5 January 2014

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New Life Lutheran Church

27315 220th St, Clarksville, IA A Congregation of the North American Lutheran Church

Welcome to New Life Lutheran!

Welcome to our Visitors! The members of New Life Lutheran welcome you as you join us in worship this morning. Holy Communion We come to the table this morning at the invitation of the Lord, receiving the body and blood of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Baptized Christians who share this faith and wish to join us at the table are welcome. Young children may be brought forward for a blessing.

2nd Sunday After Christmas

5 January 2014 Lutheran Book of Worship Setting 1 Prelude
(please stand when indicated by *)

We Gather and Prepare for Worship Brief Order for Confession & Forgiveness

p. 56

HYMN #59: When Christmas Morn is Dawning * Greeting & Kyrie (In peace let us pray to the Lord...) p. 57-58 * Hymn of Praise (This is the feast...) p. 60-61 * Salutation & Prayer of the Day p. 62 We Receive the Word with Glad Hearts First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm Second Reading: Ephesians 3:1-12 Gospel Acclamation p. 62 * Holy Gospel: St. Luke 2:40-52 Sermon Pastor Kris Snyder HYMN #496: Around You O Lord Jesus * Apostles Creed * Prayer of the Church & Sharing of the Peace We Prepare to Receive the Gifts Christ Offers Offering & Offertory (Let the Vineyards...) * Great Thanksgiving & Sanctus * Words of Institution & Lords Prayer Lamb of God & Distribution of Communion Post-Communion Canticle (Thank the Lord...) We are Sent out into the Mission Field Benediction & Three-Fold Amen Announcements p. 65 p. 65-66 p. 66 p. 68-69 p. 69, 71 p. 72 p. 72 p. 74

REV. KRIS SNYDER, PASTOR GALEN EIBEN, LAY PASTOR Pastor's Phone: 641-640-0193 e-mail: revkrissnyder@live.com Galen Eiben: 319-885-6264 e-mail: eiben@butler-bremer.com Brent Janssen: 319-231-2395 e-mail: dreamerj@netins.net News Letter: 319-267-2860 e-mail: stevenbarbarameyer@gmail.com Divine Service Schedule: Worship Sunday 8:00 a.m. 1st, 2nd, & 5th Sundays - Pastor Snyder 3rd & 4th Sundays - Galen Eiben Holy Communion 1st & 5th Sunday of each month Last Sunday: Our attendance last Sunday was 27. Offering for last Sunday was: Prayer Concerns this Week: Marjorie Meyer, Vern Poppen, Liz Wedeking, Jodi Rinnels, Joe and Paula Miller, Dennis Lindaman, Robert Althoff, Duane Hinders, Orvel Serfoss, and Galen Eiben. We also remember the family of Eli Harms in our prayers. May God grant them comfort and peace at this most difficult time.

HYMN #84: Brightest and Best and the Stars of the Morning Postlude

Annoucnements: This week January 6-10 Pastor Kris will be attending a graduate seminar for continuing education at Trinity School for Ministry. Trinity is now home to our new NALC Seminary. The title of the seminar is, God Heals or Does He? A Study of the Healing of the Soul and Relapse. You can follow pastor on his blog http://caffeinatedlutheran.wordpress.com If there is an immediate pastoral care emergency please contact Pr. Marshall Hahn, St. Olaf Lutheran Parish, 563-980-9714 These past weeks we have recognized our New Life family and the talents and gifts they have contributed to our church. These next weeks the News Letter Staff would like to recognize those who have different needs and include them each week in our prayer concerns. Each week we will focus on one specific need such as depression, illness, financial, marital, family issues, and so many more. If you have a request, please let me know and I will put it on the list. An important mission for our church is prayer for those who are in a great need. By our prayer we can help all those near and far. This week I would like for us to focus on those suffering from depression. With the holidays behind us, this can be a difficult time for them. Let us pray for their peace of mind. Thank you to Denise Meyer and Darla Dralle for hosting our coffee this Sunday morning.


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