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CEH Lab Manual

System Hacking
Module 05

Module 05 - System Hacking

System Hacking
System hacking is the science of testing computers and networkfor vulnerabilities and plug-ins.

Lab Scenario
{ I Valuable intommtion_____ Test your knowledge______ a* Web exercise Q! Workbook review

Password hacking 1s one o f the easiest and most common ways hackers obtain unauthorized computer 01 network access. Although strong passwords that are difficult to crack (or guess) are easy to create and maintain, users often neglect tins. Therefore, passwords are one of the weakest links 1 1 1 die uiformation-secunty chain. Passwords rely 011 secrecy. After a password is compromised, its original owner isnt the only person who can access the system with it. Hackers have many ways to obtain passwords. Hackers can obtain passwords from local computers by using password-cracking software. To obtain passwords from across a network, hackers can use remote cracking utilities 01 network analyzers. Tins chapter demonstrates just how easily hackers can gather password information from your network and descnbes password vulnerabilities diat exit 1 1 1 computer networks and countermeasures to help prevent these vulnerabilities from being exploited 011 vour systems.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to m onitor a system rem otely and to extract hidden files and other tasks that include:
[ Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Extracting administrative passwords HicUng files and extracting hidden files Recovering passwords Monitoring a system remotely

Lab Environment
To earn out die lab you need: A computer running Windows Server 2012 A web browser with an Internet connection Administrative pnvileges to run tools

Lab Duration
Tune: 100 Minutes

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Overview of System Hacking

The goal o f system hacking is to gain access, escalate privileges, execute applications, and hide files.


Lab Tasks
Recommended labs to assist you 1 1 1 system hacking: Extracting Administrator Passwords Using LCP Hiding Files Using NTFS Stream s Find Hidden Files Using ADS Spy Hiding Files Using the Stealth Files Tool Extracting SAM Hashes Using PWdump7 Tool Creating die Rainbow Tables Using Winrtge


Password Cracking Using RainbowCrack Extracting Administrator Passwords Using LOphtCrack

Password Cracking Using Ophcrack

System Monitoring Using R em oteE xec

Hiding Data Using Snow Steganography Viewing, Enabling and Clearing the Audit Policies Using Auditpol

Password Recovery Using CHNTPW.ISO

User System Monitoring and Surveillance Needs Using Spytech Spy Agent Web Activity Monitoring and Recording using Power Spy 2013

Image Steganography Using Q uickStego

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise. Give your opinion on the targets security posture and exposure.


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Module 05 - System Hacking

Extracting Administrator Passwords Using LCP

Link Control Protocol (LCP) ispart of the Point-to-Point (PPP)protocol In PPP communications, both the sending and receiving devices send out LCP packets to determine specific information requiredfor data transmission.

Lab Scenario
l^7 Valuable information S Test your knowledge______

*a Web exercise Q Workbook review

Hackers can break weak password storage mechanisms by using cracking methods that outline 1 1 1 this chapter. Many vendors and developers believe that passwords are safe from hackers if they dont publish the source code for their encryption algorithms. After the code is cracked, it is soon distributed across the Internet and becomes public knowledge. Password-cracking utilities take advantage o f weak password encryption. These utilities do the grunt work and can crack any password, given enough time and computing power. In order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you m ust understand how to crack administrator passwords.

Lab Objectives
Tlie objective o f tins lab is to help students learn how to crack administrator passwords for ethical purposes. 111 this lab you will learn how to: Use an LCP tool Crack administrator passwords

dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Lab Environment
To carry out the lab you need:

LCP located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System

H acking\Passw ord Cracking Tools\LCP

You can also download the latest version o f LCP from the link http: /
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Module 05 - System Hacking

If you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown 1 1 1 the lab might differ

Follow the wizard driven installation instructions Run this tool 1 1 1 W indows Server 2012 Administrative privileges to run tools
TCP/IP settings correctly configured and an accessible DNS server

Lab Duration
Time: 10 Minutes

Overview of LCP
LCP program mainly audits user account passw ords and recovers diem 1 1 1 Windows 2008 and 2003. General features o f diis protocol are password recovery, brute force session distribution, account information importing, and hashing. It can be used to test password security, or to recover lost passwords. Tlie program can import from die local (or remote) computer, or by loading a SAM, LC, LCS, PwDump or Smtt tile. LCP supports dictionary attack, bmte lorce attack, as well as a hybrid ot dictionary and bmte torce attacks.

Lab Tasks
9 TASK 1
1. Launch the Start menu by hovering the mouse cursor 011 the lower-left
corner of the desktop.
Cracking Administrator Password

S | Windows Server 2012

FIGURE 1.1: Windows Server 2012 Desktop view

2 . Click the LCP app to launch LCP.

m You can also download LCP from http: / /

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Server Manager Windows PowerShell Google Chrome Hyper-V Manager LCP


Computer Control Panel

Hyper-V Virtual Machine...

SQL Server Installation Center...

te t

Command Prompt Mozilla Firefox Global Network Inventory

I f f l f m r tbfimr Dnktop

Ku Nmap Zenmap GUI O

Woikspace Studio

3 FIGURE 1.2: Windows Server 2012 Apps

3 . The LCP main window appears.

7 LCP supports additional encryption of accounts by SYSKEY at import from registry and export from SAM file. LCP
File View Im port Session Help


a c #
"Dictionaiy attack Dictionary word: r 0 LM Password

Hybrid attack r

? * * a
Brute force attack 0.0000 I <8 >14 % done LM Hash NT Hash

NT Password

User Name

Ready fo r passwords recovering

0 of 0 passwords were found (0.000%)

FIGURE 1.3: LCP main window

4 . From die menu bar, select Import and then Import from rem ote
com puter.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

| File View | Im port | Session Help



Im port From Local Computer... Im port From Remote Computer... Im port From SAM File... 1

9 e
X done
LM Hash NT Hash

Dictionary wc User Name

Im port From .LC File... Im port From .LCS File... Im port From PwDump File... Im port From Sniff File...

C Q l CP is logically a transport layer protocol according to the OSI model

Ready fo r passwords recovering

0 of 0 passwords were found (0.000%)

FIGURE 1.4: Import die remote computer

5. Select Computer nam e or IP ad d ress, select the Import type as Import

from registry, and click OK.
Import from remote computer
File View In Computer Computet name ot IP address: r Dictionary at! WIN-039MR5HL9E4 OK

Cancel Help

Dictionary word: User Name

Import type () Import from registry

O Import from memory

I I Encrypt transferred data

C Q l c p checks die identity of the linked device and eidier accepts or rejects the peer device, then determines die acceptable packet size for transmission.

Connection Execute connection Shared resource: hpc$ User name: Administrator Password: I 0 Hide password Ready for passw!

FIGURE 1.5: Import from remote computer window

6. The output window appears.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

LCP [ C:\Program Files (x86)\LCP\pwd80013.txt]

File View Im port Session Help

a e + l 0 !?>
r Dictionary attack r Hybrid attack r LM Password NO PASSWO. NO PASSWO. . NO PASSWO. NO PASSWO. NO PASSWO. NO PASSWO. NO PASSWO...

1 *
0.0000 <8 >14

Brute force attack

Dictionary word: User Name ^Adm inistrator Guest - C Martin

1 10
NT Password

X done

^ L A N G U A R D .. . NO PASSWO.


S Juggyboy
fi Jason - C Shiela

S Main purpose of LCP program is user account passwords auditing and recovery in Windows

Ready fo r passwords recovering

1 of 7 passwords were found (14.286%)

FIGURE 1.6: Importing the User Names

7 . N ow select any U ser Name and click the L 1L 4Play button. 8. Tins action generates passwords.
LCP - [C:\Program Files (x86)\LCP\pwd80013.txt.lcp]
File View Im port Session Help

r a :

8 l 1 1 1^ M * o e 0 0 4 H 1
Dictionary attack r Hybrid attack "Brute force attack / |7 14.2857 *d o n e Ending combination: AD MINIS TRAT 0 RZZ <8 x x >14 x NO PASSWO... LM Hash NO PASSWORD NO PASSWORD NO PASSWORD NO PASSWORD NO PASSWORD NO PASSWORD NO PASSWORD NT Hash BE40C45CAB99713DF.. NO PASSWORD C25510219F66F9F12F.. 5EBE7DFA074DA8EE 488CDCD D222531279.. 2D20D252A479F485C.. OCB6948805F797B F2... Dictionary word: Administrate 1 Starting combination: ADMINISTRATORA User Name G uest -E l ANGUAR... ^ M a r t in ^Qjuqqyboy ^ 3 Jason S h ie la LM Password NO PASSWO... NO PASSWO... NO PASSWO... apple NO PASSWO... green NO PASSWO... qwerty NO PASSWO... test NT Password

Administrator NO PASSWO...

Passwords recovering interrupted

5 o f 7 passwords were found (71.429%)

FIGURE 1.7: LCP generates the password for the selected username

Lab Analysis
Document all die IP addresses and passwords extracted for respective IP addresses. Use tins tool only for training purposes.

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Module 05 - System Hacking



Information Collected/Objectives Achieved Remote Computer Name: W IN -D 39MR 5H L 9E 4 Output:

User Name N T Password apple green qwerty test


Martin Juggvboy Jason Sluela

1. \Y11at is the main purpose o f LCP? 2 . How do von continue recovering passwords with LCP?

Internet Connection Required Yes Platform Supported 0 Classroom 0 !Labs 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Hiding Files Using NTFS Streams

A. stream consists of data associated rvith a main file or directory (known as the main unnamed stream). Each fie and directory in N TF S can have multiple data streams that aregenerally hiddenfrom the user.

Lab Scenario
/ Valuable information ' Test your knowledge SB Web exercise m Workbook review

Once the hacker has fully hacked the local system, installed their backdoors and port redirectors, and obtained all the information available to them, they will proceed to hack other systems 011 the network. Most often there are matching service, administrator, or support accounts residing 011 each system that make it easy for the attacker to compromise each system in a short am ount o f time. As each new system is hacked, the attacker performs the steps outlined above to gather additional system and password information. Attackers continue to leverage inform ation 011 each system until they identity passwords for accounts that reside 011 highly prized systems including payroll, root domain controllers, and web servers. 111 order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you m ust understand how to hide files using NTFS streams.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn how to lnde files using NTFS streams.

& T ools

It will teach you how to:

dem onstrated in Use NTFS streams this lab are available in Hide tiles D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking To carry out the lab you need:

Lab Environment

A com puter running W indows Server 2008 as virtual machine Form atted C:\ drive NTFS

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Duration
Tune: 15 Minutes

Overview of NTFS Stream s

NTFS (New Technology File System) is die standard file system of Windows.

NTFS supersedes die FAT file system as the preferred file system lor Microsoft Windows operating systems. NTFS has several improvements over FAT and HPFS (High Performance File System), such as unproved support lor metadata and die use of advanced data structures.

Lab Tasks
Sd. TASK 1
NTFS Stream s

1. Run this lab 1 1 1 Windows Server 2008 virtual machine 2 . Make sure the C:\ drive is formatted for NTFS. 3 . Create a folder called m agic on the C:\ drive and copy c a lc .e x e from
C :\w indow s\system 32 to C:\magic.

4 . O pen a com m and prom pt and go to C:\magic and type notepad

readm e.txt 1 1 1 com m and prom pt and press Enter.

5. readm e.txt 1 1 1 N otepad appears. (Click Y es button 11 prom pted to

create a new readm e.txt file.)

6. Type Hello World! and Save the file.

3 NTFS stream runs on Windows Server 2008

7 . N ote the file siz e o f the readm e.txt by typing dir 1 1 1 the command
prom pt.

8. N ow hide c a lc .e x e inside the readm e.txt by typing the following 1 1 1 the

com m and prompt:
type c:\m a g ic\ca lc.ex e > c:\m agic\readm e.txt 1c a lc .e x e

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Module 05 - System Hacking

(cTAdministrator Command Prompt

C : N n a g ic > n o t e p a d re a d n e .tx t


C : S n a g ic > d ir U o lu n e i n d r i u e C h a s n o l a b e l . U o lu m e S e r i a l N u m b e r i s 3 4 C 9 - D 7 8 F D ir e c to r y 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 2 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 2 0 1 /1 9 /2 0 0 8 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 2 of C :\n a g ic

E Q a stream consists of data associated with a main file or directory (known as the main unnamed stream).

0 5 : 3 9 AM < D IR > 0 5 : 3 9 AM < D IR > 0 6 : 5 1 AM 1 8 8 ,4 1 6 c a lc . e x e 0 5 : 4 0 AM 12 r e a d n e . t x t 1 8 8 ,4 2 8 b y te s 2 F ile < s > 2 D ir < s > 4 ,3 7 7 ,6 7 7 ,8 2 4 b y te s f r e e c : \ n a g ic \c a lc . e x e > c :\n a g ic \r e a d n e . t x t: c a lc . e x e

C : \ m a g ic > ty p e C :\m a g ic >

FIGURE 2.2: Command prompt with hiding calc.exe command

Type dir 1 1 1 com m and prom pt and note the tile size o f readm e.txt.
[ c T TAdministrator Command Prompt
D ir e c to r y 0 0 0 0 9 /1 9 /1 1 /1 9 /1 2 /2 2 /2 9 /2 2 /2 01 01 00 01 2 2 8 2 of C :\n a g ic 0 5 : 3 9 AM < D IR > 0 5 : 3 9 AM < D IR > 0 6 : 5 1 AM 1 8 8 ,4 1 6 c a lc . e x e 12 r e a d n e . t x t 0 5 : 4 0 AM 1 8 8 ,4 2 8 b y te s 2 F ile < s > 4 ,3 7 7 ,6 7 7 ,8 2 4 b y te s fr e e 2 D ir < s > c : \ n a g ic \c a lc . e x e > c :\m a g ic \ r e a d m e . t x t : c a l c . e x e

C : \ n a g ic > ty p e

C :\m a g ic > d ir U o lu n e i n d r i u e C h a s n o l a b e l . U o lu n e S e r i a l N u n b e r i s 3 4 C 9 - D 7 8 F D ir e c to r y 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 0 1 /1 9 /2 0 0 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 2 2 8 2 of C :\n a g ic

t.__ NTFS supersedes the FAT file system as die preferred file system for Microsofts Windows operating systems.

0 5 : 3 9 AM < 0 5 : 3 9 AM < 1 8 8 ,4 1 6 c a lc . e x e 0 6 : 5 1 AM 0 5 : 4 4 AM 12 r e a d n e . t x t 1 8 8 ,4 2 8 b y te s 2 F ile < s > 4 ,3 7 7 ,4 1 5 ,6 8 0 b y te s f r e e 2 D ir < s >

FIGURE 23: Command prompt with executing hidden calc.exe command

10. Tlie tile s iz e o f the readme.txt should not ch ange. N ow navigate to the
directory c:\m agic and d e le te ca lc .e x e .

11. Return to the com m and prom pt and type command:

mklink b ack door.exe read m e.txt:calc.exe and press Enter

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Module 05 - System Hacking

V . A d m in is tra to r Com m and P rom pt 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 2 0 1 /1 9 /2 0 0 8 0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 2 0 5 : 3 9 AM < D IR > 0 6 : 5 1 AM 1 8 8 ,4 1 6 c a lc . e x e 0 5 : 4 0 AM 12 re a d m e .tx t 2 F ile < s > 1 8 8 ,4 2 8 b y te s 2 D ir < s > 4 ,3 7 7 ,6 7 7 ,8 2 4 b y te s f r e e c :\m a g ic \c a lc .e x e > c :\ m a g ic \ r e a d m e . t x t : c a l c . e x e

-I ! X

C :\m a g ic > ty p e

C :\m a g i c > d i r U o lu m e i n d r i u e C h a s n o l a b e l . U o lu m e S e r i a l N u m b e r i s 3 4 C 9 - D 7 8 F D ir e c to r y 0 0 0 0 9 9 1 9 /1 /1 /1 /1 2 /2 2 /2 9 /2 2 /2 01 01 00 01 2 2 8 2 of C :\m a g ic

0 5 : 3 9 AM < D IR > 0 5 : 3 9 AM < D IR > 0 6 : 5 1 AM 1 8 8 .4 1 6 c a lc . e x e 0 5 : 4 4 AM 12 r e a d m e .tx t 2 F ile < s > 1 8 8 ,4 2 8 b y te s 2 D ir < s > 4 ,3 7 7 ,4 1 5 ,6 8 0 b y te s f r e e

ffilA stream is a liidden file that is linked to a normal (visible) file.

C : \ m a g ic > m k lin k b a c k d o o r .e x e r e a d m e . t x t : c a lc . e x e s y m b o lic l i n k c r e a te d t o r b a c k d o o r .e x e = = = >> r e a d m e . t x t : c a l c . e x e C :\m a g ic >

FIGURE 2.4: Command prompt linking die executed hidden calc.exe

12. Type backdoor, press Enter, and the the calculator program will be
ex ecu ted .


m im s tra to r C om m and P rom pt 0 5 : 4 0 AM 2 F ile < s > 2 D ir < s >

0 9 /1 2 /2 0 1 2

12 1 2 re a d m e .tx t 188, .4 2 8 b y t e s 4 ,3 7 7 ,6 7 7 .8 : > c :S


C :\m a g ic > ty p e

c : \ m a g ic \c a lc .e x e

C :\m a g ic > d ir U o lu m e i n d r i v e C h a s n o l a b e l . U o lu m e S e r i a l N u m b e r i s 3 4 C 9 - D 7 8 F D ir e c to r y 0 0 0 0 9 /1 9 /1 1 /1 9 /1 2 /2 2 /2 9 /2 2 /2 012 012 008 012 of C :\m a g ic

MR | MS |

< D IR > 0 5 :3 9 AM < D IR > 0 5 :3 9 AM 1 8 8 ,4 1 0 6 :5 1 AM 0 5 :4 4 AM 1 8 8 ,4 2 F ile < s > 4 ,3 7 7 ,4 1 5 ,6 2 D ir < s >

C :\ m a g ic > m k lin k b a c k d o o r .e x e r e a d n e . t i s y m b o lic l i n k c r e a te d f o r b a c k d o o r .e x t C :\m a g ic )b a c k d o o r C : \ m a c r ic >

| 1 1 _! _ _lI_lI. _lI_u_lI. _lI _l.

Backspace CE _ !_ 1 . sqrt | j d 1/x |

FIGURE 2.5: Command prompt with executed hidden calc.exe

Lab Analysis
Document all die results discovered during die lab.


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Module 05 - System Hacking

Tool/Utility NTFS Streams

Information Collected/Objectives Achieved Output: Calculator (calc.exe) file executed

1. Evaluate alternative m ethods to hide the other exe files (like

Internet Connection Required Yes Platform Stipported 0 Classroom 0 !Labs 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Find Hidden Files Using ADS Spy
A ds Spy is a tool used to list, view, or deleteAlternate Data Stream (AD S) on Windons Server2008 nith N T F S filesystems.

Lab Scenario
Hackers have many ways to obtain passwords. Hackers can obtain passwords from local computers by using password-cracking software. To obtain passwords from across a network, hackers can use remote cracking utilities or network analyzers. Tins chapter demonstrates just how easily hackers can gather password inform ation from your network and describes password vulnerabilities that exit in com puter networks and countermeasures to help prevent these vulnerabilities from being exploited on your systems. 111 order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you m ust understand how to find hidden files using ADS Spy.

/ Valuable information S Test your knowledge

m. Web exercise ffi! Workbook review

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn how to list, view, or delete A lternate Data Stream s and how to use them. It will teach you how to:
t~Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Use ADS Spy Find hidden tiles

Lab Environment
To carry out the lab you need:

ADS Spy located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System

Hacking\NTFS Stream D etector Tools\ADS Spy

You can also download the latest version o f ADS Spy from the link http: / / www.menjn.11u/program s.php#adsspv It you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown 1 1 1 the lab might differ Run tins tool 1 1 1 W indows Server 2012
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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Duration
Tune: 10 Minutes

Overview of ADS Spy

1 ^ jj-,5 (^ternate
Data Stream) is a technique used to store meta-info on files.

ADS Spy is a tool used to list, view, or delete Alternate Data Streams (ADS) 011 Windows Server 2008 with NTFS file systems. ADS Spy is a method o f stonng meta-information o f files, without actually stonng die information inside die file it belongs to.

Lab Tasks
m. TASK 1
Alternative Data Streams


Navigate to the CEH-Tools director} D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Mod

S ystem Hacking\NTFS Stream D etector Tools\ADS Spy

2 . Double-click and launch ADS Spy.

ADS Spy v1.11 - Written by Merijn
Alternate Data Streams (ADS) are pieces of info hidden as metadata on files on NTFS drives. They are not ^ visible in Explorer and the size they take up is not reported by Windows. Recent browser hijackers started using ADS to hide their files, and very few anti-malware scanners detect this. Use ADS Spy to find and remove these streams. Note: this app can also display legitimate ADS streams. Don't delete streams if you are not completely sure they are malicious! [v

( Quick scan (Windows base folder only) C Full scan (all NTFS drives)

C Scan only this folder:

|7 Ignore safe system info data streams fencryptable', ,Summarylnformation'. etc) [ Calculate MD5 checksums of streams' contents Scan the system for alternate data streams Remove selected streams

KlADS Spy is a small tool to list, view, or delete Alternate Data Streams (ADS) on Windows 2012 with NTFS file systems.


FIGURE 3.1 Welcome screen of ADS Spy

3 . Start an appropriate sca n that you need. 4 . Click Scan th e sy stem for alternate data stream s.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

ADS Spy v1.11 - Written by Merijn

Alternate Data Streams (ADS) are pieces of info hidden as metadata on files on NTFS drives. They are not /*. visible in Explorer and the size they take up is not reported by Windows. Recent browser hijackers started using ADS to hide their files, and very few anti-malware scanners detect this. Use ADS Spy to find and remove these streams. Note: this app can also display legitimate ADS streams. Don't delete streams if you are not completely sure they are malicious! v

ADS are a w ay of storing metainformation regarding files, without actually storing the information in the file it belongs to, carried over from early MacOS compatibility

C Quick scan (Windows base folder only) | ( Full scan (all NTFS drives)| C Scan only this folder:
11? Ignore safe system info data streams ('encryptable', 'Summarylnformation', etc)| r Calculate MD5 checksums of streams' contents Scan the system for aiternate data streams

Remove selected streams

C:\magic\readme tx t: calc.exe (1051648 bytes) C:\llsers\Administrator\Documents: {726B6F7C-E889-4EFE-8CA3-AEF4943DBD38} (12 bytes) C:\Users\Administrator\Favorites\Links\Suggested Sites.url: favicon (894 bytes) CAUsersV\dministrator\My Documents: {726B6F7C-E889-4EFE-8CA3-AEF4943DBD38} (12 bytes) CAWindows.old.000\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites\Links\Suggested Sites.url: favicon (8! C:\Windows.old.OOO\Users\Administrator\Favorites\Links\Suggested Sites.url: favicon (894 bytes)

|Scan complete, found Galternate data streams (ADS's).

FIGURE 3.2 ADS Spy window with Full Scan selected

5. Find the ADS hidden info file while }*ou scan the system for alternative
data streams.

6. To remove the Alternate Data Stream, click R em ove s e le c te d stream s.

ADS Spy v1.11 - Written by Merijn
Alternate Data Streams (ADS) ate pieces of info hidden as metadata on files on NTFS drives. They are not visible in Explorer and the size they take up is not repotted by Windows. Recent browser hijackers started using ADS to hide theit files, and very few anti-malware scanners detect this. Use ADS Spy to find and remove these streams. Note: this app can also display legitimate ADS streams. Don't delete streams if you are not completely sure they ate malicious!

C Quick scan (Windows base folder only) (* Full scan (all NTFS drives) C Scan only this folder:
1 Ignore safe system info data streams ('encryptable', Summarylnformation', etc) r Calculate MD5 checksums of streams' contents Scan the system for alternate data streams * Remove selected streams

& Compatible with: Windows Server 2012, 20008

C:\magic\readme.txt: calc.exe (1051G48 bytes) C\Users\Administrator\Documents : {726B6F7C-E889-4EFE-8CA3-AEF4943DBD38} (12 bytes) C.AUsers'Adm1n1strator\Favor1tes\Links\Suggested Sites.url: favicon (894 bytes) C:\Users\Administrator\My Documents: {726BGF7C-E889-4EFE-8CA3-AEF4943DBD38} (12 bytes) /Windows.old.000\Documents and SeKings^drnini$tfat0f\Fav0rites\Links\Suggested Sites.url: favicon (8 C:\Windows.oldOOO\Users\Administrator\Favorites\Links\Suggested Sites.url: favicon (894 bytes)

|Scan complete, found S alternate data streams (ADS's).

FIGURE 3.3: Find die hidden stream file

C E H L ab M anual P ag e 323

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Analysis
Document all die results and reports gathered during die lab.



Information Collected/Objectives Achieved Scan Option: Full Scan (all NTFS drives)


Hidden files with its location Hidden files size

1. Analyze how ADS Spy detects NTFS streams. Internet Connection Required Yes Platform Supported 0 Classroom 0 !Labs

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Hiding Files Using the Stealth Files Tool

Stealth F/'/es use aprocess called steganography to hide anyfiles inside of anotherfie . It is an alternative to encryption offiles.

con key Lab Scenario

/ Valuable information_____ Test your knowledge sA Web exercise m Workbook review

The Windows N T NTFS hie system has a feature that is not well documented and 1s unknown to many N T developers and m ost users. A stream 1s a hidden file that is linked to a norm al (visible) file. A stream is not limited 1 1 1 size and there can be more than one stream linked to a normal tile. Streams can have any name that complies with NTFS naming conventions. 111 order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you m ust understand how to hide tiles using the Stealth Files tool. 111 this lab, discuss how to tind hidden tiles inside o f other tiles using the Stealth Files Tool.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f this lab is to teach students how to hide files using the Stealth Files tool. It will teach you how to:
Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Use the Stealth Files Tool Hide tiles

Lab Environment
To carry out tins lab you need:
Stealth Files tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System H acking\Steganography\Audio Steganography\Stealth Files

A com puter running Window Server 2012 (host machine) You can also download the latest version o f Stealth Files from the link http://w w w /engl 1sh /sf 40 .shtml

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Module 05 - System Hacking

If you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown in the lab might differ Administrative privileges to run the Stealth files tool Run this tool 1 1 1 Windows Server 2012 (Host Machine)

Lab Duration
Time: 15 Minutes

Overview of Stealth Files Tool

U Stenography is the art arid science of writing hidden messages.
Stealth files use a process called steganography to lude any tiles inside o f another

me. It is an alternative to encryption ot files because no one can decrypt tlie encrypted information or data from die files unless they know diat die ludden files exist.

Lab Tasks
1. Follow the wizard-driven installation instructions to install Stealth Files
Tool. Stenography

2. Launch Notepad and write Hello World and save the file as R eadm e.txt
on the desktop.
readm e - N otepad
File Edit Format View Help

f l e l l o W o rld !

& Stealth Files u se s a process called steganography to hide any file or files inside of another file

FIGURE 4.1: Hello world in readme.txt

3. Launch the Start m enu by hovering the mouse cursor on the lowerleft corner o f the desktop.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

FIGURE 4.2: Windows Server 2012 Desktop view

4 . Click the Stealth Files 4.0 app to open the Stealth File window.

m You can also download Stealth File from http: / /www. froebis. com.

FIGURE 4.3: Windows Server 2012 Apps

5. The main window o f Stealth Files 4.0 is shown 1 1 1 the following figure.

This is an alternative to encryption b ecau se no one can decrypt encrypted information or files unless they know that the hidden files exist.

FIGURE 4.4: Control panel of Stealth Files

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Module 05 - System Hacking

6. Click Hide Files to start the process of hiding the files. 7 . Click Add files.

Step 1 Choose Source Files:

Stealth Files 4.0 - Hide Files...

S Before Stealth Files hides a file, it compresses it and encrypts it with a password. Then you must select a carrier file, which is a file that contains die hidden files

Destroy Source Filesl Remove Selected Files! Step 2 Choose Carrier File:

r Create a Backup of the Carrier File! Step 3 Choose Password:


FIGURE 4.5: Add files Window

8. In S te p l, add the C a lc.ex e from c:\w in d ow s\system 32\calc.exe.

& Stealth Files 4.0 can be downloaded from the link: http://www.froebis com/english/sf40. shtml

9 . In Step 2 , choose the carrier file and add the file R eadm e.txt f r o m the

10. In Step 3, choose a password such as m agic (you can type any desired

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Stealth Files 4.0 Hide Files...

Step 1 Choose Source Files: C:\W1ndows\Sj1stem32Vcacls.exe

! I

\ x

5 You can also

remove the hidden files from the carrier file by going to Remove Hidden Files and following the instructions


Destroy Source Filesl Add Files! | Remove Selected Files!

Step 2 Choose Carrier File. C:\Use1s\Administrator\Desktop\readme.txt ICreate a Backup of the Carrier File! Choose Password: magic) :d

I Hide Files! |

FIGURE 4.6: Step 1-3 Window

11. Click Hide Files. 12. It will hide the file c a lc .e x e inside the readm e.txt located on the

13. O pen the notepad and check the file; c a lc .e x e is copied inside it.
readm e N otepad
File Edit F orm at V iew H elp

I ~ I

)H e llo W o rld ! h e h jlfc le d im m a ia lm o k b m p p o n ie g m b k ln n h a c d a h h h n o k e b ib jb ie h a a lb p o f p p h ifh lb k id o fh a k n b in k a d c a jjb p iia n jd h ib o b ig a g d g jo b p b fo jh k g g e e ia b id jn c n ffb e a k jg h fb c c m h h iim h p p ip h m n e o m k b k h fc b d a fc p c h im g b ifjc id j lo c g fih d d ilm c fd m c fo fd n c jd c o n g p b c ja d je b o b p n o e g d d b c jk n b jb k k n h a e b lo c d k flm p n fc g jo b k lb c p g o k h h le llim fp fn c p ig o p o p d e g in a a o e g c k k p c k m g le o n m b fn g b ln b h c ik fd h k m g io d c fg n lg g o a d d c a jm p ip fib h p p g g c g im m k a d n j e b fb ld fd d fo ie a e lg n p p id m p jd g m h o p ije h lik e b lfn h o ifla m a d a m p a p b e e c a k lfg p h fn a b d jm m e p b b g k h d c jp d p a m c jfc ld k e o m fb n c jd p e k p ja ib p c ie p o lb k m e le p h c p f jp ik f ic k lf a k o o n n jle h b b jd a d a ip h k jg n o n ie lje a h fp a la p p d b a c ile n o id lh ib e k p b h e jm ifn g f h f a p m h a fb lifh lc g ia e b k ijik g o h d a g e e b ip b o p c k h je h ip o c e k jo ip e n d e o e a llb a k e p m k d d n e im b fg ie lb m b o o k ia d e lllm n j in ffm o n b k lk k a d p a h ifk p la n a b k d p p b fd c io a ja e k k p p n c g o jg d n h lk jm o fm n g o e g jh k n m c ifjg jc p o fo c ie d c b fp fm k lm b e m o iib jjd e n jk n lm n lm c io n e o ik n i lh k n je a p o n o b m k a lijm p lh m la fjfp a fk g fb d b lh fc b d n m jia e g n p k m n h e ih ie c fn ln a dn n o a o n eo p o o p b b ag m d a oh m e kd gfce kcn b cg m injem e g p nn h e in o ilg e j o o ig lc d h a c lc h jlh d g ib o o h e m b n a p m k m e p a o k jc h h g c jb id fh a k c lg fb m a p n b d o p k m e g fo a n e g d m lm fo n fn o p b k e h o n e in c d h ln o e fa h b n ifd jb d lg b h ije jc e ia kam gkajbbn ln d b ig ga g m cg nb n m a foh o g a ckcd n khb o m g o fp d e g ib ikm jm d p fkg

&T When you are ready to recover your hidden files, simply open them up with Stealth Files, and if you gave the carrier file a password, you will prompted to enter it again to recover die hidden files

FIGURE 4.7: Calc.exe copied inside notepad.txt

14. N ow open the Stealth files Control panel and click Retrieve Files.
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Module 05 - System Hacking

Stealth Fi1es 4.0
S Pictures will still look the same, sound file will still sound die same, and programs w T ill still work fine

Hide Files

Retrieve Files

Remove Hidden Files

& These carrier files will still work perfecdy even with the hidden data in diem

About Stealth Files

Close Program
FIGURE 4.8: Stealth files main window

15. 1 11 Step 1, choose the tile (Readme.txt) from desktop 1 1 1 which you have
saved the c a lc .e x e .

16. 1 1 1 Step 2, choose the path to store the retrieved hidden file. 111 the lab
the path is desktop.

17. Enter the password m agic (the password that is entered to liide the tile)
and click on R etrieve Files!
S - Step 1 Choose Carrier File: C: \U sers\Administrator\D esktopVreadme. txt IDestroy Carrier File!

Stealth File! 4.0

Retrieve Files...

I 1

T x

This carrier file can be any of these file types: EXE, DLL, OCX, COM, JPG, GIF, ART, MP3, AVI, WAV, DOC, BMP, and WMF. Most audio, video, and executable files can also be carrier files

z l

Step 2 - Choose Destination Directory: C :\ll sersV'.dministtatorVD esktop\ d

r Step 3 Enter Password: | magic|

Retrieve Files!

FIGURE 4.9: Retrieve files main window

18. The retrieved file is stored on the desktop.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

0 5 Vorslon; IP Address MAC Addr: Host Name

Windows NT 62 (non) D4 BE 09 CJ CE 20 WIN-039MR6HL9E4

Qs- You can transfer the carrier file through die Internet, and die hidden files inside will transfer simultaneously.

FIGURE 4.10: Calc.ese running on desktop with the retrieved file

Lab Analysis
Document all die results and reports gadiered during die lab.


S tealth Files T ool

Information Collected/Objectives Achieved

H id d e n Files: Calc.exe (calculator) R etrieve File: readme.txt (Notepad) O u tp u t: Hidden calculator executed

1. Evaluate other alternative parameters tor hiding files. Internet Connection Required

0 No

Platform Supported 0 Classroom 0 !Labs

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Extracting SAM Hashes Using PWdump7 Tool

Pndump7 can alsobeusedto du/uppmtectedpiles You canalways copya used'ft/eb)[justexecuting pnduffp7.exe -dc\lakedf11e.datbackjip-hxhdfiledot Iconkey

Lab Scenario
[Z7 Valuable iiiformation_____ Test your knowledge = Web exercise Workbook review

Passwords are a big part ot this m odern generation. You can use the password for your system to protect the business or secret inform ation and you may choose to limit access to your PC with a W indows password. These passwords are an im portant security layer, but many passwords can be cracked and while that is worry, tliis clunk 1 1 1 the arm our can come to your rescue. By using password cracking tools or password cracking technologies that allows hackers to steal password can be used to recover them legitimately. 111 order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you must understand how to crack administrator passwords. 111 tins lab, we discuss extracting the user login password hashes to crack the password.

Lab Objectives
Tins lab teaches you how to: Use the pwdump7 tool Crack administrator passwords

Lab Environment
To carry out the lab you need:

dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Pwdump7 located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System H acking\Passw ord Cracking Tools\pwdum p7

Run tins tool on W indows Server 2012 You can also download the latest version o f pwdump7 from the link http:/ / p 7 / 111dex.html Administrative privileges to run tools
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Module 05 - System Hacking

TCP/IP settings correctly configured and an accessible DNS server

Run this k b in W indows Server 2012 (host machine)

Lab Duration
Time: 10 Minutes

Overview of Pwdump7
Pw dum p 7 can be used to dum p protected tiles. You can always copy a used file just by executing: pwdum p 7 .exe -d c:\lockedf 1 1 e.dat backup-lockedf 1 1 e.dat. Icon key

Lab Tasks
1. O pen the com m and prom pt and navigate to D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8
Generating H ashes Module 05 S ystem H acking\Passw ord Cracking Tools\pwdump7.

2 . Alternatively, you can also navigate to D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05

S ystem H acking\Passw ord Cracking Tools\pwdump7and right-click the pwdump7 tolder and select CMD prompt here to open the

com m and prom pt.

Ad mi ni straton C:\Wi ndows\system32\cmd.exe
[ D :\C E H -T o o ls \C E H v 8 Hrac ke t*s \p w d u m p 7 > M o d u le 05 S y s te m H a c k in g \ P a s s w o r d C r a c k in g M J in d o w s P a s s w o rd C

& Active directory passw ords are stored in the ntds.dit file and currently the stored structure

FIGURE 5.1: Command prompt at pwdump7 directory

3 . N ow type pw dum p7.exe and press Enter, which will display all the
password hashes.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Administrator: Command Prompt

:\ C E H - T o o ls \ C E H u 8 M o d u le 05 S y s te m H a c k in g \ P a s s w o rd C ra c k in g S W in d o w s a c k e rs \ p w d u n p 7 ) pwdum p?. exe w dunp v V . l - ra w p a s s w o rd e x t r a c t o r u t h o r : A n d re s T a r a s c o A c u n a r l : h t t p : / / w w w .5 1 4 .e s A d m i n i s t r a t o r :5 0 0 :N O PASSWORD***** D 4 7 :: : G u e s t :5 0 1 :N O PASSWORD** ** * ** * * * *** LA N G U A R D _1 1 _U S E R :1 0 0 6 :N O PASSWORD* A67B960: : : M a rt i n :1 0 1 8 :N O PASSWORD******-***** J u g g y b o y :1 0 1 9 :N O PASSWORD* ******** J a s o n :1 0 2 0 :N O PASS WORD*-** * *** ***-* * S h i e l a :1 0 2 1 :N O PASSWORD* * * * * * * * * * * :\ C E H -T o o ls \ C E H u 8 ac ke r s Spwdump7 > P a s s w o rd C

*: BE40 C 45 0 A B 99 7 13 D F1 ED C 5 B 4 0C 2 SA *:NO PASSWORD* * :C 2 5 5 1 0 2 1 9 F 6 6 F 9 F 1 2 F C 9 B E 6 6 2 * :5 E B E 7 D F A 0 7 4 D A 8 E E 8 A E F 1 F A A 2 B B D E 8 7 6 : : : * * * :4 8 8 C D C D D 2 2 2 5 3 1 2 7 9 3 E D 6 9 6 7 B 2 8 C 1 0 2 5 : * :2 D 2 0 D 2 5 2 A 4 7 9 F 4 8 5 C D F 5 E 1 7 1 D 9 3 9 8 5 B F :: : * * :0 C B 6 9 4 8 8 0 5 F 7 9 7 B F 2 A 8 2 8 0 7 9 7 3 B 8 9 5 3 7 :: : P a s s w o rd C

M o d u le 05 S y s te m H a c k in g S P a s s w o rd C ra c k in g V W in d o w s

& Always copy a used file just executing: pwdum p7.exe -d c:\lockedfile.dat backuplockedfile.dat.

FIGURE 5.2: pwdump7.exe result window

4 . N ow type pw dum p7.exe > c:\h ash es.txt 1 1 1 the com m and prom pt, and
press Enter.

Tins com m and will copy all the data ot pw dum p7.exe to the c:\h a sh es.tx t file. (To check the generated hashes you need to navigate to the C: drive.)
hashes.txt - Notepad
File Edit Format View Help

( A d m in i s t r a t o r : 5 0 0 : NO PASSWORD* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : BE40C450AB997 13DF1EDC5B4 0C25 AD4 7 G u e s t: 5 0 1 : NO PASSWORD* * * * * * * : NO PASSWORD* * * * : : : LANGUARD_11_USER: 1 0 0 6 : NO PASSWORD* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : C2 5 5 1 0 2 1 9 F 6 6 F 9 F 1 2 F C9 B E 6 6 2 A 6 7 B 9 6 0 M a r t i n :1 0 1 8 :NO P A S S W O R D * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 : * * * EBE7DFA074DA8EE8AEF1FAA2BBDE876

Duggyboy : 1 0 1 9 : NO P A S S W O R D * 4 8 8 : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CDCDD2225312793ED6967B28C1025
3 a s o n :1 0 2 0 :N O P A S S WOR D * * * * * 2 : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D20D252A479F485CDF5E171D93985BF S h i e l a :1 0 2 1 :NO P A S S W O R D * * * * 0 : * * * * * * * * * CB6948805F797BF2A82807973B89537

FIGURE 5.3: hashes.txt window

Lab Analysis
Analyze all the password hashes gathered during die lab and figure out what die password was.

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Module 05 - System Hacking



Information Collected/Objectives Achieved

O u tp u t: List o f User and Password Hashes Administrator Guest Lauguard Martin Juggyboy Jason shiela

PW dum p7

1. W hat is pwdum p 7 .exe com m and used for? 2 . How do you copy the result o f a comm and to a file?

Internet Connection Required

Yes P latform S upported

0 No

0 C lassroom

0 !Labs

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Creating the Rainbow Tables Using Winrtgen

Winrtgen is a graphical Rainbow Tables Generator that s/ippo/ts LM , FastLM, N TLM , LMCHALL> H aljLM CH ALL, K T IM C H A L L , M SCACH E, MD2, MD4, MD5, SH A 1, RIPEMD160, M jSO LJ23, M ySQ LSH AI, CiscoPIX, O RACLE, SH A -2 (256), SH A -2 (384) and SFL4-2 (512) hashes.
[II7 Valuable information Test your knowledge == Web exercise m Workbook review

Lab Scenario
111 computer and information security, the use ot password is essential for users to protect their data to ensure a seemed access to dieir system or machine. As users become increasingly aware o f the need to adopt strong passwords, it also brings challenges to protection o f potential data. 111 diis lab, we will discuss creating die rainbow table to crack the system users passwords. 111 order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you must understand how to create rainbow tables to crack the administrator password.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f this lab is to help students how to create and use rainbow table to perform system password hacking.

Lab Environment
To earn out die lab, you need:

dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Winrtgen Tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 S ystem Hacking\Rainbow Table Creation Tools\Winrtgen

A com puter running Window Server 2012 You can also download the latest version o f Winrtgen from the link http: / / projects.html If you decide to download the latest version, then screenshots shown 1 1 1 the lab might differ
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C E H L ab M an u al Page 336

Module 05 - System Hacking

Run this tool 011 Windows Server 2012 Administrative pnvileges to run tins program

Lab Duration
Time: 10 Minutes
You can also download Winrtge from

Overview of Rainbow Table

s lunj/www 0x1dlt/p10ject A rainbow table is a precomputed table for reversing cryptograpliic hash functions, usually for cracking password hashes. Tables are usually used 1 1 1 recovering plaintext passwords, up to a certain length, consisting o f a limited set of characters.

Lab Task
Generating Rainbow Table

1. Double-click die winrtgen.exe tile. The main window of winrtgen is shown

1 1 1 die following tigure.


W inrtgen v2.8 (Rainbow Tables Generator) by mao


Add T able


Remove All




Rainbow tables usually used to crack a lot of hash types such as

N T L M , M D 5 , SH A1

FIGURE 6.1: winrtgen main window

2 . Click die Add Table button.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

W inrtgen v2.8 (Rainbow Tables Generator) by mao

Q You can also download Winrtge from s.html.


Add Table


Remove All




FIGURE 6.2: creating die rainbow table

3 . Rainbow Table properties window appears:

i. Select ntlm from the Hash drop-down list 1 1 . Set die Min Len as 4, die Max Len as 9, and the Chain Count o f

iii. Select loweralpha from die Charset drop-down list (diis depends on the password).
4. Click OK.
R ain bow Table p rop erties

Hash |ntlm

Min Len I4

-M ax Len rIndex I9 1

Chain Len |2400

Chain Count I4000000

v T o o ls dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

|abcdefghiiklmnopqrstuvwxyz Table properties Key space: 5646683807856 keys Disk space: 61.03 MB Success probability: 0.001697 (017%) Benchmark Hash speed: Step speed: Table precomputation time: Total precomputation time: Max cryptanalysis time: Benchmark | Optional parameter |Administrator

FIGURE 6.3: selecting die Rainbow table properties

5. A file will be created; click OK.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

W inrtgen v2.8 (Rainbow Tables Generator) by mao

Filename ntlm_lowe(alpha#4-9_0_2400x4000000_oxid8000.rt Status


Add Table


Remove All




FIGURE 6.4: Alchemy Remote Executor progress tab window

Creating the hash table will take some time, depending on the selected hash and charset.

Note: To save die time tor die lab demonstration, die generated hash table
is kept in die following !older: D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System
Hacking\Rainbow Table Creation ToolsYWinrtgen
You must be careful of your harddisk space. Simple rainbow table for 1 5 alphanumeric and it costs about 613MB of your harddisk.


Created a hash table saved automatically 1 1 1 die folder containing


v C Search W inrtgen Size 6KB 62,500 KB 259 KB 1 KB

&Favorites D esktop

CEHv8 M o d u le 05 S y stem H acking N am e M c h arset.tx t | ntlm _low eralphag4-6_0_2400x4000000_ox... | R ainbow T able C re ation T ools W inrtgen D ate m od ifie d 7/1 0 /2 0 0 8 &29 PM 9/18/201211:31 A M 7 /1 0 /2 0 0 8 1 0 :2 4 PM 7/1 0 /2 0 0 8 10:33 PM T ype T ext D o c u m e n t RT File A pplic ation SJG File

J . D o w n lo ad s % R ecen t pla ce s

H! w in rtg en .e x e w inrtgen.e xe.sig

Libraries [ J D o c u m e n ts M usic II! P ictu res H Videos

C o m p u te r & Local Disk ( C )

1 m N ew V o lu m e (D:)

4 ite m s

1 ite m se le c te d 61.0 MB

State: Q

S hared

FIGURE 6.5: Generated Rainbow table file

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise.


Information Collected/Objectives Achieved

P urpose: Creating Rainbow table with lower alpha

W inrtge

O u tp u t: Created Rainbow table: ntlm_lowe 1 alpha# 4 -

6_ 0_ 2400X 4000000_ o x ...


Internet Connection Required

D Yes

0 No

Platform Supported 0 Classroom 0 !Labs

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Password Cracking Using RainbowCrack

Rainbon'Crack is a computerprogram thatgenerates rainbow tables to be used in password cracking.

Lab Scenario
1 ' J Valuable mforination_____ Test your knowledge______ a s Web exercise m Workbook review

Computer passwords are like locks on doors; they keep honest people honest. It someone wishes to gam access to your laptop or computer, a simple login password will not stop them. Most computer users do not realize how simple it is to access die login password for a computer, and end up leaving vulnerable data on their computer, unencrypted and easy to access. Are you curious how easy it is for someone to gain access to your computer? Windows is still the most popular operating system, and die method used to discover the login password is die easiest. A hacker uses password cracking utilities and cracks vour system. That is how simple it is for someone to hack your password. It requires 110 technical skills, 110 laborious tasks, onlv simple words 01 programs. 111 order to be an ethical hacker and penetration tester, you must understand how to crack administrator password. 111 tins lab we discuss how to crack guest users or administrator passwords using RainbowCrack.

Lab Objectives
~ T o o ls dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

The objective ot this lab is to help students to crack p assw ord s to perform system password hacking.

Lab Environment
To earn out die lab, you need:
RainbowCrack Tool located at D:\CEH-T0 0 ls\CEHv8 Module 05 S ystem Hacking\Rainbow Table Creation Tools\RainbowCrack

A com puter running Window Server 2012 You can also download the latest version o f RainbowCrack from the link h ttp ://
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Module 05 - System Hacking

!2 2 You can also download Winrtge from http: / /www. s.html

If you decide to download die latest version, dien screenshots shown in die lab nnght differ Run diis tool 011 Windows Server 2012 Administrative privileges to m n diis program

Lab Duration
Tune: 10 Minutes

Overview of RainbowCrack
RainbowCrack is a computer program diat generates rainbow tables to be used 1 1 1 password cracking. RainbowCrack differs from "conventional" bmte force crackers in diat it uses large pre-computed tables called rainbow tables to reduce die lengdi of time needed to crack a password.

Lab Task
t a s k

1. Double-click die rcrack_gui.exe tile. The main window of RainbowCrack is

shown 1 1 1 die following figure.

Generating the Rainbow Table

m RainbowCrack for GPU is the hash cracking program in RainbowCrack hash cracking utilities.

FIGURE 7.1: RainbowCrack main window

2 . Click File, and dien click Add Hash...

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Module 05 - System Hacking

RainbowCrack 1.5
File | E d it R a in b o w T a b le H e lp P la in te x t in H ex

A d d H a s h ... L o a d H a s h e s f r o m File... L o a d LM H a s h e s f r o m P W D U M P File... L o a d N T L M H a s h e s f r o m PW D U M P File.. S a v e R e su lts...

Q! RainbowCrack for GPU is significantly faster than any non-GPU accelerated rainbow table lookup program and any straight GPU brute forcing cracker

FIGURE 7.2: Adding Hash values


The Add Hash window appears: Navigate to c:\hashes, and open die hashes.txt tile (which is already generated using Pwdump 7 located at c:\hashes.txt 1 1 1 the previous Lab
no:5) .

ii. iii.

Right-click, copy die hashes from hashes.txt tile. Paste into die Hash held, and give die comment (optional). Click OK.
hashes.txt - Notepad
Edit Format View Help


Undo Cut Copy Paste Delete Select All

A d m i n i s t r a t o r : 5 0 0 : NO P A S S W O R D * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : BE40C450AB

Q | RainbowCrack uses time-memoiy tradeoff algorithm to crack hashes. It differs from the hash crackers that use brute force algorithm

G u e s t : 5 0 1 : NO P A S S W O R D * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " ! P A S S W O R D ********************** * LANGUARD_11_USER: 1 0 0 6 : NO PASSWORD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : C2 5 5 1 0 2 1 9 F M a r t i n :1 0 1 8 :NO P A S S W O R D 5 ] ug g y b o y : 1 0 1 9 : NO PASSWORD4 8 8 : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CDCDD22 D a s o n :1 0 2 0 :N O P A S S W O R D 2

Right Reading order :************ * * * to * * left ** EBE7DFA07 Show Unicode control characters Insert Unicode control character

:* * * * * * * * * * * * *Open * * * *IME * * D20D252A4

________________________ _____ -

S h ie la :1 0 2 1 :N O PASSWORD************ *********

1 *Kli 1 *JLW -V.IW


FIGURE 7.3: Selecting the hashes

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Module 05 - System Hacking

RainbowCrack 1.5
File Edit R ainbow T able Help P l a i n t e x t I n H ex

dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

0C86948805F797BF2A82807973889537 Comment (optional): password

FIGURE 7.4: Adding Hashes

4 . The selected hash is added, as shown 1 1 1 die following figure.

RainbowCrack 1.5
File H a sh @ 0 c b 6 9 4 e8 0 5 f7 9 7 b f2 a 8 2 8 0 7 9 7 3b89537 Edit Rainbow Table H elp P la in te x t ? P l a i n t e x t I n Hex

2 Fun time-memory tradeoff tool suites, including rainbow table generation, sort, conversion and lookup

FIGURE 7.5: Added hash show in window

5. To add more hashes, repeat steps 2 & 3 (i,ii,iii,iv) 6. Added hashes are shown 1 1 1 the following figure.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

RainbowCrack 1.5

I [ r x T I

0 . RainbowCrack's purpose is to generate rainbow tables and not to crack passwords per-se, some organizations have endeavored to make RainbowCrack's rainbow tables available free over the internet.

P File H a sh 0


Rainbow T able

H elp P la in te x t ? ? ? ? ? P l a i n t e x t i n H ex ? ? ? 1

0 c b 6 9 4 8 8 0 S f 7 9 7 b f2 a 8 2 8 0 7 9 7 3 b 8 9 5 3 7

@ 0 c b 6 9 4 8 8 0 5 f7 9 7 b f2 a8 2 8 0 7 9 7 3 b 8 9 5 3 7 @ 4 8 8 c d c d d 2 2 2 5 3 1 2 7 9 3 e d 6 9 6 7 b 2 8 c l0 2 5 @ 5 e b e 7 d fa 0 7 4 d a 8 e e 8 a e flfa a 2 b b d e 8 7 6 @ c 2 5 5 1 0 2 1 9 6 6 f 9 f l2 f c 9 b e 6 6 2 a 6 7 b 9 6 0

FIGURE 7.6: Added Hashes in the window

7 . Click die Rainbow Table from die menu bar, and click Search Rainbow

9 RainbowCrack for GPU software uses GPU from NVIDIA for computing, instead of CPU. By offloading computation task to GPU, the RainbowCrack for GPU software can be tens of times faster than nonGPU version.

8. Browse die Rainbow Table diat is already generated 1 1 1 die previous lab,
which is located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module Hacking\Rainbow Table Creation Tools\Winrtgen.
05 System

9 . Click Open.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

^ O rganize jA W indow s Password Crac... w in rtg e n v

( j | | Search w in rtg e n
| [jjj

P I Type RT File

New fo ld e r N am e Q ntlm .loweralphag4-6.0.24001(4000000.ox..


Recent places M usic

Date m o d ifie d 9/18/2012 11:31 A M

Libraries j3 ] Docum ents

J l M usic

E Q a time-memory tradeoff hash cracker need a pre-computation stage, at the time all plaintext/hash pairs within the selected hash algorithm, charset, plaintext length are computed and results are stored in files called rainbow table

g 9

Pictures Videos


C om puter ^ Local Disk (C:)

r - Local Disk (D:)

1 - Local Disk ( )

> 1
Filenam e: ntlmjoweralpha*4-6_0_2400x4000000_oxid* v | Rainbow Tables (*.rt;*.rtc) Open

FIGURE 7.8: Added Hashes in the window

10. It will crack the password, as shown 1 1 1 the following figure.

RainbowCrack 1.5
File H ash 3 3 3 0 c b 6 9 4 8 8 0 5 f7 9 7 b f 2 a 8 2 8 0 7 9 7 3 b 8 9 5 3 7 0 c b 6 9 4 e 8 0 5 f7 9 7 b f2 a 8 2 8 0 7 9 7 3 b 8 9 5 3 7 4 8 8 c d c 6 d 2 2 2 5 3 1 2 7 9 3 e d 6 9 6 7 b 2 8 c l0 2 5 te s t te s t g ree n a p p le ? q w e r ty Edit Rainbow Table H elp P l a i n t e x t I n Hex Com ment p a ssw o rd

74657374 74657374 677265656c 6170706C65 7 717765727479

5 e b e 7 d fa 0 7 4 d a 8 e e 8 a e flfa a 2 b b d e 8 7 6 3 3 c 2 5 5 1 0 2 1 9 f6 6 f 9 fl2 fc 9 b e 6 6 2 a 6 7 b 9 6 0 2 d 2 0 d 2 5 2 a 4 7 9 f 4 8 5 c d f 5 e l7 1 d 9 3 9 8 5 b f

==!RainbowCrack focus on tlie development of optimized time-memory tradeoff implementation, and generation of large rainbow tables.

tine of alarm check: tine of wait: time of other operation: time of disk read: hash & reduce calculation of chain traverse: hash 4 reduce calculation of alarm check: number of alarm: speed of chain traverse: speed of alarm check:

2 .3 4 s 0.00 s 0 .1 9 s 0 .0 8 s 5755200 35850648 55125 9 .7 1 million/s 1 5 .3 3 mllllon/s


FIGURE 7.9: Added Hashes in the window

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to the lab exercise.

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Module 05 - System Hacking



Information Collected/Objectives Achieved

H a sh e s: Administrator Guest Languard Martin Jason Sluela

R ainbow C rack

P assw ord C racked: test test green apple qwerty

1. W hat kind o f hashes does RainbowCrack support?

Internet Connection Required Yes

P latform S upported

0 No

0 C lassroom

0 !Labs

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Extracting Administrator Passwords Using LOphtCrack

U)phtCrack is packed with powerfulfeatures, such as scheduling, hash extraction fro/// 64-bit Windows versions; multiprocessor algorithms, and network monitoring and decoding. It can impotf and crack U N IX passwordfiles and remote Windows machines.

Lab Scenario
/ Valuable information Test your knowledge______ ^ Web exercise

Since security and compliance are high priorities for m ost organizations, attacks 011 a company 01 organization's com puter systems take many different forms, such as spooling, smurfing, and other types o f demal-of-service (DoS) attacks. These attacks are designed to harm 01 interrupt the use o f your operational systems. Password cracking is a term used to describe the penetration o f a network, system, 01 resource with 01 w ithout the use o f tools to unlock a resource that has been secured with a password. 111 tins lab we will look at what password cracking is, why attackers do it, how they achieve their goals, and what you can do to do to protect yourself. Through an examination o f several scenarios, m tins lab we describe some o f the techniques they deploy and the tools that aid them 1 1 1 their assaults and how password crackers work both internally and externally to violate a company's infrastructure. 111 order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you m ust understand how to crack administrator passwords. 111 tins lab we crack the system user accounts using LOphtCrack.

r*.. Workbook review

dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Lab Objectives
The lab teaches you how to: Use the LOphtCrack tool Crack adm inistrator passwords

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Environment
To earn out the lab you need:
LOphtCrack tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 S ystem H acking\Passw ord Cracking Tools\LOphtCrack

Run tliis tool on W indows Server 2012 (host machine) You can also download the latest version o f LOphtCrack trom the link http: / / Administrative privileges to run tools Follow wizard driven installation instructions

TCP/IP settings correctly configured and an accessible D N S server

Tins tool requires the user to register or you can also use the evaluation version for a limited period o f time

Lab Duration
Tune: 10 Minutes

Overview of LOphtCrack
LOphtCrack provides a scoring metric to quickly assess password quality. Passwords are measured against current industry best practices and are rated as Strong, Medium, Weak, or Fail.

Lab Tasks
Cracking Administrator Password

1. Launch the Start m enu by hovering the mouse cursor to the lower left
m ost corner o f the desktop.

| | Windows Server 2012

vm 1 i 5 ! '1

m You can also download the LOphtCrack from http: / / www.lOphtcrack.

FIGURE 8.1: Windows Server 2012 Desktop view

2 . Click the LOphtCrack6 app to open the LOphtCrack6 window

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Server M anager W indow s Pow erShel Google Chrome Hyper-V M anager

Adm inistrator

Com puter

Control Panel

Hyper-V Virtual Machine...

SQL Server Installation Center...


C om m and P rom pt

Mozilla Firefox

Global Network Inventory

/ LOphtCrack supports pre-computed password hashes.
I n t r m r tf u p t e r r

N m ap Zenm ap GUI

W orkspace Studio


FIGURE 8.2: Windows Server 2012 Apps

3 . Launch LOphtCrack, and 11 1 the LOphtCrack Wizard, click Next.

LOphtCrack Password A uditor v6.0.16

LO p h tC rack 6 W izard

W elcom e to th e LOphtCrack 6 Wizard This wizard wil prompt you w th step-by-step n sb u c tio n s to g e t you aud tin g n m n u te s First, th e wizard w i help y ou d e term n e w here to retrieve your encrypted p a ssw ords from Se c o n d , you w i b e prom pted w th a few options re g a rd n g which m ethods to u se to audit th e passw ords Third, you w i b e prom pted w th how you wish to report the results T hen. LOphtCrack 6 w i p ro ce ed a u d tin g th e passw ords a n d report sta tu s to you along th e w ay. notifying y ou w hen audfcng is com plete Press Next' to c onbnue w th th e w izard

LOphtCrack can also cracks UNIX password files.

[7 jjjprit show m e this w izard o n startup

FIGURE 8.3: Welcome screen of die LOphtCrack Wizard

4 . Choose Retrieve from th e local m achine 1 1 1 the Get Encrypted

P assw ord s wizard and click Next.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

LOphtCrack Password A uditor v6.0.16

G e t E n cry p te d P assw ords

C hoose o n e of th e fo lo w n g m eth ods to retrieve th e e n crypted passw ords | R etneve from th e tocal m a c h n e | Pulls encrypted p a ssw ords from th e local m a c h n e 's registry A dm natra to r a c c e s s a r eq u red R etneve from a rem ote m a c h n e R etneve encrypted p a ssw ords from a remote m a c h n e on your d o m a n Admrwtra tor a c c e s s is required R etneve from SAM/SYSTEM b a c k u p U se em ergency r e p a r disks, b a c k u p ta p e s, or volume sha dow copy te ch r q u es to obtain a copy of th e registry SAM a n d SYSTEM hives This c o n ta n s a copy of your non-d o m an passw ords Q R etneve by jnrffng th e local netw ork Sniffing c a p tu res encrypted h a s h e s n transit o ver your netw ork L o g n s .f ie sh a m g a n d p m t shanng a l u se netw ork authentication th a t c a n b e captured.

< Back

Next >

LOphtCrack has a built-in ability to import passwords from remote Windows, including 64-bit versions of Vista, Windows 7, and UNIX machines, without requiring a thirdparty utility.


FIGURE 8.4: Selecting die password from die local machine

5. Choose Strong P assw ord Audit from the C hoose Auditing Method
wizard and click Next.

1- '

FIGURE 8.5: Choose a strong password audit

6. In Pick Reporting Style, select all Display encrypted passw ord

h a sh es.

7 . Click Next.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

m LOphtCrack offers remediation assistance to system administrators.

FIGURE 8.6: Pick Reporting Style

8. Click Finish.
LOphtCrack Password Auditor v6.0.16

Bogin Auditing

LOphtCrack 6 now ready to b e g n th e passw ord aud*ing p ro ce ss Plea se confirm th e f o lo w n g settings an d go b a c k a n d c h a n g e a n y th n g th a t ts not correct

Step 2

R etrieve passw ords from th e local m achine Perform 'Q uick' passw ord audit Display d o m a n passw ord belongs to Display p assw ords v41en a udited Display time sp ent auditing e a c h passw ord Give visible notification *tfien d o n e a udrtn g S how m ethod u se d to c ra ck passw ord

.__ LOphtCrack lias realtime reporting that is displayed in a separate, tabbed interface.
Step 5
6g1n Auditing

[ / ] S a v e th e s e settings a s s e s a o n defaults Press finish'to b e p n audfcng

FIGURE 8.7: Begin Auditing

9 . LO pntcrack 6 shows an Audit Com pleted message, Click OK. 10. Click S e ssio n options Irom the menu bar.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Cracked Accounts Weak Passwords Pause Stop Schedule Scheduled Audit Tasks

J j.


Disable Force Password Expired Accounts

d Domain

Run y Report User Name LM Password * m issing * m issing * * m issing * * m issing * * m issing m issing LMHash__________________________ OCKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

,X WIN-D39MR... A d m in istrato r WIN-D39MR... G uest J t WIN-D39MR... Jason 4 WIN-D39MR... Ju g g y b o y

0000000000000000000000000000000( 0000000000000000000000000000000(

u o rd s t o t a ] 29151 _words_done

LOphtCrack 6 x
0000000000000000000000000000000( 0000000000000000000000000000000(

<tw 1N -D 39M R ... LANGUARD,! 1_USER A WIN-D39MR... M artin


1 0 B T 5 O T ?

Audit c o m p leted .


_______ LtX& sslaezei 0d Oh 0 Os

_ _ l _d o n S > 4 X

III Messages 0 9 /1 8 /2 0 1 2 0 9 /1 8 /2 0 1 2 0 9 /1 8 /2 0 1 2 0 9 /1 8 /2 0 1 2 1 4 :4 7 :4 8 1 4 :4 7 :5 2 1 4 :4 7 :5 2 1 4 :4 7 :5 2 M u ^ i- c o r e o p e r a tio n w ith 4 c o re s . I m p o r te d 2 a c c o u n ts fro m t h e l o c a l A u d it s t a r t e d . A u d itin g s e s s i o n c o m p le te d . m a c h in e

FIGURE 8.8: Selecting Session options Q LOphtCrack uses Dictionary, Hybrid, Recomputed, and Bmte Force Password auditing methods.

11. Auditing options For This S e ssio n window appears:

i. Select the Enabled, Crack NTLM P assw ord s check boxes 1 1 1

Dictionary Crack.

ii. Select the Enabled, Crack NTLM P assw ord s check boxes 1 1 1
Dictionary/Brute Hybrid Crack.

iii. Select the Enabled, Crack NTLM P assw ord s check boxes 1 1 1 Brute
Force Crack.

Select the Enable Brute Force Minimum Character Count check box.

v. Select the Enable Brute Force Maximum Character Count check box.

12. Click OK.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Auditing O ptions For This Session

Dictionary C rack D ictionary List 0 C ra ck NTLM P a ssw o rd s

T he Dictionary C ra ck te s ts fo r p a ssw o rd s th a t a re th e sa m e a s th e w ords fcsted in t h e w ord file. This te st * very fa s t a n d finds th e w e a k e s t p a ssw o rd s.

D ictionary/B rute Hybrid C ra ck [ 2 E nabled V C rack NTLM P a ssw o rd s Com mon letter su bstitutions (m uch slow er) P re co m p u ted E ! E n ab led C Hash File List Also k n o w n a s r a n b o w ta b le s ', th e P re com puted C rack te s ts fo r p a ssw o rd s a g a r is t a p rec o m p u te d h a s h e s c o n tan -ed n a file or files This te s t is very fast a n d finds p a ssw o rd s c re a te d from th e sa m e c h a r a c te r se t a s th e p re c o m p u te d h a s h e s . P re se rv n g preco m p u ta tio n d a ta s p e e d s up c o n s e c u tiv e m n s r e x c h a n g e for disk s p a c e T h s c ra c k w o rk s a g a r o t LM a n d NTLM p a ssw o rd s, but n o t U n a B a/te F o rce C rack * C h a rac ters to a p p e n d 0 * C h a rac ters to p rep e n d T h e D ictionary/B rute Hybrid C ra ck te s ts for p a ssw o rd s th a t a re v a n atio n s of th e w ords in th e w ord file. It finds p a ssw o rd s su c h a s D a n a 99 or m onkeys! . This te st is fa st a n d finds w e a k p a ssw o rd s.

Preserve Precomputation Data


g]E n a b le d

L an g u a g e: English

J r a c k NTLM P a ssw o rd s

T h e Brute F orce C ra ck te s ts fo r p a ssw o rd s th a t a re m a d e u p of th e c h a r a c te r s sp ecified in t h e c h a r a c te r se t I finds p a ssw o rd s su c h a s "WeR3pfc6s' o r "vC 5% 6S*12b" T his t e s t is slow a n d finds me<fcjm to strong p a ssw o rd s. E n a b in g a start or e n d point lets you control th e minimum a n d maxim um n u m b e r of c h a r a c te r s to iterate. T h e a c tu a l maxim um c h a r a c te r c o u n t u s e d may vary b a s e d o n h a s h ty p e S p e c fy a c h a r a c te r se t with m ore c h a r a c te r s to c ra c k stro n g e r p a s s w o rd s .

a lp h a b e t n u m b ers C ustom C h a ra c te r S e t (list e a c h c h arac ter): E T N RIOAS D H LCFPU M YG W VBXKQ JZetnrioasd hlcfpumygwvbxkqjzOI 23456789

Brute Force Minimum C h a ra c te r Count Brute Force Maximum C h a ra c te r Count


QK Q ancel

FIGURE 8.9: Selecting die auditing options

13. Click Begin ' ' from the menu bar. LOphtCrack cracks the
adm inistrator passw ord.

14. A report is generated with the cracked passwords.

FIGURE 8.10: Generated cracked Password

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C E H L ab M anual P ag e 354

Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Analysis
Document all die results and reports gathered during die lab.



Information Collected/Objectives Achieved

U ser N a m e s: Administrator Guest Jason Juggvbov LA N G U A R D _ 11_USER Martin

L O p h tC rac k

P assw ord F ound: qwerty green apple

1. W hat are the alternatives to crack administrator passwords? 2 . W hy is a brute force attack used 1 1 1 the LOphtCrack tool?

Internet Connection Required Yes Platform Supported 0 Classroom 0 !Labs 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Password Cracking Using Ophcrack

Ophcrnck is a free open source (GPL licensed) pmgram that cracks Windows passn ords by using LM hashes through rainbon tables.
Valuable / information . **Te$t your
_____knowledge _______

Lab Scenario
111 a security system that allows people to choose their own passwords, those people tend to choose passwords that can be easily guessed. Tins weakness exists 1 1 1 practically all widely used systems instead o f forcing users to choose well-chosen secrets that are likely to be difficult to remember. The basic idea is to ensure that data available to the attacker is sufficiently unpredictable to prevent an off-line verification of whether a guess is successful or not; we examine common forms of guessing attacks, password cracking utilities to develop examples of cryptographic protocols that are immune to such attacks. Pooiiy chosen passwords are vulnerable to attacks based upon copying information. 111 order to be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you must understand how to crack the weak administrator or system user account password using password cracking tools. 111 tins lab we show you how to crack system user accounts using Ophcrack.

Web exercise Workbook review

Lab Objectives
The objective o f this lab is to help students learn:
Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Use the OphCrack tool Crack adm inistrator passwords

Lab Environment
To earn out die lab, you need:
" OphCrack tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System H acking\Passw ord Cracking Tools\Ophcrack

Run this tool on W indows Server 2012 (Host Machine) You can also download the latest version o f LOphtCrack from the link h ttp :/ /
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C E H L ab M an u al Page 356

Module 05 - System Hacking

Administrative privileges to run tools Follow the wizard-driven installation instructions

Lab Duration
Time: 15 Minutes

Overview of OphCrack
Rainbow tables for LM hashes of alphanumeric passwords are provided for free by developers. By default, OphCrack is bundled with tables diat allow it to crack passwords no longer than 14 characters using only alphanumeric characters.

Lab Task
Cracking the Password

1. Launch the Start m enu by hovering the mouse cursor on the lower-left
corner of the desktop.

g | Wndows Server 2012

v n n o o tfj!x rv ff1 0 uK e te jje u n o io a ww u cw w r

tvilwtor ccpv kud M O O

FIGURE 9.1: Windows Server 2012 - Desktop view

2 . Click the OphCrack app to open the OphCrack window.

m You cau also download tlie OphCrack from http:/ / ophcrack. sourceforg

FIGURE 9.2: Windows Server 2012 Apps

3 . Tlie OphCrack main window appears.

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Module 05 - System Hacking


1' !

Load Progress Delete Statistics Save

Tables C radt Help




B Rainbow tables for LM hashes of alphanumeric passwords are provided for free by the developers


w attn g

| Brute force:


j Pwd found:


Time e lapsed: |


FIGURE 9.3: OphCrack Main window

4 . Click Load, and then click PWDUMP file.


Single h a sh PW DUMP file S essio n file


, ..



& Ophcrack is bundled with tables that allow s it to crack passw ords no longer than 14 characters using only alphanumeric characters

E n cry p te d SAM Local SAM w ith sa m d u m p 2 Local SAM w ith p w d u m p 6 R e m o te SAM

D irectory

P rogress

Preload: _______ waiting_______| Brute force: |


| Pw dfouxJ:

Fig 9.4: Selecting PWDUMP file

5. Browse die PWDUMP file diat is already generated by using P\\T)U M P 7 1 1 1 die previous lab 110:5 (located at c :\h a sh e s.tx t). 6. Click Open
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C E H L ab M an u al Page 358

Module 05 - System Hacking

Open PWDUMP file

0 CO

*** * Computer Local Disk (C:)

| Search Local Disk (C:)

] I

New folder A Name j i . Program Files Program Files (x86) j j TFTP-Root Users
j . u sr J W in d o w s

=- E Hm
Date modified 9/17/2012 9:25 AM 9/18/2012 2:18 PM 9/4/2012 7:00 PM 9/18/20122:35 PM 8/30/20121:06 PM 9/15/2012 3:26 PM 8/7/2012 1:50 AM 8/8/2012 12:03 AM 9/19/2012 9:58 AM 9/18/2012 3:06 PM 9/15/2012 2:53 PM 9/6/20124:03 PM Type File folder File folder File folder File folder File folder File folder File folder File folder RND File Text Document System file JS File


S Recent places

available as Live CD distributions which automate the retrieval, decryption, and cracking of passwords from a Windows system.

J ) Music

Libraries (3| Documents Music fc l Pictures H Videos

4 W in d o w s .o ld


W in d o w s .o ld .0 0 0 .r n d __________________

: Computer Local Disk (C:) . ^ Local Disk (D:) v,


|j6j msdos.sys [A user.js

File name: hashes.txt

v j [All Files ( * /) Open

FIGURE 9.5 import the hashes from PWDUMP file

7. Loaded hashes are shown 1 1 1 the following figure.


Load P rogress User A d m in istra to r G uest

Delete Statistics


Tables | NT H ash BE40C450AB997... 3 1d6cfe0d16ae9... C25510219F66F... 5EBE7DFA074D... 488CDCDD2225... 2D20D252A479F... 0CB69488O5F79... Crack


LANGUARDJ 1_ M artin

Juggyboy Jason

7 Ophcrack Cracks L M andN TL M Windows hashes

P rogress

Pretoad: _______ waiting_______] Brute force: |


] Pwd fbcrtd:

FIGURE 9.6 Hashes are added

8. Click Table. The Table Selection window will appear as shown 1 1 1 die
following figure.

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Tables Progress User A d m in istra to r G uest LANGUARD_11_ M artin Ju g g y b o y Jaso n Shiela Statistics 0

', ,sg ?

Table Selection
Table m XP fre e fast XP f re e sm all XP special XP g e rm a n v2 Vista special Vista free Vista nin e Vista eight Vista n u m Vista seven XP flash D irectory Status n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed n o t installed

# XP g e rm a n v l

< Vista e ig h t XL

& T o o ls dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

< = e nabled J = disabled

III = n o t n sta le d


Preload: _______ waiting_______| Brute force: | waiting ] Pwd fbuxJ: Tne elapsed: Oh 0 Os

FIGURE 9.7: selecting die Rainbow table

Note: You can download die free XP Rainbow Table, Vista Rainbow
Tables from h ttp ://

9. Select Vista free, and click Install.

lable * XP free fast XP free small XP german v1 XP german v2 Vista special Vista nine Vista num XP flash

Table Selection
Directory Status not installed not installed not installed not installed not installed not installed not installec not installed not installed not installed not installed not installed not installed

9 XP special

| ! Vista free # Vista eight < Vista seven < Vista eight XL

<l < = enabled 4 = disabled



= not installed

FIGURE 9.8: Installing vista free rainbow table

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Module 05 - System Hacking

10. The Browse For Folder window appears; select the the table_vista_free
folder (which is already download and kept at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8
Module 05 System Hacking\Password Cracking Tools\Ophcrack)

11. Click OK.

Browse For Folder
Select the directory which contains the tables.

& Ophcrack Free tables available for Windows XP, Vista and 7

J4 CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking


Password Cracking Windows Password Crackers


OphCrack tables_vista_free pwdump7 winrtgen


t> <




Make New Folder


12. The selected table vista free is installed,; it shows a green color ball which
means it is enabled. Click OK.
Table Selection



> *

XP free fast XP free small XP special XP german v1 XP german v2 Vista special Vista free Vista nine Vista eight Vista num Vista seven XP flash Vista eight XL C:/Program Files (x86)/tables_vista_free

not installed not installed not installed not installed not installed net installed on disk not installec not installed not installed not installed not installed not installed

& Loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition

< = enabled 4 = disabled



# = not installed Install

FIGURE 9.9: vista free rainbow table installed successfully

13. Click Crack: it will crack die password as shown 1 1 1 die following figure.

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Load Progress Delete Statistics


Tables N T Hash


Help LM Pwd 1

Bat LM Pwd 2 N T Pwd


This is necessary if die generation of die LM hash is disabled (this is default for Windows Vista), or if the password is longer than 14 characters (in which case the LM hash is not stored).

User Administrator Guest LANGUARD 11_... Martin Juggyboy Jason Shiela

LM Hash

BE40C450AB997... 31d6cfe0d16ae9... C25510219F66F... 5EBE7DFA074D... 488CDCDD2225... 2D20D252A479F... 0CB6948805F79... apple green qwerty test empty

!ab le t> 4 Vista f ree

Directory C :/P ro g ram File...

Status 100% in RAM


FIGURE 9.10: passwords ate cracked

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise.


T o o l/U tility

Information C ollected /O b jectives Achieved

User Names:
Administrator Guest LA N G U A R D _ 11_USER Martin Juggyby Jason Slieiela


Rainbow Table Used: Yista free Password Found:

apple green qwerty test
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C E H L ab M anual Page 362

Module 05 - System Hacking

1. W hat are the alternatives to cracking administrator passwords?

In te rn e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired

Yes Platform Supported 0 Classroom

0 No

0 !Labs

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Module 05 - System Hacking

System Monitoring Using RemoteExec

System hacking is the science of testing computers and networksfor vulnerabilities andplugging.

Lab Scenario
^_ Valuable information_____ Test your knowledge *A Web exercise m Workbook review

To be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you must have sound knowledge of footprinting, scanning, and enumeration. Tliis process requires an active connection to the machine being attacked. A hacker enumerates applications and banners 1 1 1 addition to identifying user accounts and shared resources. You should also have knowledge of gaining access, escalating privileges, executing applications, liiduig tiles, and covering tracks.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students to learn how to:
Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking Modify Add / D elete registry keys and or values

Install service packs, patches, and hottixes Copy folders and tiles Run programs, scripts, and applications Deploy Windows Installer packages 1 1 1 silent mode

Lab Environment
To earn out die lab, you need:
Remote Exec Tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking\Executing Applications Tools\Rem oteExec Windows Server 2008 running on the Yutual machine

Follow die Wizard Driven Installation steps

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Module 05 - System Hacking

You can also download die latest version o f R em oteE xec from the link http://w w w /en If you decide to download die latest version, dien screenshots shown 1 1 1 die lab might differ Administrative pnvileges to run tools

Lab Duration
Tune: 10 Minutes

Overview of RemoteExec
Rem oteExec, die universal deployer for Microsoft Windows systems, allows network administrators to run tasks remotely.

Lab Task
Monitoring System
R em oteExec

1. Install and launch RemoteExec.

ram e
f*l demote jobs *ecoter ^ 5<hedue

*0 0
Albws vou corftxre. rra vo* 3rd exeats rerro:e jobs. Albws vou dsjMv r*cots or rencte exsajoons. Albws vou ro sctvAJe renote extortions arc! o*neate autara .. ConScue Re*notec colors.

^Ootons S y s te m Requirements: Target computers can have any of these operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2003/2008 (No Service Pack is required); an administration console with Microsoft Windows 2003/2008 Service Pack 6 , IE5 or more.

, able of contert || Quick a:cess |

FIGURE 10.1: RemoteExec main window

2 . To configure executing a file, double-click Remote jobs.

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Module 05 - System Hacking


: 00B



Q RemoteExec considerably simplifies and accelerates all install and update tasks on a local or wide area network (WAN) as well as on remote machines.

ABows you to dtspa, eports 0 errote execj$o 1. Allows youto soedijte errote e<ecjto 1s snd generate sutoiia.. Configure RcmotcExcc opto!:.

TaDle ofcontert Quick access

Remote execution requirements: The account running RemoteExec needs administrative rights on target computers. Microsoft file and printer sharing (SMB TCP 445) and ICMP (ping) should be enabled. These protocols also need to be allowed in any firewall between the administration console and target computers.

FIGURE 10.2: RemoteExec configuring Remote jobs

3 . To execute a New Remote job, double-click die New Remote job option
diat configures and ex e c u te s a new remote job.
Hta Tool* ]tfn d o * Help

& 5 c n o tc > c <

Remote jobs
: 0 ^ New rcrrote )cb ; execu%oo ! 1 - 0 Updax rstalafeon | M SI rstalaMn !@ 1 Systenn acton j fj Plb CDeraton ; *j: Lcea arrouo -r.anma.. RemoteExecjRerrote jobs

; p cp tp

job My Renote J3bs M y Remote Actons ^ M y Target Computers

Mows you /our favorite remste j98 /our favorite rarcte actors. Yout favorite taroet conxiter bts.

Mutote aaons j . My Renoie Joos i ^ My Rertore Actors : ^ My Target C croj^rs Report :^j. ScrcdJcr L4^ Options

E U Configure files to be generated: You see that the report has been added after the installation of Acrobat Reader in the scheduled tasks. A new section, Document generation, is available to specify the output files. Select a PDF file to be generated in an existing folder. Make sure that the account running the task has write access to this folder.

Table ofconteni |Quick accea

FIGURE 10.3: RemoteExec configuring New Remote job

4. 1 1 1 a New Remote job configuration you can view different categories to

work remotely.

5. Here as an example: we are executing die file execution option. To execute

double-click File Execution.

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Module 05 - System Hacking



Wmiow Hep

B ^:5eno.eE>ec P.enote (061

Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

; Ffc execuSon i 1 - 0 Update rstalafon j--j^|MSI rstalaaon HfcSysteac*>n j-uT F*? Otxralon 1 - ^ loca a rra n t rante I ~PCpLp =MJtcle actons 5 Nr teoote J>x j ^ Mr Rcnote *ctcrc :Nv Taract Ccrojtcn ^ : m jfe Repcrte ; t ScredJcr !y*Opfcon

}Q 3 ^ 0!

New remote job

RemoteExeciRerote jobs/New remote jc

| ) Update retalafion (Si M SI mstalotion {fc System action Fib Oooation Lccd account maintenance S I Popup ( 5 Multtie actions

Instil 5 Marosoft jadaie reretefy. Instil o Windows Instiler >3x>qc rerrctSY. Rcaoot,^Shutoovrn,\V3<r up a eonou cnotdy. C03y files or folder5 cirotc a m u K n Chanas tt c bed x h in c b e ti pe5s/<wc and'or dococ ail ctho local a Dectay 3 nessage to t r jttt ewe*: an t * ,emote compute! Execute se!eal actons r one pass.

I raMe QfcontenT||Quiet access

FIGURE 10.4: RemoteExec configuring File Execution

6. In die File execution settings, browse die executable file, select

Interactive from drop-down list of Context, and check the Auto option. Note: Using
RemoteExec, you can: Install patches, service packs, and hotfixes Deploy Windows Installer packages in silent mode Run applications, programs, and scripts Copy files and folders

FIGURE 10.5: RemoteExec File execution settings 0 3 Automated reports: You may want to get all these reports automatically by email each time a scheduled attempt has been done. To do this, follow the steps below

7. Configuring die Filter Section:

a. For the OS version, select = from die drop-down menu and specify die operating system.

b. For the OS level, select = from die drop-down menu and select c. For the IE version, select >= from die drop-down menu and specify the IE version.

C E H L ab M anual P ag e 367

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Module 05 - System Hacking

d. For the Service Pack, select = from die drop-down menu and specify die service pack version.
hie Tods V/niow Hep

!eia Once installed, RemoteExec aiid its documentation are accessible through die Windows Start menu. By default, RemoteExec is installed in evaluation mode.

33 ^ eno:e>ec 1 -1 ^ Reno* jobs B ^ New rarote tfc Update rstaloton MSI rstaloaon * : SwteT Kton | 6 -! r -rj) ? CDraJon ! loai account rvam cena nitr*e arm NyRn>90c Ny ljr jet (.croj'.efc ls Reports ScredJcf ^ ! Opton^ - ' *

File execution
RemoteExeqReirote jobs/New remote job/^le executor

^ tjfr

La-nch L a/rh a r?/ tab

! lo

[ S c ^ e d L ie
save r My Rorct Jobs ^ 0 OS verson BO S level H K vcrn * = v.|| Hj Wortotatoo vwndowe 7/2XB ^ save r Ky Remote Acsoot :.. Save r My Target Cmputrc

M v k n o :A c tc rc,

>- H ] M * 1 !

R eg ecrvv w k M
Oor't e:<e:j:e scan or a computer wnee tne actor a as ahead/


FIGURE 10.6: RemoteExec Filter tab C Q t i !e remote job was automatically set with the filter option, Dont execute again on a computer where the action was already executed. So, even if several execution attempts have been scheduled, the installation of Acrobat Reader is executed only once on each computer.

Selecting a Target Computer: Enter die target computer name manually by selecting Name from the drop-down list and clicking OK.
tie loos

v n 5



1 0
j ()

RenoteExec Rertote Nca remote jofc

) 0 0 5

F ile ex e c u tio n
ReroteE>e:/3 emote jobs !New errcre job/File execution

^ Q? d P

Laandi launch in a new tab Schedule Save n M y Remote jx k S5ve n My Remote Actjors


I q g a sssH i
rS f
Update n stab ton r | 0 MS n stafexn ; Sysfcn actor i Cp Fie: Opeattjr

Lcxd aaomttranKTa... h Poxo = -l mJtpfe actons j My R ero e Jets Ny Rerote Actons Ny T05t COTOLters Reaxte j Scheduler V * Oabors I ;

Save n My Taraet Cwtdu^s

C o n fig u re the report you want to generate automatically as if you wanted to display it. When you schedule a report, if you select die latest execution, the report is always generated for die latest execution.

FIGURE 10.7: RemoteExec Add/Edit a computer

9 . To execute the defined action on die remote computer, click the Launch
option 1 1 1 the nglit pane of die window.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

:c o ls

jg n d w

1 2 3 Schedule th e report: To configure schedule report, click on Schedule in the toolbar and, when prom pted select the task that lias been created previously to install Acrobat Reader.

B | RemoteExec Remote ;ods 0 New rerroze job j IS j r | ^ j-C r : t Sp

File execution
RemoteExec/Refrote jcbs/Mew remote jOD/^e etecuton . j :.;: 0

Lpictc nstalaton MSI n stab to a Systen actor File Ope-otwr L3co ecco1ntn ontenc...

(JJ: Launch ir e n ew tab t 3 S ch sd u e

Save m My Renote 3005 Efe Save m My Renote Actiors save mMy Taraet conou:ers

j fl? PopLp NuDoie actiors : 151 My Remote 3c* W My Remote *coons My Target C0xxters S - ii, Reporter S^ediier

Don't execjte again on a computer v.+!e e the acaon was aireacy executec

V4 5 0 0 0

FIGURE 10.8: RemoteExec executing the defined action

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise.


T o o l/U tility R em o teE x ec

In fo rm atio n C o lle cted /O b jec tiv es A chieved File to E x ecu te: Firefox setup 3-6.13.exe C o m p u te r N a m e : W IN-D39M RSHL9E4

In tern et C o n n ectio n R eq u ired Yes P latform S upported 0 C lassroom 0 1Labs 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Hiding Data Using Snow Steganog raphy

S n crn is u se d to co rn ea /m essa g es in A S C R te x t ly a p p e n d in g n h ite sp a c e to th e e n d o f lin e s . B eca u se sp a ces a n d ta b s a /e g e n e /a lly n o t v isib le in te x t v ie /1 e /s , A /e w essa g e is e ffe c tiv e ly h id d e n fio m o b serv ers. A t/d f th e b u it-in e n c ry p tio n is rn e a \ th e m essa g e c a m /o tb e re a d even f i t is d e te cte d . c a su a l

Lab Scenario

V Z D Valuable

Test your knowledge mk Web exercise ,!, Workbook review

Network steganography describes all the methods used tor transmitting data over a network without it being detected. Several methods for liiduig data 111 a network have been proposed, but the main drawback o f most of them is that they do not offer a secondary layer of protection. If steganography is detected, the data is in plaintext. To be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you must have sound knowledge o f footprinting, scanning, and enumeration. Tins process requires an active connection to the machine being attacked.

Lab O bjectives
The objective o f this lab is to help students learn: Using Snow steganography to hide tiles and data Hiding tiles using spaces and tabs

Lab Environment
To earn out die lab, you need: ^ Tools
dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Snow located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System

Hacking\Steganography\Whitespace Steganography\SNOW

Run tins tool on Windows Server 2012 You can also download the latest version o f Snow from the link h ttp :/Avww.darks .au/snow /

If you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown the lab might ditter

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Duration
Tune: 10 Minutes

Overview of Snow
111 text is

Snow exploits die steganograplnc nature of whitespace. Locating trailing whitespace like tinduig a polar bear 111 a snowstorm. It uses die ICE encryption algoridun, so the name is diemadcally consistent.

Lab Task
1. 2. 3.
The encryption algorithm built in to snow is ICE, a 64-bit block cipher also designed by the author o f snow. It runs in 1-bit cipher-feedback (CFB) mode, which although inefficient (requiring a full 64-bit encryption for each bit o f output),

Open a command prom pt and navigate to D:\CEH-Tool\CEHv8 module 05 system hacking\steganography\white sp a ce steganography\snow Open Notepad and type Hello World! and dien press enter and press die Hyphen key to draw a line below it. Save die die as readme.txt.
readme - N otepad
File Edit Format View Help

H e llo W o rld ! 1

FIGURE 11.1: Contents of readme.txt


Type diis command 111 the command sheU: readme2.txt. It is die name of anodier diat will be created automatically.
sn o w -C -m "My s w is s bank accou n t number is 4 5 6 5 6 6 8 4 5 1 2 2 6 3 p "magic" readm e.txt readm e2.txt(m agic is th e passw ord, you can type your desired passw ord also)

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Administrator Command Prompt

r *

E:\CEH-ToolsSCEHu8 Module 05 S y stem H a c k in g N s te g a n o g r a p h y \w h ite s p a c e s t e g a n o g r a p h y\S n ow > sn o 1 -C -m My s u i s s bank a c c o u n t number i s 4 5 6 5 6 6 8 4 5 1 2 2 6 3 " - p "magi c" r e a d m e .tx t r e a d m e 2 .tx t Com pressed by 23 . &'/'/. M essage e x c e e d e d a v a i l a b l e s p a c e by a p p r o x im a te ly 5 7 1 . 4 3 x . An e x t r a 8 l i n e s were a d d e d . E:\C EH -Tools\CEH u8 Module 05 S y stem H a c k in g \s t e g a n o g r a p h y \w h it e s p a c e s t e g a n o g r a phy\Snow>

FIGURE 11.2: Hiding Contents of readme, txt and die text in the readme2.txt file

5. N ow die data ( My S w iss bank account number is 45656684512263 ) is hidden inside die readm e2.txt hie with die contents of readme.txt.
I f you want to compress a long message, or one not containing standard text, you would be better off compressing the message externally with a specialized compression program, and bypassing snow's optional compression step. This usually results in a better compression ratio.

6. The contents ol readm e2.txt are readme.txt + My Sw iss bank account

number is 45656684512263.

7. N ow type sn ow -C -p "magic" Readme2.txt: diis will show die contents of readme.txt.(magic is die password which was entered while luding die data).
Administrator: Command Prompt
E:\CEH-ToolsSCEHu8 Module 05 S y stem H a c k in g \s t e g a n o g r a p h y \w h it e s p a c e s t e g a n o g r a H phy\Snow >snou -C -m "My s u i s s bank a c c o u n t number i s 4 5 6 5 6 6 8 4 5 1 2 2 6 3 " - p " n a g i B c" r e a d m e .t x t r e a d m e 2 .tx t C om pressed by 2 3 .37X I M essage e x c e e d e d a v a i l a b l e s p a c e by a p p r o x im a te ly 5 7 1 . 4 3 x . I An e x t r a 8 l i n e s were a d d e d . I
E : \ C E H - T o n l s \ 0 F H u 8 M n r i n l e 0 5 R u s t e m H a r k in g \ste g a n o g r a p } 1y \ l ) h i t e s p a c e s t e g a n o g r a H phySSnouI'snow C - p "m agic" R ea d m e2 .tx t I M y s w i s s bank a c c o u n t number i s 4bbbbbU4512263 I E:\C EH-Tools\CEH u8 Module 05 S y stem H a c k in g \ste g a n o g r a p } 1y \w h it e sp a c e s t e g a n o g r a H phy\Snow> I

FIGURE 11.3: Revealing the hidden data o f readme2.txt

8. To check die tile 111 a G U I, open die readm e2.txt 111 Notepad and select Edit ^S elect all. You will see die hidden data inside readme2.txt 111 die form of spaces and tabs.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

readme2 - Notepad
File Edit Format View Help

H e l l o W o r ld !

(FIGURE 11.4: Contents of readme2.txt revealed with select all option

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise.


T o o l/U tility Snow Steganography

In fo rm atio n C o lle cted /O b jec tiv es A chieved O u tp u t: You will see the hidden data inside N otepad

Lab Q uestions
1. How would you lude die data of tiles widi secret data in other tiles? 2. Which encryption is used 111 Snow? In te rn e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired Yes P latform S upported 0 C lassroom 0 !Labs 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Viewing, Enabling, and Clearing the Audit Policies Using Auditpol

Ajidffpolis a con/n/andin Windons Server2012, Windons Server2008, and Windoirs Server 200J andis leqnhedforqueryingorconfgningan a!iditpolicyatthesnbcafespylevel
I 7 / Valuable information Test your knowledge ** Web exercise Workbook review

Lab Scenario
To be an expert ethical hacker and penetration tester, you must have sound knowledge of footprinting, scanning, and enumeration. Tins process requires an active connection to the machine being attacked. A hacker enumerates applications and banners 111 addition to identifying user accounts and shared resources. You should also have knowledge on gaining access, escalating privileges, executing applications, luduig tiles, and covering tracks.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn: How to set audit policies

Lab Environment
.^ T o o ls
dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

To earn out the lab, you need:

Auditpol is a built-in com m and in Windows Server 2012

You can see the more audit commands from the following link: h ttp :/ / technet.m /enus /library /cc731451 %28v=ws. 100/029.aspx for W indows Server 2012 Run diis on Windows Server 2012

Lab Duration
Time: 10 Minutes

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Overview of Auditpol
Aucftpd displays information policies.

performance and functions to man^xiate audit

Lab Task
Displays the current audit policy.

1. 2.

Select Start figure.

Command Prompt.

Administrator: A command prom pt will appears as shown 111 die following

Administrator: Command Prompt

M ic r o s o f t Windows [U e r s io n 6 . 2 . 8 4 0 0 ] <c> 2 012 M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t io n , f i l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .

/set Sets the audit policy.

C :\U s e r s \A d m in i s t r a t o r >

/list Displays selectable policy elements.

FIGURE 12.1: Administrator Command Prompt in windows server 2012

3. To view all die audit policies, type die following command 111 die command prompt:
/backup Saves the audit policy to a file.

auditpol /get /category:*


Press Enter.

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Administrator: Command Prompt


M i c r o s o f t Windows [ U e r s i o n 6 . 2 . 8 4 0 0 ] rig h ts <c> 2 0 1 2 M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n . A l l ;

/ restore Restores the audit policy from a file that was previously created by using auditpol /backup.

/ clear Clears die audit policy.

/remove Removes all per-user audit policy settings and disables all system audit policy settings.

C :\U sers\A d n in i s t r a t o r > a u d i t p o 1 / g e t S ystem a u d i t p o l i c y C ategory/S ubcategory S y s te m S e c u r i t y System E x t e n s i o n S ysten I n t e g r i t y IPsec D riv e r O th er S y ste n E vents S e c u r i t y S t a t e Ch an g e L ogon/Logoff Logon Logoff Account Lockout I P s e c Main Mode I P s e c Q u i c k Mode I P s e c E x t e n d e d Mode S p e c i a l Logon O th er Logon/Logoff Events Netw ork P o l i c y S e r v e r U se r / D evice C la i n s O bject Access F i l e S ystem R egistry K ernel O bject SAM C e r tif ic a tio n S ervices A p p lic a tio n G en erated H an d le M a n i p u l a t i o n P il e S hare F i l t e r i n g P l a t f o r m P a c k e t D ro p F i l t e r i n g P la tfo rm C onnection O th er O b ject A ccess Events D e ta ile d F i l e Share R em o v ab l e S t o r a g e C e n tra l P o lic y S ta g in g P r i v i l e g e Use Non S e n s i t i v e P r i v i l e g e Use O t h e r P r i v i l e g e Use E v e n t s S e n s i t i v e P r i v i l e g e Use D e ta ile d T racking P rocess C rea tio n P ro ce ss T erm in atio n DPAPI A c t i v i t y RPC E v e n t s P o l i c y Ch an ge A u t h e n t i c a t i o n P o l i c y Ch an g e A u t h o r i z a t i o n P o l i c y C han ge MPSSUC R u l e - L e v e l P o l i c y C ha n ge F i l t e r i n g P l a t f o r m P o l i c y Ch an ge O t h e r P o l i c y C h an g e E v e n t s A u d i t P o l i c y C h an g e A c c o u n t M an ag em ent

/category: S ettin g No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing

No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g No No No No No No No No No No A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing A uditing

<|____________________ h i ____________________ ____ [>

FIGURE 12.2: Auditpol viewing die policies

5. To enable die audit policies, type die following command 111 die command prompt:
auditpol /set /category:"system",'"account logon" /success:enable /failureienable


Press Enter.
A d m in is tra to r: C om m and P ro m p t

/ resourceSACL Configures global resource system access control lists (SACLs).

D ir e c t o r y S e r v ic e C hanges D ir e c to r y S e r v ic e R e p lic a t io n D e t a ile d D ir e c to r y S e r v ic e R e p lic a t io n D ir e c to r y S e r v ic e A c c e ss A c c o u n t L ogon K e r b e r o s S e r v i c e T ic k e t O p e r a t io n s O th e r A cco u n t Logon E v e n ts K erb eros A u th e n tic a tio n S e r v ic e C r e d e n tia l U a lid a tio n

No No No No No No No No


u d it in g u d it in g u d itin g u d it in g u d it in g u d itin g u d it in g u d itin g lo g o n 1

C : \U s e r s \ A d m in is t r a t o r > a u d it p o l / s e t / c a t e g o r y : " s y s t e m " ," a c c o u n t :e n a b le / f a i l u r e : e n a b l e T he com m and u a s s u c c e s s f u l l y e x e c u t e d . ): M i s e r s \ A d m i n i s t r a t o r >

FIGURE 12.3: Auditpol Local Security Policies in Windows Server 2012

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Module 05 - System Hacking

7. To check if audit policies are enabled, type die following command 111 die command prom pt auditpol /get /category:* 8.
Auditpol /g e t [/user[:<usemame> | <{sid [ / category:* | <nam e> | < {g uid}> [,:< name | < {guid}>

Press Enter.
Administrator Command Prompt
:\U s e r s \A d n in is tr a to r )a u d itp o l /g e t /c a te g o r y :* iy s t e n a u d it p o l i c y J a t e g o r y /S u b c a te g o r y S e ttin g S y ste n S e c u r i t y S y s t e n E x te n s io n S u c c e s s and S y ste n I n t e g r it y S u c c e s s and I P s e c D r iu e r S u c c e s s and O th er S y s t e n E u en ts S u c c e s s and S e c u r i t y S t a t e Change S u c c e s s and L ogon /L ogot t Logon No A u d it in g L o g o ff No A u d itin g No A u d it in g A ccou n t Lockout No A u d itin g IP s e c Main Mode I P s e c Q uick Mode No A u d itin g I P s e c E xten d ed Mode No A u d it in g No A u d itin g S p e c i a l Logon O th er L o g o n /L o g o ff E u en ts No A u d itin g No A u d itin g N etw ork P o l i c y S e r u e r U se r / D e u ic e C la in s No A u d itin g O b ject A c c e s s F i l e S y s te n No A u d itin g R e g is t r y No A u d it in g K e rn el O b jec t No A u d itin g SOM No A u d it in g No A u d itin g C e r t i f i c a t i o n S e r u ic e s A p p lic a t io n G e n e ra ted No A u d itin g H andle M a n ip u la tio n No A u d itin g F i l e S hare No A u d itin g F i l t e r i n g P l a t f o r n P a c k e t Drop No A u d itin g No A u d itin g F i l t e r i n g P l a t f o r n C o n n ec tio n O th er O b jec t A c c e s s E u en ts No A u d itin g No A u d itin g D e t a il e d F i l e S hare R en ou ab le S to r a g e No A u d itin g C e n tr a l P o l i c y S t a g in g No A u d itin g r i u i l e g e Use Non S e n s i t i u e P r i u i l e g e Use No A u d itin g O th er P r i u i l e g e Use E u en ts No A u d it in g No A u d itin g S e n s i t i u e P r i u i l e g e Use ) e t a i l e d T r a c k in g No A u d it in g P r o c e s s C r e a tio n No A u d itin g P r o c e s s T e r n in a tio n DPAPI A c t i u i t y No A u d itin g No A u d itin g RPC E u en ts 5o l i c y Change A u t h e n t ic a t io n P o l i c y Change No A u d itin g No A u d itin g A u t h o r iz a t io n P o l ic u Change

}> ]]

[/subcategory:* | <nam e> | < {guid}>[,:<name | < {guid

[/option:<option name>]

F a i lu r e F a i lu r e F a i lu r e F a i lu r e F a i lu r e


Auditpol /se t [/user[:<usemame> | <{sid } >] [/ include] [/ exclude]] [/category: <nam e> | < {gui d}>[,:<nam e| <{guid}>. ..


[/success: <enable> | <disa ble>][/failure:<enable> | < disables] [ / subcategory:<name> | < { guid}>[,:<name | < {guid} >

FIGURE 12.4: Auditpol enabling system and account logon policies

9. To clear die audit policies, type die following command 111 die command prompt:
auditpol /clear /y

[ / success:<enable> | <disa ble>][/failure:<enable> | < disable >] [/option:<option name> /value: <enable> | <disable>]

10. Press Enter.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Administrator: Command Prom pt

C om pu ter A c c o u n t M anagem ent S e c u r i t y G roup M anagem ent D i s t r i b u t i o n G roup M anagem ent A p p l i c a t i o n G roup M anagem ent O th e r A c c o u n t M anagem ent E v e n t s DS A c c e s s D i r e c t o r y S e r v i c e C h a n g es D ir e c to r y S e r v ic e R e p lic a tio n D e t a ile d D ir e c to r y S e r v ic e R e p lic a t io n D ir e c to r y S e r v ic e A ccess A cco u n t Logon K e r b e r o s S e r v i c e T i c k e t O p e r a t io n s O th e r A c c o u n t Logon E v e n t s K erb eros A u th e n tic a tio n S e r v ic e C r e d e n tia l U a lid a tio n C :\U s e r s \A d m in is tr a to r 'a u d it p o l / c l e a r / y No No No No No No No No No A u d it i n g A u d it i n g A u d it i n g A u d it i n g A u d it i n g A u d it i n g A u d it i n g A u d it i n g A u d it i n g and and and and F a ilu r e F a ilu r e F a ilu r e F a ilu r e

auditpol /list [ / user | / category | subcateg ory[:<categoryname> | < {g uid}>|*]]

S u ccess S u ccess S u ccess S u ccess

[M [A ]

r he command was s u c c e s s f u l l y e x e c u t e d .
C :\U s e r s \A d m in is tr a to r >

FIGURE 12.5: Auditpol clearing die policies

11. To check if the audit policies are cleared, type the following command 111 die command prompt:
auditpol Ig et /category:*

12. Press Enter.

3 !

Administrator: Command Prompt

Auditpol / set [/user[:<usemame> | <{sid } 5,I [/ include] [/ exclude]] [ / category:<name> | < {gui d }> [,:<nam e| < {guid}> . ..

1 1

[/success:<enable> | <disa ble>][/failure:<enable> | < disable >] [/subcategory:<nan 1e> | < { guid} > [,:<name | < {guid} >

[/success:<enable> | <disa ble>][/failure:<enable> | < disable >] [/option: <option 11ame> /value: <enable> | <disable>]

C :\U s e rs \A d n in istr a to r ) a u d i t p o l /g e t /c a te g o r y :* S ysten a u d it p o lic y C a te q o ry /S u b ca teg o rv S e tt ing S y ste n No A u d i t i n g S e c u r ity S y ste n E x tension No A u d i t i n g S y ste n I n t e g r i ty IPsec D riv e r No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g O th e r S y s te n E vents S e c u r i t y S t a t e Change No A u d i t i n g Luyun/L uyurf L og on No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g Logoff Account Lockout No A u d i t i n g I P s e c M ain Mode No A u d i t i n g I P s e c Q u i c k Mode No A u d i t i n g I P s e c E x t e n d e d Mode No A u d i t i n g S p e c i a l L og on No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g O th er Logon/Logoff E uents No A u d i t i n g N etw ork P o l i c y S e r v e r U se r / D e vic e C la i n s No A u d i t i n g O bject Access F ile S y ste n No A u d i t i n g R egistry No A u d i t i n g K ernel O bject No A u d i t i n g SAM No A u d i t i n g C e r tif ic a tio n S erv ices No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g A p p lic a tio n G e nerated H andle M a n ip u la tio n No A u d i t i n g F il e Share No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g F i l t e r i n g P l a t f o r n P a c k e t Drop No A u d i t i n g F i l t e r i n g P la tf o r n C onnection O th e r O b jec t Access E vents No A u d i t i n g D e ta ile d F il e Share No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g R enovable S to ra g e No A u d i t i n g C e n tra l P o lic y S tag in g P r i v i l e g e Use Non S e n s i t i v e P r i v i l e g e Use No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g O t h e r P r i v i l e g e U se E v e n t s S e n s i t i v e P r i v i l e g e Use No A u d i t i n g D e ta ile d T racking P ro cess C reatio n No A u d i t i n g P rocess T ern in atio n No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g DPAPI A c t i v i t y No A u d i t i n g RPC E v e n t s P o l i c y Change A u t h e n t i c a t i o n P o l i c y Change No A u d i t i n g No A u d i t i n g A u t h o r i z a t i o n P o l i c y Change MPSSUC R u l e - L e v e l P o l i c y C h a n g e No A u d i t i n g F i l t e r i n g P l a t f o r n P o l i c y Change No A u d i t i n g O t h e r P o l i c y Change E v e n ts No A u d i t i n g A u d it P o l i c y Change No A u d i t i n g Account M anagenent | <| ____________________________in_______

v 1 >

FIGURE 12.6: Auditpol clearing die audit policies

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise.


T o o l/U tility A uditP ol

In fo rm atio n C o lle c te d /O b je c tiv e s A chieved R esult open A uditpol C ategory: System Account Logon

Q uestions
1. 2. How do you configure global resource SACLs using Auditpol? Evaluate a report or backup an audit policy to a comma separated value (CSV) text file.

In te rn e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired Yes P latform S upported 0 C lassroom 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Password Recovery Using CHNTPW.ISO
CHNTPWISO isapassiwrdrecoverytoo!1hatmis on WindonsServer2003, WindonsSener 2008, and Windons 7 Virtual-Machine.
I7 / Valuable information Test your knowledge ** Web exercise Workbook review

Lab Scenario
Nowadays, attacking the password is one o f die most straightforward hacking attacks. Passwords are the most common access control method used by system administers to manage the usage of network resources and applications. There are numerous feasible methods to crack passwords. To be an expert etliical hacker and penetration tester, you must have sound knowledge of footprinting, scanning, and enumeration. Tins process requires an active connection to the machine being attacked. A hacker enumerates applications and banners 111 addition to identifying user accounts and shared resources.

this lab, we show you how to erase or recover an admin password using CHNTPW.ISO.

Lab Objectives
Tlie objective o f tins lab is to help students learn:
Recovering the Passw ord of W indows Server 2008

Tools dem onstrated in this lab are To earn* out die lab, you need: available in CHNTPW .ISO located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System D:\CEHH acking\Passw ord R ecovery Tools\CHNTPW.ISO\cd110511 Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System CHNTPW .ISO is tool to recover/erase the administrator passwords for Hacking Windows Server 2008

Lab Environment

A computer running with Windows Server 2008 as Virtual Machine

Lab Duration
Time: 15 Minutes
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C E H L ab M an u al Page 380

Module 05 - System Hacking

Overview of CHNTPW.ISO
ONTPWJSOis an offline N T password and registry editor, boot disk/CD.

Lab Task
1. 2.
3 Offline N T Password & Registry Editor can delete any password from nearly any installation o f Windows almost instandy.

Start Hyper-V Manager by selecting Start ^ Hyper-V Manager. Before starting diis lab make sure diat Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine is shut down. Now select Windows Server 2008 Yiitual Machine and click Settings die right pane of Hyper-V..
H yp e r*V M a n a g e r File Action View Help



H>per-V Minager 3 j WIN.DMWR5HL9E4

V irtu a l M achines
Name A

New Import Virtual Machine.., j^l Hypcr-V Settings... Virtual Switch Manager.., .J Virtual SAN Manager...

a feck Track 5 g Windows 7

JW in d o w 8

yjL Edit Disk...

The selected virtual 1aeh1e has

Inspect Disk... () Stop Service X Q Remove Server Refresh Vitw U Help

C " Offline N T Password & Registry Editor simply deletes passwords instead o f displaying diem making it fast and easy to use.

Windows Server2008
W in d o w s S c rv c r2 0 0 8 >ij Connect... Settings... Created: 8/8/2012 5 0123 PW Notes: None 0 Start Snapshot

Surtmay Memcry Netvrarkng | P.epiccbor

Move... Exoort...

f i j l Rename...

< 1 :


FIGURE 13.1: CHNTPW.ISO Windows Server 2008 settings

4. 5.

Select DVD drive from IDE controller in die left pane of Settings tor Windows Server 2008. Check die Image file option and browse for die location of CHNTPW.ISO, and select Apply->OK.

Q N o installation in Windows is required making this program an easy alternative to many other password recovery

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Settings for Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4

Windows Server2008 A Hardware *2]l Acd Hardware


Select the controller and location on the coatroler to attach the CD/DVD drive. Controller: Location: 0 Qr use) IDEControler 1

C Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is com pletely free to download and use.

I Prxessor 1 Virtual processor 0 IDE Controler 0 C J Hard Drive Windows Server2008.vhdx L U S C a m d g i______________ DVD Drive c d llO S gj SCSI Controler S 9 Legacy Network Adapter Realtek PCIe G BE Family Contr..

Media Specify the media to use with ya_r virtual CD/DVD drive. O None () Image file: C: \LI8ers\Ad*ninistrar ^Pesfctop\cd110511Vd 110511. is

Physical CDA)VD drive:

ffcne To remove the virtual CD/D/O drive from the vrtual machne, dick Remove.

f*>ne I t J Diskette Crive None ft

[ T 1N n c

Management________________ V'.ndows Server2008 Inregrabon Services Al services offered Srapshot =ile Location C: V> rogrcmData,Miaosoft\Win.. Smart Paang File Location C: 'ProgramData'Microsoft\Win..

f> ) ALtomatic Start Action Restart if previously running

FIGURE 13.2: CHNTPW.ISO Windows Server 2008 settings & Tool will also remove passwords from 64-bit versions o f Windows Operating Systems.


Now go to Hyper-V Manager and right-click Windows Server 2008. and select Connect to start Windows Server 2008 Virtual Maclune.

Offline N T Password & Registry Editor works with all popular Windows versions including Windows 7 and more.

FIGURE 13.3: CHNTPW.ISO Connecting to Windows Server 2008


Click the Start ^

button; Windows Server 2008 will start.

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection L^_ I

A ctio n M e d ia C lip b o ard V iew H elp

^ |o | >< s > 0 II 1 fe____________________________________ I

The virtual machine ,Windows Server2008' is turned off

To start the virtual machine, select Start from the Action menu

I Status; O ff

FIGURE 13.4: starting windows server 2008 O /S

8. After booting, Window will prompt you with: Step one: S elect disk
where the Windows installation is


Press Enter.
Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection
Action Media Clipboard View Help

I - 1 rx I

1 11 fo

LJ It works offline, that is, you have to shut down your computer and boot o ff a floppydisk or CD or another system.

W i n d o w s K e g i s t r y Ldit U t i l i t y fl o p p y / c n n t p w <c> 1 99 7 2 0 1 0 P e t t e r N H a g e n p n o r d a h l P e u n e t . n o GNU G P L v2 license, see fi l e s on CD T hi s u t i l i t y will e n a b l e y o u to c h a n g e or b l a n k the p a s s w o r d of any u s e r ( i n c l . a d n i n i s t r a t o r > on an !lindows N T / Z k / X P / U i s t a W I T H O U T k n o w i n g the o l d p as sw or d. U n l o c k i n g l o c k e d / d i s a b l e d a c c o u n t s a ls o su pp o r t e d .

T e s t e d on:

N T 3 . 5 1 & NT4: Wo r k s t a t io n, Server , PDC. W i n 2 k P ro f & S e r v e r to SP4. C a n n o t c h a n g e XP H oM e Prof: u p to SP3


LI S t e p ONE: Select

the way


the q u e s t i o n s in s t a l l a t i o n bytes is

d i s k whe 17179869184

/ d e v / s d a : 17.1 GB,

[Please s e l e c t p a r t i t i o n by n u n b e r or = qui t = a u t o m a t i c a l l y st a r t d i s k d r i v e r s

Status: Running


10. N ow you will see: Step TWO: S elect PATH and registry files; press Enter.

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection

Media Clipboard View Help

File Action

II 1 ji ? *

h ere are se ver al st ep s to go through: D i s k s e l e c t w i t h o p t i o n a l l o ad i n g of d i s k d r iv e r s P ATH select, w he re are the N i n d o w s sy st e m s fi l es s t o r e d F i l e - s e l e c t , wh at par ts of r e g i s t r y we n e e d Th en f i n a l l y the p a s s w o r d c h a n g e or r e g i s t r y e di t itself If c h a n g e s w er e Made, w r i t e t he n b a c k to d i s k

S t e p ONE:

Se le c t

disk where

the M i n d o w s



S ' This is a utility to (re)set the password o f any user that has a valid (local) account on your N T system.

,lease se le ct p a r t i t i o n by n u n b e r or q = quit d = a u t o m a t i c a l l y sta rt d i s k d r i v er s m = M a n u a l l y s e l e c t d i s k d r iv e r s to load f = f e t c h a d d i t i o n al d r iv e r s f r o n fl op p y / us b a = s h o w all p a r t i t i o n s f o u n d

M o u n t i n g f r o n / d e v/s da l. w i t h a s s u m e d So, let s re al l y c h e c k if it is NT F S?


type NTFS

S t e p TMO: Se le c t P ATH an d r e g i s t r y fi l es D E B U G path: w in d o w s f o u n d as Min do ws

| Status: R u n n in g


11. Select which part of the registry to load, use predefined choices, or list die files with space as delimiter, and then press Enter.

Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection

Action Media Clipboard View Help

<9 @ 0 ^^T o o ls
dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

II It ife
partitions only

a = s h o w all p a r t i t i o n s f o u n d 1 = s h o w p r o p b a b l e W i n d o w s <NTFS) Se le ct: C1 Selected 1

M o u n t i n g f r o m / de v/ s da l. w i t h a s s u m e d f i l e s y s t e m So, let's re al l y c h e c k if it is NT F S?

type NT FS




D E B U G path: wi nd o w s f o u n d as M i n d o w s D E B U G path: s y s t e m 3 2 f o u n d as S y s t e m 3 2 D E B U G path: c o n f i g f o u n d as c o n f i g D E B U G path: f o u n d c o r r e c t c as e to be: M i n d o w s / S y s t e m 3 2 / c o n f ig W ha t is the p a t h to the r e g i s t r y d i r e c t o r y ? (r el a t i v e to windc iMindows/System32/configl : D E B U G path: M in d o w s f o u n d as M i n d o w s D E B U G path: S y s t e m 3 2 f o u n d as S y s t e m 3 2 D E B U G path: c o n f i g f o u n d as c o n f i g D E B U G path: f o u n d c o r r e c t c a s e to be: M i n d o w s / S y s t e m 3 2 / c o n f i g hrwxrwxrwx 2 0 0 262144 12:50 BCD-Template hrwxrwxrwx 2 0 0 29097984 14:30 COMPONENTS 1 4 : 3 0 D E FA UL T hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 262144 20 08 Jo urnal hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 8192 12:10 RegBack hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 262144 14:30 SAM hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 262144 1 4 : 3 0 SE CU R I T Y hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 33816576 14:30 SOFTMARE hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 9437184 14:30 SYSTEM hrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 40 96 11:51 TxR [drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 11 :5 1 s y s t e m p r o f i 1e Se lec t w h i c h part of r e g i s t r y to load! use or list the fil es w i t h s p ac e as d e l i m i t e r 1 P a s s w o r d res et [ sam s y s t e m se cu ri ty ! 2 R e c o v e r y C o n s o 1e p a r a m e t e r s [so ft wa re ! 3 - qu it - re tu r n to p r e v i o u s pr e d e f i r

FIGURE 13.7: CHNTPW.ISO loading registry request

12. W hen you see: Step THREE: Password or registry edit, type yes (y), and press Enter.

C E H L ab M anual P ag e 384

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Module 05 - System Hacking


Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection I

Media Clipboard Clipboa View Help

File Action

. 3

0 1

9 5

!Select whi ch part of re gistry to load* use p r ed ef ine d choices n r list the files with space as de li mi te r |1 - Pass wo rd reset [san s ys tew security! m2 - Re cov ery Con so le paramet er s [software] fc quit - return to previous Selected files: sam syste m security Copying san syst em sec urity to /tmp

a It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot o ff a floppydisk or CD. The bootdisk includes stuff to access NTFS and FAT/FA T32 partitions and scripts to glue die whole thing together.

j~Step~THREE| P a s s w r d_ or _r e^ i t r y e d i t ~ ~ k h n t p w version 0.99.6 110511 , <c> P et ter N Hagen fejive <SftM> name (from lieader): < NSy s temRoo t\Sys tem32\Conf igNSAM) ROOT KEY at offset: 0x0 01 02 0 * * Subkey indexing type is: 666c (If) w i l e size 26 214 4 (400001 bytes, con ta in in g 6 pages < 1 headerpage) Used for data: 25 0/ 20 80 0 blocks/bytes, unused: 14 /3584 blocks/bytes. L i v e ( S YST EM > name (from header): <SVSTEM> ROOT KEY at offset: 0x 0 01 02 0 Subkey indexing type is: 686c <lh> w i l e size 943 718 4 (9000001 bytes, c o n ta in in g 2164 pages ( 1 headerpage) Elsed for data: 100 211 /59 376 88 blocks/bytes, unused: 462 1/3 278 696 blocks/bytes. h i v e (SECURITY) name (from header): < emRoo t\Sys tem32\Conf igNS EC UR IT Y > ROOT KEY at offset: 0x 0 01 02 0 Subkey indexing type is: 666c (If) w i l e size 26214 4 (400001 bytes, co nt ain ing 6 pages ( 1 headerpage) HJsed for data: 406/22 272 blocks/bytes, unused: 5/2112 blocks/bytes. * SAM policy limits: w a i l e d logins before lockout M i n i m u m passw ord length Password history count is

(> === = = = = = <> ch ntp w Main Interactive M en u < >= L o a d e d hives: <SAM) (SYSTEM) (SECURITY) I 1 - Edi t us er data and pa sswords 9 Reg istry editor, now with full write support < 1 - Quit (you will be aske d if there is s o me thi ng What to do? Cl1

to save)

Status: Running

a a l
FIGURE 13.8: CHNTPW.I SO Step Three

13. Loaded hives: <SAM ><system><SECURITY> 1 Edit user ckta and passwords 9 Registry editor, now with hill write support! Q Quit (you will be asked if there is something to save) 1 1 1 What to do? the default selected option will be [1]. Press Enter.
' Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection
Media Clipboard View Help

L .

File Action

Q C E H -T o o ls is als o M a p p e d in V irtu a l M a c h in e as N e tw o rk D rive Z:

| Step THREE: Pa ssw ord or registry edit chntpw version 0.99.6 110511 , (c) Pe tte r N Hagen live (SAM> name (from header): < \ S y s t e m R o o t N Sy st em3 2\ Con fi g\S AM ) ROOT KEY at offset: 0x0 01 02 0 * Subkey indexing type is: 666c <lf> File size 2621 44 (400001 bytes, c o nta in ing 6 pages ( 1 headerpage) U s e d for data: 250 /2 08 00 blocks/bytes, unused: 14/35 84 blocks/bytes. L i v e (SYSTEM> name (from header): <SYSTEM) ROOT KEY at offset: 0x0 01 02 0 * Subkey indexing type is: 686c <lh> w i l e size 9 437 18 4 19000001 bytes, c o n ta in in g 2164 pages ( 1 headerpi Used for data: 100211 /5 93 76 88 blocks/bytes, unused: 46 21 /32 78 696 bloc L i v e (S E C U R I T Y > name (from header): < e m R o o t \ S y s t e m 3 2 \ C o n f i g N S E C U R I T Y : ROOT KEY at offset: 0x0 01 02 0 * * Subkey indexing type is: 666c (If) W i l e size 2621 44 (400001 bytes, c o nta in ing 6 pages ( 1 headerpage) U s e d for data: 406 /22272 blocks/bytes, unused: 5/2112 blocks/bytes.

p a s s w o r d history count

: 0

k >========< > c hn tp w Main Interactive Menu <> = L o a d e d hives: <SAM> (SYSTEM) <SECURIT Y> I 1 - Edi t u se r data and pa sswords


to do?


-> y

K >========< > c hn tp w Main Interactive Menu <>= Load ed hives: (SAM) (SYSTEM) <SECURITY> 1 - Edi t user d at a and passwords


to do? [11 ->

Status: Running

FIGURE 13.9: CHNTPW.ISO loading hives

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Module 05 - System Hacking

14. 1 1 1 chntpw Edit User Info & Passwords, press Enter to enter the user name to change
Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection
File Action Media Clipboard



E C j N T stores its user information, including crypted versions o f the passwords, in a file called 'sam', usually found in \w innt\system 32\config. This file is a part o f die registry, in a binary format previously undocumented, and not easily accessible.

( * ) O

I I if e

:>=== === ==< > c h n t p w Main In t e r a c t iv e Me nu <> = ,oaded h i v e s : <SA M> <SY ST EM > <SE CU RI TY > 1 Edi t user* d a t a an d pa ss wor ds


to do?

Cl J -> y

>========< > c h n t p w Main I n t e r ac ti ve Me nu <> = saded hives: <SAM> <S Y ST EM > <SE CU RI TY > 1 - Edi t u s e r d a t a and pa ss wor ds


to do?


-> y

>===== === <> c h n t p w Main I n t e r ac ti ve Me nu <>= saded hives: <SAM> <S Y ST EM > <SE CU RI TY > 1 - Edi t us er d at a an d pa ss wor ds 9 - Reg is tr y editor, n o w w i t h full wri te si Jhat to do? Ill

c h n t p w Edit U s e r Info ------------ Us er n a w e Adhi n i st ra t o r Gues t I US R _ W I N U L Y 8 5 8 K H Q I P ?1ec t : f <j| u it .

fidhin? ADMIN

!- Loc k? d i s / lo ck (hex)

U s e r w i t h RID

S Disable your software firewall (Norton Internet Security is often the culprit).

I Status; Running

FIGURE 13.10: CHNTPW.ISO chntpw Edit User Info & Passwords


1 1 1 the User Edit Menu: 1 Clear (blank) user password 2 Edit (set new) user password (careful with diis on XP or Vista) 3 Promote user (make user an administrator) 4 Unlock and enable user account [seems unlocked already] q Quit editing user, back to user select The default option, Quit [q], is selected. Type 1 and press Enter.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

I File

Windows Wind Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection

Actior Action Media Clipboard View Help


<> == === == =< > c h n t p w Main I n t e r a c t i v e M e n u < > = = = = = = = = < > L o a d e d h i v e s : <S A M > < S Y S T E M > < S E C U R I T > I 1 - E di t u s e r d a t a a n d p a ss w o r d s I 9 - R e g i s t r y editor, n o w w i t h full wr i t e s u pp or t? Mhat to do? C13

C " Disable all "download accelerator" programs; they will more than likely corrupt your download.

===== c h n t p w Edit U s e r Info & P a s s w o r d s ==== ------------ U s e r n a n e Adni ni s t rat or G ues t IU S R _ M I N - U L Y 8 5 8 K H Q I P (Select: f - Quit, . - list users, 0 x < R I D > - U s e r w i t h RID (hex) lor si mp ly e n t e r the u s e r n a n e to c h a n g e : [ A d n i n i s t r a t o r l [RID IlsernaMe !full name IcoMMen t B ui l t - i n a c c o u n t fo r a d n i n i s t e r i n g the c o M p u t e r / d o n a i n bioMedi r

Account bits: 0 x 0 0 1 0 ([ D i s a b l e d 1[ Tenp. d up l i c a t e 1C 1 Do na in trust ac It 1 Pw d d o n t e x p i r 1C 3 ( un kn ow n 0x10)

XI 1 1 ]

H o n e d i r req. Norna l a c c o un t Wks trust act. Au to loc kout (u n kn ow n 0x20)

1 I 1 1 1

P a s s w d not req. NMS a cc ou nt Srv trust act (u n k n o w n 0x08> ( u n k no wn 0x40)

- - U s e r Edit Menu: 1 1 C l e a r (blank ) u s e r p a s s w o r d I 2 Edit (set new) u s e r p a s s w o r d (care ful w i t h this on XP or Uista) 3 P r o m o te u s e r (Make u s e r an a d m i n i s t r a t o r ) (4 - U n l o c k a nd en a b le u s e r ac co u n t) Eseen s u n l o c k e d alr ea dy ] I q Quit edi ting user, b a c k to u s e r se lec t !?elect: > 1_

Status: Running

FIGURE 13.11: CHNTPWJSO User Edit Menu

16. Type ! after clearing die password o f die user account, and press Enter.

Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection

Action Media Clipboard View Help

1 - E dit

u s e r d a t a an d p a s s w o r d s


to do?

C13 == = =

:==== c h n t p w E di t U s e r Info P a ss w o r d s ------------ U s e r n a n e A dh i n i s t r a t o r Gu es t IUSR_MIN-ULY858KHQIP

Jsernane ulInane :oHHent Bu i l t - i n a c c o u n t f o r a d m i n i s t e r i n g the c o h p u t e r / d o n a i n tonedi r s e r is M e m b e r of 1 groups: 10000220 = A d n i n i s t r a t o r s (w hi c h has 1 Me m be rs ) A cco un t bits: 0 x 0 0 1 0 = 1 P a s s w d not req. 3 Disabled J H o M e d i r req. 3 Tenp. d u p l i c a t e ! XI Norwal ac co un t 1 NMS acc ou nt 1 Srv trust act 3 Do mai n trust ac ' Wks trust act. 3 Pw d d o n t e x p i r 5 1 Au to loc kout I (u n kn ow n 0x08) 3 (un kn ow n 0x20) 1 (u n kn ow n 0x40) 3 ( un kn ow n 0x10)

- - - U s e r Edit Menu: 1 C l e a r (blank) u s e r p a s s w o r d 2 - Ed it (set new) u s e r p a s s w o r d (ca reful w i t h this on X P or Uista) 3 - P r o M o t e u s e r (Make u s e r an a d w i n i s t r a t o r ) (4 U n l o c k an d e na b l e u s e r a c co un t) Cs eeM S u n l o c k e d al rea dy3 q - Q uit e d i t i n g user, b a c k to u s e r se l e c t Select: Cg3 > 1 Pa ss wo r d cle ar ed * Select: - Q u i t , - list users, 0 x <R I D > - U s e r w i t h R I D (hex) )r s i m v 1 m e n t e r the u s e r n a n e to ch ange: [ A d n i n i s t r a t o r l t

Status: Running

FIGURE 13.12: CHNTPW ISO Password Cleared

17. Load hives: <SAM><system><SECURTTY> 1 - Edit user data and passwords 9 - Registry editor, now with full write support!
E th ica l H a ck in g and C ounterm easures Copyright by EC-Council All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited.

C E H L ab M an u al Page 387

Module 05 - System Hacking

Q Quit (you will be asked if diere is somediiiig to save) 1 1 1 What to do?, the default selected option will be [1]. Type quit (q), and press Enter.
Q C E H -T o o ls is als o M a p p e d in V irtu a l M a c h in e as N e tw o rk D rive Z: Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection
Media 0 Clipboard II It View jfe Help Q
0 1 f5 0 3e8

File Action @

; Hdninistpator : Gue st ! IUSR_WIN-ULY858KHQIP the u s e r n a n e to chang e: [Ad ni n i s tratorl

Usernane fullnane cohhent


B ui l t - i n


for adMinistering ( w hi c h has

the c o w p u t e r / d o M a i n

Adninistrators A cc ou n t hits: 0 x 0 0 1 0 C 1 Disabled I 1 [ 1 Tenp. d u p l i c a t e 1X1 [ 1 Do n a in trust ac C 1 C 1 [ P wd don' t e x p i r C 1 (u n k no w n 0x10) t 1

1 ne n be ps ) I [ E [ I 1 1 1 1 1 P a ss w d not peq. NMS acc ou nt Srv t p u s t act <u n kn o w n 0x88) (un kn ow n 0x40)

H o n e d i p peq. NoPMa l ac co un t Mks trust act. Au to lockout ( u n k n o wn 0x20)

- U s e r E di t Menu: 1 - C l e a r (b lank) u s e r p a s s w o r d 2 Ed it (set new) u s e r p a s s w o r d (car efu l w i t h this on X P or Uista ) 3 - Pr on ot e u s e r (nake u s e r an a d n i n i s t r a t o r ) (4 - U n l o c k a n d e n a b l e u s e r a c c o un t) [seen s u n l o c k e d al rea dy! q - Q uit e d i t i n g user, b a c k to u s e r se l e c t Select: [q] > 1 P a s s w o r d c l ea re d

[> === = = = = = < > c h n t p w M ai n

I n te r a c t i v e

M e n u <> = = = = = = = = <>

saded hives: (S A M ) ( S Y ST EM ) (S E C U R I T Y ) 1 Edi t u s e r d a t a and p a s s w o rd s


to do?



Status: Running

[IyTools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

18. In Step FOUR: Writing back Changes, About to write file(s) back! Do it?, here die default option will be [n]. Type yes [y] and press Enter.
Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 W - Virtual Machine Connection
Media Clipboard Vi! View


FIGURE 13.13: CHNTPWJSO loading hives Quit option


File Action

adninistenng t he conputer/donain



II I t


Account bits: 0x 001 0 It 1 Dis ab le d IE Tenp. du plicate 1[ Donain trust ac IE 3 Pwd d o n t exp ir 1[ 1 (unknown 0 x 1 8 )

I 1 [X3 [ 1 I 1 C 1

H o n e d i r req. Nornal account Mks trust act. Auto lockout (unknown 8x20)

1 P a ssw d not peq. 3 NMS account 1 Srv trust act

1(4 Un l o c k and enable u se r account) Cseens u n lo ck ed already! I h ~ Quit ed it i n g user, back to u s e r select B e l e c t : [ql ) 1 Password cleared* U se r w it h RID (hex) ()========<> ch n t p w Main In te ractive Menu <)= Loaded hives: (SAM) (S YSTEM) <SECURI TY > 1 Edit u se r d a t a and pa sswords

I S t ep _ FO U R ^ _ M r i t i n g _ b a c k _ c h a n g e s About to write file(s) back Do it? [n]

: y_

Status: Running

.0 A
FIGURE 13.14: CHNTPW.ISO Step Four

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Module 05 - System Hacking

19. Tlie edit is completed.

Q It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot o ff a floppydisk or CD or anodier system.

FIGURE 13.15: CHNTPWJSO Edit Completed

20. Now turn off die Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine. 21. Open Hyper-V Manager settings o f Windows Server 2008 and change die DVD drive option to None from IDE Controller 1 and then select click
^ Apply >OK.
Settings for Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HLSE4
Windows Server2008 Hardware Add Hardware |K> BIOS Boot from CD M Memory 1024 NB D Processor 1 Virtual processor L J Hard Drive Windows Server2008. vhdx - KU I0e Cortroter 1 _____________ * DVD Drive None 53Li SCSI Ccntroler O Physical CDA>VD dive: | Drive F:' v| Q Legacy Network Adapter Realtek PCIe G8E Family Contr... ^ COM 1 None COM2 None U Diskette Drive None Select the controller and ocation on the controler to afcach the CD/DVD drive. Controller: IDE Controller 1 Media Specify the media to use with y a r virtual CD/DVD drve. | None O Image fie: C: VJsers\Admslrator'PesktopVd 11051 l\cd 11051 l.iso Location: 0 On use]

y zrx

( i
DVD Drive

3 W IDE Cor troiler 0

Q C E H -To ols is als o M a p p e d in V irtu a l M a c h in e as N e tw o rk D rive Z:

To remove the virtual CD10VD drive from this virtual ma1 ine, dick Remove.

Management_________________ (L Name Windows Server2008 Integration Services Al services offered Snapshot File Location C: V>rogramOatay1icrosoft\Win.. | Smart Paging File .ocabon C'ProgramOataVlicrosoftV/Vin.. ) Automatic Start Action Restart if previously running

FIGURE 13.16: CHN1PW.ISO Windows Sender 2008 Setri!1 gs E th ical H a ck in g and C ounterm easures Copyright by EC-Council All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.

C E H L ab M anual Page 389

Module 05 - System Hacking

22. Go to Windows Server 2008 Virtual Maclune, and click the Start button.
'* Windows Server2008 on WIN-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual Machine Connection I I
Media Clipboard View Help

File Action

'S [ 0 ] i)

0 I II 1 fc


The virtual machine ,W indows Server2008' is turned off

To s ta rt the virtual m achine, select 'S tart' from th e Action m enu

FIGURE 13.17: starting windows server 2008

23. Windows server 2008 boots without requiring any password.

FIGURE 13.18: Windows Server 2008 Window

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to the lab exercise.


T o o l/U tility

Information C ollected /O b jectives Achieved M achine N a m e : Windows server 2008


O u tp u t: Log into Windows Server 2008 without entering the user name and password

Q uestions
1. How do

configure CHNTPW.ISO


Windows Server 2008 Virtual

Machine Settings?

Internet C onnection Required Yes P latform S upported 0 C lassroom 0 !Labs 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking


User System Monitoring and Surveillance Needs Using Spytech SpyAgent

Spytech SpyAgent is powerful computer spy sojhrare that allons yon to monitor everything users do on your computer, in total stealth. SpyAgent provides a large array of essential computer monitoringfeatures, as well as website, application, and chat client blocking, lockdown scheduling, and remote delivery of logs via email or FTP.

Lab Scenario
Today, employees are given access to computer, telephone, and other electronic communication equipment. Email, instant messaging, global positioning systems, telephone systems, and video cameras have given employers new ways to monitor the conduct and performance o f their employees. Many employees also are given laptop computer and wireless phones they can take home and use for business outside the workplace. Whether an employee can claim a reasonable expectation of privacy when using such company-supplied equipment 111 large part depends upon the steps die employer has made to minimize that expectation. 111 tins lab, we explain monitoring employee or suident activity using Spytech SpyAgent.

/ Valuable information Test your knowledge

Web exercise Workbook review

& Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Lab Objectives
The objective of tins lab is to help smdents use Spytech and the SpyAgent tool. After completing tins lab, smdents will be able to: Install and configure Spytech SpyAgent Monitor keystrokes typed, w eb sites visited, and Internet Traffic Data

Lab Environment
To perform the lab, you need:
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Module 05 - System Hacking

A computer running Windows Server 2012 Administrative pnvileges to install and m n tools Run tins tool in Windows Server 2012 You can also download Spytech SpyAgent from http://www.spytechw /spyagent.shtml II you decided to download the latest version, screenshots may differ

Lab Duration
Time: 15 Minutes

Overview of Spytech SpyAgent

SpyAgent is a powerful solution diat can log all keystrokes, emails, windows, websites, applications, Internet connections, chat conversations, passwords, print jobs, documents viewed, and even screenshots. SpyAgent runs 111 complete stealth with optional email delivery and logging and lockdown scheduling. SpyAgent also features powerful filtering and access control featares, such as Chat Blocking (to restnct access to chat software), Application Blocking (to prevent specific applications from being executed), and Website Filtering.

Lab Tasks
The basic idea in diis section is to: 1. Navigate to D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System TASK 1
Installation of Spytech SpyAgent Hacking\Keyloggers\Spytech SpyAgent


Double-click Setup.exe. You will see die following window. Click Next.
Spytech SpyAgent Setup

You can download the spytech SpyAgent from

http:/ /

Next >


FIGURE 14.1: Installation o f Spytech SpyAgent

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Module 05 - System Hacking

3. Tlie W elcome wizard of Spytech SpyAgent setup program window appears; read die instructions and click Next.
Welcome to the Spytech SpyAgent Setup program. This program will install Spytech SpyAgent on your computer. It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running this Setup program. Click Cancel to quit Setup and then close any programs you have running. Click Next to continue with the Setup program. WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.

fA g m ?
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.

< Back

Next >


FIGURE 14.2: Installation wizard of Spytech SpyAgent


Tlie Important N otes window appears, read die note and click Next
Important Notes
Spytech SpyAgent Build Version 7.56.12 Copyright Spytech Software and Design, Inc. 2000-2012. www. spy tech-web. com What is Spytech SpyAgent? Spytech SpyAgent is a powerful and easy-to-use software utility that allows you to log all keystrokes typed, windows and applications launched, websites visited, passwords used, icq/msn/yahoo/aim conversations, and even all internet connections made. All logs are easily viewed with the built in log viewers and can be saved to a convenient, easily viewed text format for email transfer(built in) or printouts. SpyAgent can also capture all emails, as well as capture screenshots of the desktop at set time intervals. SpyAgent can be ran on windows startup in active monitoring mode

Active M ode: this option allows SpyAgent to be started in monitoring mode when it is opened no need for manually starting its monitoring

< Back

Next >


FIGURE 14.3: Installation wizard

5. 6.

The Softw are L icen se A greem ent window appears; you m ust accept the agreement to install Spytech SpyAgent. Click Y es to continue.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Software License Agreement

Please read the following License Agreement. Press the PAGE DOWN key to see the rest of the agreement.

License 1. You may use the program on a single computer at one time. You may not copy the program and accompanying materials except for backup purposes to use in support of using the program on a single machine at one time. 2. You may only install this software on a computer that you own, or on a computer from which you have consent of the owner to install this software. 3. You may not make copies of the program for sale or distribution. 4. This software is copyrighted, and all rights therein are reserved for Spytech Software. Purchase of

Do you accept all the terms of the preceding License Agreement? If you choose No, Setup will close. T 0 install this product, you must accept this agreement.


< Back



FIGURE 14.4: Select the Agreement

7. 8.

Choose die Destination Location to install Spytech SpvAgent. Click Next to continue installation.
Choose Destination Location
Setup will install Spytech SpyAgent in the following directory.

Stealth M ode: this option allows SpyAgent to run in total stealth. Combined with 'Active Mode' the software will load and run in monitoring mode in complete stealth

T 0 install to this directory, click Next. T 0 install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory. You can choose not to install Spytech SpyAgent, by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.

Destination Directory C:\Program Files (x8G)\Spytech SoftwareVSpytech Sp Browse..

Space Required: 3048 K S pace Available: 5231736 K

< Back

Next >


FIGURE 14.5: Selecting folder for installation


Select SpyAgent installation type, and select Administrator/Tester die setup type.

10. Click Next.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Select SpyAgent Installation Type

Click the type of Setup you prefer, then click Next.


Program will be installed with the all software options and accessible via Windows start menu. This is recommended also for new users! Help documents are installed. Program will be installed with minimum required options and no shortcuts included in Windows start menu. Also HELP Documents ate NOT INSTALLED.

Stealth Installation

Space Required: 3048 K Space Available: 5231576 K

< Back

Next >


FIGURE 14.6: selecting installation type


The Ready to Install window appears. Click Next to start installing Spvtech SpyAgent.
Ready To Install
Setup now has enough information to start installing Spytech SpyAgent. Click Back to make any changes before continuing. Click Cancel to exit Setup.

Splash W arning: This option allows you to display a message to the user when SpyAgent is started. This message can be configured in the Advanced Settings > Splash Screen window

< Back

Next >


FIGURE 14.7: Ready to install window

12. It will prom pt for include an uninstaller. Click Yes.

Spytech SpyAgent Setup

W ould you like to include an uninstaller?



FIGU RE 14.8: Selecting an uninstaller E th ical H a ck in g and C ounterm easures Copyright by EC-Council All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited.

C E H L ab M anual Page 396

Module 0 5 - S ystem H acking

13. A Notice For Antivirus Users window appears; read die text click Next.
Modern antivirus programs can detect a wide range of potentially dangerous programs. This normally goes far beyond traditional viruses and worms and often includes heuristic alerts, which basically means that you can get alerts and warnings when an antivirus program "thinks it could be" something. These warnings should be expected for the following types of applications: Software that logs or captures keystrokes Software that monitors user activity - Software that allows you to recover passwords or other personal data Software that monitors or logs Internet or network activity Since SpyAgent can do all of the above, some antivirus solutions may deem SpyAgent as ,potentially harmful' or a 'trojan' despite it being a legitimate tool to monitor your computer (and users). With all Spy tech software, you can be sure our products are 100%safe to use and virus-free. If you run into any "trojan" related warnings, it is very likely to be a

L o g L ocation: this allows you to specify where you want SpyAgent to store its activity logs. For Windows N T /2000/X P systems monitoring ALL users it is recommended that the log location be set to x:\docum ents and settings\all users

< Back

Next >


FIGURE 14.9: Accept Antivirus notice

14. The Finished window appears. Click C lose to end the setup.


Setup is complete and Spytech SpyAgent is now installed!

17 Run SpyAgent

1 View Help Documentation

Click Close to end the Setup

< Back


FIGU RE 14.10: Finish window

15. The following window appears. Click click to continue...

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Module 05 - System Hacking

W e lc o m e t o S p y A g e n t ! ( S t e p 1 ) B e f o r e y o u c a n s t a r t u s in g S p y A g e n t y o u m u s t c o n fig u r e y o u r p a s s w o rd t h a t w ill b e u s e d fo r a c c e s s in g S p y A g e n t . D o n o t lo s e t h i s p a s s w o r d a s it c a n n o t b e r e s e t w i t h o u t a r e in s ta lla tio n o f S p y A g e n t.

FIGU RE 14.11: Welcome SpyAgent window

16. The following window appears. E nter the password 111 New Passw ord field, and retype the same password in Confirm field. 17. Click OK.
O ld P a s s w o rd :

SpyAgent can deliver its activity logs in secret to your own personal email or FTP account

N e w P a s s w o rd :

C o n firm :

T h is p a s s w o rd r e s tr ic t s o th e r u s e rs fro m c h a n g in g th e S p y A g e n t s e ttin g s .

FIGU RE 14.12: Selecting New Password

18. The following window appears. Click click to continue.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

W e lc o m e t o S p y A g e n t ( S t e p 2 ) You w ill n o w b e p r e s e n te d w it h t h e E asy C o n fig u r a tio n W iz a r d . Y o u c a n u s e t h is w iz a r d t o q u i c k l y s e t u p S p y A g e n t 's m o s t f r e q u e n t l y u s e d fe a tu r e s . Y ou ca n r e s ta r t th is w iz a r d a t a n y t i m e in t h e f u t u r e .

click to continue...
FIGU RE 14.13: Welcome SpyAgent window

19. Configuration package wizard appears. Select the C om plete + Stealth Configuration package. 20. Click Next.

1. C o n fig u ra tio n

P le a s e s e le c t a c o n fig u ra tio n p a c k a g e fro m th e b elo w o p tio n s.

2. Extras 3. Confirm Settings 4. Apply 5. Finish

f* C o m p le te + S te a lth C o n fig u ra tio n
Configure to run in to ta l s te a lth , with all possible logging options preconfigured.

C o m p le te C o n fig u ra tio n
Configure with all possible logging options preconfigured.

T y p ic a l C o n fig u ra tio n
Configure with the m ost com m only used logging options preconfigured.

FIGURE 14.14: Selecting configuration package

21. Choose additional options, and select the Display Alert on Startup check box. 22. Click Next.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

In tern et Traffic D ata: This log ALL incoming and outgoing internet data transmitted and received by users. All email passwords, FTP passwords, website transmissions, etc. will be logged by this feature

FIGU RE 14.15: Selecting additional option


The Confirm S ettin g s wizard appears. To continue click Next. 0

1. C o n fig u ra tio n 2. E x tra s 3. C o n firm S e ttin g s 4. A p p ly 5. Finish

A r e y o u s u re y o u w ant to c o n tin u e y o u r c o n fig u ra tio n ? If so , c lic k NEXT.

S e ttings to be applied: A ll logging options w ill be preconfigured for optim al S tealth U sers w ill be alerted S p yA gent is running

Q SpyAgent lias die unique ability to allow you to have its activity logs delivered to your personal e-mail address or FTP account

FIGU RE 14.16: Confimi setting wizard


Tlie Configurations Applied window appears. Click Next.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

f easy conliguralion and setup wizard j

C o n fig u ra tio n s A p p lie d !

1. Configuration 2. Extras 3. Confirm Settings

4. A p p ly

A ll selecte d s e ttin g s have been applied s u c c e s s fu lly ! C lic k F IN IS H to finish the easy configuration wizard!

5. Finish

FIGU RE 14.17: Configuration applied window


The Configuration Finished window appears. Click Finish to successfully set up SpyAgent.

SpyAgent lias a built in scheduling feature that allows you to configure SpyAgent to log user activities during specific hours of die day, or to lock down your computer at certain times

1. Configuration 2. Extras 3. Confirm Settings 4. Apply

5. F in is h

C o n fig u ra tio n F in is h e d !

You have now s u c c e s s fu lly setup S p yA gent! I f you wish to change any s e ttin g s further, c lic k on the buttons on the S p yA gent in terface for more o p tio n s !

FIGU RE 14.18: Configuration finished window


The main window o f Spytech SpyAgent appears, as show in the following tigure. Click Click to continue...

C E H L ab M anual P ag e 401

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Module 05 - System Hacking

I C lic k H e re fo r O rd e r in g I n f o r m a t io n

General User A c tiv itie s Keystrokes Typed

0 Keys Last j "'

G eneral
Startup Settings and Conftg

Windows Viewed
nfigure Logging Options

0 A p p lic a tio n !



!mote L o g D e live ry
nfigure Remote Delivery

0 C lip b o a rd s

W e lc o m e t o S p y A g e n t * ( S t e p 3 ) j|,js l% S p y A g e n t 's u s e r in t e r f a c e . T h is is w h e r e y o u c a n s t a r t a n d s t o p m o n it o r in g , v i e w a c t i v i t y lo g s , c h a n g e s e t t in g s , a n d c o n f ig u r e t h e s o f t w a r e .

Ivanced O p tio n s
e r Control on SpyAgent

Events Tlfl
0 E v e n ts Log

>ntent F ilte rin g

I er and Block A ctivity

Internet A ctivities E-Mails Se I

0 E -M a ils L o g t ^ : ---------

reenS py
cord Desktop Activity

---------------Chat Transcripts
0 C o n v e rs a tio n s Logged

= ! n a r tL o g g in g
Activity Triggered Logging

Websites Visited
/fl 0 W ebsites Logged

S c h e d u lin g
Schedule Monitoring 1

V iew M o s t P o p u la r A c tiv itie s S u m m a ry C lic k here fo r Easy C o n fig u ra tio n and S e tu p W izard

B e h a v io r A le rts

Real-time A ctivity A l e r t s

H Program Options

Log Actions

( Reports


FIGURE 14.19: Main window o f SpyAgent

27. G

To check the general user activities, click Start Monitoring.

------------------------------------------------------- 1 L-ri-J

Monitoring User Activities

G e n e ra l U s e r A c t iv itie s

C lick H ere fo r O rd e rin g In fo rm a tio n

Startup Settings and Conflg

Keystrokes Typed
0 Keys Last Session

Windows Viewed
4 Windows Logged

Programs Usage
7n Applications A ; rh n e Logged nnn.iH 70

!figure Logging Options

1 0 Screenshots Logged

< ? 3 2 ^ ScreenSpy Screenshots

Remote Log Delivery
C o n fig u re R e m o te D e liv e ry

Clipboard Logs
0 C lipboards Logged

File/Documents Usage
0 File Events Logged

Advanced O ptions
Finer Control on SpyAgent

Events Timeline
9 1 Events Logged

Computer Usage
2 Sessions Logged

C o nte nt F iltering
Filter and Block Activity

In te r n e t A c t iv itie s


Record Deskt<

E-Mails Sent/Received
0 E-M ails Logged

Internet Activities
0 Connections Logged

Activity Triggered Logging

Sm artLogging

Websites Visited
2 W ebsites Logged

Chat Transcripts
0 Conversations Logged

Schedule Monitoring Times

View M ost Popular A ctivitie s Summ ary C lick here (or Easy C o n fig u ra tio n and Setup W izard

B e havior A lerts


Real-time Activity A le rtt>

1 1 Program Options

6 Log Actions


i! Help

FIGURE 14.20: Start monitoing

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Module 05 - System Hacking

28. 29.

W hen the Enter A c c e s s P assw ord window appears, enter the

passw ord.

Click OK.

c o m p u te r m o n ico rin g 'n n d surveillan ce so ftw a re

C lic k H e r e fo r O r d e r in g In f o r m a t io n

G eneral User A c tiv itie s Keystrokes Typed

0 Keys Last Session

Startup Settings and Config

Windows Viewed
4 Windows Logged C o S lg u re Logging Options

SpyAgent lias a feature called SmartLogging diat lets you trigger monitoring when certain events arise, instead of nuuiing constantly logging everything that users do. SmartLogging ties into die keystrokes, websites visited, applications ran, and windows used logging functions

Programs Usage
> 70 Applications Logged

ScrcenSpy Screenshots
0 Scree nsh ots Logged

Remote Log Delivery

Configure Remote Delivery

Clipboard Logs
0 C lip bo ards Logge

Advanced Options
Finer Control on SpyAgent

Events Timelim
91 Events Logged

Content Filtering
Filter and Block Activity

In te rn e t A c tiv itie s E-Mails Sent/Received

0 E-M ails Logged

Record Deskt<


Internet Activities
0 C on ne ction s Logged

Activity Triggered Logging

Websites Visited
2 W ebsites Logged

Chat Transcripts
0 C on ve rsa tio n s Logged

Schedule Monitoring Tim es

View Most Popular Activities Summary Click here for Easy Configuration and Setup Wizard
P ro g ra m O p tio n s Lo g A c tio n s

Behavior Alerts

Real-tim e Activity AlertAJ?

I R e p o rts

H e lp

FIGURE 14.21: Entering the password


Stealth Notice window appears, read the instructions click OK N O T E : To bring SpyAgent out o f stealth mode, press CONTROL+SHIFT+ALT+M on your keyboard.

HU SpyAgent allows you to save all o f SpyAgent's keystrokes, websites, windows, applications, connections, clipboard, activity, print jobs, file usage, and documents logs to a specified directory at once - for easier viewing later on - or so you can clear your logs without losing data.

FIGURE 14.22: Stealth mode notice E th ica l H a ck in g and C ounterm easures Copyright by EC-Council All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.

C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 403

Module 05 - System Hacking


It will show the following window, with the options select Do not sh o w th is Help Tip again and select Do not sh o w Related Help Tips like this again. Click click to continue...

S p y A g e n t is n o w m o n i t o r in g y o u r c o m p u t e r . T o s t o p m o n i t o r in g p r e s s S p y A g e n t 's h o t k e y c o m b in a t io n - b y d e f a u l t it is C O N T R O L + A L T + S H IF T + M - th e n e n t e r y o u r S p y A g e n t p a s s w o rd . SpyAgent features a large set o f r eporting tools that allow you to save and prepare log data for later viewing, documentation, and printing. All reports are formatted in HTML fomiat for viewing with your webbrowser.

Do not shoiv this Help Tip agai Do not show Related Help Tips ! th is again


FIGURE 14.23: Start monitoing

32. 33.

N ow browse the Internet (anything). To bring spyAgent out ot stealth mode press CONTROL+SHIFT+ALT+M on your keyboard. It will ask for the Access Password; enter the password and click OK.

FIGU RE 14.24: Entering the password

34. 35.

To check user keystrokes from the keyboard, click K eystrokes Typed Irom General User A ctivities. It will show all the resulting keystrokes as shown in the following screenshot.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

S p y A g e n t K e y stro k e s Log V ie w e r
0 Save Log Save 1 C lea r

14 e n tries
_ i j Actions. c Jum p to Log 3

J J F orm at

S e le c t a K e y s tro k e s Log E n try

Tim Administrator Administrator Administrator Administrator Snag1tEditor.exe Snagit Editor Jul 24, 2 0 1 2 2 :3 5 :5 8 PM Tue Tue Tue Tue 7 /2 4 /1 2 7 /2 4 /1 2 7 /2 4 /1 2 7 /2 4 /1 2 @ 2:1 2 :2 7 2 :1 2 :2 9 2 :1 2 :5 6 2 :1 3 :0 3 PM PM PM PM

K e y s tro k e s T y p e d
|[B ac ks p ac e][B a ck sp ac e][B ac ks p a ce ][B ac ks p ac e][B a ck sp a ce ][B ac ks p a ce ]| [B a ck s p a c e ][B a c k s p a c e ]S p y [B a c k s p a c e ][B a c k s p a c e ][B a c k s p a c e ]It will show th e follwmg window se ld [B a ck sp a ce ]e ct D o n to [B ac ks p ac e][B a ck sp ac e]o t show this H elp T ip ag ain and Do not show R elated H elp Tips like this agin [B acksp ace] [B a ck sp a ce ][B ac ks p ac e]am [B a ck sp a ce ], click on click to count 1[B a ck sp a ce ] [B a ck s p a c e j[B a c k s p a c e j[B a c k s p a c e ]n 1[B a ck sp a ce ]t 1nue

Note: Log entries preceeded with a '* ' indicate a password entry.

FIGURE 14.25: Resulted keystrokes

36. 37.

To check the websites visited by the user, click W ebsite V isited from
Internet A ctivities.

It will show all the user visited websites results, as shown in the following screenshot.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise. Give your opinion your targets security posture and exposure.


T o o l/U tility

Information C ollected /O b jectives Achieved O u tp u t:

S pytech SpyA gent

M onitoring keystrokes typed Website log entries Pages visited for selected website Internet traffic data

Internet C onnection Required Yes P latform S upported 0 C lassroom 0 !Labs 0 No

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Web Activity Monitoring and Recording Using Power Spy 2013

PowerSpy 2013 sojhmre allowsyon to secretly won!tor and record all activities on yonr computer, and this is completely legal.

Lab Scenario
^_ Valuable information_____ Test your knowledge *A Web exercise m Workbook review

Today, employees are given access to computers, telephones, and other electronic communication equipment. Email, instant messaging, global positioning systems, telephone systems, and video cameras have given employers new ways to monitor the conduct and performance of their employees. ]Many employees also are given laptop computers and wireless telephones diev can take home and use for business outside die workplace. Whedier an employee can claim a reasonable expectation of privacy when using such company-supplied equipment 111 large part depends upon the steps die employer has made to minimize that expectation. 111 tins lab, we explain monitoring employee or student activity using Power Spy 2013.

Lab Objectives
& Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

The objective o f tins lab is to help students use the Activity Monitor tool. After completing diis lab, students will be able to: Install and configure Power Spy 2013 Monitor keystrokes typed, websites visited, and Internet Traffic Data

Lab Environment
To perform die lab, you need: A computer running Windows Server 2012 Administrative privileges to install and m n tools You can also download Power Spy tool from http:/ / download-power-spy-software.php
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Module 05 - System Hacking

If you decided to download latest version screenshots may differ Run this tool 111 Windows Server 2012

Lab Duration
Time: 15 Minutes

Overview of Power Spy 2013

Power Spy software records Facebook use and all keystrokes typed, and captures all chats and INIs 111 Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger) , Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Tencent QQ, Google Talk, GADU-GADU, ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), and odiers. It records all websites visited, emails read, documents opened, windows opened, clipboard activities, passwords typed, and applications executed.

Lab Tasks
The basic idea 111 dus section is to: 1. Navigate to D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System TASK 1
Installation of Power Spy 2013 Hacking\Spywares\Email and Internet Spyware\Power Spy.

2. 3.

Double-click pcspy.exe. The Software License Agreement window appears. You must accept the agreement to install Power Spy. Click Next in die License Agreement wizard.

Setup Power Spy

Welcome to the Setup Wizard! This will install the software on your computer. It is recommended to close all other applications before continuing. Click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit Setup.

By clicking Next you are agreeing to the following terms of License Agreement.
License Agreem ent: DISCLAMER: A ll o u r products are distrib u te d and licensed on an 'as is* basis and no w a rra n tie s or guarantees of a n y k in d are prom ised b y eM atrixSoft (the *Company*) and Power Spy (th e *Softw are') as to th e ir perform ance, re lia b ility or s u ita b ility to a n y given task. In no event shall th e Software be lia b le fo r a n y loss of data o r A N Y DAMAGES OF

You can download the Power Spy 2013 from

http:/ / x.php

FIGURE 15.1: Installation of Spytech SpyAgent


Setup has finished the installation


the system. Click Finish.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Completing Setup
Setup has finished installing product on your computer. Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard.

Keystrokes Typed log all keystrokes, including optional nonalphanumerical keys, typed with time, Windows username, application name and window caption

FIGURE 15.2: Select die Agreement


The Run a s adm inistrator window appears. Click Run.

Run as administrator

W ith administrative rights, you can check, delete and export logs, change settings, and have complete access to the software

N et Chatting Conversations monitor and record all latest version Windows Live Messenger / Skype / MSN Messenger / IC Q / AIM / Yahoo! Messengers BOTH SIDES chatting conversations with time, chat users, and all coming/outgoing messages FIGURE 15.3: Selecting folder for installation


Tlie S etup login passw ord window appears. Enter the password 111 the N ew passw ord field, and retype the same password 111 the Confirm passw ord held. Click Submit.


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Module 05 - System Hacking

Setup login password

Setup a password to login the software. The password can include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

Screen Snapshots automatically captures screenshots of entire desktop or active windows at set intervals. Save screenshots as JPEG format images on your computer harddisk Automatically stop screenshot when user is inactive

New password: Confirm password:

FIGURE 15.4: Selecting New Password


The Information dialog box appears. Click OK.

Your passw ord is created . You w ill use it to lo g in th e software.

FIGU RE 15.5: password confirmation window


The Enter login Passw ord window appears. Enter the password (which is already set).

10. Click Submit

Self-Actions record Power Spy administrator operations, like start or stop monitoring

FIGU RE 15.6: Enter the password E th ical H a ck in g and C ounterm easures Copyright by EC-Council All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited.

C E H L ab M anual Page 410

Module 05 - System Hacking

Q Stealth Mode: Power Spy run absolutely invisibly under Windows systems and does not show in Windows task list Xone will know its running unless you tell them! You can also choose to hide or unhide Power Spy icon and its uninstall entry

The R egister product window appears. Click Later to continue.

Register product
An icon is displayed on Desktop to disable Stealth Mode in trial version. You can totally try the software on yourself. Click Start monitoring and Stealth Mode on it's control panel, then do anything as usual on the PC: visiting web sites, reading emails, chatting on facebook or Skype, etc. Then, use your hotkey to unhide its control panel, and click an icon on the left to check logs. You can also click Configuration to change settings, setup an email to receive logs from any location, such as a remote PC. iPad or a smart phone. If you like the product, click Purchase button below to buy and register it. Stealth Mode will be enabled after it is unlocked with your registration information.

User Name: Unlock Code:

FIGURE 15.7: Register product window


The main window o f Power Spy appears, as displayed figure.


die following

Power Spy

Control Panel

Buy now

Task Schedule: You can set starting and ending time for eadi task to automatically start and stop the monitoring job.


A p p licatio n s ex ec u te d

f * n

w eb sites visited

Start monitoring

m ic ro p h o n e

Stealth Mode


Export all logs

D elete all logs

FIGU RE 15.8: Main window o f Power Spy

k t A S K 2

Click Start monitoring.

Monitoring and Recording User Activities

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Power Spy

Control Panel

Buy now

websites visited

Start m onitoring

*m JP
Applications executed

Stealth Mode





Export all logs

D elete all logs

y=i JLogs View: choose to view different type of logs from program main interface. You can delete selected logs or clear all logs, search logs or export lossing reports in HTML format

FIGU RE 15.9: Start monitoring


The System R eboot R ecom m ended window appears. Click OK.

System Reboot Recommended
One or more monitoring features require system reboot to start working. It is recommended to close the software first (click Stealth Mode or X on the right top corner), then restart your computer.
The message displays only once.


15. 10: System Reboot Recommended w in d o w

15. 16.

Click Stealth Mode (stealth mode runs the Power Spy completely invisibly on the computer) . The Hotkey reminder window appears. Click OK (to unhide Power Spy, use the Ctrl+Alt+X keys together on your PC keyboard).

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Power Spy

Control Panel

Buy now | g

H otkey rem inder

Stop monitoring

The Stealth Mode is started and the software will run completely invisibly. To unhide it, use your hotkey: Ctrl + Al + X. (Press the 3 keys together on your keyboard). Hotkey only works in current Windows user account. It is disabled in other user accounts for security.

I K 1
Applications executed

w m





Export all logs

D elete all logs

Easy-to-use Interface: config Power Spy with either Wi2ard for common users or control panel for advanced users. Userfriendly graphical program interface makes it easy for beginngers.

FIGURE 15.11: Stealth mode window


The Confirm window appears Click Y es.

Are you sure you remember this?




FIGURE 15.12: Stealth mode notice

18. 19.

N ow browse the Internet (anytiling). To bring Power Spy out of stealth mode, press CONTROL+ALT+X on your keyboard. The Run a s adm inistrator window appears. Click Run.

Run as administrator
With administrative rights, you can check, delete and export logs, change settings, and have complete access to the software

FIGU RE 15.13: Rim as administrator E th ical H a ck in g and C ounterm easures Copyright by EC-Council All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited.

C E H L ab M anual Page 413

Module 05 - System Hacking

20. 21.

The Enter login passw ord window appears. Enter the password (which is already set) . Click Submit.

FIGU RE 15.14: E nter the password

22. 23.

Click Later in the R egister product window to continue if it appears. Click Stop monitoring to stop the monitoring.

Power Spy

Control Panel

Buy now

websites visited

Stop m onitoring

(D *
Applications executed


Stealth Mode



Export all logs

D elete all logs

FIGU RE 15.15: Stop the monitoring


To check user keystrokes from the keyboard, click K eystrokes in

Power Spy Control Panel.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Program Executed log all programs including application, executable file, documents and directories navigated with time, Windows username, application/document/ direct ory name and file paths..


S p y Control Panel


f *

websites visited

Start monitoring

Applications executed

Yahoo messenger





Export all logs

Delete all logs

FIGU RE 15.16: Selecting keystrokes from Power spy control panel

25. 26.

It will show all the resulted keystrok es as shown screenshot. Click the C lose button.
4!C n to ) fM |(O .0 v li/JW U J:>/* M N M M Iir
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the following

!VKf In (K^rwtwA H

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t x y t m jh f X P ^ o C W _____

.> > ! wayim m (attjiwrotor ew wm : l w m vyajra m (H)two*ofroAct'cAa : 0 9 *

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5 ^gt E <] io* 23.2052 2:M: 25 1 leabcaton P*h

FIGU RE 15.17: Resulted keystrokes Q ) Documents Opened log all text contents of documents opened in MS Word and NotePad.

27. 28.

To check the websites visited by the user, click W ebsite visited in the
Pow er Spy Control Panel.

It will show all the visited w e b site s, as shown screenshot.


the following

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Module 05 - System Hacking

1ya/2Cl22:42:m 1va/xu 2 :42:27 IV2M 122 :42:23fM 1VJtfX122:42:20fW

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I eM atrixS o ft

Power Spy oftn ar offlral tr. m e* 2004

Featured Product
Power Spy 201 .

PC Screen Spy Monitor 2013 spy software


Um m caam unl < Lrotly 11 roar PC*croon It rterd1 <ond1 (*diuitaMo, M thot b*ing .H1icjpturot ill 1v g if PC. 10 nmtr bn w l o r m t i f a ie c t lor c atm in t

FIGU RE 15.18: Result o f visited websites

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to the lab exercise. Give your opinion on your targets security posture and exposure.


T o o l/U tility

Information C ollected /O b jectives Achieved O u tp u t:

Pow erSpy 2013

M onitoring keystrokes typed Website log entries Pages visited for selected website Internet traffic data

Internet C onnection Required Yes P latform S up p o rted 0 C lassroom 0 !Labs 0 No

C E H L ab M anual P ag e 416

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Image Steganography Using QuickStsgo

QnickStego hides text inpictures so that only other users of OnickStego can retrieve and read the hidden secret messages.


Lab Scenario
Porn sites are tilled with images that sometimes change multiple times each day, require authentication 111 some cases to access their "better" areas o f content, and by using stenograpluc techniques, would allow an agent to retrieve messages from their home bases and send back updates, all 111 porn trading. Thumbnails could be scanned to find out if there are any new messages for die day; once decrypted, these messages would point to links on die same site with the remaining information encrypted. Terrorists know that so many different types of files can hold all sorts of hidden information, and tracking or finding these files can be an almost impossible task. These messages can be placed 111 plain sight, and the servers that supply these files will never know it. Finding these messages is like finding the proverbial "needle" 111 the W orld Wide Web haystack.
111 order to be an expert an etlucal hacker and penetration tester, you must understand how to lude the text inside the image. 111 tliis lab, we show how text is hidden inside an image using the QuickStego tool.

._ Valuable information Test your knowledge Web exercise

c a Workbook review

7 Tools dem onstrated in this lab are available in D:\CEHTools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help the smdents learn how to hide secret text m e ssa g e s 111 an image.

Lab Environment
To perform the lab, you need: A computer ninning Windows Server 2012 Administrative privileges to install and run tools

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Module 05 - System Hacking


QuickStego is located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System Hacking\Steganography\lmage Steganography\QuickStego

You can also download Quick Stego tool from http: / /quickc H ee-steganog1 aphv-soitware.html II you decided to download latest version screenshots may differ Run diis tool 111 Windows Server 2012

Lab Duration
Time: 10 Minutes

Overview of Steganography
Steganography is the art and science o f writing hidden messages 111 such a way diat no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence o f die message, a form o f security through obscurity. Steganography includes die concealment o f information within computer hies. 111 digital steganography, electronic communications may include stenographic coding inside of a transport layer, such as a document tile, image file, program, or protocol.

Lab Tasks
The basic idea 111 diis section is to: 1. TASK 1
Hide the text inside the image

Follow die wizard-driven installation steps to install Quick Stego

2. Launch Quick Stego from Start menu apps

You can download die QuickStego from

http:/ /

FIGURE 16.1: Main window o f the QuickStego

C E H L ab M anual Page 418

Click Open Im age in the Picture, Im age, Photo File dialog box.
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Module 05 - System Hacking

Image Types that can be opened - jpg/.jpeg, gif, or .bmp formats

FIGURE 16.2: Opening the image

4. 5.

Browse the image from D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System

H acking\Steganography\lm age Steganography\Q uickStego.

Select lamborgini_5.jpg. and then click the Open button. L J:

Organize New folder Name Date modified 9/20/2012 4:42 PM Type JPEG image

Select An Image File To Open

Image Steg... QuickStego
V c

Search QuickStego

Download Recent p Music Libraries -

(1 Documej

Saved Hidden Text Im ages bmp format only



k. Pictures 9 Videos Computer ^ Local Dis v < File name: | lamborghini_5.jpg v | | Images (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif v | Open Cancel

FIGURE 16.3: Selecting die image

6. The selected image is added; it will show a message that reads: THIS IMAGE

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Module 05 - System Hacking

QuickStego does not ENCRYPT the secret text message though it is well hidden in the image. QuickCrypto includes the functions o f QuickStego but also allows you to securely encrypt text and files and even hide files on your computer.

FIGURE 16.4: Selected image is displayed

7. To add the text to the image, click Open Text from the T ext File dialog box.

FIGU RE 16.5: Selected text file

8. 9.
C E H L ab M anual Page 420

Browse the text file from D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 05 System

H acking\Steganography\lm age Steganography\Q uickStego.

Select Text F11e.txt tile, and then click the Open button.
E th ica l H a ck in g and C ounterm easures Copyright by EC-Council All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited.

Module 05 - System Hacking

^ ^ *fr 1

Select File to Open

Image Steg... > QuickStego v Q | | Search QuickStego



New folder Name


E 0 #
Date modified File.txt 9/20/2012 5:00 PM Type Text Document


Favorites Downloa Recent p = Music


The cote functions of QuickStego are also part of QuickCrypto, therefore the product will be supported for the foreseeable future. Functionality on its way is the ability to hide messages inside audio files, e.g. mp3 and wav.

Libraries 0 Documei J 1 Music fc l Pictures 9 Videos


FIGURE 16.6: Selecting tlie text file

10. 11.

The selected text will be added; click Hide T ext dialog box.
im age.


the Steganography

It shows the following message: The te x t m e ssa g e is now hidden in

QuickStego - Steganography Hide a Secret Text Message in an Image

H ie larger die image, the more test tliat can be concealed within. QuickStego will tell you how many characters o f text you must lose if you go over this limit per picture. Li practice a lot of secret test can be hidden in even a small image.
!Picture, Image, Photo File


| Open Image |

Save Image

1 1


1 Gel Text |

Open Text

The text message is now hidden in image.

FIGU RE 16.7: Hiding the test


To save the image (where the text is hidden inside the image) click S ave Im age in the Picture, Im age, Photo File dialog box.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

EQ QuickStego imperceptibly alters the pixels (individual picture elem ents) of the image, encoding the secret text by adding small variations in color to the image. In practice, to the human eye, th ese small differences do not appear to change the im age

FIGU RE 16.8: Save the steganography image


Provide the tile name as ste g o , and click S ave (to save tins file on the desktop).
Save The Image File To
( ? ) ( J ) ' 7 f t I M Desktop^ Organize New folder Libraries System Folder v C Search Desktop

. Favorites Desktop

Downloads Recent places Music Computer System Folder Network I stego I | Image ( .bmp)

% J) * jg


t> (j) Documents > Jl Music


O F! D/ !rar

Hide Folders

FIGURE 16.9: Browse for saved file


Exit from the Q uickStego window. Again open QmckStego, and click Open Im age 111 the Picture, Im age, Photo File dialog box.

15. 16.

Browse the S teg o file (which is saved on desktop). The hidden text inside the image will appear as displayed in the following figure.

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Module 05 - System Hacking

Q 3 Approximately 2MB of free hard disk space (plus extra space for any images)

FIGURE 16.10: Hidden text is showed

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise. Give your opinion on your targets security posture and exposure.


T o o l/U tility

Information C ollected /O b jectives Achieved Im ag e U sed: Lamborghi11i_5.jpg

Q uickS tego

O u tp u t: The hidden text inside the image will be shown

In te rn e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired Yes P latform S upported 0 !Labs 0 No

C E H L ab M anual P ag e 423

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