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Mascots in Advertising


To study the imp ct m scots o! b" !d "eco# ! tio! To study the imp ct o$ m scosts o! b" !d positio!i!# To study the co!sume" beh viou" to% "ds m scots

Adve"tiseme!t &"omotio! '" !d

To (!o% %hethe" m scots imp ct o! s )es o$ the p"oduct

INTRODUCTION M sscots * A pe"so!+ !im )+ o" object be)ieved to b"i!# #ood )uc(+ especi ))y o!e (ept s the symbo) o$ ! o"# !i, tio! such s spo"ts te m'" !d "eco#!itio!* The e.te!t to %hich the #e!e" ) pub)ic /o" ! o"# !i, tio!0s t "#et m "(et1 is b)e to ide!ti$y b" !d by its tt"ibutes- '" !d "eco#!itio! is most success$u) %he! peop)e c ! st te b" !d %ithout bei!# e.p)icit)y e.posed to the comp !y0s ! me+ but " the" th"ou#h visu ) si#!i$ie"s )i(e )o#os+ s)o# !s !d co)o"sObjective o$ study The"e h s bee! t"eme!dous i!c"e se i! use o$ m scots "ece!t)y i! the dve"tisi!# %o")d - M scots "e !ot !e% they "e bei!# used si!ce #es s they "e be)ieved to b"i!# )uc( they "e )% ys ssoci ted %ith spo"ts te ms -

M scots %e"e )% ys the"e $"om the st "ti!# %h t is !e% is the use o$ m scots i! dve"tisi!# + m "(eti!# !d bui)di!# b" !d im #e- M scots h ve p"ove! to be #"e t m "(eti!# too) i! ) st 23 ye "s+ )most e ch !d eve"y b" !d t"ies to m (e its o%! m scot so th t it c ! co!!ect to its t "#et udie!ce M scots "e 4the #i$t th t (eeps o! #ivi!#+4 s id C "o) &hi))ips+ p"eside!t o$ co!su)ti!# #"oup '" !d Amp)itude- 4They !eve" #et i! t"oub)e %ith the ) %- They do!0t up thei" $ees5ou c ! use them $o" )o!#+ )o!# time-4 I! m !y c ses+ co!sume"s %ou)d " the" i!te" ct o!)i!e %ith cute o" cudd)y ch " cte" th ! %ith $ ce)ess co"po" te e.ecutive+ s id M "t M je%s( + V&*di#it ) !d soci )* medi st" te#ist $o" pub)ic*"e) tio!s $i"m &o"te" Nove))i- 4It0s e sie" to h ve c su ) co!ve"s tio!+4 she s idU!de"st !di!# the impo"t !ce o$ m scots i! dve"tisi!# !d the"e "ece!t impo"t !ce !d !eed i! the m "(et it is impo"t !t to study the impo"t !ce o$ m scots the"e histo"y types !d $utu"e INTRODUCTION 6o"d 7isto"y The use o$ m scots #oes b c( to !ti8uity+ but they %e"e !ot )% ys c ))ed m scots- The %o"d 0m scot0 su##ests co!!ectio! %ith the occu)t+ bei!# de"ived $"om the F"e!ch s) !# m scotte me !i!# 0%itch0- 7o% the %o"d e!te"ed the E!#)ish ) !#u #e is sto"y i! itse)$At the tu"! o$ the ce!tu"y+ F"e!ch compose" ! med Edmo!d Aud" ! /29:;*2<321 %"ote se"ies o$ ope"ett s- O!e o$ the most popu) " % s c ))ed = M scotte /29931+ )i#ht* he "ted p)ot bout $ "m #i") %ho b"ou#ht #ood )uc( to %hoeve" emp)oyed he"+ p"ovided she "em i!ed vi"#i!- The ope" " ! $o" ove" thous !d pe"$o"m !ces bet%ee! 2933 !d 299;- As it # i!ed popu) "ity+ it % s t" !s) ted i!to E!#)ish !d st #ed i! E!#) !d !d Ame"ic - The E!#)ish t" !s) tio! % s tit)ed 0The M scot0 !d est b)ished the co!cept o$ m scot s pe"so!+ !im ) o" thi!# b"i!#i!# )uc(6hy m scots> A m scot se"ves s "e )*)i$e ch " cte" th t p"omotes b" !d+ p"oduct o" comp !y- It se"ves s ! ide!ti$i b)e ch " cte" th t co!sume"s ssoci te %ith b" !d- Im #es o$ the m scot t"i##e" ! ssoci tio! %ith the b" !d+ %hich c ! e!cou" #e co!sume"s to buy p"oduct o" se"vice- Its pu"pose+ )i(e the pu"pose o$ othe" dve"tiseme!ts+ is to i!c"e se s )es o" comp !y visibi)ity6hethe" dve"tisi!# t #)ob ) o" )oc ) )eve)+ $i!di!# the "i#ht pub)ic $ ce is c"itic ) $o" comp !y to dd v )ue to its busi!ess- Most m scots p"ovide $u!+ )i#ht*he "ted % y to #et ! o"# !i, tio! o" comp !y !oticed i! $estiv )s+ p " des+ spo"ti!# eve!ts+ schoo)s+ sto"e ope!i!#s+ civic eve!ts !d eve! the medi - ?ids )ove m scots+ !d co!sume"s e si)y "emembe" themT%o impo"t !t issues !eed to be co!side"ed %hi)e usi!# m scotO!e * %i)) the use o$ the m scot he)p cce!tu te the b" !d pe"so! )ity !d he)p i! sh "pe" co!sume" ssoci tio! %ith b" !d v )ues> I! sho"t+ %i)) it e!su"e "ec )) !d di$$e"e!ti tio!> T%o * ho% %i)) the m scot be i!$used %ith the "i#ht spi"it so th t it c ! be used i!!ov tive)y i! v "ious commu!ic tio!+ p"omotio!s !d co!sume" e!# #eme!t e$$o"ts>

I! this #e o$!sive b" !d mb ss do"s+ m scots p"ovide c"e tive+ sust i! b)e+ )o%* cost mode) $o" commu!ic ti!# b" !d0s v )ues !d pe"so!i$yi!# the comp !y0s desi"ed im #e- The othe" dv !t #e is th t s m scots "e c"e ted !d o%!ed by the comp !ies+ s%itchi!# )oy )ties+ %hich is $"e8ue!t i!cide!ce %ith ce)eb"ity e!do"se"s+ c ! be "u)ed outFo" e. mp)e+ A mi" ?h ! st ""ed i! the $i"st &epsi comme"ci ) i"ed i! I!di + but tod y he is b" !d mb ss do" $o" Co(e- C ! you thi!( o$ G ttu !d Goody+ the Ne"o) c ti#e"+ s% ppi!# p) ces> The %o")d ove"+ mo"e !d mo"e busi!esses "e $i!di!# out %h t co"po" te m scot c ! do $o" them * busi!esses s dive"se s compute" comp !ies /Tu. the pe!#ui! is the $ ce o$ =i!u.1+ c " m (e"s /1+ "e ) est te #e!ts+ d"u# comp !ies+ !d m !y mo"e- A)so+ mo"e !d mo"e spo"ti!# c)ubs "e $i!di!# out bout the e!te"t i!me!t !d m "(eti!# v )ue o$ thei" o%! m scot ch " cte"- I! Aust" )i + the Syd!ey "u#by )e #ue competitio! h d th"ee m scots i! 2<9:+ !o% )) ;3 c)ubs h ve m scots- The"e "e m scots i! shoppi!# ce!t"es+ some o$ %hich h ve m ssive $o))o%i!#- A bi"d m scot+ &ete the & ""ot i! Syd!ey shoppi!# ce!t"e /C su) M ))1 h s te! thous !d (ids i! his $ ! c)ub&ete the p ""ot The Toyot chic(e! Tu. $o" )i!u. 6hy 7 s the Use o$ 4Ch " cte"s4 !d 4M scots4 i! Adve"tisi!# I!c"e sed> The co!cept o$ c"e ti!# memo" b)e 4ch " cte"s4 o" 4m scots4 i! dve"tisi!# !d b" !di!# is e.t"eme)y %e))*est b)ished+ !d seems to h ve #otte! eve! mo"e commo! ) te)y5e "s #o+ it % s the M ")bo"o M !+ Spuds M c(e!,ie+ the C )i$o"!i R isi!s+ @oe C me)+ Ch ")ie Tu! + To!y the Ti#e"+ !d @oe Isu,uTod y+ it seems )i(e %e "e i!u!d ted by the GEICO Gec(o+ the C veme!+ the &"o#"essive I!su" !ce #i") / ( 4F)o41+ the A))y ' !( #uy+ !d m !y+ m !y mo"e- No%+ eve"y b" !d seems to % !t m scot o" ch " cte"-

Revie% o$ )ite" tu"e

M scots m y " !#e $"om ve"y #e!e"ic symbo)s such s !im )s o" histo"ic ) peop)e+ to m scots th t "e u!ide!ti$i b)e !y%he"e e)se i! the %o")dM scots "e &ositive &e"so! )ities The m scot m y "ep"ese!t the comp !y p"ides itse)$ o"

it c ! be c"e tio! )) o$ its o%!- M scots m y use ctio!s o" d !ces th t m (e them u!i8ue i! physic ) % y- F !s !d custome"s m y #"o% to )ove !d e.pect the s me 8u )ities $"om the m scotIt impo"t !t th t the m scot be upbe t+ positive+ !d ch "ism tic to #" b the tte!tio! o$ )) #es !d )) types o$ peop)e'usi!esses th t decide they %i)) be!e$it $"om the use o$ m scots %i)) e$$ective)y m "(et thei" se"vices !d e si)y become househo)d ! meA m scot c ! embody the missio! o" v )ue st teme!t o$ comp !y+ i!#" i!i!# this im #e o! the mi!ds o$ peop)e eve"y%he"e- A!y m scot se!d st"o!# symbo)ic mess #e to peop)e %ho e!cou!te" them both $o" busi!ess !d )eisu"eThe use o$ m scots is !ot o!)y $o" spo"ts o" p "ticu) " te m us #e+ )thou#h th t m y be its most popu) " i!c "! tio!- 'usi!esses+ te)evisio! st tio!s !dAo" medi ve!ues+ p " des+ !d commu!ities m y )3) use m scots $o" seve" ) "e so!s- They "e o$te! )eve" #ed s use$u) dve"tisi!# too)s to he)p p"omote comp !y+ p"oduct+ o" eve!tThis he)ps peop)e to ssoci te symbo) %ith ! item o" se"vice th t is bei!# m "(eted to them- The m scot %i)) ssist i! b"i!#i!# the m "(eti!# c mp i#! b c( to mi!d %he! the p"oduct o" se"vice %i)) be !eeded by the co!sume"- M !y tout m scots s bei!# the best choice $o" p) ci!# $u!ds $o" m "(eti!#-"ts s y it %i)) yie)d the best " te o$ "etu"! $o" the i!vestme!t p) ced i! m scotUse o$ m scots is especi ))y use$u) %he! comp !y is !e% to the pub)ic t ) "#e- It %i)) he)p to est b)ish ! me+ "eput tio!+ !d ch " cte" sy!o!ymous %ith the comp !y6e "e mo"e )i(e)y to p y tte!tio! to b" !d %he! it h s ch " cte" to $o))o% o! T%itte" !d B$"ie!dC o! F ceboo(- Some comp !ies h ve the dv !t #e o$ h vi!# ch " cte" )"e dy bui)t i!to the )e# cy o$ thei" b" !d'ut o!)y some b" !ds "e t (i!# dv !t #e o$ this- M !y comp !ies h ve )"e dy i!te#" ted soci ) medi i!to thei" m "(eti!# but %ho is doi!# it th"ou#h thei" b" !dDs m scot> =etDs t (e )oo( t $e% e. mp)esO"# !i, tio!s use m scots i! dve"tisi!# c mp i#!s to " ise % "e!ess o$ thei" b" !d- A m scot0s most p"omi!e!t "o)e mi#ht be i! $"o!t o$ the c me" + %he"e it is ! ctive p) ye" i! te)evisio! comme"ci )s - 7o%eve"+ m scots )so i! the )oc ) commu!ity- They tte!d )oc ) eve!ts+ $"om spo"ti!# eve!ts to $estiv )s+ to i!te" ct %ith the commu!ity !d+ s "esu)t+ hei#hte! b" !d % "e!ess- M scots mi#ht h !d out s mp)es o$ p"oducts o" pose $o" pictu"es %ith chi)d"e!/21/;1 /21* Ch ")ie the tu! $ish i! ! eve!t /;1*Mic(ey mouse i! Dis!ey ) !d Types 6he! peop)e he " the %o"d 4m scot+4 they o$te! thi!( o$ hum ! d"essed up s $u""y c"e tu"e+ such s the popu) " S ! Die#o Chic(e!- 7o%eve"+ "e ) peop)e c ! be m scots s %e))- Sub% y "est u" !ts used "e )*)i$e custome"+ @ "ed Fo#)e+ to he d the "est u" !t0s

dve"tisi!# c mp i#! $o" ye "s- M scots "e !ot )% ys o$ the hum ! v "iety+ eithe"M !y co))e#es use !im ) m scots to p"omote thei" b" !d+ such s the U!ive"sity o$ Geo"#i 0s bu))do# U# O$te! the choice o$ m scot "e$)ects desi"ed 8u )ityE commo! e. mp)e o$ this is the 4$i#hti!# spi"it+4 i! %hich competitive ! tu"e is pe"so!i$ied by % ""io"s o" p"ed to"y !im )sM scots m y )so symbo)i,e )oc ) o" "e#io! ) t" it+ such s the Neb" s( Co"!hus(e"s0 m scot+ 7e"bie 7us(e"F sty)i,ed ve"sio! o$ $ "me"+ o%i!# to the #"icu)tu" ) t" ditio!s o$ the "e i! %hich the u!ive"sity is )oc tedI! the U!ited St tes+ co!t"ove"sy su""ou!ds some m scot choices+ especi ))y those usi!# hum ! )i(e!esses- M scots b sed o! N tive Ame"ic ! t"ibes "e p "ticu) ")y co!te!tious+ s m !y "#ue th t they co!stitute o$$e!sive e.p)oit tio!s o$ ! opp"essed cu)tu"eThe"e "e di$$e"e!t types o$ m scots e. mp)e 7i#h schoo) m scot '" !d ssoci ted m scots Co))e#e m scots U!ive"sity o$ Geo"#i 0s bu))do# U# Vod $o!e ,oo ,oo Some b" !ds !d thei" m scots 2* Miche)i! M ! No )o!#e" pu$$y+ the Miche)i! M ! h s u!de"#o!e m (eove" %o"thy o$ supe"he"o- 7e is !o% s)imme" ve"sio! o$ himse)$ !d hu")s ti"es $"om his o%! midsectio! to de$e t Bthe evi) # s pump-C 7is F ceboo( p #e+ %hich h s ove" G+333 $ !s+ p"ovides i!$o"m tio! o! coupo!s !d is c"o%dsou"ci!# ide s $o" the deve)opme!t o$ thei" !e% dsOve" o! 5ouTube+ vie%e"s c ! % tch ds !d st y up to d te o! !e% p"oductsThe Miche)i! M ! eve! h s T%itte" p #e i! his o%! ! me+ (eepi!# his 2+;33 $o))o%e"s up to d te %ith the ) test i! ti"es- The cu""e!t t #)i!e "e ds+ BThe "i#ht ti"e ch !#es eve"ythi!#HC The Miche)i! M ! ims to educ te the pub)ic o! ho% the "i#ht ti"e c ! "educe $ue) co!sumptio!+ i!c"e se d"ivi!# s $ety !d e.te!d t"e d )i$e- A)) #ood thi!#s+ but m de mo"e ppe )i!# to the ve" #e co!sume" th"ou#h soci ) medi out)et/;1 Ro! )d McDo! )d =i)) "d Scott+ 'ob '" !do!+ ?i!# Moody+ Geo$$"ey Gui)i !o !d @oe M ## "dA ! !oseco!d is )) it t (es $o" the im #e o$ the "ed*h i"ed c)o%! i! his b"i#ht*ye))o% jumpsuit to m (e peop)e thi!( o$ the McDo! )d0s b" !d- Ove" the ye "s Ro!+ s he is popu) ")y c ))ed+ h s c8ui"ed ! ico!ic st tus !d h s become the pub)ic $ ce o$ the bu"#e" #i !t %hose #o)de! "ches is the most %ide)y "eco#!i,ed symbo) i! the $ st $ood i!dust"yThe hi#h)y success$u) dve"tisi!# c mp i#! co!ti!ues to d" % i! p "e!ts %ho succumb to the p)e s o$ thei" you!# chi)d"e! $o" 7 ppy Me ) o" othe" t"e ts $"om McDo! )d0sM !y o$ the "est u" !ts "e deco" ted %ith )i$e*si,e st tue o$ the c)o%!+ ho)di!# out his

h !d to #"eet custome"s t the e!t" !ce %he"e chi)d"e! 8ueue up to sh (e h !ds %ith himSometimes the $i#u"e is sitti!# o! be!ch ))o%i!# chi)d"e! to sit !e.t to him o" o! his ) p- I! te)evisio! comme"ci )s+ Ro! )d i!h bits $ !t sy %o")d c ))ed McDo! )d) !d !d h s dve!tu"es %ith his $"ie!ds * G"im ce+ 7 mbu"#) "+ 'i"die the E ")y 'i"d+ !d The F"y ?idsRo! )d mcdo! )d /I1 M J MDs Eve"yo!e )ove those cute )itt)e MJMDs o! the comme"ci )s E ch co)o" h s its o%! pe"so! )ity !d the"e$o"e e ch c ! se"ve s ! mb ss do" $o" di$$e"e!t c mp i#!- T (e the !e%est p"oduct+ $o" e. mp)eF p"et,e) MJMDs - The o" !#e MJM is bei!# used s spo(espe"so! $o" the !e% p"oduct+ %ith his !eu"osis "ou!d $i!di!# Bthe p"et,e) %ithi!C7e !d C "so! D )y "e $e tu"ed i! se"ies o$ videos o! MSN c ))ed 'ehi!d the She))A)) MJMDs "e the s meF G"ee! MJM h s he" o%! T%itte" ccou!t+ s does Red MJMI! $ ct+ you c ! "ei!ve!t you"se)$ s ! MJM o! the o$$ici ) %ebsite- No% th tDs m scot- MJMDs F ceboo( p #e+ #oi!# st"o!# %ith ove" GG2+333 $ !s+ o$$e"s p) ce $o" peop)e to sh "e thei" )ove o$ the c !dy but )so to "u! d c mp i#!sThe BVote Fo" 5ou" F vo"ite MJMC s%eepst (es o$$e"s c sh p"i,e !d e!cou" #es peop)e to co!!ect %ith the MJM m scot they )ove the most/K1 Sub% y @ "ed Fo#)eF @ "edDs sto"y is "e ))y the sto"y o$ the eve"ym ! Ame"ic !- @ "ed % s #uy %ho %ei#hed :;K pou!ds !d %ho decided to emb "( o! %ei#ht )oss p) ! by ch !#i!# his diet to Sub% y s !d%iches7e )ost 233 pou!ds i! I mo!ths !d ;:3 pou!ds tot )+ s)immi!# him do%! $"om bi# #uy %ith bi# p !ts to p"etty ve" #e*)oo(i!# #uy %ith co!$ide!t smi)e !d #) ssesSub% y hi"ed @ "ed to be spo(esm !+ !d its $i"st d c mp i#! $e tu"i!# @ "ed tu"!ed )ot o$ he ds !d m de @ "ed i!to ! i!st !t ce)eb"ity- Thou#h @ "ed is sti)) c)ose)y ssoci ted %ith Sub% y+ he h s )so become ! ctive spe (e" !d tou"ed the cou!t"y #ivi!# i!spi" tio! ) t )(s bout %ei#ht )ossThe $i"st Sub% y spot $e tu"i!# @ "ed !d his Sub% y diet i"ed i! @ !u "y+ ;333+ !d @ "ed h s ppe "ed i! ove" K3 Sub% y comme"ci )s si!ce the!+ i!c)udi!# ! O)ympics* themed comme"ci ) %ith Mich e) &he)ps i"i!# soo!- I"o!ic ))y e!ou#h+ @ "ed h s pp "e!t)y be#u! to put o! %ei#ht "ece!t)y+ !d %i)) emb "( o! !e% %ei#ht )oss c mp i#! i! ;323/L1 DOMINODS The Noid I! 2<9<+ Domi!oDs &i,, i!t"oduced !e% c mp i#! c ))ed+ BAvoid the Noid-C This c mp i#! $e tu"ed c) ym tio! ch " cte" i! "ed suit %ith " bbit*)i(e e "s c ))ed the BNoidC+ " the" st" !#e vi)) i! %ho c"ushed pi,, s %ith supe"*po%e"ed so"t o$ po#o stic(The comme"ci )s %e"e !im ted by 6i)) Vi!to! Studios+ the s me !im tio! studio behi!d the C )i$o"!i R isi!s+ !d thou#h the c mp i#! % s "e ))y odd+ it bec me e!o"mous)y popu) "+ sp %!i!# seve" ) mo"e comme"ci )s+ )o ds o$ me"ch !dise+ !d t%o sep " te video # mes-

Odd)y+ Domi!oDs t"ied t%o di$$e"e!t times to "ec"e te the success o$ the Noid %ith bi, ""e m scots- O!e o$ them % s ! evi) c"imi! ) m ste"mi!d ctio! $i#u"e "idi!# bi(e %ho seems to be $o"#otte! by eve"yo!e but me+ bec use I h ve yet to di# up !y dditio! ) i!$o"m tio! o! him- The othe" % s stu$$ed mo!(ey c ))ed B' d A!dyC+ %ho )% ys did thi!#s the e sy % y %hich+ pp "e!t)y+ % s !ot #ood e!ou#h $o" the $o)(s t Domi!oDs G1 &i))sbu"y Dou#hboy &i))sbu"y Dou#hboy ctu ))y h s "e ) ! me It0s &oppi!0 F"esh+- 7e % s c"e ted by =eo 'u"!ett i! the 2<L3s+ !d th t chubby )itt)e #uy is p"etty d "! do" b)e7e0s so$t+ $)u$$y+ tic()ish+ !d h s cute )itt)e ) u#h- 6h t0s mo"e+ he )i#!s %ith the &i))sbu"y p"oduct i! % y th t m (es se!se ** he0s esse!ti ))y b )) o$ dou#h ** but he0s )so p"isti!e)y %hite b (e"+ so it does!0t %ei"d peop)e out th t he0s messi!# "ou!d %ith thei" $ood- The &i))sbu"y Dou#hboy is !o!*o$$e!sive+ !o!*ob!o.ious+ "e)ev !t to the p"oduct+ ch "mi!#+ !d h s %ithstood the test o$ time/91 Geico-com M Auto i!su" !ce Geico C veme!F The Geico C veme! c mp i#! % s "e ))y st" !#e piece o$ humo" th t p"ob b)y %ou)d h ve $)opped h d it !ot bee! $o" 5ouTube !d the I!te"!et- The b sic ide o$ the c mp i#! % s th t o!e o$ GeicoDs t #)i!es+ BSo e sy c vem ! cou)d do it+C % s o$$e!sive to "e ) c veme! )ivi!# i! tod yDs societyThe c mp i#! be# ! %ith these %itty+ u"b !e+ i!te))i#e!t c veme! t (i!# o$$e!se to GeicoDs depictio! o$ c veme! s stupid s v #es- 'ut s the c mp i#! %e!t o! / !d it h s ove" ;3 comme"ci )s to d te1+ it deve)oped i!to somethi!# o$ sto"y)i!e+ "e8ui"i!# vie%e"s to be some%h t $ mi)i " %ith the co!ceptTo m (e thi!#s eve! mo"e co!$usi!#+ A'C deve)oped the co!cept i!to sho"t*)ived sitcom- This % s o!e o$ the most success$u) dve"tisi!# c mp i#! /<1M"- C)e ! A b" !d o$ &"octo" J G mb)e is ! househo)d c)e !e"- The smi)i!# muscu) " m ! %ith "i!# i! o!e e "+ m (es him "esemb)e )i(e #e!ie sp"e di!# the m #ic i! %hi")/231?e)vi! to"+ #)ob ) b" !d c me %ith ! ppe )i!# t # )i!e Nthe coo)est o!eD suppo"ted %ith pe!#ui! m scot )ost its ppe ) %he! it #ot so)d to 6hi")poo)- It % s the s d e!di!# o$ the coo)est pe!#ui!/221=i!u. M scot M The ! me o$ the pe!#ui! m scot is BTu. the &e!#ui!C- The sto"y #oes th t $ the" o$ =i!u. /=i!us To"v )ds1 me!tio!ed his )i(i!# to% "ds pe!#ui!s+ du"i!# the time %he! eve"yo!e % s t"yi!# to i!ve!t ! me $o" the ope" ti!# system- =i!usD o!e st teme!t stopped )) specu) tio!s !d the ! me % s $i! )i,ed- I!te"esti!#)y i! the =i!u. commu!ity the ! me o$ someo!e th t uses =i!u. is c ))ed &e!#ui!ist /2;1 E!e"#i,e"Ds pi!( bu!!y m scot be ti!# b !d co!ti!uous)y i! comme"ci ) #" bbed the i!te"est o$ use"s i! No"th Ame"ic but cou)d !ot e.cite the I!di ! m "(etThis is o!e b" !d %hich h s di$$e"e!t m scots $o" Eu"ope !d Aust" )i M the pi!( bu!!y h s bee! "ep) ced %ith the muscu) " hum ! )i(e b tte"y m scot+ si!ce these p "t o$ the #)obe %e"e )"e dy "u!!i!# ds $o" the Du" ce)) pi!( " bbit/2I1MGM /studios1

It seems+ !ot o!)y i! these times+ but e ")ie" )so+ m scot h s )% ys bee! symbo)ic $i#u"e th t #ives ! ide!tity to the b" !dT (e the c se o$ the "o "i!# N=io!D $o" Ame"ic ! medi comp !y MGM /Met"o Go)d%y! M ye"1 th t %e h ve bee! seei!# si!ce #es- It is %e)) est b)ished m scot/2:1=o!do! ;32; O)ympic G mes M scots App "e!t)y they0"e ! med 6e!)oc( !d M !devi))e+ !d cco"di!# to The At) !tic Cities+ they "e mode)ed $te"+ 4d"op)ets o$ stee) $ ))e! $"om the st dium-4 The p"ob)em %ith these m scots ** side $"om h vi!# co!$usi!# ! mes !d bei!# comp)ete)y u!ide!ti$i b)e s ! object+ !im )+ o" pe"so! o$ !y so"t ** is th t they do!0t c)e ")y ide!ti$y %ith the city o$ =o!do!+ o" the O)ympic G mes i! !y % y- As the ! mes "e!0t memo" b)e+ !d most peop)e just p) i! do!0t #et itSpo"ts M scotsF Commo!%e )th G mes ;323 m scot % s "e)e sed i! speci ) ) u!ch o$ st mps i! I!di The hum ! )i(e ti#e" m scot %ith $o)ded h !ds is c ))ed NShe" D- The th)etic s(i)) %ith po%e" !d #" ce is %h t this m scot "e$)ectsCommo!%e )th G mes ;33L he)d i! Me)bou"!e h d ? " (+ the "ed t i)ed b) c( coc( too s thei" m scot O)ympic M scot $o" 2<99 % s N7odo"iD I!di ! b" !ds !d m scots /21 Ai" I!di M m h " j B6e c )) him M h " j h $o" % !t o$ bette" desc"iptio!- 'ut his b)ood is!0t b)ue- 7e m y )oo( )i(e "oy )ty+ but he is!0t "oy )-C These "e the %o"ds o$ 'obby ?oo( + the m ! %ho co!ceived the M h " j hThis !o% $ mi)i " )ov b)e $i#u"e $i"st m de his ppe " !ce i! Ai" I!di % y b c( i! 2<:L+ %he! 'obby ?oo( s Ai" I!di 0s Comme"ci ) Di"ecto" !d Umesh R o+ ! "tist %ith @-6 )te" Thompso! =td-+ Mumb i+ to#ethe" c"e ted the M h " j hThe M h " j h be# ! me"e)y s "ich I!di ! pote!t te+ symbo)i,i!# #" cious!ess !d hi#h )ivi!#- A!d some%he"e )o!# the )i!e his c"e to"s # ve him disti!ctive pe"so! )ityF his outsi,ed moust che+ the st"iped tu"b ! !d his 8ui)i!e !ose6h t be# ! s ! ttempt s desi#! $o" ! i!$)i#ht memo p d #"e% to t (e Ai" I!di 0s s )es !d p"omotio! ) mess #es to mi))io!s o$ t" ve))e"s c"oss the %o")d- Tod y+ this ! u#hty dimi!utive M h " j h o$ Ai" I!di h s become %o")d $i#u"e- 7e c ! be )ove" boy i! & "is+ sumo %"est)e" i! To(yo+ p veme!t "tist+ Red I!di !+ mo!(--- he c ! e$$o"t)ess)y $)i"t %ith the be uties o$ the %o")d- A!d most impo"t !t)y+ he c ! #et % y %ith it ))- Simp)y bec use he is the M h " j hH 7e h s comp)eted KL ye "s !d become the most "eco#!i, b)e m scot the %o")d ove"- 7is !tics+ his e.p"essio!s+ his pu!s h ve ))o%ed Ai" I!di to p"omote its se"vices %ith u!i8ue p ! che !d ! u!m tched se!se o$ subt)e humou"- I! $ ct he h s %o! !ume"ous ! tio! ) !d i!te"! tio! ) % "ds $o" Ai" I!di $o" humou" !d o"i#i! )ity i! pub)icityA!d s %ith )) #"e t me!+ he too h s h d his c"itics- 'ut the mi))io!s o$ t" ve))e"s %hose

)ives he h s touched $ " out!umbe" them- I! $ ct+ to them+ the M h " j h %ith his i!imit b)e sty)e+ ch "m !d %it is ve"y "e ) pe"so!- 7e0s )most )i(e $"ie!d to eve"y Ai" I!di t" ve))e"- A $"ie!d %ho "e ches out %ith % "mth !d hospit )ity+ eve! to the $ "thest co"!e"s o$ the %o")dSto"y o$ utte")y butte"y #i") /;1Amu)* C )) he" the F"id y to F"id y st "- Rou!d eyed+ chubby chee(ed+ %i!(i!# t you+ $"om st" te#ic ))y p) ced ho "di!#s t m !y t" $$ic )i#hts- She is the Amu) moppet eve"yo!e )oves to )ove /i!c)udi!# p"ic()y vot "ies o$ the Shiv Se! !d '@&1- 7o% o$te! h ve %e stopped+ )oo(ed+ chuc()ed t the Amu) ho "di!# th t c sts he" sometime s the coy+ shy M dhu"i+ bo)d se!suous U"mi) o" simp)y s he"se)$+ d"essed i! he" )itt)e po)( dotted d"ess !d "ed !d %hite bo%+ ho)di!# out he" $ vou"ite p c(et o$ butte"Fo" I3 odd ye "s the Utte")y 'utte")y #i") h s m ! #ed to (eep he" $ ! $o))o%i!# i!t ctSo much so th t the ds "e !o% "e dy to e!te" the Gui!!ess 'oo( o$ 6o")d Reco"ds $o" bei!# the )o!#est "u!!i!# c mp i#! eve"- The u)tim te comp)ime!t to the butte" c me %he! '"itish comp !y ) u!ched butte" !d c ))ed it Utte")y 'utte")y+ ) st ye "It )) be# ! i! 2<LL %he! Sy)veste" d Cu!h + the! the m ! #i!# di"ecto" o$ the dve"tisi!# #e!cy+ AS&+ c)i!ched the ccou!t $o" Amu) butte"- The butte"+ %hich h d bee! ) u!ched i! 2<:K+ h d st id+ bo"i!# im #e+ p"im "i)y bec use the e ")ie" dve"tisi!# #e!cy %hich % s i! ch "#e o$ the ccou!t p"e$e""ed to stic( to "outi!e The ye " Sy)veste" d Cu!h too( ove" the ccou!t+ the cou!t"y s % the bi"th o$ c mp i#! %hose ch "m h s e!du"ed $ic()e pub)ic opi!io!+ #immic("y !d )) e)seO!e o$ the $i"st Amu) ho "di!#s Despite some o$ the !e# tive "e ctio!s th t the ds h ve #ot+ D Cu!h s h ve m de it po)icy !ot to p) y it s $e- The"e "e !ume"ous ds th t "e "is8ue i! to!e46e h d the optio! o$ bei!# s%eet !d p) yi!# it s $e+ o" m (i!# ! imp ct- A $i!e b ) !ce h d to be st"uc(- 6e h ve c mp i#! th t is st"o!# e!ou#h to m (e st teme!tI did!0t % !t the ho "di!#s to be p)e s !t o" t me- They h ve to s y somethi!#+4 s ys R hu) d Cu!h F"om the Si.ties to the Ni!eties+ the Amu) ds h ve come )o!# % y- 6hi)e most peop)e #"ee th t the Amu) ds %e"e t thei" pe ( i! the Ei#hties they sti)) m i!t i! th t the Amu) ds co!ti!ue to te se ) u#hte" out o$ them6he"e does Amu)0s m #ic ctu ))y )ie> M !y be)ieve th t the ch "m )ies i! the c tchy )i!es- Th t %e ) u#h bec use the humou" is %h t !ybody %ou)d e!joy- They do!0t p !de" to you" ! tio! )ity o" ce"t i! se!time!ts- It is pu"e !d simp)e+ eve"yd y $u!/I1Asi ! p i!t The $ mous I!di ! C "too!ist R ? = .m !Ds c"e tio! o$ M scot $o" Asi ! & i!ts NG ttuD /:1 Ne"o) c p i!ts* NGoody the Ti#e"D M $"ie!d)y !d smi)i!# m scot "em i!ed %ith Ne"o) c p i!ts $o" I3 st"o!# ye "s+ ti)) comp !y p) !!ed $o" ! im #e m (eove"/K1G up* Fido dido

)ice!sed the popu) " c "too! ch " cte" Fido Dido %o")d%ide $o" its )emo! d"i!( DGUpD The s)ee( you!# $u!(y ch " cte" bec me e.t"eme)y popu) " thou#h its !im ted te)evisio! d se"ies !d soo! % s see! o! )u!ch schoo)b #s+ video # mes+ st tio! "y items+ T*shi"ts+ GUp c !sA bott)es !d is dditio! ))y v i) b)e s mobi)e % ))p pe"s too'ei!# i! the i!dust"y $"om 2<99 this t"e!dy ch " cte" h s come )o!# % y !d is sti)) #oi!# st"o!#- I! the %eb;-3 time FD h s c"e ted its sp ce o! T%itte"+ 5ouTube !d MySp ce to ! me $e%Ch !#i!# $ ce o$ I!di ! dve"tisi!# m scots Ai" I!di Ds M h " j %hich c me i!to e.iste!ce i! the ye " 2<:L !d the Amu) #i") i! 2<LG "e the m scots %hich c ptu"ed the he "ts o$ o!e !d )) i! I!di - These m scots c u#ht the tte!tio! o$ the co!sume"s s they %e"e ch "mi!# !d co!!ected %e)) %ith the co!sume"sI!di ! co"po" te h ve )so see! $e% othe" m scots )i(e Fido the coo) s% !(y dood)e o$ G Up+ dou#hboy the s%eet )itt)e but)e" o$ God"ej &i))sbu"y+ G ttu %ho bui)d b" !d Asi ! & i!t+ Chi!t m !i %ho e!do"sed ICICI+ Su!!y %ho is c"e ti!# m #ic %ith Su!$e st- The success o$ these m scots c ! be 8u )i$ied by+ the i!c"e se i! the b" !d v )ue o$ these b" !ds co!sume" co!!ect-

Dec)i!e o$ m scot po%e"

The I!di ! m "(et #"e% t $ st p ce i! !i!eties eve"ythi!# $"om pe!ci)s to c "s+ s )t to )u.u"y #oods "e8ui"ed ! dve"tisi!# c mp i#! this % s the time %he! %e s % eme"#e!ce o$ ce)eb"ity dve"tisi!# !d m scots )ost thei" ppe )- 6e )so )ived i! time %he! the"e % s !o "#ume!t "e# "di!# the $ ct th t ce)eb"ity c ! m (e o" b"e ( b" !dThe p mpe"i!# !d "eco#!itio! #ive! to the ce)eb"ity i! the m "(eti!# o$ the p"oduct i! some c ses % s eve! #"e te" th ! the p"oduct itse)$- The dve"tisi!# %o")d+ du"i!# this time st"o!#)y be)ieved th t the ce)eb"ities t" !s$e" thei" success+ pe"so! )ity+ st tus !d po%e" to the b" !d - They tt"ibuted "e so!s $o" the #"o%th o$ ce)eb"ity e!do"seme!ts toF OC"e te #"e t b" !d % "e!ess $o" p"oduct OSust i!i!# the b" !d im #e OStimu) ti!# !d "evivi!# b" !ds O &"oduct ssoci tio! 7o%eve"+ the dve"tisi!# %o")d )so "e )i,ed th t m !y b" !d mb ss do"s does !ot p" ctice %h t they p"e ch !d sometimes co!t"ove"sies !d u!p)e s !t i!cide!ts co!!ected %ith the ce)eb"ity c uses d m #e- It is )so obse"ved th t ove" e.posu"e !d mu)tip)e e!do"seme!ts too c ! d m #e the im #e o$ p"oduct- The I!di ! m "(et %hich is

s tu" ted %ith ce)eb"ity e!do"seme!ts h s see! eme"#e!ce o$ the m scots-

Eme"#e!ce o$ the m scots

The cou" #e !d optimism th t commo! m ! o$ R- ?- = .m ! po"t" ys !d midd)e* c) ss I!di !+ th t Chi!t m !i po"t" ys is ce"t i!)y u!m tched but the !e% #e m scots "e mo"e tt" ctive+ !d t"e!dy- The dve"tise"s h ve become mo"e c"e tive %ith the use o$ !im tio!The !e% #e m scots h ve ) sti!# ppe ) !d c"e te %ho)e !e% pe"so! $o" the p"oduct- They m ! #e the p"oduct s e$$icie!t)y s ce)eb"ity- Mo"eove"+ i! the cu""e!t m "(eti!# sce! "io %he! the ce)eb"ity ch "ism dimi!ishi!# % y the %o")d o$ dve"tisi!# is tu"!i!# b c( to m scotsCe)eb"ities #et ssoci ted %ith too m !y p"oducts !d the"e$o"e it is di$$icu)t to "e) te them %ith o!e p "ticu) " b" !d+ %hich is !ot the c se %ith the m scots- Fo" ! e. mp)e Sh h"u(h ?h ! e!do"se b" !ds such s &epsi+ Ai"te)+ S !t"o+ Em mi + !d m !y mo"e but Fido is just ssoci ted %ith GUpThe st"e!#th o$ m scots )ies i! its u!i8ue!ess+ !d its po%e" o$ e$$ective)y commu!ic ti!# the ethos o$ the b" !d )i(e+ Chi!t m !i so)ves )) ou" %o""ies "e) ted to t . s vi!#s !d #ood "etu"!s p vi!# !e% % y $o" !o chi!t + Sh "e ?h ! te)) us ho% to sm "t)y i!vest i! stoc(s !d "e p "ich divide!ds+ G ttu %ith the b"ush i! his h !d !d the smi)e o! his $ ce p sses the mess #e th t b"i#ht co t o$ p i!t %i)) b"i#hte! up the houseMo"eove" the m scots "e !ot s!sive s ce)eb"ities- The cost o$ c"e ti!# these ch " cte"s is s )o% s deve)opme!t o$ !o"m ) comme"ci )- =o%e Adve"tisi!# c"e tive di"ecto" De)! Seth! c) ims th t the $i"st Chi!t m !i d cost "ou!d Rs G ) (hMo"eove"+ the !im ted ch " cte"s )so #ive mo"e scope $o" c"e tive*$)e.ibi)ityM scots "e dy! mic !d they d pt %ith ch !#i!# times- 6e shou)d c(!o%)ed#e ho% the Amu) #i") i! po)( dots h s ch !#ed ove"time+ !d Fido h s m (eove"s %ith the ch !#i!# time- The dve"tisi!# %o")d h s )so obse"ved th t the popu) "ity o$ !y m scot is !ot o!)y b sed o! the "espo!se they #et+ but )so depe!d o! the $ ct th t these $ ces h ve hi#he" "ec )) v )ueThe Amu) #i") % s bo"! i! 2<LG is sti)) popu) " m scot- She m y soo! e!te" i!to the Gui!!ess 'oo( o$ 6o")d Reco"ds s the o)dest c mp i#! to su"vive i! the m "(et- This #oes o! to p"ove th t the m scots "e mo"e pp"op"i te b" !d mb ss do"s- The imp ct !d success o$ the m scot+ depe!ds o! ho% e$$ective)y it co!veys the b" !d v )ues !d the ide )s th t co!sume"s %ou)d ssoci te %ithThe !e% #e m scots o$ %eb ;-3 No% d ys %e see )ot o$ sites usi!# m scot $o" thei" comp !ies- ItDs !ice % y to "ep"ese!t the im #e o$ the b" !d !d just by )oo(i!# t the m scot+ i!st !t)y "e) tio! is bui)t bet%ee! the use" !d the b" !d-

Some m scots "e i!te#" ted %ith the )o#o %hi)e $o" some sites m scot p) ys the "o)e o$ #uidi!# ch " cte"F Fo" b" !d ! me )i(e t%itte"+ the bi"die m scot is "ep"ese!t tio! o$ the co!cept M the bi"die t%eets "ou!d the %eb sp ceSi)ve"b c( us bi)ity testi!# pp)ic tio! h s Gue""i)) m scot o! the ve"y homep #e to %e)come the visito"s App)ic tio! ) u!ch sc"ee! 6ebsite homep #e I! $"ee) !ce"A pe"so! ) sites the m scot is desi#!ed s di#it ) v t " o$ the pe"so!F I! the %eb %o")d eve"yo!e % !ts to see the $ ce o$ the pe"so! they "e i!te" cti!# %ith+ due to %hich the v t "s "e bei!# co!sumed )i(e hot c (es !d i! the cu""e!t #e!e" tio!+ %ho does !ot % !t to #o $o" #)ob ) ide!ti$ic tio! A?A NG" v t "D-

M scotDs pit$ ))s

O!e issue th t o"# !i, tio!s th t p) ! to use m scot must be % "e o$ pe"t i!s to i!te))ectu ) p"ope"ty "i#hts- It is dvis b)e $o" comp !ies to e!te" i!to )e# ) co!t" cts $o" )ice!si!# !d pu"ch si!# o$ m scots c"e ted by them to p"eve!t copy"i#ht vio) tio!s- This is bec use the v )ue o$ b" !d #oes up %he! the m scot becomes p "t o$ the b" !d- Fo" i!st !ce+ the desi#! o$ $u!!y chic(e! th t spe (s &u!j bi $o" T !doo"i $ood ch i! mi#ht be %o"th $e% ) (h "upees to its c"e to"+ but use th t chic(e! i! ! tio! ) d c mp i#! %hich the! becomes ! ico! sy!o!ymous %ith the b" !d+ !d it cou)d be %o"th c"o"es4Ce"t i!)y m scot c ! he)p bui)d b" !d im #e+ but it c ! )so dist" ct $"om the "e ) st" te#y behi!d b" !d !d t (e tte!tio! % y $"om it4 s ys = u" Ries+ co* utho" o$ The ;; Immut b)e = %s o$ '" !di!#M scots p"ovide pe"so! ) touch to m "(eti!# c mp i#!s %ithout ove"doi!# it+ !d this #oes )o!# % y i! e!su"i!# pub)ic ccept !ce o$ b" !d- Ove"use o$ m scot m y "esu)t i! ! i! bi)ity to commu!ic te the co"e ide!tity o$ %h t b" !d st !ds $o"- A c) ssic c se is the T co 'e)) T )(i!# Chihu hu - 6hi)e it % s e.t"eme)y popu) "+ it % s ssoci ted mo"e s )ov b)e do# th ! %ith T co 'e))+ !ot to me!tio! the mi))io! do)) " ) %suits T co 'e)) $ou!d itse)$ $ ci!# o! p) #i "ism ch "#es- It % s i!e$$ective i! d"ivi!# custome"s to the b" !d !d did )itt)e i! te"ms o$ i!c"e si!# s )esSometimes comp !ies m (e the mist (e o$ dopti!# m scot i!ste d o$ bui)di!# st"o!# b" !di!# st" te#y- 6hi)e i! the )o!# te"m+ m scot c ! he)p est b)ish ide!tity %ith b" !d !d become ! ico! i! popu) " cu)tu"e+ it h s to be speci$ic ))y tied to the b" !d6h t seems )i(e co!!ectio! /bet%ee! b" !d !d m scot1 i! the bo "d"oom m y !ot )% ys be obvious to the #e!e" ) pub)ic- I! $ ct+ the"e is )% ys the d !#e" o$ the m scot bei!# misco!st"ued+ s % s the c se %ith @oe C me) o$ C me) ci# "ettes@oe C me) % s co!ceived i! ) te 2<9G by the R-@- Rey!o)ds Tob cco /R@R1 m "(eti!# te m- At th t time+ R@R0s st $$ $ou!d th t the C me) b" !d h d "eput tio! s ! 0o)d m !0s ci# "ette0- The st $$ % !ted !e% c mp i#! to tt" ct you!#e" smo(e"s- I! 2<<2+ the Ame"ic ! Medic ) Associ tio! pub)ished study sho%i!# th t mo"e chi)d"e!+ $ive to si. ye "s o)d+ cou)d "eco#!i,e @oe C me) th ! Mic(ey Mouse o" F"ed F)i!tsto!e+ !d

))e#ed th t the @oe C me) c mp i#! % s t "#eti!# chi)d"e!- At th t time it % s )so estim ted th t ove" thi"d o$ )) ci# "ettes so)d i))e# ))y to u!de" #e buye"s %e"e C me)sThe AMA s(ed R@R N bisco to pu)) the c mp i#!- R@R "e$used+ !d the @oe C me) c mp i#! co!ti!ued- I! 2<<I !d 2<<:+ mo"e ppe )s to e!d the c mp i#! $o))o%ed- O! @u)y 23+ 2<<G+ R@R !!ouced it %ou)d e!d its @oe C me) c mp i#!+ ce si!# to dissemi! te )) ds sho%i!# the ch " cte"- A !e% c mp i#! %ith mo"e du)t theme debuted- A!ti*smo(i!# !d co!sume" dvoc cy #"oups tod y sti)) sse"t th t the @oe C me) c mp i#! is "emi!de" o$ ho% e si)y chi)d"e! "e m !ipu) ted by dve"tisi!# !d m "(eti!#'ib)io#" phy 2- 6o")d o$ M scots+ Revisited /& "t II1 P 'ubb)i!# thou#htsH deepi( dutt -%o"dp"ess-com hodo"i*o)ympic*m scot-jp# /;KLQI331 deepi( dutt -$i)es-%o"dp"ess-com Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAAdeepi( dutt -$i)es-%o"dp"ess-comA;323A3IA# ttu-p!# deepi( dutt -$i)es-%o"dp"ess-com ;- 3LF2I # ttu m scot si ! p i!ts * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! I- 3LF2I # ttu m scot si ! p i!ts * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! :- 3LF2I Goo#)e %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! K- 3LF22 Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAA)hK-##pht-comARO%5'D* #A%ASAShIyDTbRRIIAAAAAAAAA'85Au!u3*C&hS)oA$idoR2;U;KK';U;KKD-jp# )hK-##pht-com L- 3LF22 # ttu m scot si ! p i!ts * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! G9- 3KFKI Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAAb)o#s-out)oo(i!di -comA dmi!AUp)o dsAAmu)R;32;3KI2/21-jp# b)o#s-out)oo(i!di -com

<- 3KFKI mu) #i") histo"y * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! 23- 3KFKI Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAAm .io!)i!e-$i)es-%o"dp"ess-comA;32;A3;A mu)Ryuvi-jp# UIF%UIDL2: m .io!)i!e-$i)es-%o"dp"ess-com 2- u!too!0 to m (e 'o))y%ood debut * Adve"tisi!# * C mp i#! I!di %%%-c mp i#!i!di -i! ;- 3KFIK httpFAA%%%-#oo#)e-co-i!Au")> s VtJ"ctVjJ8VJes"cVsJsou"ceV%ebJcdV2JvedV3CCUSFjAAJu")VhttpUIAU;F U;F%%%-c mp i#!i!di -i!U;FA"tic)eU;F;;K2LGU;Cb"it !!i s*m scot*$u!too!*to* m (e*bo))y%ood* debut- sp.JeiVtTM2UM!&7<D8"Se?!:7%A#Jus#VAFSjCNG$?,7tNOS,NGS* &i&p) S=WjK8$%Jsi#;V&d?&C3Fh#eIpRv*t3t;< A %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! I- 3KFII &i))sbu"y Dou#hboy * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! :- 3KFII &i))sbu"y Dou#hboy * 6i(ipedi + the $"ee e!cyc)opedi e!-%i(ipedi -o"# K- 3KF;G N5Spo"ts@ou"! )ism-com * 7 ))o%ee! Su"vey !yspo"tsjou"! )ism-s8u "esp ce-com L- 3KF2< &i))sbu"y Comp !y * 6i(ipedi + the $"ee e!cyc)opedi e!-%i(ipedi -o"# G- 3KF2L GEICO X Auto i!su" !ce * S vi!# peop)e mo!ey o! mo"e th ! c " i!su" !ce %%%-#eico-com 9- 3KF2L httpFAA%%%-#oo#)e-co-i!Au")> s VtJ"ctVjJ8VJes"cVsJsou"ceV%ebJcdV2JvedV3CCMSFjAAJu")VhttpUIAU;F U;Fe!-%i(ipedi -o"#U;F%i(i U;F&i))sbu"yRDou#hboyJeiVCG92UIvhGs&W"S$?2:C:D#Jus#VAFSjCN7)?Ib8:FU

6$2O#(%u*@<.3ME9!RSJsi#;Vjv'RT Iti& =u%(8?<S#oS %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! <- 3KF2L Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAA!yspo"tsjou"! )ism-s8u "esp ce-comAsto" #eAGeicoC vem !-jp# UIFRRSSUARES&ACERCAC7EVERSIONUID2;KLG2LG3:<G; !yspo"tsjou"! )ism-s8u "esp ce-com 23- 3KF2K Geico C veme! * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! 22- 3KF2K Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAA%%%-c"yptomu!do-comA%p* co!te!tAup)o dsAc vem !RI-jp# %%%-c"yptomu!do-com 2;- 3KF2I Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAAbesto$the93s-$i)es-%o"dp"ess-comA;32;A3LA!oid-jp# besto$the93s-$i)es-%o"dp"ess-com 2I- 3KF2; NOID * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! 2:- 3KF22 NOID * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! 2K- 3KF23 Geico C veme! * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! 2L- 3KF3G use o$ m scots i! dve"tisi!# * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! 2G- 3KF3G Goo#)e %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! 29- 3KF3G httpFAA%%%-spo"ts#"id-comAm)bAtop*K*m scots*eve"AY3 %%%-spo"ts#"id-com

2<- 3KF3G Top K 'est M scots Eve" X Spo"tsG"id %%%-spo"ts#"id-com ;3- 3KF3K Goo#)e Im #e Resu)t $o" httpFAAup)o d-%i(imedi -o"#A%i(ipedi Ae!AGAGIAAvoidRtheRNoidRCove" "t-p!# up)o d-%i(imedi -o"# NOID * Goo#)e Se "ch %%%-#oo#)e-co-i! ;2httpFAA%%%- c"%ebsite-o"#Ase "chAvie%*co!$e"e!ce*p"oceedi!#s- sp.>IdVL:<2 httpFAA%%%-% "c-comA$u))te.tAj "ALI2;-htm httpFAA%%%-% "c-comA$u))te.tAj "ALKII-htm httpFAA%%%-% "c-comA$u))te.tAijo AK;;K-htm httpFAApu"e- u-d(Apo"t )* sb*stude!tA$i)esA23K<:A9R* Rse.u )Robjecti$ic tio!Ro$R%ome!-pd$ httpFAApu"e- u-d(Apo"t )* sb*stude!tA$i)esA23K<:A9R* Rse.u )Robjecti$ic tio!Ro$R%ome!-pd$ httpFAAi"-c !te"bu"y- c-!,Abitst"e mA233<;A233;A2AthesisR$u))te.t-pd$ httpFAAshodh# !# -i!$)ib!et- c-i!Abitst"e mA23L3IAI:I:ALA3LRch pte"U;3;-pd$ httpFAA%%%- c"%ebsite-o"#Ase "chAvie%*co!$e"e!ce*p"oceedi!#s- sp.>IdV<KI3 httpFAA%%%-ihmct !-eduA&DFA!otesARese "chRMethodo)o#y-pd$ httpFAA%%%-u(ess ys-co-u(Aess ysAcommu!ic tio!sApo"t" yed* s*se.*objects*i!* dve"tiseme!ts-php httpFAA%%%-d i)ym i)-co-u(Ascie!cetechA "tic)e*;3:3;29ASe.*DOES*se))*Att" ctive*me!* %ome!* ds* $$ect*c p city*" tio! )*thou#ht-htm)Yi.,,;:KTA2Gj3 httpFAA%%%-d i)ym i)-co-u(Ascie!cetechA "tic)e*;3:3;29ASe.*DOES*se))*Att" ctive*me!* %ome!* ds* $$ect*c p city*" tio! )*thou#ht-htm) httpFAA%%%-he)ium-comAitemsA:2:LK3*do* ds*th t*use*se.*to*se))*thei"*p"oducts*de#" de* %ome! httpFAAc ")so!schoo)-um!-eduA ssetsA2LL;I<-pd$ httpFAAse"e!dip-b"y!m %" !#eA!odeA29G; httpFAAope!-s )o!-comAb)o#Ah !! Rve"hoeve!A;323A3:A2:A .eRbodyRsp" yR dsR !dR%om e!R sRse.Robjects httpFAA%%%-he)ium-comAdeb tesAG33<K*do* ds*th t*use*se.*to*se))*thei"*p"oducts* de#" de*%ome! httpFAA%%%-sp"i!#e")i!(-comAco!te!tAt9ItKpKKIGK9:%3KA

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