A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi.

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Taang Zomi

== Originally written on 10 FEB 2010 WED. Expanded a bit, with Bibliography and Indices added, on 04 JAN 2014 SUN. ==

Table of Contents
Taang Zomi ii Lailam Tangthu Tomno......................................................................................................2 A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi.......................................................................................2 ..............................................................2 Khanggui Simna (Genealogy)..........................................................................................................2 Teenna Khua...................................................................................................................................3 Zolai Sinna le Lailam Telkanna.......................................................................................................4 Bibliography..............................................................................................................................................9 Nungthuapte (Appendices)......................................................................................................................17 Appendix 1..........................................................................................................................................17 Zomi Vowel Phonemes..................................................................................................................17 Appendix 2..........................................................................................................................................20 Zomi Consonant Phonemes...........................................................................................................20 Appendix 3..........................................................................................................................................21 Tedim Zomi and Burmese Consonant Phonemes..........................................................................21 Tedim Zomi Underlying Tones in Monosyllabic Words................................................................24 Appendix 6..........................................................................................................................................25 Underlying Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Monosyllabic Words..................................................25 Appendix 7..........................................................................................................................................26 Surface Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Polys yllabic Words..........................................................26 Appendix 4..........................................................................................................................................29 Selected Phonetic (Phonemic) Symbols.......................................................................................29 Appendix 5..........................................................................................................................................30 Tedim Zomi Underlying Tones in Monosyllabic Words................................................................30 Appendix 6..........................................................................................................................................31 Underlying Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Monosyllabic Words..................................................31 Appendix 7..........................................................................................................................................32 Surface Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Polys yllabic Words..........................................................32 Appendix 8..........................................................................................................................................35 Tones and Vowel Length in Zomi Personal and Place Names.......................................................35 Appendix 9..........................................................................................................................................39 Some Conventions Adopted...........................................................................................................39 ==

Saturday, January 4, 2014

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Taang Zomi

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Taang Zomi ii Lailam Tangthu Tomno

/t z zomi i li lm t tu tm n/1 [t z zomi i li lm t t tm n]2 A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi
/ brif lwstk barfi v t zmi/3

/tn zo mi b be d s j t p t tsin/4 Khanggui Simna (Genealogy)
Taang Zomi (a minpi: Tg. Pau Cin Thang /t pu tsn t/ [t pu tsn t]; a minno: Tg. Thangbawi /t bi/) in ama khangguithu (genealogy) a suut ciangin, khat veivei (1) Matthew 1:1, (2) Matthew 1:2-6a, (3) 1:6b-11, (4) 1:12-16 a sim khit ciangin, (5) 1:17 tawh pan aihkeh khumh thei zeel hi. Hih bang ahih manin (1) Abraham panin David ciangdong khang sawmleli pha a, (2) David panin Babylon gamah salin a kipaikhiatpih dong khang sawmleli mah pha a, (3) Babylon gamah salin a kipaikhiatpih-a kipanin Khrih a suah hun ciangdong khang sawmleli mah a pha hi. Matthew 1:17 (Tedim Online Bible: http://www.myanmarbible.com/bible/bible.phpversion=Tedim&testament=NT&book=Matthew&chapt er=1) (1) Tg. Sukte; (2) Tg.Sukte ta Tg. Sukzo; (3) Tg. Sukzo ta Tg. Mang Cin; (4) Tg. Mang Cin ta Tg. Mang Tun; (5) Tg. Mang Tun tate Tg. Cin Thang, Tg. Liap Thang le Tg. Mang Piang; (6) Tg. Mang
1 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) bulphuh-a Zokam awsuah (pronunciation), awkaih (tone) ciaptehnang-a Taang Zomi zat awneenbul kambul (phonetic alphabet) ahi hi. 2 A kizom kampau (connected speech) sung-ah awkaih (tone) nih a om khop ciangin, tone khat in tone a dang khat kikheelsak thei hi. Lailam Tangthu Tomno /li lm t tu tm n/ panin [li lm t t tm n]-ah kikheel hi. 3 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) bulphuh-a Mangkam awsuah (pronunciation), khauhcih (stress) ciapteh nang-a English dictionary pawlkhatte zat awneenbul kambul (phonetic alphabet) ahi hi. 4 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) bulphuh-a Kawlkam awsuah (pronunciation), awkaih (tones) ciapteh nang-a Kawlkam tawh kisai lailam mipilte (linguists in Burmese language) zat awneenbul kambul (phonetic alphabet) ahi hi.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi Taang Zomi Piang ta Tg. Ngai Neek; (7) Tg, Ngai Neek tate Tg. Neek Kip, Tg. Neek Zom le Tg. Zaang Thuk; (8) Tg. Neek Kip ta Tg. Kim Vum; (9) Tg. Kim Vum ta Tg. Hauh Tuang; (10) Tg. Hauh Tuang ta Tg. Pau Vum (Kamhau Ukpi-gam Prime Minister); (11) Tg. Pau Vumtate Tg. Khan Lian le Tg. Tuang Khaw Thang; (12) Tg. Tuang Khaw Thang tate Tg. Vum Khaw Pau le Tg. Thawng Pau; (13) Tg.. Thawng Pau tate Tg. Thang Za Hang, Tg. Kham Cin Pau, Tg. Khup Cin Thang le Tg. Thang Za Kam; (14) Tg. Thang Za Kam (Tg. Kampu) - Lia Niang Za Dim (Lia Dimno) tate: Lia Ning Khan Ciin (Lia Ciinbuai) - the late Rev. Tg. Kai Khaw Thawn (Tg. Thawnneu), Tg. Pau Cin Thang (Tg. Thangbawi) - Lia Khup Zam Ciin (Lia Ciinno), Tg. Dongh Khan Pau (Tg. Pautawng) - Lia Than Than May (Lia Than Than), the late Lia Man Khan Vung(Vungneu) - Tg. Cin Khan Vungh (Tg. Vunghno), Lia Niang Suan Man (Lia Suanu) - Lt. Col. Dr. Tg. Kam Khan Thawng (Tg. Thawngbawi)), Tg. Langh Suan Mang (angpi) - Lia Man Lun Niang (Lia Niang) Lia Lian Man Cing (Cinglek) - Prof. Tg. Kam Za Mung (Tg. Mung) Tg. Pau Lian Mang (Mangno) - Lia Ngai Dim Niang (Lia Dimniang), Tg. Hang Khan Mung (Tg. Mungbawi) - Lia En Sian Cing (Lia Cingsan) Taang Zomi pen Sukte pan khang sawmleli-na ahi hi. http://web.archive.org/web/19991011114622/private.fuller.edu/~pthang/whoiam.html (15) Taang Zomi (Lia Khup Zam Ciin) tate Tg. Kam Sian Tung (Tg. Tungpi), Lia Dim Lian Vung (Lia Vunglek), Lia Dim Lun Niang (Lia Niangnu), Lia Ciin Hau Cing (Lia Cingleuh), Lia Vungh Deih Huai (Lia Huaipi).

Teenna Khua
Tg. Sukte le a suan a khakte, Luika /lu:i k:/, Khuapi /x pi/ [x pi], Mualbeem /ml bem/ cihte-ah na teeng uh hi. Khang 10 Tg. Kam Hau le Khang 10 mah ahi Tg. Pau Vum pen pusawn unau (third cousin) ahih ban-ah a ki-it mahmah lawmta ahi uh hi.. Khang 7 Tg. Neek Kip pen Tg. Pau Vum pusawn hi-a, Khang 7 mah ahi Tg. Zaang Thuk pen Tg. Kam Hau pusawn ahi hi. Lamzang /lm z/ le Tedim /t dm/ -ah Tg. Kam Hau in hausa seem ding-a a pai ciangin, Tg. Pau Vum na kizuisak hi. Sukte Ukpi-gam leh Kamhau Ukpi-gam a tuam tuak-a hong din uh ciangin, Tg. Kam Hau in Kamhau Ukpi-gam-ah Ukpi hong seem hi. Thuthei mipil Tg. S. K. Ngul Langh gen dan-in gen ni ci leeng, Tg. Kam Hau pen tu lai bang dan hi leh Tham-ma-da (President) hi-a, Tg. Pau Vum pen Wungyi-gyoke (Prime Minister) ahi hi. Tg. Khoi Lam pen A-twin-ye-hmu Tit (Secretary 1) hi-a Tg. Mang Gin pen Kar-kway-ye Wun-gyi (Defence Minister) ahi hi. Tg. Kam Hau ta Khang 11 Tg. Khua Cin in Ukpi hong sep ciangin, Tg. Pau Vum ta Khang 11 Tg. Tuang Khaw Thang in a pa panmun luah hi. Tonzang /tn za/ [tn za] -ah kikhiin uh hi. Tg. Khua Cin hong sih ciangin Ukpi za pen Khang 12 Tg. Hau Cin Khup (Khang 11 Tg. Hau Pum ta) in laih-a, Tg. Tuang Khaw Thang mun-ah Khang 12 Tg. Thawng Pau in hong seem hi. Tg. Hau Cin Saturday, January 4, 2014 Page 3 of 39

Taang Zomi A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi Khup, Ukpi panmun pan-in a khawl ciangin, Khang 13 Tg. Pum Za Mang in laih-a Tg. Thawng Pau mun-ah Khang 13 Tg. Thang Za Kam hong kah to hi. Galpi Nihna khit ciangin, Tg. Thawng Pau le innkuanpihte Lailui-ah kikhiin uh hi. Taang Zomi pen Lailui khua pua lam-a om Tumsih /tm s/ a kici a lo uah, 07 JUL 1949 THU ni-in suak hi. A suahna pen singhiang a kiphut, bi a kikhuh buk sung hi-a lupna pen singhiang tawh a kibawl hi-a, lup dan a nop zawk deuh nadingin pheek ham (a neel lo) (aihkeh taang cil ciang) kiphah hi. A nu lokuan kimlai-a a suak hi-a, lo veengte in innkuanpihte zasak-in tua ni mah-in Lailui khua kipuak hi. Tg. Thang Za Kam in 1953 pawl pan-in Tedim-ah sumbuk bawl-a, 1957 kum pawl-a kipan a innkuanun Tedim-ah lim om zaw uh hi. Tg. Thang Za Kam hong sih ciangin, a sih ma-a a lam inn thak-ah, a nusiat a innkuanpihte kituah uh-a, Tedim-ah a teeng taktak hong hi uh hi.

Zolai Sinna le Lailam Telkanna

Taang Zomi sang a kah ciilin, Lawibual-a om SDA Mission Primary School-ah Tan Lang /tn l/ (Kindergarten) kah hi. Amah pen kum 8 pha ta hi. Kum 8 a pha ama khan gualte Tan 3-ah kah uh hi. A siate pen Kayin nupa khat hi uh-a, a pasal in Tan 3 le Tan 2, a zi in Tan 1 leh Tan Lang hilh hi. Zolai thei lo uh ahih manin, tua sangah Zolai kisin lo hi. Manglai tawmkhat, Kawllai, Ganan (Arithmetic) kisin hi. A kum kik ciangin State High School-ah kah hi. Tan Lang pan-in Zolai kisin pah hi. Taang Zomi pen Tan 1-a a kah ding hi-a a tanpihte Zolai sin ngeisa vive ahih manin, sang kihon ciil ni-in, Zolai Sim Bu Tan Khat Laibu sung-a Sinna 1 (Ka dah mah mah) pen gual khatna le a tung lam-a a kigelh teng (ka la nga pha dah pa ha sa mah na) pen a nu Lia Niang Za Dim in sang kah ma-in hilh samsam pak hi. Sang a tun ciangin siapa in suanglaipi tung-ah Zolai pawlkhat na gelh-a sangnaupangte khat khit khat-in a mai-ah paisak-in ciang khat tawh suanglaipi-a lai kigelh pen kawksak-in simsak hi. Taang Zomi zong a nung gual peen-ah tu pah-in a tanpihte a banban-in a mai-ah pai-a a sim uh laite, na lot ngah (memorize) man hi. A pa Tg. Thang Za Kam in, kammal (word) nih kikaal-ah mun-awng (space) a kician koih ding, hilh hi. Tan 2 a tun cangin Sia Tg. Khamboih (Sia Tg. Kham Suan Pau) in Zolai hilh kha hi. Zokam sung-a kammal haksa pawlkhat a khiatna gen hi. Punctuation tawmkhat zong hilh hi. Kawlkam-a <> (Tha) // (voiceless unaspirated linguo-dental fricative) awsuah zong sinsak-in, Taang Zomi in zong ci thei pah bilbel hi. Sang a kah ngei lo ei mite in tua aw ngah lo-in <> (Ta) /t/ (voiceless unaspirated alveolar stop)-in aw suaksak uh hi. Tan 4 a sin sungin Sia Tg. Donghkawi (Sia Tg. Pau Za Dongh) in Zolai hilh kha hi. Punctuation a kicing zawdeuh-in hilh hi. Tu laitak-a degree sangpipi ngah napi-a punctuation a maan-a a gelh thei lote pen Sia Tg. Kham Suan Pau le Sia Tg. Pau Za Dong in Zolai a hilh khak lohte ahi uh hi!:) :) :) Tan bangzah a sin laitak hiam thei nawn lo, Kawlkam-a <> (Za) /z/ (voiced unaspirated alveolar fricative) le <> (Ya) /j/ (palatal approximant) kilamdanna thei hi. Tua ban-ah <> (Sa) /s/ Page 4 of 39 Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Taang Zomi

(voiceless unaspirated alveolar fricative) le <> (Sha) // (voiceless aspirated post-alveolar fricative) kilamdanna zong thei hi. Tan 8 a sin sungin Sia Tg. Kam Lian Buai in Physics le Chemistry hilh hi. Tua subject-te tawh a kisai lo, sangnaupangte phattuampih khat pen, Kawlkam-a <> (Nya) // (voiced palatal nasal) awsuah ahi hi. <> (Nga) // (voiced velar nasal) lah hi lo-in, <> (Na) /n/ (voiced alveolar nasal) lah hi lo hi. Taang Zomi in tua kum-in Kawlkam-a Nya aw, ngah hi. Tan 9 a sin sung (1966-1967)-in, Ba-yint-naung House Leader le School Council member seem hi. Bayintnaung House member-te min sazian a bawlna-ah numeite min mai-ah Lia koih-in, pasalte min mai-ah Tg. koih hi. Tg. pen Taang tomlaakna ahi hi. School Literature Society-ah President Sia Pu Nang Khaw Thawn, Secreratry Tg. Pau Cin Thang, Treasurer Sianu Pi Khin Khin Hla ciin gelh hi. Tua hun laitak-in, Lia pen nungak, Taang pen tangval a cihna a sa kha ahi hi. Tua kum mah-in, Sia Tg. Peter Khup Lam Thang in Kawlkam-a <> (Sa) /s/ (voiceless unaspirated alveolar fricative) le <> (Hsa) /s/ (voiceless aspirated alveolar fricative) a kilamdanna hilh hi. Tg. Vungh Thah Kim in zong hilh hi. Ahih hangin amau geel genna kibang lo ahih manin, Taang Zomi in khentel thei lo hi. Tua kum sung mah-in, Taang Zomi in Zolai Telkan Pawlpi (Zolai Research Society; ) phuan-a member 14 khawng pha uh hi. Tg. Gin Khan Pau in Zolai vocabulary hong bawl-a tua pen tu lai-a dictionary i cih dan hi ding hi. Taang Zomi in Pawfi Zatna (The Use of the Apostrophe), Noun Piansakna (Formation of Nouns), cih laite gelh hi. Yangon a om sung (1971-1980)-in, Taang Zomi in Institute of Education (IE) bookstore le Rangoon Arts and Science University (RASU) bookstore-te panin, linguistics laibu hon khat lei hi. Yangon khua sung Pansodan Street, Merchant Street cihte-ah roadside pavement tung-a a kizuak laibu honkhat zong lei hi. Tua laibute tungtawn-in, Taang Zomi in theih beh pawlkhat nei hi: phone (awneenbul), phonetics (awneenbulthu), phoneme (awbul), phonemics/phonology (awbulthu), tone (awkaih), toneme, sylllable (awmal), letter (laimal), graph (gelhneenbul), graphetics (gelhneenbulthu), grapheme (gelhbul), graphemics/graphology (gelhbulthu), morph (malneenbul), morpheme (malbul), morphemics/morphology (malbulthu), lex (kammalneenbul), lexeme (kammalbul), word (kammal), orthography (malgawmthu), syntax (kamvui gualhna), semantics (thukhiatna), pragmatics (zatkhiatna) cihte theih kipan hi. British English-ah phoneme (awbul) 44 bang om-a tua sung-ah consonant (laimung) pen 24 bang omin, vowel (awmung) 20 bang om hi. Zokam-ah phoneme 64 bang om-a, tua sung-ah consonant 22 khawng le vowel 42 khawng om ahihna mukhia hi. Zokam-ah <aw> pen laimal (letter) nih ahih hangin, aw (phone) khat bek ahih maniin, monophthong hi-in diphthong hi lo hi, ci-in tel hi. <o> pen laimal khat bek ahih hangin aw nih (ou) ahih manin, diphthong hi-a monophthong hi lo hi, ci-in ummawh-a telcian pha nai lo hi. Saturday, January 4, 2014 Page 5 of 39

Taang Zomi

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Rangoon Universities Chin Literature and Culture Subcommittee Annual Magazine (1973-74 )-ah Tedim Section Editor le English Section Editor seem-in, nidang pek-a a gelhsa Pawfi Zatna le Noun Piansakna gawm khawm-in Zolai Gelhziate Pawlkhat cih article suaksak hi. Zomi University Magazine (1975) le Zomi Magazine (1980) Chief Editor seem hi. Lia pen nungak a cihna hi lo-in numei a cihna hi-a, Taang pen tangval a cihna hi lo-in pasal a cihna ahih lam theih kipan hi. Tua ahih manin, magazine sung-ah Pu Tg. Kam Hau, Pu Tg. Hau Cin Khup, Colonel Tg. Khen Za Moong cih bangin zat kipan hi. Zomi Magazine (1980)-ah, Tat-huh Piansakna (Formation of Adverbs) le Awbul Tawh Kisai Theihhuai Pawlkhat (Some Points on Phonemes) cih article nih gawm-in, Zolai Bulpite Pawlkhat (Some Fundamentals of Zolai) cih article gelh hi. Tedim-ah a om kik sung (1980-1988)-in lailam telkanna (research in linguistics) nasia tak-in bawl man lo hi. 1980 October 24-26 sung-in Zomi Christian Literature Society (ZCLS) kiphuan-in Constitution le ByLaws kikupna, kipsakna kinei hi. Mi 29 kah hi: (1) Rev. Tg. Thuam Khan Do, (2) Rev. Tg. Mang Khaw Pau, (3) Rev. Tg. Sein Htwe, (4) Rev. Tg. Khup Khen Thang, (5) Rev. Tg. Thawng Khaw Nang, (6) Rev. Tg. Pau Khan En, (7) Rev. Tg. Paul Thuam Thang, (8) Rev. Tg. Thang Khaw Khai, (9) Rev. Tg. Thang Kam, (10) Rev. Tg. Cin Pau, (11) Rev. Tg. Khaat Khaw Gin, (11) Rev. Tg. Mang Cin Thang, (13) Rev. Tg. Nok Sian Pau, (14) Rev. Tg. Pau Cin Thang, (15) Rev. Tg. Suang Cin Pau, (16) Rev. Tg. Do Sian Thang, (17) Rev. Lia Ngiak Za Dim, (18) Sianu Lia Zen Khan Cing, (19) Rev. Tg. Thang Za Pau, (20) Rev. Tg. Son Khaw Kham, (21) Sia Tg. Thang Hen Pau, (22) Rev. Tg. Tuang Khan Kap, (23) Sia Tg. Kai Sawm Sing, (24) Sia Tg. Gin Khan Nang, (25) Rev. Tg. Mang Cin, (26) Rev. Tg.. Cin Kam, (27) Sia Tg. Cin Lian Sum, (28) Sia Tg. Neng Za Sawm, (29) Rev. Tg. Gin Khaw Kam. Paite Literature Society (PLS) le ZCLS in 1982 June-July sung-in ni nih sung, Moreh khua-ah Zomi Linguistic Seminar nei hi. ZCLS taang-in Rev. Tg. Paul Thuam Thang le Taang Zomi kah hi. Amau veiina tawh hong paite: Tg. Ginkhatsuan, Tg. Sian Khan Mang, Tg. En Khan Nang, Tg. Gin En Cin, Tg. Thang Khaw Cin cihte ahi hi. PLS lam panin, Dr. Tg. H. Kam Khen Thang (PhD), Dr. Tg. Ngul Za Dal (MBBS), Tg. Vungh D. Tombing (MA), Tg. Kam Khan Thang (MTh), Rev. Tg. Gin Nei Thang (BD), Tg. Tual Chin Neihsial, Tg. Cin Khan Lian, cihte kihel hi. PLS lam panin Dr. Tg. H. Kam Khen Thang hong makai hi. Seminar-ah Dr. Tg. H. Kam Khen Thang in chairman seem-in Taang Zomi in secretary seem hi. Dr. Tg. H. Kam Khen Thang in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) siksan-in i laimalgawm zia (orthography) bawl leeng, gentehna-in, Zomi ci lo-in Zoumi, lokho ci lo-in loukhou, ci leeng cih gen-a, tua hun laitak-in Taang Zomi in a thu-in thukim napi, IPA thu tel khol lo ahih manin bangmah pau lo hi. Sia Tg. Vul Za Thang le Sia Tg. J. Gin Za Twang in, Zokam-ah Tone thum (3) phasak-in Toneme Kua (9) phasak hi. Taang Zomi in Zokam-ah Tone Li (4) phasak-in Toneme Sawm-le-guk (16) phasak hi.
; training; seminar) a pia dingin, 1983 kum-in, Sia Tg. Paul Thuam Thang in Tone thu, thin-tan ( Taang Zomi kun-a, ahih hangin, Taang Zomi in ama telkanna kicing sa nai lo ahih manin, le hun zong

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi ngah lo kawm ahih manin, thin-tan piakna nei lo hi.

Taang Zomi

California-a a om sung (1991-2004)-in, linguistics lam seem man khol lo hi. Ahih hangin, Biblical Hebrew-a <( >He) /h/ (voiceless glottal fricative) le <( >Chet) /x/ (voiceless velar fricative) or // (voiceless uvular fricative) kilamdanna tawmkhat kan hi. A Hebrew siate pen inn sung-a Hebrew pau a zangh Jew-te hi lo-in a gol khit ciang-a Hebrew lai a sin Mikangte ahih manin, amau zong hoih tak-in ci thei lo uh hi. Zokam-a <o> pen ou // cih ding hi-a diphthong ahi hi; monophthong hi lo hi, cih thu, 2003 kumin, tel tak-in mu ta hi. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zomi/message/6034 Florida-a a om sung (2004-2009)-in laibu sai (bookstore) le laibu saal (library)-te-ah linguistics le phonetics laibu tampi tak (bu 500 val) sim kha thei hi. A vekpi-in sim khin, a vekpi-in tel khin cihna hi lo-in, a muh khak, a sim khak a genna ahi hi. Laibu pawlkhat pen University College London (UCL), University of London, le University of Oxford pan-in khak uh ahih manin, ngah kha thei hi. Tua hun sungin, Kawlkam-a <> (Sa) /s/ (voiceless unaspirated alveolar fricative) le <> (Hsa) /s/ (voiceless aspirated alveolar fricative)a kilamdanna khentel thei ta hi. Tua bangmahin Biblical Hebrew-a << >He> /h/ (voiceless glottal fricative) le (< )Chet> /x/ (voicless velar fricative) or // (voiceless uvular fricative) kilamdanna zong khentel thei ta hi. Tua ban-ah Kawlkam-a <> (Kha) /k/ (voiceless aspirated velar stop) leh Zokam-a <Kha> /x/ (voiceless aspirated velar fricative) a kilamdanna zong khentel thei hi. Zokam-a <kh> /x/ pen Mangkam, Kawlkam-ah om lo hi. Scottish <loch> pen bual (lake) a cihna hi-a, awsuah pen /lx/ ahi hi. Irish <lough> zong bual a cihna mah hi-a awsuah pen kibang-in /lx/ mah ahi hi. New Testament Greek-a <> (Chi) zong /x/ mah ahi hi. <Rev. Tg. Kham Khan Khai> /rvrnd t xm xn xi/ [rvrnd t xm xn xi] pen Kawlkam-ah /x/ om lo ahih manin, < > [ k j s. j d tn kn kn k] ci uh hi. Mangkam-ah zong /x/ om lo ahih manin, <Reverend Taang Cum Cun Cuy> [rvrnd t km kn ki] ci uh hi. Kawlkam-a <> (ta) /t/ (voiceless unaspirated alveolar stop) le <> (Ta) // (voiceless unaspirated retroflex stop) kilamdanna, <> (Hta) /t/ (voiceless aspirated alveolar stop) le <> (Hta) // (voiceless aspirated retroflex stop) kilamdanna, <> (Da) /d/ (voiced unaspirated alveolar stop) le < > (Da) // (voiced unaspirated retroflex stop) kilamdanna, <> (Da) /d/ (voiced aspirated alveolar stop) le <> (Da) // (voiced aspirated retroflex stop) kilamdanna, <> (Na) /n/ (voiced alveolar nasal) le <> (Na) // (voiced retroflex nasal) kilamdanna, <> (la) /l/ (voiced alveolar lateral approximant) le <> (la) /// (voiced retroflex lateral approximant) kilamdanna, <> (Tha) // (voiceless unaspirated linguo-dental fricative) le <> (Tha) // (voiced unaspirated linguo-dental fricative) kilamdanna cihte zong khentel thei hi. Saturday, January 4, 2014 Page 7 of 39

Taang Zomi A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi Mangkam phoneme (awbul) /p/ sung-ah allophone (awneenbuldang) [p] le [p ] aihkeh [p ] om hi. <Pin> [pn] sung-aa <p> pen aspirated /p/ hi-a, <Spin> [sp n] aihkeh [spn] sung-a <p> pen unaspirated /p/ ahi hi. Tua ahih manin, phoneme /p/ mah hi lel hi. <Ten> le <Sten> sung-a <t> zong /t/ ii allophone hi-a, <Kin> le <Skin> sung-a <k> zong phoneme /k/ sung-a allophone ahi hi. Tua ahih manin, mi pawlkhat in Zokam-a <p> /p/ le <ph> /p/ pen phoneme /p/ ii allophone sa kha uh hi. <t> /t/ le <th> /t/ pen phoneme /t/ ii allophone sa uh hi. <k> /k/ le <kh> /x/ pen phoneme /k/ ii allophone sa uh hi. Zokam-ah, /p/ le /p/ pen phoneme tuam tuak ahi uh hi, ci-in Taang Zomi in mukhia hi. Tua bangmahin, /t/ le /t/ pen phoneme tuam tuak hi uh-a, /k/ le /x/ pen phoneme tuam tuak mah ahi uh hi. Kawlkam-ah Tone Thum (3) om hi. Tone Li (4) om, a ci zong om hi; Tone Nga (5) om, a ci nangawn om hi. Mandarin Chinese-ah Tone Li (4) om hi. Neutral Tone tawh sim leeng Tone Nga (5) om, a ci zong om hi. Cantonese Chinese-ah Tone Guk (6) om hi. Neutral Tone tawh sim leeng Tone Kua (9) om, a ci zong om hi. Zokam-ah Tone Li (4) om hi. A om meengmeeng lo, a kilang khol lo Tone khat tawh sim leeng, Tone Nga (5) om hi, zong kici thei hi. 2010 kum-in Cope Centennial Jubilee phawkna-in Zolai Gelhmaan Bu 1 (Zolai Grammar Vol.1) laibu bawl hi. 2011 Tongsan Magazine sung-ah Zolai Khantoh Nang Hanciamnate Pawlkhat (Some Endeavors to Improve Zolai) cih lai, gelh hi. 2012-2013 sungin, A Phonological Study of Pasian, A Brief Study of Tone Sandhi in Tedim Zomi Toponyms (including Hydronyms, Oronyms, etc.), In Quest of the Correct Tone of Ton in Tonzang: Is It [tn] or [tn]? cihte gelh hi.5 A Brief Study of Tone Sandhi in Tedim Zomi Anthroponyms (including Diminutives) a geel saan laitak hi-a, 2014 sungin gelh ding hi. Tu laitakin Taang Zomi in tone (awkaih) thu, a telkan laitak ahi hi.

5 http://fuller.academia.edu/PauThang

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Nungthuapte (Appendices)
Appendix 1 Zomi Vowel Phonemes
<a> (01 ) (02) (03) (04) (05) // (06) <e> (07) // (08) <i> (09) // (10) <o/aw> (11) // (12) <u> (13) // (14) Total (15)

Monophthongs [10]
<a> // <e> // <i> // <o/aw> // <u> // 5


01 Long [5]
01.1 DL. 01.2 NL

<aa> <aa> <a> <ah>

// // // //

<ee> /e/ <ee> /e/ <e> <e> //

<ii> <ii> <i>

/i/ /i/ // //

<aw> <aw> <o/aw> <o/aw>

// // // //

<uu> <uu> <u> <u>

/u/ /u/

02 Short [5]
02.1 DS 02.2 CS

// //

// <i>

Diphthongs [24] <ai> 03 Long [5]

03.1 DL 03.2 NL






// /i/ /i/ // // // /iu/

<awi> <awi> <awi> <oi> <oih> /awu/ <awu>

// /i/ /i/ //

<ui> <uui> <uui> <ui>

// 5 /ui/ /ui/ 5 // // /uu / 5

<aai> /i/ <aai> /i/ <ai> //

<eei> /ei/ <iii> <eei> /ei/ <ei> // <iii> <ii>

04 Short [5]
04.1 DS 04.2 CS

<aih> // <au> //

<eih> // <iih> <eu> /e/ <iu>

// <uih> // <uu>


05 Long [5]
05.1 DL

<aau> /u/ <eeu /eu/ <iiu> > Saturday, January 4, 2014

/u/ <uuu> /u/

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<a> (01 ) (02) (03) (04) (05) // (06) <e> (07)

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

// (08) <i> (09) // (10) <o/aw> (11) // (12) <u> (13) // (14) Total (15)

05.2 NL

<au> <au>

/u/ //

<eu> /eu/ <iu> <eu> // <iu>

/iu/ // //

<awu> <o/ou> <oh / ouh>



/u/ 5 //

06 Short [5]
06.1 DS 06.2 CS

// <uu>

<auh> // <euh / <iuh> > / <ia>

// <uuh> //


// /i/ // // //


// 2

07 Long [2]6
07.1 DL 07.2 NL

<iaa> <iaa> <ia> <iah>

<uaa> /u/ <uaa> // 2 <ua> // <uah> //

08 Short [2]
08.1 DS 08.2 CS

Triphthongs [8] <iai> 09 Long

09.1 DL 09.2 NL


<uai> 2 <uuaai /ui/ <uaai> /i/ 2 <uai> //

<iiaai> /ii/ <iaai> /i/ <iai> //

10 Short
10.1 DS 10.2 CS

<iaih> // <iau>

<uiah> // <uau> 2 <uaau> /uu/ <uaau> /u/


11 Long
11.1 11.2 DL NL

<iaau> /iu/ <iaau> /u/

6 Button (2009), pp. 28, Button (2011), p. 16

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

<a> (01 ) (02) (03) (04) (05) // (06) <e> (07) // (08) <i> (09) // (10) <o/aw> (11)

Taang Zomi
// (12) <u> (13) // (14) Total (15)

12 Short
12.1 DS 12.2 CS

2 <iau> // <uau // <iauh> // <uauh / > / 42

Table 1 An inventory of Zokam Vowel Phonemes (42 in all)

Legend: [ ] = (diacritc lookin like a colon) Length mark for Definitely Long < > = (anular brakets) grapheme; orthography; letter; word; spelling / / = (slashes) phoneme; phomemic transcription [ ] = (square brackets) phone; allophone; phonetic transcription DL = Definitely Long NL = Normally or Neutrally Long DS = Definitely Short CS = Creaky (Short) /v/ = the used instead of /i/, to show that a vowel (v) is a diphthong when followed by /i/; i.e. /i/ (difficult, but possible, to articulate); e.g., ngii-ngeei /i e:i/ /v/ = the is used instead of /u/, to show that a vowel (v) is a diphthong when follwedby /u/; i.e.,. /u/ (very difficult to articlate); e.g., kuu-kuu /ku:ku:/

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Appendix 2 Zomi Consonant Phonemes

C (syllable) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 <b-> <c-> <ch-> <d-> <f-> <g-> <h-> <-h> <-k-> <-l-> <-lh> <-n-> <-p-> <s-> <-t-> <th-> <v-> <z-> /b/ /ts, t/ /t, t/ /d/ /f/ // /h/ // /k/ /l/ /l/ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 <m-> <n-> <p-> <s-> <t-> <th-> <v-> <z-> /m/ /n/ /p/ / /t/ /t/ /v/ /z/ 9 7 9 /-t/ /t/ 7 <-t-> /t/ /n/ /p/ /s/ /t/ /t/ /v/ /z/ 08 09 10 <k-> <l-> /k/ /l/ <kh-> /x/ 3 4 5 6 7 8 /-l/ /-lh-/ /-m/ /-n/ /-ng/ /-p/ /l/ /l/ /m/ /n/ // /p/ 3 4 5 6 <-m-> <-n-> <-ng-> <-p-> /m/ /n/ // /p/ 2 <-l-> /l/ C- (onset) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 <b-> <c-> <d-> <f-> <g-> <h-> /b/ /ts, t/ /d/ /f/ // /h/ 1 2 /-h/ /-k/ // /k/ 1 <-k-> /k/ -C (coda) -C- (both onset & coda)

<ch-> /t, t/

<kh-> /x/

<-m-> /m/ <-ng-> // <ph-> /p/

<ng-> // <ph-> /p/

C = Consonant; Onset = consonant or consonants at the beginning of a syllable; Coda = consonant or consonants at the end of a syllable; Nucleus: the peak or center or nucleus of a syllable, usually a vowel. Table 2. An inventory of Zokam Consonant Phonemes (22 in all, including /t or t/ and /f/). If we exclude /t or t/ and /f/, we have 20 consonant phonemes.

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Taang Zomi

Appendix 3 Tedim Zomi and Burmese Consonant Phonemes

Alveolar Post-Alveolar Labio-dental Bilabial Palatal Retroflex Velar P.A. Glottal -h /-/ h- /h-/ Dental

M.A. (1) Plosive or Stop: vl.unas. vl. asp. p /p/ ph /p/ b /b/ b, bh /b/

t /t/ th, ht, /t/ d /d/ d, dh /d/

t // th, ht // d // d, dh //

k /k/ kh- /k-/ g // g, gh //

vd. unas. vd. asp.

(2) Affricate: vl. unas. vl. asp. c, ky //, // ch //, //, //,// gy // f /f/ th // s /s/ hs /s/ Saturday, January 4, 2014 Page 21 of 39 sh // kh/x-/

vd. (3) Fricative: vl. unas.

vl. asp.

Taang Zomi Labio-dental Bilabial Dental P.A.

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi Alveolar Post-Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Glottal

M.A. vd. unas.

v /v/

th //

z /z/ z, zh /z/

vd. asp. (4) Nasal: vl. vd. (5) Lateral: vl. vd. (6) Semivowel vl. vd. hw /w / w /w/ hm /m / m /m/

hn /n/ n /n/ hl /l / l /l/

hn / / n //

hny / / ny //

/ hng / ng //

r /r/

y /j/

Table 3: A combined inventory of Zomi and Burmese consonant phonemes

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi Legend: Color Code:

red = exclusively Tedim Zomi
blue = exclusively Burmese black = common to both Tedim Zomi and Burmese gray background = of Sanskrit, Pali or Hindi origin; rarely pronounced as such in modern Burmese.

Taang Zomi

Other remark:
Retroflex = Cerebral

Not Yet Confirmed on This Chart:

w /w/ in Tedim Zomi phonemics is considered to be a component of a monophthong // (aw) rather than a separate consonant.

P.A. = Place of Articulation M.A. = Manner of Articulation vl. = voicless vd. = voiced asp. = aspirated unas. = unaspirated

(hsa-lein), the seventh letter of the Burmese Alphabet,

has not yet been assigned a phonetic symbol. Provisionally assigned /s.

(zha-myin-sway), the ninth letter of the Burmese

Alphabet, has not been assigned a phonetic symbol. Provisionally assigned /z/

A more detailed inventory of Zokam and Kawlkam consonant phonemes is available at the following sites: (1) Zokam Consonant Phonemes: http://zomilibrary.com/main/archive/files/zokam-consonants_8a1ed4aace.pdf http://www.scribd.com/doc/15908187/Zokam-Consonants (2) Kawlkam Consonant Phonemes: http://zomilibrary.com/main/archive/files/kawlkam-consonants_46037e1d02.pdf http://www.scribd.com/doc/15908671/Kawlkam-Consonants (3) Zokam and Kawlkam Consonant Phonemes: http://zomilibrary.com/main/archive/files/zokam-and-kawlkam-consonant-phonemes_6b0d75af2a.pdf http://www.scribd.com/doc/15908733/Zokam-and-Kawlkam-Consonant-Phonemes (4) Some papers on Tedim Zomi Phonology, especially Tonology: http://fuller.academia.edu/PauThang

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Appendix 5
Tedim Zomi Underlying Tones in Monosyllabic Words We have four underlying tones. Underlying tones are tones in isolation. In order to detect underlying tones more easily, we need to know Saizang dialect, or better still, Teizang dialect, in which there is very little tone sandhi. Tone 1, High Tone, [ ]: no /n/ petite, to /t/ Lord, kho /x/ to cultivate, sa /s/ meat, nu /nu/ mother', pa /p/ father, tui /tui/ water, siam /sm/ skilful, ei // we (first person plural inclusive), kei /k/ I (first person singular), nang /n/ you(second person singular), lo /l/ farm, sim /sm/ to attack, to fight Tone 2, High Falling Tone, [ ]: no /n/ you (second person plural), /k/ we (first person plural exclusive), ni /ni/ let us (do) (first person plural imperative-hortative mood), hiam /hm/ what ? (interrogative end particle), hia...? /h/ what...?, (interrogative end particle), diam...? /dm/ what will...? (future interrogative end particle), dia...? /d/ what will...? (future interrogative end particle), maw...? /m/ is that so? (a yes-or-no question that requires a yes-or-no answer), na...? /n/ is that so? (a yes-or-no question that requires a yes-or-no answer), ei // (sentence end particle), Shan /n, or n/ Shan (an ethnic race and language in Burma belonging to Tai-Kadai group) Tone 3, Mid Level Tone, [ ]: no /n/ to prosper, ko /k/ to deride; to announce, to /t/ to challenge; durable, kho /x/ on the edge of a raised place, siam /sm/ to bless; to create, ngo // white-skinned, zo /z/ highland (higher part of a terrain), Kawl /kl/ Bamar, so /s/ to be boiled, lua /lu/ excessively, hua /hu/ that, yonder, lo /l/ weed, ni /ni/ day; sun; paternal aunt, sim /sm/ to read, to count Tone 4, Low Tone, [ ]: no /n/ to humor (a child), to /t/ uphill, kho /x/ to invite; to forbid, siam /sm/ loom, sim /sm/ lowland (lower part of a terrain), tho /t/ fly, than /tn/ louse, kau /ku/ butterfly, lua /lu/ to vomit, seem /sem/ to work, keem /kem/ to keep, heh /h/ angry, dah /d/ sad, lo /l/ not, hau /hu/ rich

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Taang Zomi

Appendix 6
Underlying Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Monosyllabic Words The following words are the only Underlying Tone 2 words. All other words in Tone 2 are only surface tones, not underlying tones. Tone 2 occurs so rarely with monosyllabic words that the few linguists who do research into Tedim Zomi language are not aware of the existence of Tone 2, and whenever they encounter Tone 2, they merge it into Tone 1, with the result that they recognize only 3 tones, viz. Tone 1, Tone 3, and Tone 4, enumerating Tone 1 (combining my Tone 1 and Tone 2), Tone 2 (my Tone 3), and Tone 3 (my Tone 4).7 a? // Amah a pai a? am? /m/ Amah pai am? hia? /h/ Amah hong pai a hia? dia? /d/ (dia? = ding hia?>) Amah a pai dia? deh /d/ Na kia kha deh! [n k x d] hiam? /hm/ Amah hong pai hiam? diam? /dm / (diam? = ding hiam?) Amah hong pai diam? ua? // (ua? = uh a?) Amau hong pai ua? dua? /d/ (dua? = ding uh a?) Amau hong pai dua? duam? /dm/ (duam? = ding uh hiam? Amau hong pai duam? ei // Amah hong pai ta ei. maw? /m/ Amah hong pai maw? Table 3: na? /n/ Amah hong nai na? ko /k/ Ko va pai ta nung. no /n/ No na pai ta maw? ni /ni/ I lai it ciat ni. e? /e/ Zolai it ing e? o // Nang va pai o! sin /sn/ Lai na sim sin. ua? // (ua = uh hia?) Amau hong pai ua? uau /u/ (uau = uh ou) No teng in lai na sim uau! ken /kn/ kei in = ken (conratction of negative command) kein /kn/ Kei in = Kein (contraction of First Person Singular)

7 Henderson (1965), pp. 9, 13-14, 18-20, 34, 70, 72-84, 91, 94, 99, 101, 104, 114, 144; Vul Za Thang and J. Gin Za Twang (1953, 1975), thoughout; Bhaskararao (1989), pp. 110-132; Ostapirat (1998), pp. 235-248; VanBik (2009), pp. 451-515; Button (2009), pp. 36-39; Button (2011), pp. 27-30;

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Appendix 7 Surface Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Polys yllabic Words

Things, creatures, etc. Aalu [ lu] amau [ mu] baangkua [b k] = sabaal [s bl] bethau [b tu] bikha (eaves) [b x] Damiah = (dapya [d pj] = damya [d mj]) Dawikungpu Sial ki li nei [di k pu sl kln] gam keel [gmkel] gam lak [gmlk] gam suaklu [gm sk lu] gam vok [gm vk] gilo [ l] giitta [it t] gulhik /ulhk] guta [ t] khitui [x tui] khuado /x d/ [x d] khuamual /x ml/ [x ml] khuaphelep /x p lp/ [x p lp] khuapi /x pi/ [x pi] khuata /x t/ [x t] lengthe [l te] migi [m i] migilo [m l] mihau [m hu] milian [m ln] musi /m si/ muvanlai /m vn li/ ngagul [ ul] ngahaat [ ht] ngalulok [ l lk] ngami [ mi] ngamit [ mt] ngapi [ pi] ngaltheen [l ten] ngaltuun [l tun] ngapumlum [ pm lm] ngasa [ s] ngavok [ vk] ngeisok [ sk] niloh [n l] pagul [p ul] pakaang [p k] pakep [p kp] pamua [p m] panaai [p ni] pangpaleek [p lek] papaak [p pk] pasan [p sn] pasialthau [p sl tu] peengpelep [pe p lp] phialphiah [pl p] sabaal [s bl] = baangkua [b k] saha [s h] sahang [s h] sakhe [s xe] sakhi [s xi] saliang [s l] salung [s l] sanang [s n] saphei [s p] sasin [s sn] sathak /s tk/ (?) sithau /s tu/ sathau /s tu/ satheek [s tek] sathu [s tu] (fermented meat) saza [s z] sazaw [s z] sazuk [s zk] sila [s l] sithau [s tu] sithu [s tu] tagah [t ] tangteel [t tel] tangteuh [t t] tanu [t nu] tapa [t p] tawmi [t mi] Tawmbing [tm b] tawpi [t pi] thapaai [t pi] theithek [ti tk] thudon [t dn] thupha [t p] thupuak [t pk] thusa [t s] thusia [t s] thusim [t sm] (regard as important) thusim /t sm/ (confidential) thuthak [t tk] tuithu[tui tu] = a spirit believed to be the spirit of a person who died of drowning in a river tungsunni [t sun ni] ukeeng / ke/ uilut [lut] utong [ t] va-ak [v k] vahui [v h] vakaa [v k] vakaang [v k] valah [v l]

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi valuk vamiim [v mim] vanungak [v n k] vaphual [vpl] vasa [v s] zulei [z lei] zusa [z s] zutang [z t]

Taang Zomi

Place Names
Aungthitsar (Kalay) [u s] (k le) Ba-an (=Pha-an) [b n] Bago (=Pegu) [b o] Burma [bm] Chicago [ikg] Cumming (Georgia) [k m] Delhi [deli] Gunkhawm [un xm]] Hakha or Hakha [h x] Heilei [h l] Imphal [m pl] India [n d] Kalay [k le] Kanpetlet [kn pt lt] Kawthaung /k u/ Khamti or Khamti [] /xen mn/ [a village founded in 1985 by a husband-and wife team: Pau Za Khen [pu z xen]/ and Man Sial Cing[/mn sl ng], after the last name of the husband and the first name of the wife, changing the pronuciation of the names.] Khianglaam [x lm] Khuangkhan Khualai /x li/ /x li/ /xli/ (Myoma, Tedim) Khuasak /x sk/ /x sk/ [x sk] Kyuntawyeshin [ u:nn t je in] Kyuntawyeshin (Tuikhal) [u:n t je in] Lailui [li lui] Lashio ;[lo] or Lashio [lo] Lawibual (Tedim) [li bl] Los Angeles [ls an e lis] Madras] [m drs] Magway [mgwe] Mandalay or Mandalay [mn d le] Mindat or Mindat [min dt] Maymyo [mmjo] Moreh or Moreh Myitkyina [mjtin] Natchaung [nt u] Ngatan [ tn] New York or New York [nu jk] Paletwa [p lt w] Panmunchaung [pnmun u] or Panmunchaung[pnmun u] Paris [pers] Pegu (=Bago) [b ou] Pha-an (=Ba-an) [p n] Phunom [p nm] Russia [] Sakollam (Tedim) [s kl lm] Sagaing [s i] Sakhangyi [s kn i] or Sakhangyi [s kn i] Sawbwayeshin [s bw je in] Sezang [s z] Sialthawzaang [sl t z] Sittwe [s twe] Tahan (Kala t y) [t hn] Taingen [ti en] Tamu [tmu] Taunggyi [tu i] Tedim [t dm] Teeklui [tek lui] Thangkhal [t xl] Tuilang [tui l] Tuicinlui [tui n lui] Tualmu [tl mu] Tuitum [tui tum] Ye U [je u]

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Taang Zomi Chin [in] Hatlang [ht l] Hatzaw [ht z]

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi Intha [in] Tawmbing [tm b] Kayah [k j] Thangmaan [t mn] Tungdim [t dm] Shan [n]

Personal Names
Mung Khan [m xn] Thang Lian [t lnn] Khai Suan [xi sn] Kham Sawm [xm sm] Neng Vungh [n v] Thang Cin [t n] Cing Nuam [ nm] Thawng Thuam [t tm] Khual Zam [xl zm]

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Appendix 4 Selected Phonetic (Phonemic) Symbols8

Taang Zomi

Vowel Phonemes Consonant Phonemes //Script A (Open back unrounded vowel). Used // Glottal stop (Glottal plosive). Used in such for long a, as in Pa aw,... Its short counterpart is words as Dahpa a heh mahmah hi. //. //: Curly tail C (Voiceless alveolo-palatal // Turned A (Near-open central vowel). Used fricative). for short a, as in Ka Pa aw,... Its long counterpart is //. /t/ T-Curly-tail C ligature (Voiceless alveolopalatal affricate). // Epsilon (Open -mid front unrounded vowel). Used for short e, as in Suangpi suangneu in /ts/: T-S ligature (Voiceless dental or alveolar thek. Its long counterpart is /e/. affricate). // Small capital I (Near-close near-front unrounded vowel). Used for short i, as in I nu i pate... Its long counterpart is /i/. // Open O (Open mid-back rounded vowel). Used for long aw, as in Zeisu i lawm. Its short counterpart is //, /ts/ or /t/: Used as in Thucin thutang. // Eng (Voiced velar nasal). Used for the consonant digraph <ng>, as in Ngasa duh ing. /x/ Lower-case X (Voiceless velar fricative). Used for the consonant digraph <kh>, as in Khapi.

// Turned script A (Open back rounded vowel). /j/ Lower-case J (Voiced palatal appoximant). Used for the y sound in you, youth, Used for short aw, as in Dr. Kam Khaw Thang khawpi sung-ah pai hi. Its long counterpart is //. Yangon, etc. // Upsilon (Near-close, near-back rounded vowel). Used for short u, as in Na khut tawh na sep khempeuh... Its long counterpart is /u/. /y/ Lower-case Y (Close front rounded vowel). Not used in Tedim Zokam, and rarely used in English. Tonal Phonemes // (Tone 1) High Tone, as in Tuuno Si. (Blood of the Lamb) // High Rising Tone: used in Thai tones, not in Tedim Zomi. // (Tone 2) High Falling Tone, as in Aksi en ni.(Lets gaze at the Star). // (Tone 3) Mid Level Tone, as in Ui kaang khat ka nei hi. (White dog) // (Tone 4) Low Tone, as in Pilna

8 The International Phonetic Association (2010), pp. ix, 161-193

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Appendix 5
Tedim Zomi Underlying Tones in Monosyllabic Words We have four underlying tones. Underlying tones are tones in isolation. In order to detect underlying tones more easily, we need to know Saizang dialect, or better still, Teizang dialect, in which there is very little tone sandhi. Tone 1, High Tone, [ ]: no /n/ petite, to /t/ Lord, kho /x/ to cultivate, sa /s/ meat, nu /nu/ mother', pa /p/ father, tui /tui/ water, siam /sm/ skilful, ei // we (first person plural inclusive), kei /k/ I (first person singular), nang /n/ you(second person singular), lo /l/ farm, sim /sm/ to attack, to fight Tone 2, High Falling Tone, [ ]: no /n/ you (second person plural), /k/ we (first person plural exclusive), ni /ni/ let us (do) (first person plural imperative-hortative mood), hiam /hm/ what ? (interrogative end particle), hia...? /h/ what...?, (interrogative end particle), diam...? /dm/ what will...? (future interrogative end particle), dia...? /d/ what will...? (future interrogative end particle), maw...? /m/ is that so? (a yes-or-no question that requires a yes-or-no answer), na...? /n/ is that so? (a yes-or-no question that requires a yes-or-no answer), ei // (sentence end particle), Shan /n, or n/ Shan (an ethnic race and language in Burma belonging to Tai-Kadai group) Tone 3, Mid Level Tone, [ ]: no /n/ to prosper, ko /k/ to deride; to announce, to /t/ to challenge; durable, kho /x/ on the edge of a raised place, siam /sm/ to bless; to create, ngo // white-skinned, zo /z/ highland (higher part of a terrain), Kawl /kl/ Bamar, so /s/ to be boiled, lua /lu/ excessively, hua /hu/ that, yonder, lo /l/ weed, ni /ni/ day; sun; paternal aunt, sim /sm/ to read, to count Tone 4, Low Tone, [ ]: no /n/ to humor (a child), to /t/ uphill, kho /x/ to invite; to forbid, siam /sm/ loom, sim /sm/ lowland (lower part of a terrain), tho /t/ fly, than /tn/ louse, kau /ku/ butterfly, lua /lu/ to vomit, seem /sem/ to work, keem /kem/ to keep, heh /h/ angry, dah /d/ sad, lo /l/ not, hau /hu/ rich

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Taang Zomi

Appendix 6
Underlying Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Monosyllabic Words The following words are the only Underlying Tone 2 words. All other words in Tone 2 are only surface tones, not underlying tones. Tone 2 occurs so rarely with monosyllabic words that the few linguists who do research into Tedim Zomi language are not aware of the existence of Tone 2, and whenever they encounter Tone 2, they merge it into Tone 1, with the result that they recognize only 3 tones, viz. Tone 1, Tone 3, and Tone 4, enumerating Tone 1 (combining my Tone 1 and Tone 2), Tone 2 (my Tone 3), and Tone 3 (my Tone 4).9 a? // Amah a pai a? am? /m/ Amah pai am? hia? /h/ Amah hong pai a hia? dia? /d/ (dia? = ding hia?>) Amah a pai dia? deh /d/ Na kia kha deh! [n k x d] hiam? /hm/ Amah hong pai hiam? diam? /dm / (diam? = ding hiam?) Amah hong pai diam? ua? // (ua? = uh a?) Amau hong pai ua? dua? /d/ (dua? = ding uh a?) Amau hong pai dua? duam? /dm/ (duam? = ding uh hiam? Amau hong pai duam? ei // Amah hong pai ta ei. maw? /m/ Amah hong pai maw? Table 4: na? /n/ Amah hong nai na? ko /k/ Ko va pai ta nung. no /n/ No na pai ta maw? ni /ni/ I lai it ciat ni. e? /e/ Zolai it ing e? o // Nang va pai o! sin /sn/ Lai na sim sin. ua? // (ua = uh hia?) Amau hong pai ua? uau /u/ (uau = uh ou) No teng in lai na sim uau! ken /kn/ kei in = ken (conratction of negative command) kein /kn/ Kei in = Kein (contraction of First Person Singular)

9 Henderson (1965), pp. 9, 13-14, 18-20, 34, 70, 72-84, 91, 94, 99, 101, 104, 114, 144; Vul Za Thang and J. Gin Za Twang (1953, 1975), thoughout; Bhaskararao (1989), pp. 110-132; Ostapirat (1998), pp. 235-248; VanBik (2009), pp. 451-515; Button (2009), pp. 36-39; Button (2011), pp. 27-30;

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Appendix 7 Surface Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) in Polys yllabic Words

Things, creatures, etc. Aalu [ lu] amau [ mu] baangkua [b k] = sabaal [s bl] bethau [b tu] bikha (eaves) [b x] Damiah = (dapya [d pj] = damya [d mj]) Dawikungpu Sial ki li nei [di k pu sl kln] gam keel [gmkel] gam lak [gmlk] gam suaklu [gm sk lu] gam vok [gm vk] gilo [ l] giitta [it t] gulhik /ulhk] guta [ t] khitui [x tui] khuado /x d/ [x d] khuamual /x ml/ [x ml] khuaphelep /x p lp/ [x p lp] khuapi /x pi/ [x pi] khuata /x t/ [x t] lengthe [l te] migi [m i] migilo [m l] mihau [m hu] milian [m ln] musi /m si/ muvanlai /m vn li/ ngagul [ ul] ngahaat [ ht] ngalulok [ l lk] ngami [ mi] ngamit [ mt] ngapi [ pi] ngaltheen [l ten] ngaltuun [l tun] ngapumlum [ pm lm] ngasa [ s] ngavok [ vk] ngeisok [ sk] niloh [n l] pagul [p ul] pakaang [p k] pakep [p kp] pamua [p m] panaai [p ni] pangpaleek [p lek] papaak [p pk] pasan [p sn] pasialthau [p sl tu] peengpelep [pe p lp] phialphiah [pl p] sabaal [s bl] = baangkua [b k] saha [s h] sahang [s h] sakhe [s xe] sakhi [s xi] saliang [s l] salung [s l] sanang [s n] saphei [s p] sasin [s sn] sathak /s tk/ (?) sithau /s tu/ sathau /s tu/ satheek [s tek] sathu [s tu] (fermented meat) saza [s z] sazaw [s z] sazuk [s zk] sila [s l] sithau [s tu] sithu [s tu] tagah [t ] tangteel [t tel] tangteuh [t t] tanu [t nu] tapa [t p] tawmi [t mi] Tawmbing [tm b] tawpi [t pi] thapaai [t pi] theithek [ti tk] thudon [t dn] thupha [t p] thupuak [t pk] thusa [t s] thusia [t s] thusim [t sm] (regard as important) thusim /t sm/ (confidential) thuthak [t tk] tuithu[tui tu] = a spirit believed to be the spirit of a person who died of drowning in a river tungsunni [t sun ni] ukeeng / ke/ uilut [lut] utong [ t] va-ak [v k] vahui [v h] vakaa [v k] vakaang [v k] valah [v l]

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi valuk vamiim [v mim] vanungak [v n k] vaphual [vpl] vasa [v s] zulei [z lei] zusa [z s] zutang [z t]

Taang Zomi

Place Names
Aungthitsar (Kalay) [u s] (k le) Ba-an (=Pha-an) [b n] Bago (=Pegu) [b o] Burma [bm] Chicago [ikg] Cumming (Georgia) [k m] Delhi [deli] Gunkhawm [un xm]] Hakha or Hakha [h x] Heilei [h l] Imphal [m pl] India [n d] Kalay [k le] Kanpetlet [kn pt lt] Kawthaung /k u/ Khamti or Khamti [] /xen mn/ [a village founded in 1985 by a husband-and wife team: Pau Za Khen [pu z xen]/ and Man Sial Cing[/mn sl ng], after the last name of the husband and the first name of the wife, changing the pronuciation of the names.] Khianglaam [x lm] Khuangkhan Khualai /x li/ /x li/ /xli/ (Myoma, Tedim) Khuasak /x sk/ /x sk/ [x sk] Kyuntawyeshin [ u:nn t je in] Kyuntawyeshin (Tuikhal) [u:n t je in] Lailui [li lui] Lashio ;[lo] or Lashio [lo] Lawibual (Tedim) [li bl] Los Angeles [ls an e lis] Madras] [m drs] Magway [mgwe] Mandalay or Mandalay [mn d le] Mindat or Mindat [min dt] Maymyo [mmjo] Moreh or Moreh Myitkyina [mjtin] Natchaung [nt u] Ngatan [ tn] New York or New York [nu jk] Paletwa [p lt w] Panmunchaung [pnmun u] or Panmunchaung[pnmun u] Paris [pers] Pegu (=Bago) [b ou] Pha-an (=Ba-an) [p n] Phunom [p nm] Russia [] Sakollam (Tedim) [s kl lm] Sagaing [s i] Sakhangyi [s kn i] or Sakhangyi [s kn i] Sawbwayeshin [s bw je in] Sezang [s z] Sialthawzaang [sl t z] Sittwe [s twe] Tahan (Kala t y) [t hn] Taingen [ti en] Tamu [tmu] Taunggyi [tu i] Tedim [t dm] Teeklui [tek lui] Thangkhal [t xl] Tuilang [tui l] Tuicinlui [tui n lui] Tualmu [tl mu] Tuitum [tui tum] Ye U [je u]

Chin [in] Hatlang [ht l] Hatzaw [ht z] Intha [in] Kayah [k j] Shan [n] Tawmbing [tm b] Thangmaan [t mn] Tungdim [t dm]

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Taang Zomi

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Personal Names
Mung Khan [m xn] Thang Lian [t lnn] Khai Suan [xi sn] Kham Sawm [xm sm] Neng Vungh [n v] Thang Cin [t n] Cing Nuam [ nm] Thawng Thuam [t tm] Khual Zam [xl zm]

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi Appendix 8 Zokam Tonology and Orthography:

Taang Zomi

Tones and Vowel Length in Zomi Personal and Place Names

Gelhtu: Taang Zomi

1. Tones (Awkaih; Awsuah Saang-Niam)

Tone (1) []: High Tone (Saang). e.g., sa /s/ (meat); ne /ne/ (eat); si /si/ (blood); sia /s/ (damaged); zo /z/ (win); lo /l/ (cultivation plot); tui /tui/ (water). Tone (2) []: High Falling Tone (Saang-Kia). e.g., Na pai na? /n/; vaphual /v pl/; A khe
/xe/ kitan hi; Pai ciat ni /ni/; Na ut uh hiam? /hm/; Uiluut /lut/ a veii hi /hi/; Aksi /ksi/ (star).

Tone (3) []: Mid Tone (Pheipai). e.g., na /n/ (painful); ni /ni/ (sun); lo /l/ (grass; weed); zo
/z/ (gualnuam khawm); u /u:/ le nau /nu/; aktui /k tui/ (e)

Tone (4) []: Low Tone (Niam). e.g., hehneem (console) /hnem/; iim /im/ (keep something
secret)/; lo /l/ (not); um /m/ (believe).

2. Vowel Length (Awmung Sauna)

<x> A character within angular brackets: grapheme; orthographic character; spelling (laimalgawm; laimal). Hih pen, aw (sound) hi lo hi. This is not sound. /x/ A character with in slant bars: phoneme (awbul). Hih pen aw (sound) hi-a, laimal hi lo hi. This is sound and not a grapheme. One triangular dot over another: Length Mark [Definitely long (kician tak-a sau)]
Definitely Long (Sau peelmawh): //, /e/, /i/, // u/ Lon (Sau): //, /e/, /i/, //, u/, Definitely Short (Tom peelmawh): //, //, //, //, // Creaky (Tawng): //, //, //, //, //

A. Monophthongs (Khat Guak a Tangg-om Awmung)

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

(1) a (1) Long (Sau) <aa> // Mi tampi khualzin uh aa //, khuano khat-ah a taam /tm/ uh hi. (2) Short (Tom) <a>//: Mi tampi /tm pi/ khualzin uh aa, khuano khat /xt/ -ah a taam uh hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <ah> //: Dahpa /dp/ a heh mahmah /mm/ hi. (2) e (1) Long (Sau) <ee> /e/: Muhdahna nei kei beek leeng /bekle/, hoih ding hi. (2) Short (Tom) <e> //: Kitotna mun-ah pai het /ht/ kei /ki/ in. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <eh> //: Dahpa a heh /h/ mahmah hi. (3) i (1) Long (Sau) <ii> /i:/: Miiksi /mik si/ thanuam mahmah hi /hi/. (2) Short (Tom) <i> //: Na mit /mt/ si lecin /let sn/, khua na mu kei ding hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <ih> // Na meh tui nih /n/ sin. Hih /h/ thu phamawh lo hi. (4) o (1) Long (Sau) <aw> //: Gamlak-ah mi tawm /tm/ bek om hi. (2) Short (Tom) <aw/o> //: Gamlak-ah mi tawm bek om /m/ hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <awh> //: Na mawhna /m n/ kisiik in. (5) u (1) Long (Sau) <uu> /u/: Singkung phuuk /puk/ kei in. (2) Short (Tom) <u> //: / Uiphuk / pk/ khat ka mu hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <uh> //: Amaute in hotkhiatna a ngah uh // hi.

B. Diphthongs (A Kihual Khawm Awmung Nih)

(01) ai (1) Long (Sau) <aai> /i/: Bawng in leeng kaai /ki/ hi. (2) Short (Tom) <ai>: //: Koi-ah pai /p/ ding na hia? (3) Creaky (Tawng) <aih> //: Gup tuam, paih /p/ tuam nei kei in. (02) au (1) Long (Sau) <aau> /u/: Hun sau /su/ nawn lo hi. (2) Short (Tom) <au>: //: Na tha neih zah-in awngh au-au / / kei in. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <auh> //: Hauh /h/ ding a ut lo, om lo hi, kici hi. (03) ei (1) Long (Sau) <eei> /ei/: Amaute in huhna a ngah uh ciangin, a nuam keei /kei/ uh hi. (2) Short (Tom) <ei>: //: Eite /te/ in Pasian i um hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <eih> //: Neih /n/ le lamh a kicing i nei hia? (04) eu (1) Long (Sau) <eeu> /eu/: Na sum kep, eeu /eu/ kha kei o! (2) Short (Tom) <eu>: //: Hih nungak a aw eu // mah si ee. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <euh> //: Kuamah peuhmah /p m/ in Thu um leh, hin tawntungna Page 36 of 39 Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi ngah ding uh hi.

Taang Zomi

(05) ii (1) Long (Sau) <iii> /ii; i/: Hih pa dawngg iii-iai /i ii/ si ee! (2) Short (Tom) <ii>: /; /: Tui a kia akno hehpih huai khiikhiai /x x/ si ee. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <iih> /, /: Ippi sung-ah buhtang dim iih-eih / / hi. (06) iu (1) Long (Sau) <iiu> /iu/: Tua naupang lau lo-in, singg ka kuam-ah na tu liiuliau /liuliu/ hi. (2) Short (Tom) <iu>: //: Beem sung-ah vaimim tangg kisungg iu-eu / / hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <iuh> //: Naupangno ommawh lua ahih manin kiuh /k/ thuak hi. (07) oi/awi (1) Long (Sau) <awi> /i/: Sawi /si/ taai lo-in, tang tak pai ni. (2) Short (Tom) <oi>: //: Koi /k/ mun-ah na upna koih na hi hiam? (3) Creaky (Tawng) <oih> //: Koi mun-ah na upna koih /k/ na hi hiam? (08) ou/awu (1) Long (Sau) <awu> /u/: Nang va pai ta awu /u/ leh! (2) Short (Tom) <o/ou>: //: Zomi /z mi/ ka hi hi. Lo /l/ ka kho /x/ hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <oh/ouh/> //: Na nu le na pa thu, na man loh /l/ phamawh hi. (09) ui (1) Long (Sau) <uui> /ui/: Tua nupi nu, nuui /nui/ zeel, kap zeel-in a om hi. (2) Short (Tom) <ui>: //: Ui // le zawhngeu koi na deih zaw hiam? (3) Creaky (Tawng) <uih> //: Zan hal-a na ngasa, uih // ta ahi hiam? (10) uu (1) Long (Sau) <uuu> /uu, u/: Amah pai kuukuu /ku ku/ hi. (2) Short (Tom) <uu>: /, /: Siikkual khat hong tuuk suk kuukuu /k k/ hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <uuh> /, /: Bungpi khat hong kitat suk kuuhkuuh /k k/ hi. (11) ia (1) Long (Sau) <iaa> /i/: Piakkhiatna /pik xit n/ thu kihanthot kul lai i hia? (2) Short (Tom) <ia> //: Siapa khua dang-ah a piat /pt/ (transfer) ciangin, sangnaupangte a dah uh hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <iah> //: Kumpi tung-ah siah /s/ (tax) na pia nai hia? (12) ua (1) Long (Sau) <uaa> /u/: Amah muang /mu/ in. (2) Short (Tom) <ua>: //: Puansilh niikteen nong guat /t/ manin nuam ing. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <uah> //: Suahtaakna /s tkn/ kideih ciat hi.

C. Triphthongs (A Kihual Khawm Awmung Thum)

(1) iai Saturday, January 4, 2014 Page 37 of 39

Taang Zomi A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi (1) Long (Sau) <iaai> /ii/: Amaute a pai khawm liailiai /lii lii/ uh hi. (2) Short (Tom) <iai>: //: Mi golpa hong pai iai-iai / / veh ee. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <iaih> //: Guahmal neu hong zu phiaihphiaih /p p/ veh ee. (2) iau (1) Long (Sau) <iaau> /iu/: Mihaupa in kuamah awlmawh lo-in a pai liauliau /liu liu/ hi. (2) Short (Tom) <iau>: //: Mi golpa hong pai iau-iau / / hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <iauh> //: Nasep siauh // (apply for) na sawm hia? (3) uai (1) Long (Sau) <uaai> /ui/: Amau teng mah kizui luailuai /lui lui/ ve uh aw! (2) Short (Tom) <uai>: //: Amah a pai khuaikhuai /x x/ hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <uaih> //: Mite in guaih // ding ut-in na a seem uh hi. (4) uau (1) Long (Sau) <uaau> /uu/: No na pai khol uau /uu/; kei hong nung pai ning ei. (2) Short (Tom) <uau>: //: Vompi khat a pai thuauthuau /t t/ hi. (3) Creaky (Tawng) <uauh> //: Sakol khe ging guauhguauh / / hi.

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A Brief Linguistic Biography of Taang Zomi

Taang Zomi

Appendix 9 Some Conventions Adopted rightward arrow: changes to; is realized as; is rewritten as; becomes slash: in the environment (of) dash: represents the position of the item affected by the rule # hag: word boundary + plus sign: morpheme boundary . dot: syllable boundary

// acute accent: high tone (H) // concave accent or hacek: high rising tone
// circumflex: high falling tone // micron: mid level tone (M) // grave accent: low tone (L) < > angular brackets: orthographic transcription / / slashes: phonemic transcription [ ] square brackets: phonetic transcription

a pair of triangular dots, that looks like a colon: length mark lower-case sigma: syllable
O: Onset N: Nucleaus or Peak Co: Coda R: Rhyme or Rime; Nucleaus + Coda lower-case omega: phonological word lower-case mu: morpheme, or mora S: Sentence F: Foot T1: Tone 1 (High Tone) T2: Tone 2 (High Falling Tone) T3: Tone 3 (Mid Tone) T4: Tone 4 (Low Tone) open syllable: a syllable ending with a vowel; e.g. pa, pua, piau. closed syllable: a syllable ending with a consonant; e.g. pak, pawt, pop. ol = open long syllable, eg., p, pe, pi p, pu, p, p os = open short syllable, e.g., p, p, p, p, p

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