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EDU 5255


Question 1 : Is intrinsic motivation always intrinsically better? Is it too cynical to say that real-world motivation is based on pragmatic and extrinsic motivation?

Motivation can be considered as a factor to guide the learners in acquiring the second language. It is seen in different types and orientations; intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, integrative motivation and instrumental motivation (Brown, 2000). According to Ryan & Deci (2000), intrinsic motivation is defined as doing the activity for its inherent satisfactions as to compare with some separable consequences. This means a learner who is intrinsically motivated will learn the language for the sake of enjoyment and own satisfaction. Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation is defined as a construct that pertains whenever an activity is done in order to attain some separable outcome. (Ryan & Deci, 2000, p. 60). In the extrinsic level of motivation, a learner w ill learn the language because of having the outside need such as getting the reward and having a compliment. Brown (2000) stated that instrumental motivation as a mean to acquire a language with attaining instrumental goal such as reading technical term while integrative motivation occurs when the learners need to be in the culture of the language and be a part of the society such as marrying a foreign people and living together with the whole family. The whole question is whether to see the intrinsic motivation is better or to have the extrinsic motivation in the learner. As for the writers point of view, i ntrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation as it requires learners to realize the need of having the achievement in themselves. As claimed by Maslow in Brown (2000), intrinsic

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motivation is clearly powerful than the extrinsic motivation. However, in the daily life, learners especially children do not see the reason why they need to be achieved in the area of learning. They require rewards and compliments to ensure the learning occurs at their pace. Children have to be taught why they need to learn or it can be said as guidance throughout their learning in the real world. For example, in primary school, learners are taught to be competitive in learning as they will look at the grades and achievement in the classroom. The need of being better in the language is far way to be grabbed as they could not see the need in their life. The Malaysian second language learners always think of the need to have the language when they are reaching towards the examination since they are required to get better grade to ensure the entrance to the next level. As a teacher, we do believe in the intrinsic motivation to be better than extrinsic motivation but as far as it seems to be in the real-world motivation, pragmatic and extrinsic motivations are conquering the motivation. It always starts from home and later on it goes to the educational system. The learners are persuaded to have the motivation in learning throughout the material factors and being able to get the grades and names. Being a teacher is a task to guide and teach the learners to have the knowledge in the area that they should learn. In the classroom, the writer always asks why the learners go to school, learn the subject and want to achieve in the subjects. The answers that are thrown back to the questions are the need to get presents from the parents, the impact that they will get if they are failing in the subjects and even some of them are just following whatever they are asked to do. Only few learners feel that the intrinsic motivation such as the need to be better in the language and the anxiety of having

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siblings that are more excellent in the school are important to get the knowledge but still the extrinsic motivation will overruled the intrinsic motivation. All these factors play a big role in the learners motivation. As in the real-life situation, the extrinsic motivation can turn to be the intrinsic motivation when the learners figure out the reasons why the need to learn the language. As stated by Brown (2000) in his book, young learners are not aware of learning the language that it shows normally parents and teachers will guide them in acquiring the second language. This extrinsic motivation will be given to the learners to master the language before entering the real-world situation to have the intrinsic motivation. The application that the learners will use in their life such as the job requirement and pursuing studies to the higher education make the learners realize the importance of having the knowledge in the language. The self-actualization can be in the learners when they feel satisfied of having the language. The example can be seen when the learners who are in the form 5 of secondary school want to enter the tertiary level. They have to master the language at the same time they want be better in the language as it is an advantage to be selected in the scholarship. From the extrinsic motivation, later on the learners will learn to have the language as it will be more exciting to communicate with the native fluently. When learners have to encounter the real-life situation, the instrument and integrative motivation will also play a role in their language learning. These motivations will be integrated with the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Learners will learn the language as in the table shown below:

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Table 6.4 Motivational dichotomies Intrinsic Integrative Extrinsic

A learner wishes to integrate with Someone else wishes the learner the culture of L2 since he has to know L2. For example, the married with the girl. parents of the girl want the girl to learn the L2.


A learner wishes to achieve the External power wants the learner goal of using the L2 when he gets to learn L2. For example, the his job. company sends the learner to London for language training. (adapted from Brown, 2000).

By understanding the table given, the writer can see that the all the types and orientations of motivation may help the learners to learn the language. It is the matter of learners to acquire the language since everything has been given to the learners to be guided and learned. The motivation is to enhance learners need to learn the language and face the real-world motivation. Thus, motivation gives a role in having the learners to engage in learning better. Either intrinsic motivation or intrinsic motivation, it still be guidance for the learners to acquire the language. Teachers as a factor need to guide the learners to ensure the motivation is there to help the learners.

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