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i I'.j. CYi.IL u ,..,- JitOtJIJi jOCtlL,t- ii!,ItSL[


29, L977 i977-78 iiOYS SOCO]iH r::LGIii'IiJrTIOi'i - AII rerristration for boys currently t bc returnerl on June 4th .r 5th. li.eqistrations, alon'with the $15.O0 ($25.00 fcr 2 l,r r:lore), shoulci be returner,l tr-, the boys l)resent ccach. ramilie,s re:listerini' nora than one boy shoulr1 return rer.istration tr the ccach cf the c1l'iest boy. r\Il fees should be ;sirl i:y check. ijhecks shoulcl Ie ma.'e :.,ayable to '..lYO SOCCLI.,.'istration is linite:l. to boys bern frcLn L962-7L. ;\TTE r"ffICrJ li,liLI'{TS - If yaur chil<l t s re:listration f orr,r is not returned, Effiable t; i.'lay ,rurin:. tHe EaII season. OrrEi,l SOUCLiT. itLGISTit*rTrOr.l - L97?-78 will t,e helrl on Sat. June IIth in r 1I:00 oigr. to lr0c i)rtrr1 i\Nr,ltJ,rl.jO,.:CIri\ i-,I..:1.'JIJ. JJLY igTli - Tlris is the bigc'est sociel event of t t'elaxation; fun' an'f iarites for everyone" Join in all the festivitiesl LL.,liiS{lilih iiT,rTt: r'..i.(1 8!00 atm. B:CO,:m. OVuli.-Tlll!- nILL LiO.iCirLS Griii: - Our ('ame wiII be player'l sg G. lisshin,lXsn t 5:0C i).m. Corne out anrl cheer our team towarcl victory. 'i[i.illDEk - ,t\nyone ;-larticipatinf in these ('ames is not
covere<l by .lYC Insurance.

.itl,[.,tS i'ii;'Ul:j.i].lj IOJ\,.Lii-C/u'ri. - Tc. l-'e heli' in October, Ire will try to qive you raore information at the Soccer i'icnic.

ri Sr)'ll.jllrI, TII-rlir.( YOIJ TO.TLL OtJi:t iiltr,:lLLTTL,ir illL;'I!rtS - [.'e lleei:Iy a1;preciate all- your help. irleasc dontt for'tet abcut us in the..'aII. !,L tti-[-rD irLL
'l'nL i{ELr


GL'f :

--ITL,I.ITIO|{ JOii-l}'LS

- Ue wiII not lre ,.]c)inil write-ups for any of the Cup ffiwsIetterwiIti;eilivenoutatirre.,icnilcoverin"1 Civision stanr.lini.'s anrl Cup Game results. :IiiLP \,+I{TED: I.,e are seekinlr inilividuals.for next ye.rr to help in the f ollowinrr &ras l I. Coaches 2. .\ssistant Coaches 3. ;ieferees 4. ,,tlministrative 5. l{e wsletter l{el1;ers - CaII Mary iiausa #242-3L23 or
rlarbara Schumacher
#667 -L432

lr;ithout help the size of the ii,:ys In-Hcuse Soccer.llroiiram will have to be rerLucerl. The r-ew peol>Le who are,riyinlr their time srirl ener,ry, canit continue to ('ro it alll They nee," .anr'l welcoine HL:Lr). .lontact: ::Oj Tiiol{riS
lrliOrit,: #242-3779




I. 2. 3. 4. 5. -


Contact: Hi'Lriil QuItli.i - #667-5822 IJeviIs" wiitten in 5rrs*, on it. Soccer baII 'ri{e(r .tame baII I{ecl & "ijaml-ries" rvritten on it. jacket (small size). crunr:aree, .):,yts "lhite -ilue jacket warm-u1r with jellow stri;;e on sleeve, " '? i-'llack 1-r.r,rc1.e<1 shin rruorrl with 'tJoert written cn it. SmaII brown & YeILow hancl knittett sweater with front
i.jJr'] G.r'li.:S:



IITIi rLYi:f.IGtiT

l-0:00 a"m. -I:15 a"m. L2:3O p.m. L:45 i).m.

lO:0O a"n.
l-l:15 a.m.

i(OY..Li VS LJCI(Y 7


.jO,J,lirTS VS i.tLD DEVILS GOLtjtI{ r,E;,.i(S VS JOS,'IOJ




StJl.l. Jdi'{L, t2Tlt - iLr,ll-r'1t'LrLS








Game l/4




S'Jl{. - JJl,1l. I9TII


liinners of .June- l2th Games. Il:15 a.rn. isl{I;rr"i i-,IVIJIQrrl - GJ;I"rt,i.O-[Ti lii,,,ioi'-I. L JJr': June 4th an,l 5th.



rlayerl on

Sat,, June 4th I0:0{) Il:30


., . rd.

,:i'r Ii.JG;'.i<S


4:O(.. i,.fl.

i"LY', <S


ririt{Gi .tJ -lOdGii.S

Sun., June 5th IO:CC a.m. lI:50 a.til. L : 30 ,p.:r1.





to be i)resenteii at the n,r of thc. f inal uJ,:




out anl cheerj

i"IIDGLT urVISlOr..l


f.iounrl rlu'r Games -

Ct1,,i,.Gl ii.S





rlJ'I" rl'i



f . Lottels ..Ir\i tr KO. I rj. ticKe-nna t s Vl)ii:,rli I J . O'Louirhlint s J.i'i'S 3

?. Grif f int s rrlr'.,jlir,j 0 . Quirkt s Gr*riirlor:i'! xi 0 i"i. Lyncharil I s Ottr,tiGL:; .-iLO;SOr,iS O

j.iumay ancr itroelle I:oo,ls.

Kix & Ko. :Layec'l well but still hacl to conten.'- with the jambie t s '-reat ,lefensc. Our only i'oal rvas score.-' lry Linrra -lochm (a beautiful anr'|s shot) off a throw in by Patricia,]jorness. ;\Iso trlayinq weII were Ann I{arie ,',lur Ilawn Marie .i-,a,'alrliacca, tdancy Grcenr l-reiclre IIal :in Caro]yn

l;ith only nine :rirls, the /ixens manar.'e,1 to kee, the Grassho rj)ers to a I-0 score. Our winninf i,oal wss score,, ty !(aren '{cKenna assisted i;y iLonnie .iobbins. Goo,'. ,rroal tenclin,' by l,arbara -.,ieninr'. On 3atur,'ay, the Vixens anr' Grassholll)ers ;rlaye.l, a herr,!. fou,ht match. .i:iain ttte Grasshoi)i)ers helil therir oli)onents scoreless tit ttre Iast secon(ts. 'Ihe Grass[6 r-;c)rs woulr' Iike to thank the ,rssrt. coach of the Vixens Iie iyr r,lartinez, itrtrl all the Vixens for their .;reat show oi s')ortsrnanshi., in ;Iayini" strortz &rrr] the Grassho;l)rs coaches woul.:' Iike to thank each an,l everyone oi the ei"ht ;rirls that showed o,) rln' their ;rarents f or their rnuch neei'e,-r continuinr' su;r:;ort. Ke+,, tickin,:: T . Lotter t s ittrX .t rto. 5 i). McKennais VL.L.iJ J. Otloul.hlints J,",'S I . ,luirk, s (]i<,rjS:iC,'i,l i,S 0 The Kix lirls really came out moviri;' the baII well in anr'- out of the Vixens .'efense. our l:oals were score' by Linlia Lioehn (2) assiste,r Ly Dei.rre HaI,,in, Lianna Lotter (I) on a i,en:rlty kicko Laura'",izzo (I) anc1 the last a be-auty by Lin.ra i..ooney (a solo). Goo,i;rlayin.i also by jorness. Dawn .la'la"Iiacca, Ctrris ,:rlorlscore 1 irlancy Gre en, .'atricia ,JLXT I L.Lri Jr'i ii i Kee;r ,-i,> thi,:, oocl work 'rirlsl Conr-ratulations Ffarie Scavone cn your f irst i'oal I Thank you ,Jarol cven Lr'. to tlre Quirk for your tloocr si)ortsmanshi:-in,-,layinl, su;lerior r,oal tendin;l of ,lan.iy Garvey, the Grassho,i;ers werp kert scoreLess. *rltlroulrfi t]rey ha,r many o-) ortunities, our i'efe.nse i,lichele DeIIano an<' Lisa Otten ke,rt them from ;,rle tratin.i. Ihe llrassho.,l)ers excellent ,:ool keelint. snil ,lef ense hel.' Jaws to only one .oal . ConrrratuLebions to l'Iora ':(otrlano on hertthattrick" at last r^rek?s i-ame:



GIT.LS r.riDGir'-[ On lttay

r,iay I4th

l4th, the .towrries lost 7-L L;ut the ,.irls th,-rt ',Iaye,' really ,ri.t They ,'layerl with e,i"ht ,'irls on the iiclrr lnrl : i-r. is u.i:, fiel,' to cover. i,,i:py Lee, i,hureen i-I:rkins, Th et i'colie . lYaureen lronzino re:Lly laycir their he.irts out. Itm verv ,rrou(l of lll mY rirls an e>:cellent jotr.




DiGiacomo's irOi;i-,IEo

i.'Ic.i'.r.cCabe t s -jC.J3.ri..o 3

This !ixulc was 3'',rin i-:I.,iye,.1 short'c,-,'Ly one for three currters of the r,lme. l'I"ruraen l-tr.,rkins w-rs hurt Lrut shook it ri,ht oif :n' -ot b:ck in the .im. The :,lroe enr]er. in ',: 3-3 tie. i-,xceIIe nt 5'o,el lon,iinir Lry lat .[..i Giacomo, whr: :'ot ; nicc truiso on thc l-.r*clc of hcr Ie. l;rrt shook it off . J:.rcliie Slra.r irI;yin: ioril wns accirlr.ntly s,::t u,,on ln,. :,ot ri,.ht back .r,. i'i,:.rie ili Stefcno, Jo_rnnc I cDermott ,,Iaye,, ncw ositions iln, ili'-' a ,:reitt jot, i:t tha:n. Jhris ."ortc '',cin I weLI- i.n,' tryinr. vcr,, hrrr-1 cn win,1r. .\s usu:.I l,iery Lee, i,ll:urr-cn ;ronzino, KeILy ,Jr.rwftrrl , ,IIison Saar ;I,:ye,' vcry h;.ir"r'. L,oseann :,llmicri w:.s a little un,.(,r thc wea-rther t;ut came a littre latc. she thou .ht e n,.;ur.h of h, r tearn not to .-riso[-. 'oint tircm. ,'r'ain i.-owrlies, i,lrs. I'. is vt-ry .rou,.' of ]rou .::Il. Lucky Charms anrL la:iles rl.tme was cancellc.l.

. l'4rv 28th Cu-Gli.S I

2 ). rl .


DiGilcomo ' s .-i0i.t;l-'i' .:

',tkins Lu -liiY ,.;ii ri.i't i ,runots i,.:.CLL-


It was:r har,l fou:iht 5:,:fme for the Lucky Ch;rrms. The one:'oal vras scorei e ainst us in the last rive minutas of the,iamc. :rr the,-irls;:Ieye.l their hearts out. Great lroel tr,nrlin. b3z Lori Str:vrr-:rt :-nr' Leura Sctroenl,eri'er. Great 'efense L5z )ottie i-Ie,,ner, ioni nn iulelo,lis an,i JeIest.. Increlicato- Kee,:; tryin,, ,"irls! Ugtcr::CJj.Imt' of .., ril 2n



lna ? S UL,t- rJj

i-r. L.,rncha.rr'rs Oruillcn -LCciSO."l.j 1

Vixens won the ame 3-t",Iayinl'with one rirl sho::t. l-verr with no subs f or relief , c'ur ',irls ,'laye ' a f antastic 3mcr. .lonrratuletions to Kim Collins who scorerl her vcry first :oal to,'.:yz i,rssister-l by lt{arie I'iartinez. Two ''oals by Karen i.IcKenn-r with one rssisterl by Christinc Olsen. S.ecial mention to our r'66lie Lauri-r iricKenn3 nn<l ,lhristinc, Luar'an our ri iht fultback Eor thcir si):ci3l efiorts. :j.J. Lori i:'lartinez Eet weII soonr w miss rTou I
ii'LWiif, GbifDI ril s I Ot,i ST,.,jDI

Div. '3ec. - Joe



Gol.len Leprechauns iioyals i.e,l ])evils i. &m i or's Lucky 7 ..)obcets

Cosmos ';cars


6 6

LO-i r'


2 3

t t I

I3 to
7 5


3 2

4 3 4

0 0


J. .'r.nrlrarlet s Ld\]l(Y 7 6 J. Te brinkr s tlOi.iCS 2 l.{. Ga'.'Iiar<1or s ,l.L iJ Dt VILd I LOttCrr s .i.,i'r r.tOI)S I

. Gal>.i ' s Gl],iitlil Lir. -r.r.r 0 I . l,iaresc::r s -lf L'L'l 3 .,1 . Ii;l ,inr S LL r.;,-, -llu,Ji,Jo 4

I(ev 2.2, L977 ..]. OI srn I s ",C-;.l,,Ti

.i fine aII ,:roun('effort bv John ,oquicchio who score' l;,oth 'orls lls thc Cosmos ,le f elte,' thc 1]oIr'en .ie .lrs 2-A. i,,xcr:lIlent f icl.l ;- l:ry i;y Chris J:tDo ,;n I .in.'y lira'i - l;.rth L;oys irlso sharc I .o:lkee.,,inrr ,:uties Bo,.l wcre al-,solutely sll ,,,er. Gre'-rt e-fensr: by I enr-, ,.llen1:, ire 'ory Krystallis rrrtr' Ilavi" ,:iE,'Ier. 'ircmenJous o.ffcnsive h stlc i:y fimothy Devrne, -rian Thornas, .Jhris L.rnzr,tt.:l .:n.' lllrristo h..r Ten.;rink. ,\ iine team effort ,.:y aII thc Cosinos. ijnrortunately, Crai'r Lynchar:,i will be unal-;le to ,Iay irt the rernainin' ,-amcs. i.cltar: s to lrai i iron :rll the Cosmos. i',e iss your ho;,c,, to se(: yor.r 1,.:c1c in :ction a rain scon. In a tourrh ri,1III Sunlay, the Qgll,ieri,jears CO-Ca.itaine.'Lry Haiy I(orO,.hIian anrl lrai i Tassc, suffere<] a 2-O ioss to thc Cosmos. "\II tht: ;-iears ,:6yE it their best i-,ut coulrlntt contain the Cosmos rush. .'lome outstanrlin,r i,Iay was shown by .irian Grrnn :t centc):r hatf rn' oo ' "oal tenrlin " brr Ltai;' 6616rrfi[ian. ,Scott .,:nr'r(:Ben :Icye.) 3 166r. offt:nsive ,;ome aIso. Conr:ratulaticns to :lll the T,uclcy 7, s for r l;3mr: lrreII :;Iaye,'.
Goot' ,)ass-

-4I)ominick inri an.i teaar effort.rave c 6-I victory over the:lol:cats. ,-,,ntanacci tln.l John -\ni',ra;1c scoreil 2 .oals each, their f irst ev?r. Jnson i.A,in ancl Jeff i:tkins each score." 3 ,.oal. Ilan,.y Schwartz, Crai,t Silvr,rl :,r&rl'"1on l*1:llis ani" Michacl ,'r. lre were outstan'"lin,:.

kich The iioyals bect th.:,, lie'r Devils 3-L on:rn all out team efiort. Ir{aresca scorer'. our first !'oal antl iiol,art l,Iars,icn score,'the next 2. The iioyals came out stroni anrl irelil throu hout. Cine efforts tor'rzrV i:y I'iichael onr' Jose;;h lvfaxwell, John inlanr'eIs, Crai;: Di'r,rolito, Ilomien iiomano i-tn-' D.lvi." ierrari combinec'! with aII the boys on ,a super ifame.
iioi-rs camc out tryin,' to ;' a -oor-l ,leiense an:' olfe-nse -ame, }-,ut coufu,i not ret it torrettrer. Goorr ,,layin- i>y ..,n.1y -^rr'Ler, Josc,-,h I]t;\rri,:or Joser.,h lreIIaquiIa, Louis iloli'enberrrr Iiavi,' enr Jason liickey an,' .tussell Scala. Great ,'oal terr,.'in' r';y Chris I(yIa . Goo,1 hustlin', ily Terrsnce ilollanr' arl,' Kevin Sisson.

Ttre Lel;rech.rr'rns ,'efcatecl the iiam rio,rs l",y a score of. 4-L. ;\ll 4 t"ogIs w,jre sCorerr ty trian fn,rlish whO ,I 1ye, 3n excellent ,rame. AII of the Le-l.rrechauns laye.' yc:t! rueII.
Suni'Lay, I'iay 29th

J. J. 'i. J.

7 t ;,'n.jrailers Lotterts .tu.r r'OUS 0 Olsen, s -Oi.-1,,'1'S O The lei.,rechauns iilaye,' their worst tiame of the sc,ason as the coech sai,r'. They were all aslee;.r, as thrit wqs their first ercrly lJame. Ttle .losmos ,;laye'1 very well.

Tenbrink? s .lo.:i.rQj 2

l.J. HaI rints Lt-,l5 0 i't . Meresce t s i(OY^iLS O J. Giri;;rrs SfjLLrL.ri.ri:.,ii..,3 2 i{. Gatrliarrrlo t s l.Lu TJLVILS 3

scorel, came from 2 boys who scorc,'their iirst:'oals ever. t'rrlilv lry jrian l4ike on an assist Z,:mLrelli i'irarii scorer' one unassisteL! rnr' vrell plave:', his heart ifrt,l contril;uteil to a out Thomas. i,v:ry bojz 1,Iaye,.' team eiEort win.

Our boys;'layer't+eII ,1rtr'iou,:ht her''' Thc Lucky 7l;e:-rt the i,royals I-0. a5iainst the Lucky 7' s .reEensc. Unf ortunately, we just coulr'ntt finl the hanrlc. Tor-'ay hatr no in.rivir'ual r:,fforts however, vra 'ir] have one,rreat tei:m e.ciort l;y all 15 boys, who irlaye:rr their i-:est anrl relusell to stoi; tryinit dntil the final whistle. Co-ca;rtains Jc'hn Schumach:tr an'.] i,Iark t{ahon 1c,! the GoI rcn ,ears to a 2-0 victory ov(rr the iiam r..o;ls. John Schumacher score,'' both t.oals for the iears, one with en assist from Mark tlahon. Othe:r l;oys who harl. a h.:rni'l in the, victory were Scott an:" To,.',,'. /in.'resen, .iobrrt Gaba, l.raniel ieii'.Ier arr' leter ?r ''hilip i.Ie,ri l,Iayinr both offensively anri ll.efensiveIy. LJe must aliain coni.ratulgtt, Hai." Koro ihlian for his i;e also s<lw som e,xcellent layin.t treLncnllous shut-out :'oal tenlin'r. froin Gary ,}rm3n, I)arren Davis, -ri:-rn Gunn, ilenis It{sroney enil Thomss J3nrr.ris . Gcc ' 'ane boys I One ,ioal L.,y Kevin t.itkish, two 'oals oals by iLocco ,:lchuster anr,1 an assist by John Olsen t-iave the,.e,l l)r-vils 3 5-0 victory over the lo!:cats. The iieJ, I,eviIs ;-:Iayer',.,a l'ar,-r" Eou:rtrt ilame a;*ainst constant i;)ressure irom the -;obc::ts.
r"I i..LrL ,-.,:rliTrril SIilrl01r'lGo Slt rr{itO..]KS
,-:TI L{Gi.irS


ilLr,i,tJ t-'i,l,l: r{.i


t9 loints I5 rr L2, I' II to '?

Irr 3rr 3rr

IlL,i'lLi-,ii.o jioiir'irtr i{S



iliay 7tl"t -


rrfYi:i.i,S 3

Afte:r lea,'inr 2-A, the Stinrrc-,rs lost a tcu.lh,rlme 3-2. Goals bv Mike Cannizzo, assisteti by ;oi;i;y Kostik an'' onc by r.'rank .loquicchio.

-5i'Ili.iGr,r.5 3 rr.-i.iGL..._r t Uey_dlE .:tin;Iers carle -from Lrehin,1 to win 3-L. Joe lialoney scoreri. a hattrick. hy l5th STIr'lGI.-.ri,3 4 r*ri.JGLriS 0 .Jtinllers i.'eat the iian,vers 4-c. Goars L,y Steven:3aar (r), Joe Maloney i2) anil l,Iikc DinlTss (I).

II'l \Ji, r-tD 5


r'aVts i'.ame ai,ainst the, lo.ijrars was anothe'r har,'. fou,'ht ,.dlrlp.. /iIl tire boys ,',laye11 rs a tcam. Scorin:: for the iianrters wore -tiicharr' Dockery (1.), I'iike Stevrart (I) cn.' .linthony TeC.eschi (I). jrian Srsson laye,1 rroaL. '-:'ice IIent in ITth Sti"\r'L-O..lKS 4


ST'It,lGLirS 0

i:irc Shamrocks clinched first Place by beatin,' the Stinrers 4-o. g:<cellent i''oal kee,;,in.'bv.taymonlr saveri the,Shamrocks in the iirst l5 ,.-i':Its. GoaI scorers for Slrarnrocks were John Huber (2)r:.rrI-.Io Saracco

(l-) nnrl a fj-l-st .oal ror Darcen r'rmato.




),'J-phins score by ,lirmen ,iettin,i in an unassistarL u ) L;lay. Tcuith '-ii-L arounil. ::Iayinrl by Joe Cutrone.
IrIe knew you coul,l! ivreat team effort ,'ave the .:j.nally-t'ir1 it: l:'lcir f irst win. rJnendinl' . .1.'1-essiveness &rrrl two (:lre,at rroals l-tyIslanrlers John -ii;'linellc, one on a hear' uall corner kick combination from John He;;ner. '-'i:e other, L;52 a wini'i)&ss from Tracy Jt:nninits. Great 'efense bV i.{ike ''fc.ralran, Jini l)iaz, Ken Stolze en,'r ,'oaIie l,iike Scannella. r..e coul,-, not ;.':-rve rvon without the ,titl-fiel,lL efforts of Gre,i an,' r'inthony jorrrsro ancl l::l Lyncharil . r;iurr.,iiS 2 rI, 2 lilll_-L9!h ,i:rarks rloals by lvlichael i,-ausa (f ) 4ncr J:Lmie irlere (f). :a3in ,,Layer'' an excellent I'aine.



'ivers iioars Lry-Douil Garvv (r) ,arrl. ,'ioLert l(.rretchrr (r). ->y Vincent .jceri an,.l Sam Yenchelli. -lit

Goo,, ;-'rayino


2lst_ -{r.O..lKs 2

Iti].aiiuilr.o 3

i*rr{Sli..S C r,LYi:,'.o k

',.'tle Shamrocks

beat the i\anr{ers 2-A. Scorers f or Shamrocks were Jiinmy ,'oorrCf (I), Ilarren .'\ (f) - Ii,xcellent .ioalkee ,in,i by lvtike Jandris. lnvir']. i nato ,'-rnt'" John ilinrllcli ,.Layer' well ior the Shamrocks.

;:tur.iay, tire irlyers lulle,' out it squeakar over thc Islcnrlers beatinr' Lilem 4-3. I.obert i(aletcher (4) ,.oals. Outstanr'linr, l-rall han,,Iinlr by -'im Yanchelli, " Sur'.er ,;oOI tenilin', by rticharrl ,iohr anr1 5tcven Kalkan. r.:ttrick by John lie.:i>ner althourrh the Islan,'ers lost, it was their best ir:-aycd, irama of the season. GoaI fsnqlin,r i:y l4ike Scannella was outi,;nnr-in,.. I;xcelrc,nt mi.'fiel<l tc.rr:rr,rork i;y Trocv Jcnnin rs, ,lnthony .l,i-claro an.' idoel Lynchartl was the main iactor to such a close r'gme.




;:) .',Ic]-au..'hLin .lfltJGrIiS L. Velez 5I'Ii.lGi,rtS D. l"Ieinstein ivrldGi ,.S .ri.. ilohrr s rr1,Yi-itS

. Dira:li t s ISLrriDL.iS O i Lembros irL,,iiKS I : " I.liIIiams DOLi'rilr.lS 0

iLooneyrs Stliu,rrrodKS

4 5 6 2

;,t1rgr ('emei by a stroni, Coul'ar team" Outstant'inv ;.,Ia5, l_ry Joe ,ti,. l.) anr'l ,j,:r'i,-l Lynch lerl the way. Goals by l.,yan i,ic].aurlhlin (2)r-Joe ?epre (f) '-,rir.r ir&]/ Kilcar (I). Dynamite ,-lefense i,y llarien MaIlis, Jhris Destefano
ai-L'l y_*oalie

l(cvin O',lrien.

Islanrlers 1-.,Iayeil s;-ool ltame but were unal;le to score a,.:inst a toulh .lcr:,1*r:r te-nm., Lou ,-:oquicchio ancl sar Dira .i wour:l likc to ex'; our J.l':rtitu<".1e to the whole Islan.ler team ior their unenr-r,inri corniretetive ,-,',i-rit throu,rhout the season. They vnere rlways in th*.ie :rivinrr their

L,e st ,rt every ,"ilrite" erS coaCneS, that iS aIL we CoLIl.]- ask f or. was a' ,rleasrre coachin;t this whole Islanr:er tean-


The Strarks ;Iayerl a harrl i'irst half aliainst the Stinlrers endinq in s In the seconrl halt- the Sharks just coul'.lntt'1et it tor:ether tie t-I" resultin,l in the Loss. Jamie l4are scoretl the only ;:-o&I. Our iroalie Chris nevcr sto,.;rerr tryinli..

Sunl.ay's lrame with the Dol;;hins was a real team p--e :ort, everyon :r|syprr their os;ition,, Kevin Lanai who has been out sick iortwo we eks lLayerl vcry lvcll" Scorin:i were i4ike Stewarrl (2),,:inth.ony Tet'eschi (I), Vinrrie .r'ine ilefense bI, DeIl (l-) , I)svi:l ilank (I) 3rI,' I ric rJeinstein (I). well in Ilric i.'ictrl-e:'., liicky llallock a.lso ,Iave,1 i'oal. Scott Maii-orth player-1 cuts=ittirlinf in halfLack" Jeck ].;"osenblatt :-,Iryer1 a '3o'' fulluack. It was a tou,lh irame for the Dolphins. iles,ite, Some ."reat sarres by Jrian T'esta in,roal, wc just coul,.rntt r'et the batl out oi our zor1e. Often erlcurrir to tret our orvn offense '6inr:" ;3un-]ay ihe:rlye-,:s ;,Iayei]. their best'.'ame ever artainst the Sharnrocks. l,xcell-ernt;:iayin,'i:y the entire team. Goals scorerl by jcott Hemi-,son (f) This win enable the r;'ly*rs to on a ccr.n,jr k:_ck anr, f)our. Garrvey (f)" ,l:ivision. ciincn 2n,' :,!-rrce in the IJOL.,iII i\IS L i'l4k_up ..a:Eg. ti0uG..irS 3 I't r.:ac a srl;;er .ame by all the .jour.iars, wi-th every boy ,l.ettin,r a chance ii'clntastic hustle t;y super Joe ?e:-te who score<-l to --,I.ry ani, :josition. ?'h:i'ttrick" oi thc seoson" Tony llihmir o, we never saw you hic fr:'st ru.n :ri:) .eas'CI Tim, we are sorry you :'i<1ntt score. Lxcellent defensive eff o.--t l-:';, ilaruien l{alIis, },lichael Ot;rien" Su.;e,r offe nsive i,IayinLl [r7 .t{e]ia'y' Jacors anil itay Kilcarcr. DoI;;hinc iroal on a weII i;Iacerl. :enalty kick by Scott i,rilliams. It was an c)..i:inri coml.retetive ltame.rll the way" Gre;it effort try all the fu,3r/s. Outsl;1nrl inL' eifort by 'Iom Lo5terl1o ottn Davi'.1 Moroz "erEenr-1inr' a:"ainst a stror'-' attack. Scc'tt r,';illiams an.l Davit'. Bruno cleared the ball fr-orn irr tront of our .'oal to start a re-l.eater*1 attaclc by our rnovin,l halfbaclis. PauI O",irien, i\nnin .iettin':, ;,nthony Lo )reto ani' Mike .irunken t,toi< the f)asses of Joe llutrone, Ste;:hen Moroz, Joe La .Jerva anr'Ken rllair to stcrm the ,lou'rrr :oo.l. ;:\ s recial thanks to a i'rest :ro.ll ten,ler ,lrian '.i'aste" Ue nisserl the lr,.ienses of lob ?nam r',rho coul' raake it f or rhi:: i.ilrJe "
cI rd"t i.r-iUGi:T S'i';i'tlI


l9 ;loints

Cii,"i"Gi, iiS

rviatT -'-iiil,J-i;i-F :-i::L:-'-


L3 L2


I0 l'oints
8rr trr





i'OriiJ, 'r-ioL


,-.rLiZL..S t

'Iornairoes :,cals were by Keith ivicleu:1hIin, Steven .+mato rrul iiick Sisson. ;:rnother outstanr',in:t itame in rroel i-;y John tlc,.-,"e. i'xcellent :lay Ly Te,'r.!-y r"Iozniak, Pete Gorman 9r1rr i'jete L;.rnni. Goo.l it'liLliieli -,lay Terence
FiulhoLl-anl'- &rrt"] ;,'r,ank Con,'ro.

'l'he ,iLue ri&zers rlaye'1 extremely well a:-ainst the stron!i 'Icrnaloes. 'loo,.1 offensc: by Jimmy SuIlivnn, Joe .\u ri)e-rlee, :.trank i'{i:n,ranc an,' Joy Lynchalrr . Coal by i-'eter Donahoe, of f a cornr-r lcick by Jay Lynchart"'.
i'Iay l9th -

,rLJl ',Ltr:iiS 0 The :ioals for the }Iawks we re scor:' by Glenn lJock, I.ichie ii'olicastro enii ltatty trnrlelicator with two assists i-iy John italzarano. Goo,l. rlay
tri.'trvriS 3

by lhris


LL.i:r,.i O GiELii I Ear2-a!n The rtoa.L for the Glels vrats scoreil try Scott .ioss. Fxcellent teamwork brz :omm/ Shclri who crossi', the l:all to hel;, Scotty ioss scori. Ixcel.Ic-:nt fullback : L;y by liat -y Jrawfor,1, itenny .rrun,-.a'e, Kerrin 'orn')er<:nke. The Gaels starte,' tLris I'ame with only 9 l.rlayers iifl,.l en.-l.ei rorittr 1I L;oys. S,,eci,:rl ncte-.o the l{awks for also stertin,-1 with 9 bo5zs, the essence oi s..,ortsmanshi;; i



iLii.rrt$ I

-lh.ri.GLi.ii I

?he :'oal for the Hawks was scorr'. by Larry Flallick. The scori was kp;;t close ly John Doran anr'Cfiff iviiller. i'xcellent work by,tichie Folicastro an(1 our r'"reat r'oalie Seen Jominskey.,DOij.j 3 Outstanclin'-." team plalz i.i.t.rrtOi.iS

by both teams. 'Iorna,loes ioals by vincent Lopreto, Tominy Murray ilnil 'riek Sisson. .iflc-ther orrtstan,-'in.r ,rame by IGith l,iclaurjhlin, John llolla :n.' Chris Dcninik.
May 22 riii'i .iS 4
G.'i!LS 0

'rlthou:"h the Gaels lost there was some very ilooll ,,layini; L,y Mike ;rissinii in iioal. E,xcellent also were Erl:r',y Icks (lst 1'oal of season), ?aul Thiei';1p1ner, Vincent Stymkowski. Speciat mention to lfean ?ovcromo sn<1 Joey GamLino, ivho i,lL3yer1, really all,ositions. Corri! TS I Mav 24th ,jLU[ rLt-iir.S I This a sul)er ,rAme f or the ,JIue *ilazers. Goo,' , ool tenclin'' by .t)at Lee. Great ,lefense by 'i.ichie r:o['ers, li.obert ];rault cnd l)at Llannohoe. Goal by Jcy Lynchar.t on a r:enalty kick. ir s )ciol rvorrl of tharrlcs to the l,arents of the .j.,i. who sur,porte.-l the te:m throu,lh a rlifficult

29th -


-lLLlii. .li.

'r"j A ;



The Torna<loes wrar),)e,l u'r Ist,,I3ce 1.ry,'cfeatin" a t,:urih ..)har,'er team l-0 on a su,.rr:f l.roal by rlick Sisson. Cutstan<lin., Iay amil'st an outstanc'.inr,I te6l[r l;erformance was turneri in b5z Keith i4cliu;:hlin, Chris Dominik, John ,,oIIa, 'Ierrence it{ulhcllanrl 3n.' .tick Sisson. Thanks ancl

con;rp3lolations to a r.irect tcam.

Outstanr),init .rla5, by Char5'e-rs i,lark Verniienber.'r Frank ;ettin,; anri l,at O'Shau'ihnessy.
-iOYS Tlu,V]:.L

G. iielilers

- ulIllLR 12 ti.ii'iUrjiiL..S



The Loys i,ot'.off to a -ooc': start in the lst rounrl oi the L.I. Culr by cl.ominatinr: Idorth,;ort. i.Ieal -rtkins starter.l the scorinl' with Gerarj Mcjarthy, Patriek IrienJ, i'l.obert ri'Iotz anrl Joey -'rinzo followinr, with i:oals" Kevin ii,1usa, Terrence i'(cCebe, iiaul Jieirler alt set-u., assists in the scorinil. ?he ,:!.efensive ,,Iay ot- iviarc Lottsr, Denis t:'.Lvarez, Scott Khare, J. ,enzin,;'7 3n,r, Danny -,rcnzino all ''-i,i thcir jol-rs well. Kee;r it u;; ,iuys: G. --lieriler r s rr,,-.r'iDLiil,t.S 5 iiO.iliii'OrtT,iDlilivrl,i]

D. il,. roovc(' into the quarterr f inal rounr' of thcr L.I. Cu byz brstin!, the I'trorth,.:ort ,\i1mirals. The scorin,.r startel v,rith Kevin .iausa an,r r,vas tollows] by i'atrick lrricnrl , Gerarl l4cJarthy ti IJ56fy Shar:r. The (rame en/ter': at 3-3 in peiiulation time with t,. rrrien,"s last minute oal. i..te then went into two 5rmin. overtime with idorth::ort loinqr nheaLi a.'ain. Then in the 2rtr1 five min. ;rerioil rvith I0 seconr's cn the clockr'uo.,,oo,'y Shar;i shot a 4A y1" bomb into the i.Iorth.rort net. Iu, rulr:s then i,Iace,,1 us into the 5 irenaltf kiclc situation. Ihe :;rossur rnounte:l for both teams to a ,oint r'.eci,lei'where the.'ame v,loulrl l:e on the,',layers who Lest helrl their com )osure. I'{arc Lotter becaue the hero by sfs,;rin:,r two ,enslty shots; with I,rooi'y Sharr ai'ain cominil throu:'h with the ,'eci.lin i .enalty shot.
Ttre aII cut effort of every .,Iryer wl-ren e7e most n:e(lerl it, ;Iave D. i'. this win- l tm very .;rour.l of our l-:oys. They never i ave rl';. l,iuch cre,-] it must l;e,'iven to the ';Lrrlts tt fcllowers oi the D.'j'. I?an;-,erers. Throul h our tourihest moments, a..,:iust tou,,,h o,','s, r,\re never :ravej uL) ofi the ability of our boys . throui'hout this lonci S ,,rinr, season. The boys knew that they harl believers L,ehinr', them who never thourht o-f lettinr;

them rlown.

C. Llal_rin's .1l-LTICS 2



It was a weII ,,Iaye,l ' .althou'h the leltics havinrr about B07o of the': Golls wer- scorerl brz i{atty i,lay couLr'' only comc 3way with a 2-2 tie-

-8We.Ict, 8i

Dennis itawlinls. Matty & Dennis who werr, the insi<'t forwarils, exc<IIunt oifcncc, &flrl backu;:, ,ioalie i'4ikr, McKr,own, too. ;iiaye,'l' j. Llal,,in's dELTIJS I I,TSS. ,JLLLTS O

Tha 'leltics are into tlie 5r,J. r'1 . of the L.i. Cu, on a L{r,::&t roal from iulike lyicK.'ovrn. r,^Iith'L-om Horne on thi- Ieft anr :ltl,ve, ,iraztta on thc, right, thr. crosses ke;.rt conrin' in i;ut we-) just ccul'l not :ut any of the.m in. Jim Tenl:rink, :-:rian i,los',-Ll, Tom Morris ifn,'John Salvato,'i-'. a

Xreat jol: in ,'ef,.nsr: for their




.-:OYS DL'trISICr{

itiay 2Ist


The lJiinil-erers anc. the i.Japriors wetre rlery evenly matchecl, the ,v2rn coulcl. have iione either way l;ut, it was the l?an,-'erers who csme ur-'with the r,rinnin-: i'oaI thanks to ii.ictrie. Goo.1. ileir:nse i:y ;rr,'-,l,y Gau,r, 'Ier1c1y Iviacke anl Kevin, Excellent iloal''inf by ,,.arlos '^Ivarez who li i not Iet any ,iet by him.

G. ii'attiben I s lr,r-irrlOt.S T" i'{acke I s 1';rr.lLt['-L"E'riS

0 2

rJ. j. r.'LYLitS t tri.,,. r',lTRIOilij 2

The l"arriors sna,;rrp;1. back from the I-0 loss to the !'anclerers to beat the i'Jorth i)abylon i.'Iyers -5-I. trg.arlin:' the Warriors on ofiense were r"Iike fi Giaconno an('I'{ich !'attil:ene with 2lrools each r-rn,.r Kenny Hcchmen r^rittr I ,-oal"

In this, the last issue of the r,Iewsletter, it is a pro,riate to con:'ratulate the r,larriors for thier accomrlishinents of this season. I-ith one ,-ame left tc .Iay, thcy heve com,ile<r an B-I-1 recoril. ior the I0 I'ame-s irlaye" the lTamiors have scorecr 36 ,'oals snrl allowecl onlv 13:'oals. Crerlits lor r'oals earnerl r.oes to li. rtatti'tene 1I, Mike Lo iiusso 9, Liike lliGiacomo 4, Kenny Hechmen 3, John,\nselmo 2, Jim Jacks.-.n 2, Frankie itomano 2, irat Smith 2, onr'Jim i,Ii,'t I. .'rerlit'r^or a solii', ,lefense 'oes to ier' :eneriiktson, M. I'iGiacomo, laul lle-mpson, Tirn Zannehelli, :rn,' Joe r,i ;Santis.
Last but not least t d t;iLi: cre,lit ,,ots-s to the boys who l,layeit r;oth offense= 1rlrl ,'efcnse at the irllfi.,ack slots, r.rankie i omano, Jim Jackson l-)at Srnittr. Conr;ratulations l.larriors on a successf ul sti.r.sofl. The 1.,'3n1].61s1's shourt'- have won this 'lame, but ha.l to settre f or a 2-2 tie. The boys -,Iayer' weIL i.,ut a:ilin, were shorthan:.1e,.'-. Goals score:.I by I']eter Mastrocco (f) anl. John liio',ica (I). Sharin;. i'oalkee",inil were Garlos ,\Ivarez who left 'l.ue'oiln injury anl' ,ut1rl.y Gaui', both ,Layeil very xto well.

.,I I'l1l- I ItllIICt 1l

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