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Question 4 Who would be the Audience For your Media Product?

Before beginning to film and plan our production, we first researched into the population to find our target audience. We did so by issuing two questionnaires: one that generally inquired about the Thriller genre, and one that went into more detail about the mise-en-scene (colours, costumes, makeup and props that would appear in our production.

!eneral Thriller "uestionnaire:

We found that most people who answered our questionnaire belie#ed that a $% certificate would be most appropriate for the Thriller genre. &ue to this, we then had an idea of the age of the audience we wanted to target our production at, and therefore what sort of aspects we could use, and what would be appropriate. We also disco#ered that males were the ones most likely to watch Thrillers, so therefore #iolence, a fast pace and certain language would be more appropriate in our Thriller. 'rom this we also decided to reach a larger audience by using a female role, which would increase the number of female #iewers as they would be able to identify with the main protagonist.

'ocus !roup
(fter creating our pitch, we also decided to show it to a focus group that included both a male and female perspecti#e. &uring this pitch we also asked for feedback, and were able to focus on the issues brought to light by them. This method of research could be more helpful as it took the focus away from the production, which may )a#e been the only thing addressed by others in the class and teachers, and allowed us to gain information from the public, who are more likely to look at the media product o#erall. The feedback from the focus group helped us consider the setting for our Thriller, including permission issues and what would be more appropriate for the genre, and any problems with our initial pitch that we later impro#ed on.

+ow that we had a clear idea that the certificate for our Thriller would be a $%, and our target audience would be those between $%-$,, we had to consider what this meant for the content of our production. Therefore, we did research into what the B'- and BB'* deemed appropriate for this certificate. (ccording the website, a $% certificate is allowed to contain the following aspects:

We decided to look at other Thrillers with the same certificate, and to look at which of these aspects were used, and how appropriate and successful they were to the production. .ome of the films of the genre we looked at were:

'ace /ff 0ill Bill 1sycho *asino 2oyale

These Thrillers allowed us to gain insight as to what situations would be appropriate for some of these aspects, such as the use of guns and #iolence. We also took consideration to the Thriller con#entions used.

&ue to the use of this in the genre, the success of this certificate with Thrillers, the information and insight gained from our questionnaires and inter#iews, and the aspects that we belie#ed would be appropriate and effecti#e in our own production, we decided to make our media product a $% certificate. 'rom the results of our questionnaire we estimated that the ma3ority of our audience would be males, but used a female lead to increase the number of females who would be likely to watch and en3oy.

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