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India's Plan to Revive Sole Chinatown Updated 29 October 2013, 14:12 AEST SLUG: India China to n !

eporter: "#ra$i %ri&hnan !adio A#&tra$ia I'T!O E((ort& are #nder a) to re*i*e the (ort#ne& o( India+& on$) Chinato n, Once a thri*in- co..#nit) o( &o.e 2/0tho#&and ith it& o n &choo$& and &ocia$ c$#b&, the pop#$ation o( %o$1ata+& Chinato n ha& no d ind$ed to aro#nd 1/0h#ndred, 2#t $oca$ a#thoritie& are bac1in- a p$an to re&tore the area and pro.ote to#ri&. there, "#ra$i %ri&hnan (ro. !adio A#&tra$ia ha& .ore, TE3T It4& b#&t$in- in the con-e&ted Tiretti 2a5aar at the cit)+& (rin-e hich i& ide$) 1no n a& the ori-ina$ Chinato n, It i& one o( the (e re.ainin- p$ace& in India here one can b#) a#thentic Chine&e &nac1& and de$icacie& $i1e &tea.ed por1 b#n&, di. &#., and (i&h ba$$&, %o$1ata+& Chine&e co..#nit) ha& been a 1e) part o( the cit)+& c#$t#ra$ and &ocia$ (abric (or .ore than 200 )ear&, "an) ca.e a& i..i-rant& to India in the $ate 16th cent#r) dri*en b) (a.ine in centra$ China, A .a7orit) be$on-& to the 8a11a co..#nit) and (o#nd or1 in the port, &et #p $eather tannerie& and opened re&ta#rant&, 2#t hen ho&ti$itie& bro1e o#t bet een India and China in 1992, hich a$&o $ed to a brie( ar, the e:od#& be-an, Thin-& -ot on$) or&e (or the co..#nit) in the $ate 90& hen the S#pre.e Co#rt .o*ed the $eather tannerie& o#t o( the cit), That $e(t &e*era$ di&appointed, .an) #ne.p$o)ed and &e*era$ tannerie& ere (orced to &h#t do n, Ai$een L#n- i& a (o#rth -eneration Chine&e re&ident, LU'G CLI; 1 <=e.a$e, En-$i&h>: ?A $ot o( .one) ha& been &pent to &tart #p a b#&ine&& a$$ o*er a-ain in the $eather co.p$e:, 8ence a $ot o( the. ha*e $o&t intere&t, $o&t a $ot o( .one)@ &o the) ha*e .i-rated abroad to Canada and A#&tra$ia, The pop#$ation ha& dec$ined,A Be&pite $i*in- here (or .an) )ear& di&tr#&t per&i&t&,

"an) Chine&e Indian& re.ain ar) o( an) o((icia$ contact and &ee1 $itt$e or no (a*or& (ro. the -o*ern.ent to &et #p their enterpri&e&, ;a#$ Ch#n-, pre&ident o( the Indian Chine&e A&&ociation &#.& it #p e$$, C8U'G CLI; 1 <"a$e, En-$i&h>: ?I( the bab) doe& not cr) )o# on+t -et )o#r (ood, So the Chine&e don+t cr), Ce don+t hear o( Chine&e ha*in- de.on&tration&, U&#a$$) i( &o.ethinhappen&, e -o to po$itica$ partie&@ the) pa) $ip &er*ice, the) con&o$e )o# and that+& that, Chen e thin1 o#r ri-ht& are *io$ated, e i$$ &tand #p (or it, Ce i$$ #&e the &a.e .ethod a& the de.ocratic proce&& doe&,A Lan- Lee, a )o#th, be$ie*e& the Indian -o*ern.ent &ho#$d do .#ch .ore to reach o#t to the Chine&e co..#nit) to &top a (#rther e:od#&, LEE CLI; 1 <"a$e, En-$i&h>: ?'o I don+t thin1 &o The) <Chine&e> are a$$ .o*in- to -reener pa&t#re&, The rea&on i& that the -o*ern.ent doe& not -i*e #& an)thin- bri-hter, The -o*ern.ent doe& not -i*e #& an)thin-, The -o*ern.ent doe& not -i*e #& a ri-ht to (ree &pace,A 2#t de&pite the di&connect, -$oo. co#$d &oon $ead to hope and cheer (or thi& co..#nit), There i& no ta$1 o( a re*i*a$ o( China To n, =o$$o in- repre&entation& b) &o.e e.inent citi5en& and the Indian 'ationa$ Tr#&t (or Art and C#$t#ra$ 8erita-e, a propo&a$ a& &ent to re&tore and reno*ate Chinato n and pro.ote to#ri&. there, The $oca$ -o*ern.ent ha& a$&o a-reed to partner in the pro7ect, Bo.inic Lee, a -rocer) &hop o ner i& part o( thi& enterpri&e , BO"I'IC LEE CLI; 1 <"a$e, En-$i&h>: ?Ce are p$annin- to re*i*e o$d China to n &o that the pre&ent and (#t#re -eneration& i$$ &ta) bac1, =ir&t and (ore.o&t e ha*e to create opport#nitie& (or the )o#th, Ce are in the proce&& o( co$$aboratin- ith a Sin-apore (ir., I'TAC8 and e ha*e approached the -o*ern.ent a$&o, 8ope(#$$), *er) &oon e i$$ ha*e a re*i*ed and thri*in- China to n and the on$) one in India,A Ca$$ed the DCha ;ro7ectD or tea pro7ect, the endea*or i& e:pected to he$p pre&er*e O$d Chinato n in Tiretti 2a5aar and i$$ a$&o (oc#& on de*e$opin- the 'e Chinato n in Tan-ra, "an) ithin the co..#nit) are hopin- thi& pro7ect ta1e& o((,

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