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CONDITIONALS (wish clause-If clause and others)

Wish clause ile ilgilenmeden nce wish yklemini tanmak gerek. WISH istemek ve iyi dilekte bulunmak anlamlarna gelir. wish to do I wish to see the manager. (=I want/would like to see the manager) I wish to make a complaint. (=Bir ikayette bulunmak istiyorum)

wish + S + ST !er" rare He wished me luck !He said "ood luck# I wish you a happy $hristmas. wish for # no ho$e of %ettin% %chie&ly in e'clamation( iste&e'( anca' al&a )&idi "o'* How he wished &or a good map with this lack o& &acility) (Bu olanak yetersizliiyle nasl bir harita bekliyorki)


*emel olarak wish+ten sonra gelen cmle ger,ek -amannn bir derece past+ olarak sylenir.
a) I wish SB would .ar/dakinden bir istekte bulunur. will/ would/ olmu/. I wish "ou would come and see me more o&ten. (=I hope you will come and see me more o ten) *he phone has been ringing &or 0 minutes I wish so&e0od" would answer it. NOTE1 Would sadece actions ve changes ile birlikte kullanlr. 1olaysyla2 +,T,-. I wish 3arah would come. I wish 3arah were here now. I wish 3arah would be here now# %4567I8( 0) I wish ST would "elece9e ait temenni. will/ would/ olmu/. It+s raining and I want to go out: but not in the rain. I wish it would stop raining and the sun would come out. (!eke yamur dursa "e gne/ ,ksa# I wish+Sentence (Si&$le 2ast) ;nreal durumlardr. <ana $resent yap $ast olur. It rains a lot here I wish it didn3t rain so much. =ut it rains# 2-.S.NT I wish I didn3t have to work. =ut I have to work# <arry wishes she were as hardworking as =ob.> =ut she is not# 1o you ever wish you could &ly?@ I wish I could play the guitar. !I& only I could play the guitar.# I wish + Sentence (2ast 2erfect) ;nreal durumdur. <ana $ast yap $ast $erfect olur. 2AST I wish I had 'nown that "ary was ill. I would have gone to see him. =ut I didn+t know.# I &eel sick. I wish I hadn3t eaten so much cake yesterday. =ut I ate too much cake.# 1o you wish you had studied language instead o& science?

A >

Wish clause+larda I& only!I wish. Wish clause+larda tm was+lar were olurlar. @ Wish cmlesinde $56 $B;71 modalna dn/r. @0

CONDITIONALS (wish clause-If clause and others)

T"$e If Clause 3imple present Dresent per&ect# A. Cuture Dossibility $an 3hould 3imple past >. Dresent ;nreal $ould E vA Dast per&ect @. Dast ;nreal %could have F@( G Dast per&ect G. <i'ed *ype 3imple past 4ain Clause will can may must should emir: rica: istek cmleleri would could might would have F@ could have F@ might have F@ Would FA $ould FA <ight FA would have F@ could have F@ might have F@

5eneral e6a&$les1 I& she has enough money: she will buy a car. present# I& she had enough money: she would buy a car. unreal present# I& she had had enough money: she would have bought a car. past#

4i6ed1 Her 7a&an T"$e 8 ile T"$e 9 aras:nda olur* I& we had 0uilt a subway system AH years ago: the tra&&ic would not 0e so bad today* %*ype III E *ype II( I& I had $assed my e'am last year: I would not ha!e to &ollow this course now. I& she were your real &riend she would ha!e hel$ed you yesterday. NOTE1 Iaman ipucu hep bulunur*

Inverted Forms (Devrik !"#$!r) T"$e ; 3hould you want to see me: you will wait some. !I& you want to see me: you will wait some.# T"$e 8 T"$e 9
Were I to meet him again: I would tell him the truth. !I& I were to meet him again: J# Were she my sister: I wouldnt let her go out alone at midnight. !I& she were my sister: J# Had I studied hard last year: I could have passed all my e'ams. #I& I had studied hard last year: J#

&i6ed Had I worked hard last year: I would be Gth grade now. #I& I had worked hard last year: J# &i6ed Were she your &riend: she would have helped when thay laughed at you. I& she were your &riend:J# Im"$ied %!ri!tions& ('m! Edi$mi( )$!n$!r)
I would ask (if I were you) I would go by sea. (if I were her) I would have helped you yesterday, but I had to finish my project. (=If I had not had to finish my project I would have helped you yesterday.)

$esur K-trk *4DLM@ durumunda could ha!e + <9 kullanlmas mmkn diyorsa da rnek bir cmle vermemi/. =en de bir yerde kar/la/madm. @N

CONDITIONALS (wish clause-If clause and others) He would have come to the meeting, but he got sick. (=If he had not been sick, he would have come to the meeting.) He could have joined us, but he did not get your invitation in time.(=If he had gotten your invitation in time, he could have joined us.) y parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn!t have afforded the trip. (=If my parents had not lent me the money, I couldn!t have afforded the trip.) I"d better write it down, otherwise I"ll forget it. (=If I don!t write it down, I!ll forget it.)

*+r"ose in t,e i-."!rt o- t,e senten/e if=to 0e to <; 1 5ma, belirtir.

# student must study hard if he is to succeed.$ %ew measures are necessary if inflation is to be brought under control.& %ew jobs must be created if poverty is to be eliminated.

Less "ossi0i$it1 in t,e i-."!rt o- t,e senten/e ifshould, ifhappen to, ifshould
happen to 2 Blayn ger,ekle/me ihtimalinin d/k oldu9unu ima eder. O
If you should arrive earlier than me let him stay in my room. If you happen to pass a post office, could you post this letter for me' If you should happen to pass a post office, could you post this letter for me'


If-$art I& you ha"e inished your homework: we will watch television. %present per&ect( I& you are looking &or *om: you will &ind him upstairs. %present continuous( &ain clause I& you eat all your dinner you can ha"e a chocolate#%modal( I& the ice is thick: we can walk across. %modal( I& it is &oggy tonight: the plane may be late. %modal( I& you are tired: sit down# %command:advice( you should sit down %advice( you had better sit down %advice( why don$t you sit down% %suggestion( I& you are not too busy: would you help me with them% %rePuest( t"$ical 0eha!iour( auto&atic( ha0itual or natural e!ents 2Q gerek insan: gerek makina vs. i,in tipik davran/. =urada i& when gibidir. I& you press this button: the light goes on. I& you argue with him: he gets angry. I& he comes: I go. I& you boil water it evaporates.

T"$e ;

L9er ba/arl olmas hede&leniyorsa 9renci ,ok ,al/mal Ln&lasyonun kontrol altna alnmas hede&leniyorsa yeni nlemler alnmal# O Her -aman *ype A ile kullanlrlar. Q *ype H olarak da bilinir.


CONDITIONALS (wish clause-If clause and others)

If-$art I am going by bus i& I were %oin% by car I would o&&er you a li&t. past continuous# &ain clause

T"$e 8

I& you wrote to him: he &i%ht answer. possible rePuest# I& I knew his address: I could write to him. ability# I& you wrote to him: he would answer. certain# I& I were on holiday now: I would 0e skiing. If-$art 4ou were going too &ast. I& you had 0een %oin% more slowly: you would have been able to stop. past per&ect continuous# &ain clause I& you had asked him: he &i%ht ha!e hel$ed you . possibility# he could ha!e hel$ed you. ability#

T"$e 9

OTH.- CONDITIONALS I& anlamyla I&+in yerine kullanlabilen ko/ullu i&adeler. ;* I&$erati!e sentences (e&ir c)&leleri)

Cail to pay the bill and electricity will cut o&&. !I& you &ail to payJ# R *ell me what to hand and I+ll bring it to you. !I& you tell me what to handJ# AH Imagine that# we were in $hicago: we could watch <ichael Sordan. 3upposeTsupposing that# we miss the last bus: what shall we do? What if T Sa" your &ather sees you with a cigarette in your hand? What will you do then?# What if T Sa" we were to run out o& petrol hal& way home? What would we do?# 4ou+ll have to live with this problem: whether you like it or not. He will continue to have grand ideas and lo&t ideals even i& he &aces too many hardships. I will remember and appreciate your &avour asTso long as I live. 4ou won+t &ail your e'ams soTas long as you study regularly.

8* I&a%ine (that) (+ar7et=) 9* su$$ose@ su$$osin%@assu&in% (that) (+ar7et=) A* what if@sa" (Di"eli& 'i=)

B* whether=or not (=-sen de=-&esen de);; C* e!en if (=-e 0ile olsa) D* as@so lon% as (=t:E: &)ddetFe=)

Caturay bir deyeme elektrikler hemen kesilir. =ana ne verece9imi syle hemen sana getireyim. AA Ullaki or not ile birlikte. Whether ayn -amanda isim cmlesidir.

(he looks so busy, I don"t know whether she can come.


CONDITIONALS (wish clause-If clause and others)

G* unless (=-&edi'Fe=*)A> I& it doesn+t rain: I+ll go and do shopping. !;nless it rains: J# I& the government doesn+t o&&er a higher salary: there will be a strike. !;nless the government o&&ers a higher salary:J# We will be surprised i& he doesn+t &inish the race. =urada unless kullanlma-# I couldn+t have arrived school on time unless I had caught the Q.HH bus. A@ I couldn+t have arrived school on time i& I had not caught the Q.HH bus. AG

5ncak a/a9da unless ve if=not ayn anlam verme-.

5yn anlamda without ile de ko/ul cmlesi yaplr. 5ncak Without kendisinden sonra isim alr. I couldnVt have done it without you. 4ou can borrow my book providedTproviding you give it back to me by 3unday. "iven the necessary chemicals: he+ll prepare the solution you need. !I& he is given necessary chemicals: J#

H* $ro!ided@$ro!idin% (that) (=Iart:"la=) ;J* $asifle 0aIla"an 0a7: c)&lelerA0

;;* If it weren3t for( if it hadn3t 0een for( 0ut for + N If it weren3t for your help: I would be a poor man now. ! ut for your help: J# If it weren3t for &armers: we would starve. ! ut for &armers: J# If it hadn3t 0een for your support: I couldn+t have achieved such successs. support: J# ut for your
If it weren3t for if it hadn3t 0een for 0ut for N T"$e 8 T"$e 9 T"$e 8-9

ut for continuous rain: Istanbul would be &acing a water problem. ! If it weren3t for continuous rain: J# ut for losing the Fienna War: Bttoman Lmpire could have conPuered the whole Lurope. ! ut it hadn3t 0een for: J# D>??AT

If clause3lar:n if-$art3:nda will !e"a would 'ulln:l&a7* AIaE:da'i duru&lar hariF1 ;* >f c)&leciEi ana c)&lede "a$:lan e"le&in 0ir sonucu ise* Bpen a window i& it will help you to sleep. or Ji& it helps you to sleep. I+ll be angry i& it turns out that you are wrong. %burada kullanlama-(

;* 'i0ar iste'lerde1;C
A> A@

I& you will take your seats: ladies and gentlemen: we can begin the meeting. I& you would take your seats: ladies and gentlemen: we can begin the meeting.

Iannedildi9inin aksine her -aman i&J not anlamnda kullanlma-. Q2HH otobsn yakalamad9m mddet,e okula vaktinde varama-dm. "e,mi/te erken varabilmenin ko/ulu. AG Q2HH otobsn yakalamasaydm okula vaktinde varama-dm. 5ma yakaladm ve vaktinde ula/tm. A0 2ro!ided ile yaplan ko/ul cmlesine ben-er ve sadece bu anlamlara gelebilecek yklemlerle kullanlabilir. AN =u durumda WO,LD/ WILL modalndan daha kibardr. @R

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