Magna Charta (1215 A.d.)

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John, by the Grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and Earl of Anjou, to hi Archbi ho! , "i ho! , Abbot , Earl , "aron , Ju ticiarie , #ore ter , $heriff , Go%ernor , &fficer , and to all "ailiff , and hi faithful ubject , ' Greeting( Kno) ye, that *e, in the !re ence of God, and for the al%ation of our o)n oul, and of the oul of all our ance tor , and of our heir , to the honor of God, and the e+altation of the ,oly -hurch and amendment of our Kingdom, by the coun el of our %enerable father , $te!hen Archbi ho! of -anterbury, .rimate of all England, and -ardinal of the ,oly /oman -hurch, ,enry Archbi ho! of Dublin, *illiam of London, .eter of *inche ter, Joceline of "ath and Gla tonbury, ,ugh of Lincoln, *alter of *orce ter, *illiam of -o%entry, and "enedict of /oche ter, "i ho! 0 1a ter .andul!h our Lord the .o!e2 $ubdeacon and familiar, "rother Almeric, 1a ter of the Knight '3em!lar in England, and of the e noble !er on , *illiam 1are chal Earl of .embroke, *illiam Earl of $ali bury, *illiam Earl of *arren, *illiam Earl of Arundel, Alan de Gallo)ay -on table of $cotland, *arin #it4'Gerald, ,ubert de "urgh $ene chal of .oictou, .eter #it4',erbert, ,ugh de Ne%il, 1atthe) #it4',erbert, 3homa "a et, Alan "a et, .hili! de Albiniac, /obert de /o!!el, John 1are chal, John #it4',ugh, and other our liegemen0 ha%e in the #ir t !lace granted to God, and by thi our !re ent -harter, ha%e confirmed, for u and our heir for e%er5 678 3hat the Engli h -hurch hall be free, and hall ha%e her )hole right and her libertie in%iolable0 and )e )ill thi to be ob er%ed in uch a manner, that it may a!!ear from thence, that the freedom of election , )hich )a re!uted mo t requi ite to the Engli h -hurch, )hich )e granted, and by our -harter confirmed, and obtained the -onfirmation of the ame, from our Lord .o!e Innocent the 3hird, before the ru!ture bet)een u and our "aron , )a of our o)n free )ill5 )hich -harter )e hall ob er%e, and )e )ill it to be ob er%ed )ith good faith, by our heir for e%er( *e ha%e al o granted to all the #reemen of our Kingdom, for u and our heir for e%er, all the under)ritten Libertie , to be enjoyed and held by them and by their heir , from u and from our heir ( 698 If any of our Earl or "aron , or other )ho hold of u in chief by military er%ice, hall die, and at hi death hi heir hall be of full age, and hall o)e a relief, he hall ha%e hi inheritance by the ancient relief0 that i to ay, the heir or heir of an Earl, a )hole Earl2 "arony for one hundred !ound 5 the heir or heir of a "aron for a )hole "arony, by one hundred !ound 0 the heir or heir of a Knight, for a )hole Knight2 #ee, by one hundred hilling at mo t5 and he )ho o)e le , hall gi%e le , according to the ancient cu tom of fee ( 6:8 "ut if the heir of any uch be under age, and in )ard hi!, )hen he come to age he hall ha%e hi inheritance )ithout relief and )ithout fine( 6;8 3he )arden of the land of uch heir )ho hall be under age, hall not take from the land of the heir any but rea onable i ue , and rea onable cu tom , and rea onable er%ice , and the

)ithout de truction and )a te of the men or good , and if )e commit the cu tody of any uch land to a $heriff, or any other !er on )ho i bound to u for the i ue of them and he hall make de truction or )a te u!on the )ard' land )e )ill reco%er damage from him and the land hall be committed to t)o la)ful and di creet men of that fee, )ho hall an )er for the i ue to u , or to him to )hom )e ha%e a igned them( And if )e hall gi%e or ell to any one the cu tody of any uch land , and he hall make de truction or )a te u!on them, he hall lo e the cu tody0 and it hall be committed to t)o la)ful and di creet men of that fee, )ho hall an )er to u in like manner a it i aid before( 6<8 "ut the )arden, a long a he hath the cu tody of the land , hall kee! u! and maintain the hou e , !ark , )arren , !ond , mill , and other thing belonging to them, our of their i ue 0 and hall re tore to the heir )hen he come of full age, hi )hole e tate, !ro%ided )ith !lough and other im!lement of hu bandry, according a the time of *ainage hall require, and the i ue of the land can rea onably afford( 6=8 ,eir hall be married )ithout di !aragement, o that before the marriage be contracted, it hall be notified to the relation of the heir by con anguinity( 6>8 A )ido), after the death of her hu band, hall immediately, and )ithout difficulty ha%e her marriage and her inheritance0 nor hall he gi%e any thing for her do)er, or for her marriage, or for her inheritance, )hich her hu band and he held at the day of hi death5 and he may remain in her hu band2 hou e forty day after hi death, )ithin )hich time her do)er hall be a igned( 6?8 No )ido) hall be com!elled to marry her elf, )hile he i )illing to li%e )ithout a hu band0 but yet he hall gi%e ecurity that he )ill not marry her elf )ithout our con ent, if he hold of u , or )ithout the con ent of the lord of )hom he doe hold, if he hold of another( 6@8 Neither )e nor our "ailiff , )ill ei4e any land or rent for any debt, )hile the chattel of the debtor are ufficient for the !ayment of the debt0 nor hall the uretie of the debtor be com!elled, )hile the !rinci!al debtor i able to !ay the debt0 and if the !rinci!al debtor fail in !ayment of the debt, not ha%ing )here)ith to di charge it, the uretie hall an )er for the debt0 and if they be )illing, they hall ha%e the land and rent of the debtor, until ati faction be made to them for the debt )hich they had before !aid for him, unle the !rinci!al debtor can he) him elf acquitted thereof again t the aid uretie ( 67A8 If any one hath borro)ed any thing from the Je) , more or le , and die before that debt be !aid, the debt hall !ay no intere t o long a the heir hall be under age, of )hom oe%er he may hold0 and if that debt hall fall into our hand , )e )ill not take any thing e+ce!t the chattel contained in the bond, 6778 And if any one hall die indebted to the Je) , hi )ife hall ha%e her do)er and hall !ay nothing of that debt0 and if children of the decea ed hall remain )ho are under age, nece arie hall be !ro%ided for them, according to the tenement )hich belonged to the decea ed5 and out of the re idue the debt hall be !aid, a%ing the right of the lord 6of )hom the land are held(8 In like manner let it be )ith debt o)ing to other than Je) ( 6798 No cutage nor aid hall be im!o ed in our kingdom, unle by the common council of our kingdom0 e+ce!ting to redeem our !er on, to make our elde t on a knight, and once to marry our elde t daughter, and not for the e, unle a rea onable aid hall be demanded(

67:8 In like manner let it be concerning the aid of the -ity of London(' And the -ity of London hould ha%e all it2 ancient libertie , and it2 free cu tom , a )ell by land a by )ater(' #urthermore, )e )ill and grant that all other -itie , and "urgh , and 3o)n , and .ort , hould ha%e all their libertie and free cu tom ( 67;8 And al o to ha%e the common council of the kingdom, to a e and aid, other)i e than in the three ca e afore aid5 and for the a e ing of cutage , )e )ill cau e to be ummoned the Archbi ho! , "i ho! , Abbot , Earl , and great "aron , indi%idually, by our letter (' And be ide , )e )ill cau e to be ummoned in general by our $heriff and "ailiff , all tho e )ho hold of u in chief, at a certain day, that i to ay at the di tance of forty day , 6before their meeting,8 at the lea t, and to a certain !lace0 and in all the letter of ummon , )e )ill e+!re the cau e of the ummon 5 and the ummon being thu made, the bu ine hall !roceed on the day a!!ointed, according to the coun el of tho e )ho hall be !re ent, although all )ho had been ummoned ha%e not come( 67<8 *e )ill not gi%e lea%e to any one, for the future, to take an aid of hi o)n free'men, e+ce!t for redeeming hi o)n body, and for making hi elde t on a knight, and for marrying once hi elde t daughter0 and not that unle it be a rea onable aid( 67=8 None hall be com!elled to do more er%ice for a Knight2 '#ee, nor for any other free tenement, than )hat i due from thence( 67>8 -ommon .lea hall not follo) our court, but hall be held in any certain !lace(

67?8 3rial u!on the *rit of No%el Di ei in, &f 1ort d2Ance tre 6death of the ance tor8, and Darrien .re entment 6la t !re entation8, hall not be taken but in their !ro!er countie , and in thi manner5' *e, or our -hief Ju ticiary, if )e are out of the kingdom, )ill end t)o Ju ticiarie into each county, four time in the year, )ho, )ith four knight of each county, cho en by the county, hall hold the afore aid a i4e , )ithin the county on the day, and at the !lace a!!ointed( 67@8 And if the afore aid a i4e cannot be taken on the day of the county'court, let a many knight and freeholder , of tho e )ho )ere !re ent at the county'court remain behind, a hall be ufficient to do ju tice, according to the great or le im!ortance of the bu ine ( 69A8 A free'man hall not be fined for a mall offence, but only according to the degree of the offence0 and for a great delinquency, according to the magnitude of the delinquency, a%ing hi contenement5 a 1erchant hall be fined in the ame manner, a%ing hi merchandi e, and a %illain hall be fined after the ame manner, a%ing to him hi *ainage, if he hall fall into our mercy0 and none of the afore aid fine hall be a e ed, but by the oath of hone t men of the %icinage( 6978 Earl and "aron of their delinquency( hall not be fined but by their .eer , and that only according to the degree

6998 No -lerk hall be fined for hi lay'tenement, but according to the manner of the other a afore aid, and not according to the quantity of hi eccle ia tical benefice( 69:8 Neither a to)n nor any !er on hall be com!elled to build bridge or embankment , e+ce!ting tho e )hich anciently, and of right, are bound to do it(

69;8 No $heriff, -on table, -oroner , nor other of our "ailiff , hall hold !lea of our cro)n( 69<8 All -ountie , and ,undred , 3rething , and *a!ontake , hall be at the ancient rent, )ithout any increa e, e+ce!ting in our Deme ne'manor ( 69=8 If any one holding of u a lay'fee die , and the $heriff or our "ailiff, hall he) our letter ' !atent of ummon concerning the debt )hich the defunct o)ed to u , it hall be la)ful for the $heriff or our "ailiff to attach and regi ter the chattel of the defunct found on that lay'fee, to the amount of that debt, by the %ie) of la)ful men, o that nothing hall be remo%ed from thence until our debt be !aid to u 0 and the re t hall be left to the e+ecutor to fulfil the )ill of the defunct0 and if nothing be o)ing to u by him, all the chattel hall fall to the defunct, a%ing to hi )ife and children their rea onable hare ( 69>8 If any free'man hall die inte tate, hi chattel hall be di tributed by the hand of hi neare t relation and friend , by the %ie) of the -hurch, a%ing to e%ery one the debt )hich the defunct o)ed( 69?8 No -on table nor other "ailiff of our hall take the corn or other good of any one, )ithout in tantly !aying money for them, unle he can obtain re !ite from the free )ill of the eller( 69@8 No -on table 6Go%ernor of a -a tle8 hall com!el any Knight to gi%e money for ca tle' guard, if he be )illing to !erform it in hi o)n !er on, or by another able man, if he cannot !erform it him elf, for a rea onable cau e5 and if )e ha%e carried or ent him into the army, he hall be e+cu ed from ca tle'guard, according to the time that he hall be in the army by our command( 6:A8 No $heriff nor "ailiff of our , nor any other !er on hall take the hor e or cart of any free' man, for the !ur!o e of carriage, )ithout the con ent of the aid free'man( 6:78 Neither )e, nor our "ailiff , )ill take another man2 )ood, for our ca tle or other u e , unle by the con ent of him to )hom the )ood belong ( 6:98 *e )ill not retain the land of tho e )ho ha%e been con%icted of felony, e+ce!ting for one year and one day, and then they hall be gi%en u! to the lord of the fee( 6::8 All kydell 6)ear 8 for the future hall be quite remo%ed our of the 3hame , and the 1ed)ay, and through all England, e+ce!ting u!on the ea'coa t( 6:;8 3he )rit )hich i called .raeci!e, for the future hall not be granted to any one of any tenement, by )hich a free'man may lo e hi court( 6:<8 3here hall be one mea ure of )ine throughout all our kingdom, and one mea ure of ale, and one mea ure of corn, namely the quarter of London0 and one breadth of dyed cloth, and of ru et , and of halberject , namely, t)o ell )ithin the li t ( Al o it hall be the ame )ith )eight a )ith mea ure ( 6:=8 Nothing hall be gi%en or taken for the future for the *rit of Inqui ition of life or limb0 but it hall be gi%en )ithout charge, and not denied(

6:>8 If any hold of u by #ee'#arm or $ocage, or "urgage, and hold land of another by 1ilitary $er%ice, )e )ill not ha%e the cu tody of the heir, nor of hi land , )hich are of the fee of another, on account of that #ee'#arm, or $ocage, or "urgage0 nor )ill )e ha%e the cu tody of the #ee' #arm, $ocage or "urgage, unle the #ee'#arm o)e 1ilitary $er%ice( *e )ill not ha%e the cu tody of the heir, nor of the land of any one, )hich he hold of another by 1ilitary $er%ice, on account of any .etty'$ergeantry )hich he hold of u by the er%ice of gi%ing u dagger , or arro) , or the like( 6:?8 No "ailiff, for the future, hall !ut any man to hi la), u!on hi o)n im!le affirmation, )ithout credible )itne e !roduced for the !ur!o e( 6:@8 No freeman hall be ei4ed, or im!ri oned, or di !o e ed, or outla)ed, or in any )ay de troyed0 nor )ill )e condemn him, nor )ill )e commit him to !ri on, e+ce!ting by the legal judgement of hi !eer , or by the la) of the land( 6;A8 3o none )ill )e ell, to none )ill )e deny, to none )ill )e delay right or ju tice( 6;78 All 1erchant hall ha%e afety and ecurity in coming into England, and going out of England, and in taying and in tra%elling through England, a )ell by land a by )ater, to buy and ell, )ithout any unju t e+action , according to ancient and right cu tom , e+ce!ting the time of )ar, and if they be of a country at )ar again t u 5 and if uch are found in our land at the beginning of a )ar, they hall be a!!rehended )ithout injury of their bodie and good , until it be kno)n to u , or to our -hief Ju ticiary, ho) the 1erchant of our country are treated )ho are found in the country at )ar again t u 0 and if our be in afety there, the other hall be in afety in our land( 6;98 It hall be la)ful to any !er on, for the future, to go out of our kingdom, and to return, afely and ecurely, by land or by )ater, a%ing hi allegiance to u , unle it be in time of )ar, for ome hort !ace, for the common good of the kingdom5 e+ce!ting !ri oner and outla) , according to the la) of the land, and of the !eo!le of the nation at )ar again t u , and 1erchant )ho hall be treated a it i aid abo%e( 6;:8 If any hold of any e cheat, a of the ,onor of *allingford, Nottingham, "oulogne, Lanca ter, or of other e cheat )hich are in our hand, and are "aronie , and hall die, hi heir hall not gi%e any other relief, nor do any other er%ice to u , than he hould ha%e done to the "aron, if that "arony had been in the hand of the "aron0 and )e )ill hold it in the ame manner that the "aron held it( 6;;8 1en )ho d)ell )ithout the #ore t, hall not come, for the future, before our Ju ticiarie of the #ore t on a common ummon 0 unle they be !artie in a !lea, or uretie for ome !er on or !er on )ho are attached for the #ore t( 6;<8 *e )ill not make Ju ticiarie , -on table , $heriff , or "ailiff , e+ce!ting of uch a kno) the la) of the land, and are )ell di !o ed to ob er%e them( 6;=8 All "aron )ho ha%e founded Abbie , )hich they hold by charter from the King of England, or by ancient tenure, hall ha%e the cu tody of them )hen they become %acant, a they ought to ha%e(

6;>8 All #ore t )hich ha%e been made in our time, hall be immediately di affore ted0 and it hall be o done )ith *ater'bank , )hich ha%e been taken or fenced in by u during our reign( 6;?8 All e%il cu tom of #ore t and *arren , and of #ore ter and *arrener , $heriff and their officer , *ater'bank and their kee!er , hall immediately be inquired into by t)el%e Knight of the ame county, u!on oath, )ho hall be elected by good men of the ame county0 and )ithin forty day after the inqui ition i made, they hall be altogether de troyed by them ne%er to be re tored0 !ro%ided that thi be notified to u before it be done, or to our Ju ticiary, if )e be not in England( 6;@8 *e )ill immediately re tore all ho tage and charter , )hich ha%e been deli%ered to u by the Engli h, in ecurity of the !eace and of their faithful er%ice( 6<A8 *e )ill remo%e from their baili)ick the relation of Gerard de Athye , o that, for the future they hall ha%e no baili)ick in England0 Engelard de -ygony, Andre), .eter, and Gyone de -hancell, Gyone de -ygony, Geoffrey de 1artin, and hi brother , .hili! 1ark, and hi brother , and Geoffrey hi ne!he), and all their follo)er ( 6<78 And immediately after the conclu ion of the !eace, )e )ill remo%e out of the kingdom all foreign knight , cro bo)'men, and ti!endiary oldier , )ho ha%e come )ith hor e and arm to the mole tation of the kingdom( 6<98 If any ha%e been di ei ed or di !o e ed by u , )ithout a legal %erdict of their !eer , of their land , ca tle , libertie , or right , )e )ill immediately re tore the e thing to them0 and if any di !ute hall ari e on thi head, then it hall be determined by the %erdict of the t)enty'fi%e "aron , of )hom mention i made belo), for the ecurity of the !eace(' -oncerning all tho e thing of )hich any one hath been di ei ed or di !o e ed, )ithout the legal %erdict of hi !eer by King ,enry our father, or King /ichard our brother, )hich )e ha%e in our hand, or other hold )ith our )arrant , )e hall ha%e re !ite, until the common term of the -ru ader , e+ce!ting tho e concerning )hich a !lea had been mo%ed, or an inqui ition taken, by our !rece!t, before our taking the -ro 0 but a oon a )e hall return from our e+!edition, or if, by chance, )e hould not go u!on our e+!edition, )e )ill immediately do com!lete ju tice therein( 6<:8 3he ame re !ite )ill )e ha%e, and the ame ju tice hall be done, concerning the di affore tation of the fore t , or the fore t )hich remain to be di affore ted, )hich ,enry our father, or /ichard our brother, ha%e affore ted0 and the ame concerning the )ard hi! of land )hich are in another2 fee, but the )ard hi! of )hich )e ha%e hitherto had, occa ioned by any of our fee held by 1ilitary $er%ice0 and for Abbie founded in any other fee than our o)n, in )hich the Lord of the fee hath claimed a right0 and )hen )e hall ha%e returned, or if )e hall tay from our e+!edition, )e hall immediately do com!lete ju tice in all the e !lea ( 6<;8 No man hall be a!!rehended or im!ri oned on the a!!eal of a )oman, for the death of any other man than her hu band( 6<<8 All fine that ha%e been made by u unju tly, or contrary to the la) of the land0 and all fine that ha%e been im!o ed unju tly, or contrary to the la) of the land, hall be )holly remitted, or ordered by the %erdict of the t)enty'fi%e "aron , of )hom mention i made belo), for the ecurity of the !eace, or by the %erdict of the greater !art of them, together )ith the afore aid $te!hen, Archbi ho! of -anterbury, if he can be !re ent, and other )hom he may think fit to bring )ith him5 and if he cannot be !re ent, the bu ine hall !roceed, not)ith tanding, )ithout him0 but o, that if any one or more of the afore aid t)enty'fi%e

"aron ha%e a imilar !lea, let them be remo%ed from that !articular trial, and other elected and )orn by the re idue of the ame t)enty'fi%e, be ub tituted in their room, only for that trial( 6<=8 If )e ha%e di ei ed or di !o e ed any *el hmen of their land , or libertie , or other thing , )ithout a legal %erdict of their !eer , in England or in *ale , they hall be immediately re tored to them0 and if any di !ute hall ari e u!on thi head then let it be determined in the 1arche by the %erdict of their !eer 5 for a tenement of England, according to the la) of England0 for a tenement of *ale , according to the la) of *ale 0 for tenement of the 1arche , according to the la) of the 1arche ( 3he *el h hall do the ame to u and to our ubject ( 6<>8 Al o concerning tho e thing of )hich any *el hman hath been di ei ed or di !o e ed )ithout the legal %erdict of hi !eer , by King ,enry our father, or King /ichard our brother, )hich )e ha%e in our hand, or other hold )ith our )arrant, )e hall ha%e re !ite, until the common term of the -ru ader , e+ce!ting for tho e concerning )hich a !lea had been mo%ed, or an inqui ition made, by our !rece!t, before our taking the cro ( "ut a oon a )e hall return from our e+!edition, or if, by chance, )e hould not go u!on our e+!edition, )e hall immediately do com!lete ju tice therein, according to the la) of *ale , and the !art afore aid( 6<?8 *e )ill immediately deli%er u! the on of Lle)elin, and all the ho tage of *ale , and relea e them from their engagement )hich )ere made )ith u , for the ecurity of the !eace( 6<@8 *e hall do to Ale+ander King of $cotland, concerning the re toration of hi i ter and ho tage , and hi libertie and right , according to the form in )hich )e act to our other "aron of England, unle it ought to be other)i e by the charter )hich )e ha%e from hi father *illiam, the late King of $cotland0 and thi hall be by the %erdict of hi !eer in our court( 6=A8 Al o all the e cu tom and libertie afore aid, )hich )e ha%e granted to be held in our kingdom, for o much of it a belong to u , all our ubject , a )ell clergy a laity, hall ob er%e to)ard their tenant a far a concern them( 6=78 "ut ince )e ha%e granted all the e thing afore aid, for G&D, and for the amendment of our kingdom, and for the better e+tingui hing the di cord )hich ha ari en bet)een u and our "aron , )e being de irou that the e thing hould !o e entire and un haken tability for e%er, gi%e and grant to them the ecurity under)ritten0 namely, that the "aron may elect twenty- !"e #$%&n' of the kingdom, )hom they !lea e, )ho hall )ith their )hole !o)er, ob er%e, kee!, and cau e to be ob er%ed, the !eace and libertie )hich )e ha%e granted to them, and ha%e confirmed by thi our !re ent charter, in thi manner5 that i to ay, if )e, or our Ju ticiary, or our bailiff , or any of our officer , hall ha%e injured any one in any thing, or hall ha%e %iolated any article of the !eace or ecurity, and the injury hall ha%e been ho)n to &(% of the afore aid twenty- !"e #$%&n', the aid four "aron hall come to u , &% t& &(% J('t!)!$%y if )e be out of the kingdom, and making kno)n to u the e+ce committed, *et!t!&n t+$t we )$('e t+$t e,)e'' t& -e %e.%e''e. w!t+&(t .e/$y ( And if )e hall not ha%e redre ed the e+ce , or, if )e ha%e been out of the kingdom, our Ju ticiary hall not ha%e redre ed it w!t+!n t+e te%0 & &%ty .$y', com!uting from the time )hen it hall ha%e been made kno)n to u , or to our Ju ticiary if )e ha%e been out of the kingdom, the afore aid four "aron , hall lay that cau e before the re idue of the t)enty'fi%e "aron 0 and they, the t)enty' fi%e "aron , )ith the community of the )hole land, hall di tre and hara u by all the )ay in )hich they are able0 that i to ay, by the taking of our ca tle , land , and !o e ion , and by any other mean in their !o)er, until the e+ce hall ha%e been redre ed, according to their

%erdict0 a%ing harmle our .er on, and the !er on of our Bueen and -hildren0 and )hen it hath been redre ed, they hall beha%e to u a they ha%e done before( And )hoe%er of our land !lea eth, may )ear, that he )ill obey the command of the afore aid t)enty'fi%e "aron , in accom!li hing all the thing afore aid, and that )ith them he )ill hara u to the utmo t of hi !o)er5 and )e !ublicly and freely gi%e lea%e to e%ery one to )ear )ho i )illing to )ear0 and )e )ill ne%er forbid any to )ear( "ut all tho e of our land, )ho, of them el%e , and of their o)n accord, are un)illing to )ear to the t)enty'fi%e "aron , to di tre and hara u together )ith them, )e )ill com!el them by our command, to )ear a afore aid( And if any one of the t)enty'fi%e "aron hall die, or remo%e out of the land, or in any other )ay hall be !re%ented from e+ecuting the thing abo%e aid, they )ho remain of the t)enty'fi%e "aron hall elect another in hi !lace, according to their o)n !lea ure, )ho hall be )orn in the ame manner a the re t( In all tho e thing )hich are a!!ointed to be done by the e twenty- !"e #$%&n', if it ha!!en that all the t)enty'fi%e ha%e been !re ent, and ha%e differed in their o!inion about any thing, or if ome of them )ho had been ummoned, )ould not, or could not be !re ent, that )hich the greater !art of tho e )ho )ere !re ent hall ha%e !ro%ided and decreed, hall be held a firm and a %alid, a if all the t)enty'fi%e had agreed in it5 and the afore aid t)enty'fi%e hall )ear, that they )ill faithfully ob er%e, and, )ith all their !o)er, cau e to be ob er%ed, all the thing mentioned abo%e( And )e )ill obtain nothing from any one, by our el%e , nor by another, -y w+!)+ $ny & t+e'e )&n)e''!&n' $n. /!-e%t!e' 0$y -e %e"&1e. &% .!0!n!'+e. ( And if any uch thing hall ha%e been obtained, let it be %oid and null5 and )e )ill ne%er u e it, neither by our el%e nor by another( 6=98 And )e ha%e fully remitted and !ardoned to all men, all the ill')ill, rancor, and re entment , )hich ha%e ari en bet)een u and our ubject , both clergy and laity, from the commencement of the di cord( 1oreo%er, )e ha%e fully remitted to all the clergy and laity, and a far a belong to u , ha%e fully !ardoned all tran gre ion committed by occa ion of the aid di cord, from Ea ter, in the i+teenth year of our reign Ci(e(, 797<D, until the conclu ion of the !eace( And, moreo%er, )e ha%e cau ed to be made to them te timonial letter '!atent of the Lord $te!hen, Archbi ho! of -anterbury, the Lord ,enry, Archbi ho! of Dublin, and of the afore aid "i ho! , and of 1a ter .andul!h concerning thi ecurity, and the afore aid conce ion ( 6=:8 *herefore, our )ill i and )e firmly command that the -hurch of England be free, and that the men in our kingdom ha%e and hold the afore aid libertie , right , and conce ion , )ell and in !eace, freely and quietly, fully and entirely, to them and their heir , of u and our heir , in all thing and !lace , for e%er a i afore aid( It i al o )orn, both on our !art, and on that of the "aron , that all the afore aid hall be ob er%ed in good faith, and )ithout any e%il intention( *itne ed by the abo%e, and many other ( Gi%en by our hand in the 1eado) )hich i called /unningmead, bet)een *ind or and $taine , thi 7<th day of June, in the 7>th year of our reign Ci(e(, 797<5 the ne) year began on 1ay 9?thD( (

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