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ABC Amber Palm Converter

C:\Sweta\ebooks\hardy boyz1\Hardy Boyz1\HB 002 The House on the Cliff.pdb !B "a#e: HB02 - The House on the Cli Creator $!: !"A# !B Type: T"$t %ersion: 0 &ni'ue $! Seed: 0 Creation !ate: %/&'/&()* (odifi)ation !ate: %/&'/&()* *ast Ba)kup !ate:: &/&/&()0 (odifi)ation "u#ber: 0 HA!+, B-,. /,.T"!, .T-!0". B--1 02 TH" H-2." -3 TH" C4055 6666666666 The Har#7 Bo7s /7ster7 .tories TH" H-2." -3 TH" C4055 B, 5!A31403 8. +0$-3 9!-.."T : +234AP Publishers ; 3ew ,or< A member o The Putnam : 9rosset 9roup 6666666666 P!03T"+ -3 !"C,C4"+ PAP"! Cop7ri=ht A &(%)> &(?(> &(??> &(2) b7 .imon : .chuster> 0nc. All ri=hts reserve#. Publishe# b7 9rosser : +unlap> 0nc> a member o The Putnam : 9rosser 9roup. 3ew ,or<. Publishe# simultaneousl7 in Cana#a. Printe# in the 2...A. TH" HA!+, B-,. is a re=istere# tra#emar< o .imon : .chuster> 0nc. 0.B3 0-@@%-0%(02-? 9!-.."T : +234AP is a tra#emar< o 9rosser : +unlap> 0nc. &((@ Printin=

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

6666666666 C-3T"3T. CHAPT"! 0 .P,039 B, T"4".C-P" & 00 TH0"5 AT 8-!1 &2 000 4A3+.40+"A 20 0B TH" !".C2" 2' B P!"TC"4 P"T" *' B0 TH" .T!A39" /"..A9" @? B00 TH" H0++"3 T!A04 ?@ B000 A CAP -3 A P"9 '@ 0$ P4A3 -5 ATTAC1 )2 $ A 8AT"!, T233"4 %& $0 C4055 8ATCH"!. %( $00 TH" ."C!"T PA..A9" (% $000 A .TA!T4039 +0.C-B"!, &0% $0B CAPT2!"+ &&' $B +0!" TH!"AT. &2' $B0 D20C1 8-!1 &** $B00 H-.TA9". &@2 $B000 C-A.T 92A!+ ACT0-3 &?2 $0$ TH" CHA." &'2 $$ TH" ./2994"!E. !"D2".T &)2 6666666666 CHAPT"! -3" .p7in= B7 Telescope F.o 7ou bo7s want to help me on another caseGF 5enton Har#7> internationall7 <nown #etective> smile# at his teen-a=e sons. F+a#> 7ou sai# 7ouEre wor<in= on a ver7 m7sterious case ri=ht now>F 5ran< spo<e up. F0snEt there some an=le o it that Hoe an# 0 coul# tac<leGF /r. Har#7 loo<e# out the win#ow o his secon#- loor stu#7 as i searchin= or the answer somewhere in the town o Ba7port> where the Har#7s live#. 5inall7 he turne# bac< an# =aIe# stea# astl7 at his sons. FAll ri=ht. How woul# 7ou li<e# to loo< or some smu==lersGF

Hoe Har#7Es e7es opene# wi#e. F,ou mean it> +a#GF F3ow Just a minute.F The #etective hel# up his & 6666666666

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

han#. F0 #i#nEt sa7 capture themK 0 Just sai# loo< F"ven thatEs a bi= assi=nment. Than<s replie#. or them.F

or =ivin= it to usAF 5ran<

The lean> athletic #etective wal<e# to a corner o the stu#7 where a lon=> narrow carr7in= case stoo#. Tappin= it> he sai#: F,ou bo7s have learne# how to manipulate this telescope prett7 well. How woul# 7ou li<e to ta<e it out onto that hi=h promontor7 above the ocean an# train it seawar#G The place 0 mean is two miles north o the en# o the ba7 an# ei=ht miles rom here.F FThat woul# be =reatA sai# seventeen-7ear-ol#> blon#-haire# Hoe> his blue e7es lashin= in anticipation. 5ran<> who was a 7ear ol#er than his brother an# less impetuous> as<e# in a serious tone o voice> F+a#> have 7ou an7 i#eas about the i#entit7 o an7 o the smu==lersGF F,es> 0 #o>F /r. Har#7 answere# his tall> #ar<-haire# son. F0 stron=l7 suspect that a man name# 5elix .nattman is operatin= in this territor7. 0Ell =ive 7ou the whole stor7.F The #etective went on to sa7 that he ha# been en=a=e# b7 an international pharmaceutical compan7 to trace stolen shipments o valuable #ru=s. !eports o the ts ha# come rom various parts o the 2nite# .tates. 4ocal Police ha# wor<e# on 2 6666666666 the case> but so ar ha# aile# to apprehen# an7 suspects.

FHea#Luarters o the irm is in 0n#ia>F the #etective tol# the bo7s. F0t was throu=h them that 0 was inall7 calle# in. 0Em sure that the the ts are the result o smu==lin=> ver7 cleverl7 #one. ThatEs the reason 0 suspect .nattman. HeEs a note# criminal an# has been mixe# up in smu==lin= rac<ets be ore. He serve# a lon= term in prison> an# a ter bein= release#> #roppe# out o si=ht.F FAn# 7ou thin< heEs wor<in= aroun# Ba7portGF Hoe as<e#. He whistle#. FThat #oesnEt ma<e this town a ver7 health7 place to live inAF FBut weEre =oin= to ma<e it soAF /r. Har#7 #eclare#> a rin= o in his voice. severit7

FHust where is this spot weEre to use the telescopeGF 5ran< as<e# ea=erl7. F0tEs on the Pollitt Place. ,ouEll see the name at the entrance. An ol# man name# 5elix Pollitt live# there alone or man7 7ears. He was oun# #ea# in the house about a month a=o> an# the place has been vacant ever since.F

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

F0t soun#s as i we coul# =et a terri ic ran=e up an# #own the shore rom there an# man7 miles across the water>F 5ran< remar<e#. /r. Har#7 =lance# at his watch. F0tEs one-thirt7 now. ,ou ou=ht to be able to =o out there> sta7 a air amount o time> an# still =et home to supper.F * 6666666666 F-h> easil7.F Hoe answere#. Four motorc7cles can reall7 burn up the roa#AF His ather smile#> but cautione#> FThis telescope happens to be ver7 valuable. The less Jouncin= it receives the better.F F0 =et the point>F Hoe conce#e#> then as<e#> F+a#> #o 7ou want us to <eep the in ormation about the smu==lers to ourselves> or woul# it be all ri=ht to ta<e a couple o the ellows alon=GF F- course 0 #onEt want the news broa#cast>F /r. Har#7 sai#> Fbut 0 <now 0 can trust 7our special rien#s. Call them up.F FHow about Chet an# Bi GF Hoe consulte# 5ran<. As his brother no##e#> he sai#> F,ou pac< the telescope on 7our motorc7cle. 0Ell phone.F Chet /orton was a stout> =oo#-nature# bo7 who love# to eat. 3ext to that> he enJo7e# bein= with the Har#7s an# sharin= their excitin= a#ventures> althou=h at times> when the situations became #an=erous> he wishe# he were somewhere else. Chet also love# to tin<er with machiner7 an# spent lon= hours on his Halop7 which he calle# Dueen. He was tr7in= to Fsoup upF the motor> so that he coul# have a real Fhot ro#.F 0n contrast to Chet> Bi Hooper was tall an# lan<7. To the amusement-an# won#er-- o the other bo7s> he use# his le=s almost as spi#er #oes> coverin= tremen#ous #istances on level =roun#s or vaultin= ences. @ 6666666666 A ew minutes later Hoe Joine# his brother in the =ara=e an# tol# him that both Chet an# Bi woul# =o alon=. Chet> he sai#> ha# apolo=iIe# or not bein= able to o er the Dueen or the trip but her en=ine was Fall over the =ara=e.F FAs usual>F 5ran< sai# with a =rin as the two bo7s climbe# on their motorc7cles an# set out. Presentl7 the Har#7s stoppe# at Bi HooperEs home. He ran out the #oor to meet them an# climbe# aboar# behin# Hoe. Chet live# on a arm at the outs<irts o Ba7port> about a i teen-minute run rom the Hooper home. The stout bo7 ha# strolle# #own the lane to the roa# an# was waitin= or his rien#s. He hoiste# himsel onto 5ran<Es motorc7cle. F0Eve never seen a power ul telescope in operation>F he remar<e#. FHow ar awa7 can 7ou see with this thin=GF

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

F0t #epen#s on weather con#itions>F 5ran< replie#. F-n a clear #a7 7ou can ma<e out human i=ures at #istances o twent7- our miles.F F8owAF Chet exclaime#. F8e ou=ht to be able to easil7.F in# those smu==lers

F0 woul#nEt sa7 so>F Bi so<e up. have the same <in# o boats as ever7bo#7 else. How close #o 7ou have to be to i#enti 7 a personGF F-h> about two an# a hal miles>F Hoe answere#.

The motorc7lce chu==e# alon= the shore ? 6666666666 roa#> with 5ran< watchin= his spee#ometer care ull7. F8e ou=ht to be comin= to the Pollitt place soon>F he sai# inall7. F1eep 7our e7es open> ellows.F The bo7s ro#e on in silence> but su##enl7 the7 all exclaime# to=ether> FThere it isAF At the entrance to a #rivewa7 thic<l7 line# with trees an# bushes was a stone pillar> into which the name EPollittF ha# been chisele#. 5ran< an# Hoe turne# into the #rivewa7. The onl7 part o the house the7 coul# see was the top o the roo . 5inall7> be7on# a lawn over=rown with wee#s> the7 came upon the tall> ramblin= buil#in=. 0t stoo# li<e a beacon hi=h above the water. Poun#in= sur coul# be hear# ar below. FThis place sure loo<s ne=lecte#>F Bi remar<e#.

+an<> tall =rass =rew beneath the towerin= trees. 8ee#s an# bushes threatene# to en=ul the whole buil#in=. FCreep7> i 7ou as< me>F Chet spo<e up. F0 #onEt <now wh7 an7bo#7 woul# want to live here.F The house itsel was in nee# o repair. Built o woo#> it ha# several sa==in= shutters an# the paint was la<in= ba#l7. FPoor ol# /r. Pollitt was probabl7 too sic< to ta<e care o thin=s>F 5ran< commente#> as he loo<e# at several wee#-cho<e# lower be#s. To the Har#7sE #isappointment> the s<7 ha# ' 6666666666 become overcast an# the7 realiIe# that visibilit7 ha# been cut #own consi#erabl7. 3evertheless> 5ran< unstrappe# the carr7in= case an# lu==e# it aroun# to the ront o the house. He un astene# the loc<s an# Hoe helpe# his brother li t out the

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

telescope an# attache# tripo#> pullin= up the e7e-en# section Bi an# Chet exclaime# in a#miration. irst.

FBo7> thatEs reall7 neatAF Chet remar<e#. He an# Bi watche# in ascination as 5ran< an# Hoe be=an to set up the telescope. 5irst the7 un astene# the tape with which the tube an# tripo# le=s were tie# to=ether. Hoe turne# the three le=s #own an# pulle# out the extensions to the #esire# hei=ht. Then 5ran< secure# the tripo# le=s with a chain to <eep them rom sprea#in=. F8hat nextGF Bi as<e#.

FTo =et proper balance or the main telescope tube we sli#e it throu=h this trunnion sleeve towar# the e7e en#> li<e this.F A ter #oin= so> 5ran< ti=htene# the win= nuts on the tripo# li=htl7. Hoe pic<e# up the balance wei=ht rom the carr7in= case an# screwe# it into the ri=ht si#e o the telescope tube about one thir# the #istance rom the e7epiece. FThisEll <eep the whole thin= rom bein= top heav7>F he pointe# out. orGF Che

FAn# whatEs this little telescope alon=si#e the bi= one Luerie#. ) 6666666666

FA in#er>F 5ran< explaine#. FActuall7> itEs a small =ui#e telescope an# helps the observer si=ht his bi= telescope on the obJect more easil7.F F0tEs as clear as mu#>F Chet remar<e# with a MAttach EPa=eN00%Nan#N00(.=i E hereO % 6666666666 =rin. He sLuinte# throu=h the en#s o both the lar=e an# the small telescope. F0 canEt see a thin=>F He complaine#. Hoe lau=he#. FAn# 7ou wonEt until 0 insert one o the e7epieces into the a#apter o the bi= telescope an# put another e7epiece into the in#er.F 0n a ew minutes the Har#7s ha# the ascinatin= #evice wor<in=. B7 turnin= a small <nob> 5ran< slowl7 swun= the telescope rom le t to ri=ht> an# each bo7 too< a turn loo<in= out across the water. F3ot a boat in si=htAF sai# Chet> #isappointe#.

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

5ran< ha# Just ta<en his secon# turn sLuintin= throu=h the e7epiece when he calle# out excite#l7> F0 see somethin=AF ( 6666666666 He now be=an a runnin= account o the scene he ha# Just pic<e# up. F0tEs not ver7 clear... but 0 see a boat... must be at least six miles out.F F8hat <in# o boatGF Hoe put in.

F4oo<s li<e a cruiser... or a cutter... 0tEs not movin=... 8ant to ta<e a loo<> HoeGF 5ran<Es brother chan=e# places with him. F.a7> ellows> a manEs =oin= over the si#e on a la##er... HeEs climbin= into it.F FCan 7ou see a name or numbers on the bi= boatGF 5ran< as<e# excite#l7. F3o. The boatEs turne# at a unn7 an=le> so 7ou canEt see the letterin=. ,ou coul#nEt even i the weather was clearer.F F8hich wa7 is the man in the small boat hea#in=GF Bi FHe seems to be =oin= towar# Barmet Ba7.F Hoe =ave up his position to Bi . F.uppose 7ou <eep on him or a while> an# also the bi= boat. /a7be itEll turn so 7ou can catch the name or number on the box.F Chet ha# been silent or several moments. 3ow he sai#> F+o 7ou suppose the7Ere the smu==lersGF FCoul# be>F 5ran< replie#. F0 thin< weE# better leave an# report this to +a# rom the irst telephone we---F He was interrupte# b7 a su##en> terri 7in= scream o &0 6666666666 F8h-- where #i# that come F.oun#e# as i it came romGF Chet as<e# with a ri=htene# loo<. a manA as<e#.

rom insi#e>F 5ran< answere#.

The bo7s stare# at the house on the cli . A moment later the7 hear# a lou# cr7 or help. 0t was ollowe# b7 another scream. F.omebo#7Es in there an# is in troubleAF Hoe exclaime#. F8eE# better in# out whatEs =oin= onAF 4eavin= the telescope> the our bo7s ran to the the <nob. The #oor was loc<e#. ront #oor an# trie#

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

F4etEs scatter an# see i we can in# another #oor>F ran< su==este#.

5ran< an# Hoe too< one si#e o the house> Bi an# Chet the other. The7 met at the rear o the ol# home an# to=ether trie# the #oor there. This> too> was loc<e#. FThereEs a bro<en win#ow aroun# the corner>F Bi climb inGF F0 =uess weE# better>F 5ran< answere#. As the bo7s reache# the win#ow> which seeme# to open into a librar7> the7 hear# the scream a=ain. FHelpA Hurr7A HelpAF came an a=oniIe# cr7. && 6666666666 CHAPT"! T8TH0"5 AT 8-!1 Hoe was irst to sli#e throu=h the bro<en win#ow. ellows>F he calle# out> Funtil 0 unloc< this.F announce#. F.hall we

F8ait a moment>

Duic<l7 he turne# the catch> raise# the win#ow> an# the other three bo7s steppe# insi#e the librar7. 3o one was there an# the7 ran into the lar=e center hall. FHelloAF 5ran< shoute#. F8here are 7ouGF There was no answer. F/a7be that person who was callin= or help has passe# out or is unconscious>F Hoe su==este#. F4etEs loo< aroun#.F The bo7s #ashe# in various #irections> an# investi=ate# the livin= room with its ol#- ashione# urnishin=s> the #inin= room with its heavil7 carve# "n=lish oa< set> the <itchen> an# what ha# evi#entl7 been a mai#Es be#room in #a7s =one b7. 3ow it was heape# hi=h with empt7 boxes an# &2 6666666666 crates. There was no one in an7 o the rooms an# the Har#7s an# their two rien#s met a=ain in the hall. FThe man must be upstairs>F 5ran< #eci#e#. He starte# up the ront stairwa7 an# the others ollowe#. There were several be#rooms. .u##enl7 Chet hun= bac<. He wante# to =o with his pals but the eerineess o the house ma#e him pause. Bi an# the Har#7s

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

spe# rom one to another o the last o them. the man7 rooms. 5inall7 the7 investi=ate# itGF Bi as<e#> puIIle#.

F3obo#7 hereAF 8hat #o 7ou ma<e o

Chet> who ha# reJoine# the =roup> sai# worrie#l7> F/-- ma7be the place is haunte#AF HoeEs e7es were searchin= or an entrance to the thir# loor. .eein= none> he opene# three #oors in the hall> hopin= to in# a stairwa7. He saw none. FThere must be an attic in this house>F he sai#. F0 won#er how 7ou =et to it.F F/a7be thereEs an entrance F4etEs see.F rom one o the be#rooms>F 5ran< su==este#.

The bo7s separate# to investi=ate. .u##enl7 5ran< calle# out> F0Eve oun# itAF The others ran to where he ha# #iscovere# a #oor behin# a manEs shabb7 robe han=in= insi#e a closet. This in turn reveale# a stairwa7 an# the =roup hurrie#l7 climbe# it> Chet brin=in= up the rear. &* 6666666666 The attic room was enormous. -l# newspapers an# ma=aIines were strewn aroun# amon= ol#- ashione# trun<s an# suitcases> but there was no human bein= in si=ht. F0 =uess that cr7 or help #i#nEt come rom the house at all>F Bi su==este#. F8hatEll we #o nowG 4oo< out#oorsGF F0 =uess weEll have to>F 5ran< answere#. He starte# #own the steep stairwa7. !eachin= the oot> he turne# the han#le o the #oor which ha# swun= shut. To his concern he was not able to open it. F8hatEs the matterGF as<e# Chet F4oo<s as i rom the top o the stairwa7.

weEre loc<e# in>F 5ran< tol# him.

F4oc<e# inGF Chet waile#. F-h noAF 5ran< trie# pullin= an# pushin= the #oor. 0t #i# not bu#=e. FThatEs unn7>F he sai#. F0 #i#nEt see an7 loc< on the outsi#e.F

.u##enl7 the ull import o the situation #awne# on the our bo7s. .omeone ha# #eliberatel7 loc<e# them inA The cries or help ha# been a hoax to lure them into the houseA F,ou thin< somebo#7 was pla7in= a Jo<e on usGF Bi as<e#.

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

FPrett7 rotten <in# o Jo<e>F Chet sputtere#.

5ran< an# Hoe were incline# to thin< that there was more to it than a Jo<e. .omeone ha# seen a &@ 6666666666 chance to steal a valuable telescope an# two late-mo#el motorc7clesA F8eEve =ot to =et out o hereAF Hoe sai#. F5ran<> put 7our shoul#er to the #oor an# 0Ell help.F 5ortunatel7> the #oor was not particularl7 stur#7 an# =ave wa7 easil7. 5ran< =lance# bac< a moment as he rushe# throu=h an# saw two lar=e hoo<s which he ha# not notice# be ore. The7 ha# evi#entl7 been slippe# into the e7es an# ha# been rippe# rom the ramewor< b7 the crash on the #oor. The other bo7s ollowe#> runnin= pell-mell throu=h the hallwa7 an# clatterin= #own the stairwa7. The7 #ashe# out the ront #oor> leavin= it open behin# them. To their relie > the telescope still stoo# at the e#=e o the cli > pointin= seawar#. FThan< =oo#nessAF sai# Hoe. F0E# hate to have to tell +a# the telescope was =oneAF 5ran< rushe# over to ta<e a Luic< loo< throu=h the instrument. 0t ha# occurre# to him that ma7be some con e#erate o the smu==lers ha# seen them sp7in=. He mi=ht even have tric<e# them into the house #urin= the ver7 time that a smu==lin= operation woul# be within ran=e o the telescopeA 8hen 5ran< reache# the e#=e o instrument> he =aspe# &? 6666666666 in #isma7. The e7epieces ha# been remove#A rom both the in#er an# the telescope tube the cli an# trie# to loo< throu=h the

As he turne# to tell the other bo7s o his #iscover7> he oun# that the7 not behin# him. But a moment later Hoe came runnin= aroun# the corner o the home callin= out: FThe motorc7cles are sa eA 3obo#7 stole themAF FThan< =oo#ness or that>F 5ran< sai#.

Chet an# Bi Joine# them an# all loppe# #own on the =rass to #iscuss the m7sterious happenin=s an# wor< out a plan o action. F0 that thie is hi#in= insi#e the house> 0Fm =oin= to in# him>F Hoe

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

#eclare# inall7.

F0Em with 7ou>F sai# 5ran<> Jumpin= up. Fhow about 7ou> Bi > =uar#in= the motorc7cles an# Chet ta<in= char=e o the telescopeG That wa7> both the ront an# bac< #oors will be covere#> too> in case that thie comes out.F F-<a7>F the Har#7sE rien#s a=ree#.

As 5ran< an# Hoe entere# the ront hall> Hoe remar<e#> FThereEs a bac< stairwa7. 0 we #onEt in# the person on the irst loor> 0Ell ta<e that to the secon#. ,ou ta<e the ront.F 5ran< no##e# an# the search be=an. 3ot onl7 the irst> but the secon# an# attic loors were thorou=hl7 investi=ate# without results. FThereEs onl7 one place le t>F sai# 5ran<. FThe cellar.F This area also prove# to have no one hi#in= &' 6666666666 in it. F0 =uess our thie FAn# probabl7 on =ot awa7>F 5ran< state#.

oot>F Hoe a##e#. F0 #i#nEt hear an7 car> #i# 7ouG an# ma#e a =etawa7 in a boat>F 5ran<

F3o. /a7be he went #own the cli su==este#.

0n complete #is=ust the Har#7s reporte# their ailure to Bi an# Chet. Then the7 pac<e# up the telescope an# strappe# it onto 5ran<Es motorc7cle. F8e ma7 as well =o home>F Hoe sai# #ole ull7. F8eEll have a prett7 slim report or +a#.F F.limGF sai# Bi . F0 havenEt ha# so much excitement in six months.F

The bo7s climbe# aboar# the motorc7cles. As the Har#7s were about to start the motors> all our o them roIe in the seats. 5rom somewhere below the cli came a #emoniacal lau=h. 0nvoluntaril7 the bo7s shu##ere#. F4-- letEs =et ot o hereAF Chet ur=e#.

5ran< an# Hoe ha# hoppe# o the motorc7cles> an# were racin= in the #irection rom which the eerie lau=hter was comin=. F0t ma7 be another trapAF Chet 7elle# a ter them. FCome bac<AF But the Har#7s went on. Hust be ore the7 reache# the e#=e o the cli the7 were thun#erstruc< to hear the lau=hter comin= rom a completel7 #i erent area. 0t was actuall7 in bac< o themA F8hat =ivesGF Hoe as<e#.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter

&) 6666666666 F.earch me>F his brother answere#. FThe =host must have a con e#erate.F The brothers peere# over the e#=e o the cli but coul# see onl7 Ja==e# roc<s that le# to the boomin= sur below. 5ran< an# Hoe returne# to their chums> #isappointe# that the7 ha# learne# nothin= an# ha# no explanation or the secon# lau=h. F0Em =la# it stoppe#> an7how>F sai# Chet. F0t =ave me =oose pimples an# ma#e chills run up an# #own m7 spine.F Bi loo<e# at his wrist watch. F0 reall7 have to be =ettin= home> ellows. .orr7 to brea< up this man hunt. /a7be 7ou can ta<e me to a bus an# come bac<.F The Har#7s woul# not hear o this an# sai# the7 woul# leave at once.

The7 ha# =one scarel7 a mile when the motor on 5ran<Es c7cle sputtere# an# bac< ire#> then #ie#. FA swell time or a brea<#own>F he sai# #is=uste#l7 as he hon<e# or Hoe to stop. Hoe turne# aroun# an# #rove bac<. F8hatEs the matterGF F+onEt <now.F 5ran< #ismounte#. F0tEs not the =as. 0 have plent7 o that.F FTou=h luc<AF Hoe sai# s7mpatheticall7. F8ell> letEs ta<e a loo< at the motor. Better =et out 7our tools.F As 5ran< opene# the toolbox o &% 6666666666 an expression o bewil#erment came over his ace. his motorc7cle>

F/7 toolsAF he exclaime#. FThe7Ere =oneAF The others =athere# aroun#. The toolbox was in#ee# empt7A FAre 7ou sure 7ou ha# them when 7ou le t Ba7portGF Chet as<e#. Fcourse 0 #i#. 0 never =o an7where without them.F

Bi shoo< his hea#. F0 suppose the =u7 who too< the e7epieces stole 7our tools too.F Hoe #ashe# to the toolbox on his motorc7cle an# =ave a cr7 o F/ine are =one> tooAF &( #isma7.

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6666666666 CHAPT"! TH!"" 4A3+.40+"A FThatEs a shame> ellows>F Chet /orton sai#. FThis is sure 7our #a7 or ba# luc<. 5irst the e7epieces rom 7our telescope are ta<en an# now the tools rom 7our motorc7cles.F FAn# all b7 the same person> 0Em sure>F 5ran< remar<e# =riml7. F.ome slic< operator> whoever he is>F Hoe a##e# =loomil7. Chet put his han#s into his trouser poc<ets an# with a =rin pulle# out a pair o pliers> a screw #river> an# a wrench. F0 was wor<in= on the Dueen this mornin=>F he explaine#. F9oo# thin= 0 happene# to put these in m7 poc<et.F F0Ell sa7>F 5ran< #eclare# =rate ull7> ta<in= the tools which Chet han#e# over. He un astene# the housin= o 20 6666666666 be=an chec<in= ever7 inch o the machiner7. 5inall7 he loo<e# up an# announce#> F0 =uess 0Eve oun# the trouble-- a loose connection.F 5ran< a#Juste# the wires an# a moment later the vehicleEs motor was roarin= normall7. The housin= was put bac< on> ChetEs tools were returne# with than<s> an# the our bo7s set o once more. F4etEs hope nothin= more happens be ore we =et home>F Bi wr7 lau=h. F0Ell secon# that>F Hoe sai# emphaticall7. 5or ive mintes the c7clists ro#e alon= in silence> their thou=hts partl7 on the passin= scener7> but mostl7 on the m7ster7 in which the7 ha# become involve#. HoeEs min# was racin= with his throbbin= motorc7le. 0n a ew minutes he ha# ar out#istance# his brother. 5ran< #i# not #are =o an7 aster because o the telescope strappe# onto his han#le bars. Presentl7 Hoe reache# a spot in the roa# where it ha# been cut out o the hillsi#e on the ri=ht. There was a sharp curve here. The motorc7cle too< it neatl7> but he an# Bi ha# scarcel7 reache# the strai=htawa7 be7on# when the7 hear# a thun#erous soun# bac< o them. F8hatEs thatGF Hoe crie# out. sai# with a the motor an#

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Bi turne# to loo< over his shoul#er. FA lan#sli#eAF he shoute#.

2& 6666666666 !oc<s an# #irt> loosene# b7 recent heav7 rainstorms> were tumblin= #own the steep hillsi#e at terri ic spee#. F5ran<AF Hoe crie# out in horror. He Jamme# on his bra<e an# #isen=a=e# the en=ine. As he ran bac< to warn his brother> Hoe saw that he was too late. Bi ha# rushe# up an# both coul# onl7 stare helplessl7> their hearts sin<in=. 5ran< an# Chet came aroun# the corner at =oo# spee# an# ran ull tilt into the lan#sli#e. 0ts rumblin= soun# ha# been #rowne# out b7 the poun#in= sur an# their own roarin= motor. The two bo7s> the motorc7cle> an# the telescope were bowle# over b7 the allin= roc<s an# earth. As the rain o #ebris inall7 stoppe#> Hoe an# Bi reache# their si#es. F5ran<A ChetAF the7 crie# out in unison. FAre 7ou hurtGF 5ran<> then Chet> sat up slowl7. Asi#e rom loo<in= a bit #aIe#> the7 seeme# to be all ri=ht. F!oc< Just misse# m7 hea#>F 5ran< sai# inall7. F0 =ot a mean wallop on m7 shoul#er>F Chet pante# =in=erl7> rubbin= the sore spot. F,ou ellows were luc<7>F Bi relie . spo<e up> an# Hoe no##e# his intense

FHow about the telescopeGF 5ran< as<e# Luic<l7. FTa<e a loo< at it> will 7ou> HoeGF The battere# carr7in= case> pushe# out o in place on the motorc7cle> 22 6666666666 la7 in the roa#. covere# with stone an# #irt. Hoe opene# the heavil7 line# box an# care ull7 examine# the telescope. F0 loo<s all ri=ht to me>F he sai# in a relieve# voice. F- course we wonEt <now or sure until we tr7 other e7epieces in it. But at least nothin= loo<s bro<en.F B7 this time 5ran< an# Chet were stan#in= up an# Bi remar<e#> F8hile 7ou two are =ettin= 7our breath> Hoe an# 0 can ta<e the bi==est roc<s out o the wa7. .ome motorist ma7 come spee#in= alon= here an# brea< his nec< or wrec< his car unless this place =ets cleane# up.F F-h> 0Em o<a7>F Chet insiste#. FThe roc< that hit me elt Just li<e the straps which ha# hel# it

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Ben#er> that bi= en# on /ilton Hi=h team. HeEs hit me man7 a time the same wa7.F 5ran<> too> #eclare# that he elt no ill e ects. To=ether> the bo7s lun= roc< a ter roc< into the iel# between the roa# an# the water an#> in pairs> carrie# the heavier roc<s out o the wa7. F9uess weEre all set now>F 5ran< spo<e up. FBi > 0Em a rai# 7ouEre =oin= to be late =ettin= home.F He chuc<le#. F8ho is sheGF Bi re##ene# a little. FHowE# 7ou =uessG 0 have a #ate toni=ht with .all7 .an#erson. But sheEs a =oo# sport. .he wonEt min# waitin= a little lon=er.F A=ain the 2* 6666666666 an# starte# o . A ew minutes later a noise out in the ocean attracte# 5ran<Es attention an# he peere# across the rollin= sweep o waters. A power ul spee#boat came into view aroun# the base o a small cli about a Luarter mile out. 0t was ollowe# at a short #istance b7 a similar> but lar=er cra t. Both boats were travellin= at hi=h spee#. F4oo<s li<e a raceAF Hoe calle# out. F4etEs watch itAF The Har#7s ran their motorc7cle behin# a clump o then wal<e# #own to the shore line. trees an# stoppe#> our bo7s stra##le# the motorc7cles

The boats #i# not appear to be havin= a rien#l7 spee# contest> however. The irst boat was Ii=Ia==in= in a peculair manner> an# the pursuin= cra t was rapi#l7 overta<in= it. F.eeA That secon# boat is tr7in= to stop the other oneAF 5ran< exclaime#. F0t sure is. 8on#er whatEs up>F sai# Hoe tensel7. F0 wish that telescope was wor<in=. Can an7 o 7ou ellows ma<e out the names on the boatsGF F3o>F the others choruse#. The two men stan#in= in the bow o the pursuin= cra t were wavin= their arms ranticall7. The irst boat turne# as i about to hea# towar# the shore. Then> apparentl7> the helmsman chan=e# his min#> or at once the nose o his boat was pointe# out into the ocean a=ain. But the moment o 2@ 6666666666 pursuers the chance the7 nee#e#. .wi tl7 the =ap between the racin= cra t =rew smaller an# smaller until the boats were runnin= si#e b7 hesitation ha# =iven the

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si#e. The7 were so close to=ether that a collision seeme# imminent. FThe7Ell all be <ille# i watche# intentl7. the7 arenEt care ulAF 5ran< muttere# as he

The lone man in the oremost cra t was bent over the wheel. 0n the boat behin#> one o the two men su##enl7 raise# his ri=ht arm hi=h. A moment later he hurle# an obJect throu=h the air. 0t lan#e# in bac< o the en=ine housin= in the center o the cra t. At the same time the lar=er boat spe# o seawar#. F8hat was thatGF Chet as<e#. F0--F .u##enl7 a sheet o lame leape# hi=h into the air rom the smaller boat. There was a stunnin= explosion an# a #ense clou# o smo<e rose in the air. Bits o wrec<a=e were thrown hi=h an# in the mi#st o it the bo7s saw the occupant hurle# into the water. .wi tl7 the whole boat cau=ht ire. The lames race# rom bow to stern.

FThat manAF shoute# 5ran<. FHeEs aliveAF The bo7s coul# see him stru==lin= in the sur > tr7in= to swim ashore. FHeEll never ma<e itAF Hoe =aspe#. FHeEs all in.F F8eEve =ot to save himAF 5ran< crie# out. 2? 6666666666 CHAPT"! 5-2! TH" !".C2" The Har#7 bo7s <new that the7 ha# no time to lose. 0t was evi#ent that the man in the water ha# been inJure# b7 the explosion an# coul# not swim much lon=er. F8eEll never reach himAF Chet sai#> as the an# =rass to the shore. our #ashe# across the roc<s

.u##enl7 5ran< crie# out> F0 see a rowboat up on the beach.F His sharp e7es ha# #etecte# a lar=e rowboat almost completel7 hi##en in a small cove at the bottom o the cli . F8eE# ma<e better time in thatAF A hu=e roc< Juttin= out o part o the beach. the water cut the cove o rom the open

F8eEve have to =o up to that ri#=e an# then #own>F Hoe obJecte#. F0Ell swim out.F F0 will too>F sai# Bi 2' .

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6666666666 The two plun=e# into the water an# struc< out or the stric<en man.

/eanwhile> 5ran< an# Chet spe# up the slope> cut across a strip o =rass> an# be=an runnin= #own the emban<ment towar# the rowboat. FThat manEs still a loat>F 5ran< shoute# as he loo<e# out over the water. Hoe an# Bi were ma<in= =oo# time but were a lon= wa7 rom the man> who seeme# now to be #ri tin= with the out=oin= ti#e. The explosion victim> ortunatel7> ha# mana=e# to sieIe a piece o wrec<a=e an# was han=in= onto it. .lippin= an# scramblin=> 5ran< an# Chet ma#e their wa7 #own the slope. !oc<s rolle# an# tumble# ahea# o them. But inall7 the7 reache# the bottom sa el7 an# examine# the boat. 0t was battere# an# ol#> but evi#entl7 still seaworth7. There were two sets o oars. F9rab hol#AF 5ran< #irecte# Chet. The bo7s pulle# the boat across the pebbles an# into the water. .wi tl7 the7 ixe# the oars in the loc<s an# too< their places. Pullin= har#> 5ran< an# Chet rowe# towar# the #istresse# swimmer. Presentl7 the7 overtoo< Hoe an# Bi > who clambere# aboar#. The man ha# seen the bo7s an# calle# eebl7 to them to hurr7. F5asterAF Hoe ur=e#. FHe loo<s as i heEll =o un#er an7 secon#AF

The motorboat in the bac<=roun# was still 2) 6666666666 blaIin= iercel7> plainl7 #oome#. lames shootin= hi=h in the air. The cra t was

The bo7s pulle# har#er an# the rowboat leape# across the water. 8hen it was onl7 a ew 7ar#s awa7 rom the man> he su##enl7 let =o his hol# on the bit o wrec<a=e an# slippe# beneath the waves. FHeEs #rownin=AF Chet shoute#> as he bent to his oar a=ain. Hoe ma#e a tremen#ousl7 lon=> outwar# #ive an# #isappeare# into the water where the man ha# =one #own. 5ran< an# Chet rowe# the boat to the spot an# leane# over the si#e to peer #own. Hust then> Hoe an# the stran=er bro<e the sur ace o the water> with the bo7 hol#in= an arm un#er the manEs shoul#ers. His hea# sa==e#. FHeEs unconsciousAF Bi whispere# hoarsel7> as he helpe# pull the victim into the boat. The man sprawle# helplessl7 on the bottom> more #ea# than alive.

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F8eE# better revive him an# =et him to the hospital>F sai# 5ran<. He applie# arti icial respiration> orcin= a little water rom the manEs lun=s> but the stran=er #i# not re=ain consciousness. F0 thin< he collapse# 5ran< an# Chet too< o i=ure. 2% 6666666666 FHow about ta<in= him to that Chet su==este#. armhouse over there-- alon= the roa#GF rom exhaustion>F Hoe spo<e up. their Jac<ets an# wrappe# them aroun# the wet

The others a=ree#. As 5ran< an# Chet rowe# towar# the arm> the bo7s #iscusse# the m7ster7. 8ho was the victim o the explosion an# wh7 ha# the men in the other motorboat trie# to <ill himG The man the7 ha# rescue# la7 ace #ownwar# in the bottom o the boat. He was a slim> #ar<-haire# man with sharp> clean-cut eatures> an# his clothes were cheap an# worn. Bi loo<e# in his poc<ets or i#enti ication but oun# none. F8on#er i heEs a local man>F Hoe sai#. F3ever saw him aroun# town.F

The other bo7s #eclare# the7 never ha# either. B7 this time the boat was close to shore. Hoe an# Bi leape# out an# #ra==e# it part wa7 up on the beach. Then the our bo7s carrie# the unconscious man up the roc<7 shore towar# the armhouse. At their approach a plump woman came hurr7in= out o the house. 5rom the orchar# nearb7 a burl7 man in overalls came orwar#. F/7 =oo#nessA 8hat has happene#GF the woman as<e#> runnin= towar# them. F8e Just pulle# this man out o 7our house--F FBrin= him in>F bomme# the the water>F 5ran< explaine#. F8e saw

armer. FBrin= him ri=ht in.F

The woman ran ahea# an# hel# the #oor 2( 6666666666 open. The bo7s carrie# the stran=er into the house an# lai# him on a be# in the com ortabl7 urnishe# irst- loor be#room. The armerEs wi e hastene# to the <itchen to prepare a hot #rin<. F!ub his an<les an# wrists> an# =et those wet clothes o him>F the armer tol# the bo7s. FThat will step up his circulation. 0Fll =et him some paJamas.F

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FHow about callin= a #octorGF 5ran< as<e#. F3o nee#. HeEll be o<a7>F the armer #eclare#.

The victim was soon un#er the covers. 5ran< an# Hoe continue# to massa=e his wrists an# an<les. At last the stran=er stirre# eebl7. His e7eli#s luttere#. His lips move#> but no wor#s came. Then his e7es opene# an# the man stare# at those aroun# him> as thou=h in a #aIe. F8here am 0GF he muttere# aintl7. rien#s.F

F,ouEre sa e>F 5ran< assure# him. F,ouEre with F,ou save# meGF F,es.F FPrett7 near-- cashe# in-- #i#nEt 0GF

F,ou nearl7 #rowne#> but 7ouEre all ri=ht now. 8hen 7ou eel li<e tal<in=> 7ou can tell us the whole stor7>F sai# 5ran<. FBut in the meantime> weEll call the police or the Coast 9uar# an# report those men who trie# to mur#er 7ou.F The man in the be# blin<e# an# loo<e# out the *0 6666666666 win#ow. 5inall7 he sai#> F3o> no> +onEt #o that.F The bo7s were shoc<e#. F8h7 notGF Hoe burst out. The man was thou=ht ull7 silent or a moment> then sai#> FThan<s> but 0E# rather let matters stan# as the7 are. 0Ell ta<e care o it as soon as 0 =et m7 stren=ht bac<.F The rescue# man turne# to the armer. F-<a7 with 7ou i 0 sta7 here overni=htG 0Ell pa7 7ou> o course.F The armer put out his han#. FThe nameEs 1ane an# 7ouEre welcome to sta7 until 7ou eel stron=. 3obo#7 can sa7 0 ever turne# a sic<e# man awa7. An# whatEs 7our nameGF The patient hesitate# a moment. FHones. Bill Hones>F he sai# at last. 0t was so evi#entl7 a alse name that the Har#7s =lance# <nowin=l7 at each other. /r 1ane #i# not seem to realiIe that his =uest was apparentl7 tr7in= to hi#e his i#entit7. /rs. 1ane appeare# with hot broth an# toast. .he su==este# that her husban# an# the bo7s let the patient rest or a while. 8hen she Joine# them in the livin= room she invite# the bo7s to have a snac<. Chet rea#il7 accepte# or all o them.

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The snac< consiste# o san#whiches o home-cure# ham with cheese> =lasses o resh mil<> an# rich lemon pie> roth7 with merin=ue. Chet beame#. F/rs. 1ane> 7ou ou=ht to open a restaurant. *& 6666666666 0E# be a stea#7 customer. ,ouEre the best pie ma<er 0Eve ever met.F 5ran<> Hoe> an# Bi chuc<le#. How o ten the7 ha# hear# their stout> oo#-lovin= chum ma<e similar remar<sA But in this case the7 ha# to a=ree with him an# tol# /rs. 1ane so. .he smile#. F0tEs the least 0 can #o someoneEs li e.F or 7ou bo7s who Just save#

Her 7oun= =uests sai# nothin= o their earl7 a ternoonEs a#venture insi#e the Pollitt house> but 5ran< casuall7 as<e# the 1anes i the7 ha# <nown the #ecease# owner an# i an7one were livin= there now. F.ure 0 <new 5elix Pollitt>F the armer replie#. FClosemouthe# ol# co#=er> but 0 #i# hear him once sa7 somethinE about havinE a no-=oo# nephew. Pollitt sai# he was his onl7 livinE relative an# he suppose# heE# have to leave the propert7 to him.F FBut whoE# want the placeGF /rs. 1ane spo<e up. F0tEs woul# cost a mint o mone7 to ix up.F allin= apart an#

Hoe =rinne#. F.oun#s li<e a haunte# house>F he remar<e# pointe#l7. F5unn7 7ou shoul# sa7 that.F /rs. 1ane loo<e# at Hoe. FThere was a amil7 stoppe# here the other #a7. 8ante# to bu7 some e==s. -ne o the little =irls sai# the7E# ha# a terrible scare. The7E# stoppe# at the ol# Pollitt place at have a picnic> *2 6666666666 an# were scare# out o rom the house.F their wits b7 moans an# =roans an# Lueer lau=hs

/r. 1aneEs ace bro<e into a =rin. FThe <i#Es ima=ination sure was runninE awa7 with itsel .F F0Em not so sure o that>F his wi e #isa=ree#. F0 thin< some bo7s were in there pla7in= pran<s.F A ter 5ran< an# Hoe an# their rien#s ha# le t the armhouse> the7 #iscusse# the stran=e noises at the Pollitt place rom this new an=le. Bi rowne#. F0 those =hosts are the lau=h on us>F he remar<e#. rom Ba7port Hi=h> the7Ell sure have ace them on /on#a7.F

FThe7 sure will>F Chet a=ree#. F0E# hate to

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5ran< an# Hoe were not convince#. A ter the7 ha# #roppe# their chums at the /orton an# Hopper homes> the7 #iscusse# the #a7Es stran=e an# varie# a#ventures all the wa7 to the Har#7 house. F0Em sure that =host business was meant to be somethin= more than a pran<>F 5ran< state#. F!i=ht>F his brother a=ree#.F0 Just ha# an i#ea> 5ran<. /a7be nobo#7 was in the house> but he coul# have ri==e# up a tape recor#er to ma<e those soun#s an# a remote control to start it. 8hat sa7 we =o bac< sometime an# ta<e a loo<GF F0Em with 7ou.F B7 this time the bo7s ha# turne# into the lon= #rivewa7 o home> a spacious> three-stor7 ** 6666666666 clapboar# house on the corner o Hi=h an# "lm streets. The lar=e twostor7 =ara=e at the rear o an attractive =ar#en ha# once been a barn. 5ran< an# Hoe par<e# their motorc7cles> unstrappe# the telescope> an# carrie# it to the bac< porch. As the7 entere# the <itchen> the7 oun# their mother> a prett7> sweet- ace# woman> with spar<lin= blue e7es> preparin= supper. FHello> bo7s>F she =reete# them. F+i# 7ou have a =oo# #a7G .ee an7 smu==lersGF The7 <isse# her an# 5ran< sai#> F8e have a lot to tell 7ou an# +a#.F FHeEs in the stu#7 upstairs. 0Ell =o up with 7ou ri=ht awa7 an# we can tal< while the chic<enEs roastin= an# the potatoes ba<in=.F The three hurrie# up to the room where /r. Har#7 was bus7 loo<in= in a lar=e metal ile in which he <ept important recor#s. The #etective stoppe# his wor< an# listene# with rapt attention as 5ran< an# Hoe =ave a #etaile# account o their a#ventures. F8e sure ell or that cr7 or help>F Hoe explaine#. F0Em sorr7 about the stolen e7epieces rom the telescope.F FAn# 0 hope it wasnEt #ama=e# when 0 ha# m7 spill>F 5ran< a##e#. He smile# wanl7. F,ouEll probabl7 want to #ismiss us rom 7our #etective orce.F F3othin= o *@ 6666666666 now> letEs #iscuss what 7ou saw throu=h the telescope. ,ou sai# 7ou spotte# a man who climbe# #own the la##er o a boat an# went o in a the <in#>F his ather sai#. FBut the Har#7

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smaller one. Coul# he ha# been this same HonesGF ellow who calls himsel

F8e coul#nEt i#enti 7 him>F Hoe replie#> Fbut he mi=ht be.F 5ran< snappe# his in=ers. F,es> an# he coul# be one o the smu==lers.F

FBut who threw that han# =rena#e at himGF Hoe as<e#. F3ot one o his own =an=> surel7. An# those =u7s in the other spee#boat-- the7 coul#nEt have been Coast 9uar# men> even in #is=uise. The7 woul#nEt use =rena#es.F FHoeEs ri=ht on the secon# point>F /r. Har#7 a=ree#. FBut Hones ma7 still be a smu==ler.F F,ou mean he mi=ht have #one somethin= to ma<e his boss ma# an# the boss sent out a couple o men to =et himGF Hoe as<e#. The #etective no##e#. F0 this theor7 is ri=ht> an# we persua#e Hones to tal< be ore he either reJoins the =an= or starts tr7in= to ta<e reven=e> then we mi=ht =et him to turn stateEs evi#ence.F The bo7s were excite#. Both Jumpe# rom their chairs an# Hoe crie# out ea=erl7> F4etEs =o tal< to him ri=ht awa7A B7 mornin= heEll be =oneAF *? 6666666666 CHAPT"! 50B" P!"TC"4 P"T" FHust a minuteAF /rs. Har#7 sai# to her sons. FHow about supperGF F8e can eat when we come bac< rom our interview with Hones>F Hoe answere#. F/other> he ma7 #eci#e to leave the armhouse an7 time.F +espairin=l7 /rs. Har#7 returne# to her husban#. F8hat #o 7ou thin<> 5entonGF The #etective =ave his wi e an un#erstan#in= smile> then turne# to 5ran< an# Hoe. F+i#nEt 7ou sa7 Hones was in prett7 ba# shapeGF F,es> +a#>F 5ran< replie#. FThen 0 #oubt ver7 much that heEll tr7 to leave the 1aneEs home be ore the time he set-- tomorrow mornin=. 0Em sure that itEll be sa e or us to eat /otherEs =oo# supper an# still see our man in time.F *' 6666666666 Hoe subsi#e#> an# to ma<e his mother eel better> sai# with a smile> F9uess 0 let this m7ster7 =o to m7 brain or a minute. As a matter o

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act> 0 have an empt7 space insi#e o me bi= enou=h to eat two suppersAF

/rs. Har#7 twea<e# an ear o her ener=etic son> Just as she ha# reLuentl7 #one ever since he was a small bo7. He smile# at her a ectionatel7> then as<e# what he coul# #o to help with supper. F8ell> suppose 7ou ill the water =lasses an# =et mil< or 7ou an# 5ran<>F /rs. Har#7 sai#> as she an# Hoe went #ownstairs to=ether. At the table> as o ten happene# at meals in the Har#7 home> the conversation revolve# aroun# the m7ster7. 5ran< as<e# his ather i he ha# ma#e an7 pro=ress on his part in the case concernin= the smu==lers. FBer7 little>F the #etective replie#. F.nattman is a slipper7 in#ivi#ual. He covers his trac<s well. 0 #i# in# this out> thou=h. The law irm which is han#lin= ol# /r. PollittEs a airs has ha# no luc< in locatin= the nephew to whom the propert7 was le t.F F/r. 1ane sai# heE# hear# /r. Pollitt call his nephew a no-=oo#>F 5ran< put in. FThatEs Just the point>F /r. Har#7 sai#. FThe law7ers learne# police that heEs a hoo#lum an# is wante# or bur=lar7.F 5ran< whistle#. FThat puts the nephew in a *) 6666666666 ba# spot> #oesnEt itG 0 nabbe# as a criminal.F he shows up to claim the propert7> heEll be rom the

F"xactl7>F /r. Har#7 answere#. F8hat will become o the propert7GF Hoe Luerie#.

H0s ather sai# he thou=ht the executors mi=ht let the house remain vacant or the7 mi=ht possibl7 rent it. FThe7 coul# #o this on a monthto-month basis. This woul# =ive a##e# income to the estate.F F8hich woul#nEt #o the nephew much =oo# i put in. he were in Jail>F /rs. Har#7

FThat woul# #epen# on how lon= his sentence was>F her husban# sai#. FHe ma7 not be a #an=erous criminal. He ma7 Just have allen into ba# compan7 an# unwittin=l7 become an accessor7 in some hol#up or bur=lar7.F F0n that case>F 5ran< remar<e#> Fhe ma7 realiIe that he woul#nEt have to sta7 in prison lon=. He ma7 appear to claim the propert7> ta<e his punishment> an# then lea# a normal> law-abi#in= li e out at his uncleEs place.F F8ell> 0 sincerel7 hope so>F /r. Har#7 replie#. FThe trouble is> so o ten when a 7oun= man Joins a =roup o hoo#lums or rac<eteers> heEs blac<maile# or the rest o his li e> even thou=h he tries to =o strai=ht.F The #etective smile#. FThe best wa7 to avoi# such a

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situation is never to =et into itAF *% 6666666666 At this moment the phone ran= an# 5ran< went to answer it. F0tEs 7ou> +a#AF he calle#> comin= bac< to the table. or

/r. Har#7 spent nearl7 i teen minutes in conversation with the caller. 0n the meantime> the bo7s an# /rs. Har#7 inishe# their supper. Then> while /r. Har#7 ate his #essert> he tol# his amil7 a little about the in ormation he ha# Just receive# on the phone. F/ore #ru=s have #isappeare#>F he sai# tersel7. F0Em positive now that .nattman is behin# all this.F F8ere the #ru=s stolen aroun# hereGF 5ran< as<e#. F8e #onEt <now>F his ather answere#. FA pharmaceutical house in the /i#west was expectin= a shipment o rare #ru=s rom 0n#ia. 8hen the pac<a=e arrive#> onl7 hal the or#er was there. 0t was evi#ent that someone ha# cleverl7 opene# the pac<a=e> remove# part o the shipment> an# replace# the wrappin= so neatl7 that neither the customs o icials nor the post o ice was aware that the pac<a=e ha# been tampere# with.F FHow were the #ru=s sent to this countr7GF Hoe Lueire#. FThe7 came b7 ship.F FTo which portGF F3ew ,or<. But the ship #i# stop at Ba7port.F *( 6666666666 FHow lon= a=o was thisGF F3earl7 two months a=o. 0t seems that the pharmaceutical house wasnEt rea#7 to use the #ru=s until now> so ha#nEt opene# the pac<a=e.F FThen>F sai# Hoe> Fthe #ru=s coul# have been remove# ri=ht on the premises> an# have ha# nothin= to #o with smu==lers.F F,ouEre ri=ht>F /r. Har#7 a=ree#. F"ach time #ru=s are reporte# missin=> thereEs a new an=le to the case. Althou=h 0Em convince# .nattman is bac< o it> how to prove this is reall7 a stic<ler.F /r. Har#7 went on to sa7 that the tip he ha# receive# about .nattman bein= in the Ba7port area ha# been a ver7 reliable one. He smile#. F0Ell tell 7ou all a little secret. 0 have a ver7 =oo# rien# #own on the water ront. He pic<s up man7 <in#s o in ormation or me. His name is PretIel Pete.F FPretIel PeteAF 5ran< an# Hoe crie# out. F8hat a nameAF

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FThatEs his nic<name alon= the water ront>F /r. Har#7 tol# them. He lau=he#. F+urin= the past ew 7ears 0 Eve munche# on so man7 o the pretIels he sells> 0 thin< 0Em his best customer.F B7 this time the bo7Es ather ha# inishe# his #essert> an# he su==este# the7 leave at once or the 1ane armhouse. He brou=ht his blac< se#an rom the =ara=e an# the bo7s hoppe# in. 0t #i# not ta<e lon= to cover the six miles to the place where Hones was spen#in= the ni=ht. @0 6666666666 F8h7> the house is #ar<>F 5ran< remar<e#> puIIle#. F/a7be ever7oneEs asleep>F Hoe su==este#. FThis earl7GF 5ran< proteste#. /r. Har#7 continue# on #own the lane. There was no si=n o an7one aroun# the place. 5ran< remar<e# that perhaps the armer an# his wi e ha# =one out or the evenin=. FBut 0Em surprise# that the7 woul# leave Hones alone in his con#ition>F he a##e#. F0Em Luite sure the7 woul#nEt>F his ather averre#. F0 0Em a rai# weEll have to wa<e them.F the7Ere asleep>

He pulle# up in ront o the <itchen entrance. 5ran< was out o the car in an instant> the others ollowe#. He rappe# on the #oor. There was no answer. F4etEs tr7 the it.F ront #oor>F Hoe su==este#. F/a7be that has a <noc<er on

The bo7s wal<e# aroun# to the ocean si#e o the house. Althou=h the7 ban=e# lou#l7 with the brass #oor <noc<er> there was still no response. FThe 1anes must have =one out>F sai# Hoe. FBut what about HonesG .urel7 heEs here.F FAn# too wea< to come to the #oor>F 5ran< surmise#. FBut he coul# call out. 0 canEt un#erstan# it.F The brothers returne# to the bac< #oor an# reporte# to their Then> as Hoe rappe# @& 6666666666 several more times without response> a sin<in= brothers. F0 =uess Hones recovere# eelin= came over the ather.

ast an# has =one>F Hoe sai# #eJecte#l7.

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F8eEve =oo e#.F FTr7 the <nob. The #oor ma7 not be loc<e#>F /r. Har#7 or#ere#. 5rom his tone the bo7s <new that he share# their ears. 5ran< turne# the <nob an# the #oor swun= open. /r. Har#7 or a li=ht switch on the wall. F8eEll =o in>F he murmure#. F0 elt aroun#

Hones is here weEll tal< to him.F the switch. As the <itchen became thun#erstruc<. -n their previous neatness o the room. 3ow the ha# sha<en it.

B7 this time the #etective ha# oun# loo#e# with li=ht> the bo7s =aspe#> visit the7 ha# been impresse# b7 the place loo<e# as thou=h an earthLua<e

Pots an# pans were scattere# about the loor. The table was overturne#. A chair la7 upsi#e #own in a corner. .hattere# bits o cups an# saucers were strewn on the loor. F8hat happene#GF 5ran< exclaime# in bewil#erment. FThereEs been a i=ht-- or a stru==le o some <in#>F sai# /r. Har#7. F4etEs see what the rest o the house loo<s li<e.F The bo7s opene# the #oor to the a#Joinin= livin= room. 5ran< snappe# on the wall switch. @2 6666666666 MAttach EPa=eN0@*.=i E hereO @* 6666666666 There a horri 7in= si=ht met the Har#7sE e7es. The armer an# his wi e> boun# an# =a==e#> were tie# to chairs in the mi##le o the roomA .wi tl7 5ran<> Hoe> an# their ather rushe# over to /r. an# /rs. 1ane. The7 ha# been tie# with stron= ropes an# so well =a==e# that the couple ha# been unable to utter a soun#. 0n a minute the Har#7s ha# loosene# the bon#s an# remove# the =a=s. FThan< =oo#nessAF /rs. 1ane exclaime# with a si=h o her arms. relie > stretchin=

Her husban#> splutterin= with ra=e> rose rom his chair an# hurle# the ropes to one si#e. FThose scoun#relsAF he crie# out. 5ran< hastil7 intro#uce# his ather> then as<e#> F8hat happene#GF

5or several moments /r. an# /rs. 1ane were too upset to tell their stor7. But inall7 the armer sta==ere# over to the win#ow an# pointe#

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#own the shore roa#. FThe7 went that wa7AF he roare#. F5ollow themAF F8hoGF FThose thu=s who tie# us upA The7 too< HonesAF @@ 6666666666 CHAPT"! .0$ The .tran=e /essa=e FHow lon= a=o #i# those <i#napers leaveGF 5ran< as<e# the 1anes Luic<l7. FAbout ten minutes>F replie# the 7ou hurr7AF armer. F/a7be 7ou can catch them i

FCome on> +a#AF 5ran< crie#. F4etEs =o a ter themAF /r. Har#7 nee#e# no urther ur=in=. He an# his sons ran out o house an# Jumpe# into the car. the

FThatEs rou=h stu >F Hoe sai# to his ather as the7 turne# onto the shore roa#> Fbar=in= into a house> t7in= up the owners> an# <i#napin= a =u7AF F,es>F /r. Har#7 a=ree#. F0t loo<s as thou=h 7our rien# Hones is mixe# up in some <in# o rac<et. Those men must have been prett7 #esperate to ris< brea<in= into an occupie# house.F @? 6666666666 The bo7sE ather was able to ollow the trac<s o the car rom the trea# mar<s in the #ust7 roa#. But soon there were si=ns that another car ha# turne# onto the shore roa# rom a si#e lane an# the trail became con use#. The Har#7s passe# the lane that le# into the Pollitt place an# continue# on until the7 came to a hilltop. Here the7 coul# =et a clear view o the roa# win#in= alon= the coast or several miles. There was no si=n o a car. F8eEve lost them> 0 =uess>F sai# 5ran< in #isappointment> as /r. Har#7 brou=ht the se#an to a stop. FThe7 ha# too much o a hea# start>F Hoe remar<e#. F0 to the arm sooner. 8ell> we ma7 as well =o bac<.F onl7 weE# =otten

/r. Har#7 a=ree#> turne# the car aroun#> an# once more the Har#7s hea#e# or the arm. -n the wa7 the7 #iscusse# the m7sterious

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<i#napin=> an# speculate# on the i#entit7 o those responsible.

F0Ell bet those men in the other motorboat saw us rescue Hones> or else the7 hear# somehow that heE# been ta<en to the armhouse>F Hoe surmise#. F0 the7 are the <i#napers> 0 won#er what will happen to Hones now>F 5ran< sai# =ravel7. FThe7 trie# to <ill him once.F F/a7be the7Ell Just hol# him prisoner>F /r. Har#7 state# thou=ht ull7. FThe7 were probabl7 @' 6666666666 a rai# heE# tell all he <new> an# coul#nEt a armhouse.F or# to leave him at the

8hen the7 =ot bac< to the 1anesE> the7 oun# the armer an# his wi e somewhat recovere# rom their harrowin= experience. /rs. 1ane was bus7 strai=htenin= up the <itchen. F8e coul#nEt catch them>F 5ran< reporte# sa#l7. F8ell> those hoo#lums ha# a hi=h-powere# car an# the7 werenEt wastinE an7 time. 0 coul# see Eem rom the win#ow as the7 went #own the lane>F the armer remar<e#> rownin= an=ril7 at the recollection. FPlease tell us exactl7 what happene#> /r. 1ane>F Hoe ur=e#. F8ell> /abel an# 0 were here in the <itchen>F the man be=an. F/abel was washinE the supper #ishes when this ellow came to the #oor. He was a tall chap with a lon=> thin ace.F FHe as<e# us i we were loo<in= a ter the man that was almost #rowne# earlier>F the armerEs wi e too< up the tale. F8hen we sai# we were> the ellow tol# us that /r. Hones was his brother an# he ha# come to ta<e him awa7.F F0 =ot suspicious>F /r. 1ane bro<e in. FHe #i#nEt loo< nothinE li<e Hones. 0 as<e# him where he live#.F FAt that>F /rs. 1ane sai#> Fhe wal<e# in the house with another ri=ht at his heels. @) 6666666666 The7 =rabbe# m7 husban#. Henr7 put up an aw ul =oo# i=ht but he was outnumbere#. 8hen 0 trie# to help> a thir# man appeare# rom nowhere an# hel# me bac<.F FThe7 #ra==e# us into the livinE room> tie# us to those chairs> an# put the =a=s in our mouths>F the armer continue#. FThen we hear# Eem =oinE into HonesEs room. Prett7 soon the7 carrie# him out to a car where a ourth ellow was sittinE at the wheel.F ellow

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F+i# Hones put up a i=ht when the7 too< him awa7GF 5ran< as<e#.

FHe trie# to. He hollere# or help> but o course 0 coul#nEt #o an7thinE an# he was too wea< to stru==le much.F FThis whole a air is ver7 peculiar>F /r. Har#7 observe#. FPerhaps Hones is mixe# up in the smu==lin= =oin= on aroun# here. But who were those our men> 0 won#erGF /rs. 1ane shoo< her hea#. FAll 0 <now is> weEre sure =la# 7ou an# 7our sons came out toni=ht. ThereEs no tellin= how lon= weE# have been tie# up be ore somebo#7 oun# usAF F8eEre =la#> too> that we =ot here>F 5ran< replie#. F,ou ol<s sa7 7our nameEs Har#7GF sai# the 5enton Har#7GF F!i=ht here.F The #etective smile#. FPleasure to <now 7ouAF exclaime# 1ane @% 6666666666 heartil7> puttin= out his han#. F0 this business> 7ou can.F F0Ell certainl7 tr7>F the bo7sE an7one can =et to the bottom o armer. FAn7 relation to

ather promise#.

The Har#7s ba#e the armer an# his wi e =oo#-b7. The7 promise# to call a=ain at the 1ane arm as soon as the7 ha# an7 urther in ormation> an# /r. 1ane> in turn> sai# he woul# noti 7 them i he oun# an7 trace o Hones or his <i#napers. 8hen the7 returne# home the bo7s F8hat #o 7ou ma<e o ollowe# their ather into his stu#7.

all this> +a#GF Hoe as<e#.

/r. Har#7 sat #own at his #es<. He close# his e7es an# leane# bac< in his chair a ew moments without spea<in=. F0 have onl7 one theor7>F he sai# at last. FThe <i#napers probabl7 are .nattmanEs rien#s. That means 7ou bo7s ma7 have uncovere# the act that there is a whole =an= o smu==lers aroun# here.F The brothers were please# with their pro=ress. F8hat #o we #o next> +a#GF Hoe as<e# ea=erl7. F0 want to evaluate this case rom ever7 an=le>F their ather replie#. F0Ell thin< about it an# tal< to 7ou later.F 8ith this the bo7s ha# to be content or the rest o the wee< en#. 8hen the brothers came #ownstairs /on#a7 mornin=> /rs. Har#7 was puttin= their brea< ast on the table.

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@( 6666666666 0n answer to the bo7sE inLuiries> she replie#> F,our ather went out earl7 this mornin= in his car. He #i#nEt sa7 when he woul# return. But 7our #a# #i#nEt ta<e a ba= with him> so heEll probabl7 be bac< to#a7.F /rs. Har#7 was accustome# to her husban#Es comin=s an# =oin=s at o## hours in connection with his pro ession an# she ha# learne# not to as< Luestions. 5ran< an# Hoe were #isappointe#. The7 ha# loo<e# #iscussion o the case with their ather. orwar# to resumin= a

F0 =uess weEre le t on our own a=ain to tr7 in#in= out somethin= about those smu==lers>F 5ran< remar<e#> an# Hoe a=ree#. 4ater> when the7 reache# Ba7port Hi=h .chool> the brothers saw 0ola /orton stan#in= on the ront steps. 8ith prett7> #ar<-haire# 0ola was her best rien# Callie .haw. Callie> a blon#> vivacious> brown-e7e# =irl> was 5ran<Es avorite amon= all the =irls in his class. FHow are the =host hunters this mornin=GF she as<e# with a mischievous smile. F0ola tol# me about 7our a#ventures on .atur#a7.F FChet was reall7 scare#>F 0ola chime# in. F0 thin< somebo#7 pla7e# a =oo# Jo<e on all o 7ou.F F8ell> whoever it was ha# better return the telescope e7epieces an# our motorc7cle tools>F Hoe sai# #e iantl7. But as the #a7 wore on an# none o ?0 6666666666 tease# them or brou=ht up the subJect> the Har#7s became convince# that the F=hostF ha# been serious an# not Just pla7in= pran<s. F0t was no Jo<e>F Hoe sai# to 5ran< on the wa7 home. F0 an7 o the ellows at school ha# #one it> the7E# have been <i##in= us plent7 b7 now.F F!i=ht>F 5ran< a=ree#. FHoe> #o 7ou thin< the smu==lers ha# an7thin= to #o with what happene# at the Pollitt placeGF FThatEs a thou=htAF exclaime# Hoe. FThat house on the cli woul# be a =reat hi#e-out. 0 the smu==lers coul# ma<e the house appear to be haunte#> ever7one woul# sta7 awa7.F F0 wish +a# woul# =et home> so we coul# ta<e up this i#ea with him>F 5ran< sai# thou=ht ull7. But /r. Har#7 #i# not come home that #a7. He ha# o ten been awa7 or var7in= len=ths o time without sen#in= wor#> but on this occasion> their classmates

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since he ha# not ta<en a ba=> the bo7s elt uneas7.

F4etEs not worr7 /other about this>F 5ran< sai#. FBut i +a#Es not bac< b7 8e#nes#a7-- at the latest-- 0 thin< we shoul# #o some inLuirin=. /a7be PretIel Pete will be able to help us.F Hoe a=ree#. 8e#nes#a7 was the start o their summer vacation an# the7 coul# =ive ull time to tr7in= to locate their ather. -n Tues#a7 a ternoon the m7ster7 o /r. Har#7Es absence too< a stran=e turn. 5ran< an# Hoe came home rom school to in# their mother ?& 6666666666 seate# in the livin= room> care ull7 examinin= a note that she evi#entl7 Just ha# receive#. FCome here> bo7s>F /rs. Har#7 sai# in an apprehensive tone. F4oo< at this an# tell me what 7ou thin<.F .he han#e# the note to 5ran<. F8hat is itGF he as<e# Luic<l7. F8or# F0tEs suppose# to be.F The bo7s rea# the note. 0t was t7pe# on a torn sheet o si=nature loo<e# li<e 5enton Har#7Es. 0t rea#: 0 wonEt be home or several #a7s. +onEt worr7. 5enton. paper an# the rom +a#GF

That was all. There was nothin= to in#icate where the #etective wasK nothin= to show when the note ha# been written. F8hen #i# 7ou =et this> /otherGF as<e# 5ran<. F0t came in the a ternoon mail. 0t was a##resse# to me> an# the envelope ha# a Ba7port postmar<.F F8h7 are 7ou worrie#GF Hoe as<e#. FAt least weEve hear# FBut 0Em not sure he sent the note:F F8hat #o 7ou meanGF F,our ather an# 0 have an a=reement. 8henever he writes me> he puts a secret si=n beneath his si=nature. 5enton was alwa7s a rai# that someone woul# or=e his name to a letter or note> an# perhaps =et papers or in ormation that he shoul#nEt have.F ?2 6666666666 5ran< pic<e# up the note a=ain. FThereEs no si=n here. Hust +a#Es si=nature.F rom +a#.F

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F0t ma7 be his si=nature. 0 was plainl7 worrie#. F0 not> itEs a ver7 =oo# or=er7.F /rs. Har#7

+a# #i#nEt write this note>F Hoe as<e#> Fwho #i# an# wh7GF

F,our ather has man7 enemies-- criminals whom he has been instrumental in sen#in= to prison. 0 there has been oul pla7> the note mi=ht have been sent to <eep us rom bein= suspicious an# #ela7 an7 search.F F5oul pla7AF exclaime# 5ran< in alarm. FThen 7ou thin< somethin= has happene# to +a#GF ?* 6666666666 CHAPT"! ."B"3 The Hi##en Trail Hoe put an arm aroun# his mother. F5ran< an# 0 will start a search +a# irst thin= tomorrow>F her son sai# reassurin=l7. 3ext mornin=> as the bo7s were #ressin=> Hoe as<e#> F8here shall we start> 5ran<GF F+own at the water ront. 4etEs tr7 to in# PretIel Pete an# as< him i +a# tal<e# to him on /on#a7. He ma7 =ive us a lea#.F F9oo# i#ea.F The brothers reache# the Ba7port water ront earl7. 0t was the scene o =reat activit7. A tan<er was unloa#in= barrels o oil> an# lon=shoremen were trun#lin= them to waitin= truc<s. At another #oc< a passen=er ship was tie# up. Porters hurrie# about> carr7in= lu==a=e an# pac<a=es to a line o taxicabs. /an7 sailors strolle# alon= the bus7 street. ?@ 6666666666 .ome steppe# into restaurants> others into amusement =alleries. F0 won#er where PretIel Pete is>F 5ran< muse#. He an# Hoe ha# wal<e# our bloc<s without catchin= si=ht o the man. F/a7be heEs not wearin= his uni orm>F Hoe surmise#. F,ou <now> the one +a# #escribe#.F F4etEs turn an# =o bac< the other wa7 be7on# the tan<er>F 5ran< su==este#. The bo7s reverse# their #irection an# ma#e their wa7 throu=h the or

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millin= thron= or six more bloc<s.

.u##enl7 Hoe chuc<le#. FHere comes our man.F .trollin= towar# them an# haw<in= the pro#uct he ha# or sale came a comical-loo<in= in#ivi#ual. He wore a white cotton suit with a ver7 loose- ittin= coat. Aroun# his nec< was a vivi# re# sil< han#<erchie > embroi#ere# with anchors. The ven#orEs trousers ha# been narrowe# at the cu with bic7cle clips to <eep them rom trailin= on the =roun#> with the result that there was a continuous series o wrin<les rom the e#=e o his coat to his an<les. The man wore a white hat which came #own to his ears. -n the wi#e brown ban# the name PretIel Pete was embroi#ere# in white letters. FBo7> thatEs some =earAF 5ran< murmure#. PretIel PeteEs =arb was biIarre> but he ha# an ?? 6666666666 open> honest ace. He stoppe# callin= FPretIelsA Hot pretIelsA Best in the lan#AF an# smile# at the Har#7s. He set #own the lar=e metal oo# warmer he carrie#. 5rom the top o it rose three short aerials> each rin=e# with a #oIen pretIels. F,ou li<e them hot> or #o 7ou pre er them col#GF he as<e# the brothers. Hoe =rinne#. F0 the7Ere =oo#> 0 can eat them an7 wa7.F Then he whispere#> F8eEre /r. 5enton Har#7Es sons. 8eE# li<e to tal< to 7ou.F At that moment a =roup o sailors brushe# past. PretIel Pete #i# not repl7 until the7 were out o earshot> then he sai# to the bo7s> FCome into this warehouse.F The brothers ollowe# him #own the street a short #istance an# throu=h a #oorwa7 into an enormous room which at the moment was practicall7 empt7. F,ouEve brou=ht a messa=e rom 7our popGF the ven#or as<e#. ather seeme# to be missin=.

Duic<l7 5ran< explaine# to him that their F8e thou=ht 7ou mi=ht have hear# this.F

F,es> 0 #i#>F PretIel Pete answere#. FBut 0 #i#nEt thin< nothin= about it. 0 alwa7s thou=ht #etectives #isappeare#-- sometimes in or#er to ool people the7 were a ter.F FThe7 sometimes #o>F Hoe tol# him. FBut this time seems to be #i erent. +a# sai# he o ten came ?' 6666666666

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#own here to =et in ormation rom 7ou-- because 7ou alwa7s =ive him =oo# tips-- an# we won#ere# i 7ou ha# seen him latel7.F F,es.F F8henGF F/on#a7 mornin=.F F+a# has been =one ever since.F FHmm.F The man rowne#> pic<e# up a pretIel an# be=an to munch on it. FHelp 7ourselves> rom one o ellows.F the aerials>

5ran< an# Hoe each too< one o the pretIels. The7 ha# Just bitten into the #elicious salte# rin=s when Pete continue#> F3ow 7ou =ot me worrie#. ,our popEs a ine man an# 0 woul#nEt want to see an7thin= happen to him. 0Ell tell 7ou a place 7ou mi=ht loo< or him.F PretIel Pete sai# that he ha# pic<e# up a bit o in ormation that le# him to thin< an "ast 0n#ian sailor name# Ali .in=h mi=ht be en=a=e# in some smu==lin=. The ven#or #i# not <now what ship he saile# on> but he un#erstoo# that the man ha# come ashore or a secret meetin= o some =an=. FThis here meetin=>F PretIel Pete explaine#> Fwas bein= hel# out in the countr7 somewhere o the shore roa#. 0t was to be in a #eserte# armhouse on Hillcrest somethin= or other. 0 #onEt remember whether it was Proa#E or PstreetE or what.F F8as this last /on#a7GF 5ran< as<e# ea=erl7. ?) 6666666666 F-h> no>F the ven#or answere#. FThis was about three wee<s a=o> but when 0 tol# 7our pop he seeme# real intereste# an# sai# he =uesse# heE# =o out there an# loo< aroun#.F Hoe bro<e in> F+a# must have thou=ht the rest o the =an= mi=ht be livin= there. /a7be the7Ere hol#in= him a prisonerAF F-h> 0 hope not>F PretIel Pete sai# worrie#l7. FBut 7ou better =et ri=ht out there an# ta<e a loo<.F F8e certainl7 will>F 5ran< tol# the man. The brothers than<e# PretIel Pete or the in ormation> then hurrie# home. /rs. Har#7 was not there> so the7 #i# not have a chance to tell her about their plans. F8eEll leave a note>F 5ran< #eci#e# an# Luic<l7 wrote one. Their hopes hi=h> the brothers set o on their motorc7cles on the ellows ha#

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search or their ather. B7 now the7 were ver7 amiliar with the shore roa# but #i# not recall havin= seen an7 si=n rea#in= Hillcrest. F.uppose itEs not mar<e#>F sai# Hoe. F8eEll never 5ran< =rippe# his han#le bars har#. F0 until we #o.F +a# in# it.F

oun# it> we wonEt =ive up

The motorc7cles chu==e# past si#e roa# a ter si#e roa#. The arther awa7 rom Ba7port the bo7s went> the arther apart these roa#s became. ?% 6666666666 A ter a while the7 came to the 1anesE armhouse an# were tempte# to stop to see i the7 mi=ht <now where Hillcrest was. But Just then> a short #istance ahea#> Hoe saw a small car su##enl7 turn into the shore roa#. 0t seeme# to have come ri=ht out o a clump o bushes an# trees. FCome on> 5ran<A 4etEs investi=ate that place.F The bo7s pushe# ahea#> hopin= to spea< to the #river o the car. But he shot #own the roa# in the opposite #irection at terri ic spee#. 8hen 5ran< an# Hoe reache# the place rom which he ha# Just emer=e#> the7 saw that it was a roa#> thou=h har#l7 noticeable to an7one passin= b7. F0Ell ta<e a loo< an# see where it =oes>F 5ran< sai#> shuttin= o his motorc7cle an# wal<in= up the =rass7> rutte# lane. .u##enl7 he calle# bac<> F8eEre in luc<> Hoe. 0 see a homema#e si=n on a tree. 0t sa7s Hillcrest !oa#.F 5ran< returne# to his brother an# the bo7s trun#le# their machines up amon= the trees to hi#e them. Then the7 set o a oot alon= the almost impassable woo#s roa#. FThere arenEt an7 tire trac<s>F Hoe remar<e#. F0 =uess that ellow who #rove out o here must have le t his car #own at the entrance.F 5ran< no##e#> an# then in a low tone su==este# that the7 approach the #eserte# armhouse ver7 Luietl7> in case members o the =an= were there. ?( 6666666666 F0n act> 0 thin< it mi=ht be better i went throu=h the woo#s.F we #i#nEt sta7 on this roa# but

Hoe a=ree# an# silentl7 the Har#7s pic<e# their wa7 alon= amon= the trees an# throu=h the un#er=rowth. 5ive minutes later the7 came to a clearin= in which stoo# a ramshac<le armhouse. 0t loo<e# as i it ha# been aban#one# or man7 7ears. The 7oun= sleuths stoo# motionless> observin= the run-#own buil#in= intentl7. There was not a soun# o activit7 either insi#e or outsi#e the place. A ter the bo7s ha# waite# several minutes> 5ran< #eci#e# to

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in# out whether or not an7one was aroun#. Pic<in= up a lar=e stone> he heave# it with precision aim at the ront #oor. 0t struc< with a resoun#in= thu# an# #roppe# to the loor o the sa==in= porch. 5ran<Es action brou=ht no response an# nobo#7Es home. 4etEs loo< in.F F!i=ht>F Hoe a=ree#. FAn# i inall7 he sai# to Hoe> F0 =uess

+a#Es a prisoner there> weEll rescue himAF

The bo7s wal<e# across the clearin=. There was no loc< on the #oor> so the7 opene# it an# went insi#e. The place consiste# o onl7 our irstloor rooms. All were empt7. A tin7 cellar an# a lo t with a trap #oor reache# b7 a la##er also prove# to have no one in them. F0 #onEt <now whether to be =la# or sorr7 +a#Es '0 6666666666 not here>F sai# 5ran<. F0t coul# mean he escape# rom the =an= i he was cau=ht b7 them an# is sa el7 in hi#in=> but canEt sen# an7 wor# to us.F F-r it coul# mean heEs still a captive somewhere else>F Hoe sai#. F4etEs loo< aroun# here or clues.F The bo7s ma#e a s7stematic search o the place. The7 oun# onl7 one item which mi=ht prove to be help ul. 0t was a torn piece o a tur<ish towel on which the wor# Polo appeare#. FThis coul# have come 5ran< i=ure#. rom some countr7 club where the7 pla7 polo>F

F-r some stable where polo ponies are <ept>F Hoe su==este#. PuIIle#> 5ran< put the scrap in his poc<et an# the brothers wal<e# #own Hillcrest !oa#. The7 brou=ht their motorc7cles rom behin# the trees an# climbe# aboar#. F8hat #o 7ou thin< we shoul# #o nextGF Hoe as<e#. Police Chie Colli= in Ba7port>F 5ran< replie#. F0 thin< we shoul# show him this towel. /a7be he can i#enti 7 it.F Hal an hour later the7 were seate# in the chie Es o ice. The tall> burl7 man too< a =reat interest in the Har#7 bo7s an# o ten wor<e# with 5enton Har#7 on his cases. 3ow Chie Colli= =aIe# at the scrap o towelin= or a ull minute> then slappe# his #es<. '& 6666666666 F0 have itAF he exclaime#. FThatEs a piece o PoloAF towel rom the /arco

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F8hatEs thatGF FA passen=er ship that ties up here once in a while.F 5ran< an# Hoe actuall7 Jumpe# in their chairs. Their thou=hts went racin= to Ali .in=h> smu==lers> a =an= at the #eserte# armhouseA At that moment Chie Colli=Es phone ran=. The Har#7s waite# politel7 as he answere#> hopin= to #iscuss these new #evelopments with him. But su##enl7 he put #own the instrument> Jumpe# up> an# sai#: F"mer=enc7> ellows. Have to leave ri=ht awa7AF 8ith that he rushe# out o his o ice. 5ran< an# Hoe arose an# #isappointe#l7 le t hea#Luarters. !eturnin= home> the7 reporte# ever7thin= to their mother> but upon seein= how orlorn she loo<e#> 5ran< sai# hope ull7> FThat note 7ou receive# with +a#Es name on it coul# have been on the level.F /rs. Har#7 shoo< her hea#. F5enton woul#nEt Just <now he woul#nEt.F or=et the secret si=n. 0

8or# Luic<l7 sprea# throu=h Ba7port that the amous 5enton Har#7 ha# #isappeare#. "arl7 the next mornin= a thic<-set> broa#-shoul#ere# 7oun= man presente# himsel at the ront #oor o the Har#7 home an# sai# he ha# somethin= to tell them. /rs. Har#7 invite# him to step insi#e an# '2 6666666666 he stoo# in the hall> nervousl7 twistin= a cap in his han#s. As 5ran< an# Hoe appeare#> the man intro#uce# himsel as .am Bates. F0Em a truc< #river>F he tol# them. FThe reason 0 came aroun# to see 7ou is because 0 hear# 7ou were loo<inE or /r. Har#7. 0 mi=ht be able to help 7ou.F '* 6666666666 CHAPT"! "09HT A Cap on a Pe= F,-2EB" seen m7 atherGF 5ran< as<e# the truc< #river.

F8ell> 0 #i# see him on /on#a7>F .am sai# slowl7> Fbut 0 #onEt <now where he is now.F FCome in an# sit #own>F 5ran< ur=e#. FTell us ever7thin= 7ou <now.F The our wal<e# to the livin= room an# /r. Bates sat #own uneasil7 in a lar=e chair.

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F8here #i# 7ou see /r. Har#7GF /rs. Har#7 as<e# ea=erl7. But .am Bates was not to be hurrie#. F0Em a truc< #river> seeGF he sai#. F/ostl7 0 #rive in Ba7port but sometimes 0 have a run to another town. ThatEs how 0 come to be out there that morninE. F F-ut whereGF FAlon= the shore roa#. 0Em sure it was /on#a7> '@ 6666666666 because when 0 came home or supper m7 wi e ha# been #oinE the washinE an# she onl7 #oes that on /on#a7.F FThat was the #a7 +a# le tAF Hoe exclaime#. F8ell> please =o on with the stor7>F 5ran< pro##e# .am Bates. F8here #i# 7ou see himGF The truc< #river explaine# that his emplo7er ha# sent him to a town #own the coast to #eliver some urniture. F0 was about hal a mile rom the ol# Pollitt place when 0 saw a man wal<inE alon= the roa#. 0 wave# to him> li<e 0 alwa7s #o to people in the countr7> an# then 0 see itEs /r. Har#7.F F,ou <now m7 F-nl7 atherGF 5ran< as<e#.

rom his pictures. But 0Em sure it was him.F

F+a# le t here in a se#an>F Hoe spo<e up. F+i# 7ou see one aroun#GF F3o> 0 #i#nEt.F F8hat was this man wearin=GF /rs. Har#7 as<e#. F8ell> letEs see. +ar<-brown trousers an# a brown-an#-blac< plai# sport Jac<et. He wasnEt wearinE a hat> but 0 thin< he ha# a brown cap in one han#.F /rs. Har#7Es ace went white. F,es> that was m7 husban#.F A ter a moment she a##e#> FCan 7ou tell us an7thin= moreGF F0Em a rai# not> maEam>F the truc<er sai#. F,ou '? 6666666666 see> 0 was in <in# o a hurr7 that morninE> so 0 #i#nEt notice nothinE else.F He arose to leave. F8e certainl7 than< 7ou sai#. or comin= to tell us> /r. Bates>F /rs. Har#7

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F,es> 7ouEve =iven us a valuable lea#>F 5ran< a##e#. F3ow weEll <now where to loo< or +a#.F F0 sure hope he shows up>F the #river sai#> wal<in= towar# the #oor. F4et me <now i 0 can help an7.F 8hen the man ha# le t> Hoe turne# to 5ran<> puIIle#. F+o 7ou suppose +a# hi# his car an# was wal<in= to the Pollitt houseG 0 so> wh7GF F/a7be he pic<e# up a clue at that #eserte# armhouse on Hillcrest !oa#>F 5ran< su==este#> Fan# it le# to the ol# Pollitt place. 0 he le t his car somewhere> he must have been plannin= to investi=ate the haunte# house without bein= seen.F F.omethin= must have happene# to himAF Hoe crie# out. F5ran<> 0Ell bet he went to PollittEs an# that a<e =host =ot him. 4etEs =o loo< or +a# ri=ht awa7AF But /rs. Har#7 bro<e in. Her expression was irm. F0 #onEt want 7ou bo7s to =o to that house alone. /a7be 7ouE# Just better noti 7 the police an# let them ma<e a search.F The brothers loo<e# at each other. 5inall7 5ran<> realiIin= how alarme# she was> sai#> F/other> itEs possible +a# is there sp7in= on some activities o shore an# heEs all ri=ht but canEt leave '' 6666666666 to phone 7ou. The Pollitt line must have been #isconnecte#. 0 0 =o out there an# in# him we can brin= bac< a report.F Hoe an#

/rs. Har#7 =ave a wan smile. F,ouEre ver7 convincin=> 5ran<> when 7ou put it that wa7. All ri=ht. 0Ell =ive m7 permission> but 7ou mustnEt =o alone.F F8h7 not> /otherG 8e can loo< out or ourselves>F Hoe insiste#.

F9et some o the bo7s to =o with 7ou. ThereEs sa et7 in numbers>F his mother sai#. The bo7s a=ree# to this plan an# =ot bus7 on the telephone roun#in= up their pals. Chet /orton an# Bi Hooper a=ree# to =o> an# the7 su==este# as<in= Ton7 Prito an# Phil Cohen> two more o the Har#7sE rien#s at Ba7port Hi=h. Phil owne# a motorc7cle. He an# Ton7 sai# the7 coul# =o alon=. .hortl7 a ter lunch the =roup set out. Chet ro#e with 5ran<> Bi with Hoe> an# Ton7 with Phil. The three motorc7cles went out o Ba7port> past the Tower /ansion> an# alon= the shore roa#. The7 passe# the 1ane armhouse> Hillcrest !oa#> an# at last came in si=ht o the steep cli risin= rom Barmet Ba7 an# crowne# b7 the ramblin= rame house where 5elix Pollitt ha# live#. All this time the7 ha# watche# care ull7 or a si=n o /r. Har#7Es car> but oun# none.

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F,our #a# hi# it well>F Chet remar<e#. ') 6666666666 F0tEs possible someone stole it>F 5ran< tol# him. As the bo7s came closer to the Pollitt propert7> Phil sai# to Ton7> F4onel7 loo<in= place> isnEt itGF F.ure is. 9oo# haunt or a =host.F

8hen the7 were still some #istance rom the lane> 5ran<> in the lea#> brou=ht his motorc7cle to a stop an# si=nale# the other two #rivers to #o li<ewise. F8hatEs the matterGF Chet as<e#. F8eE# better snea< up on the place Luietl7. 0 we =o an7 arther an# the =host is there> heEll hear the motorc7cles. 0 vote we leave them here un#er the trees an# =o the rest o the wa7 on oot.F The bo7s hi# their machines in a clump o bushes besi#e the roa#> an# then the six searchers went on towar# the lane. F8eEll separate here>F 5ran< #eci#e#. FThree o us ta<e one si#e o the lane an# the rest the other si#e. 1eep to the bushes as much as possible> an# when we =et near the house> la7 low or a while an# watch the place. 8hen 0 whistle> 7ou can come out o the bushes an# =o up to the house.F FThatEs a =oo# i#ea>F Hoe a=ree#. FBi si#e o the roa#.F F-<a7.F The bo7s entere# the wee#s an# un#er=rowth on either si#e o the lane. 0n a ew minutes the7 were lost to view an# onl7 an occasional snappin= '% 6666666666 an# crac<lin= o branches in#icate# their presence. The six sleuths crept orwar#> <eepin= well in rom the lane. A ter about ten minutes 5ran< raise# his han# as a warnin= to Chet an# Phil. He ha# cau=ht a =limpse o the house throu=h the #ense thic<et. The7 went on cautiousl7 until the7 reache# the e#=e o the bushes. 5rom behin# the screen o leaves the7 loo<e# towar# the ol# buil#in=. An expression o surprise crosse# 5ran<Es ace. F.omeoneEs livin= hereAF he exclaime# in astonishment. 5rom where the bo7s stoo# the7 har#l7 reco=niIe# the ol# place. 8ee#s that ha# ille# the lower be#s on their last visit ha# been completel7 > Ton7> an# 0 will ta<e the le t

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cleare# awa7. 4eaves an# twi=s ha# been ra<e# up an# the =rass cut. A similar chan=e ha# been wrou=ht in the house. The han=in= shutters ha# been put in place an# the bro<en librar7 win#ow =lass replace#. F8hat #o 7ou suppose has happene#GF Chet whispere#. 5ran< was puIIle#. F4etEs wait a minute be ore we =o an7 The bo7s remaine# at the short time later a woman clothes. .he wal<e# over an# be=an to han= up the '( 6666666666 .hortl7 a terwar# a man came out> an# stro#e across the 7ar# to a she# where he starte# illin= a bas<et with lo=s. The bo7s loo<e# at one another in bewil#erment. The7 ha# expecte# to in# the same sinister an# #eserte# place the7 ha# visite# previousl7. 0nstea#> here was a scene o #omestic tranLuillit7. FThereEs not much use in our hi#in= an7 lon=er>F 5ran< whispere#. F4etEs =o out an# Luestion these people.F He =ave the prearran=e# whistle. The other three bo7s appeare#> an# the entire =roup wal<e# bol#l7 up the lane an# across the 7ar#. The man in the woo#she# saw them irst an# strai=htene# up> starin= at them with an expression o anno7ance. The woman at the clothesline hear# their ootsteps an# turne# to ace them> her han#s on her hips. Her =aunt ace wore an unpleasant scowl. F8hat #o 7ou wantGF #eman#e# the man> emer=in= rom the she#. arther.F

e#=e o the bushes> watchin= the place. A came out o the house carr7in= a bas<et o to a clothesline stretche# between two trees laun#r7.

He was short an# thin with close-croppe# hair> an# he nee#e# a shave. His complexion was swarth7> his e7es narrow un#er coarse> blac< brows. At the same time another man came out o the <itchen an# stoo# on the steps. He was stout an# re#-haire# with a scra==l7 mustache. F,eah> who are 7ouGF he as<e#. )0 6666666666 F8e #i#nEt <now an7one was livin= here>F 5ran< explaine#> e#=in= over to the <itchen #oor. He wante# to =et a loo< insi#e the house i possible.

F8ell> weEre livinE here now>F sai# the re#haire# man> Fan# we #onEt li<e snoopers.F

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F8eEre not snoopin=>F 5ran< #eclare#. F8e are loo<in= #isappeare# rom Ba7port.F FHumphAF =runte# the woman. F8h7 #o 7ou thin< heEs aroun# hereGF the thin man put in. FHe was last seen in this nei=hborhoo#.F F8hat #oes he loo< li<eGF FTall an# #ar<. He was wearin= a brown suit an# sports Jac<et an# cap.F FThere hasnEt been an7bo#7 aroun# here since we rente# this place an# move# in>F the re#haire# man sai# =ru l7. There seeme# to be no prospect o =ainin= in ormation rom the unpleasant trio> so the bo7s starte# to leave. But 5ran< ha# reache# the <itchen #oor. As he =lance# in he =ave a start. Han=in= on a pe= was a brown sports capA 0t loo<e# exactl7 li<e the one his ather owne#> an# which he ha# worn the mornin= that he ha# #isappeare#. )& 6666666666 CHAPT"! 303" Plan o Attac< the Pollitt or a man who has

F0Em ver7 thirst7>F 5ran< sai# Luic<l7 to the occupants o house. F/a7 0 have a #rin<GF

The re#-haire# man an# the woman loo<e# at each other. The7 obviousl7 wishe# to =et ri# o their visitors as soon as possible. But the7 coul# not re use such a reasonable reLuest. FCome into the <itchen>F sai# the man =ru#=in=l7. 5ran< ollowe# him throu=h the #oor. As he passe# the cap he too< a =oo# loo< at it. 0t was his atherEs> an# there were stains on it which loo<e# li<e bloo#A The re#hea#e# man pointe# to a sin< on the other si#e o the room. -n it stoo# a plastic cup. FHelp 7oursel >F he sai# =ru l7. 5ran< went across the room an# ran some water raise# the cup to his lips> )2 6666666666 rom the aucet. As he

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his min# was racin=. -n his wa7 out he =lance# a=ain at the pe=. The cap was =oneA 5ran< =ave no si=n that he ha# notice# an7thin= amiss. He wal<e# out into the 7ar# an# Joine# the other ive bo7s. F0 =uess we ma7 as well be =oin=>F he sai# nonchalantl7. F,ou mi=ht as well>F snappe# the woman. FThereEs no stran=er aroun# here> 0 tell 7ou.F The bo7s starte# o #own the lane. 8hen the7 were out o house> 5ran< stoppe# an# turne# to his companions. si=ht o the

F+o 7ou <now what 0 saw in that <itchenGF he as<e# tensel7. F8hatGF F+a#Es cap han=in= on a pe=AF FThen he has been thereAF crie# Hoe. FThe7 were l7in=AF F,es>F 5ran< continue#> Fan#-- an# there were bloo#stains on the capAF FBloo#stainsAF Hoe exclaime#: FThat means he must be in trouble. 5ran<> weEve =ot to =o bac<AF F8e sure #oAF his brother a=ree#. FBut 0 wante# to tell 7ou all about it irst.F F8hat #o 7ou thin< we shoul# #oGF Chet as<e#. F0Ell as< those people in the house about the cap an# orce a show#own>F 5ran< #eclare# tersel7. F8eEve =ot to in# out where +a# isAF )* 6666666666 !esolutel7 the bo7s starte# reache# the 7ar# the7 oun# she# tal<in= earnestl7. The warnin=l7 to the re#-haire# bac< to the Pollitt house. 8hen the7 the two men an# the woman stan#in= b7 the woman cau=ht si=ht o them an# spo<e man.

F8hat #o 7ou want nowGF he #eman#e#> a#vancin= towar# the bo7s. F8e want to <now about that sports cap in the <itchen>F sai# 5ran< irml7. F8hat capG ThereEs no cap in there.F FThere isnEt now-- but there was. 0t was han=in= on a pe= when 0 went in or a #rin<.F F0 #onEt <now an7thinE about no cap>F persiste# the man.

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FPerhaps weE# better as< the police to loo< aroun#>F Hoe su==este#. The re#hea# =lance# meanin=l7 at the woman. The other man steppe# orwar#. F0 <now the cap this bo7 means>F he sai#. F0tEs mine. 8hat about itGF F0t isnEt 7ours an# 7ou <now it>F 5ran< #eclare#. FThat cap belon=s to the man weEre loo<in= or.F F0 tell 7ou it is m7 capAF snappe# the swarth7 man> showin= his 7ellowe# teeth in a snarl. F+onEt tell me 0Em l7inE.F The re#-haire# man intervene#. F,ouEre mista<en> 1lein>F he sai#. F0 <now the cap the7 mean now. 0tEs the one 0 oun# on the roa# a ew #a7s a=o.F )@ 6666666666 F9uess 7ouEre ri=ht> !e#>F 1lein conce#e# hastil7. F,ou oun# itGF as<e# 5ran< incre#ulousl7. oun# it. A brown cap with bloo#stains on it.F

F.ure> 0

FThatEs the one. But wh7 #i# 7ou hi#e it when 0 went into the <itchenGF F8ell> to tell the truth> them bloo#stains ma#e me nervous. 0 #i#nEt <now but what there mi=ht be some trouble come o it> so 0 thou=ht 0E# better <eep that cap out o si=ht.F F8here #i# 7ou FAbout a mile in# itGF Hoe as<e#. rom here.F

F-n the shore roa#GF F,es. 0t was l7inE ri=ht in the mi##le o F8hen was thisGF FA couple o #a7s a=o-- Just a ter we move# in here.F the roa#.F

F4etEs see the cap>F Chet /orton su==este#. F8e want to ma<e sure o this.F As !e# move# reluctantl7 towar# the <itchen> the woman sni e#. F0 #onEt see wh7 7ouEre ma<inE all this uss about an ol# cap>F she sai#. FCominE aroun# here #isturbinE honest ol<s.F F8eEre sorr7 i weEre botherin= 7ou>F sai# Hoe> Fbut this is a ver7 serious matter.F !e# came out o )? the house hol#in= the cap. He tosse# it to 5ran<.

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6666666666 The bo7 turne# bac< the insi#e lap an# there he oun# what he was loo<in= or-- the initials 5. H. printe# in =ol# on the leather ban#. 0tEs +a#Es cap all ri=ht.F 0 #onEt li<e the loo< o those bloo#stains>F sai# Hoe in a low voice. FHe must have been ba#l7 hurt.F FAre 7ou sure 7ou suspicious. oun# this on the roa#GF 5ran< as<e#> still

F,ou #onEt thin< 0E# lie about it> #o 7ouGF !e# answere# belli=erentl7. F0 canEt contra#ict 7ou> but 0Em =oin= to turn this over to the police>F 5ran< tol# him. F0 7ou <now an7thin= more about it> 7ouE# better spea< up now.F FHe #oesnEt <now an7thin= about it>F shrille# the woman an=ril7. F9o awa7 an# #onEt bother us. +i#nEt he tell 7ou he oun# the cap on the roa#G 0 tol# him to burn up the #irt7 thin=. But he wante# to have it cleane# an# wear it.F The bo7s turne# awa7> 5ran< still hol#in= the cap. FCome on> he sai#. F4etEs =et out o here.F ellows>F

As the bo7s starte# #own the lane the7 cast a last =lance bac< at the 7ar#. The woman an# the two men were stan#in= Just where th# 7oun= sleuths ha# le t them. The woman was motionless> her han#s on her hips. !e# was stan#in= with his arms ol#e#> an# 1lein> the swarth7 man> was leanin= )' 6666666666 MAttach EPa=eN0)).=i E hereO )) 6666666666 a=ainst a tree. All three were =aIin= intentl7 an# silentl7 a ter the #epartin= bo7s. F0Em sure that those people <now more about +a#Es cap than the7Ere tellin=>F 5ran< sai# =riml7> as the bo7s mounte# their motorc7cles an# ro#e bac< towar# Ba7port. F8hat are 7ou plannin= to #o nextGF Phil as<e# as he pulle# his machine alon=si#e 5ran<Es. F0Em =oin= ri=ht to Chie Colli= an# tell him the whole stor7.F

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F-<a7> weEre with 7ouAF The bo7s ro#e #irectl7 to police hea#Luarters an# le t their motorc7cles in the par<in= lot. Chie Colli= loo<e# up as his six visitors were ushere# into his o ice. F8ell>F he sai# heartil7> Fthis is Luite a #ele=ationA 8hat can 0 #o or 7ouGF As 5ran< an# Hoe too< turns> with an occasional =raphic illustration rom one o the other bo7s> the7 tol# the ull stor7 an# showe# him the bloo#staine# cap. Chie Colli= loo<e# =rave. F0 #onEt li<e the soun# o this at all>F he sai# inall7. F8e must in# 7our ather at onceA This cap is a =oo# clue.F Then he went on> F- course 7ou realiIe that the area where the Pollitt house is locate# is outsi#e the limits o Ba7port> so m7 men canEt =o there. But 0Ell =et in touch with Captain !7#er o the .tate Police at once> so he can assi=n men to the case.F )% 6666666666 The bo7s than<e# the chie or his help an# le t. Chet> Ton7> Bi > an# Phil went their separate wa7s while 5ran< an# Hoe turne# towar# home. The7 #eci#e# not to upset their mother about the bloo#staine# cap> but merel7 tell her that the .tate Police woul# ta<e over the search or her husban#. F0 still thin< thereEs some connection between +a#Es #isappearance an# the smu==lin= out it an# the house on the cli >F 5ran< #eclare#. F8hat 0Eve been won#erin=>F sai# Hoe> Fis where those two motorboats came rom that #a7 Hones was attac<e#. 8e #i#nEt see them out in the ocean earlier-- at least not both o them.F FThatEs ri=ht. The7 coul# have come ri=ht out rom un#er the cli .F

F,ou mean> 5ran<> there mi=ht be a secret harbor in thereGF F/i=ht be. HereEs the wa7 it coul# wor<. +a# suspects smu==lers are operatin= in this territor7 rom a base that he has been unable to in#.F 5ran< sprea# his arms. FThe base is the ol# Pollitt placeA 8hat more #o 7ou wantGF FBut the house is on top o a cli .F rom the house to a hi##en harbor at

FThere coul# be a secret passa=e the oot o the cli .F

F9oo# ni=ht> 5ran<> it sure soun#s reasonableAF FAn# perhaps that explains wh7 the <i#napers =ot awa7 with Hones so Luic<l7 on .atur#a7. 0 )(

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6666666666 the7 le t the 1ane armhouse Just a little while be ore we #i#> we shoul# have been able to =et within si=ht o their car. But we #i#nEt.F F,ou mean the7 turne# in at the Pollitt placeGF F8h7 notG Probabl7 Hones is hi##en there ri=ht now.F FAn# ma7be +a# too>F Hoe crie# out excite#l7. FThatEs ri=ht. 0Em a=ainst Just sittin= an# waitin= or the state troopers to in# him. How about as<in= Ton7 i he will len# us his motorboat> so we can investi=ate the oot o that cli GF F0 =et 7ouAF Hoe a=ree# enthusiasticall7. FAn# i we pic< up an7 in ormation we can turn it over to the .tate Police an# the7 can rai# the Pollitt placeAF %0 6666666666 CHAPT"! T"3 A 8ater7 Tunnel 8H"3 the brothers arrive# home 5ran< an# Hoe assure# their mother that the .tate Police woul# soon in# /r. Har#7. .ome o the anxiet7 le t her ace as she listene# to her sonsE reassurin= wor#s. 8hen she went to the <itchen to start preparations or supper> the bo7s went to phone Ton7 Prito. A ter 5ran< explaine# their plan to him> he a=ree# at once to let them use the 3apoli> provi#e# the7 too< him alon=. F0 woul#nEt miss it or an7thin=>F he sai#. FBut 0 canEt =o until a ternoon. Have to #o some wor< or m7 #a# in the mornin=. 0Ell meet 7ou at the boathouse at two oEcloc<.F F.well> Ton7. 0 have a Job o m7 own in the mornin=.F inishe# tellin= him about

Chet calle# a ew minutes later. As 5ran< the plan> he whistle#. %& 6666666666

F,ou ellows have =ot 7our nerve all ri=ht. But count me in> will 7ouG 0 starte# this thin= with 7ou an# 0E# li<e to inish it. 8eEve =ot to in# 7our atherAF A ter Chet ha# sai# =oo#-b7> Hoe as<e# his brother> F8hatEs on mornin=GF or the

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F0 want to =o #own to the water ront an# tal< to PretIel Pete a=ain. He mi=ht have another clue. Also> 0 want to in# out when the /arco Polo is #ue bac< here.F Hoe no##e#. F0 =et it. ,ou thin< somethin= ma7 be =oin= on thenGF F!i=ht. An# i we can in# +a# an# lea# the Coast 9uar# to the smu==lers be ore the boat #oc<s--F FBrother> thatEs a bi= or#er.F B7 nine oEcloc< the ollowin= mornin= 5ran< an# Hoe were #own at the Ba7port #oc<s. PretIel Pete was not in evi#ence. F8eE# better be ca=e7 about as<in= when the /arco PoloEs comin= in>F 5ran< cautione#. FThe smu==lers probabl7 have spies aroun# here an# weE# sure be tar=ets.F Actin= as i there were no problems on their min#s> 5ran< an# Hoe strolle# alon= whistlin=. -nce the7 Joine# a =roup o people who were watchin= a si#ewal< merchant. The man was #emonstratin= little Jumpin= animals. 5ran< an# Hoe lau=he# as the7 bou=ht a mon<e7 an# a <an=aroo %2 6666666666 F0ola an# Callie will =et a <ic< out o these>F Hoe pre#icte#.

F.a7> 5ran<> here comes PretIel Pete nowAF Hoe whispere#. The Har#7s went up the street> sa7in= in a lou# voice in case an7one was listenin=> that the7 were hun=r7 an# =la# to see Pete. F3obo#7 can ma<e pretIels li<e 7ours>F Hoe exclaime#. F9ive me a #oIen. Two or m7 mouth an# ten or m7 poc<ets.F As PretIel Pete lau=he# an# pulle# out a cellophane ba= to or#er> 5ran< sai# in a whisper> FHear# an7thin= newGF ill the

F3ot a thin=> son.F Pete coul# tal< without movin= his lips. FBut 0 ma7 <now somethin= tomorrow.F FHow comeGF FThe /arco PoloEs #oc<in= real earl7-- ive A./. 0 hear# Ali .in=h is one o the crew. 0Ell tr7 to =et a line on him.F F9reatA 8eEll be seein= 7ou.F The bo7s move# o > an# to avoi# arousin= an7 suspicion as to wh7 the7 were in the area> hea#e# or a amous ish mar<et. F/other will be surprise# to see our mornin=Es catch>F Hoe sai# with a =rin as he pic<e# out a lar=e blue ish. The brothers #i# not #iscuss the excitin= in ormation PretIel Pete ha#

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=iven them until the7 %* 6666666666 were in the sa et7 o their own home. Then Hoe burst out> F5ran<> i the /arco Polo =ets o shore #urin= the ni=ht> itEll have to la7 outsi#e until itEs time to #oc<AF FAn# thatEll =ive those smu==lers a real brea< in pic<in= up the stolen #ru=sAF 5ran< a##e#. F/a7be we shoul# pass alon= our suspicions to the Coast 9uar#.F F3ot 7et>F Hoe obJecte#. FAll we have to =o on is PretIel PeteEs statements about Ali .in=h. /a7be weEll learn more this a ternoon an# then we can report it.F F0 =uess 7ouEre ri=ht>F 5ran< conclu#e#. F0 those smu==lers are hol#in= +a#> an# in# out that weEve tippe# o the Coast 9uar#> the7Ell certainl7 harm him.F F,ou have a point.F 8hen 5ran< an# Hoe reache# the Prito boathouse at two oEcloc<> Ton7 an# Chet were alrea#7 there. Ton7 was tunin= up the motor> which purre# evenl7. F3o wor# rom 7our #a# 7etGF Ton7 as<e#. The Har#7s shoo< their hea#s as the7 steppe# aboar#. The 3apoli was a ran=7> power ul cra t with =race ul lines an# was the pri#e o Ton7Es li e. The boat move# slowl7 out into the waters o Barmet Ba7 an# then =athere# spee# as it hea#e# towar# the ocean. F!ou=h water>F 5ran< remar<e# as brea<in= %@ 6666666666 swells hit the hull. .alt spra7 #ashe# over the bow o the 3apoli as it plun=e# on throu=h the whitecaps. Ba7port soon became a spec< nestle# at the curve o the horseshoe-shape# bo#7 o water. !eachin= the ocean> Ton7 turne# north. The bo7s coul# see the white line o the shore roa# risin= an# allin= alon= the coast. .oon the7 passe# the 1ane arm. Two miles arther on the7 came within si=ht o the cli upon which the Pollitt house stoo#. 0t loo<e# star< an# orbi##in= above the roc<s> its roo an# chimne7s silhouette# a=ainst the s<7. FPrett7 steep cli >F Ton7 observe#. F0 canEt see how an7one coul# ma<e his wa7 up an# #own that slope to =et to the house.F FThatEs probabl7 wh7 nobo#7 has suspecte# the place o bein= a smu==lin= base>F 5ran< replie#. FBut perhaps when we loo< aroun# weEll in# an answer.F

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Ton7 steere# the boat closer towar# the shore> so that it woul# not be visible rom the Pollitt =roun#s. Then he slac<ene# spee# in or#er that the soun# o the en=ine woul# be less noticeable> an# the cra t ma#e its wa7 towar# the bottom o the cli . There were currents here that #eman#e# s<ill ul navi=ation> but Ton7 brou=ht the 3apoli throu=h them easil7> an# at last the boat was chu==in= alon= close to the ace o the cli . %? 6666666666 The bo7s ea=erl7 scanne# the ormi#able wall o roc<. 0t was scarre# an# seame# an# the base ha# been eaten awa7 b7 the incessant batterin= o waves. There was no in#ication o a path. .u##enl7 Ton7 turne# the wheel sharpl7. The 3apoli swerve# swi tl7 to one si#e. He =ave it power an# the cra t leape# orwar# with a roar. F8hatEs the matterGF 5ran< as<e# in alarm. Ton7 =aIe# strai=ht ahea#> tense an# alert. Another shi t o an# the 3apoli swerve# a=ain. the wheel

Then Chet an# the Har#7s saw the #an=er. There were roc<s at the base o the cli . -ne o them> blac< an# sharp> li<e an u=l7 tooth> Jutte# out o the water almost at the boatEs si#e. -nl7 Ton7Es Luic< e7e ha# save# the 3apoli rom hittin= itA The7 ha# blun#ere# into a veritable maIe o ree s which exten#e# or several 7ar#s ahea#. Ton7Es passen=ers hel# their breaths. 0t seeme# impossible that the7 coul# run the =antlet o those roc<s without tearin= out the bottom o the cra t. But luc< was with them. The 3apoli #o#=e# the last #an=erous roc<> an# shot orwar# into open water. Ton7 san< bac< with a si=h o relie . F8hew> that was closeAF he exclaime#. F0 #i#nEt see those roc<s until we were ri=ht on top o them. 0 weE# ever struc< one o them weE# have been =oners.F %' 6666666666 5ran<> Hoe> an# Chet no##e# in solemn a=reement. Then> su##enl7> 5ran< crie# out> FTurn bac<A 0 thin< 0 saw an openin=AF Ton7 swun= the boat aroun#. The openin= which 5ran< ha# spotte# was a lon=> narrow tunnel. 0t le# ri=ht throu=h the cli A FThis mi=ht be the secret entranceAF Hoe exclaime#. F0 thin< itEs lar=e enou=h F8ant me to tr7 itGF or the boat to =o throu=h>F sai# Ton7.

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5ran< no##e# tensel7. F9o ahea#.F The 3apoli slippe# throu=h the openin= an# in a ew moments came out into a pon# o consi#erable extent. The bo7s loo<e# about expectantl7. .teep slopes covere# with scra==l7 trees an# bushes reache# to the waterEs e#=e. But there was no path or in#ication that an7 human bein= ever came #own to the pon#. .u##enl7 5ran< =ave a =asp o ellows.F surprise an# sai#> F4oo< to m7 ri=ht>

Amon= the thic<ets at the base o the steepest slope stoo# a man. He was ver7 tall> his ace was weather-beaten> an# his lips thin an# cruel. He stoo# Luietl7> loo<in= at the bo7s without a sha#ow o expression on his sinister ace. 2pon realiIin= he ha# been observe#> the man shoute#> F9et out o hereAF

Ton7 throttle# the en=ine an# 5ran< calle#> F8e arenEt #oin= an7 harm.F %) 6666666666 F0 sai# E9et outAE This is private propert7.F The bo7s hesitate#. 0nstantl7 the man> as thou=h to bac< up his comman#s> reache# si=ni icantl7 towar# the holster o a revolver. FTurn that boat aroun# an# beat itAF he snappe#. FAn# #onEt ever come bac< hereA 3ot i 7ou <now whatEs =oo# or 7ou.F The bo7s realiIe# that nothin= woul# be =aine# b7 ar=ument. Ton7 slowl7 brou=ht the boat aroun#. F-<a7>F Hoe calle# cheer ull7. The stran=er #i# not repl7. He stoo# =aIin= ixe#l7 a ter them> his le t han# pointin= to the exit> his ri=ht tappin= the =un holster> as the motorboat ma#e its wa7 out throu=h the tunnel. F4oo<s as i he #i#nEt want us aroun#>F remar<e# Ton7 soon as the 3apoli was in open water a=ain. acetiousl7> as

FHe sure #i#nEtAF 5ran< exclaime#. F0 expecte# him to start poppin= that =un at an7 momentAF FHe must have an important reason. 8ho an# what #o 7ou suppose he isGF Ton7 as<e# in bewil#erment. F5ellows>F 5ran< sai# thou=ht ull7> F0 thin< that man mi=ht have been .nattmanAF %% CHAPT"! "4"B"3

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Cli 8atchers

F5ran<AF Hoe exclaime#. F0 thin< 7ouEve hit itA That man ha# no reason to act the wa7 he #i# unless heEs coverin= up somethin=.F F.omethin= li<e smu==lin=> 7ou mean>F sai# Chet. FHe must be .nattman or one o his =an=.F FAn#>F 5ran< went on> Fthe act that he was in that cove must mean he has some connection with the house on the cli .F F.nattman> <in= o the smu==lersAF Ton7 whistle#. F,ou =u7s reall7 =et in some interestin= situationsAF F0Ell bet that heEs one o motorboat>F Hoe crie#. the ellows who chase# Hones that #a7 in the

FAn# trie# to <ill him>F 5ran< continue# the thou=ht. F4etEs =et awa7 rom hereAF Chet ur=e#.

F8h7 shoul# we =o nowGF 5ran< #eman#e#. %( 6666666666 F8eEve stumble# on somethin= important. That hi##en pon# ma7 be the smu==lersE base.F FBut i the7 use the house how #o the7 =et to itGF Ton7 as<e#. FThose cli s up rom the pon# were mi=ht7 steep.F FThere must be some other wa7 that we coul#nEt see>F Hoe sai#. F8hat sa7 we han= aroun# here or a while an# in# out what we canGF Ton7 cau=ht the Har#7sE enthusiasm an# a=ree# to <eep the motorboat in the vicinit7 o the cli . FThat ellow ma7 be <eepin= his e7e on us an# we #onEt want him to <now that weEre watchin= the place>F 5ran< observe#. F4etEs run bac< to the ba7 an# cruise up an# #own a while> then return.F Chet si=he#. F0Em =la# none o 7ou ar=ue# with that arme# man.F or a

F!i=ht>F Hoe replie#. FAs it is> he must thin< we were simpl7 out cruise an# wan#ere# into that tunnel b7 mista<e.F F,es>F his brother a=ree#. F0 heE# <nown weEre huntin= mi=ht have acte# ver7 #i erentl7.F or +a#> he

0n the late a ternoon Ton7 too< the 3apoli bac< to the suspecte# shore spot. 1eepin= well out rom the brea<in= waves> he cruise# alon= the cli . The bo7s <ept a sharp e7e on the location o the tunnel. As the boat passe# it the7 were Just

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(0 6666666666 able to #istin=uish the narrow openin= in the roc<s. F0 wonEt be able to =o in there a ter a while>F Ton7 remar<e#. FThe ti#eEs comin= in. At hi=h ti#e 0Ell bet that tunnel is ille# with water.F .u##enl7 Ton7 swun= his cra t so har# to the ri=ht that the other bo7s lost their balance. F.orr7> ellows>F he sai#. a lo=-- ohAF

He shut o his en=ine in a lash an# leane# over the =unwale. His companions pic<e# themselves up an# as<e# what ha# happene#. FPropeller starte# to oul up with some wire on that lo=.F Ton7 be=an to peel o his clothes. F9et me some pliers> will 7ouGF 5ran< opene# a loc<er an# oun# a pair. Ta<in= them> Ton7 #ive# overboar#. A minute later he reappeare# an# climbe# in. F0Em luc<7>F he sai#. FHust plain luc<7. Two secon#s more an# all that wire woul# have been woun# aroun# the prop an# the lo= woul# have <noc<e# it o .F F9oo# ni=htAF Chet exclaime#. F0t woul# have been a lon= swim home.F Hoe slappe# Ton7 on the bac<. F9oo# wor<> bo7. 0E# hate to see the 3apoli out o commission.F Chet an# 5ran< haule# the lo= aboar#> so it woul# not #ama=e an7 other cra t. FThis is a ence post with barbe# wireAF Chet sai#. F8oweeA 0tEs =oo# 7ou spotte# that lo=> Ton7.F Ton7 #resse#> then starte# the en=ine. He (& 6666666666 cruise# aroun# or more than an hour> but the bo7s saw no si=n o li e about the base o the cli . The7 coul# see the Pollitt house> but to their amaIement no li=hts appeare# in it as twili=ht came. FHow much lon=er #o 7ou thin< we shoul# sta7 out hereGF Chet as<e#. F0Em =ettin= hun=r7.F F0 have a ew pretIels an# a can#7 bar> but thatEs not much us>F Hoe remar<e#. or our o

FAhaAF crowe# Ton7. F0 have a surprise or 7ouA 0 stowe# awa7 a little oo# be ore we too< o .F 8ith that he pulle# a paper ba= rom the loc<er an# passe# each bo7 a lar=e san#wich> a piece o chocolate ca<e> an# a bottle o lemon so#a.

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F,ou #eserve a me#al>F Chet remar<e# as he bit into a la7er o cheese. ham an#

F,ou sure #oAF 5ran< a=ree#. F0 thin< we shoul# sta7 ri=ht here or a while an# watch. 0tEs m7 =uess the smu==lers will be on the Job toni=ht. +onEt or=et that the /arco Polo is #oc<in= tomorrow mornin=.F F0 =et it>F sai# Chet. F0 she la7s o shore or steams in slowl7> itEll =ive Ali .in=h a chance to #rop the stolen #ru=s overboar# to .nattman.F FCorrect>F sai# 5ran<. Ton7 loo<e# intentl7 at the Har#7s. F0s it 7our i#ea to <eep .nattman rom meetin= Ali .in=hG But what about 7our atherG 0 thou=ht we came out here to =et a line on how to rescue him.F (2 6666666666 The brothers exchan=e# =lances> then Hoe sai#> Fmain purpose> but we hope that we can #o both.F course thatEs our

Twili=ht #eepene# into #ar<ness an# li=hts coul# be seen here an# there throu=h the haIe. The cli was onl7 a blac< smu#=e an# the house above was still unli=hte#. .u##enl7 the bo7s hear# a mu the7 listene# intentl7. le# soun#. Ton7 slowe# the 3apoli an#

FAnother motorboat>F Ton7 whispere#. The soun# seeme# to come rom near the cli . .trainin= their e7es in that #irection> the our were at last able to #istin=uish a aint movin= li=ht. FCan 7ou hea# over that wa7> Ton7GF 5ran< as<e# in a low voice. FAn# coul# 7ou ta<e a chance on turnin= o our li=htsGF F.ure. Here =oes. The win#Es blowin= be hear# rom the shore.F rom the lan#> so our en=ine wonEt

The bo7s were tense with excitement as the 3apoli move# slowl7 towar# the li=ht. As the boat crept nearer the cli > the7 coul# barel7 #istin=uish the outline o a motorboat. The cra t seeme# to be ma<in= its wa7 care ull7 out o the ver7 ace o the cli . F0t must have come F,es.F (* 6666666666 The 3apoli went closer> in imminent #an=er o bein= #iscovere# or o bein= washe# ashore onto the roc<s. 5inall7 the other boat slowe# to a rom that tunnelAF Hoe whispere# to 5ran<.

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crawl. Then came the aint clatter o oars an# low voices. The motorboat ha# evi#entl7 met a rowboat. The next moment> with an abrupt roar> the motorboat turne# an# race# out to sea at an ever-increasin= rate o spee#. F8here can it be =oin=GF sai# Ton7> in amaIement. F-ut to meet the /arco PoloGF FProbabl7>F 5ran< replie#> Fan# weE# never catch it. 0 won#er where the rowboatEs =oin=.F The our bo7s waite# in silence or several minutes. Then the rattle o oars came a=ain. This time the soun# was closer. The rowboat was comin= towar# themA F8hatEll we #o nowGF Ton7 as<e#. FTurn o 7our en=ine>F 5ran< whispere#. Ton7 complie#.

Throu=h the =loom su##enl7 came snatches o conversation rom the rowboat. F--a hun#re# poun#s--F the7 hear# a man sa7 harshl7> an# then the rest o the sentence was lost. There was a len=th7 murmur o voices> then> F0 #onEt <now. 0tEs ris<7--F The win# #ie# #own Just then an# two voices coul# be hear# #istinctl7. FAli .in=hEs share--E one man was sa7in=. (@ 6666666666 FThatEs ri=ht. 8e canEt or=et him>F the =ru voice replie#.

F0 hope the7 =et awa7 all ri=ht.F F8hat are 7ou worr7inE aboutG F8eEve been spotte#> 7ou <now.F F0tEs all 7our ima=ination. 3obo#7 suspects:F FThose bo7s at the house--F FHust #umb <i#s. 0 the hea#.F the7 come nosinE aroun# a=ain> weEll <noc< Eem on . 0tEs #an=erous.F course the7Ell =et awa7.F

F0 #onEt li<e this rou=h stu

F8eEve =ot to #o it or weEll en# up in the pen. 8hatEs the matter with 7ou toni=ht ,ouEre nervous.F F0Em worrie#. 0Eve =ot a hunch weE# better clear out o here.F

FClear ou#F replie# the other contemptuousl7. FAre 7ou craI7G 8h7> this place is as sa e as a church.F The man lau=he# sar#onicall7. FHavenEt we =ot all the sLuealers loc<e# upG An# toni=ht we ma<e the bi= cleanup

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an# =et awa7.F F8ell> ma7be 7ouEre ri=ht>F sai# the irst man #oubt ull7. FBut still--F

His voice #ie# awa7 as the boat entere# the tunnel. Hoe =rabbe# 5ran<Es arm. F+i# 7ou hear thatG All the sLuealers loc<e# upG 0Ell bet +a#Es one o them an# heEs a prisoner somewhere aroun# here.F FAn# this is the hi#e-out o (? 6666666666 the other smu==lers he was a ter>F 5ran< a##e#. F0 #onEt li<e this>F Chet spo<e up. F4etEs leave here an# =et the police.F 5ran< shoo< his hea#. F0t woul# ta<e so lon= we mi=ht =oo the whole thin=. Tell 7ou what. Hoe an# 0 will ollow that rowboat throu=h the tunnelAF FHowGF F-n oot or swim. 0 #onEt thin< itEs #eep alon= the e#=es.F .nattman an#

F,ou mean Chet an# 0 will wait hereGF Ton7 as<e#. F3o>F 5ran< answere#. F,ou two beat it bac< to Ba7port an# noti 7 the Coast 9uar#. Tell them weEre on the trac< o smu==lers an# as< them to sen# some men here.F FAn# tell them our suspicions about Ali .in=h an# the /arco Polo>F Hoe a##e#. FThe7 can ra#io the captain to <eep an e7e on him.F F-<a7>F sai# Ton7. F0Ell #o that. 5irst 0Ell put 7ou ashore.F F+onEt =o too close or 7ouEll hit those roc<s an# wrec< the boat>F 5ran< warne#. FHoe an# 0 can swim to shore. Then weEll wor< aroun# into the tunnel an# see what we can in#. 0 we #o #iscover an7thin=> weEll wait at the entrance an# show the men rom the Coast 9uar# where to =o when the7 =et here.F Ton7 e#=e# the boat in as close to the #ar< (' 6666666666 shore as he #are# without li=hts. Duic<l7 5ran< an# Hoe too< o their slac<s> T shirts> sweaters> an# snea<ers. The7 rolle# them up> an# with twine which Ton7 provi#e#> tie# the bun#les on top o their hea#s. Then the7 slippe# over the si#e into the water. The 3apoli spe# o . 5ran< an# Hoe were onl7 a ew 7ar#s swim emer=e# on the mainlan#. rom the roc<s an# a ter a short

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

F8ell> here =oesAF Hoe whispere#> hea#in= () 6666666666 CHAPT"! T8"4B" The .ecret Passa=e CA2T0-2.4, 5ran< an# Hoe ma#e their wa7 across the slipper7 roc<s. .u##enl7 there was a lou# splash as Hoe lost his ootin=. FAre 7ou all ri=htGF 5ran< whispere#> as he came up to where his brother was stan#in= in the shallow water at the e#=e o the cli . or the tunnel.

F,es. 5or a moment 0 sure thou=ht 0E# spraine# m7 an<le>F Hoe replie# tensel7> Fbut it seems to be o<a7 now.F F9ive me 7our han#>F 5ran< whispere# an# Luic<l7 pulle# Hoe bac< onto the roc<s. The Har#7s ha# lan#e# at a point some twent7- ive openin=> but the climb over the treacherous roc<s the #istance seeme# much lon=er. 0t was ver7 #ar< steep cli . The waves brea<in= a=ainst the roc<s orebo#in= soun#. (% 6666666666 F9oo# ni=htAF Hoe muttere#. FArenEt we ever comin= to that tunnelGF FTa<e it eas7>F 5ran< a#vise#. F0t canEt be much arther.F 7ar#s rom the tunnel was so #i icult that in the sha#ow o the ha# a lonel7 an#

F0 hope Ton7 an# Chet will hurr7 bac< with help>F Hoe sai#. FThis is a tic<lish Job.F F0 an7bo#7Es on =uar# here> weEll certainl7 be at a #isa#vanta=e>F 5ran< remar<e# in a barel7 au#ible tone. F8atch outAF B7 this time the7 ha# reache# the entrance to the tunnel. A ter a ew cautious steps the7 #iscovere# that the narrow piece o lan# between the water an# the base o the cli was covere# b7 a thic< =rowth o bushes. 5ran< turne# to Hoe. F0 we tr7 to wal< throu=h all that stu >F he whispere#> FweEre sure to be hear#. That is> i those men are in here some place.F Hoe =runte# in a=reement. F8hat shall we #oGF Tentativel7> 5ran< put one he was stan#in=. oot into the water rom the roc< on which

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F0t isnEt #eep>F he sai#. F0 =uess we can wa#e throu=h.F The bo7s hu==e# the wall an# starte# o . 5ortunatel7> the water came onl7 to their <nees because there was a shel o roc<s all the wa7 alon=. The brothersE hearts beat wil#l7. 8hat woul# the7 in# ahea# o themG The bo7s ha# not hear# a soun# since enterin= (( 6666666666 the tunnel. 0t appeare# that the men in the rowboat ha# =one on to some secret hi#in= place. F0 thin< 0Ell ris< m7 lashli=ht>F 5ran< sai# in a low voice as the7 reache# the pon#. F8e canEt in# out an7thin= without it.F He pulle# one he alwa7s carrie# rom its waterproo case an# snappe# it on. The 7ellow beam shone over the pon#. There was no si=n o the rowboat. FHow #o 7ou thin< those men =ot out o suppose thereEs another openin=GF hereGF Hoe as<e#. F+o 7ou

5ran< turne# the lashli=ht onto the steep si#es surroun#in= the water. F0 #onEt see an7. /7 =uess is that those men hi# the boat some place. 4etEs ma<e a thorou=h search.F .lowl7 the brothers be=an to wal< aroun# the e#=e o the pon#> brushin= asi#e the heav7 =rowth an# peerin= amon= the bushes. The7 ha# about =iven up in #espair as the7 reache# the section b7 the ar wall o the tunnel. Then> as 5ran< beame# the lashli=ht over the thic<et> he exclaime# hoarsel7> F4oo<AF FA #oorAF Hoe whispere# tensel7. The #oor ha# been so cleverl7 conceale# that it woul# not have been seen in ull #a7li=ht except at close Luarters. The =lare o the lashli=ht> however> brou=ht the arti icial screen o branches an# leaves into sharp relie a=ainst the #ar< cli si#e. &00 6666666666 FThis explains it>F Hoe sai#. FThe men in the boat went throu=h here. 0 won#er where it =oes.F 0n or#er to avoi# #etection> 5ran< extin=uishe# his li=ht be ore tr7in= to open the #oor. He swun= it open inch b7 inch> hal expectin= to in# li=hts an# people be7on#. But there was onl7 #ar<ness. 4uc<il7 the #oor ha# ma#e no noise. 5ran< turne# on his li=ht a=ain. Ahea# was a water7 passa=ewa7 some ten eet wi#e an# twent7- ive eet

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lon=> with a le#=e runnin= alon= one si#e. At the en# was a tin7 whar with a rowboat tie# to a post. FThis is antasticAF Hoe whispere#. FAn# it must have been here a lon= time. +o 7ou suppose itEs connecte# with the Pollitt placeGF F0 it is> it coul# mean ol# /r. Pollitt was mixe# up with the smu==lersAF 5ran< answere#. FHe7> #o 7ou suppose .nattman is his nephewGF "xcite# over this possible new an=le to the case> 5ran< an# Hoe steppe# onto the le#=e. The7 #resse#> then Luietl7 inche# orwar#. !eachin= the whar > the7 loo<e# about them as 5ran< beame# his lashli=ht on the walls. FHol# itAF Hoe whispere#. +irectl7 ahea# was a cru#e arch in the roc<. Be7on# it> the bo7s coul# see a steep li=ht o stone steps. Their hearts poun#e# with excitement. F8eEve oun# itAF 5ran< whispere#. FThis must be the secret passa=ewa7AF

&0& 6666666666 F,es>F Hoe a=ree#> Fan# rom the #istance weEve come 0E# weEre ri=ht un#erneath the house on the cli .F F4etEs =o up.F The li=ht cast stran=e sha#ows in the passa=e throu=h the roc<s. 8ater #rippe# rom the walls. The bo7s tiptoe# orwar# an# stealthil7 be=an the ascent. As the7 crept up the stairs> 5ran< lashe# the li=ht ahea# o them. .hortl7 the7 coul# see that the steps en#e# at a heav7 #oor. 0ts ramewor< was set into the wall o roc<. Above them was onl7 a roc<7 ceilin=. 8hen 5ran< an# Hoe reache# the #oor> the7 hesitate#. Both were thin<in=> F0 we =o throu=h that #oor an# in# the =an= o smu==lers> weEll never =et out. But> on the other han#> we must in# +a#AF 5ran< steppe# orwar#> presse# his ear a=ainst the #oor> an# listene# intentl7. There was not a soun# be7on#. He turne# o his li=ht an# loo<e# care ull7 aroun# the si#es o the #oor to see i he coul# catch a =limmer o an7 illumination rom the other si#e. There was onl7 #ar<ness. F0 =uess thereEs no one insi#e>F he sai# to Hoe. F4etEs see i open it.F we can i=ure that

5ran< elt or the latch. The #oor #i# not move. F0t must be loc<e#>F he whispere#.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter

&02 6666666666 FTr7 it a=ain. /a7be itEs Just stuc<.F 5ran< put his han# on the latch> this time also pushin= the #oor with his shoul#er. .u##enl7> with a noise which echoe# rom wall to wall> the latch snappe# an# the #oor swun= open. Hoe steppe# orwar#> but 5ran< put out a restrainin= han#. F8aitAF he cautione#. FThat noise ma7 brin= someone.F Tensel7> the7 stoo# alert or the sli=htest soun#. But none came. Hope ul that there was no one in the area be7on#> 5ran< switche# on the lashli=ht. The vivi# beam cut the #ar<ness an# reveale# a =loom7 cave hewn out o the roc< in the ver7 center o the cli . The bo7s won#ere# i it ha# been a natural cave. 0t was ille# with boxes> bales> an# pac<a=es #istribute# about the loor an# pile# a=ainst the walls. =oo#sAF 5ran< an# Hoe thou=ht. The act that the maJorit7 o the boxes bore labels o countries seeme# to veri 7 their suspicions. orei=n

Convince# that the cave was unoccupie#> the bo7s steppe# throu=h the #oorwa7 an# loo<e# about or another #oor or openin=. The7 saw none. 8as this the en# o the trailG FBut it coul#nEt be>F the 7oun= sleuths thou=ht. FThose men went some place.F Bolts o beauti ul sil< ha# been tosse# on top

&0* 6666666666 o some o the bales. Baluable tapestries were also l7in= carelessl7 aroun#. 0n one corner our boxes were pile# on top o one another. 5ran< acci#entall7 <noc<e# the lashli=ht a=ainst one o these an# it =ave orth a hollow soun#. F0tEs empt7>F he whispere#. An i#ea struc< him that perhaps these boxes ha# been pile# up to conceal some passa=e lea#in= out o the secret storeroom. He mentione# his suspicion to Hoe. FBut how coul# the men pile the boxes up there a ter the7 went outGF his brother Luestione#. FThis =an= is smart enou=h an# ma7be weEll in# out. or an7thin=. 4etEs move these boxes awa7

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ABC Amber Palm Converter

5ran< seiIe# the topmost box. 0t was ver7 li=ht an# he remove# it the pile without #i icult7. F0 thou=ht soAF 5ran< sai# with satis action. The lashli=ht ha# reveale# the top o a #oor which ha# been hi##en rom view. The bo7s lost no time in movin= the other three boxes. Then 5ran< an# Hoe #iscovere# how it was possible or the boxes to be pile# up in such a position> in spite o the act that the smu==lers ha# le t the cave an# close# the #oor behin# them. Attache# to the bottom o &0@ 6666666666 woo#en plat orm that proJecte# out over the this the boxes ha# been pile#. loor o the cave an# on the #oor was a thin rom

FBer7 clever>F Hoe remar<e#. F8henever an7 one leaves the cave an# closes the #oor> the boxes swin= in with the plat orm an# it loo<s as thou=h the7 were pile# up on the loor.F F!i=ht. 8ell> letEs see where the #oor lea#s>F 5ran< propose#. He snappe# o his li=ht an# with utmost caution opene# the #oor. 0t ma#e no soun#. A=ain there was #ar<ness ahea#. F8hat a maIeAF 5ran< whispere# as he turne# on his li=ht ahea#. Another stone-line# passa=e with a li=ht o lash an# beame# the

steps at the en#A

.u##enl7 5ran< sti ene# an# lai# a warnin= han# on his brotherEs arm. FBoicesAF he sai# in a low tone an# snappe# o his li=ht. The bo7s listene# intentl7. The7 coul# hear a manEs voice in the #istance. 3either coul# #istin=uish what he was sa7in=> or he was still too ar awa7> but =ra#uall7 the tones =rew lou#er. Then> to the brothersE alarm> the7 hear# ootsteps. Hastil7 the7 retreate# into the secret cave. FDuic<A The #oorAF 5ran< ur=e#. The7 close# it Luietl7. F3ow the boxes. 0 &0? 6666666666 the7Ell notice that the boxes have been move#AF He turne# on the li=ht but shiel#e# it with his han#. .wi tl7 Hoe pile# the empt7 boxes bac< onto the plat orm that proJecte# those men come in here

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rom the bottom o the #oor. He wor<e# as silentl7 an# Luic<l7 as possible> but coul# hear the ootsteps #rawin= closer an# closer. 5inall7 the topmost box was in place. F-ut the other #oorAF 5ran< hisse# into HoeEs ear. The7 spe# across the loor o the cave towar# the #oor openin= onto the stairs the7 ha# recentl7 ascen#e#. But har#l7 ha# the7 reache# it be ore the7 hear# a rattle at the latch o the #oor on the opposite si#e o the cave. F8e havenEt time>F 5ran< whispere#. FHi#eAF The beam o the lashli=ht reveale# a number o boxes close to the #oor. -n top o these someone ha# thrown a heav7 bolt o sil<> the ol#s o which hun= #own to the loor. The brothers scramble# swi tl7 behin# the boxes> pressin= themselves close a=ainst the wall. The7 ha# Just enou=h time to hi#e an# switch out 5ran<Es li=ht be ore the7 hear# the other #oor open. FThereEs a bunch o #ru=s in that shipment that came in three wee<s a=o>F the7 hear# a hus<7 voice sa7. F8eEll ta<e it upstairs. Bur<e sa7s he can =et ri# o it or us ri=ht awa7. 3o use leavin= &0' 6666666666 it #own here. 9ot to ma<e room or the new shipment.F

F!i=ht>F the Har#7s hear# someone else repl7. FAn7thin= else to =o upGF F3o. 0Ell switch on the li=ht.F There was a clic<> an# su##enl7 tte cave was been wire# or electricit7. loo#e# with li=ht. 0t ha#

5ran< an# Hoe crouche# in their hi#in= place> hol#in= their breaths in terror. 8oul# the7 be #iscovere#G 5ootsteps slowl7 approache# the boxes behin# which the7 were conceale#A &0) 6666666666 CHAPT"! TH0!T""3 A .tartlin= +iscover7 5!A31 A3+ H-" trie# to crow# themselves into the smallest space possible as the men came nearer to their hi#in= place. The electric li=ht bulb han=in= rom the center o the ceilin= cast such a stron= illumination over the cave that the bo7s elt certain the7 woul# be #iscovere#.

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The boxes were place# a small #istance apart> an# onl7 the act that ol#s o sil< hun= #own over the open spaces between the boxes prevente# the bo7s rom bein= seen imme#iatel7. However> throu=h a crac< in one o the crates> the Har#7s coul# Just ma<e out two hus<7loo<in= i=ures. FHereEs some oE that Hapanese sil<>F the bo7s hear# one o the men sa7. F0E# better ta<e a bolt o that up too. Bur<e sai# he coul# place some more o it.F 0nstantl7 the same thou=ht ran throu=h both &0% 6666666666 the brothersE min#s. 0 be oun#A the man pic<e# up the sil<> the7 woul# surel7

F+onEt be craI7AF the other man obJecte#. F,ou <now 7ou wonEt =et an7 cre#it or pushinE a sale. 8h7 brea< 7our arm lu==inE all that stu upstairsGF F8ell>F the irst man explaine# in a whinin= tone> F0 thou=ht ma7be we coul# =et ri# o some more o this swa= an# ma<e ourselves a little extra #ou=h.F F3aw>F his companion snarle#. F0 can tell 7ou ainEt been with this =an= lon=. ,ou never =et an7 than<s aroun# here or thin<inE. 0 Bur<e #onEt ta<e the extra stu > the bossEll ma<e 7ou brin= it all the wa7 #own a=ain.F F/a7be 7ouEre ri=ht.F F.ure 0Em ri=htA /7 i#ea or the rest o what .nattman tells us to an# no more.F us in this =an= is to #o Just

F,ou =ot somethinE there> Bu#. -<a7. 8eEll Just ta<e up the pac<a=e o #ru=s an# leave the rest.F To the bo7sE relie the men turne# awa7 an# went over to the other si#e o the room. 5ran< an# Hoe #i# not #are peer out> but the7 coul# hear the soun# o boxes bein= shi te#. Then came the wor#s> FAll set. 0Eve =ot the pac<a=es. 4etEs =oAF The switch was snappe# an# the cave was &0( 6666666666 plun=e# into #ar<ness. The Har#7s be=an to breathe normall7 a=ain. The #oor to the corri#or close# an# aintl7 the bo7s coul# #etect the menEs ootsteps as the7 ascen#e# the stairs at the en# o it.

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8hen the7 ha# #ie# awa7 completel7> 5ran< switche# on the lashli=ht. F8owAF he sai#> =ivin= a tremen#ous si=h o relie . FThat was a close callA 0 sure thou=ht the7 ha# us.F F/e too>F Hoe a=ree#. F8e woul#nEt have ha# a chance with that pair. 4oo<e# li<e a couple o wrestlers.F F+o we #are ollow themGF

F,ou bet. 0E# sa7 weEve solve# the smu==lin= m7ster7> but weEve still =ot to in# out i the7Ere hol#in= +a#>F Hoe sai# =riml7. F8eEll have to watch our step even more care ull7. 8e #onEt want to wal< ri=ht into the whole rin= o smu==lers>F 5ran< remin#e# him. F!i=ht. 0 #onEt crave an7thin= worse than what weEve Just =one throu=h>F sai# Hoe. F0 thou=ht 0E# #ie o suspense while that pair was in here.F The7 crosse# the room> opene# the #oor> an# starte# up the #ar< passa=ewa7. Presentl7 the7 were con ronte# b7 the li=ht o steps. Part wa7 up there was a lan#in=> then more steps with a #oor at the top. F0Ell =o <eep the irst>F 5ran< o lash o .F ere#. F.tic< close behin# me. 0 thin< 0Ell

FThatEs ri=ht>F Hoe a=ree#. F.nattman mi=ht &&0 6666666666 have a =uar# at the top an# thereEs no use a#vertisin= our presence.F .tep b7 step> the bo7s crept upwar# in the in<7 blac<ness. Then the7 oun# themselves on a cru#e lan#in= o plan<s. Care ull7 the7 elt their wa7 alon= the si#e o the roc< wall until the7 reache# the next li=ht o steps. Here the brothers stoppe# a=ain to listen. .ilence. F.o ar> so =oo#>F 5ran< whispere#. FBut somehow 0 #onEt li<e this whole thin=. 0 have a eelin= weEre wal<in= into a trap.F F8e canEt Luit no6>F Hoe answere#. FBut 0 a#mit 0Em scare#.F .till =ropin= in the #ar<> the bo7s climbe# up an# up until the7 were nearl7 win#e#. F8here are weGF Hoe pante#. F0 an hourAF F/e too>F 5ran< a=ree#. FThe cli outsi#e.F eel as i 0Eve been climbin= stairs rom the or

#oesnEt loo< this hi=h

The7 reste# a minute> then continue# their Journe7. 9ropin= aroun#> the7 inall7 reache# another #oor. 5ran< hunte# or the #oor han#le.

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

5in#in= it> he turne# the <nob ever so sli=htl7 to was loc<e#. in# out i the #oor ew

F0 can open it>F 5ran< sai# in HoeEs ear> Fbut weE# better wait a minutes.F F"ver7 secon# is vital i &&& 6666666666 +a#Es a prisoner>F Hoe obJecte#.

5ran< was about to acce#e to his brotherEs ur=in= when both bo7s hear# ootsteps on the other si#e o the #oor. A chill ran #own their spines. F.hall we runGF Hoe sai# ear ull7.

F0t woul#nEt #o us an7 =oo#. 4istenAF There came a Lueer shu in= soun# an# a si=h #oor. That was all. rom somewhere be7on# the

F.omeoneEs in there>F 5ran< breathe#. Hoe no##e# in the #ar<ness. The bo7s #i# not <now what to #o. The =an= mi=ht have poste# a sentr7. 0 there was onl7 one> the Har#7s mi=ht be able to Jump the man an# #isarm him. However> Ethe7 probabl7 coul# not #o it without ma<in= some noise an# attractin= the attention o the rest o the smu==lers. 5ran< an# Hoe =ritte# their teeth. The7 coul#nEt =ive up nowA As the7 were tr7in= to #eci#e how to procee#> the situation too< an unexpecte# turn. A #oor slamme# in the #istance. Then came the murmur o voices an# the soun# o a#vancin= ootsteps. FThis nonsense has =one ar enou=h>F a man sai# an=ril7. FHeEll write that note at once> or 0Ell <now the reason wh7.F The bo7s starte#. The voice was that o leave the pon# #urin= the a ternoon. the man who ha# or#ere# them to

FThatEs ri=ht> chie AF another voice spo<e up. &&2 6666666666 F/a<e him #o as 7ou sa7 an# =et the heat o loot move#.F us until weEve =ot all the here alive>F the irst

F0 he #oesnEt write it> heEll never =et out o man promise# col#l7.

0nstantl7 5ran< an# Hoe thou=ht o the note their mother ha# receive#. 8as the man these smu==lers were tal<in= about their atherG -r was he someone else-- ma7be Hones> who was to be orce# to obe7 them or perhaps lose his li eG

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The spea<ers went a short #istance be7on# the #oor behin# which 5ran< an# Hoe were stan#in=. Then the7 hear# the clic< o a switch. A aint beam o 7ellow li=ht shone beneath the #oor. The brothers i=ure# there was a corri#or be7on# an# three or our men ha# entere# a room openin= rom it. F8ell> 0 see 7ouEre still here>F sai# the man who ha# been a##resse# as chie . F,ouEll in# this an easier place to =et into than out o .F A wear7 voice answere# him. The tones were low> so the bo7s presse# closer to the #oor. But tr7 as the7 mi=ht> the7 coul# not #istin=uish the wor#s. F,ouEre a prisoner here an# 7ouEll sta7 here until 7ou #ie unless 7ou write that note.F A=ain the wear7 voice spo<e> but the tones were still so in#istinct that the bo7s coul# not hear the answer. &&* 6666666666 F,ou wonEt write it> ehG 8eEll see what we can #o to persua#e 7ou.F F4et him =o hun=r7 or a ew #a7s. ThatEll persua#e himAF put in one o the other men. This brou=ht a hoarse lau=h rom his companions. F,ouEll be hun=r7 enou=h i 7ou #onEt write that letter>F the chie a=ree#. FAre 7ou =oin= to write itGF F3o>F the bo7s barel7 hear# the prisoner answer. The chie sai# sourl7> F,ouEve =ot too much on us. 8e canEt a or# to let 7ou =o now. But i 7ou write that letter> weEll leave 7ou some oo#> so that 7ou wonEt starve. ,ouEll brea< out eventuall7> but not in time to #o us an7 harm. 8ell> what #o 7ou sa7G 8ant some oo#GF There was no repl7 rom the prisoner. the smu==lers.

F9ive his arm a little twist>F su==este# one o

At this the Har#7sE bloo# boile# with ra=e. Their irst impulse was to lin= open the #oor an# rush to the ai# o the person who was bein= tormente#. But the7 realiIe# the7 were helpless a=ainst so man7 men. Their onl7 hope la7 in the arrival o the Coast 9uar# men> but the7 mi=ht come too lateA FChie > shall 0 =ive this =u7 the wor<sGF one o F3o>F the lea#er answere# Luic<l7. F3one o &&@ 6666666666 the smu==lers as<e#.

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that rou=h stu . 8eEll #o it the eas7 wa7-- starvation. 0Em =ivin= him one more chance. He can write that note now or weEll leave him here to starve when we ma<e our =etawa7.F .till there was no repl7. To 5ran<Es an# HoeEs ears came a scrapin= soun# as i move# orwar#. F,ou wonEt tal<> ehGF The lea#erEs voice =rew u=l7. There was a pause o a ew secon#s> then su##enl7 he shoute#> F8rite that note> Har#7> or 7ouEll be sorr7-- as sure as m7 nameEs .nattmanAF &&? 6666666666 CHAPT"! 5-2!T""3 Capture# H-" =ave a start. F0t is +a#AF he whispere# hoarsel7. FHe smu==lersE hi#e-outAF 5ran< nu#=e# his brother warnin=l7. F3ot so lou#.F The bo7sE worst ears were realiIe#-- their ather was not onl7 a prisoner o the smu==lers> but also his li e was bein= threatene#A F8rite that noteAF .nattman #eman#e#. F0 wonEt write it>F 5enton Har#7 replie# in a wea< but clear voice. The chie persiste#. F,ou hear# what 0 sai#. 8rite it or be le t here to starve.F F0Ell starve.F F,ouEll chan=e 7our min# in a #a7 or two. ,ou thin< 7ouEre hun=r7 now> but wait until we cut o 7our oo# entirel7. Then 7ouEll see. ,ouEll be rea#7 to sell 7our soul or a #rop o water or a crumb to eat.F &&' 6666666666 F0 wonEt write it.F F4oo< here> Har#7. 8eEre not as<in= ver7 much. All we want 7ou to #o is write to 7our wi e that 7ouEre sa e an# tell her to call o the police an# those <i#s o 7ours. The7Ere too nos7.F F.ooner or later someone is =oin= to trace me here>F came /r. Har#7Es aint repl7. FAn# when the7 #o> 0 can tell them enou=h to sen# 7ou to prison or the rest o 7our li e.F oun# the a chair was bein=

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There was a su##en commotion in the room an# two or three o smu==lers be=an tal<in= at once. F,ouEre craI7AF shoute# .nattman> but there was a hint o his voice. F,ou #onEt <now an7thin= about meAF F0 <now enou=h to have 7ou sent up about to tr7 it a=ain.F the

uneasiness in

or attempte# mur#er. An# 7ouEre

F,ouEre too smart> Har#7. ThatEs all the more reason wh7 7ouEre not =oin= to =et out o here until weEve =one. An# i 7ou #onEt co-operate 7ouEll never ma<e it. -ur next bi= shipmentEs comin= throu=h toni=ht> an# then weEre s<ippin= the countr7. 0 7ou write that letter> 7ouEll live. 0 7ou #onEt> itEs curtains or 7ouAF 5ran< an# Hoe were sha<en b7 the #ire threats. But the7 must #eci#e whether to =o or help> or sta7 an# ris< capture an# tr7 to rescue their ather. F,ou canEt scare me> .nattman>F the #etective &&) 6666666666 sai#. F0 have a bi= shipment.F eelin= 7our time is up. ,ouEre never =oin= to =et that elt.

The #etectiveEs voice seeme# a little stron=er> the bo7s

.nattman lau=he#. F0 thou=ht 7ou were smart> but 7ouEre pla7in= a losin= =ame> 0 warn 7ou. An# how about 7our amil7G Are 7ou #oin= them a service b7 bein= so stubbornGF There was silence or a while. Then 5enton Har#7 answere# slowl7:

F/7 wi e an# bo7s woul# rather <now that 0 #ie# #oin= m7 #ut7 than have me come bac< to them as a protector o smu==lers an# criminals.F F,ou have a ver7 hi=h sense o #ut7>F sneere# .nattman. FBut 7ouEll chan=e 7our min#. Are 7ou thirst7GF There was no repl7. FAre 7ou hun=r7GF .till no answer. F,ou <now 7ou are. An# itEll be worse. ,ouEll #ie o starvation unless 7ou write that note.F F0Ell never write it.F FAll ri=ht. Come on> men. 8eEll leave him to himsel =ive him time to thin< about it.F or a while an# thirst an#

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5ran< sLueeIe# HoeEs arm in relie chance to save their atherA an# exhilaration. There was still a

5ootsteps echoe# as .nattman an# the others &&% 6666666666 le t the room an# wal<e# throu=h the corri#or. 5inall7 the soun#s #ie# awa7 an# a #oor slamme#. Hoe ma#e a move towar# the #oor> but 5ran< hel# him bac<. F8eE# better wait a minute>F he cautione#> FThe7 ma7 have le t someone on =uar#.F The bo7s stoo# still> listenin= intentl7. But there were no urther soun#s rom be7on# the #oor. At len=th> satis ie# that his ather ha# in#ee# been le t alone> 5ran< elt or the <nob. 3oiselessl7 he opene# the #oor about an inch> then peere# into the corri#or which was #iml7 li=hte# rom one overhea# bulb. There was no si=n o a =uar#. Three #oors opene# rom the corri#or-- two on the opposite si#e where the brothers were stan#in= an# another at the en#. rom

The passa=e was loore# with plan<s an# ha# a beame# ceilin= li<e a cellar. 5ran< an# Hoe Luic<l7 i=ure# where their ather was an# spe# across the plan<s to the room. The7 pushe# open the #oor o the almost #ar< room an# peere# insi#e. There was a cru#e table an# several chairs. 0n one corner stoo# a small cot. -n it la7 5enton Har#7. He was boun# han# an# oot to the be#-- an# so ti=htl7 trusse# that he was unable to move more than a ew inches in an7 #irection. He was lat on his bac<> starin= up at the ceilin= o his prison. -n a chair besi#e the cot was a sheet o paper an# a &&( 6666666666 pencil> evi#entl7 the materials write. or the letter .nattman ha# #eman#e# he

F+a#AF 5ran< an# Hoe crie# so tl7. The #etective ha# not hear# the #oor open> but now he loo<e# at his sons in amaIement an# relie . F,ouEre hereAF he whispere#. FThan< =oo#nessAF The bo7s were shoc<e# at the chan=e in their atherEs appearance. 3ormall7 a ru==e#-loo<in= man> 5enton Har#7 now was thin an# pale. His chee<s were sun<en an# his e7es listless. F8eEll have 7ou out o here in a minute>F 5ran< whispere#.

FHurr7AF the #etective be==e#. FThose #emons ma7 be bac< an7 minuteAF

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5ran< pulle# out his poc<et<ni e an# be=an to wor< at the ropes that boun# his ather. But the <ni e was not ver7 sharp an# the bon#s were thic<. Hoe #iscovere# that he #i# not have his <ni e with him. F0t probabl7 slippe# out o m7 poc<et when we un#resse# on the 3apoli>F he sai#. F/ineEs =one too>F /r. Har#7 tol# them. F.nattman too< ever7thin= 0 ha# in m7 poc<ets> inclu#in= concentrate# emer=enc7 rations. Have 7ou an7thin= sweet with 7ouGF Hoe pulle# out the can#7 bar rom his poc<et an# hel# it> so /r. Har#7 coul# ta<e a lar=e bite o the Luic<-ener=7 oo#. /eanwhile> his e7es roame# over the room in search o somethin= &20 6666666666 sharp which he mi=ht use to help 5ran< with the ropes. He saw nothin=. /r. Har#7 inishe# the can#7 bar> bite b7 bite. 3ow Hoe starte# to help 5ran< b7 tr7in= to untie the <nots. But the7 were ti=ht an# he oun# it almost impossible to loosen them. /inutes passe#. 5ran< hac<e# at the ropes> but the #ull bla#e ma#e little pro=ress. Hoe wor<e# at the obstinate <nots. 5enton Har#7 coul# =ive no assistance. All were silent. The onl7 soun# was the heav7 breathin= o the bo7s an# the scrapin= o the <ni e a=ainst the ropes. At last 5ran< was able to saw throu=h one o the bon#s an# the #etectiveEs eet were ree. His son pulle# the ropes awa7 an# be=an to wor< on the ones that boun# his atherEs arms. As he reache# over with the <ni e there came a soun# that sent a eelin= o terror throu=h the Har#7s. 0t was a heav7 bac<A ootstep be7on# the corri#or #oor. .omeone was comin=

5ran< wor<e# #esperatel7 with the <ni e> but the ropes still hel# stubbornl7. The #ull bla#e seeme# to ma<e almost no impression. But at last a ew stran#s parte#. 5inall7> with 5enton Har#7 ma<in= a mi=ht7 e ort an# Hoe clawin= at the rope with his in=ers> it snappe#. The #etective was But the oot alls o reeA the approachin= smu==ler came closer.

&2& 6666666666 FDuic<AF 5ran< whispere#> as he lun= the ropes asi#e.

F0-- 0 canEt hurr7AF /r. Har#7 =aspe#. F0Eve been tie# up so lon= m7 eet an# le=s are numb.F

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FBut weEve =ot to hurr7> +a#AF 5ran< sai# excite#l7. i stan# up.F 7ou can

F0Ell-- 0Ell #o m7 best>F his ather replie#> as the bo7s rubbe# his le=s vi=orousl7 to restore ull circulation. F8e must run be ore those croo<s comeAF Hoe sai# tensel7. 5enton Har#7 =ot to his eet as hastil7 as he coul#. But when he stoo# up> the #etective sta==ere# an# woul# have allen i 5ran< ha# not ta<en his arm. He was so wea< rom hun=er that a wave o #iIIiness ha# come over him. He =ave his hea# a Luic< sha<e an# the eelin= passe#. FAll ri=ht. 4etEs =o>F he sai#> clin=in= to both bo7s or support.

The three hastene# out the #oor o the room an# across the corri#or to the cave. As the7 entere# it> /r. Har#7Es <nees buc<le#. 0n #esperation his sons pic<e# him up. F,ou =o on>F he whispere#. F4eave me here.F F0Em sure all o us can ma<e it>F Hoe sai# bravel7.

The7 reache# the ar #oor> but the #ela7 ha# been costl7. Hust as 5ran< opene# it> clic<in= o his lashli=ht> the corri#or #oor was lun= open an# the ceilin= li=ht snappe# on. &22 6666666666 MAttach Pa=eN&2*.=i &2* 6666666666 5ran< an# Hoe ha# a con use# =limpse o the #ar< man whom the7 ha# seen at the pon# that a ternoon. .nattmanA Two rou=h-loo<in= companions crow#e# in behin# him. F8hatEs =oin= on hereGF .nattman exclaime#> apparentl7 not reco=niIin= the =roup or a moment. F0tEs the Har#7sAF one o the other men crie# out. hereO

The leein= trio starte# #own the steps but =ot no arther than the lan#in= when the smu==lers appeare# at the stairwa7 an# rushe# #own a ter them. F.topAF crie# .nattman> Jumpin= #own the last three steps an# whippin= an automatic rom his hip poc<et. The place was loo#e# with li=ht. As .nattman #rew closer> 5ran< crouche# or a sprin=> then leape# #irectl7 at the smu==ler. He struc< at the manEs wrist an# the revolver lew out o his =rasp. 0t s<i##e# across the lan#in= an# clattere# #own

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the steps. 5ran< close# in on the man. .nattman ha# been ta<en completel7 b7 surprise. Be ore he coul# #e en# himsel > 5ran< orce# him a=ainst the wall. Hoe> in the meantime> with a swi t uppercut ha# <a7oe# one o the other men. An# /r. Har#7> whose stren=th ha# partiall7 returne#> was battlin= the thir# as best he coul#. But at this moment the bo7s saw their &2@ 6666666666 a#versar7 #o#=e to the wall an# press a button. 0n an instant an alarm bell soun#e# in the corri#or. 8ithin secon#s a new =roup o .nattmanEs =an= appeare#. As some hel# #rawn revolvers> others overpowere# the three Har#7s. 0n the ace o the =uns> ather an# sons were orce# to surren#er an# return to the room where /r. Har#7 ha# been hel# captive be ore. 8ithin ive minutes 5enton Har#7 was boun# a=ain to the cot> while 5ran< an# Hoe> trusse# up an# unable to move> were tie# to two chairs. &2? 6666666666 CHAPT"! 505T""3 +ire Threats .3ATT/A3> once he ha# recovere# rom his irst consternation an# surprise at in#in= the Har#7 bo7s in the un#er=roun# room> was in hi=h =oo# humor. He turne# to his men. FHust in time>F he =loate#> rubbin= his han#s to=ether in satis action. F0 we ha#nEt come here when we #i#> the7E# have all escape#AF The Har#7 bo7s were silent> sic< with #espair. The7 ha# been sure the7 were =oin= to succee# in rescuin= their ather an# now the three o them were prisoners o the smu==lin= =an=. F8hat are we =oinE to #o with these =u7sGF as<e# one o the men. atherEs

The voice soun#e# amiliar to the bo7s an# the7 loo<e# up. The7 were not surprise# to see that the man was the re#-haire# one the7 ha# met at the &2' 6666666666 Pollitt place when 5ran< ha# #iscovere# his atherEs cap.

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F+o with themGF .nattman muse#. FThatEs a problem. 8eEve =ot three on our han#s now instea# o one. Best thin= is to leave them all here an# loc< the #oor.F FAn# put =a=s in their traps>F su==este# a burl7 companion. !e# obJecte#. FAs lon= as the Har#7s are aroun# here> the7Ere #an=erous. The7 almost =ot awa7 this time.F F8ell> what #o 7ou su==estGF F8e ou=ht to #o what 0 wante# to #o with the ol# man in the place>F !e# #eclare# #o==e#l7. F,ou mean =et ri# o F.ure. All o themAF themGF .nattman as<e# thou=ht ull7. irst

F8ell--F .nattman =aIe# at /r. Har#7 with a sinister loo<. F0 shoul# thin< 7ou have enou=h on 7our conscience alrea#7> .nattmanAF the #etective exclaime#. F0 #onEt expect 7ou to let me =o>F he a##e# bitterl7. FBut release m7 bo7s. The7 havenEt #one an7thin= but tr7 to rescue their ather. ,ouE# #o the same thin= 7oursel .F F-h 7eahGF .nattman sneere#. F+onEt bother 7oursel about m7 conscience. 3obo#7-- but nobo#7 ever stan#s in m7 wa7. &2) 6666666666 FAs to lettin= these bo7s =o> what <in# o a ool #o 7ou ta<e me orGF .nattman shoute#. F0 7ou three are such bu##ies> 7ou ou=ht to enJo7 starvin= to=ether.F The smu==ler lau=he# uproariousl7 at what he consi#ere# a ver7 remar<. unn7

5ran<Es an# HoeEs min#s were racin= with i#eas. -ne thin= stoo# out clearl7. .nattman ha# sai# the Har#7s almost escape#. This meant that no one was =uar#in= the secret entranceA F0 we can onl7 hol# out a while>F the7 thou=ht> Fthe Coast 9uar# will arrive. ThereEll be nobo#7 to stop them rom comin= up here.F Then> su##enl7> a shoc<in= possibilit7 occurre# to the bo7s. .uppose the Coast 9uar# coul# not in# the camou la=e# #oor openin= rom the pon#A +urin= the conversation our o the smu==lers ha# been whisperin= amon= themselves in the corri#or. -ne o them now steppe# into the room an# ace# .nattman. F0E# li<e a wor# with 7ou> chie >F he be=an. F8hat is it nowGF The smu==lerEs voice was surl7.

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F0tEs about whatEs to be #one with the Har#7s> now that weEve =ot Eem>F the man sai# hesitantl7. F0tEs 7our business what 7ou #o to people who ma<e it tou=h or 7ou when 7ouEre on 7our own. But not in our =an=. 8eEre in this or our ta<e &2% 6666666666 out o the smu==linE> an# we wonEt stan# or too much rou=h stu .F

FThatEs ri=htAF one o

the other men spo<e up.

F0s that soGF .nattmanEs upper lip curle#. F,ou =u7s are =ettinE aw ul ri=hteous all o a su##en> arenEt 7ouG 4oo< out or 0Ell #ump the lot o 7ouAF F-h> no> 7ou wonEt>F replie# the irst man who ha# a##resse# him. F8eEre partners in this #eal an# weEre =oinE to have our ull share o what comes in. 8e ainEt ris<inE our lives or love> 7ou <now.F F8eEve =ot another i#ea about what to #o with these three prisoners>F a thir# smu==ler spo<e up. F0 thin< itEs a =oo# one.F F8hat is itGF .nattman as<e# impatientl7. F8eEve been tal<inE about Ali .in=h.F 5ran< an# Hoe starte# an# listene# intentl7. F8hat about himGF .nattman pro##e# his assistant. FTurn the prisoners over to him. HeEs =ot a rien# name# 5oster whoEs captain o a boat sailinE to the 5ar "ast toni=ht. Put the Har#7s on boar# that ship>F the irst smu==ler ur=e#. .nattman loo<e# thou=ht ul. The i#ea seeme# to catch his anc7.

F3ot ba#>F he muttere#. F0 ha#nEt thou=ht o Ali .in=h. ,es> heE# ta<e care o them. The7E# never =et bac< here.F He smile# =riml7. F5rom what he tol# me about that &2( 6666666666 the captainE# probabl7 #ump the Har#7s overboar# be ore the7 =ot ver7 ar out>F the man went on smu=l7. F.eems li<e he #onEt ee# passen=ers i he can =et ri# o EemAF FAll the better. 8e woul#nEt be responsible.F F4eave them to Ali .in=h.F !e# chuc<le# evill7. FHeEll atten# to them.F .nattman wal<e# over to the cot an# loo<e# #own at /r. Har#7. F0tEs too rien# o his>

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ba# 7our bo7s ha# to come bar=in= in here>F he sai#. F3ow the three o 7ou will have to ta<e a little ocean vo7a=e.F He lau=he#. F,ouEll never =et to the Coast 9uar# to tell 7our stor7.F The #etective was silent. He <new be useless. urther attempts at persuasion woul#

F8ell>F sai# .nattman> FhavenEt 7ou an7thin= to sa7GF F3othin=. +o as 7ou wish with me. But let the bo7s =o.F F8eEll stic< with 7ou> +a#>F sai# 5ran< Luic<l7. FcourseAF Hoe a##e#. 7ou

F,ou sure will>F .nattman #eclare#. F0Em not =oin= to let one o have the chance o =ettin= bac< to Ba7port with 7our stor7.F

The rin=lea#er o the smu==lers stoo# in the center o the room or a while> contemplatin= his captives with a bitter smile. Then he turne# su#. #enl7 on his heel. F8ell> the7Ere sa e enou=h>F he tol# !e#. F8e &*0 6666666666 have that business with Bur<e to ta<e care o . Come on> men> loa# Bur<eEs truc<. 0 an7 policemen come alon= an# in# it in the lane weEll be #one or.F FHow about themGF as<e# !e#> motionin= to the Har#7s. F.houl#nEt the7 be =uar#e#GF FThe7Ere tie# up ti=ht.F .nattman =ave a short lau=h. FBut 0 =uess weE# better leave one =uar#> an7wa7. /allo7> 7ou sta7 here an# <eep watch.F /allo7> a surl7> truculent ellow in overalls an# a ra==e# sweater> no##e# an# sat #own on a box near the #oor. This arran=ement seeme# to satis 7 .nattman. A ter warnin= /allo7 not to all asleep on the Job an# to see to it that the prisoners #i# not escape> he le t the room. He was ollowe# b7 !e# an# the other smu==lers. A heav7 silence ell over the room a ter the #eparture o the men. /allo7 crouche# =loomil7 on the box> =aIin= blan<l7 at the loor. The butt o a revolver proJecte# rom his hip poc<et. 5ran< straine# a=ainst the ropes that boun# him to the chair. But the smu==lers ha# #one their tas< well. He coul# scarcel7 bu#=e. F8eEll never =et out o this>F he tol# himsel rue ull7.

Hoe was usuall7 optimistic but this time his spirits aile# him. F8eEre in a tou=h spot>F he thou=ht. F0t loo<s as i weEll all be on that ship b7 mornin=.F

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&*& 6666666666 To li=hten their spirits the Har#7s be=an to tal<> hopin= a=ainst hope to #istract the =uar# an# perhaps overpower him. F.hut up> 7ou =u7sAF /allo7 =rowle#. FDuit 7our tal<in= or 0Ell ma<e it hot or 7ouAF He tappe# his revolver su==estivel7. A ter that> a melanchol7 silence ell amon= the prisoners. All were #ownhearte#. 0t loo<e# as i their ate trul7 were seale#. &*2 6666666666 CHAPT"! .0$T""3 Duic< 8or< 03 +".PA0! the bo7s =lance# over at their surprise the7 saw that he was smilin=. ather on the cot. To their

5ran< was about to as< him what he ha# oun# amusin= about their pre#icament when his ather shoo< his hea# in warnin=. He loo<e# over at the =uar#. /allo7 was not watchin= the prisoners. He sat starin= at the loor. -ccasionall7 his hea# woul# all orwar#> then he woul# Jer< it bac< as he stru==le# to <eep awa<e. F.nattman sure ma#e a poor selection when he chose /allo7 as =uar#>F the bo7s thou=ht. .everal times the burl7 man strai=htene# up> stretche# his arms> an# rubbe# his e7es. But when he settle# #own a=ain> his hea# be=an to no#. 0n the meantime> the bo7s notice# their bon#s. To their amaIement &** 6666666666 he #i# not seem to be so ti=htl7 boun# as the7 ha# thou=ht. Both o them trie# movin= but coul# not bu#=e an inch. The bo7s exchan=e# =lances> both realiIin= what ha# happene#. F+a# resorte# to an ol# tric<AF 5ran< tol# himsel > an# Hoe was silentl7 umin=> F8h7 #i#nEt we thin< o itGF /r. Har#7 ha# pro ite# b7 his previous experience. 8hen the smu==lers ha# seiIe# the #etective an# tie# him to the cot or the secon# time> he ha# use# a #evice reLuentl7 emplo7e# b7 ma=icians an# pro essional Fescape artistsF who boast that the7 can release themselves rom ather stru==lin= with his

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ti=htl7 tie# ropes an# strait Jac<ets. The #etective ha# expan#e# his chest an# lexe# his muscles. He ha# also <ept his arms as ar awa7 rom his si#es as he coul# without bein= notice#. 0n this wa7> when he relaxe#> the ropes #i# not bin# him as securel7 as his captors inten#e#. F-h> wh7 were 5ran< an# 0 so #umbAF Hoe a=ain chi#e# himsel . 5ran< bit his lip in utter #is=ust at not havin= remembere# the tric<. FBut thenF --he ease# his conscience-- F+a# #i#nEt thin< o it the irst time> either.F /r. Har#7 ha# #iscovere# that the rope bin#in= his ri=ht wrist to the cot ha# a sli=ht slac< in it. He be=an tr7in= to wor< the rope loose. This too< a &*@ 6666666666 lon= time an# the rou=h stran#s rubbe# his wrist raw. But at last he mana=e# to sli#e his ri=ht han# ree. FHurra7AF 5ran< almost shoute#. He =lance# at the =uar#. /allo7 appeare# to be soun# asleep. FHope heEll sta7 that wa7 until we can escape>F 5ran< wishe# erventl7. He an# Hoe watche# their ather in amaIement> as the7 saw him =rope or one o the <nots. The #etective umble# at it or a while. 0t was slow wor< with onl7 his one han# ree. But the bo7s <new rom his satis ie# expression that the smu==lers in their haste apparentl7 ha# not tie# the <nots as irml7 as the7 shoul# have. At this instant the =uar# su##enl7 li te# his hea#> an# /r. Har#7 Luic<l7 lai# his ree han# bac< on the cot. He close# his e7es as i sleepin= an# his sons ollowe# his example. But openin= their li#s a slit> the7 watche# the smu==ler care ull7. The =uar# =runte#. FThe7Ere o<a7>F he mumble#. -nce more he trie# to sta7 awa<e but oun# it impossible. 4ittle b7 little his hea# sa==e# until his chin reste# on his chest. +eep> re=ular breathin= tol# the prisoners he was asleep. /r. Har#7 now be=an wor< a=ain on the <not o the rope that <ept his le t arm boun# to the cot. 0n a matter o moments he succee#e# in loosenin= it an# the rope ell awa7 rom his arm. &*? 6666666666 A ter ma<in= sure the =uar# was still asleep> the #etective sat up on the cot an# stru==le# to release his eet. This was an easier tas<. The smu==lers ha# merel7 passe# a rope aroun# the cot to hol# the prisonerEs eet. A ew minutesE attention was all that was necessar7 or the bo7sE ather to wor< his wa7 loose.

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F3ow heEll release us>F Hoe thou=ht excite#l7> Fan# we can escape hereAF rom

As 5enton Har#7 tiptoe# towar# his sons> the boar# loor sLuea<e# lou#l7. The =uar# muttere# a=ain> as i #reamin=> shoo< his hea#> then sat up. F-h> noAF 5ran< murmure#> ear ul o what woul# happen. He saw his ather pic< up a white ra= someone ha# #roppe#. A loo< o intense amaIement crosse# /allo7Es ace. As he opene# his mouth to 7ell or help> 5enton Har#7 leape# across the intervenin= space an# lun= himsel on the smu==ler. F1eep LuietAF the #etective or#ere#. /allo7 ha# time onl7 to utter a mu le# =asp be ore the #etective clappe# a han# over the =uar#Es mouth> Jamme# the ra= in it> an# topple# him to the loor. The two rolle# over an# over in a #esperate> silent stru==le. The bo7s> helpless> loo<e# on> their ears mountin=. The7 <new their ather ha# been wea<ene# b7 his imprisonment an# hun=er> an# the =uar# was stron= an# muscular. 3evertheless> the #etective ha# the a#vanta=e &*' 6666666666 o a surprise attac<. /allo7 ha# ha# no time to collect his wits. suspense. 0 onl7 the7

5ran< an# Hoe watche# the battle in an a=on7 o coul# Join the i=htA

/r. Har#7 still ha# the a#vanta=e> or he coul# breathe better than his opponent. But su##enl7 /allo7 mana=e# to raise himsel to his <nees. He reache# or the revolver at his hip. F4oo< out> +a#AF 5ran< hisse#. FHeEs =ot his =unAF Duic< as a lash the #etective lan#e# a blow on the =uar#Es Jaw. /allo7 blin<e# an# raise# both han#s to #e en# himsel as he ell to the =roun#. /r. Har#7 #arte# orwar# an# pulle# the revolver out o the manEs si#e poc<et. F3o unn7 businessAF the #etective tol# him in a low voice.

8ithout bein= tol#> /allo7 raise# his han#s in the air. He sat helplessl7 on the loor> beaten. FHeEs =ot a <ni e too> +a#>F Hoe sai# Luietl7. F8atch that.F FThan<s> Hoe>F his ather replie#. Then> motionin= with the pistol> he sai#> FAll ri=ht. 4etEs have the <ni eAF .ullenl7 the =uar# remove# the <ni e belt an# han#e# it to /r. Har#7. rom its leather sheath at his

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5ran< an# Hoe wante# to shout with Jo7> but merel7 =rinne# at their ather. &*) 6666666666 .till watchin= /allo7> the #etective wal<e# slowl7 bac<war# until he reache# HoeEs si#e. 8ithout ta<in= his e7es rom the smu==ler> he bent #own an# with the <ni e slice# at the ropes that boun# his son. 5ortunatel7> the <ni e was sharp an# the ropes soon were cut. FBo7> that eels =oo#> +a#. Than<s>F Hoe whispere#. ather watche#

He spran= rom the chair> too< the <ni e> an# while his /allo7> he cut 5ran<Es bon#s. F/allo7>F /r. Har#7 or#ere#> Fcome over hereAF

He motione# towar# the be# an# in#icate# b7 =estures that the smu==ler was to lie #own on the cot. /allo7 shoo< his hea# vi=orousl7> but was pro##e# over b7 Hoe. The =uar# la7 #own on the cot. The ropes which ha# hel# /r. Har#7 ha# not been cut. Duic<l7 5ran< an# Hoe trusse# up /allo7 Just as their ather ha# been tie#> ma<in= certain that the <nots were ti=ht. As a inal precaution the7 pushe# in the =a= which was slippin= an# with a piece o rope ma#e it secure. The whole proce#ure ha# ta<en scarcel7 reeA ive minutes. The Har#7s were

F8hat nowGF 5ran< as<e# his ather out o earshot o /allo7. FHi#e some place until the Coast 9uar# =ets hereGF Duic<l7 he tol# about Ton7 &*% 6666666666 an# Chet =oin= to brin= the o icers to the smu==lersE hi#e-out.

FBut the7 shoul# have been here b7 now>F Hoe whispere#. FThe7 probabl7 havenEt oun# the secret #oor. 4etEs =o #own an# show them.F This plan was a=ree# upon> but the three Har#7s =ot no arther than the top o the irst stairwa7 when the7 hear# rou=h> ar=uin= voices below them. FThe7 canEt be Coast 9uar# men>F sai# /r. Har#7. F8eEll listen a ew secon#s> then weE# better run in the other #irection. 0 <now the wa7 out to the =roun#s.F 5rom below came an u=l7> F,ou #ouble-crosser> 7ouA This loot belon=s to the whole =an= an# #onEt 7ou or=et itAF F4isten>F sai# the secon# voice. F0 #onEt have to ta<e or#ers rom 7ou. 0 thou=ht we was pals. 3ow 7ou #onEt want to =o throu=h with the #eal.

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8hoEs to <now i .in=hEsGF we =ot ten pac<a=es or ive rom that rien# oE Ali

F-<a7. An# the stu Ell be easier to =et ri# o than those #ru=s. The7Ere too hot or me. .nattman can burn or <i#napinE i he wants to-- 0 #onEt.F The voices ha# now become so lou# that the Har#7s #i# not #are wait another moment. FCome onAF the bo7sE ather ur=e#. He le# the wa7 bac< to the corri#or an# alon= it to the #oor at the en#. .u##enl7 5ran< an# Hoe &*( 6666666666 notice# him alter an# were a rai# he was =oin= to aint. Hoe recalle# that his ather ha# ha# no oo# except the can#7 bar. !ammin= his han#s into his poc<ets> he brou=ht out another bar an# some pieces o pretIel. Duic<l7 he ille# both his atherEs han#s with them. /r. Har#7 ate them hun=ril7 as his sons supporte# him un#er his arms an# assiste# him to the #oor. As 5ran< Luietl7 opene# it> an# the7 saw a #etective sai#> FThese steps will brin= us Pollitt house. ThereEs a trap #oor. ThatEs #own. 9ot 7our li=htsG 8e havenEt an7 time stron=er alrea#7. F0Ell ta<e the lea#.F stairwa7 be7on#> the up into a she# near the the wa7 .nattman brou=ht me to lose.F /r. Har#7 seeme#

As the7 ascen#e#> 5ran< an# Hoe won#ere# i the7 woul# come out in the she# where the7 ha# seen the man name# 1lein pic<in= up small lo=s. 8hen the #etective reache# the top o the stairs he or#ere# the li=hts out an# pushe# a=ainst the trap #oor. He coul# not bu#=e it. F,ou tr7>F he ur=e# the bo7s. FAn# hurr7A Those men we hear# ma7 #iscover /allo7.F FAn# then thin=s will start poppin=AF 5ran< murmure#. The bo7s heave# their shoul#ers a=ainst the trap #oor. 0n a moment there came the rumble o rollin= lo=s. The #oor went up easil7. 5ran< peere# out. 3o one seeme# to be aroun#. &@0 6666666666 He steppe# up into the she# an# the others ollowe#.

The three stoo# in silence. The ni=ht was #ar<. The win#> blowin= throu=h the trees> ma#e a moanin= soun#. Be ore the Har#7s rose the =loom7 mass o the house on the cli . 3o li=hts coul# be seen. 5rom the #irection o the lane came #ull> thu##in= soun#s. The bo7s an#

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their ather assume# the smu==lersE truc< was bein= loa#e# with the =oo#s which were to be #ispose# o b7 the man name# Bur<e. .u##enl7 the Har#7s hear# voices rom the corri#or the7 ha# Just le t. Duic<l7 5ran< close# the trap #oor an# Hoe pile# up the lo=s. Then> silentl7> the Har#7s stole out into the 7ar#. &@& 6666666666 CHAPT"! ."B"3T""3 Hosta=e 4rrH" as 0n#ians the three Har#7s hurrie# across the lawn an# #isappeare# amon= the trees. The7 hea#e# or the roa#> a =oo# #istance awa7. F0 hope a bus comes alon=>F 5ran< sai# to himsel . FThen we can =et to a phone an# report--F His thou=ht was ru#el7 interrupte# as the bo7s an# their soun# that struc< terror to their hearts-- the clatter o tumblin= o the trap #oorA ather hear# a the lo=s

An instant later came a hoarse shout. FChie A !e#A The Har#7s =ot awa7A 8atch out or themAF FHe must be one o the men we hear# comin= up rom the shore>F Hoe #eci#e#. FThe7 must have oun# /allo7 trusse# upAF 0nstantl7 the place became alive with smu==lers .ome o the men ran &@2 6666666666 rom the truc< towar# the roa#> shoutin=. -thers be=an to comb the woo#s. Another man emer=e# rom the trap #oor. He an# his companion #ashe# to the ocean si#e o the house. Two burl7 smu==lers lun= open the <itchen #oor an# ran out. -ne shoute#> FThe7 ainEt in the houseAF FAn# the7Ere not #own at the shoreAF the other 7elle#. F0 Just tal<e# to 1lein on the phone #own there.F F,ou =u7s better not let those Har#7s =et awa7AF .nattmanEs voice cut throu=h the ni=ht. F0tEll be the pen or all o 7ouAF F5enton Har#7Es =ot a =unA He too< /allo7EsAF came a warnin= voice rom the ar si#e o the house. The two men who ha# =one to the ront now returne#. FHe never misses his mar<AF lashin= their li=hts.

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8hen the racas ha# starte#> the #etective ha# pulle# his sons to the =roun#> tol# them to lie lat> ace #own> an# not to move. 3ow the7 coul# hear the poun#in= steps o the smu==lers as the7 #ashe# amon= the trees. The bo7sE hearts poun#e# wil#l7. 0t #i# not seem possible the7 coul# be misse#A ,et man a ter man ran within a ew 7ar#s o the three prone i=ures an# #ashe# on towar# the roa#. Presentl7 /r. Har#7 raise# his hea# an# loo<e# towar# the Pollitt mansion. FBo7s>F he sai# tensel7> FweEll ma<e a run &@* 6666666666 the <itchen #oor. The men wonEt expect us to =o there.F The three arose. .wi tl7 an# silentl7 the7 crosse# the #ar< lawn an# slippe# into the house. Apparentl7 no one ha# seen them. F8hen .nattman #oesnEt here to ma<e sureGF in# us out#oors>F Hoe whispere#> FwonEt he loo< or

F,es>F /r. Har#7 replie#. FBut b7 that time 0 hope the Coast 9uar# an# .tate Police will arrive.F FHoe an# 0 oun# a hi##en stairwa7 to the attic>F 5ran< spo<e up. F.nattman wonEt thin< o loo<in= in it. 4etEs hi#e up there.F F,ou or=et the =host>F Hoe remin#e# his brother. FHe <nows we that stairwa7.F oun#

F3evertheless> 5ran<Es su==estion is a =oo# one>F /r. Har#7 sai#. F4etEs =o to the attic. 8ere an7 clothes han=in= in the closet that mi=ht be use# to conceal the #oorGF F,es> a manEs bathrobe on a ro#.F The Har#7s #i# not #are use a li=ht an# ha# to ma<e their wa7 alon= b7 eelin= walls> an# the stair banister> with 5ran< in the lea# an# /r. Har#7 between the bo7s. !eachin= the secon# loor> 5ran< loo<e# out the rear win#ow o the hall. FThe smu==lers are comin= bac<AF he remar<e# in a low voice. FThe li=hts are hea#in= this wa7AF The Har#7s #ouble# their spee#> but it was still slow =oin=> or the7 ban=e# into chairs an# a war#robe as 5ran< elt his wa7 alon= the hall towar# &@@ 6666666666 the be#room where the hi##en staircase was.

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5inall7 the trio reache# it. Hust as 5ran< was about to open the #oor to the attic> a #oor on the irst loor swun= open with a resoun#in= ban=. F.catter an# search ever7 roomAF .nattmanEs crisp voice ran= out. F8eEre trappe#AF Hoe =roane#. F/a7be not>F 5ran< sai# hope ull7. F0 have a hunch 1lein was the =host. 0tEs possible that heEs the onl7 one who <nows about this stairwa7 an# heEs #own at the shore.F F8eEll ris< =oin= up>F /r. Har#7 #eci#e#. FBut not a soun#.F He sli# the bathrobe across the ro#> so that it woul# hi#e the #oor. FThe stairs crea<>F Hoe in orme# him. /r. Har#7 tol# his sons to push #own the trea#s slowl7 but irml7 with their han#s an# hol# them there until the7 put one oot between them an# then raise# up to their ull wei=ht. FAn# lean orwar#> so 7ou wonEt lose 7our balance>F he warne#.

5ear ul that he coul# not accomplish this> 5ran< opene# the #oor care ull7 an# starte# up in the pitch blac<ness. But the #rea# thou=ht o capture ma#e him use extreme caution an# he reache# the attic without havin= ma#e a soun#. A ter closin= the #oor> Hoe an# his ather Luic<l7 ollowe#. The three move# noiselessl7 to a spot out o si=ht o the stairwa7 behin# a lar=e trun<. &@? 6666666666 The7 sat #own an# waite#> not #arin= even to whisper. 5rom #ownstairs the7 coul# hear runnin= ootsteps> ban=in= #oors> an# lou# tal<> F3ot hereAF F3ot hereAF F3ot hereAF The search seeme# to come to an en#> or the secon#- loor =roup ha# =athere# ri=ht in the room where the secret stairwa7 was. FThis is itA The en#A The7Ere =oin= to search up hereAF 5ran< thou=ht woe ull7. His ather reache# over an# =raspe# a han# o each o his sons in a reassurin= =rip. .omeone 7an<e# open the closet #oor. The Har#7s became tense. 8oul# the robe over the entrance to the secret stairwa7 ool himG F"mpt7AF the man announce# an# shut the #oor. The smu==lers went #ownstairs.

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There were ervent han#sha<es amon= the #etective an# his sons. -ther than this the7 #i# not move a muscle o their bo#ies> althou=h the7 inwar#l7 relaxe#. 3ow new worries assaile# the Har#7s. 0t was possible that .nattman an# his =an=> havin= been alerte#> woul# move out an# #isappear be ore the police or Coast 9uar# coul# =et to the house on the cli . 5ran<Es heart =ave a Jump. He su##enl7 realiIe# that his hi#in= to protect his sons. Ha# &@' 6666666666 he been alone> the intrepi# #etective woul# have been #ownstairs battlin= to =et the better o .nattman an# brea< up the smu==lin= rin=. F8hat a swell ather he isAF 5ran< thou=ht. Then another i#ea came to him. F/a7be bein= here isnEt such a ba# plan a ter all. +a# mi=ht have been atall7 shot i heE# been an7where else on the propert7.F A moment later the Har#7s a=ain became aware o voices on the secon# loor. The7 reco=niIe# one as .nattmanEs> the other as 1leinEs. F,eah> thereEs a secret stairwa7 to the attic>F 1lein announce#. F0 oun# it when 0 was pla7inE =host. An# them Har#7 bo7s-- the7 oun# it too. 0Ell bet m7 last ta<e on those rare #ru=s weEre =ettinE toni=ht that the #ic< an# his sons are up in that atticAF The Har#7sE spirits san<. The7 were =oin= to be capture# a=ain a ter allA The7 hear# the #oor at the 1lein>F or#ere# .nattman. oot o the stairwa7 open. F9o up an# loo<> ather was

F3ot me. 5enton Har#7 has /allo7Es =un.F F0 sai# =o upAF F,ou canEt ma<e me>F 1lein obJecte# in a whinin= tone. F0E# be a sure tar=et Ecause 0 coul#nEt see him. HeE# be hi#in= an# let me have it so Luic< 0E# never <now what hit me.F +espite the =rave situation> 5ran<Es an# HoeEs &@) 6666666666 aces were crease# in smiles> but the7 m7sel . 9ive me that bi= li=htAF a#e# as .nattman sai#> F0Ell =o

.u##enl7 a brilliant beam was cast into the attic. 0t move# upwar#> accompanie# b7 heav7 ootsteps.

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FHar#7> i 7ou want to live> sa7 soAF .nattman sai#> an evil rin= in his voice. 3o answer rom the #etective.

F8eEve =ot 7ou cornere# this timeAF /r. Har#7 #i# not repl7. F4isten> Har#7AF .nattman shoute#. F0 <now 7ouEre up there because 7ou move# that bathrobe. 0Ell =ive 7ou Just one minute to come #own out o that atticAF .till no answer an# an interval o silence ollowe#.

Then came .nattmanEs voice a=ain. FThis is 7our last chance> Har#7AF 3earl7 a minute went b7 without a si=n rom the two enem7 camps. Then .nattman move# up the stairs a ew more steps. FHar#7> 0 have a proposition to ma<e to 7ou>F he sai# presentl7. F0 <now 7ou #onEt want to #ie an# 7ou want those bo7s o 7ours to live too. 8ell> so #o 0 want to live. .o letEs call it Luits.F The #etective maintaine# his silence an# .nattman continue# up the steps. F9ive 7ou m7 &@% 6666666666 MAttach EPa=eN&@(.=i E hereO &@( 6666666666 wor# 0 wonEt shoot. An# 0 <now 7ou never ire irst unless 7ou have to.F

A moment later he appeare# at the top o the stairs> empt7-han#e# except or the li=ht. 0n a moment he spotte# the Har#7s with his hi=hpowere# lashli=ht. FHereEs the proposition-- 7our lives in exchan=e =an=Es.F FHow #o 7ou meanGF /r. Har#7 as<e# col#l7. F0 mean>F the smu==ler sai#> Fthat 7ou are m7 hosta=es.F FHosta=esAF 5ran< an# Hoe exclaime# to=ether. F,es. 0 m7 men an# 0 can =et our stu move# awa7 be ore the police or the Coast 9uar# mi=ht happen in here> then 7ou can leave a little later.F or mine an# m7

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FBut i the7 #o comeGF 5ran< as<e#.

FThen 0Ell bar=ain with them>F .nattman answere#. FAn# 0 #onEt thin< the7Ell turn me #own. The7 #onEt <now where 7ou are> but 0Ell ma<e them un#erstan# 0 mean business. 0 the7 ta<e me> 7ou three #ieAF 5ran< an# Hoe =aspe#. The amous 5enton Har#7 an# his sons were to be use# as a shiel# to protect a ruthless =an= o criminalsA The bo7s loo<e# at their ather in consternation. To their amaIement he loo<e# calm> but his mouth was #rawn in a ti=ht line. F0t wonEt #o 7ou an7 =oo# to shoot me> Har#7>F the smu==ler sai#. F/allor7 sai# all the chambers &?0 6666666666 in that =at are empt7 but one. 0 the =an= hears a shot> the7Ell be up here in a minute to inish 7ou all o properl7.F The Har#7s realiIe# that i .nattmanEs remar< about the =un were true> the7 were in#ee# at the merc7 o this cunnin=> schemin=> connivin= smu==ler. He now starte# bac<in= towar# the stairwa7. F0 thin< 0Em a prett7 smile. air =u7>F he sai# with the trace o a satis ie#

FAn# one to be hate# an# eare#AF Hoe thou=ht in a ra=e. F8eEve =ot to outwit this man somehowAF he #etermine#. But at the moment the possibilit7 o &?& 6666666666 CHAPT"! "09HT""3 Coast 9uar# Action 8H04" the Har#7 bo7s ha# been investi=atin= the smu==lersE hi#e-out an# ha# been capture#> to=ether with their ather> Ton7 an# Chet were tr7in= their best to accomplish the erran# which 5ran< an# Hoe ha# =iven them. +urin= the earl7 part o their trip bac< to Ba7port to contact the Coast 9uar#> the 3apoli ha# cut throu=h the #ar<ness li<e a strea<. Then su##enl7 Ton7 exclaime#> F-h> ohA /7 starboar# li=ht Just went out.F Chet turne# to loo< at the portsi#e. FThis li=htE all ri=ht. /ust be the bulb in the other one.F FThatEs what 0 was a rai# o >F sai# Ton7. F0Ell bet 0 havenEt another this loo<e# hopeless.

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bulb.F F,ou mean> somebo#7 mi=ht not see the 3apoli an# ram usGF Chet as<e# ear ull7. F8eEll have to be care ul>F Ton7 replie#. &?2 6666666666 FChet> ta<e the wheel> will 7ouG 0Ell see i 0 can in# an extra bulb.F

Chet chan=e# places with Ton7> throttle# the motor> an# =aIe# intentl7 ahea#. The moon ha# not 7et risen an# it was #i icult to see ver7 ar ahea#. F5in# an7thin=GF Chet calle# out> as Ton7 inishe# his roun# o loc<ers an# was now rumma=in= in the last one. the

F3ot 7et.F Ton7 pulle# out a canvas ba=> a pair o snea<ers> an# some ishin= tac<le. As he reache# in or the last article in the loc<er> he =ave a whoop o Jo7. FHereEs one bulb-- Just one-- <eep 7our in=ers crosse#> pal. 0 this isnEt an7 =oo#> weEre in a mess.F FAn# brea<in= the law besi#es>F Chet a##e#. He hel# his breath as Ton7 went orwar# an# crawle# insi#e the prow o the 3apoli. 8ith a lashli=ht> Ton7 oun# the protectin= shiel# or the bulb an# un astene# it. A ter removin= the #ea# bulb> he screwe# in the new one. As the li=ht lashe# on> Ton7 breathe# a si=h o relie an# starte# to crawl out o the prow. F9oo# wor<AF Chet sai#. F0tEs luc<7 we--F Chet never inishe# the sentence. At this instant he saw another spee#boat loom up in ront o him. 4i<e li=htnin= he swun= the wheel aroun#> missin= the oncomin= cra t b7 inchesA F,ou oolAF the #river o the other boat

&?* 6666666666 shoute#. F8h7 #onEt 7ou loo< where 7ouEre =oin=GF Chet #i# not repl7. He was Luiverin=. Besi#es> he ha# stalle# the motor> which ha# been throttle# so low it ha# not been able to ta<e the terri ic swervin=. F-h> now 0Eve #one itAF the stout bo7 waile#. There was no response rom Ton7 or several secon#s. He ha# been thrown violentl7 a=ainst the si#e o the boat an# was #aIe#. But he Luic<l7 collecte# his wits an# crawle# #own besi#e Chet. F8hat happene#GF he as<e#.

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Chet tol# him> then sai#> F,ouE# better ta<e over. 0Em a rotten pilot.F Ton7 too< the seat behin# the wheel> starte# the motor> an# spe# o towar# Barmet Ba7. F8eEve sure waste# a lot o Hoe are ma<in= out.F FHope the7 time>F he remar<e#. F0 won#er how 5ran< an#

oun# /r. Har#7>F Chet a##e#.

There was no more conversation until the bo7s turne# into the ba7. The Coast 9uar# station or the area was a short #istance alon= the southern shore o the ba7 an# Ton7 hea#e# the 3apoli #irectl7 or it. He pulle# up at the #oc<> where two patrol boats an# a cutter were tie#. The two bo7s climbe# out an# hurrie# up to the white buil#in=. As the7 were about to enter it> Chet ant# Ton7 were amaIe# to in# Bi Hooper &?@ 6666666666 an# Phil Cohen comin= out o rien#> was with them. it. Herr7 9ilro7> another Ba7port Hi=h

F8ell> or PeteEs sa<eAF the three crie# out> an# Bi a##e#> FBo7> are we =la# to see 7ouA 8here are 5ran< an# HoeGF F.till huntin= or the smu==lers>F Chet replie#. F8hat brin=s 7ou hereGF Bi explaine# that an hour a=o /rs. Har#7 ha# telephone# him to see i he ha# hear# rom 5ran< an# Hoe. .he con esse# to bein= excee#in=l7 worrie# about her sons. /rs. Har#7 <new the7 ha# =one to loo< or their ather an# she was in a panic that the7 ha# been capture# b7 the same men who were possibl7 hol#in= her husban#. F0 tol# her 0E# roun# up a couple o the ellows an# =o on a hunt>F Bi went on. FHerr7 thou=ht ma7be 5ran< an# Hoe ha# come bac< to town an# were somewhere aroun#. 8e loo<e#> but we coul#nEt in# them an7where> so we borrowe# /r. 9ilro7Es car an# came out here to tell the Coast 9uar#. The7Ere =oin= to sen# out boats. ,ouE# better come in an# tal< to Chie 8arrant - icer !obinson 7oursel .F The bo7s hurrie# insi#e. Duic<l7 Chet an# Ton7 tol# o the Har#7sE suspicion that the7 ha# oun# the entrance to the smu==lersE hi#e-out. FCan 7ou sen# help out there ri=ht awa7GF Chet as<e#. F8eEll show 7ou where the secret tunnel is.F &?? 6666666666 FThis is astoun#in=>F sai# Chie !obinson. F0Ell or#er the Alice out. ,ou can start within ive minutes.F F0Ell phone /rs. Har#7 ri=ht awa7>F Herr7 o ere#. F0Em a rai#> thou=h> that the news isnEt =oin= to ma<e her eel too =oo#.F

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8hile Herr7 was =one> Chet tol# the chie warrant o icer that the Har#7s thou=ht the7 <new the names o two o the men who were involve# in the smu==lin= rac<et. Chet reveale# the Har#7 suspicions about .nattman bein= one an# Ali .in=h the other. F8e thin< Ali is a crewman on the /arco Polo thatEs =oin= to #oc< earl7 tomorrow mornin= in Ba7port>F Chet continue#. F5ran< an# Hoe =ot a tip that ma<es them thin< this is the #eal: 8hile the ship is o shore> Ali .in=h pitches stolen #ru=s overboar# an# one o the smu==lers pic<s the pac<a=e up in a spee#boat.F !obinson raise# his e7ebrows. FThose Har#7 bo7s certainl7 ta<e a ter their ather>F he remar<e#. FThe7 have the ma<in=s o =oo# #etectives.F Bi tol# the Coast 9uar# o icer o the bo7sE a#venture at the haunte# house on their irst visit to the Pollitt place. F5ran< an# Hoe are sure there is some connection between the house an# the smu==lers.F FAn# the7 are probabl7 ri=ht>F the chie &?' 6666666666 F0Ell call the .tate Police at once an# tell them the latest #evelopments in this case.F The bo7s waite# while he ma#e the report. Herr7> who ha# Just inishe# telephonin= /rs. Har#7> sai# that she seeme# even more worrie# than be ore but relieve# that the Coast 9uar# was =oin= to ta<e a han#. The chie warrant o icer then tol# the bo7s he woul# =et in touch with the captain o the /arco Polo at once b7 ship-to-shore telephone. The connection was ma#e an# the bo7s listene# with =reat interest to the conversation. The captain ha# a boomin= voice which the7 coul# hear plainl7. F,es> 0 have a sailor name# Ali .in=h>F he replie# in answer to Chie !obinsonEs Luestion. FHeEs a member o the <itchen crew.F A ter he ha# been tol# that Ali .in=h was suspecte# o stealin= #ru= shipments an# #roppin= them overboar# to a con e#erate> he sai#> FThat woul# be prett7 eas7 or him to #o. .in=h probabl7 throws them out when he #umps =arba=e into the water> even thou=h heEs not suppose# to #o it. The #ru=s coul# be in an in late# waterproo ba=.F FCaptain> will 7ou have someone <eep an e7e on this Ali .in=h without his <nowin= heEs bein= watche#GF Chie !obinson reLueste#. F0Ell sen# a patrol boat out rom here to watch or an7 o his &?) 6666666666 =an= who ma7 be in a small boat waitin= to pic< up somethin= he #umps overboar#. How ar o shore are 7ouGF remar<e#.

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FAbout sixteen miles rom 7our hea#Luarters>F was the answer.

F8ill 7ou <eep in touch with the patrol boatGF !obinson reLueste#. F0tEs the Henle7> in char=e o Chie Pett7 - icer Brown.F F0Ell #o that.F FAli .in=h can be arreste# when 7our ship #oc<s.F As the conversation was conclu#e#> a uni orme# coast=uar#man came in. He was intro#uce# as Chie Pett7 - icer Bertram in char=e o the Alice> which woul# ollow Ton7 an# Chet to the smu==lersE hi#e-out. F0Em rea#7> sir>F he tol# his chie > a ter a short brie in=. He turne# to the bo7s. FAll setGF Chet an# Ton7 no##e#. As the7 turne# to Herr7 loo<e# =lum. ollow Bertram> Bi > Phil> an#

3otin= the expressions on the three bo7s> Chie !obinson leane# across his #es< an# sai#> F0 =uess 7ou ellows were hopin= to be in on this too. How woul# 7ou li<e to =o on the Henle7 with Chie Pett7 - icer Brown an# watch the unGF The e7es o the three bo7s li=hte# up an# Phil sai#> F,ou mean itGF ormal invitationGF Chie !obinson as<e# with a lau=h.

F+o 7ou want a &?% 6666666666

He ran= or Chie Pett7 - icer Brown> an# a ter intro#ucin= the bo7s> he explaine# what the mission o the Henle7 was to be. F0 un#erstan#> sir>F Brown replie#. F8eEll leave at once.F The three bo7s ollowe# him #own to the #oc< an# went aboar#. The7 met the other Coast 9uar# men an# the ast patrol boat set o . 0t seeme# to the bo7s as i the sixteen miles were covere# in an incre#ibl7 short time. The li=hts o the /arco Polo loome# up in the #istance. F.heEs movin= ver7 slowl7> isnEt sheGF Bi F,es> sheEs ma<in= onl7 about our <nots.F as<e# their s<ipper.

F.o it woul# be eas7 or a small boat to come alon=si#e an# ta<e somethin= rom herGF Phil su==este#. F,es> it woul#.F Duic<l7 the o icer pic<e# up a telescope an# traine# it on the lar=e cra t. FThe =alle7 hatches are on the le t an# the ti#e is comin= in>F he reporte#. FAn7thin= thrown overboar# will loat towar# shore.F He or#ere# the wheelsman to =o past the /arco Polo> come #own the other si#e> an# approach within three hun#re# 7ar#s> then turn o the en=ine

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an# li=hts. 8hen the7 reache# the #esi=nate# spot> Pett7 - icer Brown or#ere# ever7one on boar# the Henle7 not to tal< or to move aroun#. The /arco &?( 6666666666 PoloEs #ec<s> as well as the water some #istance rom the cra t> was illuminate# b7 li=ht rom some o the stateroom portholes. Bi > Phil> an# Herr7 crow#e# close to the chie as he traine# his power ul binoculars on the =alle7 hatches> so he coul# =ive them a runnin= account o an7thin= that mi=ht happen. The o icer reporte# little activit7 aboar# the /arco Polo an# the bo7s assume# that the passen=ers either were asleep or pac<in= their lu==a=e in anticipation o lan#in= the next mornin=. .u##enl7 Pett7 - icer Brown saw one o the hatches open. A small man> with a swarth7 complexion an# rather lon=ish coal-blac< hair> appeare# in the circular openin=. He loo<e# out> then raise# a lar=e pail an# #umpe# its contents into the water. Duic<l7 he close# the hatch. FAli .in=hAF the three bo7s thou=ht as Brown reporte# what he ha# seen. The7 watche# excite#l7 to see what woul# happen now. . .u##enl7 Bi =rabbe# PhilEs arm an# pointe#. Ba=uel7 the7 coul# see a lon= pole with a scoopin= net astene# to the en# o it appear rom outsi#e the circle o li=ht an# ish amon= the #ebris. Pett7 - icer Brown reporte# that apparentl7 the person hol#in= the pole ha# oun# what he wante#> or he scoope# somethin= up an# the pole vanishe# rom si=ht. &'0 6666666666 The bo7s straine# their ears or the soun# o a small boat. 0t #i# not come an# the7 were puIIle#. The7 also won#ere# wh7 Pett7 - icer Brown seeme# to be #oin= nothin= about tr7in= to apprehen# the person. The tense s<ipper su##enl7 han#e# the binoculars to Phil. 8ithout a wor# the puIIle# bo7 loo<e# throu=h them at the spot where Brown ha# been =aIin=. To his amaIement he coul# ma<e out the #im shape o a spee#boat with two i=ures in it. "ach hel# an oar an# was rowin= the small boat awa7 rom the /arco Polo as ast as possible. F8eEve =ot the smu==lers #ea# to ri=htsAF Pett7 to the bo7s. FArenEt 7ou =oin= to arrest themGF Phil as<e#. F3ot 7et>F the o icer tol# him. F0Em a rai# we canEt #o it without some shootin=. 0 #onEt want to scare the passen=ers on the /arco Polo. 8eEll wait a ew minutes.F icer Brown whispere#

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.u##enl7 the en=ine o the smu==lersE spee#boat was starte#. Tersel7> Brown be=an issuin= or#ers to his men. The motors roare# into action. The chase was onA &'& 6666666666 CHAPT"! 303"T""3 The Chase 03 A ew minutes the Henle7Es brilliant searchli=ht was turne# on. 0t pic<e# up the spee#boat which was racin= towar# shore at ull power. But =ra#uall7 the Coast 9uar# boat lessene# the #istance between them. Chie Pett7 - icer Brown pic<e# up a me=aphone an# shoute# leein= men to stop. The7 pai# no attention. F8eEll have to show them we mean business>F the o Phil> an# Herr7. F8eEll shoot across their bow.F or the >

icer tol# Bi

He or#ere# the bo7s out o the line o ire> in case the smu==lers shoul# attempt to retaliate. The7 obe7e#> an# thou=h rom their shelter the three coul# not see the spee#boat> the7 listene# intentl7 to what was =oin= on. The Henle7 plowe# ahea# an# presentl7 the bo7s hear# a shot whistle throu=h the air. &'2 7our en=ineAF Brown comman#e#. A secon# later he a##e#> F+rop those =unsAF The smu==lers evi#entl7 #i# both> or .<ipper Brown sai# to the bo7s> F,ou ellows can come orwar# now.F The three scramble# to his si#e. Bi was Just in time to see one o the two capture# men hal turn an# sl7l7 run his han# into the lar=e poc<et o his sports Jac<et. Bi expecte# him to pull out a =un an# was about to warn Brown when the smu==ler with#rew his han# an# #roppe# somethin= into the water. FThe rare #ru=sAF Bi thou=ht.

0nstantl7 he be=an peelin= o his clothes> an# when the others as<e# him what he was #oin= this or> he merel7 sai#> F9ot an un#erwater Job to #o.F Bi was over the si#e in a lash an# swimmin= with stron=> lon= stro<es to the spee#boat. He went be7on# it an# aroun# to the ar si#e. 0n the meantime> Pett7 icer Brown ha# or#ere# the smu==lers to put

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their han#s over their hea#s. As the Henle7 came alon=si#e> two o the enliste# coast=uar#men Jumpe# across an# slippe# han#cu s on them. Brown instructe# one o the enliste# men to ta<e their prisoners bac< to Coast 9uar# hea#Luarters in the smu==lersE boat. F,ou =ot nothinE on usA ,ou ainEt =ot no ri=ht to arrest usAF one o the capture# men crie# out. &'* 6666666666 At that moment Bi HooperEs hea# appeare# over the si#e o the spee#boat an# a moment later he clambere# aboar#. He calle# out> F,ouEve =ot plent7 on these menA HereEs the evi#enceAF He hel# up a waterproo ba=> ti=htl7 seale#. 0t was transparent an# the printin= on the contents was easil7 rea#. F0 happen to <now that whatEs in here is a rare #ru=>F Bi a##e#. F0 hear# our #octor mention it Just a ew #a7s a=o.F This announcement too< the brava#o out o the smu==lers. The two men insiste# the7 were onl7 en=a=e# to pilot the spee#boat an# #eliver the #ru=s. But the7 woul# not =ive the name o the person who ha# hire# them> nor the spot to which the7 were suppose# to =o. F8e <now both the answers alrea#7>F Pett7 - icer Brown tol# the smu==lers. Then he sai# to his wheelsman> FHea# or the house on the cli A The7 ma7 nee# a little more help over there.F Bi was haule# aboar#> an# as he put his clothes bac< on> the Henle7 shot throu=h the water. He whispere# to his pals> F8eEll see some more excitement> ma7be.F .ome time be ore this> Chet an# Ton7 ha# reache# the area where the secret tunnel was. The patrol boat which ha# been ollowin= them turne# on its =reat searchli=ht to pic< out the exact spot. F4oo<AF Chet crie# out. A spee#boat with two men in it ha# Just entere# &'@ 6666666666 the chopp7> roc<7 waters in FHaltAF .<ipper Bertram o ront o the tunnel.

the Alice or#ere#.

The man at the wheel obe7e# the comman# an# turne# o his motor. But instea# o surren#erin=> he shoute# to his companion> F+ive> .ne enAF Duic< as a ar si#e o lash the two smu==lers #isappeare# into the water on the their boat. 8hen the7 #i# not reappear> Chet calle#:

F0Ell bet the7Ere swimmin= un#erwater to the tunnel. ArenEt we =oin=

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a ter themGF F8e sure are>F Pett7 - icer Bertram replie#. FTon7> can 7ou channel which lea#s to that tunnelGF in# the

F0 thin< so>F Ton7 answere#> e7in= the smu==lersE spee#boat which now> unatten#e#> ha# been thrown violentl7 b7 the waves onto some roc<s. FThen weEll come on boar# 7our boat>F the chie pett7 o icer state#. He le t two o his own men aboar# the Alice to =uar# it an# to be rea#7 or an7 other smu==lers who mi=ht be arrivin= at the hi#e-out. The rest o the crew> inclu#in= Bertram himsel > climbe# aboar# the 3apoli> an# Ton7 starte# throu=h the narrow passa=e between the roc<s lea#in= to the tunnel. -ne o the enliste# men in the prow o the boat operate# a portable searchli=ht. "ver7one <ept loo<in= or the swimmers> as the7 went throu=h the tunnel> but #i# not see them. 8hen the 3apoli reache# the pon#> the &'? 6666666666 man swun= his li=ht aroun# the circular shore line. FThere the7 areAF Chet crie# out. The two smu==lers> #rippin= wet> ha# Just opene# the secret #oor into the cli . The7 #arte# throu=h an# the #oor close# behin# them. Ton7 pulle# his boat to the le#=e in ront o the #oor> turne# o the en=ine> an# Jumpe# ashore with the others. To their surprise the #oor was not loc<e#. F0Ell =o irst>F Bertram announce#.

FBut be care ulAF Chet be==e#. FThere ma7 be a man with a =un on the other si#eAF The o icer or#ere# ever7one to stan# bac< as he pulle# the #oor open. He beame# the searchli=ht insi#e. 3o one was in si=htA FCome on> menAF the s<ipper sai# excite#l7. The =roup Luic<l7 went alon= the route the Har#7s ha# #iscovere# earlier. 8hen the7 reache# the corri#or an# saw the three #oors> Ton7 su==este# that the7 loo< insi#e to see i the Har#7s were prisoners. -ne b7 one each room was examine# but oun# to be empt7. The searchers hurrie# on #own the corri#or an# up the stairwa7 which le# to the woo#she# o the Pollitt place. The7 pushe# the trap #oor but it #i# not open. Their li=ht reveale# no hi##en sprin=s or catches. FThe two smu==lers that =ot awa7 Bertram sai#. FThe7 &'' rom us ma7 have soun#e# an alarm>F

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6666666666 probabl7 set somethin= heav7 on top o FThen weEll heave it o this trap #oor to #ela7 us.F

AF Chet #eclare#.

He an# Ton7> with two o the enliste# men> put their shoul#ers to the trap #oor an# heave# with all their mi=ht. At last it raise# a little> then ell bac< into place. F0t isnEt naile# shut rom the other si#e at an7 rate>F Bertram sai#. F9ive it another shoveAF The our beneath it trie# once more. 3ow the7 all coul# hear somethin= sli#in= si#ewa7s. FAll to=ether nowAF Chet sai#> pu in=. F-ne> two> threeAF

The heave that ollowe# #i# the tric<. A heav7 obJect above topple# with a crash> an# the trap #oor opene#. As be ore> Chie Pett7 - icer Bertram insiste# upon bein= the irst one out. There was not a soun# rom the =roun#s nor the house an# not a li=ht in evi#ence. He tol# the others to come up but cautione#: FThis ma7 be an ambush. 8atch 7our step an# i an7thin= starts to pop> 7ou two bo7s =o bac< #own throu=h the trap #oor.F .u##enl7 there was a soun# o cars turnin= into the lane lea#in= to the Pollitt place. The vehiclesE li=hts were so bri=ht that Bertram sai#> F0 believe itEs the policeAF A ew moments later the cars reache# the rear o state troopers pile# out. Chie &') 6666666666 Pett7 - icer Bertram hurrie# orwar# to intro#uce himsel to Captain !7#er o the .tate Police. The two hel# a whispere# conversation. 5rom what the bo7s overhear#> the7 i=ure# that the troopers planne# to rai# the house. Hust as the men seeme# to have reache# a #ecision> ever7one was amaIe# to see a man appear at the rear win#ow o the secon#- loor hall. He hel# a =un in his ri=ht han#> but with his le t he =esture# or attention. F/7 nameEs .nattman>F he announce# with a theatrical wave o his han#. FBe ore 7ou storm this place> 0 want to tal< to 7ouA 0 <now 7ouEve been loo<in= or me an# m7 men a lon= time. But 0Em not =oin= to let 7ou ta<e me without some people on 7our si#e =ettin= <ille# irstAF He pause# #ramaticall7. FCome to the point> .nattman>F Captain !7#er calle# up to him. He> too> ha# a =un poise# or action shoul# this become necessar7. the ol# house an#

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F0 mean>F the smu==ler crie# out> Fthat 0 =ot three hosta=es in this house-- 5enton Har#7 an# his two sonsAF Chet an# Ton7 Jumpe#. The bo7s ha# oun# their ather> onl7 to become captives themselves. An# now the three were to be use# as hosta=esA F8hatEs the restGF Captain !7#er as<e# aci#l7. FThis: 0 7ouEll let me an# m7 men =o> weEll clear out o will sta7 behin# lon= &'% 6666666666 enou=h to tell 7ou where the Har#7s are.F .nattman now set his Jaw. FBut i 7ou come in an# tr7 to ta<e us> itEll be curtains or the Har#7sAF ChetEs an# Ton7Es hearts san<. 8hat was =oin= to be the result o ni=htmarish #ilemmaG this here. -ne

0n the meantime 5ran<> Hoe> an# their ather> or the past hour> ha# #espaire# o escapin= be ore .nattman mi=ht carr7 out his sinister threat. A ter the smu==ler le t the attic> the7 ha# hear# hammerin= an# suspecte# the smu==lers were nailin= bars across the #oor. The Har#7s tiptoe# to the oot o the stairwa7> onl7 to in# their ears con irme#. F0 those bars are ma#e o woo#>F 5ran< whispere#> Fma7be we can cut throu=h them with our <nives without too much noise.F F8eEll tr7>F his /allo7.F ather a=ree#. FHoe> ta<e that <ni e 0 =ot rom

As +etective Har#7 sat on the steps> leanin= wea<l7 a=ainst the wall> his two sons =ot to wor<. The7 mana=e# to maneuver the <nives throu=h the crac< near the <nob. 5in#in= the top o the heav7 crossbars> the bo7s be=an to cut an# hac< noiselessl7. 5ran<Es <ni e was alrea#7 #ull an# it was not lon= be ore HoeEs became so. This =reatl7 hampere# their pro=ress. Hal an hour later the bo7sE arms were achin= so ba#l7 that 5ran< an# Hoe won#ere# how the7 coul# continue. But the thou=ht that their lives &'( 6666666666 were at sta<e #rove them on. The7 woul# rest or two or three minutes> then continue their e orts. 5inall7 Hoe inishe# cuttin= throu=h one bar an# starte# on the secon# o the three the7 ha# oun#. Ten minutes later 5ran< mana=e# to cut throu=h his. F3ow we can ta<e turns>F he tol# his brother. 8or<in= this wa7> with rest perio#s in between> the bo7s oun# the tas<

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less ar#uous. F8eEre almost reeAF Hoe inall7 sai# hope ull7.

Hust then> the Har#7s hear# cars comin= into the #rivewa7. The7 were sure that the police ha# arrive# because o the illumination loo#in= the place even to the crac< un#er the attic #oor. 0t was less than a minute later that the7 hear# the cars come to a stop outsi#e an# then .nattmanEs voice bar=ainin= or his own li e in exchan=e or his hosta=esA F4etEs brea< this #oor #own an# ta<e our chances>F 5ran< whispere# hoarsel7. F3oAF his ather sai#. F.nattman an# his men woul# certainl7 shoot usAF At this instant 5ran< =ave a low cr7 o =lee. His <ni e ha# Just hac<e# throu=h the last woo#en bar. Turnin= the <nob> he opene# the #oor an# the three Har#7s stole silentl7 rom their prison. 5rom the be#room #oorwa7 the7 peere# out to where .nattman was still tr7in= to bar=ain with &)0 6666666666 the police. 3o one else was aroun#. The bo7s an# their one another> tele=raphin= a common thou=ht. The7 woul# rush the <in= o &)& 6666666666 CHAPT"! T8"3T, The .mu==lerEs !eLuest As TH" three Har#7s crept orwar#> hopin= to overpower .nattman be ore he saw them> the7 hear# a voice outsi#e the house sa7> F,ouEll never =et awa7 with this> .nattmanA ,ou ma7 as well =ive up without an7 shootin=AF F0Ell never =ive upAF FThe house is surroun#e# with troopers an# Coast 9uar# menAF F8hat #o 0 careGF .nattman shoute#> wavin= his arms out the win#ow. F0 =ot three hosta=es here> an# 0Eve =ot one o the Coast 9uar#.F FHeEs in the house tooGF .nattman lau=he#. FTr7in= to catch me> ehG 8ell> 0Em not =oin= to answer that Luestion.F ather loo<e# at

the smu==lers an# overpower himA

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There was silence outsi#e the house. This seeme# to worr7 the man. He crie# out> F0t wonEt #o 7ou an7 =oo# to tal< thin=s overA 0 =ot 7ou where 0 want 7ou an#--F &)2 4i<e three stal<in= panthers 5ran<> Hoe> an# their ather pounce# upon the unwar7 smu==ler. /r. Har#7 <noc<e# the manEs =un rom his han#. 0t lew out the win#ow an# thu##e# to the =roun# below. The bo7s pinne# his arms bac< an# buc<le# in his <nees. 5rom below came a whoop o Jo7. FThe Har#7s have capture# .nattmanAF The voice was Chet /ortonEs. F/7 men will never let 7ou in hereAF the victim screame#. He snarle#> twiste#> an# turne# in his captorsE =rip. /r. Har#7> ear ul that .nattman woul# shout to or#er his men upstairs> clampe# a han# over the smu==lerEs mouth. B7 this time there was terri ic con usion insi#e an# outsi#e the Pollitt place. .tate troopers an# the Coast 9uar# men ha# burst into both the ront an# rear #oors. -thers =uar#e# the si#es o the house to prevent an7 escape rom the win#ows. A ew shots were ire#> but soon the smu==lin= =an= =ave up without i=htin= urther. The capture o their lea#er an# the su##en attac< ha# unnerve# them. The Har#7s waite# upstairs with their prisoner. 0n a ew moments Chet an# Ton7 appeare# an# behin# them> to the utter astonishment o 5ran< an# Hoe> were Bi > Phil> an# Herr7. .tories were Luic<l7 exchan=e# an# /r. Har#7 praise# 5ran<Es an# HoeEs chums or their e orts. &)* 6666666666 All this time .nattman =lowere# maliciousl7. 0n a ew moments chie pett7 o icers Bertram an# Brown appeare# in the secon#- loor hall with Captain !7#er. 0mme#iatel7 the state trooper astene# han#cu s onto the prisoner. He was about to ta<e him awa7 when 5ran< spo<e up: FThereEs someone else involve# in this smu==lin= who hasnEt been capture# 7et.F F,ou mean the man who =ot awa7 rom here in the truc<GF - icer !7#er as<e#. F8eEve set up a roa#bloc< or him an# expect to capture him an7 minute.F 5ran< shoo< his hea#. FAli .in=h> the crewman on the /arco Polo> has a rien# who owns a small car=o ship. !i=ht now> itEs l7in= somewhere o shore. .nattman was thin<in= o puttin= m7 #a#> Hoe> an# me on it

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an# arran=in= thin=s so that we never =ot home a=ain.F The <in= o the smu==lers> who ha# been silent crie# out> F,ouEre craI7A ThereEs not a wor# o isnEt an7 boat o shoreAF or several minutes> now truth in itA There

The others i=nore# the man. As soon as he stoppe# 7ellin=> Hoe too< up the stor7. F0 have a hunch 7ouEll in# that 7our Coast 9uar# man is a prisoner on that car=o ship. The name o the captain is 5oster.F F,ou mean our man A7res is on that shipGF Pett7 unbelievin=l7. &)@ 6666666666 F8e #onEt <now an7one name# A7res>F 5ran< be=an. He stoppe# short an# loo<e# at his brother. The7 no##e# si=ni icantl7 at each other> then A7res =o un#er the name o HonesGF 5ran< as<e#> F+oes or icer Brown as<e#

FHe mi=ht> i he were cornere#. ,ou see> heEs sort o a countersp7 the Coast 9uar#. He preten#e# to Join the smu==lers an# we havenEt hear# rom him since .atur#a7.F F0 oun# out about him>F .nattman bra==e#. FThat name Hones #i#nEt us. 0 saw him ma<e a snea< trip to 7our patrol boat.F


5ran< an# Hoe #eci#e# this was the scene the7 ha# seen throu=h the telescope. The7 tol# about their rescue o FHonesF a ter a han# =rena#e ha# nearl7 <ille# him. The7 also =ave an account o how his <i#napers ha# come to the 1ane armhouse> boun# up the armer an# his wi e> an# ta<en FHones.F .<ipper Brown sai# he woul# sen# a patrol boat out to investi=ate the waters in the area an# tr7 to in# Captain 5osterEs ship. F8eEll wait here or 7ou>F Captain !7#er state#. FThis case seems to be one or both our branches o service. Two <i#napin=s on lan# an# a the t rom the /arco Polo> as well as an un#eclare# vessel o shore.F 8hile he was =one> the Har#7s attempte# to Luestion .nattman. He re use# to a#mit an7 =uilt &)? 6666666666 in connection with smu==lin= operations or the shipment o stolen =oo#s rom one state to another. 5ran< #eci#e# to tal< to him alon= #i erent lines> hopin= that the smu==ler woul# ina#vertentl7 con ess somethin= he #i# not inten# to. F0 hear# 7ou inherite# this house be=an. rom 7our uncle> /r. Pollitt>F 5ran<

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FThatEs ri=ht. 8hatEs it to 7ouGF 5ran< was unru le#. F0 was curious about the tunnel an# the stairwa7s an# the cave>F he sai# pleasantl7. F+i# 7our uncle buil# themGF .nattman #roppe# his sullen attitu#e. F3o> he #i#nEt>F the smu==ler answere#. F/7 uncle oun# them all b7 acci#ent. He starte# #i==in= throu=h his cellar wall to enlar=e the place> an# bro<e ri=ht throu=h to that corri#or.F F0 see>F sai# 5ran<. FHave 7ou an7 i#ea who #i# buil# itGF .nattman sai# that his uncle ha# come to the conclusion that the tunnel an# pon# ha# been #iscovere# b7 pirates lon=> lon= a=o. The7 apparentl7 ha# #eci#e# it woul# be an i#eal hi#e-out an# ha# built the steps all the wa7 to the top o the =roun#. F- course the woo#she# wasnEt there then>F .nattman explaine#. FAt least not the one thatEs here now. The trap #oor was> thou=h> but there was a tumble-#own buil#in= over it.F &)' 6666666666 FHow about the corri#orG 8as it the same siIe when 7our uncle F,es>F the smu==ler answere#. F/7 uncle i=ure# that was livin= Luarters or the pirates when the7 werenEt on their ship.F FPrett7 ascinatin= stor7>F Ton7 Prito spo<e up. oun# itGF

.everal secon#s o silence ollowe#. .nattmanEs e7es #arte# rom one bo7 to another. 5inall7 the7 astene# on 5ran< Har#7 an# he sai#: F3ow that 0Em =oin= to prison> the e7epieces to 7our telescope> an# 7our motorc7cle tools> wonEt #o me an7 =oo#. ,ouEll in# them in a #rawer in the <itchen.F FThan<s a lot>F sai# 5ran<. There was another short silence. Then the smu==ler went on> his hea# #own an# his e7es almost close#> F/r. Har#7> 0 env7 7ou. An# 0-- 0 never thou=ht 0E# be ma<in= this <in# o a con ession. ,ou <now almost ever7thin= about what 0Eve been #oin=. 0Ell tell the whole stor7 later. .ince the7Ere =oin= to in# that Coast 9uar# o icer> A7res> on 5osterEs ship thereEs no use in m7 hol#in= out an7 lon=er. F0 sai# 0 env7 7ou> /r. Har#7. 0tEs because 7ou brou=ht up two such ine bo7s an# the7 =ot swell rien#s. /e-- 0 wasnEt so luc<7. /7 ather #ie# when 0 was little. 0 was prett7 hea#stron= an# m7 mother coul#nEt mana=e me. 0 be=an to ma<e the &)) 6666666666

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wron= <in# o rien#s an# a ter that-- 7ou <now how it is.

F/7 uncle> who owne# this place> mi=ht have helpe# me> but he was mean an# sel ish an# never =ave us an7 mone7. The most he woul# #o was invite m7 mother an# me here once in a while or a short visit. 0 hate# him because he ma#e m7 mother wor< ver7 har# aroun# the house all the time we were here. 0t wasnEt an7 vacation or her. F-ne o the times when 0 was here m7 uncle showe# me the piratesE hi#eout an# 0 never or=ot it. A ter 0 =ot in with a =an= o hoo#s 0 <ept thin<in= about this place> an# what a swell hi#eout it woul# be or smu==lers. 0 was a rai# to tr7 it while m7 uncle was alive. But when 0 hear# he was #ea#> 0 thou=ht that was m7 chance. F,ou see> 0 #i#nEt #are =o to claim the propert7 as the ri=ht ul heir. But now 0Em plannin= to ta<e it over. - course it wonEt #o me an7 =oo#> because 0 <now 0Ell have to #o a lon= stretch in the pen. But 0Em =oin= to as< those executors to use m7 uncleEs mone7 to run this place as a bo7sE home-- 0 mean a place where bo7s without proper home trainin= can come to live.F The =roup listenin= to .nattman> <in= o the smu==lers> were too overwhelme# b7 his complete chan=e o heart to sa7 an7thin= or a ew secon#s. But when the man loo<e# up> as i plea#in= or his hearers to believe him> /r. Har#7 sai#> FThatEs &)% 6666666666 a ver7 ine thin= or 7ou to #o> .nattman. 0Em sure that the bo7s who bene it rom livin= here will alwa7s be =rate ul to 7ou.F EThe solemn scene was su##enl7 interrupte# b7 the return o Chie Pett7 - icer Brown. He reporte# that another patrol boat ha# pic<e# up his messa=e about Captain 5osterEs ship an# within a ew minutes ha# reporte# si=htin= it. Then> within a Luarter o an hour> wor# came that Captain 5oster ha# been put un#er arrest> an# that the missin= Coast 9uar# man ha# been oun# on the ship> as well as a Luantit7 o merchan#ise which the captain ha# expecte# .nattman to remove. The prisoners were now ta<en awa7 rom the Pollitt home an# the Har#7s an# their rien#s oun# themselves alone. Chet as<e# su##enl7> FHow #o we =et homeGF Ton7 =rinne#. F0 =uess the 3apoli will hol# all o us.F

The =roup went to the woo#she#> opene# the trap #oor> an# starte# #own the secret passa=ewa7 to the pon# below. The7 climbe# into the 3apoli an# Ton7 slippe# behin# the wheel. The Coast 9uar# men thou=ht ull7 ha# le t the portable searchli=ht on the prow an# Ton7 was able to ma<e the trip throu=h the tunnel an# the narrow channel out to the ocean without acci#ent. .u##enl7 5ran< spo<e up> F+a#> what happene# to 7our carGF

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&)( 6666666666 /r. Har#7 smile#. F0tEs in Ba7port in a =ara=e. 0 was bein= ollowe#> so 0 shoo< o the sha#owers an# too< the bus.F He a##e# rue ull7> FBut it #i#nEt #o me much =oo#. .nattmanEs men attac<e# me an# too< me prisoner on the roa#.F The amous #etective now sai#> F8hile 0 have the chance> 0 want to than< each o 7ou bo7s in#ivi#uall7 or what 7ou #i#. 8ithout the seven o 7ou> this case mi=ht never have been solve# an# 0 mi=ht not have been oun# alive.F /o#estl7 5ran< an# Hoe an# their rien#s ac<nowle#=e# the praise> secretl7 hopin= another m7ster7 woul# come their wa7 soon. -ne #i# an# b7 learnin= The .ecret o the -l# /ill the Har#7 bo7s encountere# a cunnin= =an= o counter eiters. .u##enl7 Hoe remar<e#> FCompliments are l7in= aroun# here prett7 thic<> but thereEs one person we or=ot to mention. 8ithout him> 5ran< an# 0 mi=ht never have oun# +a#.F F8hoEs thatGF Bi as<e#.

FPretIel PeteAlF Hoe replie#. FThatEs ri=ht>F sai# 5ran<. FAll to=ether> PretIel PeteAF &%0 6666666666 The "n# 6666666666 ellowsA A rousin= cheer or

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