Cooking Non Veg

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Baked Pistachio Rice


250 gms rice cooked in salt water 50 gms pistachio paste 1 cup chicken, boiled and shredded 2-3 tbsp butter 2 cups spring onion chopped 1 tbsp flour 1 cup milk 1/2 cup chicken stock 3-4 chillies, chopped Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 tsp a inomoto !arrots for garnishing "ew pistachios chopped

Method #eat butter and saute 1 cup onion$ %dd chicken and cook for 2 minutes$ %dd flour, saute till light brown$ %dd the pistachio paste, saute for 1 minute$ &raduall' add milk, stock, chillies and 1/2 cup spring onion$ !ook for 2-3 minutes season with salt, pepper and a inomoto and remo(e from fire "r' remaining spring onions in oil, add rice and remo(e from fire$ &rease an o(en proof dish, spread half the rice, spread the sauce o(er it and co(er with remaining rice$ Sprinkle some chopped pistachio on the rice and knobs of butter$ )ake for 10 minutes$ *ecorate with carrot petals$

Barley and Chicken Pilaf


+onfat cooking spra' 1 onion, chopped 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast, cubed 2 clo(es garlic, crushed Salt and freshl' ground pepper 1 tsp basil 1/2 tsp tarragon 1/2 tsp celer' seed 1 cup pearl barle' 3 cups low-sodium chicken broth 1 ba' leaf 2 cups broccoli florets or asparagus pieces 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsle'

Method ,reheat o(en to 350 degrees$ Spra' *utch o(en$ %dd onion and saut- until onion is limp$ %dd chicken breast and cook, stirring, until chicken is no longer pink$ Spra' as needed$ %dd garlic, salt, pepper, basil, tarragon, and celer' seed$ !ook 1 minute$ %dd barle', spra', and cook, stirring, 2 minutes$ %dd boiling broth and ba' leaf$ )ring to boil, co(er, and place in o(en$ )ake 30 minutes$ %dd (egetable, co(er, and bake 15 minutes, or until all li.uid has been absorbed$ /emo(e and discard ba' leaf$ Stir in parsle'$

Breaded Pepper Chicken


5 )oneless !hicken )reasts 4 0bsp )lack So' Sauce 2 0bsp % inomoto 12onosodium &lutamate3 1- 1 1/2 0bsp Salt 4 0bsp !oarsel' &round ,epper *ash of !hilli Sauce )readcrumbs 4il for fr'ing$

Method !ut chicken into thin pieces of an' shape 'ou desire$ 2arinate o(ernight with So'a Sauce, Salt, % inomoto, ,epper and !hilli Sauce$ /oll in )readcrumbs and fr' till golden brown$ Ser(e with sauce or raw salad$

Butter Chicken


!hicken - 300 grams, cleaned and cut into small pieces !innamon- 25 pcs Salt - to taste !ashew 6 almond paste - a handful ground smoothl' &inger 6 garlic paste - 2 tspns 4nion - one chopped 0urmeric powder- 1/4 tsp !hill' powder - 2 tsp !oriander powder- 1 tspn 4range colour - 1 1/2 tsp )utter - 3 tspn 4il - 2 tspn 0omato puree - 2 tomatoes blended smoothl'


"r' onions in oil till transparent$ %dd cinnamon and let it fr'$ 0hen add ginger 6 garlic paste along with a little water$ Stir continuousl'$ %dd turmeric, chill', coriander powder with salt and mi7 well$ ,our in tomato puree, cashew 6 almond paste - mi7 well with water$ 8hen it starts to boil add the chicken which should be mi7ed with a little colour$ 0hen add sufficient water for the chicken to boil$ 0he gra(' should get thick or according to 'our re.uirement$ )efore switching off add butter$

Ser(e hot with parathas$

Butter Chicken Fry


)oneless chicken - 2lb &aram masala - 3 tsp &inger-garlic paste - 2-3 tsp !hilli powder - 3 tsp 0urmeric powder - 1 tsp 9inegar - 3-4 tsp /ed food colour - 3 tsp ,epper powder - 2 tsp Salt - according to taste 4il - 4 tsp !ream or malai - 1/2 - cup !ashew nut powder - 1/2 cup

Method 2arinate chicken with the abo(e ingredients e7cept for cream and cashew powder for atleast a min of : hrs or preferabl' o(ernight$ ,ut the pan on fire, add oil$ 8hen the oil reaches its smoking point then add the chicken pieces$ 2i7 well and co(er the pan with a lid$ 8hen the chicken pieces are cooked then add the cream and cashew nut powder$ "r' until the mi7ture is completel' dr'$ Ser(e hot garnishing it with cilantro $

Baked Chicken


1 lb chicken 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp lemon uice 1 tsp coriender powder 1 tsp ginger 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp red pepper 1 tbsp (inegar 1 tbsp salad oil 1 cup 'ogurt

Method 2ake slits all o(er breasts and legs$ /ub salt and lemon uice all o(er$ ;et it stand 30 minutes$ 2i7 all ingredients into 'ogurt$ %ppl' generousl' to chicken$ ;et it merinade until chicken is soaked in the paste$ &rill in o(en until crisp' brown$ )ake about 45 minutes at 3<5$ %ppl' butter half wa' through baking$ &arnish with onions, fresh lemon, and fresh tomatoes$

Chicken and Vegetable Kebabs


)oneless skinless !hicken - 1 pound 2 ,otatoes 2 0omatoes 2 )ell ,eppers )amboo Skewers For Masala

=ogurt- 1/4 cup &inger and garlic paste - 1 tsp$ each &reen chill' paste - 1 tsp$ !umin powder- 1 tsp$ !oriander powder - 1 tsp %niseed - 1 tsp$ 0urmeric powder - 1/4 tsp$ !hill' powder to taste &aram masala - 1/4 tsp$ Salt to taste ;ime uice - 2 tsp$ /ed/4range !olor

Method 2i7 all masals in the 'ogurt and keep for about 10 minutes$ 2arinate the chicken and (egetables with the mi7 for about an hour and store in the refrigerator$ ,ierce through the skewers alternate pieces of chicken and (egetable ,lace on a barbecue grill or bake in the o(en for 15 minutes$ /emo(e from heat and coat the pieces with the remaining marinade$ +ow turn the 4(en to >)roil> for another 5 - 10 minutes until the chicken is cooked and fried well$ Ser(e hot$

Chicken Chilli

500 gms boneless chicken 200 gms onion 10 gms ginger 5 big green chillies 1 cup oil 1 tea spoon So'a sauce 2 tea spoon 0omato sauce 1 table spoon green chilli sauce 1 small capsicum ;ittle china salt 1 tea spoon (inegar Salt for taste 2 ?ggs 1/2 cup corn flour

Method 2i7 the chicken small pieces with salt, china salt, 1 tea spoon (inegar and 1 tea spoon so'a sauce$ ;et it marinate for one hour$ 0hen cut the onions into small pieces and pill the ginger and mash it$ !ut the capsicum into small pieces and keep it separate$ !ut the green chillies in its middle and keep it aside$ )reak the egg in a small utensil and mi7 corn flour to it and add little water and salt to make the batter$ #eat the oil in a kadai or fr'ing pan$ 0ake out the chicken pieces one b' one and deep it inside the batter and soft fr' it in the oil$ ,ut the &reen chillies in the oil and then add onions and fr' for sometime till the onion becomes soft and not red$ 0hen add mashed ginger and fr' for sometime till 'ou get the smell of mi7ed ginger and onion$ 0hen add capsicum to it and fr'$ 0hen add chilli sauce and of tomato sauce to it$ 2i7 the fried chicken and mi7 it thoroughl'$ %dd salt for taste and let it come to a boil Ser(e with mi7ed fried rice or +oodles$

Chicken Biryani
Ingredients For Marinating

!hicken 1/2 @g 2 tbsp$ !urd 1 tsp 0urmeric powder 3 tsp !hill' powder 1 tsp0andoori masala powder Salt to taste For Rice )asmati /ice- 3 !ups For Grinding 4 4nions 10 &reen chillies 12 ,ods garlic 1 s. 5 &inger 3 0omatoes


2arinate the meat in the marinading ingredients and keep aside 1pref in "ridge3 for about an #our to A0 minutes$ #eat (egetable shortening or oil in a pan 13 tbsp3$ %dd 4 clo(es , 3-4 cinnamon sticks ,2 elaichis , and fr' well $%dd the ground paste and fr' till oil comes up$%dd the marinated chicken and fr' $ !o(er for some time$ 0hen add the rice and fr'$ %dd coriander and mint lea(es and cook in the rice cooker$%dd water ust enough to submerge the rice and chicken$ %dd water, close the pan and cook on low flame till rice is cooked$

Ser(e with 4nion /aita$

Chicken Chettinad

1 kg chicken, skinned-cut into medium siBe pieces 1/4 kg onion - finel' sliced 2 big tomatoes -cubed 5 tbsp oil

1 inch cinnamon stick 4 clo(es 2 cardamoms 1 tsp each cumin, eera 1 tsp turmeric powder Salt to taste 4 tbsp coriannder lea(es chopped For Grinding C shallots 1small onions3 4 inch ginger C - : pods garlic 1 tsp each cummin seed, eera 1 tsp black pepper corns 10 dried red chillies 1 cup coconut chopped

Method 2arinate the chicken pieces in ground ingredients for about 20 minutes$ Dn a non-stick pan, add 5 tbsp oil and heat it$ %dd clo(es, eera,turmeric powder and fr' for 30 seconds$ %dd the sliced onions and fr' till it becomes pink$ %dd tomatoes and fr' till oil separates$ +ow add the marinated chicken and turmeric powder and mi7 it throughl'$ %fter 10 minutes add enough salt and co(er and cook it till done$ Df needed add 1/2 cup water while cooking$ &arnish with coriander lea(es$

Chicken Curry

1 lb chicken cut into small pieces 1 cup coconut grated 1 medium onion, sliced lengthwise 1 tbs coriander lea(es 1-2 tsp chill' powder 1 tsp coriander powder

1/4 tsp turmeric powder 4 clo(es, 15 cinnamon <-: clo(es garlic, 25 piece ginger 1 medium tomato &rind all the abo(e ingredients$$

Method Dn a skillet pour 5 tbs spoons of oil, slice one medium onion and fr' till golden brown$ %dd one medium tomato and fr' until soft, then put the ground masala and fr' till the raw smell goes off$ 0hen put the chicken, water and salt and bring to a boil$ &arnish with coriander lea(es$

Chicken Curry in Coconut Milk


500 gms boneless chicken$ 400 ml coconut milk$ 20 bab' onions$ C green chillies$ !urr' lea(es$ 2ustard seeds$ Salt to taste$ !oriander lea(es

Method !ut chicken into small piece$ Dn a hea(' bottom pan fr' chicken till it becomes tender, keep the chicken aside$ Dn the remaining oil fr' bab' onions and green chillies$ 8hen onions and chillies becomes soft, remo(e from the pan$ 0hen grind it in a mi7er$ Dn the same pan pour some more oil and put some mustard seeds, when it starts popping add some curr' lea(es$ %fter that add chicken and rest of the ingredients$ 2i7 it well, add coconut milk $!ook on low flame$ 8hen chicken curr' is done garnish with coriander lea(es$

Chicken Fry

!hicken 1kg !hill' powder 4tsp &inger garlic paste 1tsp 9ineger 2tsp Salt to taste 4nion 1, finell' chopped 4il 1 tbsp


2arinate the !hicken with chill' powder,ginger-garlic paste, (ineger and salt for 1/2 hour$ "r' onions till golden brown$ %dd chicken to this and mi7 well$*o not add an' water$ !ook in a low flame till the chicken becomes tender with closed lid$ +ow open the lid and cook in highflame till water dr's and it turns little black$ &arnish with corriander$

Ser(e with #ot *rinks$

Chicken Gumbo Ingredients

1 14-5 lb3 chicken, cut in pieces, skin and fat remo(ed 2 0bsp flour 2 0bsp oil 1 large onion, chopped 1 cup celer', chopped C cups water 1 tsp salt "reshl' ground pepper 1 cup diced carrots

1 2:-oB can crushed tomatoes 1 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp ground coriander 1/2 tsp ca'enne 1/2 cup froBen corn niblets 161/2 cups red potatoes, skins on, diced 2 10-oB pkg froBen okra 1 sprig fresh th'me 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsle'

Method *redge chicken in flour$ #eat oil in large pot$ )rown chicken on all sides$ /emo(e$ %dd onion to pot and cook, stirring, until limp$ %dd celer' and cook, stirring, 3 minutes$ /eturn chicken to pot$ %dd water, salt, pepper, carrots, and tomatoes$ )ring to boil, co(er, and simmer 1 hour$ /emo(e chicken, cut meat from bones, and dice$ %dd to soup with cumin, coriander, ca'enne, corn, potatoes, okra, and th'me$ Simmer 30 minutes$ Stir in parsle' and ser(e



Spinach 1 bunch @asuri 2ethi 2 0sp 2 0bsp beaten curd !hicken 2 ,ounds 2 0)sp 4il Salt and pepper to taste$ For !et "pices

%bout a handful of !oriander lea(es 4 &reen chilies 5-C clo(es of garlic 1 1/2 0sp ginger paste For dry "pices

2 1/20sp !oriander powder 1/2 0sp !hat masala 1/4 0sp !innamon ,owder 1/2 0sp !lo(e ,owder

Method 2ake a paste of wet spices and keep aside$ 0ake oil into a skillet and add chicken piecesElightl' fr' them till golden$ %dd wet spices and saute for a minute$ %dd spinach that is coarsel' chopped and saute$ %dd dr' spices as spinach wilts saute again lightl'$ %dd curd and about a 1/2cup of water$ !o(er skillet and let it cook till chicken is tender and well cooked$ %dd salt and pepper$ Ser(e hot$

Chicken "te#

1 @g !hicken meat -!ut into bite siBe pieces 1 kg of mi7ed (egetables 1potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbage, beans3 5 green chillies, slit length wise 1 bunch coriander lea(es 2 large onions chopped 1 tablespoon each chopped ginger and garlic 2 cups coconut milk 1thick3 4/ 1 tin coconut cream : pieces green cardamom : pieces whole clo(es Salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons of oil

Method #eat the oil in a pan and add green chillies, ginger, garlic and whole spices$ Stir for 2 to 3 minutes$ %dd the chicken pieces and stir for 5 minutes$ +ow add the potatoes and carrots$ Stir well and add the coconut cream or coconut milk and 1 cup water$ !o(er and cook till potatoes are nearl' cooked 1about 30 minutes$3 +ow add the rest of the (egetables and the coriander lea(es, salt and pepper$ !ook for another 20 minutes so till meat and (egetables are all cooked$ %dd a little more water if the li.uid le(el is low Ser(e with /ice$

Chicken Kholapuri

2 lbs !hicken pieces 1 4nion to slice and brown$ 1 4nion chopped finel'$ 1/2 cup chopped 0omatoes$ &arlic and &inger ,aste$ 10bsp @hus @hus 10bsp 8hite sesame seeds 4 0bsp !oconut dessicated 0urmeric powder !hilli powder &aram 2asala powder Salt to taste$

Method 2arinate the chicken pieces in 10bsp each of garlic and ginger and 1tsp of 0urmeric pwd for 1/2 to 1 hr$ *r' fr' khus khus, sesame seeds and coconut until brown$ #eat little oil and fr' sliced onions until brown$ &rind the browned onions and @hus @hus mi7ture and set aside$ +ow in a big (essel, heat oil and add chopped onions and fr' a while, add 1/2 tsp each of ginger and garlic paste and fr' +ow add chili powder and fr'$ %dd the chopped tomatoes and fr' until oil separates$ %dd the chicken pieces and mi7 , add lot of water and allow couple of boils$ +ow add the ground coconut paste , add salt and garam masala powder and co(er and cook until done$ Ser(e hot with rice or rotis$

Chicken $asagna Ingredients

1 onion chopped 2 0bsp oli(e oil 2 lb ground chicken 1 clo(e garlic, crushed C oB no-salt-added tomato paste 1 2:-oB can crushed tomatoes 3/4 cup white wine 1 tsp salt "reshl' ground pepper 2 0bsp chopped fresh basil 1 0bsp chopped fresh oregano 1/4 tsp each nutmeg and th'me 1 ba' leaf 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsle' 1 lb whole-wheat lasagna noodles, cooked, drained

+onfat cooking spra' 1 lb reduced-fat ricotta cheese : oB shredded reduced-fat cheese 2 0bsp grated cheese

Method Saut- onion in oil until limp$ %dd chicken and cook, stirring, 5 minutes$ %dd garlic, tomato paste, tomatoes, wine, salt, pepper, basil, oregano, nutmeg, th'me, and ba' leaf$ )ring to boil, co(er and simmer 20 minutes$ /emo(e co(er and cook 15 minutes$ /emo(e ba' leaf and stir in parsle'$ ,reheat o(en to 350 degrees$ Spra' a A 7 13 7 2-inch baking dish$ Spread spoonful of sauce in bottom of dish$ ;a'er 1/3 lasagna noodles, 1/4 sauce, 1/3 ricotta, and 1/3 cheese$ /epeat 2 times$ ?nd with sauce smoothed o(er top$ Sprinkle with cheese$ )ake for 45 minutes$

Chicken $i%er Fry


1 lb chicken li(ers 1 medium siBed onion chopped 1 tsp ginger paste 1 tsp garlic paste ,inch of turmeric Salt to taste 1 tsp coriander powder 1/2 tsp cumin powder 1/2 tsp garam masala powder 1 medium siBed tomato "resh coriander lea(es 4il about 5 tbsp /ed chili powder


!lean the chicken li(ers and pressure cook it along with some salt 6 water$ "our whistles on high heat should be enough$ 0ake the li(ers out from the cooker but retain the water separatel'$ +ow in a fr'ing pan heat the oil and fr' the onion and garlic paste till golden brown$ 0hen add the ginger paste and fr' for another 2 minutes$ %dd the garam masala powder, chili powder, tomato, cumin powder, coriander powder, salt and turmeric powder to the onion paste and keep fr'ing till 'ou get the aroma of the fried spices$ +ow add the cooked li(ers to the pan and fr' for another 2 to 3 minutes$ &arnish with coriander lea(es$

Ser(e hot with parathas or rotis$

Chicken $oaf

1 cup chicken, boiled and shredded 3 medium siBed potatoes, boiled and mashed 1 cup cooked corn niblets 1/4 cup cheese 1 tbsp butter 1 tsp chaat masala Salt, pepper to taste

Method )oil the chicken with salt and pepper$ 4nce cooked, shred it$ )oil the potatoes with a little salt$ 4nce cooked, mash the potatoes with butter and chaat masala$ )oil the corn niblets till cooked$

@nead the chicken, potatoes, corn and, cheese well$ %dd salt and pepper to taste$ 0his essentiall' is the chicken dough$ /oll the 5chicken dough5 into the shape of a loaf of bread$ !o(er tightl' with a plastic wrap and refrigerate for atleast 2 hours$

Ser(e warm$

Chicken $ong Rice


1 !hicken 1 !up )asmati /ice 1/2 &inger Salt to 0aste$

Method !o(er the chicken pieces with water in a heating (essel$ ,ut it to boil 6 together add half crushed ginger and some salt$ Dn the mean time soak one cup )asmati /ice in water$ )oil the chicken till the bones fall 6 the chicken becomes tender$ %fter 'ou ha(e remo(ed the bones do not throw the water, put the chicken back in 6 this time add the rice$ %llow it to cook as 'ou would normall' cook rice as the chicken is alread' well done$

Chicken &nion
Ingredients 1/2 kg !hicken 1 kg 4nion, thinl' chopped 2 ba' lea(es 2 cinnamon 15 flakes of garlic 3 tbsp ghee 2 tsp chilli powder 100 gm tomatoes 15 ginger 1/4 cup curds 1/2 tsp haldi #andful of coriander lea(es 2 clo(es 1 caradamom Salt to taste 1/2 cup water Method !lean, wash and cut chicken into 15 pieces

&rind garlic and ginger$ %dd this paste to chicken pieces and marinate for 30 mins #eat ghee, add onions and fr' till golden brown %dd ba' lea(es, clo(es, cinnamon, cardamom$ +ow add tomatoes, haldi and chilli powder %dd chicken pieces and 1/2 cup of water %dd beaten curd$ !ook on slow fire Sprinkle coriander lea(es on top$

Chicken Pakoda

1/2 kg chicken 1without skin 6 bones3 100 grams corn flour 100 grams custard powder Salt and chilli powder to taste !lo(e and elaichi powder 4il$ 2ake semi li.uid paste of corn flour and custard powder b' adding water and salt, chilli and elaichi clo(e powder $ 2i7 the chicken pieces with the semi li.uid paste and keep aside for 30 mts and later fr' in oil$


Chicken Pulao
Ingredients 1 large chicken about 2 kgs skinned and cut into pieces

2 cups thick curd 1 teaspoon each garlic and ginger paste 1 large onion chopped : whole cardamoms 1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds 1 teaspoon clo(es 3 pieces cinnamon 2 or 3 green chillies chopped 1 teaspoon chilli powder 1/2 teaspoon tumeric powder 1 large cup tomato puree or 2 cups chopped tomatoes 1 cup fresh mint lea(es 1/2 cup fresh coriander lea(es 2 cups long grain or basmati rice$ 2 tablespoon oil or ghee 2 cups hot water Method #eat oil in a hea(' and large pot$ when the oil is hot add onions and whole spices$

Stir fr' for a few minutes, add ginger and garlic paste$ /educe here and add powdered spices, taking care not to burn$ %dd chopped tomatoes or tomato puree$ 8hen well mi7ed, add 'oghurt and stir well$ %dd chicken pieces and the mint lea(es and stir well so the 'oghurt masala coats the chicken well$ !ook for 30 to 40 minutes on medium heat till the chicken is cooked$ 1test b' piercing a skewer on the chicken meat, if uices run clear, then the chicken is cooked$3 +ow spoon about 2 tablespoons of fat /oil from the cooked chicken mi7ture into another pot$ %dd 2 cups of the rice and salt to taste$ Stir till the oil is coated around the grains of rice$ %dd half the chopped coriander lea(es and one cup of gra(' from the chicken mi7ture and two cups of hot water$ !ook on slow heat with the lid on till the rice is cooked$ %dd a little hot water if the rice is not 'et cooked$ 0o ser(e, place the rice in a large tra' or platter$ Spoon the chicken mi7ture on top$ Sprinkle with the remaining coriander lea(es$ "ried nuts1cashew or almonds3 and sultanas ma' be added$

Chicken 'ikka Masala


!hicken - 500 gms boneless pieces For Marinating &inger and garlic paste - 2 tsp 0urmeric powder - 1/4 tsp !hill' powder - 1/2 tspn !oriander powder - 1 tspn &aram masala - 1 tspn !umin powder - 1/2 tspn Salt !urd - 1/2 cup beaten well For the gra%y

4ne onion chopped 0omato puree 2 tspns 0urmeric powder- 1/4 tspn !oriander powder 2 tspn

!hill' powder -1 1/2 tspn &inger and garlic paste - 1 tspn Salt to taste 4il 3 thsp &aram masala powder - 1/2 tspn !oriander lea(es finel' chopped for garnish !ream 1 tspn optional for garnish

Method 2arinade for one hour$ 0hen put this on skewers and grill till cooked$ 4r 'ou can put it on a pan and let the flame be low or e(en bake it till done$ #eat oil in a (essel, fr' onions and add ginger and garlic paste$ ;et it fr' well till the oil separates$ 0hen add all the powdered masala, and the tomato puree, salt to taste add a little water and let the gra(' thicken$ 0hen add the chicken pieces and cook for a while, finall' when the gra(' is thick, remo(e from fire$ &arnish with coriander lea(es and cream$

(um Chicken

1 chicken 1cut into : pieces3 150 gms 'oghurt %lmonds !ashewnuts 1 tbsp !oconut 1grated3 3 4nions 1 tbsp garam masala powder 2 tsp /ed chilli powder 1 tsp 0urmeric Salt to taste 1 tbsp &inger-&arlic paste 1/2 tsp )lack pepper 1/2 tsp +ahari powder 1/2 tsp % inamoto 1 pinch Saffron colour "ew strands of saffron ;emon "inel' chopped coriander 3-4 tbsps 4il

Method 8ash the chicken pieces and drain the water$ "r' the onions until brown, remo(e from oil and spread on a plate$ !rush it after it cools$ /oast almonds, cashewnuts and coconut and grind to a fine paste$ ,repare a marinade of the gi(en ingredients 1e7cept oil3$ 2i7 all these with the chicken pieces$ 2arinate for about 1/2 an hour$ Dn a (essel put this mi7ture and the oil$ !ook on medium till the chicken is done$

yderabadi Chicken

1 chicken deboned, 1tb each of ginger garlic paste 1/2 tsp haldi 1tsp or more red chilli powder 1/2 cup curd /ed colour few drops$ !urr' lea(es - few sprigs 5-C green chillies 2tb cornflour Salt to taste

Method 2arinate chicken with ginger-garlic paste, salt, red chilli powder, haldi and cornflour for few hours$ #eat oil and fr' chicken pcs on low flame till cooked and well browned$ /emo(e the chicken pieces and keep aside$ 2i7 colour with curd$ 0ake little oil add curr' patta and diced chillies, stir add beaten curd, cook for few secs, then add chicken and cook till all curd tries up and chickenis well coated$ &arnish with coriander lea(es and lime$

$emon Garlic Chicken


9inegar- 1 tbl spn &arlic ,aste-1 tbl spn 1freshl' made3 !ream 100 gm Salt-1$5 tsp 4il-1 tbl spn Sugar-half tsp /ed pepper-half tsp /ed food color- pinch 2 lemons


0ake a chicken C00-<00 gms 8ash thoroughl', mop dr' with a clean towel$ %dd the marinade and keep aside for 1 hour$ #eat in a saucepan o(er medium heat for about 15-20 minutes co(ering it$ 8hen the chicken is slightl' done, remo(e the lid and let the chicken go little dr' but not completel'$ %dd fresh lemon uice$ #eat a little more$ %dd 2 tablespoons of cream and stir a little to gi(e the chicken a little coated look$ %dd coarsel' ground )lack ,epper$

Ser(e with &arlic )read and Spic' 4nion Salad$

Masala Chicken

3 nos$ potatoes 2 lbs chicken cut into pieces C nos$ medium onions chopped 4 nos$ medium tomatoes chopped C nos$ green chillies slit 2 tbsp$ garlic chopped fine 2 tbsp$ ginger chopped fine 12 nos$ peppercorns : nos$ clo(es C nos$ dr' red chillies 2 inch cinnamon stick 4il to cook Salt to taste

Method /emo(e the skin from potatoes and cut them into long chips /wedges$ #eat the pan and add oil to it$ "r' the potato chips /wedges and set aside$ %dd all the remaining ingredients e7cept chicken to the pan and fr' till it is brown$ 0hen add chicken pieces and cook till done$ +e7t add fried potato chips /wedges and cook on the slow flame for few minutes$ Ser(e hot with parathas$

Methi Chicken

1 kilo chicken 3 tblsp methi dried and crushed 5 onion 1made into paste3 1 1/2 inch ginger and 5 garlic flakes are made into paste$ ;emon uice 11 full lemon3 1tsp each of dhania and eera powder$ 1 tsp each turmeric, chilli 1 ba' leaf Salt to taste 4il

Method 2arinate the chicken with curd, turmeric powder, salt, chilli powder, add the lemon uice and lea(e for 1/2 hour$ )oil the chicken for about 10 minutes$ ,our oil into a kadai, add the ba' leaf and fr' the onion paste with about 1tsp of turmeric and chilli powder accordingl' to 'our taste and add salt to taste$ %fter the onion paste is fried add the ginger and garlic paste$ "r' for some time and add onl' the chicken lea(eing the chicken stark for later with 1 stem of the curr' lea(es$ @eep the gas in medium flame and keep on mi7ing the chicken with the masala$ %dd the chicken stark and keep on stirring$ 8hen the chicken is almost o(er, that is, the chicken is dried up add the, dhania and eera powder crushed methi and mi7 for few minutes and put off$ &arnish with some chopped coriander lea(es$

Murgh Korma

!hicken 1 pcs about appro7$ 2 kgs !oconut 1 pc$ ,opp' seeds 100 gms !ashewnuts 100 gms /ed chilli 1-2 pcs$ &reen chilli 1 pc$ !oriander 10 gms$ 4nions <50 gms$ Salt to taste !urd 500 gms$ &hee 50 gms$

Method !lean and cut the chicken, slice onions$ &rind together the coconut, popp' seeds, cashewnuts, red chilli, green chilli, coriander, and half of the onions$ #eat ghee and lightl' saute the rest of onions, add ground ingredients and fr' for a few minutes$ %dd the chicken and fr' for another fi(e minutes, add the curd, salt to taste, and cook till done$

)on*Veg Pulao

4 cup rice 2 lbs chicken or mutton 2 chopped onions 9egetable oil Salt 1tsp pepper 3 medium carrots, cut in 35 sticks 1/2 cups raisins 1/2 tsp cardmom 1/2 tsp cumin 4 cups water

Method "r' onion in the oil until brown$ %dd meat and stir well cook for ten minutes$ %dd water, salt and pepper$ !o(er and cook until meat is tender$ )ring C cups of water to boil$ 0hen put rice in it and cook for 5 minutes$ /emo(e rice from heater$ !ombine the meat sauce, raisins, carrots, cardamom, cumin and rice$ ,ut the mi7ture in the o(en at 350 degrees for 45 minutes$

Pepper Chicken

1kg chicken thighs cut into 4 2 small onions finel' chopped C table spns black pepper corns 4 pods cardamom 2 table spns corriander powder 3 table spns refined cooking oil 3 table spns coconut oil 4 dried chilli C table spns dessicated coconut 1 teaspoon musturd seeds !urr' lea(es Salt to taste

Method %dd the pepper corns to the fr'ing pan and .uickl' roast it$ ;et it cool and grind to powder$ %dd the dessicated coconut to the fr'ing pan and .uickl' roast it without browning it and set aside$ %dd the refined oil to the pan and add the cardomom pods$ "r' until it gi(es out an aroma, then add the onions$ "r' the onions until it turns transparent$ %dd the chicken pieces and fr' until it turns colour$ %dd the salt, pepper powder and corriander powder and cook co(ered under a low fire for 20 minutes stirring occasionall' to pre(ent burning$ 8hen the chicken is cooked, 2i7 the dessicated coconut #eat another fr'ing pan and fr' the musturd seeds curr' leaf and the dr' chill is in coconut oil$ %dd this to the chicken Ser(e hot with rice

Pepper Chicken

!hicken 500 gms 0urmeric ,owder 3 tsps 8hite 9inegar 4 tbsps &inger 50 gms &arlic : clo(es Saunf 1 tsp 4nion 1 medium So' Sauce 3 tbsps /ed !hilli ,owder 1/2 tsp !urr' ;ea(es 2 Strands ,epper powder 3 tbsps Salt

Method 8ash chicken pieces with 8hite 9inegar and 1 tsp turmeric powder$ #eat oil in the pan, add in order saunf, ginger, garlic, curr' lea(es, onion$ Saute them until mild brown$ %dd 2 tsps turmeric powder, chilli powder and saute for 30 seconds$ %dd chicken, so' sauce, remaining (inegar, salt and mi7 them well$ !ook the chicken in low heat until it is done$ %fter this add pepper powder, mi7 well and lea(e it for 5 more minutes$ Ser(e the pepper chicken hot $


2 pounds chicken 1 skinless 6 boneless3 2 tablespoon oil$ 1 large onion finel' chopped$ 2 0sp tomato paste$ 2 0sp popp' seeds powder$ 2 0sp cashewnut powder$ 10-15 strands of saffron$ 2 0sp milk$ 1 cup hot water$ For marinating 2 table sp thick curd$ 2 0sp dhania powder$ 2 0sp cumin seed powder$ 1 0sp ginger paste$ 1 0sp garlic paste$ 1/2 0sp turmeric powder$ 2 0sp red chilli powder$ Salt $

Method 2arinate the chicken pieces in marinade for 4-5 hrs$ #eat oil in (essel 6 add onions$ Stir fr' until onion become light brown in colour$ %fter onion fried add tomato paste, cashewnut powder, popp' seed powder 6 fr' for 2-3 minutes on low flame$ %fter that add chicken 6 keep on mi7ing chicken with the masala$ 8hen chicken will dr' add hot water$ !ook the chicken on low flame for 20-25 minutes or till chicken is well done$ @eep stirring occasionall'$ 2elt the saffron in milk 6 mi7 with chicken, keep on low flame for 2 minutes$ "or garnishing sprinkle some chopped coriander lea(es 6 some fried onion$

"picy Chicken

!hicken 500g 0omato 1 4nion 1 &inger paste 2 tsp &arlic paste 2 tsp ,epper powder 3 tsp !hilli powder 1 tsp 0umeric powder 1/2 tsp &aram masala powder 1 tsp 4il 2 0able spoon Salt

Method !ut the chicken and tomato into small pieces &rind the onion into fine paste 2i7 the onion paste, tomato pieces and all the other ingredients e7cept oil in to the chicken pieces$ ,ut the chicken mi7ture into a pan, co(er it with a lid and cook for 20 min without adding an' water in a low flame Dn a separate pan heat the 2 tbs oil and add the cooked chicken mi7ture and fr' till it becomes dark brown$ Ser(e hot with rice$

"picy Mint Chicken


!hicken breast - 500 gms 4nion - 1 2edium siBed 0omato - 1 big Salt 4il - 3-4 tbsp$ !hopped mint lea(es - 1 tbsp$ For !et Grinding 2int lea(es - 2 cups !oriander - 1 cup &reen !hillies - 5 &inger paste - 1tbsp$ &arlic paste 1-1/2 tbsp$ For (ry Grinding %niseeds - 1-1/2 tsp$ !umin - 1 1/2 tsps$ !lo(es - 5 !innamon stick - 1 inch 8hole peppercorns - 3 tsp$ ,opp' seeds - 1 tsp$

Method 8ash and keep aside the chicken$ 2i7 the wet ground paste with the dr' ground powder$ %dd this paste to the chicken and rub well on all the pieces$ 2arinate for an hour$ #eat the oil in a pressure pan$ Saut the onions and add the tomatoes and fr' for a while$ +ow add the chicken and salt and stir fr' for 10 min$ on simmer before pressure cooking$ &arnish with a little chopped mint$ Ser(e hot with chapatis, kubus or rice$

"tir*Fried Green Chicken


1 lb chicken breast 1boanless,skinless3- cut into small cubes 1 0bsp starch mi7ed in a little bit of water 1 green bell pepper - cut into chunk' pieces 1 red onion - cut into chunks <-: mushroom - sliced 4 garlick clo(es 15 ginger 4-5 hot green chillies #andful of fresh corriander

Method Stir fr' chicken 12-3 min$3 in little bit of oil$ Set aside$ Stir fr' (egies, onion, mushroom and set aside$ &rind garlic, ginger, chillies and fresh corriender to paste$ "r' paste in little bit oil$ %dd chicken and (egitables, onions, mushroom to it$ Stir for a minute$ %dd starch to it$ !ook for a minute$ *o not o(er cook$ %dd salt to taste$ Ser(e hot on bed of rice

'andoori Chicken

2$5 lbs of chicken - skinless - breast, leg and thigh - about 2-inch pieces$ 2 0ablespoon !hilli ,aste 3 0ablespoon 0andoori ,aste 2 0ablespoon 9indaloo ,aste 2 0ablespoon !urr' ,aste 3 0ablespoon /ed !hilli ,owder or ,epper 4 0ablespoon ,lain =ogurt or 1/2 cup )uttermilk$ Salt to taste

Method ,repare the chicken b' remo(ing the skin and trimming all of the fat$ 2ake long slits in the chicken so that the spice mi7ture can penetrate the meat during marinating$ ,ut all ,astes, !hilli powder and salt in a bowl$ 2i7 all of the abo(e to a paste$ %dd 'ogurt 1or buttermilk3 and mi7 all of the ingredients till 'ou ha(e a smooth paste$ 2ake sure that 'ou do not ha(e an' lumps, especiall' if 'ou use 'ogurt$ %dd some water so that all of the chicken will get soaked - do not add too much water to dilute the paste$ 0he paste should ha(e a thick consistenc'$ Soak the chicken in the marinade for C-: hours 1preferabl' o(ernight3 in the refrigerator$

#eat the o(en to 450"$ ,repare a pan for the o(en b' lining with aluminium foil$ ,lace chicken pieces on the pan and dribble half of the marinade on the pieces$ ,ut the pan in the o(en for 15 minutes - unco(ered - middle or top rack$ /emo(e the pan and turn o(er all of the chicken pieces - add remaining marinade on the pieces ,ut the pan in the o(en for another 15-20 minutes - check to see not to o(ercook$ /emo(e pan and ser(e while hot$ &arnish with sliced half-rings of onions, green chilli slices and lemon wedges$


For +khini 1 @gs 2utton 3/4 @gs )asmati /ice : +os )ig 4nion 25 +os &reen !hillis 50 &rams &inger 6 1 ,od &arlic grind together 1 teaspoon )ig Feera 1 teaspoon Small Feera 4 +os !ardamom C +os !lo(es 2 pieces !innamon 3 +os 0omato 1 1/2 cup !urd 2 ;ime 2 !oriander ;ea(es 4il Salt to taste For Chutney

100 &rams Small 4nion 3 &reen !hillies 1 inch piece &inger "ew !urr' lea(es "ew !orriander lea(es 1 teaspoon /ed chilli powder 2 table spoon Sugar 0amarind thick water Salt to taste

Method For +khini #eat oil$ %dd garam masala and onion sliced and green chillies sliced$ "r' light and add another masalas e7cept lime and coriander lea(es$ %dd mutton with it and keep it in cooker for 15 miuntes $ 0hen in another (essel fr' rice in oil for 3 to 4 minutes and add all the ingredients %dd 3 to 4 cups of water$ @eep on high pressure for 5 to < minutes and low the pressure and it for 10 minutes$

For Chutney

&rind all the ingredients well$

Ser(e %khini with the chutne'$

+rabian Pulao

1 chicken raw or boiled mutton 3/4 kgs 3 medium siBe fresh tomatoes -chopped 1 big onion -chopped 2 tblsp cumin seeds - roasted slightl' and grinded 1 tblsp cinamon -pwder Salt !rushed garlic and ginger paste < tblsp oil 3 tblsp ghee 2 mugs basmati rice "ew whole pepper-corns, 2 cardamom pods and 3 ba' lea(es 4 mugs water C small potatoes - cut into hal(es

Method #eat oil/ghee$ "r' the onions slightl' then add few whole pepper-corns, 2 cardamom pods and 3 ba' lea(es co(er$ 8hen the onions are slightl' brown add the fresh tomatoes and the cumin/cinamon pwdr$ "r' till oil comes up then add the raw chicken and potatoes when chicken is half done or till it>s soup has dried out measure in 4 mugs of water$ 8hen the water starts boiling add the rice and salt$ 8hen the rice is done, or if still half done and the water has dried out, pour little bit of some more water in a sprinkling method and co(er the pulao$ 8hen rice is done then place it into the o(en for 30 minutes at 150 !$ Ser(e with salaad and 'oghurt$

Bhuta Masu


1 kg mutton 150 grms onion sliced 100grms tomatoes chopped 12 sprigs spring onions 2 stalks celer' 3 table spoons so'a sauce % pinch aginomoto 15 cube ginger ,inch of salt #alf cup oil

Method )oil meat with a pinch of salt and ginger bits till the meat is tender$ Slice meat into uliene strips when it is cold$ #eat oil, add ginger and onions, keep stirring till the onion is transperrent$ %dd rest of the ingredient e7cept the greens$ "r' lightl' till all the moisture is absorbed Fust before ser(ing add tomatoes and greens$

Crispy $amb Fries


400gms boneless lamb 2 spring onions 1 green bell pepper !hili sauce So'a sauce 1 tbsp cornflour ,inch of a inomoto 4il for fr'ing

Method 2ake long thin slices of the boneless lamb$ 0ake corn flour and so' sauce and mi7 it a bowl with the lamb slices$ "r' it in boiling oil$ /emo(e the lamb from the pan and sprinkle some corn flour o(er it and fr' them again$ 0ake a seperate pan with some oil and heat it$ %dd chopped spring onions and capsicum and fr'$ %dd the lamb fries to it and mi7 well$ %dd chili sauce, so'a sauce and a pinch of a inomoto and mi7 well$ Ser(e hot$

,laichi Meat

1 kg mutton 500gms onions 10-15 green elaichi 1crushed3 2 tsps freshl' ground black pepper !oriander for garnishing

Method 8ash and put the mutton in cooker with onions and salt and pressure cook for 10 mins without water$ %fter the cooker is cooled, open and put on large flame and dr' up the water$ 0hen add ground pepper powder and elaichi$ 2i7 well then add 1 glass of water and keep on slow flame for 10 mins$ &arnish with coriander$ Ser(e hot with rice or rotis$

Gala#at Ke Kababs

500 gm 2inced 2eet 100 gm /aw ,apa'a 20 gm !oconut 3 tbsp ,opp' Seeds 3 full tbsp &inger-garlic paste 1 tbsp garam masala powder 2 tbsp )esan /ed chilli powder Salt to taste 4il for shallow fr'ing

Method &rind the papa'a, but don>t peel off the papa'a$ 2i7 grounded papa'a, ginger-garlic paste and salt with minced meet and set aside for 5 hrs or whole night and its done when 'ou feel it soft$ !ut and fr' the onions$ 2ake a paste of coconut and popp' seeds$ Saute the besan without oil on tawa or fr'ing pan$ %fter marination mi7 garam masala, red chilli powder,coconut-popp' seed paste,sauted besan and fried onions into the marinated mi7ture$ 2ake patties of this mi7ture and shallow fr' untill the' are brown$ Ser(e with green coriander chutne' or tomato ketchup$

Ghosh Fry

&oat 2eat - 1 pound$ ,eppercorns - 10 to 15 whole black !urr'lea(es - 5 to C lea(es$ Feera - 2 teaspoons$ "ennel - 1/2 teaspoon$ !oconut - 1 1/2 tablespoonful of shredded coconut$ 8hole red chillies - 3 dried red chillies$ 4nions - half white onion finel' diced$ Salt &hee for fr'ing$

Method ,lace the washed goat meat in a pressure cooker and a little salt and let it boil for 15 minutes$ 2ake a fine paste of curr' lea(es, eera, peppercorns, fennel, curr'lea(es and coconut with (er' little water$ Dn a fr'ing pan, put 2 tablespoons of ghee and then put whole red chillies$ "r' for a minute and then put finel' sliced onions and fr' well for 3 to 4 minutes$ 0hen put the finel' grind masala and fr' well till the aroma comes out$ ,ut the boiled goat meat and salt and little bit of water and let it simmer in low flame for 15 minutes and cook till the ghee comes on top and nice gra(' is formed$ Ser(e hot$

Green Mutton

1 kg 2utton$ 1 )unch coriander lea(es$ 5-C &reen chillies$ 1/4 )unch mint lea(es$ 5-C ,ods of garlic$ 4ne long stick of ginger$ 5 gm ,eppercorns$ 5 gm !lo(es$ 5 gm !innamon$ 5 gm !ummin seeds$ 1 )ig onion$ 1 0omato$

1 tps /ed chill' pwd$ Salt to taste$ 2 tbs 4il for fr'ing$

Method !lean, cut and wash the mutton and pressure cook it for 10-12 mins$ &rind the ingredients in the mi7ie$ *ice one onion and fr' it in oil then add chopped tomato and fr' the ground masala for 5-: mins$ 0o this add the mutton and cook for 10-14 mins on slow fire$ Ser(e with hot rice or rotis$


150g dried =ellow split ,eas 115g lentils :0g oat meal <50g chop lamb 2 tablespoons 2aieBana 4 teaspoons Feera 1 big onion 4 teaspoons 2assala 3 teaspoons % inomoto Shallot ;emon Salt and ,epper according to taste &reen !oriander

Method )ring to boil the split peas, lentils and salt during 30 minutes$ Soak the lamb cut into cubes with salt, pepper, maieBena and a inomoto$ "r' the onion in a chinese wok and add the lamb$ !ook the meat for a few minutes until all its water is e(aporated, then add the massala and eera$ 8hen the dhall is read', add the lamb and 2 litres of water and cook for 30 minutes in a pressure cooker$ 0hen, add the oats diluted in a glass of water$ )ring to the boil until it thickens to a nice soup$



2inced meat 1300-400 gms3 3 medium onions cut length wise and thin 4ne tomato cut coarse 2 large potatoes peeled and cut triangular not too small 250 gms 2ushrooms, cut &reen peas 1100 gms3 &aram 2asala Sabut 1whole spicesG cinnamon, coriander, eera, clo(es3 1/2 teaspoon &aram 2asala powder, Feera ,owder, *hani'a powder, 2eat 2asalaG- 3/4 teaspoon #aldi ,owder 1/2 teaspoon )a' ;ea(es 11-23 2irchi powder 11/2 teaspoon3 or fresh green chillies 133 !oconut powder !oriander lea(es

Method #eat oil$ %dd )a' lea(es, &aram 2asala Sabut and one green chill', chopped$ #eat for 30 seconds$ %dd chopped onions and &aram 2asala powder "r' till onions light-pink$ %dd e.ual amounts of Feera ,owder and *hani'a powder, #aldi ,owder, and chill' according to desire, and 2eat 2asala$ "r' till the spices are cooked$ =ou can see this when the oil absorbs the spices and floats$ %dd 0omatoes and fr'$ %dd the meat, and make it reall' fine$ %dd ,otatoes and mushroom$ %dd !oconut ,owder "r' till meat is brown, smells good and done, 'ou also smell the spices integrated in the meat$ %dd 8ater to taste$ %dd green peas$ ,ut lid, lower fire and cook for about 15-20 min$ &arnish with coriander lea(es

Keema Kababs

1 lb keema 1 onion 1 egg 1/2 slice of bread

2 hot green chillies Salt to taste /ed pepper 1 t$ each whole eera, powdered eera, whole coriander and powdered coriander 1/2 cup coriander lea(es 15sliced ginger C-< clo(es garlic 1 t$ garam masala 1/2 t$ freshl' ground black pepper

Method Dn the food processor, coarsel' chop onion, garlic and ginger$ %dd the keema and all the other ingredients and process till the mi7ture is coarse but not lump'$ ?mpt' in a bowl and with oiled hands$ "orm sheesh kababs 1in the shape of a sausage3 and put onto bamboo skewers and shape them so that all the kababs look smooth$ ,ut them on a foil lined baking sheets$ ,re heat broiler and when hot, put the baking sheets under the broiler and let it broil for about 5-10 minutes till brown on on side$ /emo(e sheets from the broiler and .uickl' change o(er sides with tongs and broil till brown and done$ /emo(e as 'ou dont want them to get tough$ Ser(e on a platter of onions and .uartered lemons with a bowl of coriander chutne' or ketchup$

Kosha Mangsho Ingredients

2utton - <00 gms

4nion Sliced - 125 gms !lo(e - C nos !ardamom - 5 nos !ardamom - 4 nos !innamon - 2 sticks /ed !hilli ,aste - 2 tsp 0urmeric ,owder - 1 1/2 tsp /oasted !ummin ,owder - 1 1/2 !urd - C0 gms Salt 2ustard 4il - 120 ml &inger &arlic ,aste - 30 gms

Method !ut the mutton into small pieces and set aside$ 0ake oil in a handi and add the whole spices$ 8hen the' crackle, add sliced onions and cook till soft$ %dd ginger garlic paste$ Stir for 3 minutes and add red chilli paste and turmeric powder$ %dd the mutton pieces and fr' well till oil lea(es the masala$ %dd beaten curd, roasted cummin powder and salt$ "r' for about 15 minutes till the onion seems to blend into the masala$ !o(er with a lid and dum for 20 minutes on a tawa $ !heck for tenderness of meat$ Ser(e hot$

$amb Biryani

1 lb lamb 2 cups )asmathi /ice 2 spoons of chilli powder 11/2 spoon salt 1 spoon dani'a powder, turmeric powder 1 spoon fresh ginger, garlic paste 1 spoon garam masala powder 4-5 ba' lea(es 5-C clo(es, 1 spoon eera 1 big onion 2 spoonful curd 2 big spoonful oil


!ut lamb into 10-12 pieces add ginger garlic paste, turmeric, chilli powder, dani'a powder, salt, garam masala mi7 it together, and keep it for 1 hour$ !ut onions (erticall' 0ake a pressure pan add oil, put clo(es, ba' lea(es, eera, onions, cashews$ "r' them until red, and add 2arinated lamb to it and fr' it for 10- 15 minutes %dd rice fr' for sometime and add 3 cups of water for two whistles in 2edium heat

Malai Kabab

250 g 2inced 2eat 3 - 4 tbsp$ !hana *al 15 ,iece of &inger C "lakes of &arlic 4 &reen !hilies % ;ittle !oriander ;ea(es 2 !lo(es 15 !innamon Stick 2 !ardamoms C ,epper !orns 1 tsp$ chill' powder Salt to 0aste 1 ?gg 1/4 tsp$ &aram 2asala powder 1 4nion 2 &reen !hill' 1 Small )unch of mint ;ea(es ;ime uice 4il to fr' 400 g cream &rind these items

Method Soak dal for two hours )oil keema with chana dal, cinnamon, clo(es, cardamoms, pepper and little water till tender *rain off or dr' the e7cess water &rind to paste %dd eggs, salt, chill' powder and ground masala !ut onion, green chill' and mint (er' fine$ 2i7 in salt and lime uice 0ake a little keema paste$ ,ut 1/2 tsp$ Stuffing$ 2ake small flatten balls "r' till brown

%fter fr'ing put a thin la'er of cream in an o(enproof dish$ %rrange the kababs$ !o(er with remaining cream and bake o(en for 15 2ts$

Ser(e the dish with !hutne'$

Malai*(ry fruits "tuffed Kabab


1kg minced meat 10gms ginger garlic paste 1 nutmeg, ground C green chillies 2tblsp cheese grated 1/2 cup mi7ed dr' fruit, chopped 4 tblsp fresh cream or malai Salt to taste 1 tsp pepper 2 tsp garam masala 2 tblsp oil

Method 2i7 the minced meat with all the ingredients, e7cept the cream and dr' fruit$ Shape the mi7ture into round balls, stuff them with the mi7ture of cream and dr' fruit, arrange ina baking tra' lined with grease proof paper and bake for 10 to 15 minutes$4r skewer them and roast it till done$ Ser(e hot$

Meat Balls

2incemeat1/2 kg &arlic - ginger paste 2 tbspn$ &reen chillies 3 8hole spices 1 tspn$ &aram masala &ram flour 2 tblspn$ !oriander powder 1tspn$ /ed chilli 1tspn$ Salt to taste 4il for fr'ing 4tblspn$


8ash the mince$ ,ut in a strainer and gentl' press to drain out all the water$ ,ut the mince in a bowl$ %dd all the ingredients$ 2i7 and knead well$ 0ake a pressure pan$ 4il it>s bottom well$ 0ake a heaped tblspn$ of mince in the palm of 'our hand and bind the mince tightl' into balls, s.ueeBing out an' e7cess li.uid$ 2ake balls a little big as mince tends to shrink after cooking %dd a glassful of water to the oiled pan$ ;et the water boil well Dn the boiling water place the balls lightl'$ %fter all the balls are put in, let them cook on high flame for 1 min$ ;ower the gas to simmer and cook the balls$ !o(er the pan$ 8hen the balls are cooked and all the li.uid dries up$ ,our the oil and fr' the balls till golden brown$


1/2 kg$ mutton chops 1 cup curd, well beaten 3/4 cup coriander lea(es, chopped fine 1/2 cup methi lea(es 1fresh3, chopped fine 2 potatoes, cubed 1 tomato, cubed : peppercorns 4 @ashmiri chillies 3-4 green chillies 3 clo(es 2 cardamoms 2 sprigs mint lea(es 2$5 cm$ cinnamon stick 5 tsp$ coriander seeds 1 tsp$ cummin seeds 1 tsp$ popp' seeds 1 tsp$ ginger-garlic paste 1 tsp$ dried methi lea(es, crushed Salt &hee for fr'ing

Method /oast peppercorns, cardamoms, clo(es, cinnamon, popp' seeds, coriander seeds, cummin seeds and red chillies and grind to a fine powder$ "r' green chillies and onions with a little ghee and grind them along with half cup coriander lea(es, mint lea(es and powdered spices, to a fine paste$ #eat ghee in a pan$ %dd mutton pieces and fr' for a minute$ %dd methi lea(es and salt and fr' for three minutes$ ,our the ground masala paste o(er the chops and fr' for fi(e minutes, adding ust half a cup of water$

%dd curds and mi7 well$ Fust before co(ering the pan, add the tomato and potato pieces$ !ook till mutton is done$ Hnco(er the pan and add dr' methi lea(es$ Simmer for few minutes$

Ser(e hot with remaining coriander lea(es$

Mutton Biryani
Ingredients <50 g$ mutton 350 g$ basmati rice 1 cup fresh curd 2 large onions sliced 2 flakes garlic 3 large cardamoms : clo(es 1 inch cinnamon 1 tbsp$ ginger paste 2 tsp$ black peppercorns 1 tsp$ cumin seeds 1 tsp$ chilli powder 1 tsp$ coriander powder 1/2 tsp$ nutmeg powder % pinch of turmeric Salt to taste 100 g$ ghee Method )ring <50 ml$ water to boil, add rice, salt and turmeric, co(er and cook for 15 mins$ till water is absorbed$ #eat ghee and fr' half onions till brown, remo(e and keep aside, "r' raisins, pistachios and almonds and add these to the rice$ "r' rest of onions, add ginger, garlic, cumin, chilli powder, and fr', add mutton and brown on high heat for 5 minutes, add cinnamon, cardamoms, clo(es, peppercorns, coriander powder, nutmeg, salt and 125ml$ water, stir well, co(er and simmer for about 10 minutes$ /emo(e from heat, stir in the curd and simmer for 5 minutes$ ;a'er a dish with alternate la'ers of rice and mutton, cook in a preheated o(en at 200 degrees ! for 10 minutes$ Ser(e with raita$

Mutton Biryani


2utton 1 kg )asmati rice C00g curds 2cups thick &hee or 4il 1cup 4nion 5medium siBe &aram masala 2spoons !ardmom C ;ime 4 cilantro 2 bunches 2int 1 bunch &reen chillies C &inger 6 &arlic paste Saffron 1 pinch !hilli powder 1 teaspoon 0urmeric Salt

Method 8ash and soak rice for few hours$ 0ake a bowl soak mutton in curds with onions, ginger garlic paste, cardmomsageera, turmeric, salt, red chilli powder, lemon uice, saffron, green chillies 1cut them into small pieces3, mint, cilantro lea(es soak it for 1to 2hrs$ "r' remaining onions till golden brown in oil or ghee, keep aside remaining oil or ghee$ 2ean while take 3lt$ of water in a (essel and boil with hand ful of salt and sagira, cardmom, when the water boils add rice to it and cook the rice onl' 1/4 done$ 0ake the soaked mutton,now place the rice o(er the mutton and add the fried onions and saffor and garammasala powder,and pour the oil or ghee o(er the rice %gain place the rice and repeat the same process till all the rice is o(er $ !o(er the (essel tightl' and cook for about 10 to 15mts on low heat$ Ser(e hot

Mutton Curry

1/2 kg mutton washed and cut into medium pieces$ 2 onions cut into length wise 3-4 tsp oil 1/2 tsp haldi powder 2 tsp dhania powder 1 1/2 tsp red chilli powder

1 1/2 tsp garam masala powder Salt to taste !orriander lea(es For ground masala

2 tablespoon coconut 4 pcs of garlic 2 medium tomatoes 1/2 inch ginger piece

Method /oast the ingredients of ground masala with a few drops of oil and grind into a fine paste$ @eep aside$ #eat the pressure cooker and add the oil 8hen it is hot add the cut onions and lightl' fr' till golden colour$ +ow add the ground masala paste, and all other ingredients and keep stirring till the oil starts seperating from the masala$ +ow add the mutton and enough water for the meat to cook$ @eep the cooker till it gi(es atleast : to A whistles$ /emo(e from fire &arnish with corriander lea(es$

Mutton Re.ala

2utton 1 kg &hee 3 tbsp 4nion 3 &arlic 5-C pods &inger paste 2 tsp !urd 500gm 8hole red chilli 10-12 )lack pepper 15-20 Salt to taste )a' lea(es 3

Method 2arinade mutton with curd onion, ginger, garlic paste, salt for 1 hour$ #eat oil, add black pepper, red chilli, ba' lea(es 6 fr' for 2 min$ ,ut the marinade into it, stir for 5 min 6 pressure cook till meat is tender$

Ser(e with +aan

Mutton Vegetable Masala


1 kg boneless mutton 1or chicken3 boiled and shredded$ 200 gms "rench beans chopped$ 100 gms !arrots cut to medium siBed pieces$ 200 gms &reen peas$ 2 big potatoes skinned and cut to small pieces$ 1/2 bunch mint lea(es$ 2 tbsp maida 8hole garam masal according to taste$ 1 medium siBed pod of garlic skinned and crushed$ 1 tbsp ghee$ 1 cup milk$ 1 tsp each of ginger garlic and green chilli paste$ 2 eggs hard boiled$ 50 gms of sali wafer plain 1 tomato

Method %dd masala paste and salt in mutton and pressure cook with sufficient water until 4 whistle and preser(e water$ Shred mutton and keep aside$ )oil (egetables with 1 tsp salt$ ,reser(e a little of the water$ #eat ghee in bottom pot, add garam masala and fr' till it crackles$ 0hen add crushed garlic and fr' till it is golden brownE add maida and fr' for two minutes$ %dd the preser(ed water 1mutton3 a little at a time and keep stirring so that no lumps are formed$ %dd preser(ed water 1(egetable3 and stir$ %dd shredded mutton and (egetables and bring to boil$ 0hen add the milk till the gra(' thickens$ Ser(e hot, garnished with mint lea(es, sliced eggs and sali wafer$ Mutton Vindaloo Ingredients

1 kg$ mutton For "easoning

3 sp$ ghee "ew coriander lea(es 1/2 onion finel' sliced Salt For Vindaloo Masala

3 sp$ ira 12 dr' kashmiri chillies 1/2 an inch turmeric 2 pods cardamoms 10 pod garlic 2 tbsp$ (inegar


!ut and wash the mutton and make pieces$ &rind masala in (inegar$ "r' sliced onion till brown, add coriander lea(es and stir, put masala and fr' it$ Stir fre.uentl'$ +ow add meat and salt to taste$ !o(er the dish$ %llow the meat to cook in its own gra('$ Stir fre.uentl', so that it does not burn$ )oil the potatoes, peel and cut into fours$ %dd them to the meat$ Simmer for 10 minutes$

Ser(e hot with plain white rice$

Palak Mutton

1/4 kg mutton 5 or C bunches Spinach chopped fine 1-2 tsp ginger garlic paste 2 medium tomatoes 1 tsp coriander ,owder 1 tsp red chilli powder 2 onions chopped fine 1 tsp ginger grated "ew black pepper corns 3-4 tablespoons cooking oil Salt 1 tbsp$ coriander chopped fine

Method %dd 2-3 tsps of oil in a pressure pan and heat$ %dd the grated ginger, black pepper corns a small part of chopped onions to the oil fr' the onions for a few seconds$ 8ash meat cleanl' and add to the pan$ Stir for a minute$ %dd a little salt and enough water$ !lose the pressure pan and allow the meat to cook till soft$ 4nce meat is cooked, strain out the water and keep aside as stock$ Dn another ,an, #eat the remaining oil$ %dd the remaining chopped onions and fr' till light brown$ %dd salt, corainder powder, chilli powder, ginger garlic paste, and chopped coriander$ "r' this mi7 thoroughl' till oil lea(es the sides of the pan$ %dd tomatoes and spinach and a little of the meat-stock that 'ou had kept aside$ !ook till tomatoes and Spinach is done and the water is dried up$ Df necessar', add more of the stock to get a gra('$ %dd the cooked meat to this mi7ture and stir fr' till oil lea(es the sides of the pan$ Simmer for a while and garnish with chopped coriander$ Ser(e hot with plain rice$


)oneless mutton 500gms 3/4 cup beaten curd !hilli 1 tlsp 0urmeric 1/4 tlsp @hus khus 2 tlsp %lmond 10 &aram masala 2 tlsp &inger garlic paste 2 tlsp 2 onions fried *hania powder 2 tlsp 4il 4 tlsp !oriander and mint Salt

Method 0o mutton appl' ginger, garlic paste, curd, salt and keep aside$ ;ightl' roast and powder the khus khus and almond$ #eat ghee and fr' onions the remo(e half of it and keep aside for garnishing$

0o the remaining half of the fried onions add the mi7ed mutton, chilli, turmeric and fr' till dr'$ %dd the powdered masala and garam masala and fr' a little$ 0hen add two cups of water and cook till the mutton is tender$ "inall' sprinkle remaining fried onion and chopped coriander and mint$

Ser(e with rice and dal$ "a%oury Chilli Beef Ingredients

1 kg beef ,boneless and preferabl' lean meat, without an' fat 1/2 kg capsicum 3 medium siBed potatoes C reall' large spic' green chillies C large regular onions 3 spring onions 4 tablespoons of ginger-garlic paste 1 tomato So'a sauce !hilli sauce

Method !hop beef into tin' cubes$ Sprinkle liberall' with so'a sauce$ %dd salt to taste and ginger-garlic paste$ 2i7 well and marinate for 20 mins$ ,eel and cut potatoes into cubes$ )oil separatel' till semi-cooked, fr' lightl' and keep aside$ !hop the regular onions fine$ !hop the spring onions fine$ !hop the capsicum into 1 inch s.uares$ !hop tomato fine$ %fter marinating, fr' beef cubes on high flame$ 8ater will come out of the meat$ @eep fr'ing till dr' - but don>t let it burnI 4nce dr' cook in pressure cooker with a little water, for 10 mins$ or till cooked$ "r' regular onions in a separate (essel till well browned$ %dd tomato and fr' till li.uidified$ %dd ginger-garlic paste and chillies and fr' well %dd spring onions and fr' (er' lightl'$ %dd capsicum and fr' (er' lightl' 4nce the meat is cooked dr' up the e7cess water and add it to the fried mi7$ %dd potatoes$ Stir well and add chilli sauce to taste$ Ser(e hot with mi7ed fried rice$

"hikampur Koftha

2utton 1 kg @uskus 2 teaspoons !hiran i 1 tea spoons &aram masala powder 2 tea spoons /ed chili powder Salt ?gg 1 4ne big onion !ilantro 2int &reen chilies =ogurt 2 cups 4il

Method )oil keema with pinch of turmeric powder and salt roast kus kus, chirange, cilantro, mint, green chillies and grind them$ %fter the keema is well cooked add it to the grinding mi7ture and grind it $ 0ake the grinded mi7ture and add garam masala powder, red chili powder and egg and mi7 all together$ 0ake 'ogurt in a muslin cloth to that add salt green chillies chopped, cilantro chopped, onion chopped, mint, and tie the end of the cloth and keep aside till all the water ooBes from the 'ogurt and becomes dr'$ +ow take the keema mi7ture and fill it with the 'ogurt mi7ture and flatten them on the pan and shallow fr' them garnish with onion, cilantro, cucumber$

"picy Meatballs

1 pound ground meat 1 egg 1/2 cup fresh bread, crumbled 1/3 cup grated cheese 1/C cup finel' chopped cilantro 1/C cup finel' chopped/crushed ginger and garlic &reen !hillies finel' chopped 5 tbsp 2eat 2asala powder Salt and ,epper

2 tbsp oil 1/C cup kho'a/whipping cream &reen 2int lea(es chopped

Method ,lace all ingredients in a large mi7ing bowl, and mi7 with a wooden spoon until all ingredients are blended$ Hsing tablespoon as a scoop, place 2 scoops of meat mi7ture in palm of hand, rolling to form meatball$ 1/inse hands in cold water/oil in between$3 !ontinue until mi7ture is used up$ %t the same time heat water1simmering3 in a saucepan 1until 'ou see (apor coming out - but not boiling3$ *rop a couple of meatballs and see if the shape is being maintained, otherwise add some more bread crumbs to the mi7ture and tr' again$ ,ut the meatballs and let them be in the water for 10 minutes$ =ou can take them out now$ 0he' are now read' for use$ =ou can store them in freeBer if needed$ 0he' can cook in the gra(' for another 10 minutes$ 0he' can be pan fried with noodles, or 'ou can make 2achurian 2eatballs with them, etc$ "or making the gra(', it is ust like making an' meatdish gra(' %dd a little more water and then put the meatballs in the gra(' and simmer for 10 minutes$ "picy Mutton Ingredients

3/4 kg 2utton 2 4nions C &reen !hillies !urr' ;ea(es 1 tbsp &inger &arlic ,aste 1 0omato 1 1/2 tsp &aram 2asala 1 1/2 tsp !oriander ,owder

Method 2arinate mutton with 1/2 tsp chilli powder 6 sufficient salt for 1-2 hrs$ "r' chopped onions, chillies, curr' lea(es, ginger garlic paste$ %fter a few minutes, add garam masala$ 8hen onions are cooked, add corriander powder, chilli powder and a pinch of turmeric$ 2i7 well$ %dd tomato and fr' for 2 minutes$ ,ut mutton with masala in the cooker and add some water$ @eep for 10 minutes 1at least3 after whistle$ 0o make gra(', add coconut milk and let the meat simmer in it for a few minutes$ Ser(e hot with plain rice$

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