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Improved Column-Beam Joint in Glulam Semi-Rigid Portal Frame

Kohei Komatsu Professor, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University Uji, Japan Mitsushi Akagi Former Engineer, Yamasa Mokuzai Co., Ltd. Kagoshima, Japan Chiori Kawai Former Engineer, D.fact Co., Ltd. Nagoya, Japan Takuro Mori Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University Uji, Japan Shingo Hattori President, D.fact Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Japan Kiyoshi Hosokawa President, Mokkozo Giken Ltd., Hamamatsu, Japan

Previous column joint was composed of pass-through bolts to connect steel gusset with column. The joint, however, tended to bring larger deformation due to embedment of bearing plate to side R was introduced, and evaluation tests grain of column. To prevent this deformation, Lagscrewbolt were done using three different kinds of specimens (120 x 300, 120 x 360, and 120 x 450 mm in cross section of column member). Experimental results showed that at maximum about 40% increase of maximum moment and stiffness, while same percentage of decrease of ductility. The decrease of ductility was caused by a simple mistake in preparing test specimen. Thus, it can be possible to expect that the new type of column-beam joint give excellent total performance by executing careful further development on joints details.



In WCTE2006 [1] held at Portland, we presented performance of glulam portal frames of 4m and 6m span, which were composed of specially designed column-beam as well as column-base joints. In our presentation, we emphasized that the glulam portal frame developed had an excellent performance especially on the ductility that kept increasing bending moment even if the portal frames were deformed over 1/10 radian. As previous column joint, however, was composed of pass-though bolts to connect special shaped steel gusset with column member as shown in Fig.1, it was a disadvantage point that embedment due to bolt nuts made initial stiffness weakened. In this research, therefore, in order to prevent this initial deformation due to embedment by bearing plate, R , which was developed by the first author, was used instead of using pass-throughLagscrewbolt bolt, and some evaluation tests were performed by employing full-scale column-beam joint specimens. In this article, details of theoretical analysis as well as comparisons between experimental results and theoretical results are to be reported.


Mechanical Model for Column-Beam Joint

Beam Side Model
Bearing Plate
Fixed with N uts

As the theoretical derivation of mechanical model on the beam side joint shown in Fig.1 was reported in details in the previous proceedings [1], only the final expressions for the rotational rigidity of the beam side joint are shown in this part. The rotational rigidity of the beam side joint is expressed in equations (1) and (2).
b f H ke90 b f b ke0 + A k (g )2 (1) + RJCBB = b 12 z e0 3
3 3

M 12 Bolt

Glulam -Beam Flange


a Cw
g b

Glulam Colum n
2 / 3 b




b =

Az bf

Az + 2 g Az bf bf





Fig.1 Beam side mechanical model for the previous joint.

AZ : Area of bearing plate of M12 bolt at centre of steel gusset plate (mm2)

b f : Width of double sided flange (mm)

g : Distance from most outer compression side to the line of tension side bolt (mm) H : Longitudinal length of steel gusset having double sided flanges (mm)
ke 0 = E w0 : Embedment constant of glulam parallel to the grain (N/mm3) (H / 2 )


Ew0 : Modulus of elasticity of glulam parallel to the grain (kN/mm2)

ke90 =

ke0 : Embedment constant of glulam perpendicular to the grain, which is assumed that the 3.14 (4) same relationship used in AIJ design standard [2] can by applied. (N/mm3)


Rotational Rigidity of Column Side Joint in Previous Type Assembly

Figure 2 indicates a mechanical model on the previous type of beam-column joint in which pass-through-bolts were used for connecting steel gusset plate with glulam column. When the pass-through-bolt is subjected to the tensile force T, the bearing plate is bent as shown in Fig.2. Resistance force T1 acting at constant embedment stress region is expressed in equation (5). T1 = ke90 T (2acbz ) (5)

Fig.2 Mechanical model for column-beam joint.

While, resistance force T2, which is defined as a resultant force of lineally distributed

embedment stress, is expressed in equation (6).

1 1 2 T2 = bz x dy = bz ke901 1 2 0


Considering relationships of T = 11 and T = ( g ) , and equilibrium between tensile resultant force and compression force, following relationship is obtained.
1 1 T = T1 + T2 = C 2acbz ke90 ( g c ) + bz ke901( g c ) = bS ke90 c 2 2 2

c 2bS + 2a c = 2 2( g c )bz 1
From geometrical relationship in Fig.2, g c = 1 + ac From equations (7) and (8), following equation for the neutral potion of column-side is obtained.



(bz bs )c 2 (3acbz + 2 gbz )c + (3acbz g + bz g 2 ) = 0


where, bz is width of bearing plate of column side, and bS is contact width of beam end to the side face of column. As the difference between bz and bS is usually small, it will be reasonable to neglect the difference, hence the location of neutral potion of column-side is obtained as equation (10).
c c = g 3a + 2 g c

3a + g


From equilibrium of external moment M and moments due to tensile force T as well as compression f orce C, relationship between moment and rotational angle is derived as equation (11).


3 2 c C + ( g c )T = ke90bz (2a c + 1 )( g c )2 + c 3 2 3


Considering equation (7), the rotational rigidity for column-side joint of previous type joint is derive d as equation (12).

1 RJCB C = bz ke90c 2 g c 2 3


As the column-side joint and beam-side joint is connected in series with shearing approximately the same moment, apparent rotational rigidity for beam-column joint of previous type assembly is expressed as equation (13).



Yield Moment of Column-Beam Joint in Previous Type Assembly

It is assumed that the yielding of column-beam joint occurs when the embedment stress x reaches to the partial compression strength f c 90 perpendicular to the grain of glulam column. The force embedment relationship is,

f c 90 = ke90 c Relationship between embedment and rotational angle at yielding level is,


c = c c
Relationship between rotational angle and moment at yielding level is, M y = RJCB Bolt c



Hence, substituting equations (14) and (15) into equation (16), equation for predicting yield moment at column-beam joint is obtained as equation (17). My =

f c 90 RJCB Bolt ke90c


Rotational Rigidity of Column-Side Joint in New Type Assembly

R is Figure 3 shows a mechanical model for new type column-beam joint in which Lagscrewbolt used instead of using pass-through-bolts for connecting steel gusset plate with glulam column. hc Lag -Screw -Bolt=LS B In this model, number of LSB for width direction Column T was assumed to be m for making mechanical m -LSB model has generalization. Relationship between ac load and elongation at tensile side of LSB is T m expressed in equation (18). g

x x
m -LSB



g hb

T = mK LSB 90 T




Relationship between load and deformation at compression side of LSB is expressed in equation (19). C L = mK LSB 90 C where, (19)

Fig.3 Mechanical model for new type column-beam joint.

K LSB 90 : Slip modulus of LSB and it was assumed that for both tension and compression load, same value could be given by the following equations.

K LSB 90 =

90R(Ew90 Aw90 + Es As )sinhk90l

k90 (Es As coshk90l + Ew90 Aw90 )



1 1 k90 = 90R E A +E A s s w90 w90


90 : Shear stiffness of LSB defined as stiffness between shear stress and displacement measured on
the specimen in which LSB inserted into thin plate. (N/mm3) Ew90 : Modulus of elasticity of glulam perpendicular to the grain (= Ew0/25). ( kN/mm2) Aw90 : Effective area defined as hatched part surrounded by 4.0R in width direction times nR in fibre direction as shown in Fig.4, and can be evaluated by equation (22) [3] (mm2)

Aw90 = (nR )(4 R ) (0.5 R )2 l n = 2.683 exp 3.594 hc where, (22)

R : Peak diameter of LSB (mm) l : Effective insert length of LSB (mm) Fig.4 Effective area Aw90 for LSB inserted perpendicular to the grain. hc : Height of column (mm) Es : Modulus of elasticity of steel. (kN/mm2)

As : Cross sectional area of LSB based on the bottom diameter (mm2)

Relationship between elongation and rotational angle at tensile LSB is,

T = (g )
Relationship between deformation and rotational angle at compression LSB is,

(23) (24)

C = ( ac )

Resultant compression force by embedment stress due to contact of end flange of steel gusset plate to side grain of glulam column is,

bs ke902 Cw = bs x dy = 2 0


From equations (18) and (23),

T = mK LSB 90 ( g )
From equations (19) and (24),


C L = mK LSB 90 ( ac )
Equilibrium of T, CL and Cw is,


T = Cw + C L
is obtained.


Substituting equations (25),(26), and (27) into equation (28), following equation for determining
2mK LSB 90 2mK LSB 90 hb = 0 bk b k s e 90 s e 90

2 + 2


Solving equation (29), is expressed as,

2mK LSB 90 2mK LSB 90 2mK LSB 90 + hb bk s e 90 bs ke 90 bs ke 90


Equilibrium of external moment and those due to tensile force and compression force is

2 1 M = ( g )T + Cw + ( ac )C L = mK LSB 90 ( g )2 + ( ac )2 + bs ke903 3 3 Therefore, the rotational rigidity for column-side joint is, 1 RJc LSB = mK LSB 90 ( g )2 + ( ac )2 + bs ke90 3 3



Finally, apparent rotational rigidity for beam-column joint of new type assembly is expressed as equation (33).




Yield Moment of Column-Beam Joint in New Type Assembly

It is assumed that apparent yielding of column-beam joint occurs when the tensile force T on LSB reaches to its maximum strength Pmax 90 perpendicular to the grain of glulam column. Hence, apparent yielding moment is expressed as,

My =

Pmax 90 RJCB LSB mK LSB 90 ( g ) f v90R(Ew90 Aw90 + Es As )sinhk90l k90 (Es As coshk90l + Ew90 Aw90 )


Pmax 90 =


f v 90 : Shear strength perpendicular to the grain obtained from thin plate specimen with penetrating LSB[3]. (kN/mm2)


Table Specification of Test Specimens Used for Experiments

Table 1 shows Common Height of Height of specification of test Specimen Joint Between Column-Steel Beam Width Column specimens used in this Code Name Gusset b (mm) h c (mm) h b (mm) experiment. In each B300-1,2,3 120 300 360 4-M12 Bolts Previous Type specification, three B360-1,2,3 120 360 420 4-M12 Bolts Previous Type replications were B450-1,2,3 120 450 540 4-M12 Bolts Previous Type prepared. For column and L300-1,2,3 120 300 360 LSB2-30New Type beam members, glulam L360-1,2,3 120 360 420 LSB2-30New Type having a grade of L450-1,2,3 120 450 540 LSB2-30New Type JASE105-f300 (fb=30MPa, MOE=10.5 GPa) mixed species glulam, which is the same as those used in the previous experiments [1], were used. Figure 5 shows a test set-up of beam-column joint. This configuration represents the upper half and lateral half portion of portal frame subjected to a horizontal load. In this experiment, length L was 2500mm and height H was 1480mm, thus moment at beam column joint was estimated as M=HP=1.48P (kNm). While the rotational angle at beam-column joint was defined as = (# 4#3) / h34 . Loading protocol applied was 1/300, 1/200, 1/120, 1/60, 1/30 rad. and finally Pmax then returns back to zero. In this experiment, only one cycle repeat was adopted within each peak deformation.


Results and Discussion

500 kN O il Jack


Figures 6 to 8 show comparisons between observed envelope curve and predicted stiffness and yield moment calculated using equations derived in clause 2 in this paper. From these comparisons, it is clear that the equations for predicting initial stiffness as well as yielding moment of both previous and new type joint specimen had fairly good applicability on the real beamcolumn joints.
40 30 20
Moment M (kNm)





300kN Load Cell

Colum n

Pined S upport

Fig.5 Test set-up for beam-column joint specimen.


Previous TypeB300)

New TypeL300)

30 20

10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Rotational Angle(rad.) B300-1 B300-2 B300-3 Stiffness M-cal Yield My-cal

Moment M (kNm)

10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Rotational Angle(rad.) L300-1 L300-2 L300-3 Stiffness M-cal Yield My-cal

Fig.6 Comparisons between observed values and predicted ones in case of B300 and L300.
50 40 30 Previous TypeB360) 50 40 30

Moment M (kNm)

Moment M (kNm)

20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 B360-1 B360-2 B360-3 Stiffness M-cal Yield My-cal

20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 L360-1 L360-2 L360-3 Stiffness M-cal Yield My-cal New TypeL360)

-50 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Rotational Angle(rad.)

-50 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Rotational Angle(rad.)

Fig.7 Comparisons between observed values and predicted ones in case of B360 and L360.


80 60 Previous Type B450)

80 60 40
Moment M (kNm)

Moment M (kNm)

40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 B450-1 B450-2 B450-3 Stiffness M-cal Yield My-cal 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

20 0 -20 -40 -60

New TypeL450)

L40-1 L40-2 L40-3 Stiffness M-cal Yield My-cal 0.08

Rotational Angle(rad.)

-80 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 Rotational Angle(rad.)

Fig.8 Comparisons between observed values and predicted ones in case of B450 and L450.
Photo 1 shows typical ultimate situations in different type of test specimens.

Photo1 Left: Large deformation at bearing plate in previous type. Middle: Pull-out of LSB in new type (L300). Right: Tear off of high-tension bolt in new type (L450).



Experimental results showed that at maximum about 40% increase of maximum moment and stiffness, while same percentage of decrease of ductility due to simple mistake in preparing test specimen occurred. Equations derived in this research showed excellent applicability, hence, consequently column-beam joint proposed in this research was proved to express enough structural performance both in experimentally and theoretically.


Komatsu K., Hosokawa K., Hattori S., Matsuoka H., Yanaga K. and Mori T.: Development of Ductile and High-Strength Semi-Rigid Portal Frame Composed of Mixed-Species Glulams and H-shaped Steel Gusset Joints, Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2006, (CD-ROM only), Portland, Aug. 2006. Architectural Institute of Japan (edited): Design of Joints, Standard for Structural Design of Timber Structures, Maruzen, Tokyo, 2006, pp.200-320. (in Japanese) Japan Lagscrewbolt Society (edited): Design and Construction Guideline on Glulam Joints by Lagscrewbolt, Kyoto, 2007, p.13. (in Japanese)

[2] [3]

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