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Conduction, Convection, and Radiation Worksheet



Read the example for Conduction and fill in the sections for Convection and Radiation. CONDUCTION Example/Non Example and Explanation Write your definition of conduction: Egg cooking in a hot pan. What is happening? Why is this conduction? Why is this not an e!amp e of convection? Why is this not an e!amp e radiation? CONVECTION Write your definition of convection: When a raw egg begins to fry as it hits a heated frying pan, energy from the pan moves to the egg and cooks it. Example: Heat is transferred through so ids from one partic e to another partic e or from the pan to the egg. Non Example: "t is not convection because heat is not transferred through a f uid #gas or i$uid%. Non Example: "t is not radiation because heat is not transferred through empty space. Example/Non Example and Explanation Complete this section

Hot sand heats the air What is happening? Why is this convection? Why is this not an e!amp e of conduction? Why is this not an e!amp e radiation? RADIATION Write your definition of !adiation: What is happening? Why is this radiation? Why is this not an e!amp e of conduction? Why is this not an e!amp e of convection? Example: Non Example: Non Example: Example: Non Example: Non Example: Example/Non Example and Explanation Complete this section

Teriburger grilling over charcoal flame

Fact: The transfer of heat is always from warmer objects to cooler objects!

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