Application Form Online

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Notice for completing application form online

I have read the notice and agree to these instructions.

1. Instructions for online visa application form i. Items marked with a red asterisk must be filled out, without which, you will not be able to proceed to the next step. ii. All items must be carefully filled in and double check before submission. Once submitted, no item can be corrected. iii. After submission, please sign on the printed application form. he printed papers include ! pages with page 1 and " are the #isa application form and the bar code is on page !, which is for the $entre%s further processing . All the 3 pages must be brought to the Centre.

Notice for visa application

I have read the notice and agree to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

". erms and $onditions $hinese &isa Application 'er#ice $entre (hereinafter referred to as the $entre) is responsible for recei#ing #isa applications for #isit to mainland $hina from ordinary passport holders who are *alaysian citi+ens and citi+ens of other countries possessing *alaysian permanent residence or work permits, collecting #isa fees on behalf of the $hinese ,mbassy and returning processed #isa applications. -oreign nationals holding diplomatic and ser#ice (official) passports or eligible for applying for $hina.s diplomatic, ser#ice and courtesy #isas, and those applying for a #isa /entry permit to the 0ong 1ong 'pecial Administrati#e 2egion of $hina should still apply directly to the $hinese ,mbassy. he $entre welcomes you using its ser#ices. 3hile pro#iding you high 4uality ser#ices, we kindly remind you of the following5 i. he $entre has no in#ol#ement in the #isa assessment and decision6making process. 3hether a #isa is to be issued or not to be issued, and what type of #isa to be issued as well as its period of #alidity, number of entry and duration of stay shall be decided by the $hinese ,mbassy in the light of $hina.s rele#ant laws and regulations. An applicant will be re4uired to pay a ser#ice fee to the $entre regardless of appro#al or disappro#al of his or her application by the ,mbassy. he ser#ice fee is non6refundable. ii. o facilitate assessment by the ,mbassy of your application, you are kindly re4uired to5 a) your passport must be real and #alid7 b) prepare all the documents that are re4uired and ensure they are genuine and credible7 c) fully fill out the #isa application form with true and accurate information (application form for an under6age child should be signed by one of his or her parent or guardian and the relationship indicated). he $hinese ,mbassy has the right to re4uest the applicant to pro#ide additional supporting documents or to come to the ,mbassy for an inter#iew. -ake and in#alid passport, false or incomplete information and illegible characters in the #isa application form may lead to refusal of a #isa. iii. *ake your tra#el arrangement at an appropriate time so that your already6issued #isa would not expire or it would not be too late for you to obtain a #isa before your planned departure for $hina. Usually you should apply about one month in advance of your intended date of entry into China, and do not apply three months earlier than your intended date of entry. i#. 8lease carefully check all the information on the #isa issued to you when you collect your passport. If you ha#e any 4ueries about the #isa, you should report it to the counter staff immediately. 9ou will be responsible for any conse4uences arising from the following5 a) 9our #isa becoming in#alid and cannot therefore be used as a result of your own fault or any act by a third party acting on your behalf7 b) In the e#ent that you are refused to board an aircraft or to enter $hina due to your failure to check all the information printed on your #isa including your name, birthday, nationality, your #isa.s number of entry, period of #alidity and duration of stay as well as the number and #alidity of your passport before departure for $hina7 c) your #isa cannot be used due to your own other reasons. #. 'trictly in line with rele#ant laws of *alaysia, the $entre shall take e#ery precaution to ensure the safety of the personal information and documents of the applicants, but it shall not be liable for any conse4uences due to e#ents or acts beyond its reasonable control such as natural disasters, unforeseen accidents and robbery, etc (-orce *a:eure), which may occur when the information and documents are in transit between the $entre and the $hinese ,mbassy. he $entre shall be liable to applicants for related cost of replacement of lost or damaged passport in transit to the $hinese ,mbassy, where such losses or damage are directly attributable to the fraud, negligence or default of the $entre. he $entre shall bear the cost of replacement of the passport incurred to the applicant when applying to a local passport authority through normal procedures for the replacement of his or her lost or damaged passport. he cost shall be settled on presentation of actual receipt issued by the passport authority. #i. he terms and conditions may be amended or #aried by the $entre at any time. #ii. he abo#e terms and conditions shall be go#erned by laws of *alaysia. #iii. Applicants agree and confirm that they ha#e read and understood the terms and conditions prior to submitting #isa applications to the $entre.

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