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Online Quizzes

1. The consideration in a contract must be: Of adequate value to promise Enforced by courts of law Of high worth to promise Accepted by parties on free consent 2. Which of the following is not a party to a contract of guarantee Surety Creditor !ndemnifier Debtor ". #nder section $1of contract act% when a promisee accepts performance from a third person% he afterwards: &an enforce it against promisor Can not enforce it against promisor Can not enforce it against third person Can enforce it against both promisor and third person $. When a supplier is unable to deli'er the goods on due date due to stri(e in his factory% according to )ection *+ of contract act% the agreement: Becomes void !s discharged Is not discharged Is voidable *. Which of the following is ,OT an element of bailment Contract Specific purpose Delivery of goods &hange of ownership +. - study of the legal source of law is called ........... -nalytical /urisprudence Historical urisprudence !thical urisprudence "egal urisprudence 0. Which of the following is not a contract of indemnity Insurance of car Insurance of wor#ers$ compensation Insurance of property !nsurance of life 1. !n #ndue !nfluence% the consent is obtained by: Threat %raud Domination &hysical force 2. 3&onsideration4 is an action which: Is done in the &ast Is in progress at &resent

Will supposed to be occur in 5uture 'ay occur in all the above situations

16. !n which section of &ontract -ct% the definition of proposal is pro'ided Section ()e* Section ()f* )ection 27a8 Section +)d* 11. The )ection 27g8 of contract act defines that an agreement not enforceable by law is said to be: ,alid agreement 9oid agreement ,oidable agreement Illegal agreement 12. - pledge can also be called a:an ........... Bailment -uarantee Indemnity ;awn 1". Which of the following is ,OT a type of damages Ordinary damages "iquidated damages &ompound damages .ominal damages 1$. Which of the following is ,OT true about <aw "aw is to maintain rights "aw upholds ustice "aw is used to redress wrongs <aw does not ensures public order 1*. !n case of #ndue !nfluence% the burden of proof lies upon ........ =ominating party Influenced party Both parties /he court 1+. &oercion is committing% or threatening to commit% any act forbidden by ......... ;a(istan ;enal &ode Criminal &rocedure Code Contract act Civil "aw 10. The e'olution of law o'er a period of time is studied as .......... >istorical /urisprudence !thical urisprudence "egal history Analytical urisprudence 11. -ccording to section 16 of contract act% an agreement in order to become a 'alid contract% must not be one of those that are e?pressly declared to be ........ by the law. 9oid

,oidable Illegal 0nenforceable

12. -greements without free consent are 'oidable under which section of &ontract -ct. )ection 12 Section +1 Section +( Section ++ 26. Which of the following is ,OT an essential for a 'alid proposal /he terms of the offer must be definite and clear /he offer must be capable of creating legal relationships /he offer must be communicated to the other party The offer must be in written form 21. The definition of contract is pro'ided by which section of &ontract -ct Section ()d* Section ()h* Section +)d* )ection 27h8 22. -ccording to section 2+ of contract act% e'ery agreement @in restraint of the marriageA of a minor is .......... ,alid 9oid .ot valid ,oidable 2". &onsideration must mo'e from: &romisor ;romisee A third party &romisee or any other person 2$. The court may grant rescission when ............ Contract is void Contract is voidable Contract is illegal Contract is unenforceable 2*. Br. - contracted to deli'er $266 (g of wheat to Br. C. Cut Br. - deli'ered $22* (g. !t is ........... A ,alid tender .ot a valid tender An invalid performance Breach of contract 2+. Which of the following damages includes indirect loss also that may arise due to breach of contract Ordinary damages Special damages

"iquidated damages .ominal damages

20. What will happen if a future e'ent% about which a contingent contract has been made% becomes impossible /he contract remains valid /he contract becomes voidable /he contract becomes void One party can sue the other in court 21. When an e?ecutory contract is completely performed% it becomes: ,alid contract ,oid contract !2ecuted contract "egal contract 22. !n which of the following conditions% the contract is 'oidable If one party is minor In absence of free consent If it is not enforceable at all If it cannot become void under any condition "6. !n which of the following cases promisee &-, ,OT terminate the contract 3hen there is attempted performance 3hen offer of performance is unconditional 3hen offer is made at proper place 3hen offer is to perform one of several 4oint &romises "1. Enforceability of a contingent contract is described in which section of contract act Section 5( Section 5+ Section 55 Section 56 "2. Each party to a contract is both promisor and promise in case of ............ &resent consideration 7eciprocal promises ,alid contract &art consideration "". Br. - contracts to pay Br. & Ds. 16666 if Br. &As house is burnt. Which type of contract is it Absolute contract Bilateral contract 8uasi contract Contingent contract "$. When a contract is fulfilled successfully% it leads to the .............. of the contract. 7emission Alteration

Discharge &erformance "*. !n case of breach of contract% measure of damages is the difference between: Contract price and price fi2ed by court Contract price and mar#et price on the date of breach Contract price and e2pected selling price Contract price and the highest mar#et price during the continuance of court

"+. -n offer to perform promise from one of se'eral Eoint ;romises is: A valid offer An invalid offer Breach of contract A conditional offer "0. Which of the following was subseFuently repealed from the contract act Sections 9: to (+5 Sections (+6 to (69 Sections (6; to (;( Sections (;+ to +5; "1. Which of the following condition is considered to be a compulsion for a contract Only an offer Only an acceptance Offer and acceptance Offer< acceptance and documentation "2. -ll of the following are powers of the )ecurities and E?change &ommission to control ,on Can(ing 5inance &ompanies 7,C5&8% EG&E;T: /o incorporate the .B%C /o follow board of directors /o require to furnish information /o order special audit $6. !f you reFuest your friend to buy a boo( for you% which contract is it Contract of guarantee Contract of agency Contract of bailment /here is no contract $1. Cilal% as per directions of -hmed sold goods o'er which -hmed had no rights to sell% but Cilal was not aware of this. -fterwards% Dashid% the true owner of the goods% sued Cilal and reco'ered the amount from him. Which of the following is true Ahmed is liable to Bilal Bilal is liable to 7ashid 7ashid is liable to Ahmed Ahmed is not liable to anyone $2. Which of the following is ,OT a phase in formation of a company Inauguration phase &romotion phase 7egistration phase

Commencement of business

$". !n the absence of any e?press pro'isions in <aw of ,egotiable !nstruments% which law is applicable Contract act Contract of sales Contract of agency Contract of guarantee

$$. !n which of the following cases promisee &-, ,OT terminate the contract 3hen there is attempted performance 3hen offer of performance is unconditional 3hen offer is made at proper place 3hen offer is to perform one of several 4oint &romises $*. -ll of the following must be included in a contract of sale% EG&E;T: /ime of delivery of goods &lace of delivery of goods Acceptance of delivery Advance payment of price $+. When a supplier is unable to deli'er the goods on due date due to stri(e in his factory% according to )ection *+ of contract act% the agreement Becomes void Is discharged Is not discharged Is voidable $0. !f two parties choose to enter into contracts with (nowledge of the commercial usage go'erning them% who will decide the terms of contract Court Contract act /he two parties /he two parties along with court $1. !f two parties choose to enter into contracts with (nowledge of the commercial usage go'erning them% who will decide the terms of contract Court Contract act /he two parties /he two parties along with court $2. 5raudulent misrepresentation as to contents of documents ma(es the contract ......... ,oid ,oidable Illegal !nforceable *6. -ccording to section "6 of contract act% wagering agreements are: ,oid

,alid 0nenforceable ,oidable *1. -ccording to section "6 of contract act% wagering agreements are: ,oid ,alid 0nenforceable ,oidable *2. &ompetent parties to a 'alid contract are defined in which section of contract act Section (1 Section (( Section (+ Section (5 *". -ll of the following are true about -rticles of -ssociation% e?cept: It is subordinate to memorandum of association It is a doctrine of indoor management= An alteration in it can be made through a special resolution by the company It rises the contracts between the company and the out side world *$. The definition of contract is pro'ided by which section of &ontract -ct Section ()d* Section ()h* Section +)d* Section +)h* **. Bere attempt to deceit the other party is ........... %raud 'isrepresentation .ot fraud if other party is not deceived Coercion *+. - person who promises to compensate the loss in a contract of indemnity is called: Indemnifier Indemnified Indemnity holder Indemnity owner *0. -ll agreements are contracts if they fulfill the reFuirements as contained in ........... of the &ontract -ct% 1102. Section > Section (1 Section (( Section (+

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