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In this research, the researcher discussed about tourism with the topic entitled: KAMPOENG JATIMAS ECOTOURISM (AN

EFFORT OF KAMPOENG JATIMAS MANAGEMENT TO PROMOTE TOURISM SECTOR). There are several reasons why the researcher chooses the title; First, Kampoeng Jatimas is one of favorite tourism sites in Subang district Second, Kampoeng Jatimas has great potential and many facilities Third, the researcher is interested to analysis the problems faced and to promote of Kampoeng Jatimas as a tourism ob!ect " #ased on the bac$ground which has been e%plained previously, there are three &uestions to be answered in this research They are: 'ow to develop of Kampoeng Jatimas ecotourism in Subang district( 'ow to promote of Kampong Jatimas ecotourism in Subang distict( 'ow to promote strategy of Kampong Jatimas ecotourism in Subang distict( ) *esearch conducted has several goals that cannot be separated from the formulation of the problem, namely: " To find out the area of ecotourism development of Jatimas in Subang district ) To find out the way how to promote + To find out the strategy of promoting Jatimas ecotourism in Subang district ,fter learning the techni&ues used to collect the necessary data in the data study, the e%iting data will be changed by using descriptive &ualitative research method and data used is the S-.T analysis For analy/ing data, the researcher uses some step, they are: " ) + .bservation Interview 0ibrary research

#,# II ,ccording to 'un/i$er and Kraft 1"23)4 as follows: 5Tourism is the totality of relationships and phenomena arising from the travel and stay of strangers, provided the stay does not imply the establishment of a permanent residence and is not connected with a remunerated activity6 7oeti 1"289:":34 says that in the development of a region to become a tourist destination;tourism, so as to attract to be visited by tourists, it must have three conditions, namely:


Kampoeng Jatimas has what is called 5something to see6 It<s has a beautiful scenery that can be seen by tourist and has a tourist attraction li$e 5Kuda Singa6 in every wee$

Kampoeng Jatimas has what is called 5something to do6 the tourists can do tourism activities and en!oy all the facilities available there such as bathing, swimming, paragliding, e&uestrian sport, and staying

Kampoeng Jatimas has what is called 5something to buy6 In this area the visitor can buy some special food or drin$, souvenir, $inds of flower or fruit, and handicraft ,ccording to =eorge * Terry The definition of management is achieving the goals

set in advance with use the activities of other There are 3 function of management, namely: " ) + 3 >lanning .rgani/ing ,ctuating ?ontrolling ,ccording to @awn li$e 1)AA8: "++4 >romotion is a communication from the sellers and buyers coming from the right information that aims to change attitudes and behavior of buyers #y having a characteristic that is: " ) + >romotion is a tool to identify the product ,s a tool encourage buyers ,s a tool to pass the information in purchase decisionBma$ing process #,# III The researcher used Jatimas ecotourism as ob!ect of the research Jatimas ecotourism site is located in >asir #ili$ village in Subang *egency It has an area of C"8 hectares and was built in )AA: The researcher chooses Jatimas ecotourism as ob!ect of the research #ecause, Jatimas is more interesting than the other tourism place In Kampoeng Jatimas has many ob!ects which can visit li$e; we can see view of mountain such as; ?aga$ mountain, Tampomas, #urangrang, Tang$uban >erahu, and beside that we can see and en!oy the fruit of e%isting orchards, villas, swimming pool, forest, cattleBbreeding, ,TD 1,ll Terrain Dehicle4,fruit garden, flower garden and the other ob!ect These researches get the data collection through the respondents interview result The researcher choose several respondents such as; manager, wor$ers, visitor and residents of surrounding tourist attractions

In this research, the researcher used S-.T analysis ,ccording to Freddy *ang$uti 1)AA9:"84 S-.T analysis is the identification with systematic for many factors, arrange the accompany strategy This logical analysis is based on Strength and Opportunity, a with the same time as Weakness and Threat. #,# ID >roblem Faced " ) + 3 9 Facilities and infrastructures for the tourists there any need for maintained 0imited funds The reali/ation of the awareness of the importance of tourism to the community Still lac$ the of transportation tourism 1not operating )3 hours4 Still lac$ the promotion of the e%istence of Kampoeng Jatimas Introducing to the public There are several ways to promotion, they are; Ea$ing #rochures Ea$ing -ebsite Ea$ing 'andboo$ Ea$ing Film Ea$ing >osters The result of S-.T analysis #ased on the data above and after doing some calculations starting from the rating to a percentage, then Kampoeng Jatimas have a good place so that much needed promotion strategy for future development >otential possessed by Kampoeng Jatimas be further improved so as not to be affected from the outside factors that ma$e the competition tougher #,# D ?onclucions Kampoeng Jatimas has , great potential and social nature which may be developed as a tourist attraction in Subang district >roblems faced by Kampoeng Jatimas is a lac$ of effort in developing the venue management or promoting Kampoeng Jatimas #ut thatFs not all, facilities and infrastructure for the tourists there any need for maintenance, lac$ of funds from investors, visitors are limited because of transportation that ma$es it difficult to reach the area and lac$ of promotion underta$en by Subang local governments to introduce these attractions

The management has not been optimal in managing Kampoeng Jatimas, visible from the media used in the promotion, only through the internet brochures, and posters Therefore, the need for the addition in the field of promotion of the manufacture of articles, films, brochures and posters for tourism Kampoeng Jatimas better $nown by the tourists

Suggesstions " 0ocal governments are e%pected to pay more attention to and the government can improve Kampoeng Jatimas facilities to attract tourists to come, so the income can be increased ) + The management and promotion of Kampoeng Jatimas should be increased It is hope that the government and the visitors should $eep Kampoeng Jatimas

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