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GDP Gate and Decision Main Objectives and Output

Every Gate and Decision Point has one Main Objective and a number of Main Outputs to pass through the Gate. In the table below, the Main Objective and the Main Outputs for each Gate are listed. Also included in the table are the main actions to start immediately after a Gate has been opened. The following criteria are recurrent in all Gates: Provide detailed plan and secure and secure resources up to next Gate Provide updated Project Assurance Plan All Project Decision Points have the following criteria in common: Commitment to deliver what is presented at the Project Decision Point Resources secured up to the next Project Decision Point.

Product Change Initiation Decision

Main Objective for Product Change Initiation Decision Approve the Project Scope to start up the project Main deliverables as input to Product Change Initiation Decision Project Scope Market Analysis Cost frame and profitability target Preliminary Series Production-Start Project Class Resources secured for Pre-Study phase PSL and/or Architect appointed Provide detailed plan and secure resources up to next Gate Provide updated Project Assurance Plan Action after Product Change Initiation Decision Start the development of the project content

Vision Gate
Main Objective for Vision Gate Confirm visions from all stakeholders collected Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Approve first release of prerequisites, including all stakeholders visions

Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Vision Gate Project Prerequisites issued with stakeholder targets based on the project scope Profitability Calculation Updated Project Main Time Plan Initiated Risk identified and assessed on a project level Action after Vision Gate Consolidate stakeholder visions into Project Prerequisites Translate and balance prerequisites into requirements Create alternative concept solutions

Concept Study Gate and Decision

Main Objective for Concept Study Gate and Decision Approve preliminary Project Content and alternative concept solutions Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Approve project prerequisites with prioritized targets Approve requirements on a complete offer level Approve selection of alternative concept solutions Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Concept Study Gate and Decision Project Prerequisites with priorotized targets documented, issued and signed at current gate status Requirement Specification on Complete Offer level issued Alternative product concepts based on requirements created CAD modules of LOM E released Concept alternatives documented in Technical Description Vision DMU's and models produced Different industrial process concepts, based on Requirements, documented

Verification and Validation plan initiated, including physical and virtual test requirement analysis and certification needs based on Requirements Class-D DSM (Vehicle Design Concepts) released Concept Suppliers selected & Concept Agreement signed Profitability Calculation updated Detailed Time Plans Developed, Project Main Time Plan Updated Risk Analysis and related action plans updated based of the different concepts Action after Concept Study Gate and Decision Develop and evaluate alternative concepts

Concept Gate
Main Objective for Concept Gate Choose concept Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Approve the selection of concept Approve preliminary project description Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Concept Gate Project Prerequisites updated including Base Product Specification (BPS GDI 960-40) Project Description Compiled and Issued Requirement Specification Updated and Issued on a vehicle module and sub-system level Product concept selected CAD Modules of LOM E or F released for complete product, covering all variants in project scope Concept DMU's and models defined and produced Industrial Process concept chosen Class-C DSM (Product Design Concept) Released Statement of Work for RFQ created Possible new Aftermarket concepts selected and documented

Profitability Calculation updated including working capital calculations, volumes and markets Project Time Plans Updated Risk Analysis and related Action Plans Updated supporting the concept choice Action after Concept Gate Develop chosen concept further to achieve commitment

Development Gate and Decision

Main Objective for Development Gate and Decision All parties commit to the selected concept described in the Project Description, thereby establishing the pre-contract agreement. Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Recommend go/no-go decision to decision body, based on: Approve frozen Project Prerequisits Approve the updated project description Pre Contract agreement signed Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Development Gate and Decision Project Prerequisites frozen Project Description updated A-Interface and marriage points decided CAD Modules of LOM F released Physical Development Builds produced Concept DMU's and models produced Industrial consequences of chosen concept agreed (e.g. production process and logistics) Verification and Validation Plan with Certification needs updated Product Concept Validated With Customer Class B DSM (Agreed Product Design) released Potential Key Component Supplier List established for approval (Global Sourcing Process step 3)

Development Supplier selected & Agreements signed (Development Agreement/Purchasing Agreement/ Warranty Charter/PPM agreement) Aftermarket Support Plan Updated Key Components Selected Profitability calculation updated including working capital calculations, volumes and markets Project Time Plans Established Project Delivery Plan broken down for all remaining gates and approved (see GDI 960-48) Pre-Contract Agreement Signed Risk Analysis Updated Action after Development Gate and Decision Start detailed development of selected and committed concept

Final Development Contract Gate and Decision

Main Objective for Final Development Contract Gate and Decision All parties commit to carry out the project according to the Project Description, covering QDCF fulfillment and accepted risk level, thereby establishing the contract agreement. Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Recommend go/no-go decision to decision body, based on: Approve the frozen Project Description describing all solutions Contract signed Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Final Development Contract Gate and Decision Project Description frozen Technical Description frozen Release and Delivery Plan for parts and release plans for CAD modules updated Part Documentation in B-stage released for the complete scope of the project CAD Modules in LOM G released for the complete scope of the project Development DMU's and models produced

Physical Development Builds produced Industrial Structure decided Industrial process decided based on Manufacturing and logistic changes Verification and Validation Plan frozen including certification activities Product verified and validated allowing the project to freeze all plans and commit to deliver the requested QDCF deliveries according to the contract Product Concept Validated With Customer Key component suppliers selected based on B stage documentation, according to the Global Sourcing Process Production Supplier confirmed & Price Agreement Signed Potential Supplier List for remaining parts prepared for RFQ (Request for Quotation) Sales and Marketing Plan frozen Aftermarket Support Plan frozen Quality Assurance Plan frozen Profitability Calculation updated and Commitment to project targets obtained Project Time Plan Finalized and Committed to Project Delivery Plan Frozen Contracts Signed Risk Analysis Updated Action after Final Development Contract Gate and Decision Perform Verification and Validation of the complete project scope, according to plan

Equipment Gate
Main Objective Equipment Gate Procure long lead-time tools and equipment Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Approve proposed investments and toolings Profitability calculation reviewed and accepted Project time plans reviewed and accepted Project risk management reviewed and accepted Main deliverables as input to Equipment Gate

Required C-stage drawings released according to commitment with manufacturing Economic approval of investments and tooling established Suppliers for manufacturing equipment with long lead-time proposed Cost and profitability calculation updated Project time plans updated Risk analysis updated Action after Equipment Gate Order PPAP (ISA) for long lead-time tools to assure supplier part quality

Industrialisation Gate and Decision

Main Objective Industrialisation Gate and Decision Confirm project is ready for full industrialisation Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Recommend go/no-go decision to decision body, based on: Approve that the project can start full Industrialization Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Industrialisation Gate and Decision Product documentation for complete project scope released with DCN (Late Stage structure) Needed Parts released in C-stage documentation according to Part Release and Delivery Plan Build plan synchronized with the Production plan (specify needed Bill of Material) Industrial structure confirmed as decided at FDCG Industrial process confirmed based on Manufacturing and logistic changes Production build plan confirmed and updated relative plan decided at FDCG Purchase orders for parts and part tools based on C-stage documentation issued Purchase orders for long lead time production tools and long lead time plant equipment based on C-stage documentation issued Verification & Validation performed with results in line with the QDCF targets and supporting the investments in rebuilding factories/plants Product Validated With the Customer and Bodybuilder

All Remaining Suppliers Selected Profitability Calculation Updated All time plans in the project updated Risk Analysis Updated with Identification and acceptance of risks for rebuilding factories/plants Action after Industrialisation Gate and Decision Order PPAP (ISA) to assure supplier part quality Adapt the factories for production Produce Industrialisation vehicles based on parts out of production tooling. Start setting the time of the TA structure

Pre-production Gate
Main Objective for Pre-Production Gate Confirm that Part and Product Quality are ready to start Production Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Approve that Part and Product Quality are ready to start Production Approve that Production is ready to produce according to planned process and methods Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Pre-Production Gate Part Documentation released in P-stage according to Part Release and Delivery Plan CAD Modules released in G according to CAD Module Release Plan CAD Modules of LOM G and parts of P-stage released in late stage structure Physical Industrialization Vehicles Built and Audited Industrial process finalised based on Manufacturing and logistic changes Remaining production tools and plant equipment ordered and installation confirmed Ensure all parts are prepared for procurement Verification and Validation performed with results in line with the QDCF targets with Protus results on an acceptable level APQP industrialisation Review for Development and Key component suppliers

PPAP approval of code Y, D, T or P for all parts Profitability Calculation Updated Time plans confirmed Risk Analysis Updated with identification and acceptance of risks for starting Production Action after Pre-Production Gate Start of production according to Production Plan to validate production processes

Launch Gate and Decision

Main Objective for Launch Gate and Decision Decide to launch product Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Decide to Launch product Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Review and approve risk analysis Main deliverables as input to Launch Gate and Decision Production DMUs and models produced Physical Production Vehicles/Components Built With Production Tools and Processes with PPAP code Y, D, T or P Production Ready to Phase In New/Phase Out Old Components and Systems to Support the Market Launch Verification and Validation performed and feature targets validated with customer Sales and Marketing Confirmed Ready for Market Launch Review Aftermarket support development in line with Aftermarket/time plan and part documentation releases Quality Analysis Performed according to Quality Assurance Plan Production audits and QDCF fulfillment accepted for Launch Profitability Calculation updated Time Plans Confirmed Risk Analysis Updated and preventive actions taken Action after Launch Gate and Decision Start sales

Perform market activities e.g. press release

Release Gate
Main Objective for Release Gate Approve and sign off that product is ready for Series Production, based on QDCF fulfilment and acceptable risk level Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Release Product for series production Release Product to Costumer Review and approve time plans Review and approve profitability calculation Main deliverables as input to Release Gate Industrial system ready for SP-start according to agreed production plan Verification and Validation Plan is fulfilled proving QDCF target fulfillment and fault level and certification OK CertPlan fulfilled Sales and Marketing Plan Implemented with validation of release per market Aftermarket product and services confirmed ready and released to customer according to plan PPAP approval of code Y for all parts Product approved for market release and Product Release Contract signed Profitability calculation updated Time Plans and Resources Confirmed Risk Analysis Finalized

Action after Release Gate Start Series Production

End Gate
Main Objective for End Gate Release project and hand-over to line organisation Key decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee to open the gate Approve project closure and hand over to line organisation

Main deliverables as input to End Gate Series Production followed up to ensure production speed and quality report problems APQP closure All Quality Targets Accepted Profitability Calculation Finalized White Book Finalized and Issued Project Team Released Preparations for Line Organization take over Action after End Gate Closure of project and line organization takes full responsibility of the product.

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