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Below are three scenarios.

Indicate how the researcher should proceed in each case; That is, determine the following, giving reasons:
a. b. c. d. e. The purpose of the study The type of investigation The extent of researcher investigation The study setting The time horizon for the study f. The unit of analysis
Scenario 1 Ms Joyce Lynn, the owner of a small business( a womens dress boutique), has invited a consultant to tell her how her business is different from similar small businesses within a 60mile radius with respect to use of the most modern computer technology, sales volume, profit margin, and staff training.

a. The purpose of the study:

Basically there are two types of purpose of the study 1. Exploratory study study: It is that we have knowledge about anything but not enough knowledge. 2. Descriptive study: A descriptive study in undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of the variable of interest in situation. The goal of the descriptive study is to offer a profile or to describe relevant aspects of the phenomena of interest to the researcher from an individual, organizational, industry-oriented, or other perspective In this situation we choose the descriptive study because it offers a profile of relevant aspects of the phenomenon of interest, organization, industry oriented and other prospective. Research on given topics like effect staff training, sales volume profit margin and computer technology on the differentiation business strategy is already conducted.

b. Type of investigation:
Here we choose the causal type of investigation because we want to develop cause and affect relationship among different variables like: modern computer technology, sales volume, profit margin, and staff training.

c. The extent of researcher interference:

There are three types of researcher interference. Minimal interference:

In this type researchers interference is minimum it is conducted in natural environment. Moderate interference In this type there is influence of researcher interference but up to certain limit. This is done in controlled environment. Excessive interference: In this type there is so much influence of researcher. It is conducted in totally controlled environment. In this scenario we will take moderate interference. We want to watch the effect of employee training on sales volume. For this reason we will take three groups. In one situation there are UN trained employees and management. In another group untrained employee and trained management. In another group both employee and management are trained. We come to see that in first group there was no changing that is why sales volume also not affected it remained same. In second group management was trained but employees were untrained. Its result was change but there was not so much change on the sales volume and profit margin. It was controlled environment. In the third situation it was totally controlled environment that is why it affected the profit margin with a great extent.

d. The study setting:

We are choosing the field experiment as a study setting. Now the researcher wants to determine cause and affect relationship. For this purpose we will take two groups of sales department and will see how the computer technology will affect the profit margin. In first group we implemented the computer technology and in the second group there remained manual work with little use of computer technology. After experiment we come to know that the group in which we implemented computer technology their production was increased that resulted in increased profit margin. In the second group there was manual work with little use of modern technology that is why there was no change in the production therefore there was no change in profit margin.

e. The time horizon for the study:

In this study we use the longitudinal time horizon. We took data two times that is before the research and after the research.

f. The unit of analysis:

We took group as unit of analysis. We compare the differences of results in different groups.

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