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How to Make THE LAW OF ATTRACTION Work For You

Leonard M. Rubino

2010 Phoenix Publications

How to Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You

The DVD Movie The Secret has brought the Universal truth You are what you think about to the masses, well to a lot of people who are searching for answers. However, the movie got a lot of people interested without telling them HOW it really works. So now we have a lot of frustrated people who are worse off than they were before they saw the movie. The Law of Attraction, which is The Secret, states We are what we think about. Pretty confusing, most of us thought we knew WHO we were, what we didnt know was the secret to becoming rich, healthy, loved, respected happy etc. Let me start with the Universe. The Universe is made up of things, we are things, we sit on things, we live in things, we drive things, we write with things, well you get the idea. All things are made up of matter, all matter is made up of atoms and atoms are made up of neutrons and protons. Neutrons and protons are made up of Quarks. In Quantum Physics the Quark is the smallest form of matter that we are currently aware of. Quantum Physicists were curious, they wanted to know what made up a Quark. So they placed the Quark into an atomic accelerator and turned it on full blast. The Quark cracked open! Now the scientists were going to be able to see what THING the Quark is made of. They found NOTHING! What they did find was that it was: A.L.I.V.E. A Living Intelligent Vibrating Energy! They found the Universe, they found the Source, they found creat ion, they found A Living Intelligent Vibrating Energy! They Found God! All things are A.L.I.V.E. we are A Living Intelligent Vibrating Energy. Our energy (thoughts) are constantly searching for like energies. We are like magnets attracting similar magnets. A positive will always attract a positive and a negative will always attract a negative. The biggest problem is we do not know the difference between a positive and a negative. For instance, if you say I need to make more money., this is a NEGATIVE statement. You are really saying you dont have enough money and need more. In other words you are dwelling on the LACK of money and this is exactly what you will continue to attract, more of the LACK! At first glance, this looks like nit picking but, The Law of Attraction is exact and will give you exactly what you ask for.

We are born with THREE MINDS: A Conscious Mind which gathers information from our five senses (taste, smell, sight, auditory and touch). This data is stored in our conscious mind as memory. We use that memory to think, to feel and to speak. This data then vibrates out into our subconscious mind seeking like vibrations to create into reality in our physical world. Our Subconscious Mind is a huge data base (like an infinite Google in our head). Every thought, word or feeling uttered by human beings since the beginning of time is stored in our subconscious mind. There is only ONE subconscious mind in the Universe and we all have access to it. The main function of our subconscious mind it to align our vibrational energy with a like vibrational energy stored in the subconscious. Once the two energies join together, our Universal Super-conscious Mind (which is God, The Source, The Universe, The Law or whatever you prefer to call it) makes it so. The KEY is that the Universal Super-Conscious Mind is infinite and does not know the difference between real and imagined, good or bad, possible or impossible. We, as humans, have been taught to see things as they are, not as they can be. So the phrase Seeing is believing is part of our culture. There is one exception to this Seeing is believing, all religions believe in a God, a God that no one has been able to prove exists. A force so powerful, that religions have put the fear of this God in us all. We fear death because of the uncertainty of where we will end up when we die. The religions of the world created a good or bad option to death: Heaven or Hell. These are two possible destinations, yet they have no proof that either of these places actually exist. The Universal Super-Conscious Mind of God does not punish, it just is! Back to The Law of Attraction Step 1 Thinking good thoughts is the first step, but first you must understand the vibrational nature of thought and the way The Law of Attraction responds to it, you will then begin to understand HOW it is that you are the creator of your own reality. Everything about your life has come to you in response to your thoughts, but until you recognize the vibrational nature of your thoughts and discover a comparative way of recognizing them, you have no deliberate control over your own thoughts. In other words, each want has two sides; the abundance and the lack. For example: The subject of money is just the beginning of the necessary molding of the vibrational energy required to bring money to your experience Which end of this vibrational range are you leaning towards? Are you

excited about this abundance that is headed your way or are you desperate because of the current absence of the abundance? You have heard many times over the phrase You get what you think about. But, this is not quite right. The correct phrasing should be: You get what you FEEL about what you think about. My personal story: I used to hold my hands out in front of me and say How come money never sticks to my hands. I was thinking about money but I was feeling the lack of money and, for the longest time, I never seemed to have enough. Then, one day I was watching an old movie and I noticed that the main character never kept his money in a wallet. He always had it in his front pocket. He would pull out this wad of money, peel off some bills and buy whatever he wanted. He never counted his money and he never seemed to run out. So, I thought about it and thought this was the way to go. I took what little money I had in my wallet, emptied my coin jar and went to the bank. I withdrew a brand new $100 bill and surrounded that bill with a bunch of one dollar bills and put the money into a money clip. The money clip then went into my front pocket next to my car keys. This became my routine, every morning I would pick up my car keys and my wad of money in the money clip and put them in my front pocket. Every time I got into my car I would FEEL the money as I was getting my keys. Every evening I would empty my pockets and put my keys and my wad of money on the night stand. One night I emptied out my wallet, put my credit cards and other valuables in a small case that I used to carry business cards in and did something that made me feel great. I ceremoniously threw out my wallet into the trash. I have never been broke since that day and that was 15 years ago! You can also see this system at work on a TV show called Two and a Half Men with Charlie Sheen as the main character. Charlie always keeps his money in his front pocket, never knows how much is there at any given time, and his attitude is Theres more where that came from. Charlie does very little of what some people call work, and will give the pizza delivery man a $50.00 tip. Charlie FEELS the abundance of money and no matter how much he spends or gives away, more money just keeps coming his way. On the other hand, his brother Alan keeps his money out of sight in a wallet, can tell you to the penny how much he has (usually about $30.00) and because Alan is cheap sponges of Charlie. Alan has a profession; he is a chiropractor, with his own office and a good practice. Yet, Alan is always broke. Alans whole mental process is that he is a loser and people always seem to take advantage of him. Charlie and Alan grew up in the same household but because of the way they think and how they FEEL about life, they turned out completely opposite. Now, I know its just a TV show but the message is very clear. The more you think about the LACK of money the less you have.

Today will be the most important day of your life. Today you will understand HOW to control your life. Today you will take the first step to creating your world around you. Mark this day on your calendar, circle it, put stars all over it and make up your mind that today you will control your thinking and your feelings. It will not be easy at first, after all you have had many years of brainwashing; telling you a different story. But if that story is not working out for you, it is time to change. You will have many small periods of time during the day when nothing is happening. This is when you practice thinking and feeling positive. Start with : I AM HAPPY. Say this 100 times for three days straight. Say it until you feel happy most of the time. Then add I AM HEALTHY 100 times for three days straight. This is how: I AM HAPPY, IAM HEALTHY, I FEEL GREAT. Remember you are in first grade when it comes to controlling your thinking and still in kindergarten when it comes to controlling your feelings. New phrase for the next three days: I AM HAPPY, I AM HEALTHY, IFEEL GREAT. I AM PROSPEROUS AND GREAT SUMS OF MONEY ARE HEADING MY WAY. The formula now is say it, believe it, FEEL it. The Law of Attraction does its job with no ifs, and or buts. The Secret behind The Secret behind The Secret is simple. Change the way you think, change your story, see things not as they are but as they can be. Remember this: the height of stupidity is doing the same thing every day and expecting different results. Success is not a given for the most educated, or to one who works the hardest or to one who grew up in a rich environment. Success is the birthright to the ones who THINK they CAN. There is no school to go and learn this truth, there are few teachers who can achieve success and teach it too. There are many hours wasted in trying to push a peanut up a hill. Here is another secret: it is not too late to become successful in any endeavor of your life. Think of it this way, you are in a canoe trying to paddle against the current of a white water river. Your parents, your teachers, your friends all tell you that the object of this life is to reach the river at its highest point. To struggle against the current, to make major sacrifices, to do without. Nothing can be further from the truth. The rewards are all DOWN RIVER. No struggle is necessary, just stop paddling up stream, turn your boat around and go with the flow. Everything of value is down stream. There is a great book, some call it THE BOOK, written by Napoleon Hill called: Think and Grow Rich. I never appreciated how ingenious the title was until I learned The Law of Attraction. All you need to do is CHANGE your thinking from mostly negative to mostly positive. Youre saying: Well, if its so easy why doesnt everyone do it? Im not interested in everyone, just me and you. Ive done it and Im doing it more every day. Ive chosen you to do it, no matter where you are starting from, stop paddling up stream, stop going against the current, go with the flow.

I remember a story about a farmer who had two giant trees on his property that needed to be chopped down. So, he put an advertisement in the paper, two men showed up for the job. The farmer who owned the property told the men:I will pay $1000 to the first man to chop down his tree. Both men agreed to the challenge. The first man started chopping at the tree immediately. The second man sat down nearby and thought about how to do the job. After about a half an hour the first man was barely of the way through and perspiring terribly. The second man, still sitting, was sharpening his axe. When the first man was about way through chopping at the tree, the second man got up with his finely sharpened axe and started making precision cuts on the second tree. After about fifteen minutes the first man stopped to rest as the second man continued cutting his tree. The first man, while resting, watched as the second man made the second tree fall. The farmer paid the second man the $1000, who then proceeded to the first mans tree and made a couple of well aimed chops and chopped that tree down also. The moral of this story is to take the time to sharpen your own skills. Take the time to THINK and grow rich. Take it from someone who cant seem to sit still, slow down and spend at least half an hour every day in sending out positive vibrational energy into the Universe. Here is your challenge: Remember that boat on the river? It is a ONE person boat. Dont try to change the world, just change YOUR world. Dont worry about what anyone else is doing, especially your family and friends. They have their own boat to paddle. One of the biggest problems is that we get something to work and the first thing we want to do is try to shove it down someone elses throat. We are not ready to teach, we are here to learn and to teach by example. Think of this life as a fantastic journey. You are here to enjoy the ride DOWN the river. However, you must go it alone. Take the time to spend ten or fifteen minutes three or four times a day saying to yourself: I AM HAPPY, I AM HEALTY, I AM PROSPEROUS. Keep saying it no matter how miserable your day may be. It takes time for these new vibrations to attract like vibrations from the subconscious pool of vibrations. This is NOT a magic lamp, that will give you what you ask for instantly. However, it will change the direction of your boat to flow down stream and every day it will feel a little better. As you stop telling the negative story your boat will pick up speed. Life will get easier for you, the sun will shine brighter, the rain will be a joy and you will start to wonder what everyone else is complaining about. Stop reading the newspaper, it is full of negative information that you cant do anything about anyway. Be very selective of what you watch on TV or at the Movie Theater. Turn off the talk radio and listen to motivational CDs. Take control of your mind. Like it is said: The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Use all your down time, like waiting for a red light or standing in line to talk to yourself. Go for a walk, use that time to go to that special place in the Universe where miracles happen. Keep a diary or write a boon on your progress, if you need to lose a few pounds use that as your ruler for your progress. Every time you see a penny on the ground, pick it up as a symbol of the money that is to follow. When someone asks you how you are doing, respond with Fantastic or Unbelievable. Smile a lot. Be kind, go out of your way to do an act of kindness, even if its just to hold the door open for someone. Tell your mate you love them at least three times a day. Teach your children that it is OK to color outside of the lines. Remember their minds are as old as yours only in a smaller body. Never lie to them, not even a little white lie. Lies are how we all got into this mess. Never stop asking these questions: WHO AM I?, WHY AM I HERE?, WHERE AM I GOING? You MUST be what you CAN be!

Peace, Len

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