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WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Course Code: ECPE-19 Prere uisites:Co!!

u"i#$tio" Credits: (3:1:0)

Course o%&e#ti'es: 1. Understand the principles of wireless communication. 2. Employ the Cellular concepts in mobile communication systems and Analyze the significance of improving capacity in cellular systems with limited radio spectrum. 3. Employ the concept of multiple access techni ue to access a common wireless channel by many users. !. "emonstrate different wireless channel coding and modulation techni ues. #. Understand the functional bloc$s of %&' and Classify different types of channels in (&) *# C"'A standard. Course Co"te"ts:
UNIT ( I I"trodu#tio": +rinciples of wireless communication, -istory, 'obile Communication, .asic concepts, e/amples of wireless communication systems, "ifferent generations of wireless networ$s 0 1%, 2%, 3%, !% networ$s. UNIT ( II Ce))u)$r S*ste! Co!+o"e"ts1 Common cellular networ$ components, views of cellular networ$s, cellular component identification call establishment, fre uency reuse, channel assignment strategies, -andoffs 0 (nterference and &ystem capacity . UNIT ( III Mu)ti+)e A##ess S#,e!es: 2"'A techni ues 0 3verview, 4"'A, Capacity of cellular systems, C"'A technology, C"'A channel concepts, C"'A 3perations . UNIT ( IWire)ess Modu)$tio": 34"', path loss models, 5ireless coding techni ues, digital modulation techni ues. UNIT ( St$"d$rds: Ultra 5ide .and 6adio technology, 2ypical %&' Architecture and &ystem -ardware, 5ireless 7A8 0 (ntroduction to (EEE 9:2.1#/ standard evolution, .luetooth Architecture and Applications, .luetooth controller basics 0 operational status, ;igbee . Te.t %oo/s: 1. 2heodore &. 6appaport, <5ireless Communications 0 +rinciples and +ractice, 2 nd Edition, +earson Education, 2::2. 2. 'ullet, <5ireless 2elecom &ystems and 8etwor$s=, 2homas 7earning, 2::>. Re0ere"#es: 1. 7ee 5.C.?, <'obile Cellular 2elecommunication=, '%-, 2::2. 2. " + Agrawal, <5ireless Communication=, 2 nd Edition, 2homas 7earning, 2::@.

Course 1e)i'er*: 2he course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction, group discussions, presentations and e/ercises. Course Assess!e"t $"d E'$)u$tio":


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Co"tri%uti"5 to Course Out#o!es

1ire#t $ssess!e"t !et,ods


(nternal assessment tests &urprise testFAuiz &eminars &tandard e/amination

2hrice BAverage of the best two will be computedC 3nce &tudents Conducted at the end of the course End of course BAnswering five out of ten uestionsC 'iddle of the course

3: 1: 1: 1::

.lue boo$s Answer sheets &eminar reports Answer scripts 4eedbac$ 4orms Auestionnaire

1,2,3,! E # 6ecollection s$ills # 1,2,3,! E #


I"dire#t $ssess!e"t !et,ods

&tudents feedbac$


1,2,3,! E #, "elivery of the course. 1,2,3,! E #, Effectiveness of delivery of instructions and assessment methods

&tudents End of course survey End of the course


Auestions for C(E and &EE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components B.looms ta/onomyC such as1 6emembering and understanding the course contents Bweightage1 !:DC Applying the $nowledge ac uired from the course Bweightage1 2#DC "esigning and analyzing various electronic circuits Bweightage1 2#DC Understanding of various system models Bweightage1 1:DC

Course Out#o!e:

"escribe the principles of wireless communication. Employ the Cellular concepts in mobile communication systems and Analyze the significance of improving capacity in cellular systems with limited radio spectrum. Employ the concept of multiple access techni ue to access a common wireless channel by many users. And "escribe different multiple access techni ues in %&' and C"'A standards. "emonstrate different wireless channel coding and modulation techni ues. Understand the functional bloc$s of %&' .and Classify different types of channels in (&) *# C"'A standard.

M$++i"5 Course Out#o!es 2it, Pro5r$! Out#o!es: Pro5r$!!e Out#o!es Course Out#o!es
CO16 Understand the principles of wireless communication. CO76 Employ the Cellular concepts in mobile communication systems

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with limited radio spectrum


Employ of a techni ue channel

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concept access access wireless

multiple common

many users.

CO86"emonstrate different wireless channel coding and modulation techni ues.

CO96 Understand the

functional bloc$s of

%&' .and Classify different types of channels in (&)*# C"'A standard.





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