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The problem can be solved by changing the company to team structure, team culture

The problem can be solved by changing its organizational structure, culture, leadership style, management approach.

The aim of this report is to compare and contrast different organizational structures and cultures explain how the relationship between an organizations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organizations explain how organizations theory underpins the practice of management evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organizations

Secondary data: The report is based on secondary data collected from text books, online
journals, articles, websites and published statistical evidence.


Organizational behaviour
Organizational behaviour is the field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within an organization. It is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations.

Organizational culture

Organization culture is the pattern of shared values, beliefs and assumptions considered the appropriate way to think and act within an organization. It is defined as a complex set of values, beliefs, assumptions and symbols that defines the way which a firm conducts its business.

Leadership is all about determination, personality and innate ability at the right time for a particular competitive situation.

Autocratic Management Style

An autocratic manager makes decisions without the consultation of others, instead serving as a dictator type in communicating orders because they like to be in control of situations. This style of management leads to work getting done on time because there are less people involved in the decision making process.

Power culture
A power culture is frequently found in small entrepreneurial organizations and relies on trust, empathy and personal communications for its effectiveness.

Organizational structures of some successful companies

1. Vertical structure by functions (Functional Structure)
As the simplest approach, a functional structure features well-defined channels of communication and authority/responsibility relationships. Not only can this structure improve productivity by minimizing duplication of personnel and equipment, but it also makes employees comfortable and simplifies training as well. Organizational Name: Ultimate Technology & Services Co., Ltd. Divisional structure Because managers in large companies may have difficulty keeping track of all their company's products and activities, specialized departments may develop. These departments are divided according to their organizational outputs. This grouping of departments is called divisional structure. These departments allow managers to better focus their resources and results. Divisional structure also makes performance easier to monitor. As a result, this structure is flexible and responsive to change.

Organization name: Wal-Mart

Matrix structure
The matrix structure combines functional specialization with the focus of divisional structure. This structure uses permanent cross-functional teams to integrate functional expertise with a divisional focus. Employees in a matrix structure belong to at least two formal groups at the same timea functional group and a product, program, or project team. They also report to two bossesone within the functional group and the other within the team.
Organizational Name: South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism

Team structure
Team structure organizes separate functions into a group based on one overall objective. These crossfunctional teams are composed of members from different departments who work together as needed to solve problems and explore opportunities.

Organizational Name: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty Comparing the organizational structures of these companies and New Age India Ltd it is observed that These organizations have wider span of control than that of Power is decentralized in these organizations. Employees were made satisfied and comfortable in these organizations.

Relationship between organizational structure and culture and its impact on performance of organization
The organizations structure and culture impact the performance of organization greatly. An organization is well differentiated with other organization which does not have proper structure and culture. Managers select and trained the team members. He/she used to motivate the team to achieve pre defined goal. Manager duty is to communicate with people outside the work unit trying to coordinates two project groups. The manager acquires information from others and shares it with concerns people to stay well informed. The managers send external information into his organization and internal information from one subordinate to another. The managers transmit information out to his organizations environment to speak on behalf of the organization.

The manager acts as initiator and designer of much of the controlled change of the organization.

However a manager cannot handle all these functions alone.

Factors affecting individual behaviour at work

Perception Personality Emotions Experience

Different approaches to management

There are 4 main approaches to management. They are ( the organizational setting)

The principle of co-ordination the need for people to act together with unity of action, the exercise of authority and the need for discipline; The scalar principle the hierarchy of organization, the grading of duties and the process of delegation; and The functional principle specialization and the distinction between different kinds of duties.

Human resources The human relations here approach to organizations and management makes all the right sounds with an emphasis on humane behaviour, considerate management and recognition of the informal organization. Systems The systems approach attempts to reconcile earlier approaches and the work of the formal and the informal writers. Contingency The contingency approach, which can be seen as an extension of the systems approach, highlights possible means of differentiating among alternative forms of organization structures and systems of management New Age India Ltd is suggested to human resource management approach. As it is suffering the employee problem through human resource management it can better understand the employees and can act accordingly.

Findings and suggestions

New Ag India is suggested to go for a team structure

New Ag India is suggested to develop team culture

New Ag India Ltds employee attrition problem can be solved by changing the organization to a team structure, team culture, democratic leadership style and human resource management approach

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