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Do Democrats believe in evolution or

Who is actually running your brain? By Paul Schwartzmeyer A recent article in Atlantic Magazine (1) referenced a PEW research report that claimed that more Democrats than Republicans believe in evolution. The question was phrased % of adults in each group saying living things existed in their present form since the beginning of time, or humans and other things have evolved over time. The article went on to claim that more Democrats also believe in Global Warming than Republicans. Whenever I read these types of studies, I chuckle inside for two reasons. The first is, if you were creating a study asking who believes in evolution, why would you separate people by politics? Why not race! The second is that I can assure you, after a lifetime of studying evolution, the vast majority of people in the world do not believe in it, Republican, Democrat or Oompa Loompa. First, lets clear the air. Evolutionary biologists dont believe in evolution, they believe in natural selection. Evolution implies that things get better over time. Natural selection implies that they change. Period. But more importantly, having things change over time isnt evolution; its simply an aspect of it. Most aspects of evolution are simply not believed by the political left. In fact, the biggest attacks on evolution in universities dont come from the right (Frankly there is no right in a university) they come from the left. For example, who believes in genetic superiority? There are world genetic maps that track IQ and genetics. They show that there is a VERY high correlation between genes and intelligence according to biologists. If you believed in evolution would you believe our strength is in our diversity? Would you put everybody in the same class in a public school? The book The Bell Curve was attacked ferociously by the political left. But isnt The Bell Curve a book about evolution? As morally repugnant as we may find the concept, the book was considered largely accurate by biologists though they would never admit it publicly. The authors of The Bell Curve were almost driven out of science. Now, heres where it gets ugly. There is pretty strong evidence that there is a link between genetics and crime. How many liberals believe crime can be genetic? (Keep in mind, having a genetic inclination doesnt mean one will ACT on it). The studies done on twins living apart since birth dont leave much wiggle room.

Our constitution tells us that All men are created equal. But evolution tells us we arent created and we arent equal. Politically minded people would say, We are equal in the eyes of the law, but thats absurd. Is there anybody out there who thinks rich people and poor people live under the same laws? When every person accused of a crime gets OJ Simpsons defense team, Ill sign up for that belief. So, if we arent equal in the eyes of the law, and we certainly arent equal in the eyes of genetics, in whose eyes are we equal? Republicans might say this is easy, we are equal in the eyes of God. But heres my challenge. Are we equal in the eyes of God or are we equal in the eyes of each other? If were equal in the eyes of each other, but we say we are equal in the eyes of God, where does that put God other than inside us? In fact, there is strong evolutionary evidence that our religion is within us. We know we arent equal but we also know, at a subconscious level that we should be. Equality isnt a reality, its a goal. If equality is a goal of evolution, than God certainly exists. He just isnt Santa Claus. My point is not to venture into the mine field of evolution versus creation science, but to make a point. Why would somebody commission a study that separates people by political party and ask a question about science? Its simple. They want to divide us. Politics is all about divisiveness. It pits people against their own families, their neighbors and people they will never meet. The people who run the world dont care about us. We arent even people in their eyes. Were taxpayers, registered voters, consumers, and gamblers. Were a marketing niche. The next time you get into the CNN versus FOX News fight remember this. These shows are marketing niches. When CNN hires a foreigner to insult red necks, its a business plan. When FOX hires a Rhodes Scholar and tells her to talk like a child, thats also a business plan. If you get stuck in that murky world, youve already lost. Keep this in mind If Al Gore REALLY believed the Earth was in the balance; if he truly believed that by 2013 cascading walls of water were going to envelop Manhattan, would he be flying around the world in a private jet and going to events in a phalanx of Limos that get 5 miles per gallon? I can assure you, democrats do not believe in evolution. All they are doing is agreeing with a rigged question. Theyre being duped. That you CAN believe. (1) The Atlantic. Why Has Republican Belief in Evolution Declined So Much? David A Graham, Author. December 31, 2013. Paul Schwartzmeyer is the author of To Sharazad, Where ever you are a novel. His second novel, 39 Down, a international spy thriller, will be out in the Summer of 2014. He can be reached through his web site

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