Dateline Topic/Them E Sound Syste M: Writing A Paragraph To Tell What The Poem Is About Talking About Themes in Poems

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LANGUAGE FOR INTERPERSONAL USE Talk about daily routines. Talk about friends. Write a si !le a""ount on one#s friend#s a bition. Write a letter to a friend on one#s a bition.

LANGUAGE FOR INFORMAIONAL USE $ead and understand e%"er!ts of bro"&ures on 'ob des"ri!tions. ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to an inter*ie+ +it& a firefi)&ter. ,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas.



(Notify if u !"#$ to %$$t t&$ '!t$#i $(

POEM- - WO,DE$ $e"itin) !oe



Writing a paragraph to tell what the poem is about Talking about themes in poems
.nderstandin) fi)urati*e lan)ua)e-i a)es

(i !le !resent tense for &abitual a"tions /W&# +ords

r0r0 and l0l0

LHTL 1obtain infor ation fro different sour"es -2T 1send an eail 1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi" +ebsites M1so"ial intera"tion Pre!aration for real +orld 1obtain infor ation. LHTL 1seek infor ation -2T 1usin) +ebsites

Antony s

3- 4


Ask 7uestions !olitely to )et infor ation on a flyer. (eek "larifi"ation to )et "ertain infor ation about an e%&ibition. $ead to!i"s of interest and dis"uss "ertain !oints +it& friends.

$ead and understand an arti"le on Pulau Duyun). ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to a tele*ision !ro)ra ed8 #Meetin) Peo!le#. ,ote i !ortant details. Des"ribe an a"ti*ity. -dentify su!!ortin) details. (e7uen"e ideas. Make si !le

(HO$T (TO$9- One is One and All Alone

Giving the sequence of events in a story Talking about setting (time and place) in a story

(ub'e"t-*erb a)ree ent Pun"tuation"a!ital letters and full sto!s.

s0s0 and :0:0

(ynony s

;<= >

?a ous fa"es THEME : PEOPLE

Talk about one#s fa*ourite !ersonalities. E%!ress "on)ratulations and res!ond. 2on)ratulate and )i*e "o !li ents and res!ond a!!ro!riately Parti"i!ate in "lass dis"ussion.. Write a "ard to one#s fa*ourite !ersonality.

!redi"tions. -dentify key ideas. Write a des"ri!tion of a Malaysian &andi"raft. $ead and understand an arti"le on a re arkable an. ("an for details. Listen to a "on*ersation. ,ote i !ortant details. Take di"tation. -dentify ain ideas. Make si !le !redi"tions. Write an a""ount on a !erson.

(HO$T (TO$9- One is one and All Alone

Talking about characters in the story and writing brief descriptions saying what one thinks of a character Describing characters in the text

Ad'e"ti*es t&at s&o+ 7ualities. (i !le !ast tense.

*0*0 and +0+0

LHTL 1obtain infor ation fro an atlas -2T 1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi" +ebsites 5alues 1dili)en"e8 &ard +ork

Antony s

@ -1A


Ask 7uestions to )et infor ation. Ans+er 7uestions and )i*e details. Parti"i!ate in "lass dis"ussion. $ead to!i"s of interest and dis"uss "ertain !oints +it& friends.

$ead and understand an inter*ie+. ("an for details. Take di"tation. Listen to a ne+s re!ort. ,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas. -dentify su!!ortin) details. -dentify "ause and effe"t Write a "o !osition on !ollution in a to+n.

(HO$T (TO$9- One is One and All Alone

Talking about the message the writer is putting across

?uture tense usin) /)oin) to# Pun"tuation B 7uestion arks.

0e0 and 0ae 0C:0 and 0D0 0.0 and 0.0:

-2T 1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi" +ebsites 5alues 1"are for t&e en*iron ent

Prefi% / is#



Ask 7uestions to )et infor ation. Ans+er 7uestions and )i*e details. Offer &el! and res!ond a!!ro!riately. 2o !lete a ne+s!a!er re!ort.

$ead and understand an internet arti"le on flas& floods. ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to a ne+s bulletin on t&e after effe"ts of a flas& flood. Tell +&at t&e te%t is about. ,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas. Dra+ ob*ious "on"lusions. Desi)n a t&ank you "ard to e%!ress a!!re"iation. Write a si !le a""ount on a flas& flood. $ead and understand a talk on t&e i !ortan"e of !lay to "&ildren. ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to a "on*ersation bet+een t+o "on"erned ot&ers. ,ote i !ortant

(HO$T (TO$9- One is One and All Alone

Talking about values found in the text

Pre!ositions of dire"tion. ?or ation of t&e !lural +ords endin) +it& /f# and /fe#.

0-0 and 0i: 0 0E: 0 and 0F0

LHTL 1obtain infor ation fro an atlas 5alues 1safety

Prefi% /re#

14 - 1G

6-5E .( (PA2E TO $., A,D PLA9 THEME : E,5-$O,ME ,T

E%!ress satisfa"tion and dissatisfa"tion on a !lay)round in one#s nei)&bour&ood. Parti"i!ate in a dis"ussion.

POEM- HE-$ 2O,D-T-O,-,6

eciting a poem Writing a paragraph to tell what the poem is about Talking about setting in poems

,e)ati*e state ents. Pun"tuation B e%"la ation arks.

0 Cu0 and 0Hu0

5alues 1e%!ress a!!re"iation 8 "oo!eration T&inkin) skill 1"reati*e and "riti"al t&inkin) M-

(uffi% /ful#

details. -dentify ain ideas. Dra+ ob*ious "on"lusions. -dentify key ideas. Write a si !le a""ount on a )oton)royon) a"ti*ity.

elating the setting to one!s life

1kinest&eti" intelli)en"e

1; < 1=

T-ME -( 6OLD THEME : (O2-AL -((.E(

.nderstand t&e ty!es of ser*i"es a*ailable at a s!orts "entre. Make en7uiries as to +&at a s!orts "entre offers. Make furt&er en7uiries *ia a tele!&one. ?ill in a re)istration for .

1> < 1@

WHAT A$E ?$-E,D( ?O$ THEME : (O2-AL -((.E(

Talk about 7ualities one looks for in a friend. Parti"i!ate in "lass dis"ussion.

$ead and understand e%"er!ts of a diary. ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to a talk on &o+ to s!end t&e &olidays benefi"ially. ,ote i !ortant details. $ead and understand a si !le table. -dentify ain ideas. Write an a""ount on &o+ one s!ent t&e &olidays. Dra+ ob*ious "on"lusions. $ead and understand an arti"le on &o+ to build a &ealt&y friends&i!. ("an for details. Take di"tation. Listen to t&e *ie+s of t&ree students on friends&i!. ,ote i !ortant

POEM- HE-$ 2O,D-T-O,-,6

Talking about themes in poems elating events and values in the poem to one!s life "aying what one thinks of the poem

Pun"tuation B a!ostro!&e for "ontra"tions. Arti"le /t&e#

ed0t 0and ed0d0

5alues 1&ard +ork 8 !arti"i!ation T&inkin) skill 1"riti"al t&inkin) M1kinest&eti" intelli)en"e

(uffi% /less#

$E5-(-O, ?O$ L-TE$AT.$E

Describing characters in the text Talking about values found in the text Talking about themes

,e)ati*e ad'e"ti*es usin) /i I and /un# Pronouns B sub'e"ts and ob'e"t !ronouns

0ea0 and 0uH0

T&inkin) skill 1sol*e !roble M1kinest&eti" intelli)en"e -2T 1re!ly to an e- ail

(ynony s

details. -dentify ain ideas. -dentify su!!ortin) details. ?ollo+ se7uen"e of ideas. Dra+ ob*ious "on"lusions. -dentify key ideas. $e!ly a letter fro a friend to offer ad*i"e. Ask 7uestions !olitely. 6i*e instru"tions orally. 6i*e ad*i"e.

in poems

1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi" +ebsites

24 - 2G




6i*e ad*i"e on a &ealt&y diet. Parti"i!ate in a dis"ussion. $ead to!i"s of interest and s&are infor ation +it& friends.

$ead and understand a letter on +&at beauty eans. ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to a talk on !ersonal &y)iene. ,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas. -dentify su!!ortin) details. ?ollo+ se7uen"e of ideas. -dentify key ideas. A!!ly !ro"ess +ritin) skills on !ro!er dental "are. $ead and understand a talk on t&e i !ortan"e of breakfast. ("an for details. Take di"tation. Listen to t&e ad*i"e on !ro!er +ays to "ook *e)etables. ,ote i !ortant details.


2onne"tors K se7uen"e "onne"tors and "on'un"tions L

es0i:0ie s 0ai:0 and *es0*:l0

Giving the sequence of events in a story

Jno+led)e a"7uisition 1learn about a fa ous aut&or. T&inkin) skill 1"reati*e t&inkin)

(ynony s


Pre!osition /of# Modal *erbs.

Endin) sound s0s0 and s0:0

Talk about

Pre!aration for real +orld -obtain infor ation -learn nutritional *alue on food labels.

A )rou! of +ords t&at are related to one anot&er

-dentify ain ideas. -dentify su!!ortin) details. (e7uen"e ideas. Make si !le !redi"tions. -dentify "ause and effe"t. A!!ly !ro"ess +ritin) skills on t&e to!i" /W&at is a &ealt&y diet#.

!la"e8 ti e and "&ara"ters in a story

Jno+led)e a"7uisition 1learn about food !yra id -2T 1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi" +ebsites Ad'e"ti*es of "o !arisons Possessi*e !ronouns Past tense for ed0d0 and ed0id0 LHTL 1obtain infor ation fro different sour"es -2T 1read a +eb !a)e 5alues 1safety A )rou! of +ords t&at are related to one anot&er

2>- 2@

?., WA9( TO ?-T,E(( THEME : HEALTH

.nderstand t&e s!orts a"ti*ites offered durin) a s!orts a+areness "a !ai)n. Persuade a friend to try a s!orts a"ti*ity. Make furt&er en7uiries about t&e a"ti*ities offered. Write a si !le essa)e to !ersuade a friend.

3A- 32

6O-,6 O$6A,-2 THEME : (2-E,2E A,D TE2H,OLO6 9

Talk about a tri! to an a)ro touris far . 6i*e oral about +ritten instru"tions to ake "o !ost. $ead to!i"s of interest and dis"uss "ertain

$ead and understand a +eb !a)e on skateboardin). ("an for details. Take di"tation. Listen to a briefin) before a "ross-"ountry ra"e. ,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas. -dentify su!!ortin) details. ?ollo+ se7uen"e of ideas. Write an a""ount of a s!orts e*ent. Dra+ ob*ious "on"lusions. $ead and understand an arti"le on or)ani" far in). ?ollo+ se7uen"e of ideas in a dia)ra . ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to t&e *ie+s on or)ani" far in).


Talkin) about )&!*!)t$*+ in a story and +ritin) a si !le !ara)ra!& on one or t+o "&ara"ters0


.n"ountable nouns Pre!ositions of !la"e

(tresse s in t+o or t&ree syllable +ords

5alues 1fa ily8 "are for t&e en*iron ent -2T 1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi"

2onte%tual "lues

Talking about the message the writer is putting

!oints +it& friends.

,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas. -dentify su!!ortin) details. Write an a""ount on a tri! to Ha!!y A)ro far



33 -34

O.$ 6$EE, HE$-TA6E THEME : (2-E,2E A,D TE2H,OLO6 9

Parti"i!ate in a dis"ussion. $ead to!i"s of interest and dis"uss "ertain !oints +it& friends.

$ead and understand an e%tra"t fro an en"y"lo!edia on unusual !lants. ("an for details. ?ollo+ se7uen"e of ideas in a dia)ra . (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to a des"ri!tion about a nature tri!. ,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas. -dentify su!!ortin) details. ?ollo+ se7uen"e of ideas. -dentify key ideas. Write a des"ri!tion about a tri! to t&e ,ational Park.


Talk about *alues found in t&e dra a

(i !le !resent tense for fa"ts t&at are )enerally true ?uture for usin) /+ill#

(tresse s in "o !o und +ords

LHTL 1obtain infor ation fro *arious sour"es on edi"inal !lants. -2T 1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi" +ebsites Jno+led)e a"7uisition 1learn about !it"&er !lants

2onte%tual "lues

3; - 3=

-,,O5AT-O, ( -, TE2H,OLO6 9 THEME : (2-E,2E A,D TE2H,OLO6 9

Talk about latest inno*ations. Parti"i!ate in "lass dis"ussion. $ead about t&e latest inno*ations and dis"uss t&e "&an)es and benefits t&ey brin) to a an.


$ead and understand an arti"le on robots. ("an for details. (!ell it ri)&t. Listen to a talk on te"&nolo)y and its effe"ts. ,ote i !ortant details. -dentify ain ideas.. -dentify key ideas. Write a "o !osition des"ribin) one#s inno*ation.

(ay +&at one t&inks about t&e te%t 6i*e se7uen"e of e*ents Talk about "&ara"ters in t&e te%t $E5-(-O, ?O$ POEM(. (HO$T (TO$9 A,D D$AMA

Ad*erbs of !la"e and ti e Pun"tuation B a!ostro!&e to s&o+

2ontra "tions

Jno+led)e a"7uisition 1learn about debates -2T 1)et infor ation fro s!e"ifi" +ebsites T&inkin) skill 1"riti"al and "reati*e t&inkin)

2&an)e nouns to ad'e"ti*es

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