Shanti Dham Association Shanti Dham Association

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1 SHORT TITLE AND APPLICATION 1.2 These bye-laws may be called the bye-laws of SHANTI DHAM ASSOCIATION. 1. All !"ese#t$f%t%"e ow#e"s& o"'('#al allottees whose )lat a"e yet to be "e('ste"ed& te#a#ts& em!loyees of ow#e"s$te#a#ts a#d f%t%"e te#a#ts& a#y othe" !e"so# who m'(ht %se the fac'l't'es of )lats '# SHANTI DHAM '# a#y ma##e"& a"e s%b*ect to the "e(%lat'o#s set fo"th '# these bye-laws. 1.+ The me"e ac,%'s't'o# o" "e#tal o" ta-'#( o# l'ce#ce of a#y of the Dwell'#( %#'ts he"eafte" "efe""ed to as .%#'ts/& '# SHANTI DHAM o" me"e act of occ%!a#cy of a#y of the sa'd %#'ts w'll s'(#'fy that these bye-laws a"e acce!ted& "at'f'ed& a#d w'll be com!l'ed w'th. 1.2 DEFINITIONS. I# these bye-laws& %#less the co#te0t "e,%'"es othe"w'se1

1.2.1 .Act/ mea#s the 2a"#ata-a Soc'et'es 3e('st"at'o# Act& 1456 72a"#ata-a Act 18 of 14569 as ame#ded f"om t'me to t'me. 1.2.2 .Allottee/ mea#s the !e"so# to whom a )lat '# SHANTI DHAM was allotted by the B%'lde"7M". Cha#da# m'ttal9& a#d who has #ot yet "e('ste"ed h's )lat.

2 1.2. .Assoc'ate Membe"/ mea#s a# ow#e"$allottee$:;A holde" of the a(e of 1< yea"s a#d abo=e& of a )lat '# SHANTI DHAM whose #ame does #ot a!!ea" '# the f'"st !os't'o# '# the A!a"tme#t>s sha"e ce"t'f'cate. Th's class'f'cat'o# 's made o#ly fo" 'de#t'f'cat'o# at :e#e"al Body Meet'#(. 1.2.+ .Assoc'at'o#/ mea#s the Assoc'at'o# of all )lat ow#e"s& co#st't%ted by s%ch ow#e"s fo" the !%"!ose of ma#a(eme#t of SHANTI DHAM Com!le0. 1.2.? .Boa"d/ mea#s Boa"d of Ma#a(e"s 7BOM9& co#s'st'#( of #ot mo"e tha# #'#e !e"so#s& all of whom shall be ow#e"s of )lat '# MITTAL @ILLA a#d membe"s of SHANTI DHAM ASSOCIATION& "es'd'#( '# MITTAL @ILLA. 1.2.5 .B%'ld'#(s/ mea#s the b%'ld'#(s '# !"o!e"ty No.1$1? Aa"d No.<+ BM; located at SB.NO 24& 6 a#d 2& Be##'(a#ahall' @'lla(e& 2"'sh#a"a*a!%"am Hobl'& Ba#(alo"e-?566 < -#ow# as .Cal @ay% Towe"s/ a#d '#cl%des the la#d fo"m'#( !a"t the"eof. 1.2.8 .Decla"at'o#/ mea#s the decla"at'o#& wh'ch has bee# e0ec%ted a#d "e('ste"ed w'th S%b- 3e('st"a"& Ba#(alo"e. 1.2.< )'#a#c'al Bea" mea#s yea" comme#c'#( o# 61 A!"'l a#d e#d'#( o# 1 Ma"ch of the s%cceed'#( cale#da" yea". 1.2.4 He$She- Ao"ds 'm!o"t'#( the masc%l'#e (e#de" also '#cl%de the fem'#'#e (e#de" a#d ='ce =e"sa. 1.2.16 Cal @ay% Towe"s1 7C@T9 The a"ea of 4.+4< ac"es '# SB.No 24& 6 a#d 2& Be##'(a#ahall' @'lla(e& 2"'sh#a"a*a!%"am Hobl'&Ba#(alo"e So%th tal%-& Ba#(alo"e-?566 < layo%t !%"chased by M$S A'" )o"ce :"o%! I#s%"a#ce Soc'ety f"om M$S N:D) L'm'ted dated 6? A%(%st 1448 "e('ste"ed w'th S%b 3e('st"a"& 2"'sh#a"a*a!%"am Ba#(alo"e a#d de=elo!ed %#de" a self

3 f'#a#c'#( m%lt'-sto"ey a!a"tme#t com!le0 fo" se"='#( a#d "et'"ed !e"so##el of the Defe#ce Se"='ces a#d w'dows of Defe#ce ;e"so##el co#s'st'#( of +5< a!a"tme#ts a#d assoc'ated a"eas a#d fac'l't'es by M$S A'" )o"ce Na=al Ho%s'#( Boa"d& New Delh'. 1.2.11 .Ma*o"'ty of Ow#e"s/ mea#s ma*o"'ty '# a d%ly co#st't%ted (e#e"al body meet'#( whe"e #ot les tha# ?6 membe"s a"e !"ese#t. 1.2.12 .Membe"/ mea#s a# ow#e" of the a(e of 1< yea"s a#d abo=e whose #ame a!!ea"s '# the f'"st !os't'o# of the sha"e ce"t'f'cate of h's a!a"tme#t. Th's 's a class'f'cat'o# to e#able 'de#t'f'cat'o# at :e#e"al Body Meet'#(. 1.2.1 .Ow#e"/ o" .A!a"tme#t Ow#e"/ mea#s the !e"so# o" !e"so#s ow#'#( a# a!a"tme#t a#d ha='#( a# %#d'='ded '#te"est '# the commo# a"eas a#d fac'l't'es '# C@T whose a!a"tme#t 's d%ly "e('ste"ed w'th the a%tho"'Eed S%b 3e('st"a" ='E. S%b 3e('st"a"& 2.3.;%"am& Ba#(alo"e. Ahe# mo"e tha# o#e #ame a!!ea"s '# the sale deed %#de" .!%"chase"s/& all s%ch !e"so#s shall be co#s'de"ed as *o'#t ow#e"s& '#cl%d'#( the !e"so# at !os't'o# o#e '# the l'st of !%"chase"s. 1.2.1+ .3e('st"a"/ mea#s the C%"'sd'ct'o#al 3e('st"a". 1.2.1? .3es'de#t/ 's o#e who le(ally occ%!'es a %#'t e'the" as ow#e"& :;A holde" o" te#a#t d%ly a%tho"'Eed by the ow#e". 1.2.15 .Sect'o#/ mea#s a Sect'o# of the 2a"#ata-a Soc'et'es 3e('st"at'o# Act 1456& 72a"#ata-a Act 18 of 14569 as ame#ded f"om t'me to t'me. 1.2.18 FG#'t/ mea#s a Dwell'#( %#'t '.e. a# a!a"tme#t '# the C@T& as allotted by A)NHB& to(ethe" w'th %#d'='ded sha"e '# commo# a"ea.

4 1. APARMENT OWNERSHIP1 The a!a"tme#t of the b%'ld'#(s located at C@T& SB.No 24& 6 a#d 2& Be##'(a#ahall' @'lla(e& 2"'sh#a"a*a!%"am Hobl'& Ba#(alo"e H ?566 < fo"m'#( !a"t of Cal @ay% Towe"s a"e s%bm'tted to the !"o='s'o#s of the Act. 1.+ OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION1 The ob*ects of the Assoc'at'o# shall be1 1.+.1 To be a#d to act as the Assoc'at'o# of the A!a"tme#t Ow#e"s of the b%'ld'#(s called Cal @ay% Towe"s located at C@T& SB.No 24& 6 a#d 2& Be##'(a#ahall' @'lla(e& 2"'sh#a"a*a!%"am Hobl'& Ba#(alo"e - ?566 < 1.+.2 To !"o='de fo" a#d do all a#d a#y of the matte"s !"o='ded '# Sect'o# 7 9 of 2a"#ata-a Soc'et'es 3e('st"at'o# Act of 1456. 1.+. To c"eate a#d ma'#ta'# a 3es'de#ts> C%""e#t Acco%#t '#to wh'ch all co#t"'b%t'o# f"om membe"s as also s%"!l%s a"e c"ed'ted& to '#=est these f%#ds '# de!os'ts schemes of sched%led ba#-s a#d !%bl'c secto" %#de"ta-'#(s ea"#'#( '#te"est o# behalf of each membe". ;"of'ts a#d '#come 'f a#y w'll be %sed to !"omote the ob*ects of Soc'ety a#d the !ayme#t of a#y d'='de#d o" d'st"'b%t'o# of a#y '#come o" !"of'ts amo#( the membe"s of Cal @ay% Towe"s Ow#e"s Assoc'at'o# 's !"oh'b'ted. 1.+.+ To establ'sh a#d ca""y o# H o# 'ts ow# o" *o'#tly w'th '#d'='d%als o" '#st't%t'o#s H ed%cat'o#al& !hys'cal& soc'al a#d "ec"eat'o#al act'='t'es fo" the be#ef't of the "es'de#ts a#d the'" welfa"e. 1.+.? Dm!loyme#t of ch'ld labo%" '# Cal @ay% Towe"s A!a"tme#t Ow#e"s Assoc'at'o# 's !"oh'b'ted.

5 1.+.5 To f"ame "%les& w'th the a!!"o=al of the (e#e"al body of C@TAOA& fo" the ma#a(eme#t of C@T. 1.+.8 To "a'se f%#ds fo" c"eat'o# of the "e,%'"ed a#d ='able assets w'th'# C@T com!le0. 1.+.< If co#s'de"ed #ecessa"y& the C@TAOA may become a membe" of a#y )ede"at'o# of a!a"tme#t ow#e"s '# the local'ty '# wh'ch C@T 's located& s%b*ect to a!!"o=al of the A:M. 1.+.4 The Assoc'at'o# shall #ot act beyo#d the sco!e of 'ts ob*ects w'tho%t d%ly ame#d'#( the !"o='s'o# of these bye-laws fo" the !%"!ose. 1.+.16 To do all th'#(s #ecessa"y fo" the atta'#me#t of the ob*ects s!ec'f'ed '# these bye-laws. 1.? MEMBERS OF THE ASOCIATION1 1.?.1 Original members1 All !e"so#s who we"e allotted a# a!a"tme#t '# the C@T by the A)NHB a#d who ha=e "e('ste"ed the sa'd a!a"tme#t w'th the C%"'sd'ct'o#al 3e('st"a" a#d e0ec%ted "es!ect'=e decla"at'o# %#de" Sect'o# ? s%bm'tt'#( the'" a!a"tme#ts to !"o='s'o#s of the Act shall a%tomat'cally be membe"s of the Assoc'at'o#. They shall !ay 3s.1666$- 73%!ees O#e Tho%sa#d O#ly9 each as D#t"a#ce )ee '#cl%d'#( 3s 166$- 73%!ees O#e H%#d"ed O#ly9 be'#( the !"'ce of o#e sha"e. A co!y of bye- laws 's made a=a'lable o# !ayme#ts of 3s.166$-.

1.?.2 Members i! "n P#r$ ase "% an A!ar&men&1 G!o# a#y membe" o" ow#e" sell'#( h's a!a"tme#t& the !%"chase" 's obl'(ed to become a membe" of the Assoc'at'o# by f%lf'll'#( the follow'#(1 -

7'9 7''9

;ay 3s.1666$- to the C@TAOA as D#t"a#ce )ee c%m Sha"e T"a#sfe" )ee. Ha=e the a!a"tme#t "e('ste"ed a#d s%bm't a co!y of the sale deed to the Sec"eta"y& C@TAOA. The f'"st #ame o# the sale deed 's to be adm'tted as a membe" a#d othe" #ames o# the sale deed as assoc'ate membe"s.


;ay the Assoc'at'o# Lo#( Te"m Ma'#te#a#ce )%#d as o#e t'me #o#-"ef%#dable co#t"'b%t'o# at the "ate of 2I 7two !e"ce#t9 of the 3e('st"a">s =al%at'o# f'(%"e o" of the !"'ce o# the sale deed& wh'che=e" 's h'(he".


S%bm't a Decla"at'o# %#de" Sect'o# ? of the 2a"#ata-a A!a"tme#t Ow#e"sh'! Act& 1482.


The Sha"e ce"t'f'cate held by the selle" 7A!a"tme#t ow#e"$membe"9 shall be t"a#sfe""ed to the !%"chase" o# f%lf'll'#( the abo=e co#d't'o#s. The f'"st #ame o# the Sale Deed shall be !laced '# the f'"st !os't'o# of the sha"e ce"t'f'cate.


S%ms '#d'cated at !a"a("a!hs 1.?.1 a#d 1.?.2 a"e s%b*ect to "e='s'o# by "esol%t'o#s of the A:M$S:BM

'()(* Trans%er "% Members i! "n & e Dea& "% an O+ner, O# the death of a membe"& the !e"so# whose #ame a!!ea"s '# the h'(hest !os't'o# of the sha"e

7 ce"t'f'cate& #e0t to the deceased membe"& shall be "e(a"ded as a membe" of the assoc'at'o#. All "es!o#s'b'l't'es of a membe" w'll the"eafte" de=ol=e %!o# h'm. 1.?.+a O# the death of a# a!a"tme#t ow#e"& the le(al he'" o" he'"s may ta-e a!!"o!"'ate ste!s at the co#ce"#ed (o=e"#me#t a(e#c'es$co%"t to ha=e the ow#e"sh'! of the a!a"tme#t t"a#sfe""ed to h's$the'" #ame7s9. G!o# "ece'!t of doc%me#ts !e"ta'#'#( to t"a#sfe" of ow#e"sh'!& the #ame of the #ew ow#e" o" ow#e"s as the case may be& 's to be e#te"ed '# the 3e('ste" of A!a"tme#t Ow#e"s "e,%'"ed to be ma'#ta'#ed a#d %!dated by the Sec"eta"y.



1.5.1 Ahe"e a# a!a"tme#t 's !%"chased by two o" mo"e !e"so# *o'#tly& they shall be *o'#tly e#t'tled to the a!a"tme#t a#d the sha"e of the Assoc'at'o# shall be 'ss%ed '# the'" *o'#t #ames& b%t the !e"so# whose #ame sta#ds f'"st '# the sha"e ce"t'f'cate shall alo#e ha=e the "'(ht to =ote. The o"de" of #ames o# the sha"e ce"t'f'cate ca# be cha#(ed by the *o'#t ow#e" whose #ame a!!ea"s '# the f'st !lace o# the Sale deed by a# a!!l'cat'o# to the C@TAOA off'ce fo" a cha#(e a#d by the# s'(#'#( o# the "e=e"se of the ce"t'f'cate.

1.5.2 A !e"so# whose #ame a!!ea"s o# the sha"e ce"t'f'cate '# !os't'o# othe" tha# !os't'o# o#eJ shall& as *o'#t ow#e"& be te"med Assoc'ate Membe" of the Assoc'at'o#. He does #ot ha=e the "'(ht to =ote. 1.8 HOLDIN- OF ONE SHARE COMP.LSOR/1 It 's ma#dato"y fo" a# a!a"tme#t ow#e" to hold o#e sha"e of the Assoc'at'o#. Co'#t ow#e"s w'll hold o#ly o#e sha"e *o'#tly. Hold'#( of sha"e s'#(ly o" *o'#tly 's l'm'ted to o#e sha"e o#ly


:;A Holde"s1 - A !e"so# who holds ;owe" of Atto"#ey of a# ow#e"& b%t whose #ame does #ot a!!ea" '# the sale deed of the a!a"tme#t& shall be te"med Assoc'ate Membe" of the Assoc'at'o#. He shall #ot ha=e the "'(ht to =ote.

CHAPTER II 0OTIN-, 1.OR.M AND PRO2IES 3IN A-M4S-M5 6(' 0OTIN-. Dach a!a"tme#t 's e#t'tled to o#ly o#e =ote. The f'"st #amed '# the sha"e ce"t'f'cate shall alo#e ha=e the "'(ht to =ote& e0ce!t fo" !"o='s'o# %#de" S%b H !a"a 2. below. 6(6 1#"r#m. The !"ese#ce of f'fty membe"s& '#cl%s'=e of membe"s of the Boa"d shall co#st't%te a ,%o"%m& e0ce!t as !"o='ded fo" '# !a"a .5.1. below. 6(7 0OTE IN PERSON OR B/ PRO2/( No"mally& =otes a"e to be cast '# !e"so# by each membe". I# case of '#ab'l'ty to atte#d :BM$S:M a membe" may ('=e a s!ec'f'c a%tho"'Eat'o# '# w"'t'#( 7called ;3OKB9 o# the fo"mat s!ec'f'ed by the Sec"eta"y C@TAOA to a Co'#t Ow#e" of the a!a"tme#t& s!o%se o" a#othe" membe" who 's h'mself #ot d's,%al'f'ed to =ote& to "e!"ese#t h'm '# that !a"t'c%la" meet'#( a#d =ote o# h's behalf. S%ch a%tho"'Eat'o# sho%ld be "ece'=ed by the 3et%"#'#( Off'ce" at the Off'ce of the C@TAOA at least se=e# wo"-'#( days !"'o" to the sa'd meet'#(. No '#d'='d%al ca# acce!t mo"e tha# o#e !"o0y. 6(* Dis8#ali%i$a&i"n,

9 6(*(' A membe" shall #ot be e#t'tled to =ote o# a#y "esol%t'o# o" '# the elect'o#s fo" the !osts of ;"es'de#t& @'ce ;"es'de#t& Sec"eta"y& T"eas%"e" a#d $ o" othe" membe"s of the BOM 'f the"e a"e a#y C@TAOA d%es a(a'#st h'm o# the date of sc"%t'#y. 6(*(6 A d's,%al'f'ed membe" 's #e'the" e#t'tled to =ote '# a#y :BM$S:M #o" co#test a# elect'o# to the BOM. He may o#ly atte#d a :BM$S:M. 6(*(7 A membe" who has ='olated the Bye-Laws $3%les of the Assoc'at'o# may be d's,%al'f'ed at a :e#e"al Body Meet'#( afte"1 '9 The BOM has 'ss%ed a #ot'ce to h'm o# h's ='olat'o# of bye-laws$"%les ''9 Obta'#ed h's "e!ly to s%ch #ot'ce a#d e0am'#ed the same. If #o "e!ly 's "ece'=ed w'th'# the st'!%lated t'mef"ame& 't w'll be !"es%med that the membe" has #oth'#( to state. '''9 '=9 =9 BOM has the"eafte" "ecomme#ded h's d's,%al'f'cat'o# a#d He 's hea"d a(a'# by the :BM. Ma*o"'ty =ote fo" d's,%al'f'cat'o# by the :BM


10 .1.1 The Assoc'at'o# shall ha=e the "es!o#s'b'l'ty of adm'#'ste"'#( the C@T Com!le0. To th's e#d the Assoc'at'o# shall& th"o%(h the BOM& co#=e#e a##%al meet'#(s& a#d s!ec'al meet'#(s of the :e#e"al Body whe# "e,%'"ed& to a!!"o=e the a##%al b%d(et a#d dec'de %!o# !ol'cy matte"s affect'#( the membe"s. The Assoc'at'o# may f"ame 3GLDS to am!l'fy these Byelaws a#d these "%les shall be a!!l'cable to all membe"s$"es'de#ts afte" they a"e !assed by a ma*o"'ty '# a#y A:M$S:M. I# the e=e#t of do%bt& the Byelaws shall !"e=a'l o=e" the 3%les. .1.2 All "esol%t'o#s of the Assoc'at'o# shall "e,%'"e the a!!"o=al of a ma*o"'ty of el'('ble membe"s !"ese#t at the meet'#(. No "esol%t'o# ca# be !assed o# the sale& t"a#sfe" o" mo"t(a(e of a#y 'mmo=able !"o!e"ty of the Assoc'at'o# that co#st't%tes Commo# A"eas. .2 PLACE OF MEETIN-S1 Meet'#(s of the Assoc'at'o# shall be held at a s%'table !lace '# C@T& as dec'ded by the BOM. . ANN.AL -ENERAL BOD/ MEETIN-, The a##%al meet'#(s of the Assoc'at'o#s shall be held o# a day& o# o" befo"e the 2 of C%#e& as dec'ded by the BOM& each yea". At s%ch meet'#(s membe"s shall elect by =ot'#( a Boa"d of Ma#a(e"s as !e" !a"a +.? below. Membe"s may also t"a#sact othe" lawf%l b%s'#ess of the Assoc'at'o#& b"o%(ht befo"e the meet'#(. .+ SPECIAL MEETIN-1 The BOM shall call a s!ec'al meet'#( of the Assoc'at'o# as d'"ected by a "esol%t'o# of the Boa"d o" %!o# a !et't'o# by at least f'fty 7?69 membe"s ha='#( bee# !"ese#ted to the off'ce of the Assoc'at'o#. Not'ce of a#y s!ec'al meet'#( shall state the t'me a#d !lace of s%ch meet'#( a#d the !%"!ose the"eof. S%ch meet'#(s shall be sched%led w'th'# f'ftee# wo"-'#( days of the Boa"d "esol%t'o# o" "ece'!t of the !et't'o# at the off'ce. No othe" b%s'#ess shall be t"a#sacted at a


11 s!ec'al meet'#(& w'tho%t the co#se#t of a ma*o"'ty of the membe"s !"ese#t. .? NOTICE OF MEETIN-S1 The BOM shall ma'l& ema'l o# C@T Bahoo :"o%!& o" !aste o# A)NHB Aebs'te o" se#d a #ot'ce of each a##%al o" s!ec'al meet'#(& stat'#( the !%"!ose the"eof as well as the t'me a#d !lace whe"e 't 's to be held& to each membe"& at least twe#ty o#e days b%t #ot mo"e tha# th'"ty days !"'o" to s%ch meet'#(. All #ot'ces "e,%'"ed to be se#t by !ost shall be se#t %#de" a ce"t'f'cate of !ost'#( a#d those se#t by ha#d to "es'de#ts at C@T shall be d%ly ac-#owled(ed the membe">s a!a"tme#t. The ma'l'#( o" se#d'#( of a #ot'ce by elect"o#'c mea#s shall be co#s'de"ed #ot'ce se"=ed. 7(9 7(9(' ADJO.RNED MEETIN-S, If a#y A:M$S:M ca##ot be co#d%cted beca%se of a lac- of ,%o"%m& the BOM may ad*o%"# the meet'#( by twe#ty-fo%" ho%"s f"om the t'me the o"'('#al met'#( was called. If at s%ch ad*o%"#ed meet'#( also& #o ,%o"%m 's !"ese#t& the membe"s !"ese#t '# !e"so# be'#( #ot less tha# twe#ty f'=e 72?9& '#cl%d'#( !"o0'es a#d membe"s of the BOM& shall fo"m a ,%o"%m. 7(: 7(:(' '9 ''9 '''9 '=9 =9 ='9 =''9 ORDER OF B.SINESS, A:M-The o"de" of b%s'#ess shall be as followsJ 3oll call Ob't%a"'es& 'f a#y ;"oof of #ot'ce of meet'#(s o" wa'=e" of #ot'ceJ ;ass'#( of m'#%tes of !"eced'#( meet'#($meet'#(sJ 3e!o"ts of off'ce"sJ 3e!o"t of Comm'ttees& 'f a#yJ G#f'#'shed b%s'#ess& 'f a#y


12 ='''9 New B%s'#ess as !e" A(e#da wh'ch sho%ld '#cl%de Ado!t'o# of A%d'ted Acco%#ts& A!!o'#tme#t of A%d'to"s a#d )'0'#( of Ma'#te#a#ce Cha"(es. '09 7(:(6 '9 ''9 '''9 '=9 =9 ='9 7(; 7(;(' Dlect'o# of Boa"d of Ma#a(e"s. 3oll call Ob't%a"'es& 'f a#yJ ;"oof of #ot'ce of meet'#( o" wa'=e" of #ot'ceJ ;ass'#( of m'#%tes !"e='o%s S:M& 'f a#y& !e#d'#(J B%s'#ess as !e" Not'ce of the S:MJ New b%s'#ess& 'f a#y& '# acco"da#ce w'th !a"a .+ abo=e. S:M The o"de" of b%s'#ess shall be as followsJ

SEATIN- ARRAN-EMENT, The seat'#( a""a#(eme#t shall be s%ch that !e"so#s who a"e e#t'tled to =ote& '#cl%s'=e of !"o0y holde"s& a"e se("e(ated a#d seated to(ethe" '# o#e sect'o# of the hall.


The othe" sect'o# of the hall may be occ%!'ed by assoc'ate membe"s !"ese#t as obse"=e"s& #o#e of whom 's e#t'tled to =ote. A clea" !hys'cal se!a"at'o# shall be made betwee# the two sect'o#s to a=o'd co#f%s'o# '# the =ot'#( !"ocess a#d o# the stat%s of a !a"t'c'!a#t.


Befo"e elect'o# act'='ty comme#ces& the 3et%"#'#( Off'ce" shall e#s%"e clea" se!a"at'o# betwee# =ot'#( membe"s a#d othe"s a%tho"'Eed to atte#d s%ch meet'#(s. CHAPTER I0 BOARD OF MANA-ERS 3BOM5


BOARD OF MANA-ERS, The affa'"s of the Assoc'at'o# shall be co#d%cted by a Boa"d of Ma#a(e"s& d%ly elected by the :e#e"al Body.


13 *(6 POWERS AND D.TIES OF BOARD1 The BOM shall ha=e the !owe"s a#d d%t'es #ecessa"y fo" the adm'#'st"at'o# of the affa'"s of the Assoc'at'o# as 'm!osed by these byelaws a#d$o" by "esol%t'o#s of the :e#e"al Body. *(7 OTHER D.TIES1 I# add't'o#& the Boa"d shall be "es!o#s'ble fo" the follow'#(1 *(7(' *(7(6 Ca"e& %!-ee! C@T com!le0 a#d assoc'ate a"eas a#d fac'l't'es. T'mely collect'o# of ma'#te#a#ce cha"(es a#d othe" a%tho"'Eed cha"(es& f"om ow#e"s$"es'de#ts$l'ce#sees. *(7(7 Ma#a(eme#t of !e"so##el #ecessa"y fo" the ma'#te#a#ce a#d o!e"at'o# of C@T com!le0 '#cl%d'#( the'" "ec"%'tme#t& te"ms a#d co#d't'o#s of em!loyme#t& "em%#e"at'o#& welfa"e& d'sc'!l'#e a#d te"m'#at'o# of the'" se"='ces. *(7(* Ma'#te#a#ce of acco%#ts %! to date a#d the'" a%d't a##%ally by Cha"te"ed Acco%#ta#t a!!o'#ted by the :e#e"al Body. *(7() Dffect'=e co#t"ol o# all e0!e#d't%"e. D0!e#d't%"e 's #ot to be '#c%""ed o%ts'de the a=a'lable sa#ct'o# of the bye-laws a#d the :e#e"al Body. *(7(9 I#s!ect'o# of the acco%#ts -e!t by the T"eas%"e" a#d to ta-e !os't'=e ste!s fo" "eco=e"y of d%es to the Assoc'at'o#. *(7(: To e#te"ta'# a#d d's!ose of com!la'#ts 'f a#y.


14 *(* ESTATE S.PER0ISOR( The Boa"d may em!loy a# Dstate S%!e"='so" fo" the Assoc'at'o# at a "em%#e"at'o# f'0ed by the Boa"d to !e"fo"m d%t'es ass'(#ed by the boa"d. *() *()(' ELECTIONS AND TERM OF OFFICE, The :e#e"al Body shall elect the ;"es'de#t& @'ce ;"es'de#t& Sec"eta"y a#d T"eas%"e" as !"'#c'!al off'ce"s a#d e'(ht ma#a(e"s fo" a d%"at'o# of o#e yea". Total st"e#(th of the BOM shall #ot e0ceed twel=e. O#ly membe"s "es'd'#( '# C@T shall be elected to the BOM. )%"the" a membe" elected to the BOM wh'le "es'd'#( '# C@T shall a%tomat'cally cease to be a membe" of the BOM 'f he s%bse,%e#tly sh'fts h's "es'de#ce o%t of C@T. *()(6 )o%" !"'#c'!al off'ce"s a#d th"ee ma#(e"s shall be elected o#ly f"om amo#( membe"s. 3ema'#'#( ma#a(e"s may be elected e'the" f"om membe"s o" f"om *o'#t ow#e"s& d%ly a%tho"'Eed by the "es!ect'=e membe" to co#test the elect'o#. If the sa'd *o'#t ow#e" 's elected to the BOM& the co#ce"#ed membe" shall 'mmed'ately 7w'th'# th"ee wo"-'#( days9 t"a#sfe" h's membe"sh'! of the Assoc'at'o# to the *o'#t ow#e" by t"a#sfe""'#( the #ame of the sa'd *o'#t ow#e" to the f'"st !lace o# the sha"e ce"t'f'cate. If a# assoc'ate membe" fa'ls to ha=e h's #ame t"a#sfe""ed to the f'"st !os't'o# of the sha"e ce"t'f'cate w'th'# se=e# wo"-'#( days& he shall a%tomat'cally lose h's !lace '# the BOM. )%"the" o#ly o#e !e"so# f"om a#y %#'t 's e#t'tled to co#test the elect'o# fo" the BOM. *()(7 A membe" w'll #ot be o# the Boa"d co#t'#%o%sly fo" mo"e tha# two yea"s. Howe=e"& he ca# sta#d fo" elect'o# afte" a cool'#( !e"'od of two yea"s


If #o ca#d'date f"om amo#( membe"s offe"s h'mself fo" the !osts of ;"'#c'!al Off'ce"s a#d the th"ee !osts "ese"=ed fo" membe"s& the


15 ca#d'dat%"e of othe" *o'#t ow#e"s shall be co#s'de"ed fo" these !osts& e#s%"'#( that '9 O#ly o#e !e"so# f"om a#y %#'t 's e#t'tled to be a membe" of the Assoc'at'o# a#d to co#test fo" a !ost '# the BOM. ''9 That the *o'#t ow#e"& 'f elected& w'll& w'th'# th"ee wo"-'#( days& (et h's #ame t"a#sfe""ed to the f'"st !os't'o# of the sha"e ce"t'f'cate. *()() Nom'#at'o#s a"e to be '#='ted fo" the !osts of ;"es'de#t& @'ce ;"es'de#t& Sec"eta"y a#d T"eas%"e" a#d th"ee ma#a(e"s f"om membe"s a#d fo" "ema'#'#( fo%" ma#a(e"s f"om membe"s$*o'#t ow#e"s. Howe=e"& #om'#at'o# f"om *o'#t ow#e"s who a"e assoc'ate membe"s may also be acce!ted fo" the f'"st se=e# !osts o#ly to cate" fo" the e=e#t%al'ty whe"e #o #om'#at'o# fo" a#y !a"t'c%la" !ost 's "ece'=ed f"om membe"s. A 3et%"#'#( off'ce"& a!!o'#ted by the Boa"d fo" the s!ec'f'c elect'o#& sho%ld '#='te #om'#at'o#s. 3et%"#'#( off'ce" shall be a membe" of Assoc'at'o#. Lette"s '#='t'#( #om'#at'o#s a"e to be d's!atched to all membe"s '""es!ect'=e to the'" !lace of "es'de#ce. 7Ahethe" '# C@T o" o%tstat'o#9. The C@T off'ce shall s%!!ly to the "et%"#'#( off'ce" a l'st of d's,%al'f'ed membe"s at least te# wo"-'#( days befo"e the :e#e"al Body Meet'#(. *()(9 Nom'#at'o#s sho%ld be o# !"esc"'bed fo"m& wh'ch w'll be made a=a'lable by C@TAOA off'ce. O#e #om'#at'o# fo"m 's to be %sed fo" o#e !ost. All #om'#at'o#s sho%ld be se#t to the 3et%"#'#( Off'ce"& c$o C@TAOA off'ce a#d ac-#owled(eme#t obta'#ed f"om the off'ce.


Last date fo" f'l'#( #om'#at'o# shall be two wo"-'#( days !"'o" to the :BM.


16 *()(; 3et%"#'#( off'ce" shall !%bl'sh the l'st of =al'd #om'#at'o#s "ece'=ed& at least o#e wo"-'#( day !"'o" to the sched%led date of the :BM. *()(< A membe" ca##ot !"o!ose o" seco#d #ames of mo"e tha# o#e membe" to the Boa"d. Co#se#t of the #om'#ee o# #om'#at'o# fo"m 's ma#dato"y. *()('= Dlect'o# shall be by =otes cast '# ballot bo0es. O#e bo0 's to be ea"ma"-ed fo" each !ost. Ballot !a!e"s& #o"mally ele=e# of them& a"e to be d'st"'b%ted by the 3et%"#'#( Off'ce" a#d h's team to all el'('ble membe"s at the t'me of !oll'#(. Membe"s may ma"- the'" !"efe"e#ce by a t'c--ma"- a(a'#st the chose# ca#d'date a#d d"o! the ballot !a!e"s '# the ballot bo0es !"o='ded. *()('' O# com!let'o# of =ot'#(& 3et%"#'#( Off'ce" shall co%#t the =otes '# the :e#e"al Body. If they so des'"e& ca#d'dates may obse"=e the co%#t'#( !"ocess. *()('6 3es%lts a"e to be ha#ded o=e" by the 3et%"#'#( Off'ce" '# a s'(#ed stateme#t to the ;"es'de#t& who shall a##o%#ce the "es%lts of the :e#e"al Body. *()('7 ;"ese#ce of ca#d'dates co#test'#( the elect'o#& the'" !"o!ose"s a#d the'" seco#de"s& 's ma#dato"y at the :BM. *()('* If o#ly o#e #om'#at'o# 's "ece'=ed fo" a !a"t'c%la" !ost& 't sho%ld be a##o%#ced '# the :BM by the 3et%"#'#( Off'ce". S%ch a ca#d'date wo%ld also #eed to be elected by ma*o"'ty =ote. *(9 0ACANCIES( @aca#c'es '# the Boa"d& ca%sed by a "easo# othe" tha# "emo=al of a Ma#a(e" by a =ote of the :e#e"al Body& shall be f'lled f"om amo#( w'll'#( membe"s& by a =ote of the ma*o"'ty of the "ema'#'#(


17 Ma#a(e"s& '# a d%ly co#st't%ted meet'#( of the Boa"d. Dach !e"so# so elected shall be a Ma#a(e" %#t'l a s%ccesso" 's elected at the #e0t S:M$A:M. *(: REMO0AL OF MANA-ER. At a#y "e(%la" o" s!ec'al meet'#( of the Boa"d& o#e o" mo"e of the ma#a(e"s& e0cl%d'#( ;"'#c'!al Off'ce"s& may be "emo=ed by ma*o"'ty =ote& fo" abse#ce f"om th"ee co#sec%t'=e meet'#(s. A s%ccesso" shall be elected& as !e" !a"a +.5 abo=e f"om amo#(st w'll'#( membe"s. A#y ma#a(e" whose "emo=al 's !"o!osed by the Boa"d shall be f'"st hea"d at the sa'd meet'#(. *(; OR-ANISATION OF MEETIN- OF THE BOARD. )'"st meet'#( of a #ewly elected Boa"d shall be held w'th'# f'ftee# days of elect'o# at a !lace f'0ed by the Ma#a(e"s at the A:M at wh'ch they we"e elected. No #ot'ce shall be #ecessa"y to the #ewly elected Ma#a(e"s to le(ally co#st't%te s%ch met'#(& !"o='ded a ma*o"'ty of the whole Boa"d shall be !"ese#t. *(< RE-.LAR MEETIN-S( 3e(%la" meet'#(s of the Boa"d& shall be held at a !lace a#d t'me dete"m'#ed& by the ;"es'de#t. At least o#e s%ch meet'#( shall be held each cale#da" mo#th. Not'ce of s%ch meet'#(s shall be ('=e# to each Ma#a(e" by the Sec"eta"y by c'"c%la"& !e"so#ally o" by ma'l& ema'l o" tele("a!h& at least se=e# days !"'o" to the day of s%ch meet'#(s. *('= SPECIAL MEETIN-S. S!ec'al meet'#(s of the Boa"d may be co#=e#ed by the ;"es'de#t h'mself o" o# w"'tte# "e,%est of at least f'=e ma#a(e"s o# th"ee day>s #ot'ce to each Ma#a(e" ('=e# !e"so#ally& by ma'l& ema'l o" tele("a!h. The #ot'ce shall state the t'me& !lace a#d !%"!ose of the meet'#(. *('' WAI0ER OF NOTICE1 Befo"e a#y meet'#( of the Boa"d& a#y Ma#a(e" may& wa'=e #ot'ce of s%ch meet'#(. S%ch wa'=e" shall be deemed


18 e,%'=ale#t to ('='#( s%ch #ot'ce. Atte#da#ce by a Ma#a(e" at a#y meet'#( of the Boa"d shall be a wa'=e" of #ot'ce by h'm. If all the Ma#a(e"s a"e !"ese#t at a#y meet'#( of the Boa"d& #o #ot'ce shall be "e,%'"ed a#d a#y b%s'#ess may be t"a#sacted at s%ch meet'#(. *('6 1.OR.M, At all meet'#(s of the Boa"d& ;"es'de#t a#d f'=e Ma#a(e"s shall co#st't%te the ,%o"%m Acts of Ma#a(e"s !"ese#t at a meet'#( at wh'ch ,%o"%m 's !"ese#t shall be acts of the Boa"d.

CHAPTER 0 PRINCIPAL OFFICERS )(' DESI-NATION( The ;"'#c'!al Off'ce"s of the Assoc'at'o# shall be the ;"es'de#t& @'ce ;"es'de#t& Sec"eta"y a#d T"eas%"e". )(6 ELECTION OF OFFICERS( The ;"'#c'!al Off'ce"s of the Assoc'at'o# shall be elected a##%ally by the :e#e"al Body a#d shall hold off'ce at the !leas%"e of the :e#e"al Body. See also !a"a +.? )(7 )(7(' )(7(6 )(7(7 PRESIDENT( 3es!o#s'b'l't'es a"e as %#de" 1Shall be the Ch'ef D0ec%t'=e Off'ce" of the Assoc'at'o#. ;"es'de at all meet'#(s of the Assoc'at'o# a#d the Boa"d. Ha=e the !owe" to a!!o'#t comm'ttees a#d s%b-comm'ttees f"om amo#( the ow#e"s fo" s!ec'f'c tas-s. Boa"d shall be -e!t '#fo"med. )(7(* D0e"c'se ;owe" of Atto"#ey o# behalf of A)NHB fo" ma#a(eme#t of commo# a"eas o" othe" "es!o#s'b'l't'es .




D#s%"e that dec's'o#s at the meet'#(s of the Boa"d ha=e a bac-'#( of the ma*o"'ty !"ese#t.


D#s%"e that the f'#a#ces of the assoc'at'o# a"e effect'=ely ma#a(ed. He shall be "es!o#s'ble fo" f%#ds a#d '#=estme#ts of the Assoc'at'o#.

)(7(: )(7(;

A'll #ot sa#ct'o# a#y e0!e#d't%"e %#'late"ally. D#s%"e that cash boo- 's ma'#ta'#ed by the T"eas%"e" a#d 's chec-ed a#d s'(#ed each mo#th o# the last wo"-'#( day by h'mself o" by a membe" of the Boa"d& so a%tho"'Eed.


0ICE>PRESIDENT, The @'ce ;"es'de#t shall act as the ;"es'de#t a#d !e"fo"m h's d%t'es whe#e=e"& the ;"es'de#t shall be abse#t o" %#able to act. If #e'the" the ;"es'de#t #o" the @'ce-;"es'de#t 's able to act& the Boa"d shall a!!o'#t some othe" membe" of the Boa"d to act as Off'c'at'#( ;"es'de#t o# a# '#te"'m bas's. The @'ce ;"es'de#t 's to ca""y o%t s%"!"'se chec- of cash a#d stoc- at least tw'ce a yea". The @'ce-;"es'de#t shall also !e"fo"m s%ch othe" d%t'es as a"e ass'(#ed to h'm by the Boa"d.

)() )()('

SECRETAR/. He shall1 Ma'#ta'# '# a Maste" 3e('ste"& deta'led "eco"d of #ames of a!a"tme#t ow#e"s w'th a!a"tme#t #%mbe"s& !a"-'#( s!ace #%mbe"$#%mbe"s& add"ess of #e0t of -'#& !ho#e$cell #%mbe"s& #ames of a%tho"'Eed "e!"ese#tat'=es a#d a#y othe" deta'ls co#s'de"ed "ele=a#t by the Boa"d. 3eco"ds w'll be made a=a'lable by the Sec"eta"y to membe"s fo" =e"'f'cat'o# of the'" ow# "eco"ds.


Com!'le the m'#%tes of all meet'#(s of the Boa"d a#d the Assoc'at'o#.


20 )()(7 Ha=e cha"(e of a#d ma'#ta'# s%ch boo-s a#d !a!e"s as the Boa"d may d'"ect. )()(* I# (e#e"al& !e"fo"m all the d%t'es "elated to the off'ce of Sec"eta"y& '#cl%d'#(1 '9 Im!leme#t dec's'o# of the Boa"d a#d the :e#e"al Body& '# coo"d'#at'o# w'th "es!ect'=e ma#a(e"s. He sho%ld e#s%"e f'#a#c'al !"o!"'ety a#d effect'=e f'#a#c'al co#t"ol. ''9 '''9 O=e"see the wo"-'#( of the Dstate Ma#a(e". Be "es!o#s'ble fo" the !e"so##el ma#a(eme#t all em!loyees. )%#ct'o#al "es!o#s'b'l'ty of !e"so##el w'll howe=e" de=ol=e o# "es!ect'=e !o"tfol'o ma#(e"s. '=9 Ca%t'o# a# ow#e"$"es'de#t of a#y '""e(%la"'ty #ot'ced '# a#d a"o%#d h's a!a"tme#t. =9 Call %!o# a# ow#e"$"es'de#t to sto! a#y d'st%"ba#ce be'#( c"eated by '#mates o" (%ests '# a#d a"o%#d h's a!a"tme#t. ='9 I# co#s%ltat'o# w'th the BOM s%s!e#d se"='ces #o"mally a=a'lable to ow#e"s$"es'de#ts& '# case a# ow#e"$"es'de#t does #ot adhe"e to the Bye laws$3%les of the Assoc'at'o#. =''9 ='''9 ;"e=e#t the e#t"y '#to the C@T of !e"so#s of 'll-"e!%te. Coo"d'#ate act'='t'es of Ma#a(e"s hold'#( othe" !o"tfol'os.


TREAS.RER, He shall1 -



)(9(' )(9(6

Be "es!o#s'ble fo" Assoc'at'o# f%#ds a#d '#=estme#ts. ;la# '#=estme#ts of the Assoc'at'o# a#d (et them a!!"o=ed by the Boa"d of Ma#(e"s.

)(9(7 )(9(* )(9()

2ee! acc%"ate acco%#ts of "ece'!ts a#d e0!e#d't%"es. 2ee! all e0!e#d't%"e w'th'# the b%d(et a!!"o=ed by the :BM I#c%" e0!e#d't%"e as !e" !"oced%"e a#d f'#a#c'al !owe"s la'd dow# '# Cha!te" @II.


D#s%"e that Cash Boo- 's ma'#ta'#ed ma#%ally o" '# com!%te" a#d a%the#t'cate the !"'#t o%t of Cash Boo-.


D#s%"e !"o!e" ma'#te#a#ce of Ba#- Acco%#ts of the Assoc'at'o# a#d !"e!a"e mo#thly "eco#c'l'at'o# stateme#t.


:et all led(e" Acco%#ts %!dated mo#thly a#d the"eafte" !"e!a"e a T"'al Bala#ce by 1? of each mo#th.


;"e!a"e the f'#al acco%#ts of the Assoc'at'o# as o# 1 Ma"ch each yea" by 1? May a#d ha=e them a%d'ted by 1 May each yea".

)(9('= :et a Cha"te"ed Acco%#ta#t a!!o'#ted as the Assoc'at'o# a%d'to" a#d (et h's "em%#e"at'o# a!!"o=ed '# the a##%al :BM. )(9('' S%!e"='se f'#a#c'al act'='t'es l'sted '# Cha!te" @II.


22 )(: REMO0AL OF PRINCIPAL OFFICERS1 A ;"'#c'!al Off'ce" may be "emo=ed by a 8?I ma*o"'ty =ote at a meet'#( of the :e#e"al Body. He shall be hea"d at th's meet'#( befo"e the f'#al dec's'o#. The s%ccesso" shall be elected at the same meet'#( f"om amo#(st othe" membe"s of the Boa"d o" f"om amo#(st othe" membe"s w'll'#( to co#test fo" the !ost. Sho%ld a membe" of the Boa"d be elected as ;"'#c'!al Off'ce"& the "es%lta#t =aca#cy '# the boa"d wo%ld be f'lled %! '# the same A:M. The #o"mal elect'o# !"ocess as !e" ;a"a +.? of the Bye Laws w'll #ot a!!ly '# th's case. CHAPTER 0I ACCO.NTS OF A.DIT 9(' F.NDS, )%#ds may be "a'sed by the Assoc'at'o# fo" the welfa"e of ow#e"s$membe"s '# all o" a#y of follow'#( ways1 9('(' By sha"e !%"chase fee a#d o#e t'me co#t"'b%t'o# f"om !%"chase" of a!a"tme#t. 9('(6 By collect'=e co#t"'b%t'o#& de!os'ts& l'ce#se fees a#d do#at'o#s f"om the "es'de#ts a#d !%bl'c. 9('(7 )"om commo# !"of'ts wh'ch shall fo"m the #%cle%s of the 3es'de#ts> C%""e#t Acco%#t. 9('(* By t"a#sfe" of ow#e"s f%#ds by the A'" )o"ce Na=al Ho%s'#( Boa"d& New Delh'. 9('() )"om "es'de#ts a#d$o" ;%bl'c I#st't%t'o#s fo" c"eat'o# of ='able ca!'tal assets '# C@T as a!!"o=ed by he :e#e"al Body.


23 9('(9 By o"(a#'E'#( othe" lawf%l act'='t'es fo" the "es'de#ts 9(6 The f%#ds a#d '#come of the Assoc'at'o# shall be %t'l'Eed solely o# e0!e#d't%"e fo" ach'e=eme#t of ob*ect'=es of the Assoc'at'o#. I#come '# e0cess of e0!e#d't%"e o" ='ce-=e"sa shall be me"(ed '#to the 3es'de#ts> C%""e#t Acco%#t. S%"!l%s f%#d shall #ot be d'sb%"sed to ow#e" as !"of't$d'='de#d$'#te"est. 9(7 IN0ESTMENT, 9(7(' The Assoc'at'o# may '#=est 'ts s%"!l%s f%#ds& afte" the a!!"o=al of the Boa"d of ma#a(e"s& '# o#e o" mo"e of the follow'#( I#st't%t'o#s1 '9 ''9 '''9 ;%bl'c Secto" Ba#-s Sched%led Ba#-s ;%bl'c Secto" I#st't%t'o#s

9(* ACCO.NTS 9(*(' The Assoc'at'o# shall ma'#ta'# Ba#- Acco%#ts as #ecessa"y& '#to wh'ch all mo#ey "ece'=ed by 't shall be de!os'ted. 9(*(6 The T"eas%"e" w'll hold '# h's c%stody a# amo%#t s!ec'f'ed by the Boa"d fo" !etty e0!e#ses. 9(*(7 Sala"y of em!loyees may be !a'd by che,%e as fa" as !oss'ble. ;ayme#ts '# e0cess of 3s. 2?66$- shall be made o#ly by che,%e s'(#ed by T"eas%"e" a#d ;"es'de#t. 9(*(* Those a%tho"'Eed to s'(# che,%es of the Assoc'at'o# shall #ot bea" a#y blood "elat'o#sh'! w'th each othe".



9(*() All acco%#ts '#cl%d'#( 3e('st"at'o# of A!a"tme#ts shall be ma'#ta'#ed "e(%la"ly. 9(*(9 S%"!"'se chec-s of cash& acco%#ts a#d sto"es a"e to ca""'ed o%t at least th"ee t'mes '# a yea" by the @'ce ;"es'de#t a#d a "e!o"t 's to be !%t %! to the BOM. 9(*(: The acco%#ts shall be a%d'ted by a Cha"te"ed Acco%#ta#t e=e" yea". 9(*(; All acco%#ts shall be closed as o# 1 Ma"ch e=e"y yea".

9() P.BLICATION OF ACCO.NTS AND REPORTS 9()(' The Assoc'at'o# shall& o# o" befo"e 1 May each yea"& !%bl'sh 'ts a%d'ted f'#a#c'al stateme#t fo" the !"e='o%s f'#a#c'al yea" co#s'st'#( of1 '9 ''9 '''9 I#come a#d D0!e#d't%"e A$c 3ece'!ts a#d ;ayme#ts A$c Bala#ce Sheet show'#( the assets a#d l'ab'l't'es of the Assoc'at'o# d'sclos'#( the'" (e#e"al #at%"e a#d =al%e. 9()(6 A co!y of the a%d'ted f'#a#c'al stateme#t a#d a%d't a "e!o"t shall be -e!t '# the Assoc'at'o# off'ce fo" !e"%sal by membe"s& d%"'#( off'ce ho%"s. 9(9 A.DIT 9(9(' The Assoc'at'o# shall a!!o'#t& at 'ts :BM& a Cha"te"ed Acco%#ta#t to a%d't the acco%#ts a#d f'#a#ces of the Assoc'at'o#. The :BM shall also f'0 h's "em%#e"at'o#.



9(9(6 The a%d'to" shall e0am'#e the a##%al f'#a#c'al stateme#t !"e!a"ed by he Boa"d a#d =e"'fy the same w'th co##ected acco%#ts. He shall the"eafte" s'(h the stateme#t as co""ect a#d '# acco"da#ce w'th the law. 9(9(7 The acco%#ts of the Assoc'at'o# a"e to co#fo"m to the bye laws$"%les of the Assoc'at'o# '# add't'o# to the acco%#t'#( "e(%lat'o#$laws. 9(9(* A%d'to" shall s!ec'f'cally obse"=e com!l'a#ce of Assoc'at'o# acco%#ts w'th these byelaws$"%les. 9(9() Co#c%""e#t a%d't of the acco%#ts shall be ca""'ed o%t by the A%d'to"& mo#thly. 9(9(9 No# com!l'a#ce of acco%#ts w'th these byelaws$ "%les as also acco%#t'#( laws w'll s!ec'f'cally be b"o%(ht o%t by the a%d'to" '# h's a##%al "e!o"t to the Boa"d. 9(9(: 3e!o"ts of co#c%""e#t a%d't shall be "e#de"ed to the Boa"d. The "e!o"ts shall clea"ly b"'#( o%t w"o#( acco%#t'#( !"act'ces& 'f a#y& e""o"s a#d cases "e,%'"'#( atte#t'o# of the Boa"d. S'm%lta#eo%sly he shall s%((est "emed'al meas%"e"s fo" !"e=e#t'o# of s%ch e""o"s a#d 'm!"o=eme#t of acco%#t'#( sta#da"ds. 9(: The a%d'to" shall be e#t'tled to call fo" '#fo"mat'o# !e"ta'#'#( to all f'#a#c'al t"a#sact'o#s co#d%cted by the Assoc'at'o# a#d e0am'#e these !a!e"s. 9(; FINANCIAL POWERS 9(;(' 3e(%la" !la##ed 'tems of e0!e#d't%"e& '# the day-to-day act'='t'es of the Assoc'at'o#& shall #ot e0ceed the b%d(et fo" the same al"eady a!!"o=ed by the :BM. No#-!la##ed e0!e#d't%"e w'll be '#c%""ed by the commo#


26 co#se#t of the ;"es'de#t& Sec"eta"y L T"eas%"e". If a#y o#e of them d'sa("ees& the# the case shall be "efe""ed to the Boa"d fo" dec's'o#$sa#ct'o#. 9(;(6 D0!e#d't%"e %! to 3s. 2?66$- !e" 'tem may be !"o!osed by the co#ce"#ed Membe" a#d a!!"o=ed by the ;"es'de#t. 9(;(7 D0!e#d't%"e '# e0cess of 3s.2?66$- !e" 'tem b%t l'm'ted to 3s. 16666$- !e" 'tem shall be !"o!osed by the co#ce"#ed membe" th"o%(h the Sec"eta"y a#d a!!"o=ed by the ;"es'de#t 9(;(* D0!e#d't%"e '# e0cess of 3s.2?66$- !e" 'tem b%t l'm'ted to 3s. ?6&666$- !e" 'tem shall be !"o!osed by the Sec"eta"y a#d !%t %! fo" a!!"o=al of Boa"d fo" sa#ct'o# by at least < Ma#a(e"s. 9(;() D0!e#d't%"e '# e0cess of 3s.?6&666$- !e" 'tem shall #ot be '#c%""ed$sa#ct'o#ed by the Boa"d b%t shall be !%t %! fo" !"'o" a!!"o=al of the :MB. 9(;(9 D=e"y !"o!osal shall be !%t %! to the T"eas%"e" fo" clea"a#ce& befo"e '#c%""'#( the e0!e#d't%"e& o# a=a'lab'l'ty of b%d(eta"y allocat'o# a#d l',%'d f%#ds. No e0!e#d't%"e shall be '#c%""ed w'tho%t th's clea"a#ce '# ad=a#ce. 9(;(: M'#'m%m th"ee ,%otat'o#s shall be called fo" to meet e0!e#d't%"e o# a#y 'tem cost'#( 3s. 16&666$- o" mo"e. Least costly ,%otat'o# comme#s%"ate w'th ,%al'ty shall be acce!ted. 9(;(; I# e0ce!t'o#al cases s%ch as '# a# eme"(e#cy& whe# delay ca##ot be acce!ted& the Boa"d ca# sa#ct'o# e0!e#d't%"e& wh'ch w'll be !%t %! fo" e0!ost facto sa#ct'o# '# the #e0t :BM o" '# a# S:M called fo" th's !%"!ose.



CHAPTER 0II MORT-A-ES :(' NOTICE TO ASSOCIATION( A# ow#e"& who mo"t(a(es h's %#'t& shall #ot'fy the Assoc'at'o#& the #ame a#d add"ess of h's mo"ta(a(ee a#d the Assoc'at'o# shall ma'#ta'# s%ch '#fo"mat'o# '# .the 3e('ste" of A!a"tme#t Ow#e"s/. :(6 NOTICE OF .NPAID D.ES. The Assoc'at'o# shall at the "e,%est of a Mo"t(a(ee of a %#'t& "e!o"t d%es o%t sta#d'#( f"om the ow#e" of s%ch %#'t. The assoc'at'o# %#de" #o c'"c%msta#ces 's to sta#d (%a"a#tee fo" a loa# ta-e# a(a'#st a# a!a"tme#t. CHAPTER 0III COMPLIANCE ;(' COMPLIANCE( These Bye-Laws a"e set fo"th to com!ly w'th the "e,%'"eme#ts of the 2a"#ata-a Soc'et'es 3e('st"at'o# Act& 1456 as ame#ded f"om t'me to t'me. I# case a#y of these bye-laws co#fl'ct w'th the !"o='s'o#s the sa'd Act& 't 's he"by a("eed a#d acce!ted that the !"o='s'o#s of the Act w'll a!!ly. ;(6 SEAL OF THE ASSOCIATION( The Assoc'at'o# shall ha=e a commo# seal& wh'ch shall be '# the c%stody of the T"eas%"e". D=e"y deed of '#st"%me#t to wh'ch the seal 's aff'0ed shall be attested fo" o" o# behalf of the Assoc'at'o# by the ;"es'de#t of the Boa"d '# all cases a#d the Sec"eta"y$T"eas%"e" as a!!l'cable.



CHAPTER I2 AMENDMENTS TO B/E LAWS <(' AMENDMENTS TO B/E LAWS( These Bye-Laws may be ame#ded by the Assoc'at'o# '# a d%ly co#st't%ted meet'#( fo" the !%"!ose. No ame#dme#ts shall ta-e effect %#less a!!"o=ed by at least 8? 7se=e#ty f'=e9 !e"ce#t of the total #%mbe" !"ese#t '# the meet'#(.

CHAPTER 2I MISCELLANEO.S MATTERS '=(' DISSOL.TION( I# the e=e#t of d'ssol%t'o# o" w'#d'#( %! of the

Assoc'at'o#& the assets "ema'#'#( as o# date of d'ssol%t'o# shall %#de" #o c'"c%msta#ces be d'st"'b%ted amo#( membe" b%t shall be t"a#sfe""ed to the s%cceed'#( Assoc'at'o#$Soc'ety$I#st't%t'o#$T"%st. '=(6 POWERS TO S.E AND TO BE S.ED( The ;"es'de#t of the Assoc'at'o#

shall be the !e"so# to s%e o# behalf of the Assoc'at'o# a#d shall be the !e"so# s%ed '# a#y s%'t a(a'#st the Assoc'at'o#. '=(7 The (o=e"#'#( body shall #ot adm't #ew membe"s d%"'#( the last th"ee

mo#ths of 'ts te#%"e.


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