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Dan Fischer Linda Hunter Erica Strauss Jim Sustman

(920) 323-3475 (920) 684-5590 (920) 629-0924 (920) 973-7391


The summer is waning and we'll soon return to our regular church year Our last summer service is August 18th, with Barbara Ferguson Please join us for this last engaging presentation by LUUF members and friends. Services are typically less formal, smaller, and quieter than the services during the regular church year. They often involve interactions among congregants both during and after the service. Summer Fellowship services have become an important aspect of our shared ministry. These are important touch stones during the summer months, when travel and vacation separate us as a community and members bring their experiences back to LUUF, to share with our Fellowship.

Choir Practice 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 Feel free to come share your voice in song

LUUF's Traditional Labor Day Picnic in the Park

1st Choir Practice Aug. 21 6:30 at LUUF All welcome!

Date: Sunday, Sept 1 Time: 10:00am Place: Union Park Food: "Pot luck" Bring a dish to pass Entertainment: LUUF musical group will Lead us in song.
(weather permitting)

Save a tree, save paper, save money Sign up to receive LUUF newsletters electronically. Email Ron Kossik at: For submissions to the newsletter email Kim Everett at:

Auguest LUUF Newsletter


The July 2013 LUUF Board meeting was held on Tuesday, July 25 . Ron Kossik, Cathy Edwards and Nancy Horvath joined the meeting to share thoughts on areas they were working on for the Fellowship. Below is a short summary of the items we discussed at the meeting. Facilities Ron has been overseeing various maintenance projects at the LUUF. Below is an update on some of them: Lift Maintenance the lift will be inspected annually by the vendor Painting of the Outside of the Building will begin in the fall Front Door Ron and Dick Urban fixed the front door of the Fellowship Sidewalk Repair Ron is the point person for working with the contractor Noise in the Kitchen Area Dick Urban is coordinating this effort Strategic Planning Cathy shared with the Board some ideas regarding how we might begin a process of long-range (strategic) planning for the Fellowship. The board concluded a good discussion with a commitment to thinking more about how we wish to proceed and reporting back at the next board meeting. If anyone is interested in working with Cathy, please contact her or any board member. Possible Series on Mental Health Issues Nancy shared with the board some ideas she has related to addressing the issue of mental health in this area. Several speakers we have had at the Fellowship and the recent report by the League of Women Voters formed the basis of our discussion. This project is in the development stage and more information will be shared with the Fellowship as it progresses. Use of the Fellowship by the Local Synagogue The local synagogue will continue to use the LUUF for their services on Saturday mornings from 9:30am until about noon. So far it has worked out very well and they are extremely appreciative of our willingness to share our space with them until the rabbi is able to navigate the stairs at the synagogue. COMMITTEES CHAIRS
Service Planning Linda Hunter Religious Education Evie Sustman Membership Dan Fisher Outreach & Social Justice Jim Sustman Environment Bev Rawling Adult Activities Jean Biegun Facilities Ron Kossik Nominating: Linda Hunter

President Kathy Fishback Vice President John Thompson Treasurer Joel Marquardt Secretary Sandy Bast Members at Large Dick Urban Steve Abler Jim Everett

St. James Episcopal Church Picnics in Union Park nd th The will be additional picnics on August 22 and September 26 for the neighborhood surrounding the park. About 35 people attended the picnic in July about 2/3 of them were from the neighborhood and it was really heartwarming to experience their appreciation to St. James. We might want to do something like this in the future. Finances Joel gave the treasurers report which indicated that we are doing well financially thanks to the generous support of all of our members and friends. It is a real blessing that we have someone as competent as Joel to handle this important aspect of the Fellowship. Replacement Furniture for the Front of the Sanctuary The Service Planning Committee has been discussing the possibility of updating some of the furniture in the front of the sanctuary. The board discussed some suggestions that have been made and will continue to work with the committee on this and will share the ideas and progress with the Fellowship as they develop. The cost of the furniture would be borne by special gifts such as memorial gifts, general gifts from members and friends, and the like. As always, please feel free to attend any of the board meetings if you have items that you would like to th discuss or just want to observe the work of the board. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 28 at 7:00pm. Subsequent meetings will be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Thanks to all of you members and friends who continue to make the Fellowship and its activities so important to me and to so many others. As committee chairs share the notes from their respective meetings with me, I will pass the information on to all of you. Kathie


August LUUF Newsletter

The day-to-day life of our fellowship is the glue that holds our spiritual community together. Unitarian Universalism approaches the more "secular" aspects of fellowship life with the same religious intent as it's worship. Our religious education classes, adult activities groups, community volunteerism and building facilities committees are essential aspects of our spiritual work. We believe it is our deeds, not our creeds, which are most important. Volunteer opportunities abound! Please consider signing up for coffee service, greeter, shoveling, or any other activity or job that helps to keep our fellowship moving forward and running smoothly. Volunteer sign up sheets are in the coat room .

"We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.
Mother Teresa Every day we have people helping the Fellowship in ways that allow our community to thrive. Whether you are a board member, on a committee, you make coffee, do dishes, vacuum, shovel snow, rack leaves, plan a garden, help coordinate a service or you do one of the other countless tasks, the time and talents you share is incredibly important for our Fellowship community. Please know you are immensely appreciated.


The Childrens Religious Education Fall Session Experiences With the Web of Life Part II Begins Sunday, September 8, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
544 Community volunteer hours for LUUF members and friends at Hope House from 1/1/13 to 7/15/13.


Hope House volunteers - Evie and Jim Sustman, Bonnita Budysz, Robert Theaker, Sandy Bast, Mary Jo and Dick Urban, Carolyn and Jim Rabata, Dan Fischer, Ron Kosik, Kim and Jim Everett and Patty Marquardt. Meal preparation is not included in the total hours, Heather would like to include your hours spent preparing meals, so she can use that in her grant requests. Please contact Heather with an estimate of the time you spent on meal preparation.

EMAIL LUUF Newsletter submissions to:


Auguest LUUF Newsletter

LUUF Garden plan continues full speed ahead!

Mid Auguest is the time to begin dividing perennials, moving them to new places in your garden, or sharing your plants. We would love to be given a plant from your home garden to help improve the Meditation Garden. Inside the Fellowship, in the coat hanging area, find the sheets with plant names. Sign your name, next to the name of the plant. Next find the name of the plant on a white tag sticking in the garden soil. Dig a hole for the new plant and finally give the plant a nice drink of water. If you can't find the name tag, you may plant where you think is a good spot. Contact me so a name tag is made & placed by the plant. Labor Day is the date to begin dividing fall bulbs and planting new bulbs. We would gladly accept a number of bulbs as a gift to the garden. Check the sheets to find the number of particular bulbs we'd love to have and sign your name as the donor. Bulbs may be planted any where, if you are planting 5 bulbs please plant them together in the same location. We are making apologies to you for being selective about which plants we want in the garden and the number of each plants. We don't want plants that create many babies and crowd out the other plants. We are truly grateful for all the plants we've received. The garden is becoming very beautiful. Thank you on behalf of the gardening committee. Large Cupped Narcissi (25 bulbs) - April Delibes Fortissimo Ice Follies Professor Einstein Sound Hawera Miniature Trumpet Daffodils (5 bulbs) - April Little Gem Small Cupped Narcissi (25 bulbs) - April & May Barrett Browning Edna Earl - Lives 50 years Cheerfulness White Lion Yellow Cheerfulness Poeticus Narcissi (10 bulbs) April / May Actaea Angel Eyes Large Flowering Crocus (5 bulbs) - April Jonquilla Narcissi (5 bulbs) - May Suzy Hyacinthus Orientalis G. Elwesll Galanthus (5 bulbs) - March / April C. Vernus Twilght Species Crocus (20 bulbs) ( Late March /April C. Chrysanthus Blue Pearl C. Chrysanthus Cream Beauty Naples-yellow, (Finished before mowing, 4 inches, Deer Proof ! C. Tommasinianus Sorbet Ice Wings Thalia Split-cup Narcissi (5 bulbs)- April Cyclamineus Narcissi (20 bulbs) - April February Gold Jack Snipe Peeping Tom Teta A Teta Triandrus Narcissi (15 bulbs) - April

EMAIL LUUF Newsletter submissions to:


August LUUF Newsletter


Don't forget meditation on Sunday evenings at LUUF at 6:30 Relax, reflect and realign For a calming start to you week.

Our monthly Board Game Night continues Second Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 September 11 Have a favorite game, or party snack? Bring it along! Join in the fun!

The goal of meditation is to bring inner peace within oneself and the world in a positive and spiritual way. The world may not always be a peaceful place and within every soul there is some form of tension and stress. It is therefore essential to create positive and peaceful thoughts to bring peace to our mind. Meditation is one of the best methods to bring about transformation and nurture the natural qualities within. "Peace is not always the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it"

Join our own artist Beth Barfield for creative fun on Saturday, September 21st at 10:00am. We're going to decorate T-shirts to express our inner UU (or whatever joy of life is springing inside you!). All you need to bring is a pre-shrunk white t-shirt and a piece of firm cardboard, foam core board or poster board, as a base. Beth will supply all the art supplies. (Tip: Walgreens has 4/$10.) Hobby Lobby is another source. This creative get-together will be the first of a variety of monthly programs--our own Clearing, you might say.

Follow up from Cecilia Held's presentation on mental illness - The League of Women Voters completed a 2 yr study of mental health strengths and gaps in Manitowoc County. It can be obtained on line at 1. Click on Local League Studies 2. Click on LWV Manitowoc County Mental Health Study 2012 3. Follow the Index for the section you want to look up.


Auguest LUUF Newsletter

Meets first Thurs of each month at 7:00. St. James Church 434 N. 8th St. Phone: (920)374-3524 Email:

UW Manitowoc Email: Caio Menzer (920)320-1141


We believe that schools can be truly safe only when every student is assured of access to an education without fear of harassment of violence.

EMAIL LUUF Newsletter submissions to:


August LUUF Newsletter

Music, Culture and the Creative Spirit At LUUF on August 25th

Music, Culture and the Creative Spirit is Bill Kehls performance that beckons us to revisit the simple and humble beginnings of primitive music and explore the discovery and deliciousness of elemental music in all its wonder. From the beginning, music has been a powerful force in creating the richness and fullness of the human experience. To this day, the magic of music touches our lives, nurtures our being, stimulates our senses and sparks our spirits with passion and joy. Diverse cultures throughout time and all over the world have continued to engage in varied creative musical expression to strike the resonant chords that celebrate our place and purpose in the cosmos. Bill has designed the Music, Culture & the Creative Spirit performance to educate, inspire and celebrate human creativity and ingenuity with a light-hearted, interactive performance and a multitude of fascinating primitive musical instruments and sounds.

St James Episcopal Church is holding its second "Picnic in the Park" for the neighborhood surrounding Union Park from 5:00 - 7:00 on Saturday, August 22 & Sept 25.

Hope House is taking over the Pizza Ranch!!!

Looking for an easy weeknight dinner idea for you and your family? Why not stop in at the Manitowoc Pizza Ranch, enjoy some amazing food and help out a great local cause!! Visit Pizza Ranch on Monday, September 9th between 4:30 pm and 7:30pm! 10% of all Pizza Ranch profits will be donated to Hope House!! . Proceeds from this event will be used to help the shelter continue providing overnight shelter accommodations for homeless families in Manitowoc County. For more information about Hope House or the Pizza Ranch Takeover please feel free to contact us at 920-686-1436 and check our website at


Auguest LUUF Newsletter

Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 620 Park Street Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220

Lake Shore Unitarian Universalist Mission

As a welcoming and accepting, diverse and inquiring spiritual fellowship, We unite to create a community which stimulates a free exchange and Exploration of ideas, foster spiritual and intellectual growth, and serves as a base for active outreach to benefit the world around us.

As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm and promote these principles:

The inherent worth and dignity of every person Justice, equality and compassion in human relationships Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations A free and responsible search for truth and meaning The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part PEACE TO ALL


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