HB 014 Hidden Harbor

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C:\Sweta\ebooks\hardy boyz1\Hardy Boyz1\HB 014 Hidden Harbor.pdb PDB Name: HiddenHarbor Creator D: REAd PDB !ype: TEXt "ersion: #ni$%e D Seed: Creation Date: !/"#/"$%& &odi'i(ation Date: !/"#/"$%& )ast Ba(k%p Date:: "/"/"$% &odi'i(ation N%mber: 'canner(s )otes: This boo* was considered so politicall+ incorrect b+ ,rosset - ./nlap b+ the earl+ "$# s that it was rewritten o/t o0 order d/rin1 the p/r1e o0 all the old Hard+ Bo+s boo*s. Altho/1h the "2th boo* in the series3 it was the third boo* rewritten 4and the 0irst bearin1 almost no relationship to the ori1inal5. 'o that 0air warnin1 is 1iven3 the boo* contains ne1ative stereot+pes abo/t blac*s in the so/th in the "$& s3 incl/din1 the *ind o0 6sho( (n/006 )e1ro dialect that 0illed 7ar* Twain(s boo*s. 80 this *ind o0 stor+ mi1ht o00end +o/3 don(t download. 8 am not /ploadin1 this boo* to promote an+ *ind o0 white power ob9ective or an+ o0 that idioc+. 8t is important that boo*s li*e this be preserved and not swept /nder the literar+ r/1. 8 will post in doc3 rt03 text3 and html 0ormat. 'canned and :CR(d 0rom the "$&; Edition 4apparentl+3 however3 the text does incl/de the mention o0 the next stor+3 which means it mi1ht be a later reprint5 on a <7AX Astra "== P scanner /sin1 Textbrid1e Classic as the :CR en1ine. The onl+ ma9or problem was the )e1ro dialect> editin1 the sections where blac*s tal* re?/ired ?/ite a bit o0 loo*in1 bac* and 0orth 0rom the boo* to the screen. 8 also tried to avoid ma*in1 0ixes to the ori1inal. @or example3 the boo* /ses the word 6meanin1l+6 when 6meanin10/ll+6 is clearl+ intended. 8n addition3 the word 6)e1ro6 is randoml+ capitaliAed thro/1ho/t the boo*.

CHAPTER 8 A 'T:R7B )8,HT 6TH8' is 1oin1 to be a terrible ni1ht on the open sea36 said Coe Hard+. 68 wish the captain wo/ld speed /p36 responded his 0at ch/m3 Chet 7orton3 with anxiet+. 6The ocean is 1ettin1 ro/1h3 and the sooner we reach Ba+port the better it will s/it me.6 6C/st the *ind o0 a settin1 0or a m+ster+36 ret/rned @ran* Hard+. 6)ow that we have the handwritin1 specimens in the Penn+weather case with /s3 8(m abo/t read+ 0or somethin1 new.6 The three bo+s were seated at a table in the resta/rant o0 the Resol/te3 a small coast liner. @ran* Hard+3 a tall3 dar* lad o0 abo/t

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sixteen was the oldest o0 the trio. His brother Coe3 a 0air3 c/rl+D haired +o/th with a pleasant 0ace was a +ear his 9/nior3 as was also Chet 7orton3 a 0at3 redDchee*ed lad with a 1reat appetite 0or 0/n and 0ood. 68t is 1ettin1 ro/1h36 a1reed @ran*3 loo*in1 aro/nd the lar1e room. 6)ot man+ passen1ers eatin1 dinner toni1ht.6 The vessel pitched and rolled contin/o/sl+ as it battled its wa+ thro/1h the heav+ sea. The three bo+s were 1ood sailors3 however3 and had spent most o0 their lives within si1ht o0 the ocean. The+ were now ret/rnin1 0rom Earchmont3 which was down the coast in one o0 the 'o/thern states3 to their home cit+ o0 Ba+port on Barmet Ba+. @enton Hard+3 a 0amo/s detective3 the 0ather o0 the Hard+ bo+s3 had sent his sons to Earchmont to proc/re some handwritin1 specimens 0rom a client o0 his3 a 7iss Penn+weather. The+ were essential 0or /se in the case /pon which he was wor*in1. ,reatl+ to the deli1ht o0 @ran* and Coe3 their ch/m Chet had s/cceeded in obtainin1 permission 0rom his parents to accompan+ them on the 9o/rne+. 6)earl+ all the passen1ers are in their staterooms toni1ht36 1rinned Chet. 6Bo+3 8(m 1lad the ship(s motion doesn(t bother me. 80 there is an+thin1 worse than a real heart+ dose o0 seasic*ness3 8 don(t *now what it is.6 68t doesn(t seem to be botherin1 that 0ellow over there36 remar*ed Coe ?/ietl+. The onl+ passen1er in the dinin1 saloon besides themselves was a tall3 sadDloo*in1 man abo/t 0ort+D0ive3 who was sittin1 morosel+ at a table over in a corner3 eatin1 his dinner in 1loom+ silence. His 0ace was 0l/shed3 his e+es were d/ll3 and ever+ now and then he wo/ld hicco/1h lo/dl+. 6He(s had too m/ch to drin*36 m/ttered Chet. 6Have +o/ noticed him watchin1 /s ever since we came on boardF6 as*ed Coe. @ran* loo*ed at his brother in s/rprise. 6Then it wasn(t 9/st m+ ima1ination36 he said. 68 had the same idea as +o/rsel0 abo/t him3 b/t C didn(t want to mention it 0or 0ear +o/ mi1ht thin* 8 was tr+in1 to stir /p a scare.6 6Ever see him be0oreF6 as*ed Chet3 now 1reatl+ interested in the sit/ation. The Hard+ bo+s shoo* their heads. The+ were /nable to even 1/ess what it was all abo/t. 6Then wh+ sho/ld he be watchin1 +o/F6 @ran* shr/11ed3 plainl+ p/AAled. 67a+be he is 0ollowin1 /s. A0ter all3 those handwritin1 specimens are mi1ht+ val/able.6 Chet whistled. 68 hadn(t tho/1ht o0 that36 he said. 6B+ the wa+3 8 s/ppose +o/(ve p/t them in a sa0e placeF6 6The+(re loc*ed /p with o/r l/11a1e in the stateroom36 Coe told him. Ghile the bo+s were tal*in13 the melanchol+ man p/shed bac* his chair3 arose3 steadied himsel0 0or a moment a1ainst the table3 and then made his wa+ across the room. As he wal*ed he sta11ered a little3 and 0inall+ l/rched o/t into the passa1e. 6He(s been drin*in13 all ri1ht36 said @ran*. He bec*oned to the waiter3 who came over. 6.o +o/ *now the name o0 the passen1er who 9/st went o/tF6 he as*ed. 6That is 7r. Rand3 sir3 replied the waiter. 67r. R/el Rand.6 ((Prett+ tips+3 isn(t heF(( ?/eried Chet. To ever+one(s s/rprise3 the waiter shoo* his head. 68 can(t /nderstand it m+sel036 he told the bo+s. 6An+one wo/ld thin*

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7r. Rand was intoxicated3 b/t he has been drin*in1 nothin1 b/t 0r/it 9/ices.6 6Perhaps he isn(t well36 Coe s/11ested as the onl+ sol/tion to the man(s behavior. The bo+s dismissed 7r. Rand 0rom their tho/1hts 0or the time bein13 0inished their meal3 and went /p on dec*. 8t was a wild ni1ht. :/t o0 the storm+ dar*ness 1reat waves crashed a1ainst the ship as it labored northward. A dense3 +ellow 0o1 h/n1 over ever+thin13 and the lads co/ld scarcel+ see the brid1e above. Ever+ 0ew moments the deep3 throat+ voice o0 the 0o1Dhorn wo/ld boom its mo/rn0/l warnin1 into the ni1ht. The bo+s were not nervo/s ordinaril+3 b/t the+ realiAed that the present condition was ca/se 0or 1rave concern. A ship(s o00icer s/ddenl+ passed b+ them3 his 0ace tense and serio/s. 6'ta+ awa+ 0rom the rail3 bo+sH6 he advised them tersel+3 then h/rried on to his d/ties. 8t was a ni1ht that portended disaster. Ever+one was in an expectant mood3 as i0 he 0elt that a catastrophe o0 some *ind was impendin1. 680 the ship sho/ld lose its wa+ in this atmosphere we(d be in a 0ine mess36 observed Chet. 68 hope the captain *nows what he(s doin1.6 6This 0o1 is a re1/lar old peaDso/per36 said Coe. 68 sho/ldn(t want the responsibilit+ o0 brin1in1 this boat sa0e into port.6 The vessel l/rched s/ddenl+3 and heeled witho/t warnin1. ,reat sheets o0 spra+ swept the dec*s. The bo+s h/ddled to1ether in a sheltered spot3 st/nned b+ the violence o0 the storm and awed b+ the impenetrable m+ster+ o0 the 0o1. '/ddenl+3 as i0 0rom o/t o0 nowhere3 a trem/lo/s voice close b+ as*ed: 6.o +o/ thin* there is an+ dan1er6( Gith one accord the trio sw/n1 aro/nd3 startled3 0or the+ had heard no one approach. Ei*e a 1host a tall 0i1/re had materialiAed o/t o0 the dar*ness. 8n the dim li1ht the+ reco1niAed it as that o0 'am/el Blac*stone3 an old3 whiteDbearded 1entleman who had sat at their table at l/ncheon that da+. He was evidentl+ 1reatl+ wro/1ht /p and extremel+ nervo/s. 68 co/ldn(t sta+ in m+ stateroom36 he told them. 68t(s a dread0/l ni1ht3 isn(t it( .o +o/ thin* we(ll 1et thro/1h sa0eF6 68 thin* there(s no ca/se 0or alarm3 7r. Blac*stone36 @ran* replied *indl+3 tr+in1 to alla+ the old man(s 0ears3 altho/1h he was none too con0ident himsel0. 68t(s a bad storm3 and the 0o1 ma*es it worse. Bet it wo/ld ta*e a mi1ht+ 0orce0/l blow to drive a ship as st/rd+ as this one o00 her co/rse.6 68 wish mornin1 wo/ld come36 said 7r. Blac*stone. 6This is m+ 0irst trip )orth. Believe me3 i0 the weather is alwa+s li*e this here it will be m+ last visit.6 6Bo/ were 9/st /nl/c*+ to r/n into s/ch a 0/rio/s tempest36 Coe ass/red him. 6Ghere are +o/ headed 0or3 7r. Blac* stone6( 6Boston36 he said. 68 m/st meet a man there in order to complete a b/siness deal.6 The old 1entleman seemed considerabl+ calmer3 now that he had someone with whom to tal*. He as*ed the bo+s abo/t their destination3 recallin1 several 0riends o0 his who lived in Ba+port. He did not disc/ss his own a00airs3 b/t 0ran*l+ admitted that m/ch o0 his concern was d/e to the 0act that he was carr+in1 with him a lar1e s/m o0 mone+. 80 he wo/ld con0ide in them so willin1l+3 @ran* re0lected3 the elderl+ man mi1ht tell others3 also. A person o0 his a1e3 travelin1 b+ himsel03 and with val/ables in his possession3 wo/ld be a li*el+ tar1et 0or a swindle. @rom their 0ather the Hard+ bo+s had heard n/mero/s stories o0 1/ileless ocean vo+a1ers who had been relieved o0 ever+ cent the+

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possessed b+ croo*s who were ever on the loo*o/t 0or 9/st s/ch victims. 680 8 were +o/3 7r. Blac*stone36 @ran* s/11ested3 68 sho/ldn(t carr+ so m/ch mone+ aro/nd with me. 80 +o/ have a bi1 s/m3 +o/ sho/ld have it loc*ed /p in the ship(s sa0e.6 68(m not acc/stomed to travelin136 said 7r. Blac*stone3 6and didn(t *now abo/t a place 0or sa0e*eepin1. .ear me3 it wo/ld have saved me a lot o0 worr+. Ghere do 8 1oDDGhom do 8 as*DD( 680 +o/ li*e3 we(ll show +o/ to the p/rser(s o00ice36 o00ered Coe. 6He(ll p/t the 0/nds awa+ 0or +o/ and 1ive +o/ a receipt. Then3 when the ship reaches Boston3 +o/ can 1et +o/r mone+ bac* a1ain.6 Chet explained. 68t(s a lot better than *eepin1 it in +o/r stateroom.6 7r. Blac*stone seemed ver+ m/ch relieved at this in0ormation. He 1rate0/ll+ accepted the bo+s( o00er3 then the 0o/r went inside the cabin. B+ the li1ht the bo+s saw that he was a man o0 abo/t sevent+3 neatl+ and expensivel+ dressed. He was 0rail3 thin3 and ver+ tall. 68t(s mi1ht+ 1ood o0 +o/ lads to 1o to so m/ch tro/ble 0or an old man36 he said3 as the+ wal*ed down a corridor between staterooms. 67ost bo+s wo/ldn(t bother.6 6)o tro/ble at all36 @ran* ass/red him. 6Ge(re 1lad to be o0 service to +o/.6 As the bo+s approached Cabin "$3 which was their stateroom3 Coe s/ddenl+ halted and 1rasped @ran* b+ the arm. 6That(s ?/eer36 he said3 and pointed to the sill o0 the door. A thin sha0t o0 li1ht was shinin1 0rom beneath the entrance. 68 was the last one in there36 Coe said3 6and 8 distinctl+ recall t/rnin1 o/t the li1hts.6 As he spo*e3 the beam vanished. 6There(s someone in o/r stateroom H6 whispered Chet3 excited. 6Ge(ll soon 0ind o/t who it is36 @ran* said in a low voice. I/ietl+ he stole 0orward and 1rasped the *nob. 8t t/rned beneath his hand3 and the door +ielded to his press/re. 8t was /nloc*ed. This was eno/1h 0or @ran*. He 0l/n1 it wide open. @rom o/t o0 the dar*ness there loomed the 0i1/re o0 a man. 6,et o/t o0 hereH6 ordered a deep voice. CHAPTER 88 THE 'H8PGRECJ 6GHAT(' the ideaF6 chirped Chet 0lippantl+. 6Ghat are +o/ doin1 in o/r stateroomF6 @ran* demanded as he advanced into the dar*ness. 6Care0/l36 /r1ed Coe3 0or it 0lashed across his mind that the intr/der mi1ht be armed. @ran* was in no mood to be ca/tioned. His 0irst tho/1ht had been 0or the val/able handwritin1 specimens hidden in their l/11a1e3 and he strode 0orward. He ca/1ht a 1limpse o0 the intr/der l/n1in1 toward him. Then a 0ist shot o/t o0 the dar*ness and ca/1ht the bo+ a 1lancin1 blow on the side o0 the 0ace. @ran*3 stron1 and wir+3 instantl+ be1an to 1rapple with his attac*er3 b/t he was no match 0or the 1rown man3 who 0l/n1 him aside so violentl+ that the lad went crashin1 a1ainst the stateroom wall. At the same time Chet and Coe tac*led the 0ellow. :ld man Blac*stone3 in the corridor3 was callin1 o/t in alarm: 6Ghat(s the matterF Ghat(s 1oin1 on hereF6 There was a brie0 t/ssle o0 Chet and Coe with the stran1er3 b/t he was

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too stron1 0or them and pl/n1ed o/t into the corridor with a bo+ clin1in1 to each arm. He shoo* o00 Chet3 b/t Coe was not so eas+ to handle. The two were str/11lin1 desperatel+ as @ran* recovered himsel0 and came char1in1 0rom the stateroom to 1et into the 0i1ht a1ain. At that moment there was a startlin1 interr/ption. A blindin1 0lash o0 li1htnin13 which ill/minated ever+thin13 was 0ollowed b+ a terri0ic crash o0 th/nder. The ship seemed to come to an abr/pt standstill with a 9ar that sent the bo+s3 7r. Blac*stone3 and the /n*nown intr/der t/mblin1 to the 0loor. Above the roar o0 the storm the+ co/ld hear a 1rindin13 splinterin1 /proar. The ship canted sidewa+s. Then3 in the distance3 a bell be1an to rin1 wildl+3 min1led with hoarse sho/ts and wild screams. The li1hts went o/t3 and the corridor was in total dar*ness. 6Ge(re wrec*edH6 sho/ted @ran*3 scramblin1 to his 0eet. He 0or1ot the intr/der3 his chie0 concern now bein1 0or the s/itcase which contained the handwritin1 specimens. He did not *now what had happened3 b/t s/rmised that the Resol/te had been driven /pon a ree0 in the 0o1. Thro/1h the dar*ness co/ld be heard a ship(s o00icer3 sho/tin1: 6:n dec*3 ever+bod+H ,et +o/r li0eDpreserversH To the li0eboatsH6 The corridor was s/ddenl+ thron1ed with passen1ers who r/shed abo/t3 0rantic with 0ear. An o00icer st/mbled into the passa1e with a lantern3 and b+ its stabbin1 ra+s Chet ca/1ht a 0leetin1 1limpse o0 old 7r. Blac*stone l+in1 on the 0loor3 while a sinister loo*in1 0i1/re cro/ched at his side. Then the scene was blotted o/t as someone *noc*ed a1ainst the 0eeble li1ht3 extin1/ishin1 it. 6,ive me a hand with the l/11a1e3 0ellowsH6 @ran* cried o/t. Chet and Coe 0o/nd their wa+ into the stateroom3 b/t in the dar*ness co/ld locate nothin1. The whole ship was now in an /proar3 with bells rin1in13 the crew sho/tin13 and passen1ers shrie*in1 and screamin1. 6The ship is sin*in1H6 snapped @ran*. 6Ge m/st have r/n smac* onto a ree0 in that 0o1.6 6Eet(s 1et o/t o0 here and 0ind a li0eboat36 ret/rned Coe. The+ h/rried3 with @ran* in the lead. The moment he reached the corridor he st/mbled heavil+ over an ob9ect l+in1 on the 0loor. 6Ghat(s thatF6 he exclaimed. Then he cried o/t3 6Gh+3 it(s a manH6 68t(s 7r. Blac*stone H6 exclaimed Chet. 68 saw him l+in1 there. 8 thin* he(s h/rt. 'omeone m/st have *noc*ed him down when all those passen1ers were tr+in1 to 1et o/t on dec*.6 He lit a match and *nelt beside the inert 0orm on the 0loor. The old 1entleman was evidentl+ badl+ in9/red. He was /nconscio/s3 and breathin1 with di00ic/lt+. Across his 0orehead was a smear o0 blood. 6Ge can(t leave him here36 @ran* declared ?/ic*l+. 6Ge(ll have to 1et him o/t on dec* somehow.6 The Hard+ bo+s li0ted /p the in9/red man. He was not ver+ heav+3 b/t it was a dar* and aw*ward 9o/rne+ to the end o0 the corridor and o/t onto the dec*. Event/all+ the+ mana1ed it3 and st/mbled into the open. A scene o0 the wildest con0/sion met them there. Passen1ers were millin1 abo/t in a state o0 panic. 7embers o0 the crew were vainl+ tr+in1 to restore order. Two o0 the li0eboats had 9ammed and co/ld not be lowered. The ship was alread+ settlin1 down b+ the head and waves were sweepin1 over the side. Two or three o0 the vo+a1ers3 maddened with 0ear3 had leaped over the side o0 the ship into the storm+ waters below. 6Ge(ll have to *eep cool36 said @ran*. 6Eoo*s as i0 there isn(t m/ch chance o0 o/r 1ettin1 into a boat on this side. Ge(d better loo* 0or li0eDbelts in ease we have to swim.6 68(ll sta+ here and watch 7r. Blac*stone36 vol/nteered Chet. 6Bo/ two

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see i0 +o/ can r/stle the preservers.6 @ran* and Coe h/rried o00 into the 1loom3 havin1 Chet beside the /nconscio/s 0orm on the dec*. The sto/t lad3 thin*in1 that he mi1ht be livin1 the last ho/rs o0 his li0e3 be1an to reminisce abo/t these ch/ms o0 his. @ran* and Coe Hard+ were the sons o0 @enton Hard+3 who had at one time been connected with the )ew Bor* Police .epartment3 b/t had resi1ned to 1o into private practice. 7r. Hard+ moved to the cit+ o0 Ba+port3 which was on the Atlantic coast3 and there soon b/ilt /p an enviable record as one o0 the cleverest private detectives on the continent. 7r. Hard+ had never intended that his sons sho/ld 0ollow in his 0ootsteps3 b/t the+ had inherited so m/ch o0 his abilit+ that the+ too* matters into their own hands. :n their own initiative the+ had mana1ed to solve a n/mber o0 ba00lin1 m+steries. 8n the 0irst vol/me o0 this series3 6The Tower Treas/re36 the lads cleared /p a p/AAlin1 case and recovered a rich treas/re 0rom its hidin1 place. 8n 6The Ho/se on the Cli0036 6The 'ecret o0 the Caves36 6The ,reat Airport 7+ster+36 6Ghat Happened at 7idni1ht6 and other boo*s are reco/nted additional advent/res o0 the bo+s as the+ 1ained more experience in detective wor* and pitted themselves a1ainst dan1ero/s croo*s and lawbrea*ers in solvin1 m+steries that were as di00ic/lt as the+ were excitin1. 8n 6The 7ar* on the .oor36 which immediatel+ precedes the present vol/me3 the bo+s went 0ar a0ield3 becomin1 involved in an oil 0ra/d scandal that too* them to the deserts o0 7exico. There the+ were capt/red b+ bandits3 and end/red man+ hardships and perils be0ore brin1in1 the case to a s/ccess0/l concl/sion. C/st now it loo*ed as i0 the promisin1 careers o0 @ran* and Coe were to be c/t o00. The bo+s had not 1one 0ar be0ore the+ enco/ntered a ship(s o00icer with an arm0/l o0 li0eDbelts which he was passin1 aro/nd. The+ 1rabbed 0o/r o0 them and h/rried bac*. 8n the meantime3 a 1reat sheet o0 0lame had s/ddenl+ belched 0rom a companionwa+3 precipitatin1 0/rther chaos. A r/sh o0 panicDstric*en passen1ers toward the stern o0 the ship had ca/1ht /p Chet and borne him str/11lin1 0or some distance down the dec*. The sto/t lad 0o/1ht his wa+ bac* to the spot where 7r. Blac*stone had been le0t l+in13 and in the l/rid 1lare o0 the 0ire saw that the old 1entleman was not alone. Bendin1 over him was the same sinister 0i1/re o0 which Chet had ca/1ht a 1limpse in the corridor shortl+ a0ter the ship had crashed. This time he co/ld see the man(s 0ace clearl+3 and reco1niAed him as R/el Rand3 the apparentl+ intoxicated man whom the bo+s had noticed in the dinin1 room that evenin1. Rand strai1htened /p as Chet approached. His 0ace was dar* with an1er as he pointed to the stric*en 0i1/re on the dec*. 6.on(t waste +o/r stren1th savin1 that old sco/ndrelH6 he sho/ted harshl+. 6Aren(t +o/ the 0ellow who hit himF6 Chet demanded. 6He deserved it H6 snapped Rand contempt/o/sl+. Then3 witho/t another word3 he br/shed past Chet and ran down the dec*. The bo+ scarcel+ had time to 0athom the import o0 the man(s words when @ran* and Coe came h/rr+in1 /p to him. @ran* thr/st a li0eDbelt into Chet(s hands. 6The ship is on 0ireH Ever+one is ordered o00H6 he cried. The vessel was settlin1 swi0tl+. The dec* was now dan1ero/sl+ near the waterDline. :ne /seless li0eboat dan1led over the side. 6(Ge can(t leave this old man here to dieH6 said @ran*3 *neelin1 down and doin1 his best to restore 7r. Blac*stone to conscio/sness b+ sha*in1 him and dashin1 cold water into his 0ace. His e00orts were

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s/ccess0/l in that the in9/red man opened his e+es3 m/tterin1 ina/dibl+. Between them3 @ran* and Coe mana1ed to 1et a li0eDbelt aro/nd the victim(s waist. The+ li0ted him to his 0eet3 b/t the man was so wea* that he co/ld not stand /p witho/t assistance. The 0orward part o0 the ship was now a mass o0 0lames reachin1 hi1her and hi1her into the s*+. The heat was becomin1 /nbearable. The bo+s *new that it wo/ld be onl+ a matter o0 min/tes be0ore the vessel wo/ld sin*. 6Ge m/st chance itH6 cried @ran*. 6A steward told me that we(re onl+ a 0ew miles 0rom shore. Bo/ 0ellows 1o ahead. 8(ll ta*e care o0 Blac*stone.6 The Hard+ bo+(s 0ace was white. Alone3 he mi1ht have a 0air chance o0 reachin1 shore. B/t b+ addin1 the b/rden o0 this 0rail old man3 who scarcel+ realiAed his peril as +et3 the ris*s were do/bled. 6Ge(re not leavin1 +o/36 declared Coe do11edl+. 6At least3 8(m not. Chet can do as he li*es.6 6Ghat do +o/ ta*e me 0orF6 demanded the sto/t lad hotl+. 68(m with +o/ to the last ditch.6 The Resol/te 1ave a sic*enin1 l/rch. @rom the distance there came a stentorian cr+: 6Abandon shipH6 The bo+s r/shed to the rail3 h/rr+in1 the old man with them. 6:ver +o/ 1o3 ChetH6 +elled @ran*. 6Ge m/st 1et awa+ 0rom here be0ore the boat sin*s or we(ll be dra11ed /nder.6 Chet leaped to the sa11in1 rail3 stood poised 0or a moment3 then pl/n1ed down into the blac* waters below. 6All ri1ht3 Coe. 8(ll loo* a0ter 7r. Blac*Dstone.6 Coe needed no second /r1in1. As it was3 the+ had waited lon1 eno/1h. The ship co/ld not last b/t a 0ew min/tes more. Coe clambered over the rail and leaped into the storm+ sea. 7r. Blac*stone3 still hal0 daAed3 was a problem. He str/11led as @ran* li0ted him across the rail3 b/t there was no time 0or explanations. The bo+ simpl+ tossed the old man 0rom the dec*3 then spran1 /p3 and dived into the an1r+ waters below. CHAPTER 888 78''8), GHE) Coe Hard+ dived into the chill+3 heavin1 sea he loo*ed aro/nd immediatel+ 0or Chet. 8n the li1ht 0rom the b/rnin1 ship he soon distin1/ished his ch/m swimmin1 steadil+ onl+ a 0ew +ards awa+. He 0or1ed his wa+ over to the sto/t lad /ntil the two were side b+ side. The+ *ept loo*in1 aro/nd in search o0 @ran*3 b/t there was no si1n o0 the older Hard+ bo+. 6Ge can(t han1 aro/nd here ver+ lon136 Chet called o/t. 6Ge m/st 1et awa+ 0rom the ship be0ore it 1oes /nder.6 The+ swam steadil+ into the dar*ness and awa+ 0rom the r/dd+ a/ra o0 li1ht3 1ettin1 0arther and 0arther 0rom the boat. @ar in the distance the+ co/ld hear the cries o0 other swimmers3 min1led with the ch/1 o0 a li0eDboat(s motor. :nce awa+ 0rom that part o0 the sea which was ill/minated b+ the 0lames3 the+ were le0t in in*+ dar*ness. 6@ran*H @ran* 8 Ghere are +o/F6 sho/ted Coe. He tho/1ht he heard a 0aint repl+3 b/t in the r/sh o0 wind and waves he co/ld not be s/re. Then3 0rom behind them3 there came a m/00led roar. Coe t/rned his head in time to see the whole ship brea* into a million

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pieces3 as the boilers exploded and shattered the vessel 0rom bow to stern. A 1reat sheet o0 0lame rose hi1h in the air3 0ollowed b+ a st/nnin1 conc/ssion. Then the Resol/te pl/n1ed to her doom in a hissin1 clo/d o0 steam. The r/dd+ 1lare vanished3 and an impenetrable blac*ness settled over the ocean. Coe and Chet were clear o0 the vessel(s s/ction3 havin1 been carried shoreward b+ the h/1e waves. The+ called o/t to @ran*3 b/t there was no repl+. Coe wo/ld have t/rned bac*3 b/t Chet ar1/ed that s/ch a co/rse wo/ld be o0 no /se. 6@ran* has escaped 0rom ti1hter spots than this36 he said. 6He has a li0eDbelt. Even i0 we were to 0ind him3 we wo/ld be powerless. All we can do now is tr+ to reach shore3 and that(s 1oin1 to be hard eno/1h.6 )evertheless3 Coe(s heart was heav+ as he swam on. He realiAed that Chet(s advice was sensible3 b/t that did not p/t hope into him. The two swimmers saw no other passen1ers3 and were /nable to ma*e o/t the 0ew li0eboats that had been la/nched. 8t seemed ho/rs be0ore the+ 0inall+ came within si1ht o0 land. The+ co/ld 1limpse it va1/el+ as a dim dar* mass a1ainst the distant s*+3 and co/ld hear the roar o0 brea*ers a1ainst the roc*s. Both bo+s were chilled to the bone b+ this time3 and were hardl+ able to swim another stro*e. '/ddenl+ the+ 0o/nd themselves in the 1rip o0 a c/rrent3 so that instead o0 bein1 borne toward the shore the+ were carried down the coast. There was no /se tr+in1 to 0i1ht a1ainst the stron1 tide3 which 0ort/natel+ did not pro9ect them awa+ 0rom land. This was what probabl+ saved their lives3 0or otherwise the+ mi1ht have been battered to death in the brea*ers. As it was3 the c/rrent carried them aro/nd a 1reat dar* cape that loomed 1rim and /1l+ be0ore them in the ni1ht3 b/t bro/1ht them event/all+ abreast a slopin13 sand+ beach. 6Here(s o/r chance to ma*e a landin13 ChetH6 /r1ed Coe3 exertin1 all his stren1th to 0i1ht clear o0 the heav+ sea. 'lowl+ the bo+s 0elt the dra1 o0 the water relax3 str/11led 0ree3 and co/ld 0eel the li1hter waves sweepin1 them toward shore and shallow water. Their 0eet to/ched bottom3 and the+ str/11led /p onto the land3 where the+ st/mbled and 0ell3 completel+ exha/sted. The two bo+s la+ there 0or a lon1 time /ntil 1rad/all+ their stren1th ret/rned. 6Ge prett+ nearl+ went to .ave+ Cones(s loc*er that time36 m/ttered Chet wea*l+. 6Bo+3 8(m all inH6 6Closest call 8 ever had36 ret/rned Coe. He sat /p and 1aAed o/t into the stormDtossed dar*ness. 6Chet3 do +o/ thin* there(s a chance that @ran* mi1ht have escapedF6 6Gell3 we escaped3 didn(t weF 80 he hadn(t sta+ed behind to loo* a0ter that old man he(d have been with /s now.6 Ghen Coe loo*ed into the 1loom and saw the h/1e waves rollin1 /p onto the beach and heard the boom and th/nder o0 the s/r03 his heart san*. 8t seemed impossible that an+one co/ld live in s/ch a sea. The 0act that he and Chet had done so did not lessen his anxiet+ abo/t @ran*. 8t be1an to rain. @irst it was merel+ a 1entle downpo/r. Then it increased /ntil soon it was a drenchin13 torrential storm. A vivid 0lash o0 li1htnin1 revealed the ocean as clearl+ as i0 it were da+li1ht. Then came an earDsplittin1 crash o0 th/nder. 6Come on3 Coe. Eet(s tr+ to 0ind shelter.6 6GhereF6 68 saw a ho/se. 8n that li1htnin1 0lash. 8t(s down the beach a little wa+36 sho/ted Chet excitedl+. 6Come onH6 Coe 1ot /p and wearil+ 0ollowed his companion thro/1h the rain. Chet(s sharp e+es had ca/1ht si1ht o0 a small shac* abo/t a h/ndred

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+ards distant. Another 0lash o0 li1htnin1 revealed it a1ain and the bo+s bro*e into a st/mblin1 r/n. The+ reached the b/ildin13 0o/nd the door open3 and r/shed inside. The rain dr/mmed heavil+ on the roo0. Coe 1roped in his poc*ets 0or the waterproo0 matchDbox he invariabl+ carried with him3 and was 1lad he had it now. Ghile in Ba+port the Hard+ bo+s had made several exc/rsions o/t into Barmet Ba+ and down the coast in their 0ast motorboat3 the 'le/th3 and with an e+e to the probabilit+ o0 accident or wrec* alwa+s carried matches in waterDti1ht containers. Coe extracted one o0 them now and str/c* it a1ainst the wall. The+ 0o/nd themselves in a small h/t3 evidentl+ b/ilt 0or the /se o0 a 0isherman. 8t was empt+ save 0or a small stove3 beneath which la+ a pile o0 0irewood. 6Ge won(t 0reeAe3 an+wa+36 said Chet3 when he saw the stove and the wood. 6This was made to order3 Coe.6 8n a 0ew min/tes the bo+s had a 0ire 1oin13 and stripped o00 their so11+ clothin1 to dr+. The+ were so cold b+ this time that their teeth were chatterin13 b/t it was not lon1 be0ore the cheer0/l 0ire restored warmth to their bodies. Then3 completel+ exha/sted b+ the 1r/elin1 ordeal which the+ had /nder1one3 the+ sprawled on the 0loor and 0ell 0ast asleep3 the roar o0 wind3 rain and sea po/ndin1 in their ears. Ghen the+ awa*ened it was broad da+li1ht and a warm sha0t o0 s/nshine was streamin1 in the solitar+ window o0 the little h/t. Coe 0l/n1 open the door. The weather had cleared and the wind had died down. The ocean la+ be0ore them in the clear s/nli1ht3 so bl/e and calm that it seemed as i0 their terri0+in1 adDvent/re o0 the previo/s ni1ht had been b/t a dream. The bo+s dressed themselves and went o/tside. A short distance /p the beach the+ saw a road that led inland thro/1h the roc*s and scr/b timber. 6Am 8 sti00 and sore this mornin1H6 1roaned Chet. 6Ghat(s more36 he added plaintivel+3 6it doesn(t loo* as i0 we stand m/ch chance o0 0indin1 an+ brea*0ast aro/nd here. 8(m so h/n1r+ 8 co/ld eat a r/bber boot.6 6Ge(ll have to 0or1et abo/t 0ood 0or a while3 8(m a0raid36 said Coe. 6That road m/st lead somewhere. Eet(s 0ind o/t where.6 67a+be +o/ can 0or1et abo/t brea*0ast36 said Chet3 6b/t 8 can(t. 8 hope the nearest town isn(t more than 0i0t+ miles awa+.6 He made a 0ew hal0Dhearted attempts to 9o*e abo/t their pli1ht b/t 0inall+ 1ave /p3 as the+ str/c* down the road. 8n the bac* o0 their minds was the 0ear that @ran* Hard+ had perished. 68 still thin* he(s sa0e36 insisted Coe tr+in1 to *eep /p his co/ra1e. 67+ brother(s a better swimmer than either o0 /s. 80 we co/ld ma*e it3 then he co/ld3 too.6 68 wish we had never met that old Blac*stone36 said Chet in an e00ort to chan1e the s/b9ect. 6That was a ?/eer thin13 Coe. 8(m s/re R/el Rand was the man who was in o/r stateroom. And it was he who *noc*ed the old 0ellow over the head. 8(m positive o0 that3 0or 8 saw him *neelin1 beside 7r. Blac*stone 9/st a0ter the ship crashed.6 6R/el Rand3 ehH6 exclaimed Coe in s/rprise3 0or in the excitement o0 the shipwrec* the bo+s had not had time to disc/ss the events that had ta*en place 9/st be0ore the catastrophe. 6He practicall+ admitted that he hit 7r. Blac*stone. At 0irst 8 tho/1ht the old man mi1ht have been thrown o00 his 0eet when the ship str/c* and in that wa+ b/mped his head on the wall. There was somethin1 ?/eer abo/t that Rand 0ellow.6 Their spec/lations were soon 0or1otten in what next met their

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1lance. The road led over a little hill3 and there3 ri1ht be0ore their e+es3 the+ saw a clearin1 and a cabin3 in 0ront o0 which stood a battered old a/tomobile. The bo+s /ttered a whoop o0 9o+3 and raced down the road toward the b/ildin1. A do1 started to bar*3 as it r/shed o/t to meet them. A moment later the door o0 the shac* opened and a lan*+3 blac*Dhaired man appeared3 1aAin1 at them c/rio/sl+. 6How 0ar awa+ is the nearest townH6 bl/rted o/t Chet. 6How are the chances o0 rentin1 +o/r carH6 demanded Coe. The owner scratched his head. 6Ghere do +o/ 0ellows come 0romH6 he as*ed. 6Bo/ don(t live hereabo/ts.6 The+ told him brie0l+ o0 the shipwrec* and explained their pli1ht. The settler was deepl+ interested3 and ?/ic*l+ vol/nteered to drive them to the nearest villa1e where the+ mi1ht perhaps hear some news abo/t other s/rvivors. 6,oodH6 exclaimed Coe3 scramblin1 into the man(s car with Chet close at his heels. 6How 0ar awa+ is the townF6 (Bo/t three miles. 8t won(t ta*e lon1 i0 m+ tires hold o/t.6 E/c*il+ the tires did hold o/t and it was not lon1 be0ore the car rattled into a tin+ hamlet that consisted o0 hal0 a doAen weatherD beaten ho/ses. )o one in the place had heard an+thin1 o0 the wrec*. As was to be expected3 the arrival o0 the bo+s created a local sensation. Coe lost no time 1ettin1 in to/ch with the nearest cit+ b+ telephone3 and called the o00ice o0 the leadin1 newspaper. 67ost o0 the s/rvivors o0 the Resol/te disaster have been bro/1ht here36 he was told. 6Ge(re hard at wor* tr+in1 to ma*e /p a list o0 them now b/t it isn(t an eas+ matter to chec* /p. 'ome o0 them are in the hospital3 while others have 1one to their homes.6 68s the name o0 @ran* Hard+ on +o/r listH6 in?/ired Coe anxio/sl+. 6C/st a moment3 please.6 Coe waited3 tremblin1 with s/spense. Then came the answer: 68(m sorr+3 b/t we have no s/ch name. Bet that doesn(t necessaril+ mean that the person +o/ are as*in1 0or didn(t escape. :/r list isn(t at all complete.6 6Than*s36 said Coe d/ll+3 and h/n1 /p the receiver. His disco/ra1ed expression told Chet the bad news more plainl+ than words co/ld. 68 1/ess we(d better 1o into the cit+36 he said. 6There(s 9/st a chance that @ran* ma+ be in one o0 the hospitals.6 68(ll drive +o/ in3 lads36 o00ered the s+mpathetic settler. 68t ain(t 0ar. :nl+ seven miles. 7+ tires o/1ht to hold o/t that lon1.6 The bo+s than*ed him 1rate0/ll+3 and started o/t. Coe3 however3 had little con0idence in the o/tcome o0 their search. Ghenever he tho/1ht o0 the ra1in1 sea thro/1h which the+ had 0o/1ht their wa+ to shore the previo/s ni1ht3 he *new that the chance o0 0indin1 @ran* alive was indeed scant. CHAPTER 8K A) <)PEEA'A)T '<RPR8'E C:E HAR.B and Chet 7orton spent the rest o0 the da+ in the cit+ on a 0r/itless search 0or @ran*. The+ made the ro/nds o0 the hospitals3 the police stations3 and the newspaper o00ices. The+ interviewed man+ s/rvivors o0 the Resol/te disaster3 b/t their e00orts proved 0/tile. 7ore than thirt+ members o0 the ship(s passen1er list and crew were

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amon1 the missin1. This incl/ded @ran* Hard+ and old 7r. Blac*stone. Eate that a0ternoon the 1rie0Dstric*en lads boarded a train 0or Ba+port. The+ had spo*en to @enton Hard+ b+ telephone3 and had been /r1ed b+ him to ret/rn. 6Bo/ have done all +o/ can3 Coe36 he said. 68(m not 1ivin1 /p hope +et. Ge want +o/ to come home.6 Chet went to his ch/m(s ho/se when the+ re t/rned to Ba+port. There the+ 0o/nd 7r. and 7rs. Hard+ bearin1 /p co/ra1eo/sl+ and 0i1htin1 0or sel0Dcontrol. The+ listened ea1erl+ to tile acco/nt o0 the wrec*. 7rs. Hard+(s 0ace was colorless as Coe related how @ran* had insisted /pon tr+in1 to save 7r. Blac*stone in spite o0 the extra ris* he had inc/rred himsel03 and pressed a hand*erchie0 to her e+es when the bo+s told o0 their desperate swim to shore. @rom time to time Chet wo/ld s/pplement his ch/m(s stor+ with details o0 his own. 68t was l/c*+ 0or /s that the c/rrent carried /s awa+ 0rom the roc*s36 declared Coe. 680 we had been borne /p there we mi1ht have been battered to pieces.6 The telephone ran13 interr/ptin1 him. 7r. Hard+ answered the call. 6@enton Hard+ spea*in136 he said3 as he listened 0or a moment. '/ddenl+ his 0ace was trans0ormed b+ an expression o0 /nallo+ed relie0 and 1ladness. 6,oodH ,oodH6 he exclaimed. 6The steamer Bl/ebird. @ineH That ta*es a bi1 load o00 m+ mind3 8 can tell +o/. Than* +o/. ,oodDb+e.6 68s it abo/t @ran*F6 demanded 7rs. Hard+ anxio/sl+3 as her h/sband replaced the receiver. 6He(s aliveH Bo/(ve had some newsH6 @enton Hard+ nodded. 6@ran* is sa0e H6 he exclaimed. 6The tele1raph o00ice 9/st called to sa+ that @ran* and 7r. Blac*stone were pic*ed /p b+ a l/mber steamer on its wa+ to Croston. The+(ll arrive there tomorrow mornin1.6 6H/rrahH6 +elled Chet. 6Bo+3 that(s 1reatH 8 *new he(d come thro/1h all ri1ht.6 6Ghat a relie0 H6 exclaimed 7rs. Hard+. 6.id the+ sa+ an+thin1 else3 @entonF Gas he h/rtF6 6@ran* is all ri1ht3 b/t evidentl+ the old man is in prett+ bad shape. Coe3 8 thin* +o/ and 8 had better 0l+ down to Croston 0irst thin1 tomorrow mornin1 to meet that ship when it arrives in port.6 67a+ 8 come too3 7r. Hard+F6 as*ed Chet ea1erl+. 6:0 co/rse. ,lad to have +o/.6 6'well. 8(ll r/n alon1 home now or m+ people will be sendin1 searchin1 parties o/t a0ter me. 8(ll meet +o/ at the airport in the mornin1. At dawn the next da+ the trio boarded a passen1er plane on the coastal r/n. 7r. Hard+ had been so relieved to learn that his sons had escaped with their lives that the matter o0 the missin1 handwritin1 specimens was o0 small concern. He admitted to Coe3 however3 that their loss was a serio/s blow to his hopes o0 clearin1 /p the case on which he was wor*in1. 6)ever mind3 .ad36 said Coe. 6Perhaps we can 1et some more specimens 0or +o/.6 6And we(ll travel b+ train next time36 said Chet. The bo+s told 7r. Hard+ the entire stor+ o0 the 0i1ht in the stateroom3 and the detective was *eenl+ interested. 6Perhaps this man R/el Rand was a0ter the handwritin1 specimens36 he s/11ested. 6Ge tho/1ht o0 that36 Coe admitted. 680 he was3 8(m s/re he didn(t 1et them. 8(d li*e to meet him a1ain 9/st the same3 and onl+ hope he(s alive. His name wasn(t on an+ o0 the lists o0 s/rvivors +esterda+.6 Ghen the plane set them down at Croston3 a b/s+ little seaport town3 7r. Hard+ and the bo+s drove to the doc*s at once and discovered that

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the Bl/ebird was 9/st comin1 into the harbor. The+ did not have to wait ver+ lon1 beD0ore the l/mber steamer reached its whar0. Amon1 the 0irst passen1ers to disembar* was @ran*. He was amaAed when he saw the little reception committee waitin1 0or him3 0or it had not dawned /pon him that word o0 his resc/e had reached Ba+port. He /ttered a cr+ o0 deli1ht when he saw the 0amiliar 0aces and in a moment all 0o/r were sha*in1 hands and h/rlin1 a doAen ?/estions. Chet and Coe wanted to *now how @ran* had escaped. @ran* in t/rn was e?/all+ c/rio/s to hear how the other two had reached sa0et+. 67r. Blac*stone and 8 1ot over the side all ri1ht36 @ran* explained3 6b/t he co/ldn(t swim a stro*e and 8 co/ldn(t leave him. Ge had o/r li0eDbelts on3 o0 co/rse3 so we 9/st dri0ted. Then alon1 came this l/mber steamer. 8t had alread+ pic*ed /p one o0 the li0eboats3 and had t/rned a bi1 searchli1ht on the water to locate other s/rvivors. E/c*il+ 0or /s we were seen and ta*en on board. :h3 here is 7r. Blac*D stone now. The poor old 0ellow m/st be badl+ h/rt.6 .own the 1an1plan* came two sailors carr+in1 stretcher on which la+ the a1ed man3 wrapped in blan*ets. @enton Hard+ immediatel+ too* char1e o0 the sit/ation. 6He(ll have to be ta*en to the hospital36 Laid the detective3 1oin1 in search o0 a telephone to ma*e arran1ements 0or the amb/lance. The three bo+s went over to the in9/red man. He was conscio/s3 b/t when the+ as*ed i0 he were com0ortable he did not answer them. 6He has been actin1 ver+ stran1el+36 said @ran*. 6That crac* on the head didn(t do him an+ 1ood3 and he hasn(t spo*en to me since the Bl/ebird pic*ed him /p. He tal*ed to the captain 0or a 0ew min/tes3 b/t that was all.6 Ghen the amb/lance arrived the+ accompanied the in9/red man to the hospital3 where 7r. Hard+ too* 0/ll responsibilit+ 0or his care and saw that he was 1iven a com0ortable room. The head ph+sician3 a bris*3 middleDa1ed man who introd/ced himsel0 as .r. @orester3 made an examination o0 the patient. 68t(s a 1ood thin1 +o/ bro/1ht him here36 he said 1ravel+. 6He has a serio/s s*/ll in9/r+. 8(ll have to operate at once.6 68s it that badF6 1asped @ran*. 6Bad eno/1h36 admitted the doctor. 6The man has been wea*ened b+ expos/re3 too. 80 he can stand the shoc* o0 the operation he will p/ll thro/1h all ri1ht3 b/t it is 1oin1 to be mi1ht+ close.6 'wi0tl+ .r. @orester 1ave orders to an intern and a n/rse3 and preparations 0or the operation were soon /nder wa+. 7r. Hard+ and the bo+s withdrew 0rom the room and went downstairs. 68t(s /p to /s to locate R/el Rand36 said Coe. 6He(s responsible 0or 7r. Blac*stone(s condition. :0 co/rse3 Rand ma+ not have escaped 0rom the wrec*3 b/t i0 he(s alive 8(d li*e to 1et m+ hands on him. Gh+3 i0 that old man dies it will be 9/st plain m/rder.6 A policeman was standin1 at the des* in the hospital rot/nda. As 7r. Hard+ and the bo+s approached3 the o00icer stepped 0orward. 67r. Hard+F6 he as*ed. 6Bes36 ac*nowled1ed the detective. 6Ghat can 8 do 0or +o/F6 6These are +o/r sonsF6 6Two o0 them. This +o/n1 man is Chet 7orton.6 The policeman nodded. 68(ll have to as* +o/ bo+s to come alon1 with me to the station36 he said. The bo+s loo*ed at one another in bewilderment. 6Ghat(s /p nowF6 demanded @ran*. 68(m sorr+3 b/t +o/(re /nder arrestH6

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CHAPTER K :<T :) BA8E C:E3 @ran* and Chet were st/nned b+ this anno/ncement. @enton Hard+(s 0ace 0l/shed with an1er. 6<nder arrestH6 he exclaimed. 6These bo+sF Gh+3 that(s per0ectl+ ridic/lo/s. Ghat is the char1eF6 68(m onl+ obe+in1 orders36 replied the policeman. 68 was told to pic* /p @ran* and Coseph Hard+ and Chester 7orton. That(s all 8 *now abo/t it. 8 daresa+ +o/(ll 1et the whole stor+ 0rom the chie0.6 68D8 never committed a crime in m+ li0eH6 bl/stered Chet. 68 stole an apple 0rom an orchard once abo/t 0ive +ears a1o3 b/t s/rel+ 8(m not 1oin1 to be r/n in 0or that.6 The others la/1hed in spite o0 the 0act that the+ were /pset and p/AAled b+ this stran1e t/rn o0 events. 6Ghen were +o/ ordered to arrest these bo+sF6 demanded 7r. Hard+. 6C/st a 0ew min/tes a1o. 8 was told 8(d 0ind them here. There(s no /se ar1/in1. 8 m/st do m+ d/t+.6 68(m not 1oin1 to ar1/e36 ret/rned @enton Hard+. 6B/t 8 can(t /nderstand it. There m/st be some mista*e. Come alon13 bo+s. Ge(ll 1et this matter cleared /p at once.6 @ran* and Coe were completel+ in the dar*. The+ shared their 0ather(s opinion that there had been some ridic/lo/s mista*e. 6Perhaps the steamship compan+ is ro/ndin1 /p witnesses and tr+in1 to obtain in0ormation abo/t the wrec*36 @ran* s/11ested. 6Probabl+ we(re merel+ wanted 0or ?/estionin13 and this policeman thin*s it(s 0or somethin1 else.6 7r. Hard+3 1reatl+ worried3 hailed a cab. The+ then drove to the station ho/se3 a small bric* b/ildin1 located in the center o0 the town. Here the+ were /shered into the presence o0 the Chie0 o0 Police3 a sto/t3 redD0aced man with a heav+ blac* m/stache. 6Ker+ pleased to ma*e +o/r ac?/aintance3 7r. Hard+36 he said3 sha*in1 hands with the 1reat detective. 68(ve o0ten heard o0 +o/3 o0 co/rse.6 6<nder the circ/mstances36 replied @ran* and Coe(s 0ather3 smilin13 68 can(t sa+ that 8(m ver+ 1lad to ma*e +o/r ac?/aintance. Ghat is it all abo/t3 Chie0F Bo/r man tells me these bo+s are /nder arrest. 8t(s a mista*e3 isn(t itF6 The o00icer shoo* his head re1ret0/ll+ 6)o mista*e at all3 7r. Hard+3 8(m sorr+ to sa+. 8 don(t *now m/ch abo/t the case m+sel03 b/t a char1e has been placed so 8 have to act accordin1l+.6 6Ghat(s the char1eF And who is behind itF6 as*ed @ran*. 6Bo/(re acc/sed o0 robber+3 the whole three o0 +o/3 b+ 7r. 'am/el Blac*stone36 was the asto/ndin1 repl+. @or a moment the bo+s were speechless. 6Robber+H6 s?/ea*ed Chet 0inall+. 67r. Blac*stone char1es /s with robber+H6 exclaimed Coe. 68 never heard o0 an+thin1 so abs/rd36 7r. Hard+ snapped. 6(Gh+3 m+ bo+ @ran* saved 7r. Blac*stone(s li0e. Ge have 9/st ta*en the man to the hospital.6 6The /n1rate0/l old reprobateH6 m/ttered Chet. 6Can(t help that36 ret/rned the Chie0. 68t seems that 7r. Blac*stone was tal*in1 to the captain o0 the Bl/ebird and told him that as soon as the boat doc*ed he wanted to have @ran* Hard+ arrested and warrants iss/ed 0or the other bo+s. Bo/ were all on the Resol/te with 7r.

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Blac*stone3 weren(t +o/F6 6That(s tr/e36 admitted @ran*. 6Gell3 he told the captain that he had been robbed o0 six tho/sand dollars in cold cash 9/st be0ore the shipwrec*3 and blames +o/ bo+s 0or his loss. He claims +o/ l/red him down a dar* passa1e and that +o/ then sta1ed a 0a*e 0i1ht in a stateroom3 which ended with his 1ettin1 a terrible crac* over the head. Then he sa+s +o/ stole his mone+.6 The bo+s were be1innin1 to realiAe now that the+ were in a serio/s predicament. The news that Blac*stone had lost his 0/nds s/rprised them3 and the+ co/ld plainl+ see that a ver+ dama1in1 case mi1ht be b/ilt /p a1ainst them. 680 an+one has robbed him36 declared Chet hotl+3 6it is R/el Rand. 8(m s/re he was the man in o/r stateroom who *noc*ed 7r. Blac*stone down.6 The o00icer shr/11ed. 68 don(t *now an+thin1 abo/t it33( he said. 6The case can(t be tried /ntil 7r. Blac*stone is well eno/1h to come to co/rt and testi0+.6 6.o +o/ mean to sa+ we(ll have to sta+ in 9ail /ntil thenF6 demanded @ran*. 6Gh+3 it ma+ be wee*s be0ore the man is on his 0eet a1ain.6 68 can ta*e +o/ over to see the 9/d1e36 s/11ested the chie0. 67a+be he(ll let +o/ o/t on bail.6 6Ge(ll 1et it settled as soon as possible36 said 7r. Hard+. Across the street was the o00ice o0 the 9/d1e3 where the circ/mstances were explained. 68t(s a serio/s char1e36 said the 9/stice3 a mildDmannered old 1entleman with white chinD whis*ers. 68 don(t want to *eep the bo+s in 9ail3 o0 co/rse3 b/t there will have to be bail6 68 /nderstand36 said 7r. Hard+. The 0ormalities were soon completed3 1reatl+ to the relie0 o0 the bo+s3 and the+ were o00iciall+ remanded 0or hearin1 on the the0t char1e at a later date. The+ were 1lad 7r. Hard+(s presence had saved them 0rom bein1 placed behind bars3 even temporaril+3 b/t it was not pleasant to thin* that the+ wo/ld be /nder a clo/d o0 s/spicion /ntil the time o0 the trial. 6)ow we m/st 0ind R/el Rand i0 he is aliveH6 Coe insisted. Chet bec*oned to a newsbo+ and bo/1ht a noon edition o0 the local paper. 6The+ o/1ht to have the s/rvivors o0 the wrec* prett+ well chec*ed b+ now36 he said. 6Eet(s see i0 there is an+ news o0 Rand.6 :n the 0ront pa1e3 several col/mns o0 which were 1iven over to the Resol/te disaster3 the bo+s 0o/nd a complete list o0 the passen1ers who had escaped. 6He(s aliveH Eoo*H6 exclaimed Chet. 6R/el Rand3 sli1htl+ in9/red3 s/00erin1 0rom expos/re3 pic*ed /p b+ coast 1/ard and ta*en to li0eD savin1 station at Roc*+ 8nlet.6 6@or +o/r own sa*es36 advised 7r. Hard+3 68 thin* +o/ had better 1et in to/ch with this 0ellow at once3 and siAe him /p. 80 he denies havin1 been in the stateroom and protests an+ *nowled1e o0 7r. Blac*stone(s mone+3 +o/ will have to do a little detective wor* and tr+ to 1et at the tr/th o0 the stor+. 68 have some b/siness to attend to this a0ternoon and won(t be able to help +o/. The loss o0 those handwritin1 specimens means that 8 m/st tr+ to 1et others to replace them. Gh+ not see i0 +o/ can 1et to that li0eD savin1 stationF 8t ma+ not be 0ar awa+.6 The bo+s made in?/iries and learned that Roc*+ 8nlet was onl+ 0ive miles 0rom Croston3 and co/ld be reached b+ road. 6Eet(s 1et a car and 1o there36 decided @ran*. 67a+be a little tal* with R/el Rand will clear /p a lot o0 thin1s.6 6'omehow he didn(t 1ive me the impression that he was a croo*36 Chet admitted. 6B/t +o/ never can tell.6

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68 wonder what he meant b+ sa+in1 that old 7r. Blac*stone was a sco/ndrelF6 ?/eried Coe. 6And 8 sho/ld li*e to *now what he was doin1 in o/r stateroom36 @ran* remar*ed. 7r. Hard+ told them that he wo/ld ret/rn to Ba+port b+ express late in the a0ternoon. 80 the bo+s sho/ld not 1et bac* 0rom Roc*+ 8nlet in time to catch the same train the+ co/ld come later that evenin1. He bade them 1oodb+e and hastened down the street. The lads lost no time in callin1 a taxi and orderin1 the driver to ta*e them to the li0eDsavin1 station. :n the wa+ to Roc*+ 8nlet the+ disc/ssed ever+ an1le o0 the stran1e case in which the+ had become involved so /nexpectedl+. 680 we can(t prove this Rand 0ellow 1/ilt+36 @ran* pointed o/t3 6it ma+ be mi1ht+ serio/s 0or /s. 80 we(re bro/1ht into co/rt and old 7r. Blac*stone swears we robbed him we won(t have an eas+ time clearin1 o/rselves. )at/rall+ it will be his word a1ainst o/rs3 and he can ma*e it loo* prett+ bad. Even i0 we are ac?/itted there will alwa+s be a certain amo/nt o0 s/spicion directed a1ainst /s.6 6Ge(re 1oin1 to locate that mone+ and 0ind o/t who stole itH6 Coe declared 1riml+. 67a+be there wasn(t an+ six tho/sand dollars in the 0irst place36 s/11ested Chet. 6Ge had onl+ Blac*stone(s word 0or that.6 @ran* whistled at this new s/11estion. 6That(s an idea. B/t wh+ sho/ld Blac*stone tell /s he had a bi1 s/m o0 mone+ in his possession i0 he didn(tF6 68t mi1ht have been a 0rameD/p in the hope that o/r parents wo/ld p/t /p the 0/nds rather than have /s arrested. 8(ve heard o0 that tric* be0ore.6 6'o/nds a little bit 0arD0etched36 observed @ran*. 68t isn(t improbable3 tho/1h.6 The+ soon reached the beach3 where a lonel+ little b/ildin1 stood on the roc*+ and desolate shore. A 0ew boats were drawn /p on the beach3 and on one o0 the /pt/rned cra0t sat an old 0isherman mendin1 a net. The bo+s told the driver to wait 0or them3 and wal*ed /p to the li0eD savin1 station. At 0irst their *noc*s went /nanswered3 and the bo+s be1an to wonder i0 the place were deserted. A0ter a len1th+ dela+3 however3 the+ heard so/nds o0 activit+ within3 and the door was opened slowl+ b+ a thic*Dset3 redD0aced man who peered at them thro/1h the openin1. 6(Ghat do +o/ wantF6 he as*ed ro/1hl+. 6Ge sho/ld li*e to see 7r. Rand36 replied @ran*. 68s he well eno/1h to have visitorsF6 The man 0rowned. 68 don(t *now who +o/(re tal*in1 abo/t36 he said in a s/rl+ voice. 6Ge saw in the paper that 7r. R/el Rand3 one o0 the s/rvivors o0 the Resol/te wrec*3 had been bro/1ht here36 explained Coe. 6Ge(d li*e to see him.6 6.on(t *now an+thin1 abo/t him36 1r/nted the attendant. 6Beat itH6 6Gas he ta*en to CrostonF6 as*ed @ran*. 68 don(t *now. Ghat do +o/ thin* this is an+howF An in0ormation b/rea/F6 Gith these words the redD0aced man slammed the door r/del+ in their 0aces3 while the bo+s exchan1ed 1lances o0 consternation. 67i1ht+ ?/eer3 this36 said @ran*. 6That 0ellow was hidin1 somethin1. 8(ll bet he had orders to *eep still i0 an+one sho/ld come here loo*in1 0or R/el Rand.6 6Ghat shall we do abo/t itF6 as*ed Chet. Coe shr/11ed. 6(Ghat can we doF Ge ma+ as well 1o bac* to Croston.6

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6All ri1ht36 a1reed @ran*. 6B/t we(re comin1 bac*. 80 7r. R/el Rand thin*s he can 0ool /s that easil+3 he is mista*en36 he added with determination. Abo/t nine o(cloc* that evenin1 a car made its wa+ down the Roc*+ 8nlet road3 the headli1hts c/ttin1 a bri1ht swath thro/1h the dar*ness. Ghile it was +et o/t o0 si1ht o0 the li0eDsavin1 station the machine was bro/1ht to a stop3 the li1hts were switched o003 and three 0i1/res scrambled o/t. CHAPTER K8 RA).(' E'CAPE 6BRRRH 8t(s coldH6 m/ttered Chet3 shiverin13 0or a chill wind was sweepin1 in 0rom the ocean. 68 wish we hadn(t come to this li0eDsavin1 station.6 6Bo/(ve alwa+s wanted to be alon1 on o/r advent/res36 @ran* reminded him. 6.on(t start 1ro/chin1 now.6 6:h3 8(m not 1ro/chin136 replied the 0at bo+ hastil+. 68(m havin1 a 1rand time. )o harm in ma*in1 a remar* abo/t the weather3 is thereF6 6)ot so m/ch chatter36 ca/tioned Coe. 6That watchman ma+ be ban1in1 aro/nd and we(ll 1et chased o/t o0 here i0 he sho/ld catch /s.6 I/ietl+ the three lads wal*ed down the road toward the li0eDsavin1 station3 and in a 0ew min/tes came in si1ht o0 the b/ildin13 va1/e and shadow+ in the ni1ht. Gith the exception o0 one diml+Dli1hted window3 the place was in dar*ness. The whine o0 the wind3 min1led with the stead+ crash and roar o0 the waves on the beach3 accent/ated the desolate and sinister atmosphere o0 the lonel+ spot. 68 hardl+ thin* Rand is here36 said Chet. 6Gh+ sho/ld an+one want to sta+ in s/ch a 0orsa*en placeF6 68t(s beca/se o0 the watchman(s attit/de this a0ternoon that 8 thin* the 0ellow is here36 answered @ran*. 6That 1/ard was too secretive to s/it me. 80 Rand wasn(t there we wo/ld have been told so o/tri1ht.6 6'omethin1 in that3 8 1/ess36 Chet a1reed. The bo+s crept closer to the b/ildin13 tr+in1 to peer thro/1h the sin1le li1hted window3 b/t the shade was ti1htl+ drawn. 8t was /seless to attempt listenin1 0or so/nds o0 movements or voices within the ho/se3 beca/se the howl o0 the wind and the roar o0 the s/r0 drowned ever+thin1. Gith s/rprisin1 s/ddenness a beam o0 li1ht swept o/t o0 the dar*ness3 shone 0or a moment on the ho/se3 then vanished. 'tartled3 the bo+s wheeled abo/t3 0or the ill/mination had come 0rom the direction o0 the windin1 road. Presentl+ the+ heard the noise o0 an a/tomobile en1ine3 and thro/1h the 1loom co/ld diml+ see a car p/ll /p to a stop. The driver had c/t o0t the headli1hts as soon as the machine had come aro/nd the c/rve. Breathlessl+ the lads cro/ched at the side o0 the b/ildin1. 'omeone was 1ettin1 o/t o0 the car. Then a dar* 0i1/re came down the slope3 pic*in1 its wa+ care0/ll+ alon1 the path. 8t drew closer3 passed within a 0ew +ards o0 the bo+s3 ascended the steps3 and went /p to the door. @ran* peered aro/nd the side o0 the ho/se3 and saw the visitor *noc* sharpl+. A moment later the door opened and the newcomer was clearl+ revealed in the li1ht that streamed o/t. @ran* /ttered a 1asp o0 s/rprise. The m+sterio/s caller was a womanH 'he stepped into the b/ildin13 and the door closed behind her.

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6Eoo*s as i0 we(ve st/mbled on to somethin1 mi1ht+ stran1e36 said @ran* ?/ietl+3 as he stepped bac* to the others. 6Gh+ sho/ld a woman be callin1 here at this ho/r o0 ni1htF(.( 6A womanH6 exclaimed Coe and Chet. 8n the dar*ness the+ had been /nable to see the stran1er other than as a va1/e3 dar* 0orm. 6Bes3 a woman.6 The bo+s did not have to spec/late lon1 as to the reason 0or the lad+(s visit. Almost immediatel+ the entrance to the place opened a1ain and she stepped o/t3 0ollowed b+ a tall man. He wore a lon1 overcoat3 with the collar t/rned /p aro/nd his nec* and a hat drawn low over his e+es. His 0ace was in the li1ht 0or a moment3 so @ran* co/ld see him clearl+. The man was R/el RandH He said somethin1 in a low voice to the watchman o0 the li0eDsavin1 station3 bade him 1oodb+e3 and t/rned awa+. The door closed a1ain. @ran* drew bac* ?/ic*l+ and pressed himsel0 a1ainst the side o0 the b/ildin1 as the woman and her companion came down the steps. 68 par*ed the car /p at the top o0 the slope36 she was sa+in1. Eet(s h/rr+ H6 68 can(t 1et o/t o0 this in0ernal place too soon to s/it me36 1r/mbled Rand. He too* the woman(s arm to help her alon1 the path. @ran* t/rned to Chet and Coe. 6Ge(ll 0ollow them3 b/t be care0/l. .on(t 1et too close. Tr+ to ta*e the license n/mber o0 that car i0 +o/ can.6 The bo+s set o/t in p/rs/it3 *eepin1 at a sa0e distance behind the pair h/rr+in1 /p the slope toward the par*ed machine. The a/tomobile had been t/rned aro/nd so that it was now 0acin1 in the direction o0 Croston. As soon as R/el Rand and his companion stepped into it @ran* bro*e into a r/n. The li1hts were switched on3 the en1ine roared. @ran* was within a 0ew +ards o0 the car as it p/lled awa+Dclose eno/1h to 1et the license n/mber and to discern that it was 0rom a 'o/thern state. The machine l/rched o00 /p the slope3 1atherin1 speed. 6Come on H6 @ran* called to the others 6Ge(ll 0ollow themH6 B+ the time the+ reached their own a/tomobile3 which the+ had rented 0or the evenin13 their ?/arr+ had 1ained a s/bstantial lead. @ran* 0l/n1 himsel0 behind the wheel3 and as Coe and Chet scrambled into the 0ront seat beside him3 he swi0tl+ t/rned the car aro/nd and sw/n1 it onto the road. Then he p/t on speed. Githin a 0ew min/tes the+ ca/1ht si1ht o0 the bobbin1 tailDli1ht ahead3 havin1 dashed down the narrow3 roc*+ road at brea*nec* speed. B/t R/el Rand(s a/to was not loa0in1. Tr+ as he mi1ht3 @ran* 0o/nd it impossible to overha/l the car ahead. The road c/t into a main hi1hwa+3 where tra00ic was comparativel+ heav+. The bi1 sedan in which Rand and the woman were drivin1 0airl+ 0lew alon1. The 1ap between their car and that o0 the Hard+s widened swi0tl+. A tr/c*3 swin1in1 o/t 0rom a 1as station3 partiall+ bloc*ed the road3 so that @ran* was obli1ed to appl+ the bra*es and p/ll over to the side to avoid a collision. B+ the time the vehicle had strai1htened o/t and 1iven him clearance the tail2i1ht o0 the Rand machine had vanished alto1ether. 6)o /seH6 si1hed @ran*. 6Ge(ll never catch that man now.6 6He certainl+ showed his heels to /s36 said Chet. 68 wonder i0 he *new he was bein1 0ollowed.6 67a+be. He didn(t lose an+ time p/ttin1 distance between himsel0 and that li0eDsavin1 station. However3 8 1ot the license n/mber. Ghat do +o/ thin*F 8t(s down in that 'o/thern state where we 9/st came 0romH6 6GowDee36 said Coe. 6That(s interestin1. Gell3 8 1/ess there(s nothin1

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le0t 0or /s to do now b/t ta*e the next train bac* to Ba+port.6 @ran* drove bac* to Croston. The bo+s were disappointed over their 0ail/re to con0ront R/el Rand3 b/t hope0/l that the license n/mber o0 the m+ster+ car mi1ht be a cl/e that wo/ld help them to trace their ?/arr+. The+ ret/rned the hired a/tomobile to the 1ara1e and too* advanta1e o0 the 0ew min/tes that remained be0ore train time to p/t in a telephone call to the hospital3 and in?/ire abo/t the condition o0 7r. Blac*stone. 6The operation was s/ccess0/l36 the+ were in0ormed. 6The patient is restin1 easier this evenin13 b/t it will be several da+s be0ore he will be able to leave the hospital.6 6That(s 1ood36 said Chet3 when @ran* repeated this in0ormation to the others. 67a+be the man will be a little more sensible now that his head is 0ixed /p. 80 he is able to thin* strai1ht he ma+ concl/de that he was prett+ 0oolish to have /s arrested.6 Ghen the Hard+ bo+s ret/rned to Ba+port that ni1ht and reached their home the+ 0o/nd a s/rprise awaitin1 them. Their 0ather had been called awa+3 and there was a 1/est in the person o0 their A/nt ,ertr/de3 a sharpDton1/ed3 pepper+ maiden lad+ who spent most o0 her time pa+in1 len1th+ visits to her relatives. 8n the opinion o0 her nephews she was 6a terror36 and altho/1h the+ had a 1en/ine 0ondness 0or her and *new that she secretl+ re1arded them as her 0avorite *in3 both lads had 1ood ca/se to respect her ton1/e and her temper. 6'o36 the 1ood lad+ snapped at the brea*0ast table the 0ollowin1 mornin13 1larin1 at them over her spectacles. 6A 0ine state o0 a00airs 8 0ind here. 8 come 0or a ?/iet little visit and what do 8 hearF 7+ nephews are in 9ail. 8n 9ailH @or beatin1 /p an old man and robbin1 himH .is1race0/lH @or the 0irst time in the histor+ o0 the 0amil+DDa Hard+ in 9ailH Ghat have +o/ to sa+ 0or +o/rselvesF6 6)othin1 m/ch3 A/nt+36 said Coe with becomin1 mee*ness3 6except that we didn(t do it.6 6Then wh+ were +o/ arrestedF6 demanded their a/nt tri/mphantl+. 6The police don(t 1o aro/nd arrestin1 people 0or nothin1. There m/st be somethin1 behind it.6 68t was all a mista*e3 A/nt ,ertr/de36 @ran* explained. 6Ge were tr+in1 to help the old man3 and someone else robbed him3 b/t he tho/1ht we were to blame.6 The lad+ sni00ed. 6Time and time a1ain36 she declared3 loo*in1 at 7rs. Hard+3 68 have warned +o/3 Ea/ra3 that no 1ood wo/ld come o0 lettin1 these bo+s 1o 1allivantin1 aro/nd the co/ntr+ pla+in1 at bein1 detectives. 80 8(ve said it once3 8(ve said it a h/ndred times3 that it wo/ld s/rel+ end in tro/ble. And now loo* what happens. The+ 1et shipwrec*ed3 the+ come within an inch o0 drownin13 and then the+ 1et thrown in 9ail.6 'he darted a 0ierce 1lance at the c/lprits a1ain. 68(m 1oin1 to c/t +o/ o/t o0 m+ willH6 she snapped. 6Bo/ have dis1raced the 0amil+ name. )ever did 8 thin* 8(d live to see the da+DD6 6B/t we(re innocentH6 protested @ran*. 6Bo/ s/rel+ don(t believe we wo/ld rob an old man3 do +o/3 A/nt ,ertr/de F6 8n her heart their relative did not believe it3 b/t the opport/nit+ 0or deliverin1 a lect/re was too 1ood to be missed. 68sn(t it eno/1h that +o/(ve been arrestedF6 she demanded. 6That(s the dis1race0/l part. :h3 dear3 8 don(t *now what the +o/n1er 1eneration is comin1 to3 8(m s/re.6 'he bro*e into a storm+ monolo1/e on the ini?/ities o0 modern +o/th3 /nder cover o0 which the bo+s 0inished their meal and exc/sed themselves.

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((Ge (d better clear o/t o0 here36 1rinned @ran*3 6or A/nt ,ertr/de will ma*e thin1s hot 0or /s aro/nd this ho/se. 8(m 1oin1 to 1et b/s+ and write to the state license b/rea/ this mornin1 and see i0 8 can(t trace that car o0 Rand.6 Accordin1l+ he sent o00 a letter at once. The bo+s wisel+ sta+ed o/t o0 A/nt ,ertr/de(s wa+3 vent/rin1 home onl+ at l/nch time. However3 this 1ave the 1ood lad+ a solid ho/r in which to express her decided opinions o0 errant nephews who 1ot themselves arrested. The next a0ternoon3 when the postman arrived3 @ran* h/rried o/t into the hall. Ea1erl+ he loo*ed into the mailDbox and th/mbed over the letters which had 9/st been delivered. 6Here it isH6 he exclaimed. 6An answer 0rom the license b/rea/.6 Coe peered over his brother(s sho/lder as @ran* tore open the missive that had come in repl+ to his in?/ir+. CHAPTER K88 THE GAR)8), THE letter was brie0 and to the point3 b/t it 1ave the Hard+ bo+s the data the+ wanted. 8t read as 0ollows: 68n repl+ to +o/r comm/nication o0 'eptember "=th3 we be1 to in0orm +o/ that the license n/mber noted in +o/r letter is iss/ed in the name o0 R/el Rand o0 Hidden Harbor.6 That was all3 b/t it was ?/ite eno/1h. 8t 1ave two vital pieces o0 in0ormationDthat the car had belon1ed to R/el Rand3 and that his address was Hidden Harbor. 6That m+sterio/s place a1ainH6 exclaimed Coe. 6The one o/tside o0 Earchmont. Ge heard abo/t it when we were down 1ettin1 the handwritin1 specimens.6 6That(s ri1ht36 a1reed @ran*. 6The spot where slaves /sed to be sm/11led in over a h/ndred +ears a1o.6 6Bo/ recall we were told that was how Hidden Harbor 1ot its name36 added Coe. 68t is 9/st the *ind o0 a cove where a boat co/ld sail in witho/t bein1 seen and /nload somethin1 it wasn(t s/pposed to.6 6'/re. And 8(ll bet there were lots o0 secret doin1s that didn(t 1et in the histor+ boo*sH6 6That ma+ be the case toda+3 too36 s/11ested Coe. 6'omeone in Earchmont said there was a m+ster+ mansion down there. 7a+be it(s R/el Rand(s homeH6 6Ghat(s all thisF6 bro*e in the voice o0 A/nt ,ertr/de. 6Ghat(s this abo/t a m+ster+ mansionF Ghom is +o/r letter 0romF 8s there an+ mail 0or meF6 6)o letters 0or +o/3 8(m sorr+ to sa+36 ret/rned @ran*. 6B/t we(ve 9/st had some ver+ 1ood news. Ge(ve been tr+in1 to trace the man whom we believe to be the real robber3 and now we have his address.6 A/nt ,ertr/de seemed to be in a better 0rame o0 mind this a0ternoon. 6Bo/ have his address H6 she said3 interested. 6Then 1et b/s+ and have him arrested at once.6 6That(s easier said than done36 Coe told her. 6Ge haven(t an+ evidence a1ainst him.6 6H/mphH C/st let me 1et m+ hands on the rascal 0or a min/te and 8(ll 1et the evidence. 8(ll ma*e him tell the tr/th. Ghat(s his nameF Ghere

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does he liveF6 A/nt ,ertr/de was as chan1eable as a weatherDvane and no one co/ld ever predict what she was 1oin1 to do next. 'he seemed to have 0or1otten her conviction o0 the previo/s evenin1 that the bo+s were 1/ilt+. )ow she was e?/all+ 0irm in her belie0 that the+ were victims o0 in9/stice and that R/el Rand was the one at 0a/lt. @ran* and Coe told her that evenin1 the stor+ o0 the vo+a1e on the Resol/te> abo/t their enco/nter with 7r. Blac*stone> o0 the discover+ o0 the intr/der in the stateroom> and o0 the s/bse?/ent 0i1ht and the wrec*. The 1ood lad+ was ?/ite indi1nant. 6Gh+3 it(s as plain as the nose on +o/r 0aceH6 she declared. 6That sco/ndrel Rand is the thie0. 8 *now what 8(d do i0 8 were in +o/r shoes. 8(d 1o and tell the police abo/t the rascal and have him thrown into 9ail.6 At this moment there came a *noc* at the door and Chet 7orton wal*ed in3 m/nchin1 an apple. 6,ood evenin1H ,ood evenin1H ,ood evenin1 H6 he chirped blithel+. Then3 when he reco1niAed A/nt ,ertr/de3 he swallowed hastil+ and t/rned pale. Chet had *nown the bitterness o0 the lad+(s ton1/e on several occasions. 6Bo/n1 man36 she said3 6when 8 last saw +o/ three months a1o +o/ were eatin1 an apple3 and now +o/(re still eatin1 an apple. 8s it the same apple or does +o/r 0ather b/+ them 0or +o/ b+ the barrelF )ever in all m+ born da+s have 8 seen s/ch a perpet/al appleDeater. And i0 it isn(t an apple3 it(s pie. And that reminds me3 +o/ stole an apple pie that 8 le0t on the *itchen table one a0ternoon on m+ last visit.6 Chet 1/lped and bl/shed. 68 didn(t reall+ steal it36 he said. 68t loo*ed lonesome3 and it was s/ch a 1ood pie that it seemed a shame not to ta*e a little bite. And when 8 had ta*en a little bite 8 *new it was the best pie 8 had ever tasted and be0ore 8 *new it3 wh+3 the whole pie was 1one.6 A/nt ,ertr/de loo*ed pleased. 68 do *now how to ma*e a 1ood pie36 she said3 6even i0 8 sa+ so m+sel0. 8t(s all in bein1 able to roll the cr/st properl+.6 6Gill +o/ ma*e me a pie all 0or m+sel0F6 as*ed Chet3 p/rs/in1 his advanta1e. 68 don(t *now o0 an+one who can ba*e better pie than +o/ can. Ever since +o/ went awa+ 8(ve been hopin1 +o/(d come bac* soon so 8 co/ld as* +o/ to ma*e me one o0 +o/r special *ind.6 6Gell3 8(ll see36 replied A/nt ,ertr/de3 immensel+ 0lattered. 6Tomorrow a0ternoon3 i0 8(m not too b/s+. B/t what(s all this abo/t R/el Rand and the ho/se at Hidden HarborF6 The 1ro/p went into the livin1 room and the Hard+ bo+s told Chet abo/t the letter the+ had received 0rom the license b/rea/. The sto/t lad also recalled some o0 the stories the bo+s had heard abo/t the stran1e old mansion at the secl/ded spot. 68t seems36 observed @ran*3 6that the ori1inal owner was prett+ m/ch o0 a rascal and that he ended /p b+ bein1 l+nched 0or his misdeeds. .own in Earchmont 8 heard that the place had 0allen into r/ins3 b/t that a hal0Dwitted son o0 the ori1inal owner still lives there. The stor+ 1oes that he is ha/nted b+ his 0ather(s 1host.6 6That can(t be R/el Rand36 said Chet3 who was ma*in1 himsel0 com0ortable in a 0lims+ anti?/e chair beside A/nt ,ertr/de. 6Ghatever we ma+ thin* abo/t him3 8 hardl+ believe he(s hal0Dwitted.6 6Perhaps the ?/eer person is some other member o0 the ho/sehold and not a relative36 s/11ested Coe. 6That ma+ be36 a1reed @ran*. 6)evertheless3 8 can(t see what connection there can be between old 7r. Blac*stone3 R/el Rand3 and this m+sterio/s

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mansion said to be ha/nted b+. the 1host o0 a man who was l+nched man+ +ears a1o.6 6E+nchin136 declared A/nt ,ertr/de s/ddenl+3 6is a dis1race and an abomination. 8 can well remember a stor+ +o/r ,reatD1rand0ather Abner /sed to tell. 8t seems there was a l+nchin1 in a little town near the place where he lived. The mob too* a prisoner 0rom the 9ail and str/n1 him /p to an elm tree. .read0/l a00air. Gell3 that ni1ht +o/r ,reatD 1rand0ather Abner was comin1 home. He hadn(t been one o0 the l+nchin1 part+ b/t he had seen the whole a00air and was 0eelin1 prett+ nervo/s and sha*en /p abo/t it3 8 can tell +o/. He was 1oin1 alon1 this lonesome lane in the dead o0 ni1ht3 when all o0 a s/dden there was a crac*lin1 o0 b/shes Chet(s e+es were b/l1in1. 6Ghat was itF6 he 1asped. 6There was a crac*lin1 o0 b/shes3 and o/t into the road 9/mped a man with a pistol in his hand. (Reven1eH( he cried. (Bo/ were one o0 those men who l+nched m+ brotherH Reven1eH( And with that he pressed the pistol to +o/r ,reatD1rand0ather Abner(s 0orehead '/ddenl+ there was a splinterin1 crash. 8t came with s/ch abr/ptness that both @ran* and Coe leaped o/t o0 their chairs. 8nterr/ptin1 as it did this thrillin1 part o0 the 1r/esome stor+3 when ever+one was han1in1 spellbo/nd onto the words3 it had the e00ect o0 a sensation. There was a th/d3 then a s?/aw* o0 an1/ish. A/nt ,ertr/de 0ainted. Chet 7orton la+ sprawlin1 on the 0loor in the r/ins o0 the anti?/e chair that had collapsed beneath the wei1ht o0 his pl/mp 0orm 9/st at the most excitin1 moment o0 the tale abo/t ,reatD1rand0ather Abner. @ran* and Coe s/ppressed an imp/lse to la/1h. The+ r/shed over to their relative3 who la+ limp in her armchair. As 0or Chet3 he pic*ed himsel0 /p3 1reatl+ embarrassed. 6,et a 1lass o0 waterH6 6R/b her handsH6 6:pen the windowH6 The Hard+s b/sied themselves tr+in1 to revive A/nt ,ertr/de3 and when she be1an to moan and show si1ns o0 ret/rnin1 conscio/sness3 @ran* said: 6Bo/ had better 1et o/t o0 here3 Chet. 8 sho/ldn(t want to be in +o/r position 0or an+thin1.6 6Ri1ht +o/ are36 a1reed the 0at bo+. 68 don(t care to be aro/nd when she comes to and 0inds o/t that 8(m to blame 0or havin1 scared her hal0 to death.6 Eeavin1 Coe to contin/e his merci0/l ministrations b+ wa+ o0 r/bbin1 A/nt ,ertr/de(s hands and holdin1 a bottle o0 ammonia /nder her nose at intervals3 @ran* escorted his sheepish loo*in1 ch/m to the 0ront entrance. He opened the door3 then leaped bac* with a +ell o0 astonishment. A blac*3 sna*eli*e ob9ect writhed into the hall across the 0loor. 8t resembled a poisono/s sna*e so closel+ that Chet /ttered a whoop o0 terror and leaped 0or the staircase3 where he cl/n1 to the banister. The ob9ect made no 0/rther movement. :n closer examination @ran* saw that it was not a reptile b/t a thic* len1th o0 blac* rope that been attached to the bottom o0 the door. 6Ghat(s the idea o0 thatF6 he exclaimed. Then3 at the end o0 the coil3 @ran* spied a torn scrap o0 paper3 which he pic*ed /p. :n it3 in cr/de letterin13 was written: 6Jeep o/t o0 the RandDBlac*stone @e/d i0 +o/ want to save +o/r nec*.6 @ran* too* a deep breath. 6Ghat does this meanF6 he as*ed. Chet3 relieved to 0ind that he had to

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0ace nothin1 more dan1ero/s than a rope3 9/mped 0rom the banister. He too* the note 0rom @ran*3 read it3 and whistled solemnl+. 6Eoo*s as i0 we(ve stepped into somethin1 bi136 remar*ed the 0at bo+. There came a sho/t 0rom Coe bac* in the livin1 room. 6He+3 0ellowsH Ghat(s /pH 'omeone 9/st ran past the window.6 His brother and Chet r/shed o/t o0 the hall. 6A0ter him H6 sho/ted @ran*. 6He m/st be the 0ellow who le0t that note.6 Coe did not /nderstand what was meant3 b/t nevertheless he bolted 0or the *itchen. 68 9/st saw a 0i1/re dash b+ the livin1 room window36 he called o/t3 as he wrenched open the *itchen door and r/shed into the bac* +ard. 6There it 1oesH 8nto the barn H6 8n his excitement Coe slammed the door be hind him3 th/s dela+in1 @ran* and Chet 0or a moment. B+ the time the+ had opened it and raced o/tside Coe was disappearin1 into the barn. As the two behind ran toward the str/ct/re3 an old b/ildin1 which the bo+s /sed as a 1+mnasi/m3 the+ co/ld hear clatterin1 0ootsteps. The+ were within a 0ew 0eet o0 the doorwa+ when s/ddenl+ there came a crash o0 1lass 0rom above. 8nstantl+ the two bo+s were ca/1ht in a shower o0 bro*en 0ra1ments that came t/mblin1 0rom a shattered window overhead. CHAPTER K888 :) THE .EREE8CT @:RT<)ATEEB neither bo+ was c/t b+ the 0allin1 1lass3 nor in9/red b+ a heav+ piece o0 wood that came h/rtlin1 thro/1h the window and went spinnin1 to the 1ro/nd. 6Come on3 ChetH6 sho/ted @ran*3 r/shin1 into the barn. He and Chet then heard the th/d o0 r/nnin1 0ootsteps in the /pper part o0 the b/ildin13 which was reached b+ a ladder attached to the wall. @ran* scrambled /p3 with Chet p/00in1 and pantin1 close behind him. Ghen the+ emer1ed into what had once been the ha+mow the+ saw Coe at the 0ar end3 leanin1 o/t o0 a window. The lad was disheveled loo*in1. His clothes were torn3 and he was covered with d/st. 6The 0ellow 1ot awa+36 he said3 t/rnin1 aro/nd. 6He climbed o/t here3 9/mped onto the roo0 o0 the shed3 and ran down the drivewa+. Ge ("" never catch him now. Tried to brain me with a stic* o0 wood3 too. 8t 9/st missed m+ head and went thro/1h the windowpane.6 6.id +o/ 1et a 1ood loo* at himF6 as*ed @ran*. 8 sho/ldn(t swear to it3 b/t 8 thin* he was colored36 ret/rned Coe. 68 9/st ca/1ht a 1limpse o0 him when 8 climbed /p the ladder and he let 0l+ with the bloc* o0 wood. B+ the time 8 saw him a1ain he was 1oin1 thro/1h the window. Ghat(s it all abo/t3 an+howF Ghat did he doF6 6He scared Chet into conv/lsions and le0t a note 0or /s.6 6He didn(t 0ri1hten meH6 protested Chet indi1nantl+. 6B/t 1osh3 when +o/ see a sna*e writhin1 into the ho/se @ran* ch/c*led. 6A sna*e H6 Coe exclaimed. His brother told him abo/t the rope that had been attached to the door. 68t did loo* li*e the real thin1 0or a min/te36 he admitted. 6B/t 8 can(t /nderstand this noteD(Jeep o/t o0 the RandDBlac*stone @e/d.( 8t(s a warnin1 to /s.6 Coe was impressed.

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68t loo*s as i0 we(re mixed /p in somethin1 bi136 he said. 68t(s clear now wh+ Rand called old 7r. Blac*stone a sco/ndrel. Probabl+ there has been a real oldDtime so/thern 0e/d between their 0amilies.6 6B/t wh+ sho/ld this colored 0ellow warn /s to sta+ o/t o0 itF Ge(re not attemptin1 to inter0ere in their b/siness3 an+wa+36 said Chet. 68t ma+ be onl+ a bl/0036 @ran* observed. 6Rand mi1ht have sent the man here to tr+ to 0ri1hten /s o/t o0 investi1atin1 him too closel+ on acco/nt o0 the robber+.6 6Gell3 8(ve had eno/1h excitement 0or one da+36 said Chet. 68(m 1oin1 home.6 6Better come bac* in the ho/se and have a little chat with A/nt ,ertr/de be0ore +o/ 1o36 s/11ested Coe with a 1rin. 6Bo/ mi1ht 1et her to tell +o/ some more stories abo/t l+nchin1.6 6)ot on +o/r li0eH 'he("" blame me 0or ma*in1 her 0aint. B/t how did 8 *now the chair was 1oin1 to 0all to piecesF Bo/ sho/ld have stron1er 0/rnit/re.6 A wee* passed in which the Hard+ bo+s heard no more abo/t R/el Rand or 7r. Blac*stone. The+ were awaitin1 their 0ather(s ret/rn be0ore ta*in1 an+ 0/rther action in re1ard to either man. )ow that the+ had the 0ormer(s address the+ co/ld a00ord to be patient. Besides3 the+ wanted advice as to the proper co/rse to ta*e. Ghile scannin1 the newspaper earl+ one mornin13 @ran* came /pon an item that ex cited and 8nterested him. 8t read as 0ollows: 6Croston3 'eptember = : The steamer Resol/te3 wrec*ed on a ree0 o00 the coast near here ten da+s a1o3 bro*e 0rom its towlines +esterda+ when an attempt was bein1 made to brin1 the salva1ed vessel to Croston3 and is now adri0t. Coastal shippin1 has been warned o0 the presence o0 the derelict. The Resol/te had been 0loated and ta*en o00 the ree0 b+ salva1e t/1s.6 @ran* called Coe at once and showed him the newspaper para1raph. 6Gh+3 this means that we still have a chance o0 1ettin1 those handwritin1 specimens 0or .adH6 exclaimed Coe. 6Ge can ta*e the 'le/th and r/n down the coast /ntil we 0ind the derelict. Accordin1 to this item the ship is still a0loat. 80 we can 1et aboard her we sho/ld have no tro/ble 0indin1 o/r l/11a1e. 8t will be waterDsoa*ed3 o0 co/rse3 b/t the specimens were well protected.(( The advent/re appealed to Coe. He was all 0or startin1 witho/t 0/rther dela+. @ran* s/11ested that the+ as* Chet to 1o alon1 with them. 6A0ter all3 he has been in this a00air since the be1innin13 and will be hoppin1 mad i0 we 1o on a 9a/nt and leave him at home.6 The+ telephoned their 0at 0riend and o/tlined the plan to him. The bo+ was hi1hl+ enth/siastic. 6)ow +o/(re tal*in1H6 he exclaimed. 6Gill 8 1oF C/st tr+ to 1et awa+ witho/t me. 8(ll be read+ in an ho/r.6 7rs. Hard+ readil+ 1ave her consent to the 9a/nt3 0or she *new b+ now that the bo+s were well able to ta*e care o0 themselves. A/nt ,ertr/de3 however3 expressed her opposition to the scheme with her characteristic vi1or and 0orce0/lness. 6HareDbrained notion H6 she declared. 68 never heard the li*e. ,oin1 o/t to sea in a motorboat to loo* 0or a sin*in1 shipH Bo/ bo+s have 1one o00 on a lot o0 sill+ trips b/t this one beats them all. 7ar* m+ words3 it(s the last we(ll see o0 +o/3 0or +o/(ll all be drowned. 8 0eel it in m+ bones.6 A/nt ,ertr/de(s bones apparentl+ were contin/all+ 1ivin1 her warnin1s o0 dread0/l catastrophes that never happened. 68 *now we(re not meant to be drowned3 A/nt ,ertr/de36 said Coe with a win* at his brother. 6Ge escaped the Resol/te disaster3 didn(t weF6

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67ore b+ 1ood l/c* than 1ood 9/d1ment3 8(ll be bo/nd36 sni00ed the irate lad+. 6Bo/(ll tempt @ate once too o0ten.6 The lads were 0orced to end/re a 1reat deal more o0 their relative(s opinions and prophecies while the+ were preparin1 0or their trip. 7oreover3 when Chet appeared he received a lect/re as well. All three 0inall+ mana1ed to escape3 their ears rin1in1 with A/nt ,ertr/de(s solemn prediction that she wo/ld never see them alive a1ain. Havin1 made man+ o/tin1s in the 'le/th3 the bo+s pac*ed s/00icient provisions to last them 0or several da+s3 as well as blan*ets3 coo*in1 /tensils3 and a small tent. These the+ carried to the boatho/se at the 0oot o0 Hi1h 'treet. The 'le/th was in excellent trimDa neat3 0ast3 handsome motorboat that co/ld show its wa*e to nearl+ ever+ other cra0t on Barmet Ba+. 8t was the most priAed possession o0 the Hard+ bo+s and the+ had en9o+ed man+ happ+ ho/rs in it. Ghile @ran* chec*ed the en1ine and 0illed /p the 1as tan*s3 Coe and Chet stowed awa+ the tent and s/pplies. 6All setH6 said the older Hard+ at last3 and too* his position behind the wheel. He eased in the cl/tch and the 'le/th p/rred smoothl+ o/t into tile ba+3 1atherin1 speed /ntil at last3 with motor roarin13 it raced swi0tl+ toward the Atlantic. 8t was a clear3 s/nn+ da+. The water was calm3 and when the three lads reached the open sea an ho/r later and sw/n1 so/thward alon1 the coast the ocean was as smooth as 1lass. Chet d/1 into the s/pplies /ntil he located a box o0 crac*ers he had tho/1ht0/ll+ stowed awa+ so that it co/ld be 0o/nd with little tro/ble. He popped one into his mo/th3 sprawled laAil+ with his 0eet /p on the side o0 the boat3 stretched himsel0 l/x/rio/sl+3 and said: 6This3 m+ hearties3 is the li0e A li0e on the bo/ndin1 main. 8t can(t be beat.6 6Bo/ weren(t doin1 so m/ch ravin1 abo/t a li0e on the bo/ndin1 main the ni1ht the Resol/te was wrec*ed36 Coe reminded him. 6Gh+ brin1 that /pF6 m/mbled Chet3 his mo/th 0/ll o0 crac*ers. All da+ the 'le/th dr/mmed thro/1h the calm waters o00 the coast. :ccasionall+ Coe scanned the horiAon with a pair o0 power0/l marine 1lasses. @inall+ he ca/1ht si1ht o0 a dar* ob9ect a1ainst the s*+. 68 thin* we(re within si1ht o0 it3(3 he said. 6A steamer3 low in the water3 with no smo*e comin1 0rom the 0/nnels.6 Hal0 an ho/r later the+ *new de0initel+ that the+ had located the derelict. The Resol/te was in plain si1ht3 dri0tin1 abo/t 0o/r miles 0rom shore. The battered h/l* the+ were now approachin1 bore scant resemblance to the smart liner o0 a short time a1o. 8t dri0ted low in the water3 its dec*s onl+ a 0ew 0eet above the sea. The 0orepart o0 the vessel was a mass o0 wrec*a1e3 charred wood3 twisted wire and steel. 8t seemed a miracle that the ship (lad been in an+ *ind o0 condition to be 0loated. The bo+s were thrilled as the swi0t little motorboat sped closer to the derelict. The+ had scarcel+ expected that the+ wo/ld be l/c*+ eno/1h to locate the Resol/te on their 0irst da+. 6That old h/l* loo*s as i0 it wo/ld sin* i0 a 0ellow were to step on board36 remar*ed Chet. 6Ghat(s the matterF6 as*ed Coe sl+l+. 6,ettin1 nervo/sF6 6Tr+ me. 8(ll 1o an+where +o/ wish36 said the 0at bo+ promptl+. The motorboat drew alon1side and @ran* c/t o00 the en1ine. Coe scrambled /p onto the slopin1 dec*3 seiAed the rope his brother tossed to him3 and looped it aro/nd the rail. 68 1/ess the Resol/te will be able to stand +o/r wei1ht3 Chet36 called o/t Coe. 6Come aboard.6

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Gith the Hard+ bo+s assistin13 their corp/lent ch/m was p/shed and dra11ed over the rail. He promptl+ mana1ed to slip on the wet dec*3 exec/tin1 a wild war dance that nearl+ precipitated him overboard a1ain. Chet 0l/n1 his arms aro/nd a stanchion and cl/n1 there 1riml+. 6Care0/lH6 la/1hed @ran*3 climbin1 over the side. 6This old boat is prett+ sha*+ as it is.6 6.o +o/ mean to sa+36 demanded Chet in a ?/averin1 voice3 (that +o/ re 1oin1 to 1o down into that stateroom we hadF6 6'/re. That(s wh+ we(re here.6 6B/t what i0 the boat sho/ld start to sin*F6 6Then we(d 1allop bac* /p on dec* as 0ast as possible. :ne o0 /s will have to act as loo*Do/t. 80 an+thin1 sho/ld happen he co/ld then 1ive warnin1 to the others. 8t wo/ldn(t be so 1ood3 tho/1h3 i0 we were all down below and the ship sho/ld be1in to settle.6 68(ll be the loo*o/t36 vol/nteered Chet with an air o0 relie0. )ow that he was act/all+ on board the derelict and realiAed that the ship was obvio/sl+ /nsa0e he had lost most o0 his relish 0or the advent/re. 6B/t ma*e it snapp+36 he be11ed. 68 *now this old h/l* can(t last m/ch lon1er.6 Coe snic*ered as he made his wa+ down the precario/sl+ cantin1 dec* /ntil he 0o/nd the doorwa+ that opened on the stairs leadin1 to some o0 the staterooms. The 0loor o0 the corridor was covered with water and the door had 9ammed3 b/t @ran* and Coe mana1ed to 0orce it open. The corridor was swimmin1 with r/bbish3 papers3 wearin1 apparel3 and li0eD preservers. Care0/ll+ the two bo+s splashed their wa+ toward cabin "$. The door h/n1 loosel+ open3 and swa+ed with ever+ motion o0 the ship. The+ loo*ed inside. The stateroom was a scene o0 con0/sion. The walls were charred3 and it was evident that the 0ire had reached this section be0ore the Resol/te went /nder. Ever+thin1 was in wildest disorder. Clothes3 l/11a1e and papers were scattered abo/t ever+where. ,in1erl+ @ran* stepped inside and loo*ed abo/t in search o0 the 1rip that had contained the handwritin1 specimens. Then s/ddenl+ he pl/n1ed 0orward. His 0oot had bro*en thro/1h the b/rnt 0loorin1. Even as he l/rched3 Coe reached o/t and 1rabbed him3 p/llin1 him bac* to sa0et+. 6,osh3 8 1/ess 8(d better be more care0/lH6 @ran* exclaimed. 6That 0loor isn(t sa0e.6 Coe sh/ddered as he tho/1ht o0 the conse?/ences3 had his brother pl/n1ed thro/1h. 8t wo/ld have been almost impossible to have saved him. 68(m not 1oin1 to 1ive /p now that we(ve come this 0arD6 he be1an. At that moment a terrible tremor passed thro/1h the crippled vessel3 0ollowed b+ a wild +ell. 6@ran*H CoeH6 6Chet(s voice H6 snapped @ran*. 6There(s somethin1 wron1 H6 CHAPTER 8X '<77:)E. T: CR:'T:) A,A8) the+ heard Chet(s wild cr+. There was a distant splash. The 0irst tho/1ht that 0lashed thro/1h the minds o0 the two bo+s was that the ship had spr/n1 another lea* and was on the point o0 sin*in1. @ranticall+ the+ scrambled o/t o0 the stateroom and into the corridor3 their search 0or the specimens 0or1otten.

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@ran* splashed his wa+ toward the stairwa+ and st/mbled /p the steps3 with Coe close behind him. 6ChetH Ghat(s the matterF6 lo/dl+ sho/ted @ran*. There was no answer. 7ore worried than ever3 @ran* wrenched open the door at the top o0 the stairs and leaped o/t onto the slipper+ dec*. Coe3 h/rr+in1 at his heels3 0ailed to notice a pro9ectin1 piece o0 timber that 9/tted o/t 0rom the wall o0 the staircase. As he st/mbled on one o0 the slipper+ steps and 0l/n1 o/t an arm to save himsel0 0rom 0allin13 he hit his head 0/ll a1ainst the beam. Almost st/nned b+ the blow3 the bo+ 0ell bac*3 lost his 0ootin13 and pitched bac*ward down the 0li1ht to the corridor below. @ran*3 hearin1 the crash3 wheeled abo/t3 and saw his brother l+in1 motionless at the 0oot o0 the stairs. 6ChetH6 he sho/ted. 6Coe(s h/rtH6 B/t the 0at bo+ did not answer. @ran* ran down all the steps3 to 0ind his brother alread+ tr+in1 to sit /p. 8n spite o0 the t/mble and the blow on the head he was conscio/s3 altho/1h st/nned. @ran* helped him to his 0eet. As he did so Coe swa+ed3 and blin*ed in a st/pe0ied manner. 6Ghat hit meF6 he m/ttered. The older bo+ 1ot the victim /p the stairs3 and the lad slowl+ be1an to re1ain his senses. 6E/c*+ 8 didn(t brea* m+ nec*36 he said3 pressin1 his hand to his throbbin1 head. 68 ran 0/ll tilt into that piece o0 timber.6 7eanwhile @ran* be1an loo*in1 anxio/sl+ ro/nd in search o0 the missin1 Chet. 68 can(t ima1ine what(s happened to himH6 he exclaimed. '/ddenl+ he heard the sto/t bo+(s voice a1ain. 6HelpH HelpH6 The Hard+ bo+s ran down the dec* toward the place where the+ had moored the 'le/th. Then the+ ca/1ht si1ht o0 the motorboat3 which was no lon1er beside the derelict3 b/t dri0tin1 in the sea abo/t two h/ndred +ards awa+. 8n the water near it was their ch/m. 8t was immediatel+ apparent that Chet was in di00ic/lt+. As he was a 1ood swimmer3 the bo+s co/ld not /nderstand wh+ he was str/11lin1. He was loo*in1 bac* 0ranticall+ toward the ship3 wavin1 his arms. 6'ta+ here3 CoeH6 snapped @ran*. 6Bo/(re ill no shape to 1o a0ter him.6 He tore o00 his coat3 *ic*ed o00 his shoes3 and scrambled /p on the rail. 6Here 1oesH6 he cried. He dived. His bod+ shot thro/1h the air and hit the water with a splash. A moment later he came to the s/r0ace and commenced swimmin1 with lon13 stead+ stro*es in the direction o0 their ch/m3 who had 9/st disappeared beneath the water. Go/ld he reach Chet in timeF Coe watched in an a1on+ o0 s/spense. 8t was clear that in some manner the 'le/th had bro*en 0rom its moorin1s and 1one adri0t. Chet had rashl+ /nderta*en to swim a0ter it3 b/t had overDestimated his abilit+ to catch /p with the cra0t. @ran* was a power0/l swimmer. 'tro*e b+ stro*e he came closer to the str/11lin1 bo+ in the water. Chet had appeared a1ain3 b/t when @ran* was onl+ a 0ew +ards awa+ 0rom him3 he went down once more. As he came /p a moment later3 @ran* 1rabbed him. )ow three lives h/n1 on this Hard+ bo+(s abilit+ to battle his wa+ toward the motorboat. He m/st have a place to wor* over Chet3 and he m/st not leave Coe marooned on the sin*in1 derelict. He was still man+ +ards 0rom the 'le/th3 and as Chet was a dead wei1ht3 @ran*(s pro1ress was ver+ slow. 8nch b+ inch he 0or1ed his wa+ ahead.

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The motorboat was still dri0tin1. To Coe3 watchin1 0rom the dec* o0 the Resol/te3 it appeared that the pair in the water were ma*in1 no headwa+ whatsoever. ,rad/all+3 bit b+ bit3 the 1ap diminished. At last @ran* and Chet were within a 0ew 0eet o0 the boat. A co/ple o0 despairin1 stro*es3 and the Hard+ bo+ was able to 1rab a trailin1 rope. He /sed it to p/ll himsel0 and his b/rden to the cra0t3 and slowl+ crawled over the side3 *eepin1 a 0irm 1rip on the other bo+. Then he ha/led +o/n1 7orton into the motorboat3 where he promptl+ /sed 0irst aid on his ch/m. 8n a 0ew min/tes the sto/t lad opened his e+es3 and 1rad/all+3 as his normal breathin1 was restored3 he re1ained his stren1th. 6RopeD1ot /ntiedDtried to swimDa0ter the boat36 he said wea*l+. 6,ot a crampD8(d have drownedDi0 +o/ hadn(t come.6 6@or1et it36 retorted @ran*. 68 thin* +o/(d have 0loated an+how. Bo/(re too 0at to drown.6 Chet mana1ed a wan smile. 67a+be so36 he 1asped. 6B/t +o/Dsaved m+ li0e 9/st the same.6 @ran* was tired o/t3 b/t he st/mbled toward the en1ine and started it. The motorboat was sw/n1 aro/nd and nosed its wa+ bac* toward the derelict. As it sped alon1 @ran* s/ddenl+ became aware o0 a dar* shape bearin1 down on them 0rom the direction o0 the shore. He heard the rapid throb o0 power0/l en1ines as a coast 1/ard c/tter split its wa+ thro/1h the waves. 68 1/ess +o/ stirred /p some excitement36 he told Chet. 6Eoo*s as i0 the o00icials spotted +o/ 0rom shore and are comin1 o/t to resc/e +o/. That beats all the speed records 8 ever heard o0.6 At the same time @ran* was p/AAled. :nl+ a 0ew min/tes had elapsed since Chet had ta*en to the water to recover the dri0tin1 motorboatDnot more than a ?/arter o0 an ho/r at mostDand it seemed impossible that a c/tter co/ld have covered the distance 0rom shore in that time. The newcomer was headin1 directl+ 0or the Resol/te. B+ the time @ran* bro/1ht the 'le/th bac* alon1side the derelict and too* Coe on board" the c/tter was within hailin1 distance. The bo+s co/ld see two /ni0ormed men standin1 in the bow3 peerin1 at them thro/1h marine 1lasses. A bell ran13 and the speed o0 the vessel slac*ened. 8t came /p close to the motorboat and stopped. 6Ghat(s 1oin1 on hereF6 demanded a s?/areD9awed o00icer. 6Ghere(s the boat that(s in char1e hereF6 He leaned over the rail3 1larin1 down at the bo+s in a manner that was distinctl+ hostile. 6There(s been no 1/ard aro/nd here36 replied @ran*. 6Ge tied /p to come aboard b/t o/r motorboat went adri0t36 explained @ran*. 6And what b/siness have +o/ in this placeF6 demanded the man on the c/tter. 6Ghat(s +o/r ideaF Tr+in1 to steal st/00 0rom that shipF6 6Tr+in1 to recover o/r own propert+H6 retorted @ran*. 68(ve a 1ood mind to ta*e +o/ on board and clap +o/ in the bri1. .on(t +o/ *now that +o/(ve no b/siness 1oin1 on board that shipF Gho 1ave +o/ permissionF6 6Ge didn(t *now we needed an+ permission36 spo*e /p Coe. 6Ge were passen1ers on the ship when it was wrec*ed. Ge tho/1ht we(d be able to recover some val/able propert+ we le0t in o/r stateroom.6 The o00icer was sli1htl+ molli0ied. 6Bo/ can(t do thatH6 he said. 6Bo/ m/st 1et the proper credentials. .on(t +o/ realiAe the ris* +o/ (re r/nnin1F That old h/l* is liable to ta*e a dive to the bottom an+ min/te.6 6Ge(ve come all the wa+ 0rom Ba+port36 pleaded @ran*. 68 can(t help that.6 The o00icer(s e+e 0ell on Chet3 who la+ sprawlin1

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on the bottom o0 the motorboat. 6Ghat(s the matter with that 0ellowF6 6He went overboard. Ge haven(t had a chance to 1o thro/1h o/r stateroom +et. How abo/t itF6 be11ed @ran*. 6)othin1 doin1. 8(m 1ivin1 m+ orders. )obod+ steps on that boat witho/t proper credentials. 80 he does so3 it(s at his own ris*.6 6Ge won(t be more than 0ive min/tes.6 6)o H6 roared the captain o0 the c/tter. 6)o and a .o/ble )oH 80 +o/ so m/ch as set 0oot on that dec* 8(ll have +o/ arrested.6 68 1/ess he means it33( si1hed Chet mo/rn0/ll+. 6,osh3 don(t let(s 1et arrested all over a1ain. Ge(re in eno/1h tro/ble as it is.6 The Hard+ bo+s saw that nothin1 co/ld be 1ained b+ ar1/ment. 6Ghere can we 1et permissionF6 as*ed Coe o0 the captain. 6Bo/(ll have to 1o to the chie0 o00icer o0 the steamship compan+ in Croston. 7a+be the+(ll let +o/ 1o aboard at +o/r own ris*3 and ma+be not. ,et awa+ 0rom here now3 tho/1h.6 Rel/ctantl+3 the bo+s obe+ed3 and headed the 'le/th toward shore. 6How abo/t itF6 as*ed Coe disconsolatel+. 6'hall we 1o on to CrostonF6 6Too 0ar. Ge mi1ht as well ret/rn home36 said Chet. 67ore than li*el+ the compan+ wo/ldn(t 1ive /s permission to 1o aboard an+ wa+3 even i0 we went to Croston.6 The coast 1/ard cra0t circled aro/nd /ntil its captain was satis0ied that the bo+s were obe+in1 orders. Then it t/rned its nose bac* toward shore. The ch/ms were 1reatl+ disappointed3 especiall+ in view o0 the 0act that the+ had been able to reach the stateroom witho/t havin1 had time 0or a thoro/1h search. Chet blamed him sel0 0or the 0ail/re o0 the expedition3 insistin1 that i0 he had *ept a sharp e+e on the 'le/th there wo/ld have been no need 0or the disco/ra1in1 termination to the trip. 6That c/tter wo/ld have come alon1 in an+ case and perhaps we(d have been in a worse 9am i0 the+ had ca/1ht /s act/all+ on board the ship36 said @ran*. 6Home 0or /s H6 .ar*ness overtoo* them be0ore the+ had 1one 0ar /p the coast3 so the+ p/lled into a secl/ded little cove where the+ pitched their tent and camped overni1ht. 8n the mornin13 a0ter a heart+ brea*0ast3 the+ too* o00 a1ain3 with calm s/nn+ weather still 0avorin1 them. The+ reached Ba+port in 1ood time. 80 A/nt ,ertr/de was s/rprised that the+ were still alive in spite o0 her dire0/l predictions she did not sa+ so3 b/t merel+ sni00ed and said: 6Bad pennies alwa+s t/rn /pH6 6Are we late 0or a mealF6 in?/ired Chet anxio/sl+. 68(m starvin1.6 68 daresa+ we can 0ind somethin1 0or +o/36 observed A/nt ,ertr/de /n1racio/sl+. 6There(s a letter 0or +o/3 @ran*36 called 7rs. Hard+ 0rom the *itchen. 6Bo/(ll 0ind it on the hall table. 8t(s postmar*ed Croston.6 6Croston3 ehF6 said @ran*. 6Than*s3 7other.6 He went into the hall and ret/rned with a lon13 important loo*in1 envelope. 67a+be it(s 0rom 7r. Blac*stone.6 6And ma+be it(s 9/st some more tro/ble36 said A/nt ,ertr/de. 6Gell3 open it. :pen it3 bo+. .on(t stand there 1apin1 at it. Bo/(ll never *now what(s in a letter b+ starin1 at the envelope.6 68t(s 0rom the Chie0 o0 Police in Croston36 he said3 tearin1 open the envelope. 67ore tro/ble. 8 told +o/ so36 declared A/nt ,ertr/de tri/mphantl+. @ran* read the letter and loo*ed /p 1l/ml+. 6Ge m/st 1o to Croston tomorrow3 0ellows. The chie0 sa+s we shall have to appear 0or ?/estionin1 on the char1e o0 robber+ o0 7r. Blac*stone(s mone+.6

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CHAPTER X AT BEACJ'T:)E(' BE.'8.E A<)T ,ERTR<.E had plent+ to sa+ abo/t the Blac*stone a00air be0ore the bo+s le0t 0or Croston the next mornin1. 7r. Hard+ was still awa+ on b/siness3 /n0ort/natel+3 so the trio 0aced the prospect o0 /nder1oin1 the ordeal witho/t the bene0it o0 his advice and experience. 8t was onl+ nat/ral that the+ were nervo/s and apprehensive o0 the o/tcome3 a state which A/nt ,ertr/de mistoo* 0or a s/re si1n o0 1/ilt. :nce more she had veered in her opinion. 6There is onl+ one thin1 to do36 she said. 6:0 co/rse3 8 don(t expect +o/ to ta*e advice 0rom me3 b/t 8 1ive it 0or what it(s worth. Tell the tr/th. Bo/(ll never re1ret tellin1 the tr/th.6 6B/t A/nt ,ertr/de36 exclaimed @ran*3 6we have told the tr/th.6 6An honest con0ession is 1ood 0or the so/l36 contin/ed the 1ood lad+3 as i0 she hadn(t heard him. 680 8 were in +o/r shoes 8(d ma*e a 0/ll con0ession3 no matter what the conse?/ences mi1ht be. 8t wo/ld wrin1 m+ heart to hear it3 b/t 8 wo/ld rather have +o/ tell the tr/th than ta*e re0/1e behind a lie.6 6B/t we have nothin1 to con0essH6 declared Coe desperatel+. 68t ma+ seem hard36 A/nt ,ertr/de went on3 6b/t in the lon1 r/n +o/ will than* me 0or this advice. Bo/ wo/ldn(t have been arrested /nless +o/ had done somethin1. 8 won(t sa+ +o/ str/c* that old man on p/rpose. 8(d b/r+ m+ head in shame i0 8 tho/1ht an+ nephew o0 mine wo/ld be 1/ilt+ o0 s/ch a deed. B/t i0 +o/ did so b+ accident3 tell the police the whole stor+ and +o/(ll 0eel m/ch better 0or it.6 7rs. Hard+3 in contrast3 was ver+ s+mpathetic3 *issin1 her sons tenderl+3 and tellin1 them that o0 co/rse she believed them innocent. @/rthermore3 she advised them not to worr+. The bo+s set o/t 0or the railroad station3 where the+ met Chet and boarded a train 0or Croston. The sto/t lad was 1loom+ and pessimistic as the+ too* their seats. He had slept late and had been /nable to spend more than 0i0teen min/tes at the brea*0ast table. There0ore3 his 0irst move was to p/rchase six oran1es3 a bottle o0 pop3 three chocolate bars3 and a ba1 o0 pean/ts 0rom the train vendor. Gith these provisions he tho/1ht he co/ld mana1e to 0i1ht o00 0amine /ntil l/nch time. 67a+ as well en9o+ the 1ood thin1s o0 li0e while 8 can36 he said disconsolatel+3 as he peeled an oran1e. 68(ve never been in 9ail3 b/t 8 have it on ver+ 1ood a/thorit+ that 9ailers don(t believe in overD 0eedin1 their prisoners. The+ believe in wholesome 0ood in small ?/antities3 which means porrid1e3 pr/nes3 cabba1e so/p3 dr+ bread and water. <1h H6 The prospect was so dread0/l to contemplate3 that Chet closed his e+es and 1roaned. At this moment a b/rl+3 thic*Dset ne1ro3 ver+ lo/dl+ dressed and with a swa11erin13 arro1ant manner3 came alon1 the aisle. He sat down3 and propped his 0eet /p on the /nocc/pied seat opposite. @ran* n/d1ed his brother. 6'eems to me 8(ve seen that 0ellow be0ore3( he said ?/ietl+. 6'ame here36 ret/rned Coe3 6b/t 8 can(t place him.6 The cond/ctor came thro/1h the car presentl+ and too* /p the tic*ets. As he p/nched the one handed him b+ the ne1ro he said ?/ietl+: 68t(s a1ainst the r/les to p/t +o/r 0eet on the seat.6

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6Ghat r/lesF6 demanded the passen1er in an insolent tone. 6The r/les o0 the compan+.6 6Ain (t nobod+ sittin( in that seat36 came the retort 6That doesn(t matter36 answered the cond/ctor3 restrainin1 his temper with di00ic/lt+. 68(m 9/st as*in1 +o/ to obe+ the r/les.6 6@ool r/lesH6 1r/nted the ne1ro disdain0/ll+. )evertheless3 he removed his 0eet3 b/t as soon as the cond/ctor had disappeared3 he p/t them bac* onto the seat a1ain. 6E/*e Cones don(t stand 0or no nonsense 0rom white 0ol*sH6 he said a/dibl+. 6Ah pa+s mah 0are3 an( Ah p/ts mah shoes where Ah please.6 .espite all this bravado3 he hastil+ restored his 0eet to their proper place on the 0loor whenever the cond/ctor came thro/1h the car. Ghen the+ arrived at Croston the bo+s set o/t 0or the station ho/se3 none too cheer0/l as the+ tho/1ht o0 the ordeal which la+ be0ore them. 6Ge sho/ld have a law+er36 moaned Chet. 6Ge won(t stand a chance as it is.6 6Ge(ve onl+ one stor+ to tell36 ret/rned @ran*3 6and that(s the tr/e one. 80 we(re sent /p 0or trial we(ll start thin*in1 abo/t law+ers. B/t 8 wish .ad were here. He(s better than an+ law+er 8 *now.6 The+ reported at police head?/arters3 and were ta*en to the chie0(s o00ice3 where the+ were in0ormed that 7r. Blac*stone had s/00ered a s/dden relapse. The p/rpose o0 the in?/ir+ was to 1et evidence into the record in case the old man sho/ld 0ail to recover. A sharpD0eat/red individ/al who introd/ced himsel0 as the district attorne+ bade the bo+s sit down. Gith the chie0 and two detectives interr/ptin1 0rom time to time3 Chet and the Hard+ bo+s were s/b9ected to a barra1e o0 ?/estions. 6.id +o/ *now that 7r. Blac*stone was carr+in1 six tho/sand dollars in his poc*etF6 snapped the district attorne+. 6Ge were aware that he had a lar1e s/m o0 mone+ on his person3 b/t we didn(t *now the amo/nt36 @ran* answered. 6How did +o/ 0ind it o/tF6 6He told /s.6 6'o +o/ 1enero/sl+ o00ered to help him 1et a sa0e place 0or itF6 as*ed the man sarcasticall+. 6Ge tho/1ht his mone+ wo/ld be sa0er i0 he sho/ld t/rn it over to the p/rser.6 6B/t he never 1ot to the Resol/te(s o00ice.6 6)o. The ship was wrec*ed.6 67r. Blac*stone claims +o/ bo+s l/red him down a dar* corridor and then pretended to be involved in a 0i1ht.6 6There was a 0i1ht. Ge 0o/nd a man in o/r stateroom.6 6Ker+ convenient36 sneered the o00icial. 68t(s the tr/th.6 68sn(t it a 0act that when +o/ bo+s learned that 7r. Blac*stone was in possession o0 a lar1e s/m o0 mone+ +o/ immediatel+ laid plans to attac* and rob himF6 6)o H6 retorted @ran* 0irml+. 68sn(t it tr/e that there was no man in +o/r stateroomF That +o/ /sed that stor+ as an exc/se to start a r/mp/s in the co/rse o0 which the li1hts went o/t and 7r. Blac*stone was *noc*ed downF6 6)oH6 6.id an+ o0 the other passen1ers *now that 7r. Blac*stone had that mone+F6 68 can(t sa+.6 68sn(t it a 0act that most o0 the passen1ers were so ill that the+ were /nable to 1o to the dinin1 room that evenin1F6

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6Bes36 admitted @ran*. 6Bo/ three bo+s3 then3 were the onl+ passen1ers who tal*ed to 7r. Blac*stone a0ter dinnerF6 6As 0ar as we *now.6 The man next directed his ?/estions toward Chet3 and 0inall+ t/rned to Coe. The bo+s were 1rilled /nmerci0/ll+3 and were ta*en over each step o0 their stor+. The detectives and the district attorne+ tried to trap them into contradictin1 themselves3 b/t the+ st/c* st/bbornl+ to the 0acts the+ *new to be ri1ht. The telephone ran13 and the district attorne+ too* /p the receiver. He listened 0or a moment3 then said: 6A sin*in1 spellF That(s too bad. Ker+ well3 we can hold a con0erence in his room. Ge(ll be ri1ht over.6 He t/rned to the chie0 o0 police. 67r. Blac*stone has had a sin*in1 spell. 8 thin* we had better brin1 these bo+s over to the hospital so he ma+ identi0+ them and 1et his evidence on the record.6 )o time was lost in b/ndlin1 the lads o/t o0 head?/arters and into a police a/tomobile at the door. The+ were immediatel+ h/stled o00 to the instit/tion where the elderl+ man la+. 680 he sho/ld die insistin1 that we(re the 1/ilt+ ones36 whispered Coe to his brother3 6we(ll be in tro/ble 0or s/re.6 6)o tal*in1 H6 ca/tioned one o0 the detectives 1r/00l+. The car came to a stop in 0ront o0 the hospital and the bo+s were ta*en to 7r. Blac*stone(s room. At the door the+ were met b+ .r. @orester. 6Bo/ m/stn(t sta+ lon136 said the ph+sician. 6He is 0eelin1 a little stron1er now b/t has had several bad spells toda+.6 6Gill he live3 .octor F6 as*ed @ran*. The man o0 medicine shr/11ed. 67r. Blac*stone has a 1ood constit/tion3 b/t a0ter all3 he isn(t a +o/n1 man.6 The bo+s were ta*en to the bedside o0 the patient3 who was ver+ white and thin. He opened his e+es and loo*ed at the visitors. There was no 0riendliness in his 1aAe. 67r. Blac*stone36 said the district attorne+ ?/ietl+3 68 want +o/ to identi0+ these bo+s. Gho are the+F6 68 don(t *now their names36 said the sic* man in a 0eeble voice. 68 met them on board the Resol/te 9/st be0ore it was wrec*ed. The+ attac*ed me and stole m+ mone+.6 6B/t +o/(re mista*en3 7r. Blac*stoneH6 @ran* cried o/t in consternation. 6Ge were tr+in1 to save +o/ 0rom bein1 robbedH6 6'ilenceH6 bar*ed the district attorne+. He t/rned to the patient a1ain. 6Can +o/ identi0+ them3 7r. Blac*stoneF6 6Bes36 whispered the sic* man. 6.id the+ *now +o/ had mone+F6 68D8 told them. 8t was ver+ 0oolish o0 me3 b/t the+ loo*ed honest3 and 8 tr/sted them36 he 0altered. '/ddenl+ the patient cl/tched at his throat. The color drained 0rom his 0ace and he san* bac*3 overcome b+ another spell. .r. @orester was s/mmoned immediatel+. Ghen he arrived he administered a stim/lant that had the e00ect o0 restorin1 to some extent the old man(s stren1th. 68(m a0raid 8 can(t let +o/ ?/estion him an+ lon1er36 said the ph+sician. 6He isn(t in condition to stand it.( 6As 0ar as 8(m concerned36 said the district attorne+3 6there is nothin1 else he needs to sa+. He has identi0ied the prisoners. That(s all 8 wanted to *now.6 Coe had been thin*in1 o0 the m+sterio/s note re0errin1 to the RandD Blac*stone @e/d. That R/el Rand had had somethin1 to do with the

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robber+ he was certain. B/t wo/ld 7r. Blac*stone reco1niAe the other(s nameF He stepped 0orward3 and be0ore an+one co/ld silence him3 leaned over the patient(s bed. 6How abo/t R/el RandF6 he demanded. 6How abo/t the 0e/dF And the l+nchin1F .idn(t he have a reason 0or attac*in1 +o/F6 7r. Blac*stone was 1aspin1 0or breath. Go/ld he die be0ore the answer co/ld comeF CHAPTER X8 A 'TRA),E A)):<)CE7E)T 6R<EE RA).H6 whispered the old man 0inall+. An expression o0 0ierce hatred 0lashed into his e+es. 6Gho told +o/ abo/t himF Gho told +o/ abo/t the 0e/dF6 6)ever mind. B/t there is no love lost between +o/3 isn(t that ri1htF Go/ldn(t R/el Rand attac* +o/ i0 he had a chanceF6 /r1ed Coe ?/ietl+. 6He wo/ld36 answered Blac*stone hoarsel+. 6He wo/ldDDi0 he had the chance. B/t he didn(t have the chanceDDthat ni1ht.6 6Gh+ notF6 6Beca/se he wasn(t on the boat.6 6B/t he wasH6 chor/sed the bo+s. 6He was the man in the stateroom.6 6And 8 saw him bendin1 over +o/ when +o/ were l+in1 in the corridor36 declared Chet. 7r. Blac*stone str/11led in an e00ort to sit /p. 6Gas Rand on that shipF6 he cried. 6Gh+ wasn(t 8 warnedF 8 didn(t see him. He m/st have 0ollowed meDD6 Gith these words he collapsed3 m/tterin1 ina/dibl+ to himsel0. .r. @orester intervened at that moment. 6)o more ?/estionin136 the ph+sician demanded sternl+. 6This has 1one 0ar eno/1h. 7r. Blac*stone m/stn(t be excited an+ 0/rther.6 .r. @orester(s emphatic order terminated the interview. As the bo+s wal*ed bac* down the corridor /nder the escort o0 the detectives the+ overheard the district attorne+ remar* to the chie0: 68 don(t *now what to ma*e o0 this. The old man seemed to reco1niAe Rand(s name ?/ic*l+ eno/1h.6 67a+be these bo+s are wor*in1 in cahoots with Rand36 s/11ested the chie03 s/spicio/sl+. Accomplices3 ehF6 said the other man. 6Gell3 that(s possible. B/t 8(m inclined to thin* we(re on the wron1 trac* a0ter all.6 6Bo/ can(t 1et awa+ 0rom the 0act that somebod+ too* six tho/sand dollars36 the chie0 reminded him. 6Ghere is the mone+F6 68 wish 8 *new36 si1hed the o00icial. Ghen the bo+s ret/rned to head?/arters there was little 0/rther ?/estionin1. 8t was evident now that the district attorne+ was inclined to believe the+ were innocent. He anno/nced his intention o0 ma*in1 0/rther investi1ations. 6Bo/r bail will still stand36 he told them. 68n the meantime3 we can(t 1o on with the case. Bo/ will hear 0rom /s when we need +o/36 he told them. Chet breathed a deep si1h o0 relie0. 68 hope we never hear 0rom +o/H6 he exclaimed. Ghen the bo+s le0t police head?/arters @ran* s/11ested the+ mi1ht as well 1o to the o00ice o0 the steamship compan+ and see* permission to 1o on board the Resol/te a1ain to search 0or the handwritin1 specimens.

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Chet 1roaned. 68 tho/1ht we were 1oin1 to eat now36 he said dole0/ll+. 68t won(t h/rt +o/ to wait a little lon1er36 remar*ed Coe. 6B/t it(s nearl+ 0ive o(cloc*H6 protested Chet. 68(ll probabl+ 0aint 0rom sheer wea* ness.6 6Bo/(ll live36 re9oined @ran* /ns+mpatheticall+. 6The steamship o00ice will be closed i0 we don(t h/rr+.6 The+ made in?/iries3 and learned that the place the+ were see*in1 was near the water0ront. 8t was exactl+ 0ive o(cloc* when the+ reached there. A bo+ in0ormed them that the mana1er had le0t 0or the da+. 6Come aro/nd tomorrow mornin136 he advised them. 6Too late to see an+one now.6 Rel/ctantl+ the callers t/rned awa+. 6That means we(ll have to sta+ in Croston all ni1ht36 said Coe. 68t loo*s to me as i0 we(ve come all the wa+ down to this o00ice 0or nothin1 when we mi1ht as well have been loo*in1 0or a 1ood resta/rant36 said Chet 1loomil+. 6Ge(ll 0ind a 1ood hotel instead36 @ran* decided. The bo+s 0o/nd a small hostelr+ /ptown3 where the+ re1istered. Chet was 0inall+ saved 0rom complete collapse3 0or the+ all entered the dinin1 room at once. There the sto/t lad stowed awa+ 0ood with 1reat enth/siasm3 as tho/1h he were ma*in1 /p 0or lost time. 68t(s the sea atmosphere3 8 thin*36 he explained3 loo*in1 /p 0rom a h/1e helpin1 o0 p/ddin1. 68t 1ives me an appetite.6 6.on(t blame the sea air 0or +o/r appetite36 la/1hed Coe. 6Bo/(ve alwa+s had it.6 6And 8 hope 8 alwa+s shall36 added Chet. 6Ghat shall we do toni1htF6 as*ed @ran*. Chet said he was tired o0 movies3 and vol/nteered the in0ormation that Croston boasted a theatre o0 the le1itimate drama. 68 haven(t seen a sta1e show 0or a1es. Eet(s ta*e it in36 he s/11ested. 6Ghat(s onF6 68 saw a pla+bill in the lobb+. 8t(s a Civil Gar drama called (The 'p+ 0rom the )orth.(6 6'o/nds interestin136 said @ran* 680 +o/(re ?/ite s/re +o/ can(t mana1e another helpin1 o0 p/ddin13 7r. 7orton3 we(ll see i0 we can 1et tic*ets.6 Chet loo*ed re1ret0/ll+ at the empt+ dish. 6Perhaps 8(d better not. The waiters mi1ht thin* 8(m 1reed+.6 6The+(ve been starin1 at +o/ 0or the past hal0 ho/r36 Coe ass/red him. 6The hotel didn(t ma*e an+ pro0it o/t o0 that meal.6 680 hotels are 0oolish eno/1h to allow me to eat all 8 want 0or sevent+D0ive cents36 Chet replied3 6it(s their loo*o/t.6 The bo+s went to their room and 0reshened /p3 then set o/t 0or the theatre shortl+ a0ter ei1ht (cloc*. Be0ore leavin1 @ran* p/t in a call to the hospital and in?/ired abo/t 7r. Blac*stone. He was told3 nonDcommittall+3 that the patient was 6holdin1 his own.6 6Eet(s 0or1et abo/t him3 the robber+ char1e3 the handwritin1 specimens and the Resol/te a00air alto1ether36 Coe s/11ested on their wa+ to the theatre. 6Ge(ve had eno/1h worries. Eet(s en9o+ o/rselves 0or one evenin1 at least.6 6Eat3 drin* and be merr+3 0or tomorrow we ma+ 1o to 9ail36 mis?/oted Chet. 6,ood idea3 Coe. 8(ll tr+ to 0or1et that 8(m P/blic Enem+ )/mber Three 0or a whileH Bo/ can ta*e +o/r choice o0 )/mbers :ne and Two.6 'easoned pla+1oers mi1ht have 0o/nd 0a/lt with 6The 'p+ 0rom the )orth36 the show presented at the Croston Theatre that ni1ht3 b/t the Hard+ bo+s and Chet were not disposed to be critical3 and en9o+ed the ro/sin1 melodrama thoro/1hl+. The plot dealt with the advent/res o0 the

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da/1hter o0 a )orthern o00icer who mas?/eraded as a man3 and vent/red behind the 'o/thern lines. The intri1/es and thrillin1 escapes which 0eat/red the heroine(s career maintained a hi1h level o0 s/spense3 and at the end o0 the second act the bo+s appla/ded noisil+. At this point in the pla+ the heroine had 9/st been exposed as a sp+3 her identit+ havin1 been revealed to the militar+ a/thorities b+ the villain. 'he had been o00ered her 0reedom on condition that she 1o bac* o0 the )orthern lines and obtain certain papers 0rom a <nion 1eneral. 7iss Alice @ox3 in the role o0 the heroine3 shoo* her head de0iantl+. 6And what i0 8 sho/ld re0/seF6 she cried. 6Bo/ will be shot at s/nriseH6 answered the villain3 leerin1 /npleasantl+. 6Then 8 shall die 0or m+ co/ntr+H6 declared thee heroine3 and the c/rtain descended. 6,osh3 8 hope the+ don(t shoot her36 said Chet3 1reatl+ worried3 6b/t 8 can(t ima1ine how she(s 1oin1 to 1et o/t o0 that 9am.6 ('he(ll 1et o/t o0 it3 all ri1ht36 @ran* ass/red him. 68t(s a 1ood pla+. That 1irl is a swell actress.6 The c/rtain was late in risin1 on the third act. The a/dience 1rew impatient meanwhile3 and wondered a/dibl+ abo/t the dela+. @inall+ a sto/t man in evenin1 clothes came o/t on the sta1e and raised his hand. 6Eadies and ,entlemen36 he said3 68 am ver+ sorr+ that there has been this sli1ht dela+. The third act will commence immediatel+. 8 re1ret to anno/nce3 however3 that 7iss Alice @ox3 the leadin1 lad+3 will be /nable to contin/e her per0ormance3 so an /nderst/d+ will have to replace her. Bo/ will all be sorr+ to hear that 7iss @ox has been called s/ddenl+ to the bedside o0 her 0ather3 7r. 'am/el Blac*stone3 who is criticall+ ill in Croston Hospital. 8t is 0eared that he has not lon1 to live. <nder the circ/mstances3 +o/ can /nderstand that it was impossible 0or 7iss @ox to concl/de toni1ht(s per0ormance.6 The mana1er retired hastil+3 and the c/rtain rose on the 0inal act o0 the pla+. B/t the Hard+ bo+s and Chet scarcel+ realiAed that the per0ormance had res/med. 'am/el Blac*stone was d+in1H And this 1irl3 whose actin1 the+ had been admirin1 so 1reatl+3 was his da/1hterH @ran* n/d1ed his brother. 6Eet(s 1et o/t o0 here36 be whispered. 6Ghere are +o/ 1oin1F6 6To the hospital.6 Hastil+ the bo+s le0t the theatre. The+ had lost all interest in the pla+. The mana1er(s anno/ncement le0t them sic* with apprehension. 80 'am/el Blac*stone sho/ld die their own position wo/ld be ver+ serio/s indeed3 0or the+ stood acc/sed o0 the responsibilit+ 0or his in9/ries. The+ piled into a waitin1 taxi and ordered the driver to h/rr+ to the instit/tion to which the actress had 1one. 68 s/ppose Alice @ox is 9/st a sta1e name36 observed @ran*. 68t(s ver+ stran1e3 b/t it had never occ/rred to me that 7r. Blac*stone mi1ht have a 0amil+.6 The taxi s*idded aro/nd a corner3 and the li1hts o0 the hospital 1leamed be0ore the bo+s. CHAPTER X88 THE .ETECT8KE

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6How is 7r. Blac*stone toni1htF6 in?/ired @ran*3 as the bo+s h/rried to the in0ormation des* at the hospital. The cler* loo*ed /p. 67r. Blac*stone too* a serio/s t/rn 0or the worse toni1ht3 b/t seems to have rallied the past 0ew min/tes. His condition was so serio/s that we sent 0or his da/1hter. 8 thin* there is no immediate dan1er3 however.6 6That(s 0ine36 said Coe. The+ heard 0ootsteps on the staircase3 and saw a woman descendin1 into the lobb+. 6Here is 7r. Blac*stone(s da/1hter36 the cler* told them. The bo+s t/rned3 and reco1niAed the woman as Alice @ox. 6These +o/n1 men were in?/irin1 abo/t +o/r 0ather3 7iss @ox36 said the attendant. The actress loo*ed at the trio in s/rprise. 6Are +o/ 0riends o0 7r. Blac*stoneF6 she as*ed. 6GellDD8(m a0raid he doesn(t thin* so36 @ran* replied3 6b/t we were ea1er to learn how he is. Ge were at the theatre toni1ht and the mana1er said +o/ had been called to the hospital.6 7iss @ox raised her e+ebrows ?/iAAicall+. 'he was evidentl+ p/AAled. 6Gh+ are +o/ interested in m+ 0ather(s conditionF6 she as*ed. 6As a matter o0 0act3 8 didn(t *now he was in this instit/tion /ntil hal0 an ho/r a1o. He didn(t noti0+ me that he was ill.(( 6Ge(re so interestedDDwellDDbeca/se we(ve been blamed 0or 7r. Blac*stone(s condition36 @ran* explained. 6He was on board the Resol/te.6 6:n the Resol/teH6 she exclaimed. 6The ship that was wrec*ed a 0ew da+s a1oH 8 didn(t *now that. 8(m on to/r m/ch o0 the time3 +o/ see3 and don(t hear 0rom m+ 0ather ver+ o0ten. 8 was dread0/ll+ s/rprised when 8 was told he was here in this place. B/t what do +o/ mean b+ sa+in1 +o/ have been blamed 0or his conditionF6 7iss @ox pointed to a nearb+ bench in the waitin1 room. 6'it down and tell me all abo/t it.6 The Hard+s and Chet were s/rprised to learn that the actress *new none o0 the details that had led to her 0ather(s presence in the hospital. The+ told her how the+ had met 7r. Blac*stone on the ship and how he had con0ided in them the 0act that he was carr+in1 a lar1e s/m o0 mone+. The+ went on to explain how the+ bad pers/aded him to t/rn the 0/nds over to the p/rser 0or sa0eD*eepin1> that the+ had become involved in the str/11le with the m+sterio/s stateroom intr/der> that 7r. Blac*stone had been discovered l+in1 on the corridor 0loor> and how he had been resc/ed. 6The worst o0 it is36 concl/ded @ran*3 6that we have been acc/sed o0 attac*in1 him and stealin1 the mone+.6 Then he concl/ded b+ tellin1 7iss @ox abo/t their arrest. The actress was intensel+ interested. 68sn(t there some tro/ble3 some sort o0 a 0e/d3 perhaps3 between the Blac*stones and the RandsF6 as*ed Coe. 7iss @ox loo*ed at him sharpl+. 6Gh+ do +o/ as* thatF6 6Ge were warned not to inter0ere in the ?/arrel.6 The woman did not answer at once3 evidentl+ bein1 reticent abo/t mentionin1 an+ 0amil+ matters. 68 pre0er to sa+ nothin1 abo/t the a00air36 she said 0inall+. 6The Rands and the Blac*Dstones have homesteads at Hidden Harbor. There will be bic*erin1 as lon1 as an+ members o0 either 0amil+ are le0t3 8 s/ppose.6 The bo+s tried to invei1le her into tellin1 more o0 the stor+3 b/t in this the+ were /ns/ccess0/l.

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6How did +o/ *now abo/t the ?/arrelF6 she insisted. 68(m s/re the di00erences between the Rands and the Blac*stones have nothin1 to do with this a00air.6 68 thin* it has a 1reat deal to do with the present tro/ble36 @ran* told her boldl+. 68n 0act3 we(re ?/ite s/re R/el Rand is the man who attac*ed +o/r 0ather.6 6R/el RandH6 she exclaimed3 her e+es 0lashin1. 6Gas he on that boatF6 6He was not onl+ on the boat3 b/t we saw him *neelin1 beside +o/r 0ather in the corridor a0ter the wrec*. He said 7r. Blac*stone was a sco/ndrelH6 declared Coe. 6He shall pa+ 0or thisH6 declared 7iss @ox a0ter a moment(s silence. Then she loo*ed at the bo+s s/spicio/sl+. 6B/t i0 m+ 0ather placed a char1e a1ainst +o/ he m/st have had a 1ood reason 0or doin1 so. Gere +o/ accomplices o0 R/el RandF Gh+ did +o/ 0ollow me 0rom the theatre toni1htF Gh+ are +o/ tr+in1 to 1et me to tal* abo/t the 0e/dF6 'he 1rew s/ddenl+ hostile. The bo+s were embarrassed. 6Gh+DDo0 co/rse we(re not helpin1 Rand36 0altered Coe. 6Ge onl+ want to clear o/rselves i0 we can.6 68 thin* +o/ *now more than +o/(re tellin1 meH6 she exclaimed. 6@ather wo/ldn(t acc/se +o/ o0 robbin1 him /nlessDD6 67iss @oxH6 interr/pted the des* cler*. 6.o +o/ mind 1oin1 into the o00iceF .r. @orester wishes to spea* to +o/.6 The bo+s were 1lad o0 the respite as the actress arose and h/rried awa+. Their interview had ta*en an /nexpected and /npleasant t/rn. 6Eet(s 1et o/t o0 here36 s/11ested Coe. 6The more we tal* to her the more she s/spects that we did have somethin1 to do with the robber+.6 6'he(s too 0ier+ to s/it meH6 declared Chet emphaticall+. 680 we stic* aro/nd m/ch lon1er we(ll more than li*el+ 0ind o/rselves arrested all over a1ain.6 @ran* a1reed that little wo/ld be 1ained b+ see*in1 0/rther in0ormation 0rom the actress3 who was not onl+ disinclined to spea* o0 the a00airs o0 the Blac*stone 0amil+3 b/t appeared also to have a mo/ntin1 s/spicion that the bo+s were ?/ite as 1/ilt+ as her 0ather believed them to be. The+ 1ot /p3 wal*ed o/t3 and made their wa+ bac* to the hotel on 0oot. The+ wo/ld have been s/rprised had the+ been aware that 7iss @ox was 0/rio/s when she emer1ed 0rom the hospital o00ice a 0ew min/tes a0ter their depart/re and learned that the+ had 1one. 6'nea*ed awa+ as soon as the+ saw 8 didn(t believe their stor+H6 she said to hersel0. 7iss @ox was now con0irmed in her s/spicions. Bein1 a +o/n1 lad+ o0 action3 she went to the telephone and called the n/mber o0 a private detective a1enc+ in Croston. 67r. HeatorF6 she said3 when a voice answered. 6This is Alice @ox spea*in1.6 6Bes3 7iss @ox. Ghat can 8 do 0or +o/F6 68 want +o/3 or one o0 +o/r men3 to chec* /p on three bo+s 0or me. The+(re sta+in1 in town b/t 8 don(t *now where.6 6The+ don(t live hereF6 6)o. The+ come 0rom Ba+port.6 6Probabl+ stoppin1 at a hotel. Ghat are their names3 7iss @ox3 and what do +o/ wish me to doF6 The actress 1ave him a 0/ll description o0 the Hard+ bo+s and Chet 7orton. 'he explained that the+ were o/t on bail a0ter havin1 been arrested on char1es o0 attac*in1 and robbin1 7r. Blac*stone. 6The+ den+ it3 o0 co/rse36 she said3 6b/t 8 thin* the+ *now more abo/t the b/siness than the+ pretend to. 8(m partic/larl+ ea1er to 0ind o/t

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i0 the+ are in to/ch with a man named R/el Rand3 o0 Hidden Harbor. 8 want +o/ to locate them3 7r. Heator3 and shadow them. :btain as m/ch in0ormation abo/t them as +o/ can.6 68(ll 1et to wor* on the case at once3 7iss @ox36 promised the detective. <naware o0 the t/rn o0 events3 the bo+s went bac* to their hotel. The+ set o/t shortl+ a0ter brea*0ast next mornin1 to call at the o00ice o0 the steamship compan+. This time the+ were shown into the s/ite o0 a department mana1er3 who listened to their stor+. 6Bo/ want to 1o on board the Resol/teH6 he exclaimed. 68mpossible. 8t(s too dan1ero/s. Ge co/ldn(t allow it.6 6B/t we(ve alread+ been on board36 said @ran*. 6An o00icer o0 the coast 1/ard made /s leave.6 6I/ite ri1ht o0 him3 too. Ge don(t want an+ more tro/ble over the Resol/te. Ge(re 0acin1 eno/1h dama1e claims as it is.6 6B/t it(s ver+ important that we 1et those handwritin1 specimens 0rom the stateroom as soon as possible36 vent/red Coe. 6Can(t help it. Can(t help it.6 The mana1er was br/s?/e. 68 won(t ta*e the responsibilit+ o0 1ivin1 +o/ permission to 1o on board that vessel. 8t mi1ht sin*3 and then the compan+ wo/ld be held liable. Bo/ can p/t in a claim 0or the loss o0 +o/r e00ects3 b/t 8 can(t let +o/ 1o to 1et +o/r missin1 l/11a1e. How co/ld we be s/re that +o/ wo/ldn(t ta*e an+thin1 b/t +o/r own belon1in1s. <nderstandF 8(m not insin/atin1 that +o/ are dishonest3 b/t we m/st protect o/rselves. How val/able were the specimensF6 6The+(re not worth an+thin1 to a so/l b/t m+ 0ather36 @ran* told him. 67a*e o/t a claim 0or an+ personal belon1in1s +o/ have lost3 and estimate their val/e. 8(ll see that the matter(s loo*ed a0ter36 promised the man. 6B/t that(s the best 8 can do.6 The bo+s were disappointed. The+ had hoped to vent/re on board the derelict Resol/te a1ain3 b/t this 0lat re0/sal p/t an end to their plans in that direction. Gith b/t little show o0 enth/siasm the+ 0illed o/t a 0orm en/meratin1 the pieces o0 ba11a1e the+ had le0t in the wrec*3 si1ned their claim3 and departed 0rom the o00ice. :nce o/tside3 the+ stopped in 0ront o0 the b/ildin1 to disc/ss their next move. 6This means that we m/st ma*e another trip to Earchmont36 decided @ran*. 6.ad has to have those specimens and perhaps we can 1et some more to replace the ones we lost.6 6Ge(ll have to r/n home 0irst36 said Coe. 680 we do 1o bac* to Earchmont36 Chet observed3 6we mi1ht *ill two birds with one stone.6 6Ghat do +o/ meanF6 6Ge can pa+ a little visit to Hidden Harbor and while there perhaps call on o/r 0riend R/el Rand.6 As this conversation was ta*in1 place3 a ?/iet little man in a 1ra+ s/it was standin1 b+ the c/rb3 apparentl+ en1a1ed in aimlessl+ watchin1 the tra00ic. The bo+s scarcel+ noticed him3 b/t when Chet passed his ironic remar* abo/t 6o/r 0riend R/el Rand36 the stran1er cast a sharp loo* at the trio. 6Bes3 8 had tho/1ht o0 that36 @ran* said. 6As +o/ sa+3 Chet3 we can *ill two birds with one stone. 8(d certainl+ li*e to have a tal* with Rand.6 6Eet(s 1o bac* to the hotel and pac* /p36 s/11ested Coe. 6Ge(ll ta*e the 0irst train to Ba+port and tell .ad we(re settin1 o/t 0or Earchmont.6 The bo+s moved o00 down the street. The ?/iet man in the 1ra+ s/it waited a while3 then lo/n1ed idl+ alon1 at a sa0e distance behind them.

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He 0ollowed them to their hotel. Arrivin1 there3 he made his wa+ to a telephone booth and called a n/mber. 67iss @oxF6 he ?/eried. 6Bes.6 6This is Edward Heator spea*in1. 8 located those bo+s witho/t an+ tro/ble. This mornin1 the+ went to the o00ices o0 one o0 the steamship companies3 and 8 overheard them tal*in1 as the+ came o/t. 8t appears that the+ are plannin1 to 1o to Earchmont at once.6 6EarchmontH6 exclaimed the actress. 6Bes. :ne o0 them spo*e o0 callin1 on their 0riend R/el Rand.6 6Their 0riendH 8 tho/1ht so H6 declared 7iss @ox tri/mphantl+. 6'o the+ are in lea1/e with that manH6 68 don(t *now what it(s all abo/t3 7iss @ox The+ are 1oin1 to Ba+port on the next train3 and 0rom there the+ plan to head 0or Earchmont.6 6@ollow them3 7r. HeatorH .on(t let them o/t o0 +o/r si1ht. :btain as m/ch in0ormation as +o/ can. 8(ve s/spected all alon1 that the+ were 0riends o0 R/el Rand.6 CHAPTER X888 THE 'HA.:G 'HA.:GE. 6KERB GEEE3 7iss @ox36 said the detective3 6+o/ can rel+ on me to 0ollow the Hard+ bo+s and their 0riend Chet 7orton.6 Ghen he came o/t o0 the telephone booth 7r. Heator made in?/iries at the in0ormation des* and 0o/nd that a train wo/ld leave 0or Ba+port within the ho/r. 68(ll 9/st have time to 1o home and pac*36 he said to himsel0. 7eanwhile the bo+s ret/rned3 and the Hard+s were 1lad to 0ind their 0ather bac*. The+ lost no time in 1ivin1 him an acco/nt o0 their adD vent/res3 incl/din1 their attempt to search the Resol/te 0or the lost handwritin1 specimens. Ghen the+ related their experiences in Croston and told o0 their interview with Alice @ox3 their a/nt bristled with wrath. 6An actressH6 she exclaimed in horror. 6Has it come to thatH @enton Hard+3 8 thin* it(s hi1h time +o/ made these bo+s sta+ at home. )ow the+(re 1ettin1 mixed /p with women on the sta1e. The ideaH6 A/nt ,ertr/de was ver+ oldD0ashioned in some o0 her notions. @rom her horri0ied manner one wo/ld be inclined to thin* that the bo+s had con0essed to revelr+ with s?/ads o0 1a+ chor/s 1irls while on their visit to CrostonH 6'he seemed to be a ver+ nice lad+36 said @ran*3 6b/t 8 thin* she didn(t believe o/r stor+. 'he practicall+ acc/sed /s o0 bein1 accomplices o0 R/el Rand.6 6And didn(t she tell +o/ an+thin1 abo/t the 0e/dF6 as*ed 7r. Hard+. 6)o. 'he wo/ldn(t sa+ a word abo/t it.6 7r. Hard+ was silent and tho/1ht0/l. A0ter a while he said: 6There sho/ld be no harm in +o/r 1oin1 to Earchmont. Bo/ ma+ be able to 1et d/plicate specimens o0 handwritin1 0or me. 7oreover3 it(s to +o/r own interests to 0ind o/t more abo/t this R/el Rand.6 6ActressesH6 sni00ed A/nt ,ertr/de3 her *nittin1 needles 0lashin1 0/rio/sl+. 68n m+ da+ i0 a bo+ came home and said he had been tal*in1 to an actress he(d have 1ot a 1ood lic*in1.6 @enton Hard+ did not repl+ to this3 0or he seemed to be en1rossed with his own tho/1hts. The bo+s h/rried /pstairs to prepare 0or the 9o/rne+3

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leavin1 A/nt ,ertr/de m/tterin1 to hersel0. 6)o 1ood will come o0 all this 1allivantin136 she said meanin1l+. The Hard+ bo+s and Chet le0t 0or Earchmont the next mornin1. The+ had 9/st ta*en their seats in the express3 to which the+ had chan1ed 0rom the Ba+port local3 when a ?/ietDspo*en man in a 1ra+ s/it came down the aisle and slipped into the vacant space beside the sto/t bo+. 6.on(t mind i0 8 sit here3 do +o/F6 he as*ed3 smilin1. 6)ot at all36 answered all three bo+s3 0or the coach was crowded. )one o0 the lads co/ld recall havin1 seen the stran1er be0ore3 so the+ co/ld hardl+ have been expected to reco1niAe in him the person who had been standin1 on the c/rb o/tside the steamship o00ice in Croston. 7r. Heator was ?/ite con0ident that the bo+s wo/ld never s/spect that he had not chosen his seat in the train b+ accident. He was an a1reeable companion and a read+ tal*er. 8n a short time he had introd/ced himsel0 to the bo+s as a re0ri1erator salesman. 6,reatest invention o0 the cent/r+DDthe electric iceDbox36 he said. Chet a1reed with him heartil+. 68t certainl+ *eeps ever+thin1 nice and 0resh36 he said. This led to the s/b9ect o0 0ood3 a topic o0 conversation that was o0 /n0ailin1 interest to Chet. Be0ore lon1 he and the stran1er were disc/ssin1 all *inds o0 eatables3 0rom their 0avorite brea*0ast 0oods to their choice o0 desserts. @ran* in the meantime was readin1 a newspaper3 while Coe was loo*in1 o/t the window. Chet became so interested in his conversation with Heator that he let 0all the 0act that he and his 0riends were on their wa+ to Earchmont3 and that his companions were the sons o0 @enton Hard+3 the 0amo/s detective. @ran* secretl+ 1ave the 0at bo+ a *ic* on the shins A little later3 a0ter 7r. Heator had exc/sed himsel0 and retired to the smo*in1 compartment 0or a while3 @ran* said: 6Better be care0/l3 Chet. A0ter all3 we don(t *now that 0ellow.6 6Ghat(s the matterF6 demanded his 0riend3 1reatl+ a11rieved. 6Ghat have 8 to be care0/l abo/tF Ge Gere 9/st havin1 a chat.6 6Bo/ let drop some in0ormation. 8t doesn(t pa+ to be too 0riendl+ with stran1ers.6 6:h 1osh H6 exclaimed Chet3 peeved. 68 onl+ told him we were 1oin1 to Earchmont3 and Dand a 0ew other thin1s. 8t(s prett+ to/1h when a 0ellow can(t even tal*H6 There/pon he lapsed into a 1loom+ and di1ni0ied silence3 which was bro*en onl+ when it was l/nch time. Heator ret/rned presentl+. Chet3 heedin1 @ran*(s warnin13 *ept a chec* on his ton1/e whenever the 0riendl+ stran1er sw/n1 the conversation aro/nd to an+thin1 personal. The bo+s noticed that the man 1ot o00 the train at several station stops and made his wa+ toward the tele1raph window on ever+ occasion. 6I/eer sort o0 salesman36 re0lected Coe. 6'/rel+ he doesn(t have to report to the o00ice ever+ little while.6 The next time Heator 1ot o00 Coe ambled in p/rs/it and pretended to be idlin1 on the plat0orm. Thro/1h the window he co/ld see the salesman b/sil+ writin1 a messa1e. Apparentl+ it was not an ordinar+ one3 0or the writer constantl+ cons/lted a little red boo*. :nce3 apparentl+ dissatis0ied with the res/lt3 he cr/mpled /p the sheet and tossed it to the 0loor. Coe watched his chance3 and when Heator le0t the station he slipped inside and retrieved the discarded bit o0 paper3 which he /n0olded. 80 he had hoped to learn an+thin1 abo/t the 0riendl+ salesman 0rom that messa1e3 he was bo/nd to be disappointed3 0or it was apparentl+ onl+ a

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meanin1less strin1 o0 words. 6s*+scraper be+ond absol/te a/tomobile de0inite cattle oran1es.6 Coe r/bbed his chin in bewilderment. 68 can(t ma*e head nor tail o/t o0 thatH6 he said to himsel03 and too* advanta1e o0 the 0irst opport/nit+ to show the paper secretl+ to his brother. @ran* ?/ic*l+ 1/essed the explanation. 68t(s a code messa1e. )ow3 wh+ sho/ld a re0ri1erator salesman be sendin1 tele1rams in codeF6 6'omethin1 ?/eer abo/t it.6 68 tho/1ht that 0ellow seemed a little too 0riendl+. He was tr+in1 to p/mp in0ormation o/t o0 Chet. 8 thin* we had better *eep an e+e on him.6 Ghen the+ ret/rned to the train the Hard+ bo+s bent their ener1ies toward learnin1 somethin1 0rom Heator abo/t himsel03 b/t were /ns/ccess0/l. The salesman was not in the least disposed to spea* o0 his own a00airs. Be+ond tellin1 them that he was 1oin1 0arther than Earchmont3 he revealed nothin1 o0 importance. @ran*(s s/spicions3 however3 were not readil+ dispelled. He co/ld not rid himsel0 o0 the opinion that there m/st be some motive bac* o0 the traveler(s apparent 0riendliness to them. The man was still ver+ a00able when the train 0inall+ reached Earchmont. 6Gell3 1oodb+e3 0ellowsH6 he cried3 sha*in1 hands with them. 68(m 1lad 8 met +o/. 7a+be we(ll r/n across one another a1ain some time.6 6)ever can tell36 a1reed Chet meanin1l+. ((8 1/ess 8(ll settle down and have a nap36 said the salesman. 68 have a lon1 9o/rne+ ahead o0 me.6 The+ bade him adie/ and descended 0rom the train. @ran* so/1ht o/t the cond/ctor3 who was standin1 on the plat0orm. 6Ghat is the next stop a0ter EarchmontF6 he as*ed. 6Ge don(t stop /ntil we come to .alesb/r13 0i0t+ miles so/th. :0 co/rse3 there(s the 9/nction. Ge sta+ there a 0ew min/tes.6 6How 0ar awa+ is thatF6 6Abo/t a mile.6 @ran* t/rned to the others. 6Ge(re 1oin1 to beat this train to the 9/nction. 8 thin* 7r. Heator is not 1oin1 m/ch 0arther. Come onH6 The bo+s climbed into a taxi and 1ave the driver his instr/ctions. The car then sped down the road be0ore the train p/lled o/t. 68 ma+ be wron1 abo/t this36 remar*ed @ran*3 6b/t 8 0eel certain we(ll see Heator a1ain.6 He was correct in his s/rmise. Their driver par*ed the car b+ the roadside at the railwa+ 9/nction3 and when the train p/lled in the bo+s saw their erstwhile companion 1et o00. He went into a small waitin1 room3 and as he did so3 another machine drove /p and came to a 0/ll stop. @rom the shelter o0 the taxi the bo+s watched the detective as he emer1ed 0rom the waitin1 room. 8n the short while he had been o/t o0 their si1ht he had e00ected a remar*able trans0ormation in his appearance. He had added a heav+ blac* m/stache and a pair o0 b/sh+ e+ebrows3 and had donned spectacles. Had it not been 0or the 0act that the bo+s had seen him 1o into the waitin1 room the+ wo/ld not have reco1niAed in him the neat3 dapper salesman who had been their train companion. 6'lic* wor*H6 said Coe. Heator made his wa+ ?/ic*l+ over to the other car. The door sw/n1 open3 he climbed in3 and the machine sped o00 in the direction o0 Earchmont. 6@ollow him36 the older Hard+ bo+ ordered their driver. 68 have to 1ive +o/ credit3 @ran*36 said Chet. 6Bo/ were ri1ht abo/t

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that man. 8t was mi1ht+ clever o0 +o/ to thin* o0 comin1 o/t to the 9/nction to watch 0or him.6 68 tho/1ht there was somethin1 s/spicio/s all alon1. 80 he reall+ was 0ollowin1 /s 8 in0erred that the lo1ical thin1 0or him to do wo/ld be to tr+ to throw /s o00 the trail b+ sta+in1 on the train when we 1ot o00 at Earchmont.6 68t(s a l/c*+ thin1 we came here36 Coe said. 6)ow we axe 0amiliar with his dis1/ise. B/t wh+ is he 0ollowin1 /sF 8 can(t 0i1/re that o/t.6 68t(s be+ond me36 @ran* admitted. 6Ge certainl+ started somethin1 when we met old 7r. Blac*stone on the ship that ni1ht.6 The+ trailed Heator witho/t an+ di00ic/lt+3 and watched him step 0rom his car in 0ront o0 a lod1in1 ho/se on the o/ts*irts o0 town. The machine then drove awa+3 @ran* ma*in1 a note o0 the street and n/mber3 and orderin1 the driver to 1o ahead into the town. 6Ghere shall we sta+F6 Chet as*ed. 6Ge can 0ind a hotel3 8 s/ppose36 replied Coe. 68 have a better idea than that36 @ran* said. 6Ge came here to 0ind o/t abo/t the homesteads at Hidden Harbor3 didn(t weF Gell3 then3 wh+ not live near Hidden HarborF Ge(ll b/+ a tent and camp o/t.6 This scheme was readil+ appla/ded3 and the three bo+s immediatel+ set abo/t carr+in1 it o/t. Githin a short time the+ had p/rchased a tent3 coo*in1 /tensils3 and necessar+ s/pplies 0or livin1 o/t o0 doors. 8n a short while their taxi was 9o/ncin1 merril+ down a lonel+ road toward the sea. 6There(s the old Rand place36 said the driver s/ddenl+3 pointin1 o/t a poorl+ *ept estate 9/st so/th o0 the road. 6Better not camp on that propert+ or +o/(ll 1et into tro/ble.6 The homestead loo*ed 0ar 0rom invitin1. 8t had a ne1lected and povert+D stric*en appearance. The 1ro/nds were overr/n with weeds. Thro/1h the trees the bo+s ca/1ht a 1limpse o0 a windin1 drivewa+ and a ramblin1 old mansion that loo*ed to be in need o0 repairs. 68sn(t there a place near here owned b+ a 0amil+ named Blac*stoneF6 as*ed @ran*. The taxi man 1est/red toward the opposite side o0 the road. 6C/st across the wa+36 he said. 6All the 1ro/nd on that side belon1s to the Blac*stones.6 The bo+s noticed another drivewa+ which led into an estate that appeared to be *ept in better condition than was the Rand place. Thro/1h the trees the+ co/ld see a lar1e red bric* str/ct/re3 which was the home o0 'am/el Blac*stone. The+ drove on and soon saw the water. The road came to an end on some 1rass+ d/nes that sloped to the seashore. 680 +o/(re bo/nd to camp o/t36 the taxiDdriver told them3 6this is the spot 0or +o/. Ever+thin1 bac* o0 here is private propert+.6 68t(s 1ood eno/1h 0or /s36 Coe ass/red him. There/pon the bo+s /nloaded their e?/ipment3 and paid the driver3 who sped bac* to town. The+ pitched their tent in a sheltered spot. Chet was in 0avor o0 b/ildin1 a camp0ire at once and preparin1 a meal3 b/t @ran* and Coe wanted to explore the s/rro/ndin1 territor+. 6Eet(s 1o bac* and have another loo* at the Rand homestead be0ore we do an+thin1 else36 @ran* s/11ested. 6Ge(ll have plent+ o0 time to eat later.6 Chet loo*ed ver+ 1l/m at this s/11estion3 b/t trailed alon1 when the Hard+ bo+s set o/t on the road that divided the two estates. 6Ghat are +o/ 1oin1 to doF6 he as*ed. 6Call on R/el RandF6 6)ot +et36 @ran* answered. 6Perhaps we(ll learn more b+ sta+in1 /nder cover.6

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The+ came within si1ht o0 the 1atewa+ to the Rand propert+3 and were 9/st in time to see a man on 0oot leave a car b+ the roadside and enter the drivewa+. @ran* stared3 then /ttered an exclamation o0 deli1ht. 6Come on3 0ellowsH :ver the 0enceH .on(t let him see /sH6 Gith @ran* in the lead3 the+ scrambled across the enclos/re in an instant3 to 0ind themselves on the 1ro/nds o0 the Rand estate. 6Ghat(s the ideaF6 as*ed Chet3 bewildered. 6Gho is that 0ellowF6 6.idn(t +o/ reco1niAe himF6 68 0ailed to 1et a 1ood loo* at him.6 The bo+s ed1ed 0orward thro/1h the /nder1rowth /ntil the+ were a1ain in si1ht o0 the drivewa+3 where the+ 1ot a clear view o0 the pedestrian who was approachin1 the Rand mansion. Port0olio in hand3 he strode bris*l+ down the drivewa+3 /naware that he was bein1 observed. 68t(s the man who was on the trainH6 exclaimed Coe. 6The one who p/t on a dis1/iseH6 CHAPTER X8K THE H8..E) HARB:R CA7P 6G:).ER what he is doin1 hereF6 ?/eried Coe. 6How did he *now we were interested in this placeF6 6Perhaps it was R/el Rand who hired him to shadow /s36 @ran* s/11ested. Heator was apparentl+ a stran1er at the spot. The bo+s watched him as he ascended the steps and ran1 the bell. Ghen the door was opened there was a brie0 dela+ be0ore he was allowed to enter. As soon as he had vanished into the ho/se @ran* hastened 0orward. 6)ow it(s o/r t/rn to do a little sp+in13(% he said. 6Ta*e care there isn(t a do1 aro/nd here somewhere36 ca/tioned Chet. The bo+s reached the veranda /nmolested. @ran* had an idea. 6Coe36 he said3 68(m 1oin1 to peer thro/1h one o0 these windows and see i0 8 can learn somethin1 abo/t this 0ellow. 8n the meantime3 +o/ 1o bac* to the road and search his car3 which is par*ed near the 1ate. 'ee i0 +o/ can 0ind some papersDan+thin1 at all that will tell /s his real b/siness.6 6'/re36 said Coe3 ea1er to do his brother(s biddin1. 680 the 0ellow sho/ld leave the ho/se and 1o bac* toward the road3 8(ll hoot li*e an owl.6 6Be s/re to hoot lo/d eno/1h. 8 don(t want him to catch me 1oin1 thro/1h his car.6 Coe h/rried bac* across the 1ro/nds toward the hi1hwa+3 while @ran* crawled so0tl+ /p onto the porch and made his wa+ toward the window which was nearest the 0ront door o0 the ho/se. Care0/ll+3 step b+ step3 he ed1ed 0orward. Chet3 ?/a*in1 0or 0ear his 0riends mi1ht be discovered3 sta+ed on 1/ard to be on the alert in case an+one sho/ld come aro/nd 0rom the rear o0 the b/ildin1. Thro/1h the window @ran* co/ld loo* into the diml+Dli1hted hall o0 the Rand homestead. And3 wonder o0 wonders3 the 0irst person /pon whom his e+es rested was R/el RandH The tall3 melanchol+ +o/n1 man was listenin1 to 7r. Heator who3 with his port0olio open3 was dili1entl+ carr+in1 on his pretense o0 bein1 an icebox salesman. 6Bo/ can(t a00ord to be witho/t one36 he was sa+in1. 6Eet me install a re0ri1erator in +o/r home on trial. 8(ll 1/arantee that +o/ won(t let me ta*e it awa+. :/r terms are ver+ reasonableDD6 68 don(t want one3 8 tell +o/36 Rand interr/pted testil+. 68(ve 1ot

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alon1 witho/t an electric re0ri1erator 0or +ears and 8 1/ess 8 can do so 0or a while +et.6 6Ker+ well36 replied 7r. Heator3 as he slowl+ started to replace his papers and catalo1s into his port0olio. @ran* co/ld see that the 0ellow(s sharp e+es were ta*in1 in ever+ detail o0 the hall as he spo*e. 68 do wish +o/ wo/ld let me p/t the re0ri1erator in on trial3 9/st the same. Bo/(ll be /nder no obli1ation to /s.6 6)o36 said Rand shortl+. 6.o +o/ live here aloneF6 6Bes.6 Rand was becomin1 impatient. 68(m b/s+ now36 he said. 6Too b/s+ to answer ?/estions abo/t m+ private a00airs.6 6)o o00ense3 no o00ense36 said Heator cheer0/ll+3 as he prepared to leave. 68(ll come aro/nd a1ain some time. 7a+be +o/(ll chan1e +o/r mind abo/t the re0ri1erator.6 6Bo/ needn(t bother36 said Rand c/rtl+. @ran* 9/mped o00 the veranda in a 0lash3 and did so none too soon. He had scarcel+ hidden himsel0 below the level o0 the rail when the door opened and 7r. Heator emer1ed. The detective loo*ed neither to ri1ht nor le0t3 b/t strode down the steps and str/c* 0or the drivewa+3 whistlin1. Chet peered 0rom behind a nearb+ b/sh. 68s he 1oneF6 6Ge m/st warn Coe.6 @ran* slipped to the side o0 the ho/se so that he wo/ld not be seen in case R/el Rand sho/ld happen to be loo*in1 thro/1h one o0 the 0ront windows. Then the two bo+s hastened across the 1ro/nds3 /nder cover o0 the trees and br/sh. Ghen the+ were within hearin1 distance o0 the road @ran* hooted3 1ivin1 a ver+ realistic imitation o0 an owl. A little later he and Chet heard the so/nd o0 the a/to(s en1ine as the pse/doDsalesman started toward the town. The+ scrambled over the 0ence 9/st as Coe crawled o/t o0 the ditch and onto the other side o0 the road. 6He almost ca/1ht me H6 cried the +o/n1er Hard+ bo+. 68 heard the hootin13 all ri1ht3 b/t 8 was so interested in what 8 0o/nd in the car that 8 0or1ot all abo/t the warnin1. E/c*il+ 8 heard him whistlin13 and 8 had 9/st time eno/1h to dive o/t o0 the machine and into the ditch be0ore he came thro/1h the 1ate.6 6Ghat did +o/ 0indF6 as*ed @ran* ea1erl+. 6Plent+. 8 discovered who the man is and who set him on o/r trail. He is Edward Heator.6 6Gho as*ed him to 0ollow /sF6 6Alice @oxH6 said Coe. Chet and @ran* were asto/nded. 68s he a detectiveF6 demanded @ran* 6Bo/ bet he is. A private detective with an a1enc+ o0 his own in Croston. 8n a side poc*et o0 the car 8 0o/nd some papers which explain ever+thin1.6 6'o 7iss @ox didn(t tr/st /sH6 @ran* ex claimed3 6and thin*s we are accomplices o0 Rand. That(s wh+ Heator went to the Rand ho/se. He tho/1ht we were sta+in1 there.6 68 0eel36 observed Chet plaintivel+3 6that we(d be able to tal* over this sit/ation better i0 we had somethin1 to eat. 8(m 9/st abo/t 0amished.6 The bo+s went bac* to their camp3 where the sto/t lad seiAed a 0r+in1 pan and la/nched himsel0 enth/siasticall+ into the tas* o0 preparin1 a meal. 6This detective wor* is all ri1ht36 he said3 6and 8(m 9/st as ea1er to

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clear /p the m+ster+ as an+one is3 b/t a 0ellow doesn(t have to starve to death while he(s doin1 it.6 The campin1 spot was ideall+ located3 al tho/1h the site was a lonel+ one. There was a sand+ beach 0rom which the d/nes sloped 1rad/all+ to the water. .ri0twood abo/nded3 and the place was well sheltered 0rom the wind. 7ost important3 o0 co/rse3 was the 0act that it was b/t a short distance 0rom both the Blac*stone and the Rand estates. 6Ge(ll have a loo* at the Blac*stone establishment36 decided @ran*3 when the bo+s were at brea*0ast the next mornin1. 67a+be we(ll be able to learn more abo/t this 0e/d.6 6.on(t 0or1et that we m/st ma*e another attempt to 1et those handwritin1 specimens36 Coe reminded him. 6That(s tr/e. Ge shall have to call on 7iss Penn+weather a1ain. Gell3 we can drop in at the Blac*stone homestead on the wa+.6 There was no si1n o0 li0e abo/t the place when the bo+s made their wa+ /p the drivewa+. A h/1e 6)o Trespassin16 si1n did not deter them3 either. 68 don(t mind those si1ns as lon1 as the+ aren(t bac*ed /p b+ a co/ple o0 b/lldo1s36 said Chet3 as the+ proceeded toward the ho/se. The+ did not 1et 0ar3 however3 be0ore an elderl+ )e1ro appeared. 6Ghat +o/ 0ol*s want hereF6 he as*ed testil+. 6Ge *now 7r. Blac*stone36 explained @ran*3 6and were 9/st loo*in1 aro/nd. He(s in the hospital3 isn(t heF6 6He(s /p )o(th36 a1reed the )e1ro. 67ah son E/*e is with 7istah Blac*stone. Bo( *now E/*eF E/*e ConesF6 Ghen the bo+s said the+ did not *now who E/*e Cones was3 the old man displa+ed no disposition to be 0riendl+. 6'tran1ers ain(t allowed aro/nd heah36 he said. 6Ghen do +o/ expect 7r. Blac*stoneF6 as*ed @ran*. 6He(ll be bac* when he(s bac*36 said the old man. 6Ain(t nobod+ ro/n( heah b/t me 9es( now.6 6.oes 7iss @ox ever come hereF6 as*ed Coe. 67iss @oxF Gho +o/ meanF6 67r. Blac*stone(s da/1hter. The actress36 Coe explained. 6Bo/ means 7iss Alice. 'ometime she come here. )ot o0ten. Gha( 0or +o/ a*sin( me all dese ?/estions3 white bo+sF6 @ran* saw that it was time to beat a retreat be0ore the s/spicions o0 the old careta*er were too 1reatl+ aro/sed. 6C/st c/rio/s36 he said. 68 don(t s/ppose +o/ wo/ld let /s have a loo* aro/nd the 1ro/nds3 wo/ld +o/F6 67ebbe +o( didn(t see dat si1n down neah de road. 8t sa+ ()o Trespassin(3 an( it mean Ah ain(t to let nobod+ prowl ro/n( heah when 7istah Blac*stone is awa+.6 6Ge don(t believe in si1ns36 chirped Chet. 6'o lon13 7r. Cones. Ge(ll be on o/r wa+.6 6Gish dat bo+ E/*e wo/ld come bac*36 the old man 1r/mbled as he escorted the lads to the 1ate. 6Ain(t heard n/00in( (bo/t him since he went awa+.6 Cones saw them to the road and watched /ntil the+ were well on their wa+ toward town. 6)ot m/ch s/ccess there36 1r/mbled Chet. 6'eems to me 8(ve heard the name E/*e Cones be0ore36 said Coe re0lectivel+3 6b/t 8 can(t remember 9/st where.6 6'ame here36 a1reed @ran*. The+ rac*ed their brains in an e00ort to recall at what place3 i0 an+3 the+ had heard it. 6Ge ma+ as well 1o into Earchmont now and see 7iss Penn+weather36 Coe said 0inall+.

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Chet3 however3 ob9ected to this s/11estion. 68 have nothin1 to do with those handwritin1 specimens36 he said. 6Besides3 8(m h/n1r+. 8(ll 1o bac* and watch camp. Perhaps 8 can do some prowlin1 aro/nd the Rand or Blac*stone estates while +o/ (re 1one. An+wa+3 someone mi1ht come alon1 and steal o/r 0ood.6 @ran* 1rinned. 6That wo/ld be a tra1ed+36 he a1reed. 6All ri1ht3 Chet. Bo/ sta+ behind. Ge(ll 1o on and have o/r tal* with 7iss Penn+weather.6 The lad+ in ?/estion lived on a ?/iet3 respectable side street in the residential section o0 the town. 'he was a spinster o0 /ncertain a1e and ver+ retirin1. 6Bac* a1ainF6 she exclaimed in s/rprise when she answered the bell3 to 0ind the Hard+ Bo+s on her doorstep. 6Ghat(s the matterF6 8t was 0rom 7iss Penn+weather that the two brothers had proc/red the ori1inal handwritin1 specimens the+ had lost in the wrec* o0 the Resol/te. 6Bac* a1ain36 said @ran* bri1htl+. 68 hope we(re not botherin1 +o/3 7iss Penn+weather3 b/t we lost the samples o0 writin1 +o/ 1ave /s.6 6Eost themH6 7iss Penn+weather loo*ed at the bo+s sharpl+ thro/1h her spectacles. 'he was evidentl+ p/AAled. 6That was extremel+ careless o0 +o/.6 6)ot exactl+ careless. 8t 9/st co/ldn(t be helped. Ge were shipwrec*ed on the wa+ home.6 7iss Penn+weather opened the door a little wider. 6Come in and tell me abo/t it36 she said. CHAPTER XK BEH8). THE @E<. THE HAR.B bo+s *new somethin1 o0 the histor+ o0 the case on which @enton Hard+ was wor*in1 that involved 7iss Penn+weather. The spinster(s 0ather had once been a prominent law+er3 who had another side to his nat/re as well. 8n his spare time he li*ed to write pla+s. 6The+ were excellent prod/ctions36 7iss Penn+weather told the bo+s3 6and were presented in )ew Bor* as well as on the road. 7+ 0ather made a 1reat deal o0 mone+ 0rom them.6 A man b+ the name o0 Coel Garner later appeared on the scene to acc/se 7r. Penn+weather o0 pla1iarism. He claimed that the pla+s were copies o0 dramas which he had written himsel03 and had accordin1l+ ta*en the matter to co/rt. 67r. Garner was nothin1 b/t a disappointed p"a+wri1ht36 said 7iss Penn+weather. 67+ 0ather never once read an+thin1 he wrote.6 7r. Penn+weather had died while the case was still be0ore the co/rts. His wor*s were 0orthwith p/rchased b+ a lar1e motion pict/re concern. This transaction nat/rall+ 1ave rise to 0/rther complications3 which led event/all+ to 7r. Hard+(s entr+ into the case. He had been en1a1ed b+ the 0ilm compan+ to protect their ri1hts to the pla+s. 7iss Penn+weather was a 1entle3 mildDmannered little woman3 and totall+ bewildered b+ the stran1e le1al tan1le in which she 0o/nd hersel0 enmeshed. 'he co/ld hardl+ ma*e /p her mind whether to loo* /pon @enton Hard+ as a 0riend or as a 0oe. His d/t+3 o0 co/rse3 was to 1ather s/00icient evidence to establish be+ond a reasonable do/bt that Amos Penn+weather was the a/thor o0 the pla+s that had been p/rchased b+ the 0ilm compan+. 8n these wor*s the

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specimens o0 his handwritin1 pla+ed an important part3 0or Coel Garner claimed that certain notes on which the dramas had been based had been written b+ himsel03 not b+ 7r. Penn+weather. 680 +o/ don(t36 said @ran*3 6we sho/ld li*e to loo* thro/1h a 0ew o0 these notations as well as an+ old doc/ments +o/ ma+ have in connection with the pla+s.6 7iss Penn+weather readil+ 1ave her consent3 and /nloc*ed the anti?/e des*. @rom one o0 the drawers she too* a b/ndle o0 old papers. 6Here is all the material in connection with m+ 0ather (s pla+s36 she said. 6Bo/ ma+ loo* it over i0 +o/ li*e.6 @ran* and Coe set to wor* at once with 1reat enth/siasm. :n their previo/s visit the+ had not been accorded the privile1e o0 examinin1 the records. 8t now occ/rred to @ran* that the+ mi1ht discover some data that wo/ld assist their 0ather in the case. The+ had not 1one 0ar be0ore @ran* discovered a 0aded newspaper clippin1. The headline startled him3 0or it read: 6RA).DBEACJ'T:)E @E<. TER78)ATE' 8) EB)CH8),6 The lad stared at the acco/nt. The Rands and the Blac*stonesH Ghat connection did the+ have with 7iss Penn+weather and her 0ather(s pla+sF He loo*ed at the date scribbled across the article3 and discovered the paper had been printed some thirt+ +ears be0ore. 6.o +o/ mind i0 8 read thisF6 he as*ed. 7iss Penn+weather pic*ed /p the clippin13 0l/shed3 and loo*ed ver+ m/ch embarrassed. '/ddenl+ she snatched the slip o0 paper. 6PleaseH6 she be11ed. 68 don(t want to have +o/ see that. 8 didn(t *now it was amon1 the papers.6 68t happens that at the present time we(re rather interested in the Rands and the Blac*stones36 @ran* said. 6That(s wh+ the headline ca/1ht m+ e+e.6 6Gh+ sho/ld +o/ be interested in themF6 as*ed 7iss Penn+weather. The bo+s then told her abo/t the a00air on the Resol/te3 with its /npleasant conse?/ences. 'he was deepl+ interested. 68 *now 7r. Blac*stone ver+ well36 7iss Penn+weather said. 68n 0act36 she added hesitantl+3 6at one time 8 was en1a1ed to him. The Rands3 tooDthe+ have alwa+s been 0riends o0 m+ 0amil+. Cohn Rand3 R/el Rand(s 0ather3 once proposed to me3 b/t 8 re0/sed him.6 The Hard+ bo+s were astonished at these revelations. The tan1led threads o0 the RandDBlac*stone m+ster+ were bein1 bro/1ht to1ether in an /nexpected place. The+ were learnin1 more 0rom 7iss Penn+weather3 the last so/rce the+ wo/ld have ima1ined3 than the+ had 1leaned 0rom all their other investi1ations. 67r. Blac*stone was en1a1ed to +o/F6 @ran* ?/eried s/ddenl+. 7iss Penn+weather 0l/shed with embarrassment. 6He married another 1irl36 she replied simpl+3 with. a note o0 sad 0inalit+ in her voice. 6Ghat was the ca/se o0 the 0e/d between the Rand and Blac*stone 0amiliesH6 in?/ired Coe abr/ptl+. 68t(s a lon1 stor+36 the lad+ answered. 6The two 0amilies had never been on 1ood terms. The a00air came to a head when 7r. Blac*stone was r/nnin1 0or sheri003 0or he was politicall+ in0l/ential in town. ./rin1 his campai1n Cohn Rand was l+nched3 and as he had opposed the election3 it was hinted that Blac*stone ma+ have had somethin1 to do with the l+nchin1. 68 have never believed the stor+ m+sel03 b/t the Rands did. )at/rall+3

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their bitterness toward the Blac*stones increased. The elder son o0 the Rands3 Ewald3 witnessed the l+nchin13 and it drove him insane. He has been /nbalanced ever since.6 6.oes he still live at homeF6 in?/ired @ran*. 6:h3 +es. His mother too* care o0 him a0ter the l+nchin1. 8t is said that Ewald is partl+ to blame 0or the contin/ation o0 the 0e/d3 0or he ran awa+ several times3 and was act/all+ acc/sed o0 poisonin1 a well on the Blac*stone place. :h3 there have been some bitter ?/arrels between those two 0amiliesH Rand(s do1s *illed some o0 Blac*stone(s chic*ens3 so the+ were shot. Then a 0ew o0 Rand(s horses died 0rom a pec/liar ailment and be acc/sed Blac*stone o0 poisonin1 them. Blac*stone tried to have Ewald Rand sent to an as+l/m3 and nearl+ *illed him one time tr+in1 to 1et him o/t o0 the ho/se while R/el was awa+.6 @ran* leaned 0orward. 6Aren(t some o0 those episodes contained in one o0 7r. Penn+weather (s pla+sF6 he s/11ested. 6Bes3 indeed. All o0 them deal with li0e in this localit+. 8 *now @ather made /se o0 the RandDBlac*stone 0e/d 0or pla+ material several times.6 6That(s eno/1h proo0 that the+ were his own wordsH6 declared @ran*. 6Coel Garner co/ldn(t have written them beca/se he never lived in Earchmont3 wasn(t ac?/ainted with the Rands or the Blac*stones3 co/ldn(t have *nown abo/t the 0e/d3 and didn(t have the proper material. This in0ormation ma+ ma*e all the di00erence in the world when the case comes /p.6 68 hadn(t tho/1ht o0 that36 admitted 7iss Penn+weather. 68t(s tr/e3 too. 7+ 0ather based one o0 his pla+s3 (The Tro/blema*er(3 directl+ on the 0e/d. 8 have his noteboo*s here to prove m+ assertion.6 'he went to a nearb+ des*3 opened a drawer and prod/ced several boo*lets as well as a shea0 o0 doc/ments. A0ter the Hard+ bo+s had examined them the+ declared there was material to s/pport @ran*(s theor+ that man+ o0 the pla+s were based on incidents in the local 0e/d. 680 7r. Blac*stone and R/el Rand wo/ld prod/ce some evidence to prove this36 said @ran*3 6the pla1iarism case wo/ld 0all to pieces. Coel Garner wo/ldn(t have a chance.6 7iss Penn+weather loo*ed do/bt0/l. 6Ge wo/ld never be able to do that.6 68t wo/ld be ver+ di00ic/lt3 no do/bt36 a1reed Coe3 6b/t it wo/ld certainl+ win the case a1ainst Garner.6 6The RandDBlac*stone 0e/d has been 1oin1 on 0or man+ +ears36 said 7iss Penn+weather. 6)either 0amil+ wo/ld be li*el+ to div/l1e secrets 9/st to help me.6 The bo+s a1reed with her that there was ver+ little hope o0 their 1ettin1 the two men to 1ive o/t an+ in0ormation abo/t their lon1D standin1 di00erences. 67+ 0ather made man+ e00orts to end the ?/arrel36 7iss Penn+weather told them. 6He was a law+er3 and both 0amilies called /pon him at vario/s times to act 0or one a1ainst the other. 8t was aw*ward 0or him3 as he wanted to be on 1ood terms with ever+bod+.6 Ghen she concl/ded her stor+ the bo+s did not do/bt that m/ch o0 the material 0or the pla+s had been inspired b+ the historic 0e/d. )ow the+ were 0aced with the problem o0 provin1 it. Githo/t the assistance o0 both Rand and Blac*stone it wo/ld be di00ic/lt. @inall+ the lads too* their depart/re and ret/rned to the campsite3 where the+ 0o/nd Chet in a state o0 1reat excitement. 68 was hopin1 +o/ wo/ld h/rr+ bac*36 he exclaimed. 68 have some news.6

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6Ghat(s /pF6 Chet loo*ed ver+ m+sterio/s. 68(m be1innin1 to thin* 8(m not s/ch a poor detective m+sel036 he said. 68 did a little snoopin1 aro/nd. And what do +o/ thin* 8 learnedF6 6:/t with it36 said @ran*. 6.on(t *eep /s in s/spense.6 6'am/el Blac*stone is here at Hidden Harbor36 Chet anno/nced. The Hard+ bo+s were amaAed. 6How did +o/ discover thatF6 Coe as*ed. 68 saw him. 8 was prowlin1 aro/nd his estate and saw a car drive /p to the door. 7r. Blac*stone was carried o/t o0 the a/to and ta*en into the ho/se. 7iss @ox came with him3 as well as o/r 1ood 0riend Heator3 the detective.6 @ran* whistled so0tl+. 6,ood wor*3 Chet. Bo/(re s/re +o/ weren(t mista*enF 8t was 'am/el Blac*stoneF6 68 saw him with m+ own e+es. 8 overheard 7iss @ox and Heator conversin1 in the 1arden later3 and Heator was ma*in1 love to her.6 6Eet(s 1o bac* there and sp+ o/t the land36 Coe s/11ested. 6Perhaps we(ll 1et a chance to tal* to 7r. Blac*stone.6 6And more than li*el+ 1et chased o00 his propert+36 1rinned Chet. Bearin1 in mind the (()o Trespassin16 si1n that had been pointed o/t to them b+ the old careta*er3 the bo+s did not ma*e an open approach to the Blac*stone estate> instead3 the+ crawled over a 0ence and *ept /nder cover o0 the b/shes and shr/bber+3 comin1 0inall+ within si1ht o0 the 1arden. @ran*3 who was in the lead as the bo+s stole ?/ietl+ 0orward3 s/ddenl+ came to a stop and made a warnin1 1est/re to the others. 8n the silence the+ co/ld hear voicesDDthe voices o0 the detective and Alice @ox. CHAPTER XK8 THE 7A) G8TH THE R:CJ 68 JEPT trac* o0 them as well as 8 co/ld36 1r/mbled Heator. 6The+ wo/ld have been s/spicio/s i0 8 had ali1hted at the Earchmont station so 8 went on to the 9/nction and 1ot o00 there. B/t 8 haven(t been able to 0ind those bo+s since.6 6The+(re sta+in1 at the Rand place3 ver+ li*el+36 ret/rned 7iss @ox. 68 went there. 8(ve been watchin1 that estate and 8 (m s/re the+ didn(t show /p there. 7+ own opinion is that +o/ (re on the wron1 trac*3 Alice. Those *ids aren(t smart eno/1h to be in lea1/e with R/el Rand.6 6The+ were clever eno/1h to rob m+ 0ather3 80 +o/ co/ld spea* o0 it as s/ch.6 6Gell36 said Heator3 68 tal*ed to them on the train and somehow 8 thin* the+ are not croo*ed.6 6Gh+ did the+ come down here to Earchmont i0 the+ weren(t in lea1/e with R/el RandF6 demanded the actress. 6Probabl+ the+(re 9/st on a vacation36 vent/red Heator. 8 partic/larl+ as*ed +o/ to shadow them and 0ind o/t what the+ were doin1. Then3 9/st as soon as the+ reach Earchmont +o/ lose them. Ghat sort o0 detective wor* do +o/ call thatF6 8 did the best 8 co/ld36 said Heator. 6.on(t be an1r+3 Alice. 80 the+ are still in Earchmont 8(ll 0ind them.6

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@ran* ed1ed 0orward and peered thro/1h the b/shes. The detective and 7iss @ox were wal*in1 slowl+ down a 1arden path. '/ddenl+ Heator 1rasped the actress(s hand. 6Gh+ are +o/ so cold to me3 AliceF Bo/ *now 8(ve been in love with +o/ ever since 8 0irst saw +o/ on the sta1eDD6 7iss @ox3 however3 was evidentl+ in no mood 0or loveDma*in1. 'he drew awa+ her hand. 6Please don(t be 0oolish3 7r. Heator.6 '/ddenl+ @ran* heard a sli1ht crac*lin1 o0 twi1s. He t/rned3 and 1lanced over his sho/lder. )ot ten 0eet awa+ 0rom him3 1aAin1 o/t 0rom behind a cl/mp o0 b/shes3 stood a )e1ro. There was somethin1 extremel+ 0amiliar abo/t the man(s 0ace. He was +o/n1 and lo/dl+ dressed. Then3 in an instant @ran* reco1niAed in him the colored man who had been on the train d/rin1 their 9o/rne+ to Croston. E/*e Cones was what he had called himsel0. @ran* *new now wh+ that name had seemed 0amiliar when old 7r. Cones3 the careta*er o0 the Blac*stone estate3 had spo*en o0 his son bein1 in the )orth. That overdressed3 arro1ant colored +o/th was none other than 7r. Blac*stone(s servant. Ghen the colored 0ellow saw that @ran* had spied him he instantl+ disappeared in the b/shes. 7eanwhile3 7iss @ox and Heator had 1one on toward the ho/se. )either Chet nor Coe had seen the )e1ro3 and were 1reatl+ /pset when @ran* told them abo/t the incident. 6He(ll 1o ri1ht /p to the ho/se and tell Heator36 said Coe. 67a+be we can head him o0036 Chet s/11ested. The three immediatel+ set o/t in p/rs/it o0 E/*e Cones. 'oon the+ ca/1ht si1ht o0 the 0ellow sc/rr+in1 thro/1h the 1ro/nds in the direction o0 the careta*er(s ho/se3 which was located some distance bac* o0 the Blac*stone mansion. The+ ca/1ht /p to him witho/t di00ic/lt+. He re1arded them with an insolent stare. 6Ghat +o/ bo+s doin( heahF6 he demanded. 6'p+in( on 7iss+ Alice3 h/hF6 6How abo/t +o/rsel0F6 as*ed @ran*. 6Geren(t +o/ sp+in13 tooF6 The more he saw o0 E/*e Cones the more he disli*ed the 0ellow3 who was dressed in a s/it o0 extreme colle1iate c/t3 and wore a pin* shirt with a violet nec*tie. A diamond rin1 twin*led on his 0in1er3 and his patent leather shoes shone. 6Bo( white bo+s bettah 1it awa+ 0rom heah3 Ah(s warnin( +o(36 he said. 6Bo/(ll 1it into plent+ ob tro/ble han1in( (ro/n( de Blac*stone place. Ah *nows who +o( is. Ah *nows lots mo( dan +o( thin*s Ah does3 b/t Ah (m not tellin( n/thin(.6 6How is 7r. Blac*stoneF 8s he 1ettin1 an+ betterF6 as*ed Coe. E/*e Cones loo*ed m+sterio/s. 67ebbe he is an( mebbe he ain(t. Bo(s not 1ittin( n/thin( o/t ob me.6 He twisted the bi1 diamond rin1 on his 0in1er3 held it /p to the li1ht3 and re1arded the val/able stone with pride. 6Ah *nows all (bo/t how 7r. Blac* stone 1ot h/rt. E0 +o( don( want to 1it into no tro/ble3 9es( sta+ (wa+ 0rom heah.6 At that moment the door o0 the careta*er(s ho/se opened and old 7r. Cones came o/t. As he approached the 1ro/p he said: 6E/*eH Ghat +o( tal*in( (bo/t now3 +o( w/thless oneF An( +o( white bo+sDDdidn( Ah tell +o( not to come trespassin( on dis +eah propert+F6 6Ge(re leavin1 ri1ht awa+36 said @ran*3 tr+in1 to placate the old 0ellow. 6Ge were 9/st havin1 a little tal* with +o/r son.6 The old man sni00ed contempt/o/sl+. 6Gastin( +o( time when +o( tal*s to him. Evah since he(s been /p )o(th with 7assa Blac*stone he thin*s he(s smart. @ine new clothes3 bi1 diamon( rin13 an( he swa11ers (ro/n( heah la* he own de place.6

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Cones e+ed his son with dis0avor. 8t was evident that he was worried over E/*e(s apparent prosperit+3 as well as his /nseeml+ cond/ct since comin1 bac* 0rom /p )orth. 68 thin* that 0ellow will bear watchin136 remar*ed @ran*. The bo+s were on their wa+ bac* to camp a0ter havin1 0ailed to extract an+ in0ormation o0 val/e 0rom either the careta*er or his son. 6E/*e Cones is too 0resh3 0or one thin1. Perhaps he is onl+ boastin13 b/t he pretends to *now a lot o0 thin1s he isn(t willin1 to tal* abo/t.6 68 hope he doesn(t tell Heator that we were on the propert+36 Coe said. @ran*(s remar*s concernin1 E/*e Cones were borne o/t in stri*in1 0ashion the next evenin13 when an incident occ/rred which 1ave the bo+s concl/sive proo0 not onl+ abo/t this 0act3 b/t also abo/t the idea that the RandDBlac*stone 0e/d was 0ar 0rom b/ried. The+ had decided to watch the Rand homestead3 and 0rom a vanta1e point amon1 the trees had seen R/el leave the ho/se and 1o aro/nd to a side door3 which he /nloc*ed. )ear the entrance was a heavil+ barred window. 6Perhaps that is where Ewald Rand3 the insane brother3 is *ept36 s/11ested Coe. He was ri1ht in his s/rmise. 8n a 0ew moments R/el Rand emer1ed3 accompanied b+ a small3 /ntidil+ 1arbed man who wal*ed with a stran1e3 shamblin1 1ait. His hair was /n*empt3 while in his e+es there was the vacant stare o0 one whose mind is /nbalanced. R/el Rand held him 0irml+ b+ the arm. The pair did not attempt to 1o toward the main road b/t str/c* o/t across the 1ro/nds in the direction o0 the seashore. This3 apparentl+3 was a method o0 1ivin1 the a00licted man s/00icient exercise. The Hard+ bo+s and Chet 0ollowed. The two men reached the trees that s*irted the shores o0 Hidden Harbor and strolled /p and down 0or abo/t an ho/r. The hidden watchers were becomin1 a little wear+ o0 their vi1il when @ran* s/ddenl+ seiAed Coe /r1entl+ b+ the sho/lder. 6Eoo*H6 he whispered in excitement. 6.o +o/ see someone snea*in1 thro/1h the trees over there to the le0tF6 Coe and Chet peered thro/1h the 1atherin1 twili1ht3 and ca/1ht a 1limpse o0 a dar* 0i1/re 0littin1 thro/1h the b/shes. A moment later it emer1ed into a tin+ clearin13 and halted in plain view o0 the watchers. The man was E/*e Cones Ghat was he doin1 on the Rand propert+F And wh+ was he so 0/rtiveF .etails o0 the RandDBlac*stone 0e/d instantl+ 0lashed thro/1h the minds o0 the bo+s. Gas the servant see*in1 in some wa+ to aven1e his master3 'am/el Blac*stoneF 6Perhaps he(s onl+ h/ntin136 s/11ested Chet. 6Ge m/stn(t let him o/t o0 o/r si1htH6 @ran* ordered. Ca/tio/sl+ the+ 0ollowed him. E/*e Cones disappeared amon1 the trees a1ain. The bo+s crept closer /ntil the+ were once more within si1ht o0 the b/rl+ +o/n1 )e1ro. He advanced stealthil+ /ntil he came o/t onto a little rid1e a short distance above the spot where R/el Rand and his brother were wal*in1 /p and down. The Hard+s and Chet were m+sti0ied3 0or E/*e stood motionless3 1aAin1 at the two 0i1/res below him. '/ddenl+ he stooped down3 and the bo+s co/ld see him t/11in1 at a lar1e roc*. 8n a 0ew moments he had dislod1ed it and be1an to roll it to the ed1e o0 the rid1e. 6Ghat do +o/ s/pposeDD6 whispered Coe. Be0ore he co/ld sa+ an+ more3 E/*e Cones tipped the bo/lder over the ed1e. Ewald was directl+ belowH

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CHAPTER XK88 RA).(' .E)8AE THERE was no time to lose. 8n another moment E/*e wo/ld let 1o his missile. At that distance he co/ld not miss the /ns/spectin1 man below. 6'topH6 cried o/t @ran*. 8t was the onl+ thin1 to do to disconcert the 0ellow(s attention be0ore he mi1ht p/sh the roc*. At the same instant the Hard+ bo+ dashed 0orward3 with Coe and Chet close at his heels3 sho/tin1. The s/dden +ell 0ri1htened E/*e Cones. He loo*ed /p sharpl+ 9/st as the stone le0t his hand. Then he sw/n1 aro/nd to meet the r/sh o0 the three bo+s. The screams had been heard b+ Ewald3 who dod1ed 9/st in time to *eep 0rom bein1 in9/red. @ran* saw all this b+ a h/rried 1lance 9/st as he leaped past a thic*et and h/rled himsel0 /pon the )e1ro. E/*e sw/n1 aro/nd and 1rabbed a second stone 0rom the 1ro/nd. @ran* tried to twist it o/t o0 the man(s 1rasp. Had the Hard+ bo+ been alone he wo/ld have been at a decided disadvanta1e in the str/11le3 0or the colored +o/th was tall and power0/l. Both Coe and Chet tac*led the 0ellow a moment later. The servant was bewildered b+ the s/dden onsla/1ht o0 the trio. 7oreover he had been 1reatl+ startled when he had 0o/nd that his actions had been witnessed. ,rowlin13 he tried to 0i1ht the bo+s o00. @ran* h/n1 on 1riml+3 while Coe and Chet tried to 1rasp the 0ellow(s le1s. E/*e Cones was smart3 and when he saw he had three anta1onists to deal with3 he decided that his polic+ sho/ld be 0li1ht rather than 0i1ht. Gith an abr/pt t/rn he released his 1rasp on the roc*3 and the movement was so /nexpected that @ran* st/mbled bac*ward3 the missile 1ripped in his hands. The colored bo+ s/ddenl+ sw/n1 violentl+ aro/nd and sent Chet reelin1 into a cl/mp o0 b/shes. Then3 tearin1 himsel0 0ree 0rom Coe(s 1rasp3 he spran1 awa+ and went pl/n1in1 thro/1h the trees. The bo+s ran a0ter him3 b/t were no match 0or the 0ri1htened 0ellow. E/*e Cones disappeared in a moment amon1 the shadows3 r/nnin1 madl+ bac* toward the Blac*stone estate. The Hard+s and Chet soon saw that 0/rther p/rs/it wo/ld be /seless3 so the+ 1ave /p the chase. 6Gell3 we 1ave him a 1ood scare3 an+how36 said @ran*. 6And 8 1ot a wallop on the 9aw36 panted the sto/t lad o/t o0 breath 0rom the brie0 r/n. 6The blac* rascalH6 Coe exclaimed. 6He wo/ld have in9/red Ewald Rand i0 we hadn(t +elled in time.6 @ran* shoo* his head 1ravel+. 68 thin* this RandDBlac*stone 0e/d is 0ar more serio/s than we ima1ined it to be36 he said. The bo+s loo*ed aro/nd in search o0 R/el Rand and his brother3 b/t the pair had disappeared3 evidentl+ havin1 been 0ri1htened awa+ b+ the so/nds o0 the s/bse?/ent str/11le in the b/shes. 6The+ can(t be 0ar 0rom here36 Coe s/11ested. 6Eet(s 1o /p and tell them what has happened.6 6The+(ll be 0ar more interested to *now what almost happened36 1r/mbled Chet. The bo+s went bac* 0rom the beach to the 1ro/nds o0 the Rand estate. 8t was 1rowin1 dar*er3 and as the+ approached the ho/se the+ indistinctl+ saw a man emer1e 0rom a side door with somethin1 /nder his arm. He

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wal*ed directl+ toward them3 and soon the+ reco1niAed him as R/el Rand. 8n his hand was a shot1/n. 6,ood 1oshH Eet(s 1et o/t o0 hereH6 Chet ?/avered. 67a+be he thin*s we threw that( roc* at his brother and he(s comin1 o/t to tac*le /s.6 The Hard+ bo+s stood their 1ro/nd3 however3 and waited /ntil Rand came stridin1 /p. 6Gho are +o/3 and what are +o/ doin1 hereH6 he demanded an1ril+. 6Gho threw that roc* at m+ brotherH Ghat was the meanin1 o0 all that r/mp/s on the rid1eF6 He peered at them in the 1loom. Then3 in a startled voice3 he said: 68(ve seen +o/ 0ellows be0ore.6 6Ge were passen1ers with +o/ on board the Resol/teH6 @ran* told him. His voice became harsh. 6Ghat are +o/ doin1 hereF6 6Ge saved +o/r brother 0rom bein1 wo/nded3 that(s all36 declared Chet3 1rowin1 braver. 68 thin* +o/ o/1ht not to *ic* abo/t that.6 6Gho aimed at himH6 6E/*e Cones.6 6'am/el Blac*stone(s man3 ehF He tried to h/rt EwaldH6 6He came mi1ht+ close to doin1 it36 said @ran*. 6Ge 9/st happened on the scene in time to 0ri1hten him as he p/shed over the bo/lder. )ow he has cleared o/t.6 R/el Rand loo*ed at the three bo+s s/spicio/sl+. 6How did +o/ happen to be near b+ at the timeF6 6Ge saw him 0ollowin1 +o/ and +o/r brother so we came alon1 to 0ind o/t what he was /p to36 Coe replied3 not carin1 to 1ive a more de0inite explanation o0 their presence on the estate. 6Eoo* here3 7r. Rand36 said @ran* boldl+3 decidin1 to con0ront the man with the details o0 the a00air on the Resol/te3 6we(ve been hopin1 to have a tal* with +o/ 0or some time> in 0act3 we came down 0rom Ba+port 0or that ver+ p/rpose.6 6Gh+ sho/ld +o/ wish to tal* to meF 8 don(t *now +o/.6 68 s/ppose +o/ are aware that old 7r. Blac*stone was assa/lted and robbed o0 a bi1 s/m o0 mone+ d/rin1 the shipwrec*F6 R/el Rand shr/11ed indi00erentl+. 68 didn(t hear an+thin1 abo/t it. Even so3 8 sho/ldn(t care. There(s no 0riendl+ 0eelin1 between me and 'am/el Blac*stone.6 6Bo/ didn(t hear abo/t itF B/t don(t +o/ *now somethin1 abo/t itF6 6Gh+ sho/ld 8 *now an+thin1 abo/t itF6 6Bo/ were on the ship. Bo/ were in the corridor when 7r. Blac*stone was *noc*ed down3 and were seen bendin1 over him.6 68 saw +o/36 declared Chet. 6Ge have been acc/sed o0 robbin1 him36 @ran* contin/ed. 6As a matter o0 0act3 we have been arrested 0or it3 altho/1h we(re innocent.6 R/el Rand was silent 0or a while. 6And now +o/(re acc/sin1 meH6 he exclaimed 0inall+. 6Gell3 8 m/st sa+ +o/ have a nerve3 comin1 onto a man(s propert+ and acc/sin1 him o0 bein1 a thie0.6 6.idn(t +o/ do itF6 6)oH6 sho/ted Rand an1ril+. 68 didn(t la+ a 0in1er on 'am Blac*stone. 68 didn(t ta*e a nic*el o0 his mone+.6 6Bo/ were on the same boat3 and +o/ are his enem+36 Coe reminded him. 6That(s tr/e eno/1h. 8 admit that the Rands and the Blac*stones have been enemies 0or +ears. 7+ 0ather was l+nched as a res/lt o0 that 0e/d. 7+ mother is bro*enDhearted beca/se o0 it. 7+ brother was driven insane. The doctors tell me m+ own mind has been a00ected b+ all that has happened. 8 s/00er 0rom melancholia. 6Perhaps +o/ tho/1ht 8 had been drin*in1 that ni1ht when 8 was at

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dinner on the Resol/te. Eots o0 people 1et that impression. 8 never drin*. Ghen 8 act ?/eerl+ it(s beca/se o0 m+ mental condition and the RandDBlac*stone 0e/d is to blame 0or it. .o +o/ wonder that 8 have small love 0or 'am Blac*stone and that 8 called him a sco/ndrelF B/t 8 didn(t stri*e him3 and 8 certainl+ didn(t steal his mone+.6 R/el Rand bro*e o00 s/ddenl+ in his 0/rio/s denial. 6B/t wh+ are +o/ as*in1 me all these ?/estionsF6 he demanded. 6'am Blac*stone sent +o/ here. Bo/ were with E/*e Cones3 and now +o/(re tr+in1 to pretend +o/(re 0riendl+ to me. Bo/(re spies3 that(s what +o/ areH ,et o00 m+ propert+.6 The bo+s were so astonished b+ this s/dden chan1e o0 demeanor on the part o0 the eccentric R/el Rand that the+ were speechless 0or a moment. The man 1est/red with his shot1/n. 6,et o/t o0 here3 8 tell +o/H 8 have tal*ed too m/ch. Blac*stone sent +o/ to 0ind o/t what +o/ co/ld. ,o awa+H 80 8 catch an+ o0 +o/ on m+ propert+ a1ain 8(ll /se this weapon3 8 warn +o/.6 6Ge(re sorr+ +o/ loo* at it that wa+3 7r. RandD6 be1an @ran*3 hopin1 to placate him. B/t the man wo/ld not listen. 6,et o00 m+ propert+H Clear o/tH Clear o/t o0 hereH6 he stormed. 6And i0 +o/ come bac* it will be the worse 0or +o/.6 Ar1/ment was /seless. The bo+s t/rned and wal*ed bac* toward the trees on the ed1e o0 the estate3 while R/el Rand stood watchin1 to see that the+ obe+ed his command. 6)ice3 0riendl+ sort o0 0ellowH6 observed Chet r/e0/ll+. 6He(s as chan1eable as the weather. 8 thin* he is as crac*ed as his brother.6 6Ge didn(t 1ain m/ch b+ tal*in1 to him3 that(s s/re36 @ran* a1reed. 6And +et he seemed prett+ positive in his denial that he had an+thin1 to do with robbin1 'am/el Blac*stone.6 680 he didn(t3 then who didF6 demanded Coe. 6That(s the ?/estion. 'till3 8(m be1innin1 to believe the man was tellin1 the tr/th. Perhaps someone else robbed the old 1entleman a0ter all.6 6A 0at chance we have o0 provin1 it3(3 said Chet. 6Eet(s 1et bac* to camp and 1o to bed36 Coe s/11ested. 68t loo*s as i0 we(re not to be pop/lar on either the Rand or the Blac*stone estates.6 Ghen the bo+s ret/rned to the shore o0 Hidden Harbor a 0ew min/tes later the+ discovered that some mara/der had been there be0ore them. The tent had been torn down3 their blan*ets had been tossed o/t on the beach3 boxes o0 s/pplies had been /pset3 and the place in 1eneral loo*ed as i0 it had been str/c* b+ a h/rricane. 6Ghat lowdown person did thisF6 +elled Chet wrath0/ll+. Gith exclamations o0 an1er and indi1nation the bo+s set abo/t siAin1 /p the dama1e. Clearl+ the destr/ction had been wro/1ht o/t o0 sheer spite3 0or the+ soon 0o/nd that nothin1 had been stolen. This relieved Chet considerabl+ 0or he had leaped to the dread0/l concl/sion that the 0ood s/pplies were 1one. The+ lit a 0ire3 and b+ the li1ht o0 the blaAe be1an settin1 the camp in order a1ain. Ghile Coe and Chet p/t /p the tent3 @ran* be1an 1atherin1 to1ether the pac*a1es and boxes scattered alon1 the beach. '/ddenl+3 as he wal*ed bac* to the camp0ire3 he stooped and pic*ed /p somethin1 0rom the sand. As he 1aAed at it3 his e+es shone with satis0action. 68 *now who did the dama1e3 0ellowsH6 @ran* san1 o/t. 68(ve 0o/nd an important cl/e here.6

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CHAPTER XK888 @RA)J(' .8',<8'E Coe and Chet dashed over to @ran*. 6Ghat did +o/ 0indF6 the+ demanded ea1erl+. @ran* held o/t his hand. 8n the open palm there rested a lar1e diamond rin1. The stone spar*led and 1littered in the li1ht o0 the camp0ire. Chet and Coe reco1niAed it at once. 6E/*e Cones(s rin1H6 exclaimed the latter. @ran* nodded. 6He m/st have dropped it while he was tearin1 o/r camp to pieces. 8(m s/re it(s the one we saw on his 0in1er toda+.6 Coe pic*ed /p the piece o0 9ewelr+ and examined it c/rio/sl+. He t/rned it over3 then bro/1ht it closer to the li1ht3 peerin1 intentl+3 at the inside o0 the band. 68 wonder i0 it belon1s to E/*e Cones a0ter all36 he said ?/ietl+. 6Come and ta*e a loo* at this.6 Ghat Coe had discovered was an inscription en1raved on the inside o0 the rin1. 8t was ver+ line3 b/t co/ld be read easil+. 6To @ather 0rom Alice3 6it said. Chet3 slower in 1raspin1 its meanin13 ?/eried: 6Gho is AliceF6 6Alice @oxH6 exclaimed @ran*. 6'am/el Blac*stone(s da/1hter.6 6Then that rin1 m/st belon1 to old 7r. Blac*stone himsel0H6 said Chet. 6How did E/*e Cones ever 1et possession o0 itF63 6'tole it3 most li*el+. 8t(s hardl+ probable that the old man wo/ld 1ive his servant that val/able rin1 as a present3 partic/larl+ when it was a 1i0t 0rom his own da/1hter36 reasoned Coe. The+ p/t the piece o0 9ewelr+ care0/ll+ awa+ and contin/ed their wor* o0 restorin1 the camp to some semblance o0 order. A0ter s/pper @ran* sat 0or a lon1 time deepl+ en1rossed in. tho/1ht. @inall+ he said: 68 have an idea as to how 8(m 1oin1 to 0ind o/t abo/t that rin136 b/t he wo/ld not tell Coe and Chet the details o0 his plan. Earl+ the next mornin1 he was /p and on his wa+ to Earchmont be0ore his companions were awa*e. Ghen he ret/rned he carried with him a b/l*+ pac*a1e3 which he carried into the tent. Coe and Chet were preparin1 brea*0ast o/tside. 6Ghat is he /p toF6 in?/ired Chet c/rio/sl+3 0r+in1 the bacon over the camp0ire. 6He has some scheme /nder wa+36 replied Coe. 6Ge(ll 0ind o/t when he(s read+ to tell /s abo/t it.6 '/ddenl+ a voice bro*e in: 6,entlemens3 vo/ld +o/ vant to b/+ a new tent cheapF6 The two bo+s loo*ed /p. 'tandin1 in 0ront o0 the canop+ was a stran1e man3 wearin1 1re+ tro/sers and a blac* coat. :n his head was a blac* derb+3 and he had a short blac* beard. 6Ge don(t want to b/+ a tent36 said Chet. 6Ge have one.6 6Kell3 ma+be +o/ li*e to tradeF6 '/ddenl+ Coe bro*e into a roar o0 la/1hter. 68t(s @ran*H6 he sho/ted. The 0i1/re in the sti00 hat 1rinned. 6@ooled +o/3 ehF6 as*ed the elder Hard+ bo+. Chet 1aAed at him3 openDmo/thed. 6(Gell3 +o/ certainl+ 0ooled meH6 he admitted. 68 tho/1ht +o/ were a secondDhand man. Ghere did +o/ 1et that o/t0itF And the ma*eD/pF6

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68 rented the clothes and the 0alse beard in Earchmont this mornin1.6 6Ghat(s the ideaF6 Coe as*ed c/rio/sl+. 68(m 1oin1 to call at the Blac*stone homestead36 @ran* told them. 6.o +o/ thin* 8(ll 1et b+ witho/t bein1 reco1niAedF :0 co/rse 8 won(t /se that aw0/l accent on 7r. Blac*stone.6 Both Chet and Coe a1reed that the dis1/ise was per0ect. @ran* o/tlined his plan3 which was to pose as a sort o0 dealer and pawnbro*er. He wo/ld call at the Blac*stone ho/se with the rin1 to tr+ to 0ind o/t i0 it act/all+ did belon1 to the elderl+ 1entleman who owned the place. 6Gho *nows b/t that 8 mi1ht pic* /p some other in0ormation3 too3 i0 the people there don(t s/spect who 8 reall+ amF6 @ran* spent the 1reater part o0 the mornin1 rehearsin1 his part and improvin1 on his ma*eD/p /ntil he 0elt con0ident that he sho/ld be able to present himsel0 at the door o0 the Blac*stone ho/se witho/t ris* o0 discover+. His 1reatest dan1er3 he realiAed3 la+ in the 0act that Alice @ox was an actress and conse?/entl+ mi1ht be able to 1lean that he was merel+ in dis1/ise. That a0ternoon he made his wa+ /p the drivewa+ to the Blac*stone mansion. The bell was answered b+ 7r. Ed Heator3 the private detective. 68(m a dealer in val/able secondDhand articles36 said @ran* in a so0t voice b/t witho/t an accent. 67a+ 8 see 7r. Blac*stone at onceF6 6)o36 1rowled Heator. 6Ge haven(t an+thin1 to sell. Bo/ have a lot o0 nerve comin1 here tr+in1 to dr/m /p b/siness.6 68(m not tr+in1 to 1et b/siness. Bo/(re mista*en. 8 wish to do 7r. Blac*stone a 0avor.6 @ran* was 1lad to see that Heator appeared to be completel+ 0ooled b+ the dis1/ise. 6Ghat sort o0 0avorF6 as*ed the detective. 68t(s abo/t a rin1. A diamond rin1. 8t(s worth a lot o0 mone+. 8 thin* it belon1s to 7r. Blac*stone36 responded @ran* so0tl+. 680 it belon1s to 7r. Blac*stone3 how did +o/ 1et itF6 6That wo/ld be tellin136 ret/rned @ran* shrewdl+. 6Eet(s see the rin1.6 68sn(t 7r. Blac*stone hereF Can(t he see it himsel0F 8(m not handin1 this personal propert+ over to stran1ers. 8t(s too val/able36 concl/ded the Hard+ bo+ wisel+. 6Gell3 wait a min/te and 8(ll see i0 7r. Blac*stone *nows an+thin1 abo/t it.(3 Heator disappeared3 1r/mblin1 to himsel03 b/t came bac* a 0ew min/tes later and said: 6Bo/ ma+ come in. 7r. Blac*stone said he did lose a rin1. @ran* was /shered into the ho/se. He was a tri0le nervo/s as he 0ollowed the detective into a lar1e3 l/x/rio/sl+( 0/rnished room where once a1ain he came 0ace to 0ace with 'am/el M&lac*stone. The old man3 his head still heavil+ banda1ed3 reclined in an eas+ chair near the window3 with his da/1hter standin1 b+ his side. 6Ghat(s this abo/t a. rin1F6 he demanded. 68(m a dealer in man+ articles36 said @ran*. 68n m+ b/siness 8 o0ten r/n across some ver+ 0/nn+ thin1s. Toda+ 8 1ot a rin1. .on(t as* me how 8 received it3 beca/se 8 do not wish to tell. B/t i03 +o/ have lost one3 perhaps 8 have it.6 68 lost a diamond rin1 a short time a1o36 answered the elderl+ man. 68t was stolen 0rom me.6 6.escribe it3 7r. Blac*stone. 7a+be it(s the one 8 have.6 68nside the band there is an inscription which reads (To @ather 0rom Alice3(6 replied the old man. @ran* d/1 into his poc*et and prod/ced the piece o0 9ewelr+.

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68(m happ+ to be able to restore it to +o/3 7r. Blac*stone36 he said3 handin1 over the rin1. 6(Ghere did +o/ 1et itF6 in?/ired the old man in amaAement. @ran* shoo* his head. 6As* me no ?/estions. 7+ b/siness has its secrets. 8 deal in 9ewels3 sta1e properties and ?/eer3 /nreal thin1s. 8t is all in the 1ame.6 Heator3 the detective3 was stron1l+ disposed to interro1ate the stran1er3 b/t @ran* s/cceeded in wardin1 him o00. 7r. Blac*stone insisted that the recover+ o0 the rin1 warranted a reward3 b/t the bo+ re0/sed to accept an+ compensation. 68t cost me nothin136 he said. 8t doesn(t belon1 to me. 8t belon1s to +o/. Gh+ sho/ld 8 ta*e mone+ 0or 1ivin1 bac* to +o/ what is ri1ht0/ll+ +o/rsF6 6B/t how did +o/ *now it was mineF6 @ran*(s manner was still m+sterio/s. 68 was tal*in1 to 7iss Penn+weather +esterda+36 he replied. 6'he told me her interestin1 0ather was a 0riend o0 +o/rs.6 There was a d/al motive behind this remar*. The bo+ wanted to leave the impression that 7iss Penn+weather mi1ht have p/t him on the trac* o0 the rin1(s owner> at the same time3 he desired to t/rn the s/b9ect to a disc/ssion o0 the deceased pla+wri1ht(s a00airs. The r/se wor*ed3 7r. Blac*stone admittin1 that 7r. Penn+weather had indeed been a 0riend o0 his. :ne thin1 led to another3 and @ran* stressed his love 0or the sta1e /ntil he 0inall+ mana1ed to wor* the conversation aro/nd to the s/b9ect o0 the dramas the law+er had written. 6He 1ot some o0 his ideas 0rom local 1ossip3 8(ve been told36 @ran* hinted. 6Gell3 +es3 that(s tr/e36 admitted Blac*stone. 6As a matter o0 0act3 one o0 his pla+s is based on an incident that occ/rred in m+ own home. Penn+weather wrote and as*ed me to 1ive him permission to /se the material3 some o0 which deals with o/r own 0amil+ histor+.6 The elderl+ man opened a des* drawer3 and a0ter r/mma1in1 aro/nd 0or a moment prod/ced several old3 0aded envelopes. 6These are the ver+ letters he sent me.6 6A man told me Penn+weather didn(t write those pla+s36 said @ran*. 6Ghat a shameH '/ch excellent plotsH 'o he did not pen themF6 6)onsenseH These letters alone prove that Penn+weather was the a/thor o0 them. )obod+ else co/ld have conceived them.6 7r. Blac*stone loo*ed tho/1ht0/ll+ at the envelopes in his hand. 68(ve been intendin1 to b/rn these 0or a lon1 time3 so 8 mi1ht as well do it now. )o /se cl/tterin1 /p m+ des* with a lot o0 /seless correspondence.6 He made a movement as i0 to arise and toss the papers into the 0ire3 b/t @ran* bro*e in ?/ic*l+. 6Eet me assist +o/36 he said. Be0ore 7r. Blac*stone co/ld /tter a word the bo+ reached 0orward3 too* the letters 0rom the old man(s hand3 and strode toward the 0ireplace where a 0ire was b/rnin1 in the 1rate. @ran*(s bac* was t/rned 0or b/t a moment3 +et in that time he exec/ted a di00ic/lt 0eat o0 slei1htDo0Dhand. 'o de0tl+ that no one observed what he was doin13 he s/bstit/ted 0or the letters a hand0/l o0 worthless papers he had snatched 0rom his coat poc*et. These he promptl+ 0l/n1 into the 0ire3 at the same time slippin1 the val/able missives into an inside poc*et. Con1rat/latin1 himsel0 on the s/ccess o0 his r/se3 @ran* came bac* to the chair where he had been sittin1 and pic*ed /p his hat. 68 m/st 1o now36 he said3 bowin1 to 7r. Blac*stone and Alice. 68(m a b/s+ 0ellow.6

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68 wish +o/(d let me reward +o/ 0or restorin1 to me m+ rin1. Can(t +o/ tell me where +o/ 0o/nd itF6 ?/eried the old man. @ran* merel+ shoo* his head3 then started toward the hall3 ea1er to 1et o/t o0 the ho/se with the precio/s letters as ?/ic*l+ as possible. Heator escorted him to the door3 and was 9/st abo/t to open it when 7iss @ox s/ddenl+ h/rried 0rom the livin1 room. 6C/st a momentH6 she exclaimed sharpl+. Then3 comin1 close to @ran*3 she loo*ed at him intentl+. 6Haven(t 8 seen +o/ somewhere be0oreF6 she as*ed. The bo+ was embarrassed. Had the shrewd actress penetrated his dis1/iseF He hoped not. 67a+be so36 he said. 68(ve been lots o0 places. Perhaps +o/(ve been in m+ shop.6 6Bo/(re no pawnbro*erH6 declared 7iss @ox scorn0/ll+. 68 tho/1ht there was somethin1 odd abo/t +o/. 8(ve been watchin1 +o/ ever since +o/ came into the ho/se.6 6Ghat(s the bi1 idea3 AliceF6 demanded the detective3 1ettin1 excited. 6Ghat(s it all abo/tF6 680 +o/ weren(t so st/pid3 Ed Heator36 she cried3 6+o/ wo/ld *now witho/t bein1 told. This 0ellow isn(t a pawnbro*er3 b/t one o0 the persons 8 paid +o/ to shadow. He is one o0 the Hard+ bo+s who 0ollowed me to the hospital in Croston. :ne o0 the Hard+ bo+sDri1ht /nder +o/r nose3 and +o/ didn(t reco1niAe himH6 @ran* made a l/n1e toward the door in a vain attempt to escape. B/t the detective was too ?/ic* 0or him. 6)o3 +o/ don(tH6 1rowled Heator3 barrin1 the wa+. CHAPTER X8X 8) THE R<7BEE'EAT @RA)J realiAed that he was in a predicament. He had been ca/1ht in dis1/ise in Blac*stone (s ho/se3 and i0 a search were to reveal the important letters he had ta*en3 his pli1ht wo/ld be a serio/s one indeed. Heator 1rabbed the bo+ and be1an p/shin1 him bac* toward the livin1 room. 6Come in hereH6 ordered the detective. 6:ne o0 the Hard+ bo+s3 ehF Ge m/st tal* this over.6 6Ghat(s the matterF Ghat has happenedF6 demanded 7r. Blac*stone3 as the str/11lin1 pair came into the room3 0ollowed b+ 7iss @ox. 6Bless m+ so/l3 Heator3 what are +o/ doin1 to the dealerF6 6He(s no dealer. He(s a sp+H6 cried the detective3 as pro/d as i0 he had act/all+ made the discover+ himsel0. 6He(s one o0 those Hard+ bo+s who beat +o/ /p and robbed +o/ on the boatH6 7r. Blac*stone was wildl+ an1r+. 6:ne o0 the Hard+ bo+s H6 he exclaimed. 6'/reH6 Heator snatched the 0alse beard 0rom @ran*(s 0ace. 6Ta*e a loo* at himH6 68t(s tr/eH6 sho/ted Blac*stone. He 1ot o/t o0 his chair with di00ic/lt+ and advanced toward @ran*3 wrath0/ll+ brandishin1 his cane in the air. 6Bo/(re one o0 those rascall+ 0riends o0 R/el Rand3 and now 8 *now where +o/ 1ot that rin1. Either +o/ or Rand stole it 0rom me.6 6Tr+in1 to 1ive it bac* beca/se the+ were a0raid it wo/ld be traced to

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them i0 the+ were to sell it33( 1/essed Heator. 68(m 1oin1 to p/t the handc/00s on this lad3 7r. Blac*stone3 and see that he is t/rned over to the police.6 6)o3 +o/(re notH6 said @ran*3 be1innin1 to str/11le in real earnest. A 0/rther police char1e3 he *new3 wo/ld be hi1hl+ serio/s in view o0 the 0act that he was alread+ o/t on bail as a conse?/ence o0 7r. Blac*stone(s acc/sations in Croston. Gith a swi0t movement he wrenched his arms 0ree 0rom Heator(s 1rasp. Then3 as the detective pl/n1ed at him3 @ran* d/c*ed and leaped aside. 7iss @ox screamed. Blac*stone aimed a blow at @ran* with his stic*. Heator made another dive at the bo+3 1rappled with him. The+ both st/mbled /p a1ainst the wall. The detective was tr+in1 to 1et handc/00s o/t o0 his poc*et and clin1 to @ran* at the same time. The excitement was too m/ch 0or old 7r. Blac*stone3 and s/ddenl+ he clapped his hand over his heart. His 0ace t/rned pale. Then he collapsed to the 0loor in a 0aint. 7iss @ox cried o/t in alarm and r/shed to her 0ather(s side. Heator wheeled abo/t3 0or1ettin1 all abo/t @ran* in the 0ace o0 this new development. He3 too3 stepped to 7r. Blac*stone(s assistance. ,iven this moment(s respite3 @ran* wo/ld have attempted to ma*e his escape b+ the 0ront door. He had ta*en onl+ a step3 however3 when somethin1 s/rprisin1 happened. A section o0 the wall a1ainst which he and the detective had st/mbled in their short 0i1ht opened3 then sw/n1 slowl+ inward. The apert/re was 9/st s/00icientl+ lar1e to admit him. @ran* slipped into the openin13 then reached o/t his hand and p/lled the secret door sh/t behind him. He realiAed that the sprin1 controllin1 the hidden entrance had do/btless been released b+ the s/dden impact o0 the two bodies as the+ str/c* a1ainst the wall d/rin1 the str/11le. Heator and 7iss @ox were so b/s+ tr+in1 to revive 7r. Blac*stone that neither o0 them had noticed the dramatic disappearance o0 the bo+. @ran* 1roped his wa+ 0orward in the dar*ness3 and 0o/nd a 0li1ht o0 stairs which led downward between the walls o0 the old ho/se. Ca/tio/sl+3 step b+ step3 he descended. Ghen he reached the bottom he str/c* a match and loo*ed aro/nd. He 0o/nd himsel0 in a lon1 narrow passa1e3 apparentl+ a secret corridor between two parts o0 the mansion(s basement. He made his wa+ ?/ic*l+ down this hallwa+. @ran* *new he had been 0ort/nate to escape3 b/t realiAed that he was still in 1rave dan1er. The Blac*stones do/btless were aware o0 the secret door3 and it was possible that he mi1ht be 0ollowed. The passa1e ended in another 0li1ht o0 steps that led /pward. Close to the bottom o0 the stairwa+ @ran* noticed a lar1e pile o0 0resh earth3 and saw the entrance to a t/nnel. 'tri*in1 another match3 he examined the place more closel+. The t/nnel3 now empt+3 had apparentl+ been cr/del+ d/13 and appeared to extend 0or a considerable distance. 8t did not seem to o00er an aven/e o0 escape3 however3 so @ran* t/rned to the steps a1ain and ascended them /ntil he b/mped his head a1ainst a trapD door directl+ above the stairs. The Hard+ bo+ waited3 listenin13 wonderin1 all the while 9/st what he o/1ht to do. 80 he sho/ld raise the board above him he mi1ht 0ind himsel0 in the Blac*stone ho/se a1ain. As he was 1oin1 over these thin1s in his mind he beard someone whistlin1. Then came the slow tread o0 0ootsteps and the so/nd o0 an axe. 'omeone3 more than li*el+ old Cones3 the careta*er3 was choppin1 wood not 0ar 0rom the trapdoor. 'lowl+ @ran* reached /p and p/shed a1ainst the apert/re3 hopin1 that it

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was not barred 0rom above. To his relie0 it 1ave wa+. Raisin1 it a 0ew inches3 he peered o/t. He loo*ed into an empt+ shed3 thro/1h the entrance o0 which he co/ld see old Cones at the woodDpile o/t in the +ard. Concl/din1 there was no chance to escape that wa+3 @ran* decided he wo/ld have to remain where he was /ntil it sho/ld 1row dar*. Then he wo/ld tr+ to escape 0rom the Blac*stone place witho/t bein1 seen. He lowered the trapDdoor and sat down on the steps in the 1loom. He too* com0ort in the tho/1ht that he still had the letters3 those val/able missives to prove Penn+weather(s a/thorship o0 the pla+s. 80 he co/ld 1et to his 0ather and 1ive him the papers3 @enton Hard+ wo/ld be able to win the case with ease 0or the pla+wri1ht(s da/1hter. @ran* co/ld hear the stead+ chopDchop o0 the axe as the old careta*er attac*ed the woodpile. Then he heard a voice cr+ o/t: 6Bo( done an+ di11in( dis a0ternoonF6 @ran* per*ed /p his ears. 8t was E/*e Cones. Then the old man answered: 6Ah ain(t had time to di1.6 6Ge 1ot a lot o0 wor* to do on dat t/nnel +et36 replied E/*e. 67a+be we bettah 1it b/s+ an( do some di11in( toni1ht.6 @ran* 1athered that the two men were spea*in1 o0 the m+sterio/s passa1e he had seen at the 0oot o0 the /nder1ro/nd staircase. He was p/AAled and c/rio/s. Gh+ were E/*e and his 0ather di11in1 itF 6E/*e3 how lon1 is it 1oin( to ta*e /s to 0inish dat t/nnelF6 as*ed the old man. 6Ah d/nno36 replied E/*e3 6b/t when we 1its it done we(ll be ri1ht /nder dat Rand ho/se and *in topple it down on der heads.6 @ran* now 1rasped the plot clearl+. 6Ah d/nno where +o/ 1ot s/ch a 1ood idea3 E/*e36 said the old man admirin1l+. 6Ah 1ot it 0rom a movie3 Ah did. 8t was a movie made o/t ob one ob old 7istah Penn+weather(s pla+s.6 68 *new +o/ didn(t thin* dat /p all o/t ob +o( own haid.6 67a+be not. Penn+weather tho/1ht it /p b/t it(s +o( and me dat do de di11in(. Ge 1otta 1it bac* to wor* in dat t/nnel toni1ht.6 E/*e had evidentl+ moved some distance awa+3 0or his voice co/ld no lon1er be heard. The old man then res/med his woodDchoppin1. A0ter a while the noise o0 the axe ceased3 and @ran* peered o/t a1ain. The place was deserted. Ca/tio/sl+ he raised the trapDdoor and ascended into the shed. There was not a so/l in the +ard. He slipped ?/ic*l+ o/tside and made a dash 0or the shelter o0 the woodDpile3 where he was hidden 0rom the 1aAe o0 an+one who mi1ht chance to be loo*in1 0rom the ho/se. @ort/natel+ he had not been seen3 and now he 0o/nd it an eas+ matter to reach some tall b/shes near b+ and 0rom there ma*e his wa+ to the borders o0 the estate. Ghen he 0inall+ arrived bac* at camp he 0o/nd Chet and Coe 1reatl+ worried abo/t his prolon1ed absence. He had a thrillin1 stor+ to tell o0 his experiences in the Blac*stone ho/se3 the discover+ o0 his dis1/ise3 and his s/bse?/ent escape. 7ost important o0 all3 however3 was the 0act that he had s/cceeded in 1ettin1 awa+ with the letters that wo/ld prove Penn+weather(s title to the pla+s. 6Ge(ll have to wire .ad abo/t this ri1ht awa+36 said Coe. 6Eet(s 1o /ptown to the tele1raph o00ice and send him a messa1e.6 6Bo/ mi1ht do that36 ret/rned @ran*. 68 have several other thin1s to attend to.6 He had told Coe and Chet nothin1 abo/t his discover+ o0 the secret t/nnel and the plot a1ainst the Rands. He wanted to investi1ate this

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matter sin1leDhanded3 0or he 0elt that there wo/ld be more ris* o0 discover+ i0 all the bo+s sho/ld wor* on this an1le o0 the case. Chet and Coe le0t him at the camp and str/c* o/t alon1 the road leadin1 into town. The+ went directl+ to the tele1raph o00ice3 where the Hard+ bo+ dra0ted a messa1e to his 0ather3 in 0ormin1 him o0 the discover+ o0 the letters. 7eanwhile the sto/t lad stood at the window and 1aAed c/rio/sl+ o/t into the street. '/ddenl+ he noticed a roadster drive past3 in which sat Alice @ox and the detective3 Ed Heator. Chet +an*ed open the door o0 the b/ildin1 and stepped o/tside3 where he saw the car headin1 in the direction o0 the railroad station a 0ew bloc*s awa+. 68(ll bet the 0ellow is bein1 pac*ed o00 and ta*en home36 said Chet to himsel0. Ghen Coe came o/t o0 the o00ice his 0riend told him what he had seen. 6Eet(s 1o to the depot and 0ind o/t i0 Heator is reall+ leavin1 town36 Coe s/11ested at once3 and the+ immediatel+ headed 0or that place. Behind the station the+ 0o/nd the a/tomobile3 empt+. The bo+s made their wa+ ca/tio/sl+ aro/nd the side o0 the b/ildin1 and loo*ed searchin1l+ down the plat0orm. A 0ew +ards awa+ stood Heator and 7iss @ox3 evidentl+ in the midst o0 an ar1/ment. 6)oH6 the actress was sa+in1. 68(m not 1oin1 to have +o/ wor* on this case an+ lon1er3 and that(s 0inal. Bo/ have made a mess o0 it 0rom the start. 8 en1a1ed +o/ to 0ollow those bo+s3 and told +o/ not to lose si1ht o0 them. Bo/ lost them as soon as the+ reached Earchmont. Then3 when that bo+ came to the ho/se in dis1/ise this a0ternoon +o/ didn(t even reco1niAe him. Ghen we ca/1ht him +o/ co/ldn(t hold him3 so he escaped. 8(m not 1oin1 to pa+ +o/ mone+ 0or wastin1 time li*e that.6 6Please 1ive me another chance and 8(ll 0ind those bo+s 0or +o/36 pleaded Heator. 68(ll 0ind them m+sel0. 8 thin* 8 can do a better 9ob o0 locatin1 those snoopin1 +o/n1sters than +o/ can.6 Coe n/d1ed Chet. 68s that soF6 he said so0tl+. 6Come on.6 He led the wa+ to the rear o0 the station and stopped beside the actress(s car. 6Ghat are +o/ 1oin1 to doF6 as*ed Chet. 6Ge(ll let her drive /s bac* to Hidden Harbor36 responded Coe with a 1rin. I/ic*l+ he raised the cover o0 the r/mbleseat. 6Climb in3 Chet36 he said. The bo+s hastil+ concealed themselves in the bac* o0 the car. The+ did not have lon1 to wait3 0or in a 0ew min/tes the train arrived. 'hortl+ therea0ter the+ heard the car door open3 and 7iss @ox 1et in3 settlin1 hersel0 behind the wheel. The roadster then p/lled awa+ 0rom the station. Cro/ched downL the bo+s 0elt themselves bein1 carried swi0tl+ thro/1h the streets o0 the town. The ride 1rew ro/1her as the machine le0t the pavement and str/c* the dirt road leadin1 to Hidden Harbor. Coe and Chet be1an to re1ret their act3 0or 7iss @ox started to speed3 and the two lads were sha*en /nmerci0/ll+. 6,osh3 8 hope we soon 1et there36 1r/nted Chet. At that moment the+ heard the blast o0 the horn o0 the car. The a/to l/rched violentl+3 s*idded3 and the0t there came a terri0ic crashH CHAPTER XX THE 8)8T8AT8:)

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7iss @ox3 in ro/ndin1 a c/rve at a hi1h rate o0 speed3 had been /nable to avoid a collision with another car travelin1 toward town. @ort/natel+ she had sw/n1 the wheel aro/nd and applied the bra*es in time to lessen the 0orce o0 the crash. The rear o0 the a/to had s*idded aro/nd and slammed /p a1ainst a tree. Chet and Coe3 trapped inside the r/mbleseat3 were st/nned b+ the 0orce o0 the impact. Then3 when Coe tried to thr/st open the cover o0 the seat3 he 0o/nd that it was 9ammed. 6He+H Help /s o/t o0 hereH6 sho/ted Chet3 vainl+ str/11lin1 to help raise the door. 7iss @ox had not been in9/red3 nor had the driver o0 the other machine. The actress3 white and sha*in13 was 9/st scramblin1 o/t when the occ/pant o0 the other a/to le0t his car and came across the road. 6Are +o/ h/rtH6 he in?/ired anxio/sl+. 6)DnoH6 replied 7iss @ox in a tremblin1 voice. 6Are +o/F6 68(m all ri1ht36 the man replied. As he stepped into the 1lare o0 the headDli1hts3 7iss @ox reco1niAed him at once. He was R/el RandH 'im/ltaneo/sl+ he saw be0ore him the da/1hter o0 'am/el Blac*stone3 his enem+. He sti00ened as the realiAation dawned /pon him. 6:h3 it(s +o/3 is itH6 he said 1r/00l+. 6Gh+ don(t +o/ loo* where +o/(re 1oin1F Bo/ came aro/nd that c/rve at 0ort+ miles an ho/r. 8t(s l/c*+ we both weren(t *illed.6 How did 8 *now +o/ were comin1H6 she snapped. 6Gh+ didn(t +o/ so/nd +o/r hornH6 The two bo+s3 trapped in the bac* o0 the roadster3 be1an raisin1 a lo/d clamor. 6Eet /s o/t o0 hereH :pen /p this seatH Ge can(t raise itH6 7iss @ox sw/n1 aro/nd in complete bewilderment. At 0irst she co/ld not 0i1/re o/t the so/rce o0 the /proar. Rand went aro/nd to the bac* o0 the Blac*stone car to investi1ate. 6Eoo*s as i0 +o/r passen1ers were in a 9am36 he said. B/t 8 haven(t an+ passen1ers. 8 was all alone.6 67a+be that(s what +o/ tho/1ht36 Rand retorted. 6Ge can(t raise this cover while the car is a1ainst the tree. 8(ll bac* m+ machine /p a bit and then +o/ can drive ahead.6 He climbed into his own motor and retreated3 leavin1 s/00icient space 0or 7iss @ox to p/ll her roadster ahead. Ghen this had been done the seat cover was no lon1er 9ammed3 so that the bo+s were able to raise it witho/t di00ic/lt+. The+ scrambled o/t3 sheepish and 0ri1htened. Alice @ox /ttered a cr+ o0 amaAement. 6Gh+3 it(s two o0 those bo+sH6 R/el Rand 1lared at them. 68 alwa+s tho/1ht +o/ 0ellows were accomplices o0 Blac*stone36 he said. 6)ow 8 *now it.6 6Ghat do +o/ mean b+ hidin1 in m+ carH6 demanded 7iss @ox wrath0/ll+. Then she sw/n1 on Rand. 6Bo/ p/t them /p to this. 8 *now it.6 6.on(t tr+ to pretend +o/ were /naware that the+ were there36 said Rand scorn0/ll+. 6Bo/(re tr+in1 to protect them. Bo/r 0ather has been /sin1 them to sp+ on me.6 He advanced menacin1l+ toward Chet and Coe. 68t(s tr/e3 isn(t itF6 Be0ore the lads co/ld de0end themselves or explain the sit/ation3 there came an interr/ption. A heav+ tr/c* r/mbled aro/nd the c/rve and drew to a stop3 its headli1hts shinin1 on the two dama1ed cars and the 1ro/p standin1 in the roadwa+. @rom o/t o0 the dar*ness came a belli1erent voice3 sho/tin1:

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6He+3 what(s the idea o0 bloc*in( the roadH 7ove them cars over and let me 1et past.6 7iss @ox and R/el Rand immediatel+ 1ot into their a/tos and be1an mane/verin1 them o/t o0 the tr/c*(s co/rse. 6Eet(s r/n H6 /r1ed Chet3 1lad o0 a chance to escape. 68(m with +o/36 said Coe 0erventl+3 and in a moment the two had scrambled over the 0ence beside the road and vanished into the dar*ness. The+ lost no time in p/ttin1 as m/ch distance as possible between themselves and the scene o0 the collision. The+ had not saved man+ min/tes b+ 0ollowin1 Coe(s s/11estion o0 hidin1 in the r/mbleseat o0 7iss @ox(s car. Besides bein1 0ri1htened and embarrassed3 the+ experienced 0/rther /npleasantness when the+ lost their wa+ in the woods while attemptin1 a short c/t to Hidden Harbor. 8t was there0ore almost nine o(cloc* that ni1ht be0ore the+ 0inall+ reached their camp. The+ were s/rprised to 0ind the place deserted. :n a box beside the embers o0 the 0ire la+ a note wei1hted down with a stone. Coe too* /p the slip o0 paper and read: 6(As soon as +o/ come bac*3 1o down the shore /ntil +o/ reach the old Blac*stone boatho/se. C/st bac* o0 the boatho/se +o/ will 0ind a bi1 tree. Climb it and wait 0or developments.( The note was si1ned 6@ran*.6 6Gants /s to climb a tree3 ehF6 said Chet. 68 wonder what is 1oin1 on at the boatho/seH And wh+ m/st we hide /p in the treeH6 r/minated Coe. 6'lice some bread and open that bottle o0 pic*les3 Coseph3 m+ bo+. @ood comes 0irst. TreeDclimbin1 comes a0terward36 co/nseled Chet sa1el+. The two bo+s ate a hast+ mealDDi0 a meal co/ld be described as hast+ with Chet presentDDand then the+ le0t camp and str/c* o/t down the shore o0 Hidden Harbor. Chet3 meanwhile3 was devo/rin1 a h/1e piece o0 pie he had snatched /p at the last moment. Event/all+ the+ came in si1ht o0 the old boatho/se. 8t had. evidentl+ been a l/x/rio/s place at one time3 b/t had been abandoned and was now in a state o0 ne1lect. The b/ildin1 was weird and 1loom+3 with a sa11in1 roo03 and the mo/rn0/l lappin1 o0 the waves a1ainst the doc* added to the /ncann+ atmosphere. The bo+s crept silentl+ /p the shore3 past the 1hostl+ old boatho/se3 and soon came in si1ht o0 the tree mentioned in @ran*(s messa1e. 6Ghat i0 @ran* didn(t write that note at allF6 s/11ested Coe. 67a+be we(re bein1 led into a trap.6 68(m s/re it was +o/r brother(s writin1. 68 don(t li*e the loo*s o0 this place36 said Chet. 68t smells li*e tro/ble to me. ,o ahead3 tho/1h. 8 won(t bac* o/t o0 it now.6 The overhan1in1 branches o0 the 1reat tree cast a sinister shadow /pon the slope. Coe ascended 0irst3 and clambered /p the broad tr/n* /ntil he reached the lower branches. Then he leaned over and 1ave Chet a hand. The sto/t bo+ came /p3 pantin1 and str/11lin1. He almost 0ell o/t o0 the tree3 when 0rom the dar*ness o0 the 0olia1e above3 there came a ?/iet voice: 68 tho/1ht +o/ 0ellows wo/ld never 1et here. .on(t ma*e a so/nd. Bo/(re 9/st in time.6 6,D1ood 1D1osh3 @ran*3 +o/ scared meH6 s?/ea*ed Chet. 6'hhH The+(re comin1H Eoo*H6 Chet and Coe peered o/t 0rom amon1 the branches and saw a stran1e procession comin1 down the slope toward the old boatho/se. There were

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abo/t a doAen +o/n1 men and bo+s in all3 and the wan moonli1ht revealed that the newcomers were colored +o/ths. At their head marched a 0amiliar3 swa11erin1 0i1/reDDnone other than E/*e Cones 0rom the Blac*stone estate. Ghen the 1an1 was within a 0ew +ards o0 the bi1 tree the members halted in its shadow and 0ormed a rin1 aro/nd their leader. 67embahs ob dis secret societ+H6 he orated. 6Ge is 1athered heah toni1ht to initiate a new person into o/r cl/b.6 6Heah Ah is3 E/*e36 cried a bi1 )e1ro3 sh/00lin1 0orward. He was a h/1e3 broadDsho/ldered3 b/lletDheaded +o/th3 ver+ dar*3 and rather st/pid loo*in1. 6Ever+bod+ heah *nows Ced36 contin/ed E/*e. 6An+bod+ wh/t don(t want him to 9oin o/r secret societ+3 9es( step /p heah an( sa+ wh+ de+ don( want him.6 6All ri1ht b+ me6D( (Ced(s all ri1ht6D68nitiate him6D6He ma*e a 1ood membab36 sho/ted several voices. Evidentl+ Ced was 1oin1 to have no tro/ble bein1 admitted to membership in the secret or1aniAation. 6,oodH6 said E/*e. 6Come on into de cl/bho/se an( we(ll hold de 0/st part ob de initiation.6 The 1an1 trooped o00 into the old boatho/se. 'oon li1hts co/ld be seen 0lashin1 be+ond some o0 the windows. A0ter a while there was a wild +ell o0 terror3 pres/mabl+ 0rom the l/c*less Ced3 who was bein1 initiated. 6Eet(s 1o down and see what(s 1oin1 on36 Coe s/11ested. 68(m a0raid it wo/ldn(t be sa0e36 said @ran*. 6The+ ma+ hold part o0 their ceremon+ o/tdoors.6 @ran* was ri1ht. Abo/t 0i0teen min/tes later the li1hts in the old boatho/se were extin1/ished3 and the members o0 the cl/b3 troopin1 into the open a1ain3 marched /p the slope. The bo+s saw that Ced was blind0olded3 and that he carried an oldD0ashioned revolver in each hand. 68 hope one o0 those 1/ns doesn(t 1o o00 accidentall+36 m/rm/red Chet3 0ear0/l that the weapons were loaded. The initiate was led to a spot directl+ beneath the tree. E/*e Cones stood in 0ront o0 him. 6)ow3 Ced36 he ordered3 6+o/ 1o ahead and do some exercises3 holdin( dem two 1/ns. @/st ob all3 hold +o( hands /p ovah +o( haid.6 The +o/th obe+ed3 and the pistols sw/n1 /pward3 both o0 them comin1 within a 0ew inches o0 Chet3 who was cro/chin1 on a lower branch. Each o0 the m/AAles was aimed directl+ at the 0at bo+. This was too m/ch 0or Chet. He tried to move hastil+ to a sa0er place3 b/t in doin1 so lost his 1rip on the branch. Gith a wild +ell he t/mbled into the midst o0 the members o0 the secret societ+H

CHAPTER XX8 EGAE. 8) PER8E 8T is a ?/estion as to who was the more 0ri1htenedDDChet3 or the members o0 the secret societ+. The 0at bo+3 the breath entirel+ *noc*ed o/t o0 him b+ his 0all 0rom the tree3 la+ sprawled on the 1ro/nd. :ne colored +o/th3 with a bleat o0 0ear3 +elled3 68t(s a 1hostH6 and 0led in terror. E/*e Cones3 however3 stood his 1ro/nd. ,rabbin1 Chet b+ the arm3 he

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ha/led the lad (to his 0eet3 and reco1niAed him at once. 68t(s one ob dem white bo+s. 'p+in( on /s3 is +o(F6 he cried vicio/sl+. @ran* and Coe were /ndecided 9/st what to do. )one o0 the 1ro/p tho/1ht o0 loo*in1 /p3 0or the+ too* it 0or 1ranted that Chet was alone. The Hard+s reasoned that i0 the+ were to 1o to their ch/m(s assistance the+ wo/ld be hopelessl+ o/tn/mbered b+ the crowd below3 so the+ decided that it wo/ld be wiser 0or them to sta+ where the+ were 0or the time bein1. 80 Chet sho/ld become involved in an+ real dan1er3 that wo/ld be the time 0or them to show themselves. Chet retained s/00icient presence o0 mind to sa+ nothin1 abo/t his 0riends bein1 in the vicinit+. Ghen E/*e Cones p/lled him to 7s 0eet he cried o/t indi1nantl+: 68 wasn(t sp+in1 on +o/. Eet me 1oH6 The colored 0ellow twisted Chet(s arm so vicio/sl+ that the bo+ almost screamed in pain. 6Bo( been sp+in( on o/r societ+3 dat(s what +o( been doin(. )ow we(s 1wine to teach +o( a lesson3 white bo+.6 'everal o0 the other members who had recovered 0rom their 0irst 0ear appla/ded enth/siasticall+. 6That(s ri1ht3 E/*e. Ge(ll teach him a lesson he won(t 0er1it soon.6 6Ghat we 1wine do wid himF6 demanded one3 loo*in1 aro/nd. 68nitiate him into de societ+.6 6Tort/re him.6 6Throw him in de harbor.6 There were several other s/11estions. The 0ellows were in a 0erocio/s state o0 mind and mi1ht do almost an+thin1. @inall+ E/*e said: 68 1ot an idea. Ge p/t him in a boat and let him dri0t o/t to sea wido/t no oars.6 The others /nanimo/sl+ a1reed that this wo/ld be a 0ittin1 p/nishment 0or the sp+3 as the+ called him. 6)obod+ nevah see him no mo(36 said one. 6He won(t be able to tell nobod+ none ob o/r secrets.6 6Eoo* hereH6 cried Chet. 68 don(t *now an+ o0 +o/r craA+ secrets and 8 wo/ldn(t be bothered tellin1 them an+how. Eet me 1oH6 6Ge(s not 1wine let +o( 1o3 white bo+36 declared E/*e Cones3 ti1htenin1 his 1rip on Chet(s collar. 6Ge(s 1wine 1ive +o( a nice ride in a boat. B/t +o( ain(t 1wine come bac*. 7a+be e0 +o( is l/c*+ +o(ll 1o clean (cross de bi1 ocean.6 The cl/b members hastened to carr+ o/t their leader(s s/11estion3 and h/stled Chet down to the boatho/se. '/ch a series o0 heart rendin1 shrie*s then emanated 0rom the old b/ildin1 that @ran* and Coe 0elt almost in dined to 9/mp down 0rom the tree and 1o to their ch/m(s resc/e. '/ch a co/rse3 however3 wo/ld have been a 0oolish and hopeless one3 0or the Hard+s were badl+ o/tn/mbered and wo/ld have been no match 0or E/*e(s 1an1. 6.o +o/ reall+ thin* the+(ll set him adri0t in a boatF6 as*ed Coe. 68 have a h/nch the+(re 9/st tr+in1 to 0ri1hten him. 8t(s li*el+ the+(ll set him loose.6 The colored +o/ths were not bl/00in13 however. The+ 0inall+ emer1ed 0rom the boatho/se3 dra11in1 Chet with them3 bo/nd hand and 0oot. Then the+ proc/red an old boat3 d/mped their prisoner into it3 and thr/st the cra0t clear o0 the doc*3 when it was set loose to dri0t with the o/t1oin1 tide. The Hard+ bo+s loo*ed on3 horri0ied. 80 the+ were to reveal their presence now the+ wo/ld share the same 0ate as Chet. Their onl+ hope was that the 1an1 wo/ld soon disperse so that the+ mi1ht have a chance to 1et to their ch/m be0ore his boat wo/ld dri0t too 0ar 0rom shore. 6Come on3 nowH6 ordered E/*e Cones. 6Bo( *nows wh/t we said we was 1wine to do toDni1ht. Eet(s 1it b/s+.6

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6.at(s ri1ht3 E/*e.6 6Ced3 +o( m/st still ta*e orders. 8s +o( read+ to do wh/t we told +o(F6 6Ah sho is36 a1reed the bi1 blac* stolidl+. E/*e Cones then p/lled a h/1e roll o0 bills 0rom his poc*et. 6Ah 1ot lots ob mone+36 he bra11ed. 6Ghen we 1its thro/1h wid de 9ob toni1ht3 Ah(s 1wine to b/+ de societ+ a swell 0eed.6 This anno/ncement was 1reeted with m/ch hilarit+ and appla/se. 6Ghere +o( 1it all dat mone+3 E/*eF6 as*ed one member in?/isitivel+. 6.at(s mah b/siness36 ret/rned the colored leader. 6Ah(s 1ot plent+3 dat(s all +o( needs to *now.6 As the cl/b members now moved down the beach on their m+sterio/s errand3 @ran* spo*e to his brother3 0or the si1ht o0 the bi1 wad o0 mone+ in E/*e(s hand had 1iven him an idea. Perhaps thin1s wo/ld be all ri1ht a0ter all. 6Coe36 he said excitedl+3 68 thin* 8 *now where E/*e 1ot all that cash. Perhaps R/el Rand wasn(t the man who robbed Blac*stone o0 the six tho/sand dollars a0ter all.6 6Bo/ mean it mi1ht have been E/*eDthe old man(s own servantH6 6He stole the rin13 didn(t heF And he seems to be 0lashin1 a prett+ bi1 roll o0 bills 0or a colored 0ellow who probabl+ doesn(t ma*e m/ch mone+.6 68 thin* +o/(re ri1ht3 @ran*. B/t let(s 1et o/t o0 here and 1ive Chet a hand 8 believe it(s sa0e now to leave here.6 I/ic*l+ the two descended the tree and ran down to the water. The dri0tin1 boat was now several h/ndred +ards o/t 0rom shore. @ran* and Coe h/rriedl+ searched 0or some sort o0 a cra0t and were l/c*+ to 0ind one. Altho/1h it was a battered3 lea*+ old rowboat3 still it was serviceable. Coe and @ran* leaped into it and p/shed o00 0rom the doc*. Chet was in a state o0 act/al terror b+ the time his 0riends reached his side. He had /nder1one a nerveDwrac*in1 experience and was dread0/ll+ sha*en /p. As the+ c/t the ropes that bo/nd him. he 1asped: 68 tho/1ht +o/ were never comin1 8 be1an to wonder i0 those blac*s had ca/1ht +o/ 0ellows3 too. Bo+3 8 never want to live thro/1h an+thin1 li*e that a1ain.6 6Ge co/ldn(t help +o/ at all. 80 the secret societ+ members had ca/1ht /s3 we(d have been 1iven the same treatment36 said @ran*. 6Ge 9/st had to sit still /ntil the+ le0t.6 Ghile the Hard+s rowed bac* to shore3 Chet told them that when the 1an1 too* him into the boatho/se he had been ro/1hl+ handled. His experience had le0t him with a wholesome 0ear o0 the heartless 0ellows. 6E/*e and his cohorts are /p to some mischie0 toni1ht36 declared @ran*. 6Eet(s h/rr+ and 0ollow them.6 6)ot me36 ret/rned Chet promptl+. 68(ve seen eno/1h o0 that crowd 0or one evenin1.6 However3 when the sto/t lad 0o/nd that he wo/ld have to remain in camp alone3 ho chan1ed his mind and decided to 1o alon1. @ran* and Coe were determined to shadow E/*e and his or1aniAation. 68 don(t *now what the+(re plannin1 to do36 said @ran*3 6b/t the+ are p/ttin1 their new member /p to some sort o0 mischie03 and 8 thin* it(s serio/s b/siness.6 The bo+s went bac* to their camp3 which the+ 0o/nd to be /ndist/rbed. Aided b+ a 0lashli1ht3 the+ searched the shore3 hopin1 to pic* /p a trail. Easil+ eno/1h the+ 0o/nd trac*s3 which led directl+ to the Rand estate. @ran* recalled the t/nnel he had discovered /nderneath the Blac*stone place. Co/ld it be possible that E/*e was plannin1 to carr+ o/t his plot a1ainst the Rand mansion that ver+ ni1htF

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The bo+s h/rried toward the lar1e estate. Ghen the+ came in si1ht o0 the ho/se3 the+ observed li1hts 0lashin1 in the dar*ness o0 the 1ro/nds and co/ld hear someone sho/tin1. 6H/rr+H6 cried @ran*. 6'omethin1 has happened. 7a+be we(re not too late a0ter all.6 The+ raced over the broad lawns. The 0ront entrance to the Rand home was wide open3 and a servant 1irl stood on the steps3 wrin1in1 her hands in anxiet+ and distress. 6@ollow themH @ollow themH6 she cried. 6The+(ve 1ot EwaldH And 7rs. Rand is h/rtH6 6Ghat happenedF6 sho/ted @ran*3 as the three bo+s dashed /p the steps. The maid was so 0ri1htened and /pset that she co/ld hardl+ spea*. 6A 1ro/p o0 colored bo+sDDthe+ came here and too* Ewald awa+DD7r. R/el Rand isn(t hereDDand when 7rs. Rand tried to protect Ewald the+ str/c* herDD6 'he pointed inside the doorwa+. :n the 0loor o0 the hall la+ 7rs. Rand3 mother o0 the demented bo+. 'he was /nconscio/s3 and blood was 0lowin1 0rom an /1l+ 1ash in her 0orehead. @ran* *nelt beside the elderl+ woman3 and co/ld tell at a 1lance that her in9/r+ was serio/s. 6Call the doctor36 he instr/cted the servant. 6How lon1 is it since those bo+s were hereH6 6Ge haven(t a telephone36 0altered the 1irl. Kal/able time wo/ld be lost i0 the+ had to wal* into town 0or a ph+sician3 b/t 7rs. Rand m/st have attention at once. 6Come on 86 said @ran* to the others. 6Ge(ll 1et the doctor o/rselves. A0ter that we(ll tr+ to trace those wild lads and save Ewald 0rom their cl/tches.6 CHAPTER XX88 THE CAPT<RE :@ E<JE 67R. RA). too* the bi1 car36 the maid told them3 6b/t there is an old one in the 1ara1e.6 6Eet(s have it3 then36 snapped @ran*. 68 hope there is plent+ o0 1as in the tan*.6 The+ located the 1ara1e with the help o0 the servant3 and 0o/nd the car. 8t was ver+ old b/t still in r/nnin1 order. @ran* bac*ed it o/t into the drivewa+ and sw/n1 aro/nd to the 0ront o0 the ho/se. Chet and Coe 1entl+ carried 7rs. Rand3 who was still /nconscio/s3 down the steps and placed her in the bac* seat o0 the a/to. 6Ghere is the nearest doctorF6 the+ as*ed the servant. 'he 1ave them detailed instr/ctions as to how to reach the ph+sician(s o00ice3 and then the ear l/rched awa+. @ran* drove as ?/ic*l+ as he dared3 b/t co/ld not wor* /p m/ch speed with the oldD0ashioned vehicle. He *new that ever+ second co/nted. There was no tellin1 what that wild societ+3 /nder the in0l/ence o0 the callo/s E/*e3 wo/ld do to Ewald Rand Ten min/tes passed3 however3 be0ore the+ reached the doctor(s o00ice. Arrivin1 there3 the+ carried the /nconscio/s woman /p the steps and into the waitin1 room. The ph+sician was tal*in1 to a lad+. As she sw/n1 aro/nd3 alarmed b+ the con0/sion3 the bo+s reco1niAed her as Alice @ox. At the same moment she saw the limp 0i1/re bein1 borne into the room. 6Gh+Dit(s 7rs. RandH6 she 1asped. 6Ghat has happenedF6

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6'he has been badl+ h/rt36 @ran* explained ?/ic*l+. 6A cl/b o0 ne1roes too* Ewald 0rom the Rand ho/se as a lar* His mother was wo/nded when she tried to protect him. Ge have no time to lose.6 The+ p/t the in9/red woman on a so0a. 68(ll loo* a0ter her36 said the doctor c/rtl+. 6Bo/ 0ellows 1et o/t and see i0 +o/ can 0ind Ewald. This is serio/s. There is no tellin1 what ma+ happen. 8(ll call the police.6 Coe s/ddenl+ t/rned to Alice @ox. 6Gill +o/ sta+ here and help 7rs. RandF 8 don(t care i0 there is a 0e/d between +o/r 0amilies. 8t(s +o/r d/t+ to aid her.6 7iss @ox 0l/shed. 6Gh+3 o0 co/rse 8(ll help her. 8(ll do all 8 can36 she promised. 68(m not inh/man. 8 disli*e to see a person s/00er3 even an enem+.6 'atis0ied that the in9/red woman was in competent hands3 the Hard+ bo+s and Chet raced o/t o0 the doctor(s o00ice and scrambled into the car. @ran* sw/n1 the old rattletrap aro/nd3 and headed toward Hidden Harbor. The+ had not 1one 0ar be0ore the+ spied a con0/sed mass o0 0i1/res in the road. 8n the 1lare o0 the headli1hts the+ co/ld see E/*e Cones wavin1 his arms and sho/tin1 orders at his companions. A short distance awa+ stood Ewald RandDa terri0+in1 0i1/re. He was m/tterin1 insanel+. His hair h/n1 down over his 0ace3 and his clothes were torn. He had mana1ed to 0ree himsel0 0rom his tormentors and somehow had obtained the two revolvers3 which Ced3 the new member3 had been carr+in1. He now held the societ+ at ba+. 'o the weapons were loadedH 6.on(t to/ch meH6 he shrie*ed. 680 +o/ come a step nearer 8(ll shoot.6 6,rab him3 somebod+ H6 +elled E/*e Cones. He himsel0 did not ma*e an+ move toward the menacin1 0i1/re3 however. 6,rab him and ta*e dem 1/ns 0rom him36 he cried3 which was all the action he too* in the matter. The others m/ttered amon1 themselves. 8t was clear that no one dared to ris* his li0e. The+ milled abo/t /ncertainl+ in a state o0 complete disorder. @ran* had applied the bra*es3 and stopped the car. He and his companions3 realiAin1 that Ewald3 now that he was armed3 was 0ar more dan1ero/s than normall+3 hardl+ *new what to do. 80 the bo+s sho/ld approach him he wo/ld not *now that the+ were his 0riends. Be0ore the lads co/ld 0orm/late a plan o0 an+ *ind the poor 0ool s/ddenl+ ran bac* o/t o0 the li1ht and leaped over the 0ence beside the road. There was a wild howl 0rom the societ+ members. 6,it a0ter him H6 sho/ted E/*e Cones. 6Chase him and ta*e dem 1/ns awa+ 0rom him. Ced3 do somethin(.6 The leader was content to let the others do the dan1ero/s wor*3 and remained on the road. 6Come onH6( said @ran*3 with a rin1 o0 determination in his voice. 6Ge(re 1oin1 to settle matters with E/*e Cones ri1ht here and now36 he added. 6Ghat shall we doF6 piped /p Chet nervo/sl+. 6Capt/re himH6 7embers o0 E/*e(s cl/b were alread+ crawlin1 over the 0ence and ta*in1 /p the p/rs/it o0 Ewald3 so 0or the moment the bi1 )e1ro was le0t alone. The three bo+s 1ot o/t o0 the car. @ran* had switched o/t the li1hts. 6Gho datF6 called o/t the colored 0ellow. The+ did not answer3 b/t crept closer. E/*e bac*ed awa+. 6Gho datF6 he cried o/t a1ain. .eserted as he was b+ his 0riends he was evidentl+ 0ri1htened b+ the approach o0 the three stealth+ 0i1/res. 'o he t/rned and bro*e into a

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r/n. B/t it was to no avail. He had waited too lon1. The Hard+s and Chet r/shed a0ter him. @ran* spran1 thro/1h the air and tac*led E/*e abo/t the *nees3 brin1in1 the bi1 0ellow down in the road with a crash. He bellowed with 0ear3 thrashed and str/11led3 b/t b+ this time Chet and Coe had 0l/n1 themselves /pon him3 also. E/*e was stron1 and power0/l3 and 0o/1ht li*e a ti1er3 b/t he was not h/s*+ eno/1h to 0ree himsel0 0rom the three determined lads. The battle lasted onl+ a 0ew min/tes3 endin1 with the )e1ro bein1 i1nominio/sl+ dra11ed toward the car. Chet too* a len1th o0 rope 0rom the bac* seat3 and in spite o0 his str/11les and ravin1s the blac* man(s wrists and an*les were 0irml+ tied. 6This will pa+ +o/ bac* 0or that boatDride +o/ 1ave me36 said Chet 1riml+3 as he t/11ed at one o0 the *nots. The+ shoved E/*e into the rear o0 the a/to3 where he la+3 helpless. 6Ghere shall we ta*e himF6 as*ed Coe. 6Ge(ll brin1 him to the camp. Then we(ll come bac* and see i0 we can 0ind Ewald.6 Ghen the bo+s reached their destination with E/*e Cones in tow3 the+ li0ted him 0rom the car. A coward at heart3 the colored +o/th howled 0or merc+. 6.on(t worr+36 said @ran* scorn0/ll+. 6Ge(re not 1oin1 to bother with +o/ 9/st now. Ge(ll attend to +o/ when we(re read+.6 Eeavin1 the b/ll+ l+in1 in the sand beside their tent3 the bo+s 1ot bac* into the car and drove o00. As their camp was in a remote spot on the shore3 the+ were 0airl+ certain that E/*e(s sho/ts co/ld not be heard at an+ distance. The bo+s were doomed to a lon1 and disappointin1 search. The+ drove all the wa+ bac* into town witho/t 0indin1 an+ trace o0 either the 1an1 or o0 Ewald Rand. 6There will ver+ li*el+ be a lot o0 tro/ble over this36 said @ran* apprehensivel+. 6Ewald isn(t responsible 0or his actions. He is armed and 0ri1htened3 and ma+ do almost an+thin1.6 68 hope he doesn(t 1o near the Blac*stone place36 said Coe. The trio went bac* over the road a1ain3 still witho/t s/ccess3 and drove /p to the Rand ho/se3 where the 0ri1htened servant told them that Ewald had not ret/rned as +et. The bo+s were in a ?/andar+. E/*e mi1ht escape in their absence3 and the+ wo/ld then lose an+ advanta1e that mi1ht be 1ained b+ his capt/re. @inall+ the+ decided to ret/rn to the camp. There the+ 0o/nd the prisoner literDall+ 0rothin1 at the mo/th3 ma*in1 vain attempts to brea* loose 0rom the ropes that bo/nd him hand and 0oot. 6Eet me 1o3 white bo+sH6 he snarled menacin1l+. 6Bo/(ll 1it in plent+ ob tro/ble 0o( treatin( me la* dis.6 6Bo/(re 1oin1 to have a prett+ hard time *eepin1 o/t o0 tro/ble +o/rsel036 @ran* told him c/rtl+. 6How abo/t that rin1 +o/ stole 0rom 7r. Blac*stoneF6 6Ah don( *now nothin( (bo/t no rin13 retorted the blac* s/llenl+. 6How abo/t the mone+3 thenF Bo/(d better con0ess3 E/*e. 8 thin* +o/(re at the bottom o0 a 1ood man+ thin1s that have been 1oin1 on aro/nd here. '/ppose we were to see the a/thorities and tell them abo/t that t/nnel +o/(ve been di11in1 toward the Rand placeF '/ppose we were to tell them that +o/ 1ot those 0riends o0 +o/rs to *idnap Ewald Rand toni1ht3 and that once +o/ tried to hit him with a bo/lderF '/ppose we sho/ld in0orm them o0 +o/r secret societ+F How wo/ld +o/ li*e /s to have +o/ arrested 0or settin1 Chet adri0t in a boatF6 E/*e Cones blin*ed. He was be1innin1 to 1row 0ri1htened. How did these bo+s *now so m/ch abo/t his activitiesF

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6.at(s 9es( a lot ob tal*36 he said wea*l+. 6Are +o/ 1oin1 to tell /s where +o/ 1ot that rin1F And the mone+F6 demanded Coe threatenin1l+. 6Bo/(d better come clean.6 6Bo( cain(t do nothin( to me.6 6Ge can tell 7r. Blac*stone what we *now abo/t +o/. And we can in0orm the police that +o/ led that 1ro/p onto the Rand place to ni1ht. 7rs. Rand is serio/sl+ h/rt. There is 1oin1 to be a lot o0 tro/ble abo/t that a00air.6 E/*e was be1innin1 to realiAe that he was in a predicament. His sins had 0o/nd him o/t at last. His nat/ral cowardice asserted itsel03 and he be1an to whine. 6Ghat +o( want me to tell +o(F6 he demanded. CHAPTER XX888 6EB)CH H87H6 THE bo+s were 9/bilant. E/*e Cones was wea*enin1. @ran* tried to conceal the excitement in his voice as he as*ed: 6Ghere did +o/ 1et the rin1F6 6AhDAh done stole it 0rom 7istah Blac*stone.6 6Bo/ were on the Resol/teF6 6Bes36 admitted E/*e rel/ctantl+. 6Ah done 0ollowed him coA Ah *nowed he had a lot ob mone+ on him.6 6.id +o/ steal the mone+3 tooF6 A lon1 silence. E/*e Cones 1/lped. 6.id +o/ steal the mone+F6 demanded @ran*. 6ComeH :/t with itH Tell the tr/thH6 6Bes3 Ah done stole de mone+36 con0essed E/*e. ((GhenF6 6Ah 0ollowed +o( down to dat stateroom3 an( when de boat 1ot wrec*ed Ah done seen mah chance. Ah hit 7r. Blac*stone an( *noc*ed him down. .en Ah too* his mone+ an( 1ot into a li0eboat an( come ashore.6 6Bo/ robbed +o/r master3 ehF6 said Chet. 68(ll bet i0 the whole tr/th were *nown3 it wo/ld be 0o/nd that +o/(ve been responsible 0or a lot o0 the tro/ble between the Rands and the Blac*stones.6 E/*e 0lared /p. 6Bo( bet Ah hasH6 he declared vicio/sl+. 6Ah done plent+ ob t(in1s dat each ob (em blamed on de oder.6 'ince childhood the vicio/s 0ellow had 0/rthered the 0e/d between the rival white 0amilies. .esirin1 to 1ain presti1e with his master3 7r. Blac*stone3 he had deliberatel+ ca/sed the Rand horses and do1s to come onto the Blac*stone propert+ and do some dama1e Then he had 0a*ed resc/es3 /ntil 0inall+ he had become a 0avorite servant. 8n this tr/sted position he had not been lo+al3 b/t had t/rned to robber+ and assa/lt on his bene0actor. 68(ll bet +o/ were the one who le0t that warnin1 at o/r door in Ba+portH6 cried Coe s/ddenl+. 6Ah done it to 1ib +o( bo+s a 1ood scare3 sneered E/*e. 6Ah didn( want +o( messin( (ro/nd an( spoilin( thin1s 0o( me.6 6And 8 s/ppose 7r. Blac*stone wo/ld have been blamed i0 +o/ had 0inished that t/nnel /nder the Rand ho/seH6 @ran* exclaimed. 6E/*e Cones3 +o/(re the worst sco/ndrel we have ever come across3 and we have r/n into some prett+ bad c/stomers d/rin1 all o/r experiences.6 8nstead o0 bein1 abashed b+ this statement E/*e seemed act/all+

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0lattered b+ the distinction. 6,et into the carH6 @ran* ordered. 6Ge(re 1oin1 to have this 0e/d b/siness cleared /p at once. B+ the time the Blac*stones and the Rands hear this stor+ the+(ll loo* at thin1s in a new li1ht.6 The bo+s h/stled their prisoner to his 0eet and thr/st him into the a/to. Then the+ drove bac* 0rom the camp toward the Rand estate. A machine was par*ed in 0ront o0 the ho/se when the+ arrived3 and li1hts were b/rnin1 in all the lower 0loor rooms. 8n the hall stood the doctor and 7iss @ox3 conversin1. 6Ge bro/1ht 7rs. Rand home36 the medical man explained. 67iss @ox has promised to be her n/rse.6 6How is sheF Gill she be all ri1htF6 Chet as*ed anxio/sl+. 6'he is in prett+ bad shape36 ret/rned the ph+sician3 6b/t with proper care and rest she will become well a1ain. The blow wo/ld have *illed her3 tho/1h3 i0 it had been an+ harder.6 @ran* spo*e to the actress. 7iss @ox36 he said3 6do +o/ thin* +o/ co/ld pers/ade +o/r 0ather to come hereF6 The woman loo*ed astonished. 6As* m+ 0ather to come to the Rand placeH6 she exclaimed. 6He wo/ldn(t set 0oot on the propert+3 even i0 his li0e depended /pon it. 6He(ll come when he learns what we(ve discovered36 @ran* told her. 6Ge have 0o/nd the man who stole his mone+ and the rin1> the man who has been responsible 0or the RandDBlac*stone 0e/d. Ghat(s more3 we have a con0ession 0rom him.6 7iss @ox needed no 0/rther /r1in1 when she heard this asto/ndin1 statement. Gith a 1asp o0 s/rprise she ran o/t o0 the ho/se and h/rried down the road. Ghile the 1ro/p was waitin1 0or 7r. Blac*Dstone to arrive3 the+ heard so/nds o0 wailin1 0rom the sic* room. 8t was 7rs. Rand callin1 0or her son. 6Ewald H6 she cried. 6Ghere is EwaldF The+ too* him awa+.6 The doctor tried to ?/iet the distressed mother3 b/t witho/t s/ccess. 68 want EwaldH 7+ poor bo+H Ghere is heF The+(ll h/rt him i0 8 don(t protect himH 8 want m+ bo+H6 6.o +o/ *now what happened to himF6 the doctor as*ed the bo+s. @ran* shoo* his head. 6Ge did see him. A 1ro/p o0 blac* bo+s had cornered him b/t he bro*e awa+. He carried a revolver in each hand.6 The doctor(s 0ace loo*ed serio/s. 6That(s bad36 he said. 680 the 0ellows 0ri1htened Ewald he won(t be responsible 0or an+thin1 he does. 80 he is armed it will be bad 0or an+one who crosses his path.6 The bo+s were more impatient than ever to res/me their search 0or the piti0/l member o0 the Rand 0amil+3 b/t were e?/all+ ea1er that 7r. Blac*stone sho/ld hear the con0ession that wo/ld clear them 0rom an+ s/spicion o0 havin1 had a thin1 to do with the robber+ and assa/lt on board the Resol/te. A 0ew moments later a car drove swi0tl+ /p to the ho/se and s*idded to a 0rantic stop. A police o00icer leaped o/t and h/rried /p onto the veranda. 6Has Ewald been 0o/ndF6 he demanded. 6)ot +et36 he was told. 6There is 1oin1 to be tro/ble toni1ht36 the man said 1riml+. 68 don(t *now i0 Ewald is to blame 0or it or not3 b/t someone has thrown the whole co/ntr+side into a state o0 con0/sion. A man 0ired b/llets at a car comin1 down the shore road a little while a1o. The people in a

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0armho/se 0arther on were 1iven a bad scare when a 0ellow ran thro/1h their +ard3 shrie*in1 at the top o0 his l/n1s. Reports have been comin1 in 0rom hal0 a doAen places. Ge haven(t told an+one that Ewald is at lar1e3 b/t 8 hope we can catch him be0ore matters 1et an+ worse.6 The o00icer was plainl+ worried. 6Ewald himsel0 ma+ not do m/ch dama1e to himsel03 b/t the people are 1ettin1 aro/sed. The+(re tal*in1 o0 0ormin1 a posse( to h/nt down the wild man. :0 co/rse3 the+ don(t *now it(s Ewald or the+ wo/ld ma*e allowance 0or his condition. B/t i0 the+ sho/ld catch himDwell3 8 hate to thin* what ma+ happen.6 6Ghat do +o/ meanF6 as*ed Coe. 680 some o0 o/r hotDheaded 0armers 1et aro/sed b+ s/ch doin1s3 the+(ll probabl+ ta*e matters into their own hands.6 6Bo/ mean the men mi1ht *ill himF6 6The+(re 9/st as li*el+ to l+nch him as not. Ge m/st 0ind Ewald be0ore he does an+ more dama1e3 and see that he 1ets home sa0e.6 )either Chet nor the Hard+ bo+s had tho/1ht 0or a moment that the sit/ation wo/ld ta*e s/ch a serio/s t/rn3 +et the o00icer was evidentl+ sincere in his statement and alive to the emer1enc+. 7r. Blac*stone and Alice @ox came /p the steps at that moment3 the old 1entleman obvio/sl+ rel/ctant to enter the Rand home. His da/1hter(s pers/asions3 however3 res/lted in his relentin13 and the two went into the b/ildin1. 6Bo/ wish to see meF6 snapped 7r. Blac*stone3 1larin1 at the bo+s in a manner that co/ld not be described as 0riendl+. 6Bes3 sir3 we do36 replied @ran*. 6And 8(m 1lad this police o00icer is here beca/se we(ve a prisoner 0or him. Ge have in c/stod+ the man who stole +o/r mone+3 7r. Blac*stone. 8 don(t *now i0 there is ver+ m/ch o0 it le0t3 b/t 8 thin* +o/ will be able to recover some o0 it.6 6Gho is the 0ellowF6 The bo+s strode to the car3 opened the door and ha/led o/t E/*e Cones. The bi1 blac* 0ellow3 at one time bl/sterin1 and swa11erin13 had lost most o0 his arro1ant manner. Ghen he saw his master3 he crin1ed and h/n1 his head. 6E/*eH6 exclaimed 7r. Blac*stone incred/lo/sl+. 6'/rel+ it wasn(t E/*eD6 68t was this 0ellow who 0ollowed +o/ on board the Resol/te3 who *noc*ed +o/ down and stole the rin1 and the mone+. 8t is he who has been to blame 0or all the recent tro/ble between the Rands and the Blac*stones.6 68s this tr/eF6 demanded the old man wrath0/ll+3 ta*in1 a stride toward his servant. 68s it tr/e3 E/*eF 'pea* /pH6 The +o/th made no attempt to de0end himsel0. 6Bes3 7istah Blac*stone3 it(s tr/eH6 he admitted. 6Ah didn( spend all dat mone+. Ah 1ot some ob it le0t.6 6Tell 7r. Blac*stone what +o/ told /s36 commanded Coe. 8n 0alterin1 tones the 0ellow repeated his con0ession. He told o0 his n/mero/s plots a1ainst the Rands3 b+ which he 1ained 0avor with his master3 and en1endered the illD0eelin1 and hatred that existed between the two 0amilies. Then he related how he had 0ollowed his master onto the boat and robbed him. A0ter his con0ession there was no 0i1ht le0t in E/*eDDhe was a beaten man. Ghen he had 0inished with what he had to sa+3 the o00icer seiAed him b+ the arm. 6Bo/ o/1ht to 1et a lon1 term 0or this3 Cones. Come alon1H6 The prisoner was 9/st bein1 bro/1ht down the steps o0 the ho/se when a band o0 0armers swept /p the Hidden Harbor road. 'ome o0 them carried torches that 0lic*ered eeril+ in the ni1ht. '/ddenl+ a t/m/lt/o/s cr+ bro*e o/t:

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6E+nch himH E+nch himH6

CHAPTER XX8K THE P:''E THE tho/1ht that 0irst 0lashed thro/1h the minds o0 the Hard+ bo+s and Chet was that Ewald had been capt/red. The+ thrilled with horror as the+ debated what mi1ht be the 0ate o0 the /n0ort/nate man in the hands o0 the 0/rio/s and /nreasonin1 crowd. '/ddenl+ the+ heard a 0ellow sho/tin1. He was evidentl+ one o0 the leaders o0 the s/r1in1 masses. 6'earch ever+ main and side road /ntil +o/ 0ind him3 bo+sH Ge(ll h/nt him o/t somehowH6 ran1 o/t the command. 6Ge m/st beat that mob to it36 snapped the policeman. 6Ge m/st 0ind Ewald and do it at once.6 He h/stled E/*e into his car. 68(ll attend to +o/ 0irst and 1et +o/ to the 9ail. Bo/ can be 1lad it isn(t +o/ the+(re a0ter.6 The colored +o/th(s e+es rolled with terror at the ver+ tho/1ht o0 bein1 h/nted b+ the 0armers. Then the o00icer 1ot in behind the wheel and drove o00 at 1reat speed. 680 we co/ld onl+ 0ind R/el RandH6 exclaimed @ran* excitedl+. 6Eet(s 1et movin136 Coe s/11ested. 67a+be we can help the police locate Ewald and 1et him to sa0et+ be0ore the 0armers h/nt him down.6 )ow that 7rs. Rand had recovered con!cio/sness3 she was in a state o0 wild anxiet+3 0earin1 0or the sa0et+ o0 her son. 68 want Ewald H6 she screamed. 6'omethin1 has happened to himH 8 want m+ bo+H6 Her heartDrendin1 appeals ran1 thro/1h the ho/se. 7iss @ox and the doctor were doin1 their best to calm her3 b/t with little s/ccess. 'he wo/ld not be ?/ieted. The bo+s dela+ed no lon1er. The+ scramDbled into the old a/tomobile and dashed down the drivewa+ toward the Hidden Harbor road. The m/ltit/de had scattered3 splittin1 /p into 1ro/ps3 which searched each and ever+ section o0 the place. The Hard+s and Chet drove directl+ to the station ho/se3 where onl+ one man was in char1e. He was sho/tin1 over the telephone when the+ h/rried into the b/ildin1. 6'end /s some help H6 the 0ellow was orderin1. 6Ge can(t handle this crowd alone. 80 the+ ever catch that 1/+ the+(ll strin1 him /p to the nearest tree. The whole co/ntr+side is aro/sed.6 He slammed down the receiver3 his 0ace drawn with apprehension. 6)o word o0 Ewald +etF6 6Calls have been comin1 in 0rom all over town3 sa+in1 he(s been seen in hal0 a doAen places. 8(ve tried to reason with that band and tell (em it(s the craA+ Rand the+(re a0ter3 b/t the+ won(t believe me.6 680 we onl+ *new where to loo* 0or himH6 exclaimed Coe. 6An+whereH Ever+whereH6 cried the o00icer in distraction. He tossed them a whistle he snatched /p 0rom a des*3 sa+in13 680 +o/ 0ind him3 or i0 +o/ 1et into an+ *ind o0 tro/ble +o/rselves3 /se that 1ad1et. 8t ma+ help +o/.6 The bo+s than*ed him3 and le0t the station ho/se. The next 0i0teen min/tes the+ patrolled the roads in the car3 ever+ now and then comin1 /pon some o0 the searchers. 'eein1 the bo+s3 the men wo/ld +ell 6@o/nd him +etF6 /nder the impression that the lads were on their side. And

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the answer wo/ld be 6)ot +etH6 Coe3 @ran* and Chet never wo/ld 0or1et that ni1ht as lon1 as the+ lived. As the search went on and their ?/arr+ el/ded capt/re3 the crowd increased in n/mbers and its temper 1rew more and more vicio/s. There wo/ld be little or no hope 0or Ewald now3 sho/ld he 0all into their hands. The old car the bo+s had commandeered 0rom the Rand 1ara1e be1an to 1row tro/blesome. The en1ine spl/ttered3 *ic*ed3 and died. The machine l/rched to a 0/ll stop with /nexpected s/ddenness. @ran* made several vain attempts to start the motor3 b/t nothin1 seemed to help. 6)o /seH6 he said 0inall+. 68t(s done 0or.6 The bo+s abandoned the car and contin/ed their search on 0oot. Coe called the attention o0 his companions to the 0act that the+ seemed to be on a 0amiliar road3 0or he was s/re he had seen some o0 the b/ildin1s be0ore. 6'eems to me we have been here36 he said. 67iss Penn+weather lives in this section.6 @ran* s/ddenl+ had an inspiration. 68 wonder i0 Ewald(s poor diseased brain wo/ld tr+ to devise a method o0 harmin1 that lad+ beca/se o0 her 0ather(s pla+s.6 6Ge mi1ht 1o to her home and 0ind o/t i0 she is sa0e36 declared Coe. The+ made their wa+ down the dar* hi1hwa+. Ghen the+ came in si1ht o0 7iss Penn+Dweather(s dwellin1 the lads saw a li1ht in one o0 the 0ront windows. '/ddenl+ a dar* 0i1/re b/rst 0orth 0rom the shadow o0 a cl/mp o0 trees on the opposite side o0 the aven/e and darted across the road3 abo/t twent+ +ards 0rom the bo+s. 6Perhaps that is EwaldH6 1asped Coe. 6Ghat can he be /p toF6 Chet demanded3 as the dar* 0i1/re sl/n* toward 7iss Penn+weather(s home. The li1ht 0ell 0/ll /pon the 0ace o0 the man who had sped across the road. 8t was that o0 Ewald RandH There was an expression o0 maniacal intensit+ on his 0ace. 8n each hand he 1ripped a revolver3 and be0ore the bo+s co/ld move he raised one arm and 0ired pointDblan* at the window. 6EwaldH6 sho/ted @ran*3 and all three lads bro*e into a r/n. The demented man loo*ed aro/nd3 and saw the trio sweepin1 down /pon him3 b/t he stood still. There had been a crash o0 brea*in1 1lass as the b/llet shattered the window3 and 7iss Penn+weather who was in the room had leaped to her 0eet in alarm. To their horror the bo+s saw the woman sl/mp to the 0loor in 0ri1ht. 6EwaldH 'topH6 cried @ran*. B/t the craAed individ/al heard nothin1. He sw/n1 aro/nd a1ain and 0ired at the advancin1 bo+s3 b/t 0ort/natel+ the b/llet went wide. The Hard+s and Chet *new the+ were ris*in1 their lives in attemptin1 to capt/re the 0ellow3 who was now completel+ insane with 0ear3 b/t the+ 0elt the+ co/ld not retreat. 6'pread o/tH6 ordered @ran*. The+ scattered3 then closed in on their ?/arr+. Ewald Rand3 screechin1 li*e a tort/red owl3 0ired a1ain aimlessl+. @ran* d/c*ed and ran toward him3 0l/n1 himsel0 0orward3 tac*led the madman3 and bro/1ht him down. As he did so3 the 1/ns 0lew o/t o0 Ewald(s hands. Then there ens/ed a terri0ic str/11le. The bo+s were s/rprised at the 0ellow(s stren1th. The+ rolled over and over in the roadwa+3 clin1in1 desperatel+ to their prisoner. 'o absorbed were the+ in the violent enco/nter that not one o0 them observed a 1ro/p o0 searchers 0rom the main bod+ o0 the mob come aro/nd

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ABC Amber Palm Converter http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html

the corner a 0ew +ards awa+. A sho/t went /p. 6There the+ areH ,rab (emH6 The shot had been heard3 and a crowd o0 0armers3 attracted b+ the reports3 had come to investi1ate. 8mmediatel+ there was a r/sh toward the str/11lin1 0i1/res in the road. At the same time hoarse sho/ts s/mmoned other members o0 the posse(. A roar o0 voices3 a heav+ trampin1 o0 0eet3 and the searchers swooped down. Chet was almost cr/shed /nder0oot3 and 0o/nd himsel0 lost in the millin1 crowd. Ewald3 @ran* and Coe3 on the other hand3 were seiAed b+ ro/1h hands and p/lled to their 0eet. '/ddenl+ a woman r/shed o/t o0 the Penn+weather ho/se. 6HelpH6 she shrie*ed. 6The+(ve h/rt 7iss Penn+weatherH6 The shattered window told the stor+. The mob3 in0lamed with an1er3 immediatel+ 9/mped to the concl/sion that the Hard+ bo+s had been accomplices o0 Ewald Rand. 6E+nch themH6 went /p the cr+. The street was now crowded3 and the Ba+port lads were ro/1hl+ handled b+ the in0/riated people A rope seemed to come 0rom nowhere3 its loop settlin1 down over Ewald and the Hard+ bo+s. 8t was drawn ti1ht aro/nd their waists3 pinnin1 their arms to their sides. @ran* *new the+ were in a terrible predicament. He mana1ed to 1et the policeman(s whistle o/t o0 his poc*et in an attempt to raise it to his lips3 b/t his e00orts were 0/tile. The captives were h/stled across the road into the shadow o0 the bi1 trees be+ond the pavement. @inall+ @ran*3 with another desperate e00ort3 mana1ed to 1et the whistle /p to his mo/th. He blew a shrill blast3 b/t had scant hope that it wo/ld be heard b+ the police. Even i0 the o00icers sho/ld arrive3 the+ wo/ld be o/tn/mbered b+ the lawless mass. 6Throw the rope over that bo/1h and strin1 (em /pH6 +elled someone in a ro/1h voice. Cheers 1reeted the s/11estion. The three prisoners were thr/st 0orward to what seemed to them certain doom. CHAPTER XXK THE E). :@ THE @E<. THE rope ti1htened. :ne end o0 it was 0l/n1 over a bo/1h o0 the tree. As it came down it was 1rabbed b+ a doAen ea1er hands. There was a mi1ht+ p/ll3 and the three str/11lin1 0i1/res were ha/led into the air3 Ewald all the while whimperin1 lo/dl+ li*e an animal in pain. Coe 1rit his teeth3 b/t wo/ld not cr+ o/t. 8n this moment o0 peril @ran*3 as alwa+s3 retained his presence o0 mind. 8n spite o0 the 0act that his arms were pinned ti1ht b+ the rope and ever+ movement was tort/re3 he 1roped 0or a penD*ni0e in his poc*et3 1ot his 0in1ers on it3 and s/cceeded in openin1 it so he mi1ht /se the blade to sever the rope. The bo+ twisted the sharp ed1e aro/nd /ntil he 1ot the *ni0e /p a1ainst the rope that was be1innin1 to s?/eeAe the ver+ li0e o/t o0 him. Then he be1an sawin1 the bonds. The rope parted3 and the three prisoners were precipitated to the 1ro/nd. The men who were ha/lin1 on the cable 0ell bac* s/ddenl+3 wonderin1 what had happened. B/t this was nothin1 more than a respite3 0or other members o0 the posse po/nced /pon the three prisoners immediatel+. The+ wo/ld have been ro/1hl+ handled had there not come another interr/ption at that moment. 6Bo+sH Bo+sH Eisten to meH Hold on a min/teH6 8t was the voice o0 the doctor who had attended 7rs. Rand. He was

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p/shin1 his wa+ thro/1h the crowd3 0ollowed closel+ b+ R/el Rand3 7r. Blac*stone3 and a police o00icer. The m/ltit/de 0ell bac*3 /ncomprehendin1. 68t(s the .oc H6 m/ttered some o0 the calmer men. 6Eet him spea*H6 6Are +o/ men madF6 demanded the ph+sician3 t/rnin1 /pon them. 6.o +o/ realiAe what +o/ are doin1F Bo/ are tr+in1 to l+nch Ewald Rand3 a man who isn(t responsible 0or what he is doin1. And these lads with himDD the+ weren(t helpin1 Ewald. The+ were tr+in1 to brin1 him home sa0e to his mother. 'catter3 all o0 +o/ H6 The rin1leaders3 loo*in1 abashed3 0ell bac* as tho/1h the+ had been whipped. 6Ge tho/1ht the+ was all in it to1ether3 .oc36 said one. 6Ge didn(t *now it was Ewald Rand. Ain(t none o0 /s seen him 0or +ears so we didn(t reco1niAe him.6 6Bes36 declared R/el Rand3 p/ttin1 an arm aro/nd his brother3 6this is Ewald. 80 he has done an+ harm it isn(t his 0a/lt. Bo/ all *now he isn(t well3 that he has been ill 0or +ears. As 0or these lads3 8 owe them more than 8 can express. 8 want to tell +o/3 men3 that the RandD Blac*stone 0e/d is at an end. And these bo+s are responsible 0or settlin1 it and clearin1 /p the ?/arrel.6 6Ghat have +o/ to sa+ abo/t that3 7r. Blac*stoneF3( sho/ted someone. The old 1entleman loo*ed at the crowd with di1nit+3 his e+es b/rnin1 with emotion. 68t is tr/e H6 he said. 6The RandDBlac*stone 0e/d is over. E/*e Cones was to blame 0or m/ch o0 it and E/*e Cones is now in 9ail. 8(ll sha*e hands with R/el Rand here be0ore all o0 +o/ to prove 8 mean what 8 sa+.6 He reached o/t his hand3 and R/el Rand clasped it in his own. @or the 0irst time in man+3 man+ +ears a Rand and a Blac*stone ac*nowled1ed each other in p/blicDDshoo* hands in 0riendl+ spirit be0ore their 0ellow townspeople. A 1reat cheer went /p. 8nstantl+ the 0/r+ o0 the crowd was dissipated. Then R/el Rand t/rned to the Hard+ bo+s and too* their hands 0erventl+. 6Than* 1oodness we came in timeH6 he said. 6Ghen 8 reached home 7r. Blac*stone and his da/1hter were there. The+. told me what had happened. 8 don(t *now how to than* +o/ 0or all +o/ have done 0or /s.6 68s it tr/e3 then3 that the 0e/d is overF6 as*ed @ran* ea1erl+. 6Bes. 7r. Blac*stone and 8 have come to an /nderstandin13 and there will never be an+thin1 b/t a spirit o0 1oodDwill between the Rands and the Blac*stones 0rom this time on.6 The doctor in the meantime had h/rried into the Penn+weather ho/se3 to 0ind that the spinster had not been serio/sl+ h/rt b+ the 1lass3 b/t had s/stained onl+ a sli1ht 0lesh wo/nd in the sho/lder. 'he appeared to be s/00erin1 more 0rom shoc* and 0ri1ht than 0rom an+thin1 else. The in9/r+ was soon dressed3 and 7iss Penn+weather was ass/red that she was in no dan1er o0 an+ *ind. E/*e Cones3 who pleaded 1/ilt+ to havin1 stolen 7r. Blac*stone(s mone+3 was sentenced to a term in prison. @ort/natel+ he had not spent all the old man(s mone+. 7ore than 0ive tho/sand dollars o0 the s/m3 discovered concealed amon1 his belon1in1s3 was event/all+ ret/rned to 7r. Blac*stone. 7rs. Rand3 who had been in9/red b+ E/*e Cones and his 0riends when the+ too* Ewald3 was recoverin1. 8n a da+ or so the doctor prono/nced her all ri1ht. 'he was then able to than* the Hard+ bo+s and Chet personall+ 0or what the+ had done 0or her. Ewald Rand was committed to an instit/tion where he was ass/red o0 1ood care3 and where he wo/ld no lon1er be a menace to societ+. R/el Rand apolo1iAed to the Hard+ bo+s3 man0/ll+ and contritel+.

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68 did thin* +o/ were wor*in1 0or 7r. Blac*stone36 he told them3 6and when +o/ acc/sed me o0 stealin1 his mone+ 8 became ver+ an1r+. :0 co/rse3 8 didn(t *now at the time that E/*e Cones was the real thie0.6 67a+ we as* +o/ one ?/estion3 7r. RandF6 ?/eried Coe. 6,o ahead.6 6Ghat were +o/ doin1 in o/r stateroom on the ni1ht the Resol/te was wrec*edF6 R/el Rand smiled. ((Please believe me36 he said. ((8 1ive +o/ m+ word o0 honor that 8 1ot into +o/r cabin b+ mista*e. 7ine was )/mber "%3 and +o/rs was )/mber "$. The door was /nloc*ed and 8 simpl+ made an error3 not realiAin1 it at 0irst. 8 was as s/rprised as +o/ were to 0ind that 8 was in the wron1 room.6 The Hard+s and Chet were soon cleared o0 the char1es 7r. Blac*stone had pre0erred a1ainst them in Croston. The old 1entleman3 with pro0/se apolo1ies 0or havin1 mis9/d1ed the bo+s who had been tr+in1 to protect his interests all the while3 withdrew his acc/sation o0 the0t. Then the three lads were 0ree to ret/rn to their homes in Ba+port. Ghen the+ 0inall+ arrived the+ had with them the letters @ran* had obtained 0rom 7r. Blac*stoneDDthe letters that settled once and 0or all the Penn+weather ri1hts to the pla+s. 7r. Blac*stone had been 1reatl+ relieved at learnin1 the+ had not been destro+ed3 and had complimented @ran* on his cleverness in savin1 them 0rom the 0ire. Ghen the doc/ments were handed to @enton Hard+ the detective was 1reatl+ pleased. Gords were inade?/ate to express his 9o+. 6Gh+3 these will carr+ 0ar more wei1ht than an+ handwritin1 specimensH6 he exclaimed. 6Garner won(t have an+ case at all now. He(ll have to withdraw. How did +o/ 1et this evidenceF6 The bo+s then told him o0 their advent/res on the trail o0 the handwritin1 specimens3 to which he listened with /ndis1/ised interest. A/2 ,ertr/de3 however3 was 1reatl+ shoc*ed. 6'/ch 1oin1sDonH6 she exclaimed. 6Bo/ mi1ht have been *illedH6 This was tr/e eno/1h3 b/t the+ had escaped and had been 0actors in solvin1 a ba00lin1 case. 'oon their abilities were to be needed in combatin1 threats o0 6The 'inister 'i1npost.6 8n the mail awaitin1 them the bo+s 0o/nd a letter 0rom the steamship compan+ that had owned the illD0ated Resol/te. 8ts contents drew 0orth peals o0 la/1hter. 6Ge won(t have to worr+ abo/t those old handwritin1 specimens an+ more36 said Coe3 his e+es twin*lin1. The contents o0 the note were as 0ollows: 6Ge have 9/st completed a search o0 the wrec* and be1 to in0orm +o/ that nothin1 o0 val/e has been 0o/nd in 'tateroom )o."$. Ge thin* +o/ m/st have been mista*en in +o/r claim.6 A/nt ,ertr/de nodded her head vi1oro/sl+. 6Bo/ seeH6 she said. 6There never were an+ handwritin1 specimens in the 0irst place 'omehow 8 have an idea that 8 have been tric*ed into believin1 a whole lot o0 thin1s that aren(t tr/e.6 67a+be so36 a1reed her nephews3 win*in1 at each other. THE E).

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