Low Temperature Asphalt Low Temperature Asphalt Low Temperature Asphalt Low Temperature Asphalt

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Environmental Aspects in Production of

Low Temperature Asphalt

Energysaving and Qualityimprovement by Asphaltliquifiers fed with MeltingATS PARADOS Melting- and Feedingunit

ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de

ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de

Melting and Feeding Unit ATS ATS PARADOS ATSPatent PatentNr. Nr.19937546 19937546
Advantages of ATS PARADOS Melting and Feeding Unit
1. Precise hot-into-hot-feeding 2. Standardised binders can be modified with additives to obtain homogeneous premixing (the asphalt plant works like a refinery giving independence of specific binder supplier 3. No segregation since there is no storage of modified bitumen 4. Shorter batch cycles resulting in higher output, compared to feeding of cold and solid additives 5. Homogeneous distribution of paraffin and waxes prior to batch cycle 6. Mastic asphalt and hot rolled asphalt can be produced at reduced temperatures 7. Batch by batch change from reduced temperatures to standard temperatures 8. No additional labour cost by fully automatic operation 9. No investment for additional bitumen tanks

Requirements: Installation of ATS PARADOS Melting and Feeding Unit

ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de

Paraffin-Feed- and Meltingunit PARADOS 2 x 20ft. With Doublefeeding (for two Batch Mixers)

ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de

Low Temperature Asphalt

Asphaltliquifier for: Energysaving and Qualityimprovement
Crane for lifting Big-Bags

ATS PARADOS Melting- and Feedingunit in 2 Containers 20ft.

ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de

Low Temperature Asphalt

Asphaltliquifier for: Energysaving and Qualityimprovement
Storage hopper with automatic feeding

Feeding Melting Kettle

Dosing Pump

ATS PARADOS Melting- and Feedingunit in 2 Containers 20ft

ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de


Patent PatentNr. Nr.19937546 19937546

Compact Paraffinmelting- and Feedingunit

Energysaving and Qualityimprovement in Production of HotRolled- and Gussasphalt

For the environments sake !

Further Variants: 2 x 20ft. Version 4000 kg Storage 10ft. Version 1000 kg Storage Compactunit 500 kg Storage
ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de


Patent PatentNr. Nr.19937546 19937546

Compact Pararaffin Melter- and Feedingunit

Main Advantages Typ ATS - Parados: 1. Modifiing all Bitumentypes, online during Bitumenweighingprocess in the Asphaltmixer , batch by batch - and individually for just one order. Qualityimprovement in production of all asphalt types coming with energysaving by reduced asphalttemperatures. No Investment in bitumentanks for storage of paraffin-modified Bitumens Reduction in laborcost by fullautomatic operation. NO manual feeding in mixer and Cooker. Low space requirement for ATS-Parados unit for application at alltypes and brand of asphalt plants.Rapidly transferrable ,containermobility. Improvements of variusAsphalttypes by Asphaltliquifiers like e.g. Sasobit or Montanwax have schown best performance on the road . Details see in the broschures of the suppliers of the Additivs. Special applications upon request.


3. 4.




ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de

ATS PARADOS 2 x 20ft.

Patent PatentNr. Nr.19937546 19937546

Compact Paraffin Melting- and Feedingunit

ATS Parados IV. For Asphaltliquifiers fitted in 20ft Doublestacked-Container Storage, Melting and Feeding of FT-Paraffin in granular shape, like e.g. Sasobit (size 2-3 mm) or similar Waxes e.g. Montanwax and similar
Charging with: a.) Big-Bags up to 1m3 with integrated crane b.) Packages up to 25 kg in plastic bags Feed Unit: with Big-Bag-Hopper and automatic feeding of the melter High efficiencymelter with single- or double feeder towards : Mixer for Hot-Rolled Asphalt or Gussasphalt Recipe governed by batch controller Mipro 2000i/4000i/4000Sys or with independent PLC Controls synchronised and linked to existing controlsystems

2 x 20ft. Container-style

ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de


Further information at: www.ats-asphalt.de Tel. +496196 59052-0 We wait for your call Your ATS - Team
ATS ATS Asphalttechnik Asphalttechnik GmbH GmbH D-65760 D-65760 Eschborn Eschborn Unterortstrae Unterortstrae 48 48 www.ats-asphalt.de www.ats-asphalt.de

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