee$s a0ter the 0iling o0 the criminal 0raud complaint against 9residing "ustice <runis in this matter. Conse=uentl!2 9residing "ustice <runis re0uses to disclose2 who toda! holds the authorities o0 Chie0 Cler$ o0 the Supreme Court. >'? In Israel2 as in other nations2 where the courts originated in the English common law2 the chie0 cler$s hold duties and o ligations 0or the sa0eguard o0 the integrit! o0 court records. As noted in a historic re/iew2 pu lished ! the ;S Federal "udicial Center2 corruption o0 the courts is o0ten centered in the o00ices o0 the cler$s. >+? 8istoricall!2 e00ecti/e re0orm e00orts o0 corruption o0 the ;S courts in the earl! 5(th centur! were centered on re0orm o0 the o00ices o0 the cler$s as well. 4he e/idence is mounting o0 unprecedented corruption o0 the Israeli Supreme Court2 which started under the tenure o0 9residing "ustice Ahraon 6ara$ ,&**+-5((D32 and which is characteriCed ! the operation o0 sham o00ice o0 the cler$: 1s Sarah Li0schitC 0raudulentl! appeared as 7Chie0 Cler$7 0or o/er ten !ears ,5((5-5(&)3. :uring these !ears2 numerous Supreme Court decision records were 0orged2 and 0alsi0ication o0 Supreme Court records and conduct o0 simulated/0a$e Supreme Court proceedings has ecome a routine2 as documented in the 8uman Rights Alert ,-<O3 su mission to the 8uman Rights Council o0 the ;nited -ations. 4he 8uman Rights Alert su mission was incorporated into the 5(&) 8uman Rights Report o0 the the ;nited -ations on Israel2 with the note 7Lac$ o0 integrit! in the electronic records o0 the Supreme Court... in Israel.7 >D? A court2 which operates with no law0ul o00ice o0 the cler$2 is an incompetent court. Corruption o0 the @ustice s!stem in Israel -- 0rom the En0orcement Authorit! ,a medie/al-st!le de torsE court s!stem3 to the Supreme Court -- is central to the current socio-economic crisis in Israel. It should e noted2 that the 0raud in the Israeli Supreme Court2 relati/e to 0raudulent appearance o0 Attorne! 6en 4o/im as 78ead o0 9ro Se Section72 has a close parallel in the ;S Supreme Court2 where 7Court Counsel7 Attorne! :ann! 6ic$ell perpetrated the same a use. >F? 4he Israeli 0ormer 9residing "ustice Aharon 6ara$2 who launched the unprecedented corruption o0 the Israeli courts2 was listed as Gisiting 9ro0essor at .ale Law School. 8e was also mentioned ! "ustice Elena Hagan in her con0irmation hearings as her inspiration... LINKS >&?&'-(&-(5 ISRAEL: Repeat re=uest 0rom 9residing "ustice <runis 0or appointment record o0

78ead o0 9ro Section7 Attorne! 6en 4o/im http://www.scri*+&(5*+*/ >5? &)-&(-&+ Criminal 0raud complaint 0iled with Israel 9olice against 9residing "ustice o0 the Supreme Court Asher <runis http://www.scri*ID+(/< m$+J5t=G&J+d;'(#Kc/editLuspMsharing >)? &)-&&-5I Israeli Supreme Court "ustice Asher <runisE response in re: Appointment records o0 7Cler$7 Aluma #erni$ / http://www.scri*5(((&F'/ >'? &)-&5-(' ISRAEL: -o Chie0 Cler$ in the Supreme CourtL 9residing "ustice <runis: KeE/e got man!. https://dri/< m$+-Cg(1$(+GC6He@A/editLuspMsharing http://www.scri*'F'F(I/ >+? 1essinger2 I Scott: Order in 4he Court - 8istor! o0 Cler$s o0 ;nited States Courts2 Federal "udicial Center ,5((53 http://www.scri'I&*FF'/ >D? &)-(&-(& 4he 8uman Rights Alert ,-<O3 su mission2 as incorporated into the ;- 8uman RItghts Council ;9R reprort with the note 7Lac$ o0 integrit! in the electronic records o0 the Supreme Court2 the district court s and the detainees courts in Israel7 ,page '2 paragraph 5+3 http://daccess-dds-n!;-:OC/<E-/<&5/&I(/&5/9:F/<&5&I(&5.pd0 L OpenElement >F? &(-(F-(& In re: Fine / Sheri00 ,(*-AI5F3: Complaint against ;S Supreme Court Counsel :ann! 6ic$ell Alleging 9u lic Corruption and :epri/ation o0 Rights http://www.scri Submitters Bio: :r #erni$ has gained su stantial eAperience in recent !ears in anal!Cing 0raud in an$ing and go/ernment computer s!stems. In such research he documented the important role that large-scale 0raud in such s!stems pla!s in the current 0inancial crisis and in a use o0 8uman Rights ! go/ernments in Cali0ornia2 in the ;S2 and in Israel. 8is research in these areas was accepted as part o0 o00icial ;nited -ations 8uman Rights Council ,su mitted under 8uman Rights Alert2 -<O3 in 5(&( with the note2 7corruption o0 the courts and the legal pro0ession in Cali0ornia72 and in 5(&) with the note2 7lac$ o0 integrit! in the electronic records o0 the supreme court2 the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel7. 4oda!2 :r #erni$ is permit holder 0or the Occup! 4el A/i/ encampment.

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