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Thresholds & Issues in Primavera

These areas are not haunted by many primavera users. Very few instructors are explaining well about this topic to the learners on demand. Once the user got familiar in these topics, Users will be in elixir moon. First we will see the literary meaning for Threshold. A word of Threshold has several meanings. A region marking a boundary is a one of the meaning for Threshold. This meaning is functionally much fit for threshold in Primavera. Its nearly equal to the fixing of tolerance limit in days and monitors the WBS/ Activities. Lets understand this topic with an example first, At first the user defining his threshold limit for total float parameter (Lower Limit as 0 Days & Upper Limit as 5 Days). Now the threshold limit is 0-5 days. We shall say this is the tolerance limit of total float. During Monitoring operation, activities which are having total float value less than zero (Negative float) or more than 5 days will be identified & these activities will be highlighted in Issues. Here the user shall monitor the whole project or specific WBS by choosing the level of WBS. Obviously WBS Level 1 is represents the whole project. Now the user may raise the question, why you are explaining by Beating around the bush? Cant we do the same through Filters? Of course there is no doubt, In filters, you can define the upper & lower limits of total float then you can choose your specific WBS level & even the date range too. Here the characteristics of Thresholds are more or less similar to Filters like the difference between Human and Chimpanzee. The main difference is in Thresholds, the activities which are not fall between the thresholds limits will be transferred and highlighted in Issues. Then through Issues, you can alert the concern responsible manager through mail. You can highlight & bring these issues to the concerns attention. A network user can get many privileges than stand alone user while doing OBS & Issues. As I mentioned above, the user has to set the boundary by defining Upper and Lower Threshold for selective parameters. ( Parameter values shall be in Days or Percentage or Cost or Ratio ) Parameters which are following days value: ( Start Date Variance, Finish Date Variance, Total Float & Free Float ) Parameters which are following Percentage value: (Duration % of Original & Cost % of Budgeted ) Parameters which are following Cost value: ( Accounting Variance, Cost Variance, Schedule Variance & VAC ) Parameters which are following Ratio value : ( Cost Performance Index, Schedule Performance Index, Schedule Variance Index & Cost Variance Index ) After defining the threshold, the user shall apply that to a specific WBS / Activity. The user shall define the level of detail as they want. The users shall monitor the threshold at the activity level,

or WBS level. Threshold in WBS Level: If user monitors a threshold at the WBS level, each activity contained in the specified WBS element is tested, and then all issues are summarized to the WBS element, rather than each activity.

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