Handrahan Motion Contempt No Visitation April 2011

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STATE OF MAINE COURT Cumberland, ss.


I&OR MALEN O, Pla(nt()) ,.

LORI +ANDRA+AN, De)endant

NO1 COMES De)endant, Lor( +andra2an, pro se, and mo,es t2(s Court, 3ursuant to %4! A M.R.S. 5 %6$789' and M.R.C.P. 668a'80'8A'8((', )or a )(nd(n: t2at Pla(nt()) I:or Malen;o (s (n <ontem3t o) <ourt )or 2(s ;no=(n: and del(berate ,(olat(on o) t2e ,(s(tat(on terms o) t2(s Court*s De<(s(on and Order dated Februar> %, 0"%% 82erea)ter, t2e ?Order@', an order reAu(r(n: t2at ,(s(tat(on <ons(stent =(t2 t2e a)oresa(d Order be (mmed(atel> resumed 8as =ell as a33ro3r(ate ma;e!u3 ,(s(tat(on )or t2e ,(s(ts Pla(nt()) 2as =(ll)ull> den(ed', and t2e (m3os(t(on o) an a33ro3r(ate 3enalt> )or Pla(nt())*s <ontem3t. As :rounds )or t2(s mot(on, De)endant alle:es: %' T2e Order 8a <o3> o) =2(<2 (s atta<2ed 2ereto as EB2(b(t ?A@' s3e<()(<all> reAu(res ,(s(tat(on bet=een me and t2e m(nor <2(ld, M(la Malen;o 82erea)ter, ?M(la@', at 3art(<ular t(mes, (n<lud(n: t2ree =ee;ends 3er mont2C %


I 2a,e s<ru3ulousl> )ollo=ed t2e 3ro,(s(ons o) t2e Order, and e,er> order, s(n<e (t, and t2ese, =asD=ere (ssued and ne,er on<e ,(olated an orderC


I 2a,e <learl> not()(ed Pla(nt()) (n ad,an<e o) t2e =ee;ends and t(mes )or dro3!o))s and 3(<;!u3sC Pla(nt()) 2ad =r(tten, (n ad,an<e, M(la =as to s3end t2e =ee;end o) A3r(l 4!%%, 0"%% =(t2 M(la 8a <o3> o) t2at =r(t(n: (s atta<2ed 2ereto as EB2(b(t ?.@' t2(s =as a)ter Pla(nt()) )a(led to 3ro,(de M(la )or 2er ,(s(t on %!7 A3r(l and o))ered #!%" A3r(l as ma;e!u3 t(meC


Pla(nt()) )a(led and re)used to ma;e M(la a,a(lable )or t2at ,(s(tat(on 3er(od, and (n )a<t res3onded to me (n =r(t(n: to t2e e))e<t t2at 2e re)used to allo= me to ,(s(t M(la at all, (n d(re<t ,(olat(on o) t2e Order 8a <o3> o) Pla(nt())*s ema(l stat(n: t2(s (s atta<2ed 2ereto as EB2(b(t ?C@'.


Pla(nt()) re)used to allo= t2e <ourt ordered ,(s(tat(on s<2edule a)ter a <2(ld 3rote<t(on (n,est(:at(on be<ause M(la <la(ms s2e =as 2(t (n t2e 2ead =(t2 a 3an b> 2er )at2er be<ause s2e =as <r>(n: =2en s2e <ame 2ome to me =(t2 a ,er> <on<ern(n: <ontus(on on 2er )ore2ead. T2(s =as re3orted and 32oto:ra32ed at t2e Emer:en<> Room and re3orted to C2(ld Prote<t(on and re<orded b> De)endant. Pla(nt()) t2en re)used to return M(la, 3er <ourt ordered ,(s(tat(on s<2edule, to De)endant as a result o) t2e <2(ld 3rote<t(on (n,est(:at(on.


As o) %$ A3r(l, De)endant =(ll not 2a,e seen or s3o;en =(t2 M(la )or t2ree =ee;s, (n d(re<t ,(olat(on o) t2e <ourt order and d(re<tl> a)ter M(la =as 2(t (n t2e 2ead b> 2er )at2er =(t2 a 3anC 0

A<<ord(n:l>, De)endant 3ra>s t2(s Court )or a )(nd(n: t2at Pla(nt()) (s (n <ontem3t o) Court, and a rul(n: redress(n: 2(s ,(olat(on, as s3e<()(ed belo=. Facts. T2e )a<ts o) t2(s matter are ,er> stra(:2t)or=ard. As noted abo,e, I :a,e Pla(nt()) ad,an<e =r(tten not(<e t2at I (ntended to s3end t2e =ee;end o) A3r(l 4!%%, 0"%% =(t2 M(la (n ;ee3(n: =(t2 t2e terms o) t2e Order. Pla(nt()) )latl> re)used to ma;e M(la a,a(lable to me. In )a<t, 2e =ould not e,en res3ond to m> Auer(es as to =2ere M(la =as, or =2en I <ould see 2er neBt. Instead, on Sunda>, A3r(l %", Pla(nt()) )(nall> sent me t2e )ollo=(n: b> ema(l: M(la (s . . . )ed u3 and re)uses to sta> =(t2 >ou unless >ou 3rom(se to sto3 and abandon t2(s emot(onal abuse (mmed(atel> ! I told >ou I =(ll not a<<e3t >ou do(n: t2(s to our <2(ld and I 2a,e an obl(:at(on to 3rote<t 2er )rom t2(s on:o(n: 2orror, es3e<(all> no= t2at s2e (s as;(n: me 2er sel). . . . . . . Unt(l >ou sto3 tr>(n: to bra(n=as2 M(la and destro> me, I =(ll not 3erm(t >ou to see M(la unsu3er,(sed. . . . 8EB2(b(t ?C.@' Needless to sa>, I am not a=are o) t2e sl(:2test e,(den<e t2at M(la (s an:r> at me, or 2as as;ed Pla(nt()) to blo<; 2er ,(s(ts =(t2 me. Nor 2as Pla(nt()) 3rodu<ed an>. Moreo,er, 2(s ema(l ma;es (t 3er)e<tl> 3la(n t2at 2e (s del(beratel> ,(olat(n: t2e Order b> re)us(n: to allo= unsu3er,(sed ,(s(ts bet=een me and M(la. Law. Ma(ne Re,(sed Statutes, T(tle%4!A, 5 %6$789', s3e<()(<all> 3ro,(des: E(t2er 3arent ma> 3et(t(on t2e <ourt )or a 2ear(n: on t2e (ssue o) non<om3l(an<e =(t2 t2e order (ssued under subse<t(on 0. I) t2e <ourt )(nds t2at a 3arent 2as ,(olated a 3art o) t2e order, t2e <ourt ma> )(nd t2at 3arent (n <ontem3t and ma>: A. ReAu(re add(t(onal or more s3e<()(< terms and <ond(t(ons <ons(stent =(t2 t2e orderC .. Order t2at add(t(onal ,(s(tat(on be 3ro,(ded )or a 3arent to ta;e t2e 3la<e o) ,(s(tat(on t2at =as =ron:)ull> den(edC or C. Order a 3arent )ound (n <ontem3t to 3a> a )or)e(ture o) at least F%"".

T2e Order ob,(ousl> (n,ol,es ,(s(tat(on 3ro,(s(ons 3ursuant to 5 %6$780' and (s t2ere)ore an a33ro3r(ate bas(s )or a <ontem3t order under 5 %6$789'. 7

Pla(nt())*s ,(olat(on (s 3atent and d(re<t. A<<ord(n:l>, rel(e) under subse<t(ons 8.' and 8C' (s <learl> =arranted. I s2ould be :ranted ma;eu3 ,(s(tat(on (mmed(atel> to re<t()> t2e ,(s(tat(on 2e 2as =ron:)ull> den(ed meC and 2e s2ould be 3enal(Ged to 3re,ent an> )urt2er ,(olat(ons o) t2e Order. I =(s2 to em32as(Ge t2at t2e ma(n reason )or t2e <ustod> terms <onta(ned (n t2e Order (tsel) =as t2(s Court*s stated <on<ern re:ard(n: m> alle:ed ?non!<oo3erat(on@ =(t2 Pla(nt()) (n matters (n,ol,(n: M(la. I 2a,e 3re,(ousl> ar:ued t2at t2e re<ord does not su33ort su<2 a <la(m a:a(nst me. +o=e,er, :(,en t2e Court*s <on<ern =(t2 <oo3erat(on bet=een M(la*s 3arents, Pla(nt())*s )la:rant and del(berat(on ,(olat(on o) t2e Order s2ould ser(ousl> d(sturb t2e Court, s(n<e (t re)le<ts eBa<tl> t2e sort o) <ondu<t t2e Court =arned, (n Februar>, <ould be 2arm)ul to M(la. In )a<t, Pla(nt()) 2as 3re,(ousl> :(,en e,(den<e o) 2(s non<oo3erat(on =(t2 me (n 3arent(n: matters. For (nstan<e: A' M> test(mon> on Hanuar> %E establ(s2ed t2at Pla(nt()) re)used to med(ate =(t2 me o,er (ssues ra(sed (n m> a33eal )rom a 3re,(ous Iud:ment. .' .ot2 m> test(mon> and se,eral eB2(b(ts adm(tted (nto t2e re<ord at tr(al 8and as eB2(b(ts (n 3re,(ous 3ro<eed(n:s as =ell' establ(s2ed t2at Pla(nt()), somet(mes d(re<tl> and somet(mes t2rou:2 <ounsel, =rote t2reaten(n:, (nsult(n: or abus(,e ema(ls to me.

Pla(nt())*s <urrent <ondu<t J d(re<tl> de)>(n: a <ourt order and den>(n: m> ,(s(tat(on J s(m3l> <om3letes t2(s 3attern. Plaintiffs Allegations. Pla(nt()) 2as 3ro,(ded no )a<tual su33ort =2atsoe,er )or 2(s E

mal(<(ous a<<usat(ons a:a(nst me and 2(s del(berate de)(an<e o) t2e Court*s Order. In )a<t, I <annot see 2o= 2e <an 3oss(bl> substant(ate 2(s a<<usat(ons, =2(<2 alle:edl> rest on statements made b> M(la 8statements no one but Pla(nt()) a33ears to 2a,e 2eard'. Is Pla(nt()) :o(n: to (nterro:ate M(la and 3ressure 2er to <la(m s2e doesn*t =ant to see meK +as 2e, 3er2a3s, alread> done soK T2(s Court s2ould 2old 2(m str(<tl> a<<ountable )or an> su<2 <ondu<t, =2(<2 =ould be abus(,e (n (tsel)L 12at (s more, I ;no= )rom m> o=n eB3er(en<e =(t2 M(la, =2(<2 () ne<essar> I <an <on)(rm t2rou:2 =(tnesses, t2at M(la lo,es and enIo>s our t(me to:et2er. Pla(nt())*s <ondu<t (s not onl> (lle:al sel)!2el3C (t (s based on an abus(,e and )raudulent <la(m. And Pla(nt()) (s <learl> (n <ontem3t o) t2(s Court. A <o3> o) t2(s mot(on (s be(n: ser,ed <ontem3oraneousl> on Pla(nt()) and 2(s <ounsel o) re<ord, b> <ert()(ed ma(l, restr(<ted del(,er>, return re<e(3t reAuested, 3ursuant to M.R.C.P. %"7. 1+EREFORE, De)endant 3ra>s t2e Court to :rant t2(s mot(on, 3ursuant to %4!A M.R.S. 5 %6$789', )(nd(n: Pla(nt()) (n <ontem3t o) <ourt, order(n: ma;eu3 ,(s(tat(on )or t2e ,(s(tat(on =ron:l> den(ed t2(s 3ast =ee;end, en)or<(n: )uture ,(s(tat(on, and (m3os(n: an a33ro3r(ate 3enalt> on Pla(nt()) )or 2(s =(ll)ul ,(olat(on o) t2e Order 8bot2 b> den>(n: ,(s(tat(on and b> a33arentl> 3ressur(n: M(la to a,o(d me =(t2 dero:ator> statements, also a ,(olat(on o) t2e Order'.

Dated at Sorrento, t2(s %0t2 da> o) A3r(l, 0"%%. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LORI +ANDRA+AN De)endant pro se 0"9!#%0!"%4%




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