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Allelopathic interaction of an alien invasive specie Anthemis cotula on its neighbours Conyza canadensis and Galinsoga parviflora

Author(s): Rashid, I (Rashid, Irfan) ; Reshi, ZA (Reshi, Zafar 1 A.) Source: ALLELOPATHY JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Pages: 7791 Published: JAN 2012 Times Cited: 0 (from Web of Science) Cited References: 63 [ view related records ] Map Citation

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Abstract: We studied the allelopathic effects of aqueous leaf leachate of alien invasive plant Anthemis cotula L., on seed germination and seedling growth of its two co-associates : Conyzacanadensis (L.) Cronq. and Galinsoga parviflora Cav. in filter paper and soil bioassays. Allelopathic inhibition of seed germination showed species-specific and dosedependent response with highest inhibition occurring at the leachate concentration of 10,000 ppm. Inhibitory effect was more pronounced in filter paper bioassay than in soil bioassay and G. parviflora was more sensitive to allelochemical(s) than C. canadensis. Interestingly, the seed germination of A. cotula was promoted by its own leachate at low concentration and inhibited at high concentration. Contributory role of allelopathy and soil in relation to invasiveness of A. cotula is highlighted. Accession Number: WOS:000302462600007 Document Type: Article Language: English Author Keywords: Allelopathy; Anthemis cotula; Conyza canadensis; Galinsoga parviflora germination bioassays; leaf leachate; plant invasion KeyWords Plus: EXOTIC PLANT INVASION; SEEDGERMINATION; GROWTH; NITRIFICATION; CROPS; L.; INTERFERENCE; RHIZOSPHERE; COMPETITION; MECHANISMS Reprint Address: Rashid, I (reprint author), Univ Kashmir, Dept Bot, Srinagar 190006, Jammu & Kashmir, India. Addresses: 1. Govt Coll, Dept Bot, Baramulla 93101, Jammu & Kashmir, India E-mail Address: Publisher: ALLELOPATHY JOURNAL, INTERNATIONAL ALLELOPATHY FOUNDATION, 101, SECTOR 14, ROHTAK 124 001, HARYANA, INDIA Web of Science Categories: Agronomy Research Areas: Agriculture IDS Number: 921FD ISSN: 0971-4693
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