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Client AT&T Title “Imagine the Network” REV6

Elastic Creative Storyboard

Spot :90 spot Job #

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Script: "What is your idea of a network?" Script: “Is it a grid that connects people and Script: ...with speed and certainty?”
Visual: Black void. camera pulling back. Pulses of Visual: Arcing lines start connecting to nodes on
data reveal portions of a subtle, flat grid. Visual: very small pulses of data moving in an or- larger grid.
ganized fashion from one place to another on the
flat grid. Arcs begin to form on the grid.

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Script: "Can you imagine a network that helps Script: "We can." Script:
you work better, stretch farther, and do more? "
Visual: We reveal that the flat grid has now become Visual: Straight lines transform into organic, flowing
Visual: Camera continues pulling back and starting a global representation of the network. lines, and nodes fly off from globe.
to reveal hero globe.

Page 1
Client AT&T Title “Imagine the Network” REV6
Elastic Creative Storyboard
Spot :90 spot Job #

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Script: Script: “Imagine the network as a tele-porter, Script: allowing you to meet...
Visual: Stream of lines and nodes fly past camera Visual: The network reveals the shape of a portal. Visual: Outer portal nodes collapse to form tunnel.
and start to form portal. “Agents” fly into the scene and thru portal opening.
Portal opening would have a lighting effect when
“Agents” pass thru.

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Script: Script:
Script: face to face,
Visual: Camera zooms in thru portal opening into Visual: portal tunnel flies to next location. Zipping
tunnel. by camera Visual: Portal reforms at new location.

Page 2
Client AT&T Title “Imagine the Network” REV6
Elastic Creative Storyboard
Spot :90 spot Job #

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Script: anywhere in the world, instantly.” Script: “How much more will you accomplish?”
Visual: Portal door opens at new location. “Agents” Visual: “Agents” continue emerging from portal
start to emerge from portal opening. opening. Visual: Portal deconstructs. Network elements fly to
next scene.

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Script: Script: "Picture the network as a wizard, ... Script:
Visual: Lone node enters scene. Visual: Scene starts with single simple node Visual: “Poof !“ - Network magically explodes to
reveal many nodes in a chaotic space.

Page 3
Client AT&T Title “Imagine the Network” REV6
Elastic Creative Storyboard
Spot :90 spot Job #

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Script: conjuring up a new class of mobile appli- Script: transforming the nature of how... Script: and where work gets done."
Visual: Camera pulls back while connections are Visual: Camera continues to pull back. Object con-
Visual: Connections start being made revealing a being made revealing a deliberate shape. Object is tinues to create nodes and new connections.
pattern. Chaos starts to form into organization. slowly rotating

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Script: “How much better will you perform?” Script: Script:
Visual: Reveal a new/transformed network. Fully Visual: Wizard’s creation deconstructs. Visual: Transitional moment. Network elements fly
formed object continues to rotate. Shape will be illu- to next scene.
minated to give a feeling of life and dynamics.

Page 4
Client AT&T Title “Imagine the Network” REV6
Elastic Creative Storyboard
Spot :90 spot Job #

25 26 27
Script: Script: "Suppose the network is a rubber band Script: that dynamically expands...
with built in processing and storage...
Visual: Network elements fly into scene and start Visual: Single node multiplies to seven nodes, ex-
forming next shape. Visual: The network reveals the shape of a band. panding the band. White glow represents “agents”
putting demand on network.

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Script: and contracts in response to demand." Script: “How much more scalable will you be?" Script:
Visual: Nodes scale, contract, and move within band. Visual: Band expands to final shape Visual: Rubber-band deconstructs.

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Client AT&T Title “Imagine the Network” REV6
Elastic Creative Storyboard
Spot :90 spot Job #

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Script: Script: Script: “What if the network is a fortress,that
can separate friend from foe,...
Visual: Transitional moment. Network elements fly Visual: The network transforms into the shape of a
to next scene. cylinder. Visual: Data colored with AT&T approved colors
(TBD) are allowed into the fortress. (There will be
several data “agents” that fly thru opening.)

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Script: getting stronger with each bit of informa- Script: “How much more secure will you be?” Script:
tion that travels through it?"
Visual: Good and Bad data continue to be accepted Visual: Fortress cylinder deconstructs.
Visual: Data is repelled as the fortress gets stronger. and repelled.

Page 6
Client AT&T Title “Imagine the Network” REV6
Elastic Creative Storyboard
Spot :90 spot Job #

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Script: "And what if this is only the beginning?" Script: “Imagine how you can do more, with Script:
Visual: We have a “magic carpet ride” moment, and Visual: Transition to AT&T Business Solutions Title
then the network transforms into the opening globe. Visual: Hero Network Globe illuminated in a way
that would convey “opportunity”.

Visual: Dissolve to AT&T logo.

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