Food For Votes?

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Food for votes?

Free State
Proportion of the population: 7.5% Number of people with inadequate access to food: 206 000

Are the hungriest provinces getting the necessary support, or do politics inuence who goes hungry and who doesnt?
North West
Number of people with inadequate access to food: 331 000 Hunger Ranking: 5 Proportion of the population: 9.4%

Gau te t Gauteng
Propor orti tion of the population: pula pulation: Proportion 5.8% er Ran Hunger Ranking: 1 Number er of people with h inadequate access to food: d: 70 708 000

Proportion of the population: 3.5% Hunger Ranking: 8 Number of people with inadequate access to food: 190 000

Hunger Ranking: 7

Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 1

Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 1 Flash Point: Tlokwe: Big ANC walkout resulted in hotly-contested by-elections, preceded by an imbizo where the minister distributed food parcels to child-headed thr households. In the rst t three by-elections, the ANC retained two w war wards and lost one to an independent candidate. cand ndid

er of major imbizos Number d distribution held on food D by the Department of D Social Development: 2

Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 0

Number of people with inadequate access to food: 274 000 Proportion of the population: 6.8% Hunger ng Ranking: ng 6

Northern Cape
Proportion of the population: 8.5% Number of people with inadequate access to food: 97 000

Hunger Ranking: 9

Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 1 Tlok Tlokwe Tlok okwe we

Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 1 Hazy Ha Hazyview zyvi zyvi view ew Flash Points: Numbi: Mbombelas executive mayor distributed food parcels and ANC-branded T-shirts during a community outreach in Numbi near Hazyview, where the ANC and the EFF contested a ward. Sabie: Social development MEC donated food and blankets to the elderly shortly before the by-elections.

Western Cape
Proportion of the population: 6.4% Number of people with inadequate access to food: 370 000

Number of people with inadequate access to food: 482 000 Proportion of the population: 4.7% Hunger Ranking: 2 Oudtshoorn Oudt dtsh dt shoo sh oo Po Port rt Elizabeth Elizabe beth be th

Hunger Ranking: 4

Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 7 Flash Points: De Doorns: The minister launched Project Mikondzo for faster service delivery here, in October, and handed out food parcels. Farm workers went on strike here last year, and the ANC is now aiming to increase its votes from this sector next year. Oudtshoorn: Two days before three hotly-contested by-elections in ANC wards, of which the DA won one, an imbizo on social problems was held and food parcels were distributed. De D Doorns oorns oo s

Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 4

Eastern Cape
Number of people with inadequate access to food: 455 000 Proportion of the population: Number of major imbizos on food distribution held by the Department of Social Development: 4 Flash Point: Port Elizabeth: Opposition parties have grown here in recent years but Cosatu-affiliated unions have strong support. But with inghting rendering Cosatu weak, there is growing speculation that the ANC might be further weakened here in next years elections.


Hunger Ranking: 3

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