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Clara Park4 5 8 9 10 Per. 1 Essay Family back in 700 B.C.E is completely different from our average contemporary family.

They were not as loving and affectionate as we are today. Their world revolved around work and much of the societies married young. Families were divided into castes in ancient India. Religion also took an important part in the culture. Relationships were not as significant as it is today. First, Children were seen differently. If they were unwanted they would be killed and they were not viewed as precious as children today. As mentioned in The Twelve Tables, If they were deformed they would be killed immediately. They were sold into slavery. Children were sent to the military at a young age which was around then teens. Children were treated very harshly. Second, during ancient India castes were a significant part of their culture they were called the Varnas. There are four levels: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. As mentioned in The Mahabharata, Yudhishthira is a vast tree formed of religion and virtue and Arjuna is its trunk and Bhimasena is its branches. In the Law of Manu, the roles if each caste system was described. For example, The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the people, bestow gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study. The caste system was important to India. In addition, men were encouraged to find a wife. Women married as early as age 16. As far as tradition goes men were to approach the women first. Marriage had nothing to do with passion as opposed to contemporary society. The very few exceptions have nothing to do with passion, but consist of those with whom polygamous marriage is eagerly sought for the sake of their high birth. Marriage was viewed only to reproduce not for love. This can be found in Excerpt from Germania and Hesiods Works and Days. Third, respecting others around you was highly supported. Even though companionship was not big, respecting your elders was a must. In On Duties, it talks about different bonds with different people in relationships such as parents, friends and family. It said they should be treated with respect. As mentioned in Fourteen Rock Edicts of Kung Ashoka and The Training of Children and On Duties. However, slavery was common and they were treated poorly. The owner of the slave did not belong to the slave. The slave belonged to him. They had no liberty to live the life they wanted instead they had to tend to their master. Slaves were not viewed as a citizen but possession. Children as well were sold into slavery. Slaves did all the tedious work. As mentioned in Aristotle on Slavery. On the contrary, religion played a huge role in Indian society. Buddhism was the initial religion that was practiced. It appealed to lower classes because it did not recognize social hierarchies. However, more and more people began finding it hard so they switched to Hinduism which dominated Buddhism. Hinduism underwent changes meeting the needs of ordinary people. It attracted political support and patronage. Hinduisms goal is to reach spiritual purity and union with the great world spirit. Outside source is in the book chapter 9 and Homeric Hymn. All in all, each of the topics covered in this essay play a significant role in Indian, Roman and Greek society. Although almost all of the roles in ancient time is completely different from today. Some

aspects have remained the regarding gender roles and respect. Obviously today we have a more comfortable environment to live in as opposed to ancient times.

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