Cover Letter

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Cover letters


further illustrate skills and experience discussed briefly in your rsum as well as demonstrate how your accomplishments will be beneficial to potential employers. This tipsheet outlines the basics of creating a cover letter, includes a sample, and suggests key resources and services. Cover letter anatomy (framework, structure) A cover letter should always accompany a rsum unless the employer indicates not to do so. This is a professional business document and it should follow a proper format. According to a survey we conducted, employers expect that cover letters will highlight specific qualities that apply to the particular job while rsums will include all your experience and accomplishments. Standard letter heading Start off with the date, followed by the employers name and address. Your address can be at the top of the page or under your signature. Greeting Your cover letter should be addressed to the person receiving the applications. Make sure the name is spelled correctly. If the gender of the given name is unclear, use the full name in the greeting (e.g. Dear Leslie Smith). If the name is not listed in the job posting, you could call the organization and politely inquire the name of the contact person. Above all, never be aggressive. If no name is given, use RE: followed by the position title and the job posting ID number if applicable. Introductory paragraph State the position to which you are applying and how you discovered this opportunity. If you are not submitting an application for an advertised position, state the type of work you are seeking. Next, mention specific skills, education, and experience that demonstrate your match to the requirements of the position. This important statement should convey the key reasons the employer to continue reading further. Middle paragraphs In two or three paragraphs, expand on the skills you have mentioned in the introduction by providing specific examples from work, school, volunteer, or extra-curricular experiences. Explain why you are interested in the position and how you can contribute to

the organization. When appropriate, elaborate on your courses, field work, thesis topic, and technical or specific knowledge that relates to the position. Make sure your statements reflect the information collected through research of the company and position. Concluding paragraph Thank the reader for considering your application. Include any additional information requested in the job posting and state the best way to contact you. Let the employer know you will follow up with a phone call on a specific date, and then actually follow up. For an unsolicited application, you could include a request for an interview. After the last paragraph, use a cordial closer such as sincerely followed by your signature, printed name, and address if it is not part of your letter heading. Practice makes it easier! It takes time and preparation to create original, interesting, yet brief letters that include the information discussed above. Proofread your letter for grammatical and spelling errors. It is also a good idea to have it reviewed by several people. Remember that employers receive a never-ending flood of applications and normally they will only skim through them. Therefore, make the extra effort to ensure your cover letter stands out from the rest. Consider contacting the organization prior to sending an application whether it is through cold calling or networking. This could increase your chances of the hiring manager giving your application further consideration. The Career Centre offers two types of services to help you develop and polish your rsum. The Rsum and Cover Letter workshop should be your first stop if you have never written a rsum or cover letter. It is offered several times a month. Check the Career Centre Calendar of Events under Whats New on our website and sign up online. At the Rsum Clinic, you will receive feedback on your rsum or cover letter from a professional. Sign up online for a same-day or pre-scheduled appointments. Career Resource Library We hold an extensive collection of guides and resources with samples of cover letters, rsums, thank-you letters, and electronic applications. You can also consult our Employer Rsum and Cover Letter Survey and visit our website for weblinks on this topic. View a sample cover letter for an unsolicited application

Cover Letters 2

July 4, 2007 Ms. Beatrice Wilson Media Accounts Coordinator Malooney, Wilstone and Massey 3-12 Laurier Park Toronto, ON M1M 2A9 Dear Ms. Wilson:

un S so am lic p ite le d fo ap r a pl n ica tio n

Mr. Bill Brennen, a former classmate of yours, suggested I send you my rsum regarding opportunities for a junior position in media relations in your department. Beyond my strong set of communication skills, I believe my relevant experience as a newsletter editor and successful fundraiser could help me make an immediate contribution to Malooney, Wilstone, and Massey. As editor of PoliSci & You, the newsletter of the University of Toronto Political Science Students Association, I write, solicit, and edit articles and advertising copy for a mixed audience including subscribers (students) and advertisers. Most recently, I organized and publicized the annual fundraising event for St. Clements Church this years attendance surpassed previous years by 60%. I also developed my public presentation skills by delivering seminars as part of my coursework and by being a tour guide this past summer. Additionally, I am aware that Malooney, Wilstone and Massey is targeting small business. This is a group that I have come to know well by having been involved in running a family business. It is here that I acquired unique insight into the competing demands of running a profitable business without compromising the service offered to customers. I welcome the opportunity to further discuss my suitability with Malooney, Wilstone and Massey and will contact you within the next week to arrange a possible meeting time. Sincerely,

David Cheung
David Cheung 24 Sussex Gardens Toronto ON M6R 1G7 Telephone: 416-234-5678

Here for you at the

Career Resource Library

Career tipsheets over 40 topics available in the library and online. Career research tools over 1,000 occupational books, Careers by Degree series, Career Cruising database access, and graduate school resources. Job search resources Rsum, cover letter, and interview guides; Informational Interview Contacts; and employer directories. Additional services word processing, Internet access, free local faxing, photocopier, and video terminals.

2008 Career Centre, University of Toronto 214 College Street, Toronto ON M5T 2Z9 416-978-8000 Revised 2008-06-12

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