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News quiz 2013

VOCABULARY REVIEW AND PRACTICE 1 A. Match the verbs in the left column with the noun phrases in the right to make collocations from the news quiz. The first one has been done for you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. caused met make bid win was laid step down take draw his death a backlash headlines as the leader to rest the trophy to a close farewell the lives office
Photo by Catholic Church via Flickr [CC BY-NC-SA 2.0]

10. claimed

Try to remember in what context the above collocations were used. What stories made headlines in your country last year? Did any important figures step down? Did any of the governments decisions cause a backlash?

B. Match the verbs in the first column with the adjectives in the second and the nouns in the third. The first one has been done for you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. was elected caused receive provide won came up pay serve a lot of media as Prime as the new massive their last a nest the mens with a controversial final plan destruction egg (for his family) head respects Minister attention

Developed by Leo Selivan

C. Insert the words in bold into the forks below. Make sure that each word in bold goes with ALL three words in the fork. civil ground-breaking controversial explosion destruction scale research study TV drama / series outrageous former poor massive economic war rights servant issue figure plan






Prime Minister child star teammate


clothes behaviour performance


growth reform collapse


health performance quality

D. Rewrite the following sentences using the Passive so that the meaning is the same. Then look back at the news quiz to check your answers. The Philippines suffered the most as a result of Typhoon Haiyan. = The Philippines were ____________________________________________. Thousands of new words make their way into the English language every year. Thousands of new English words are ________________________________. Pope Francis became the new head of the Catholic Church. = Pope Francis was ________________________________________. Many European supermarkets removed meat products from the shelves. = Meat products were___________________________________sale. Snowden received asylum in Russia. = Snowden was ____________________________________________.

Developed by Leo Selivan

E. For each of the words in the first box find a partner from the second box.

newly born sci-fi

undercover massive of his own



meat former


prime minister movie specialist


will collapse

products explosion

ill cop

Do you remember in what context the above collocations were used?

Photo by Alex Alishevskikh via Flickr [CC BY-SA 2.0]

Developed by Leo Selivan

News quiz 2013

VOCABULARY REVIEW AND PRACTICE 2 These words appeared in the news quiz 2013. numerous outrageous economic recorded tragic last controversial massive

Insert them where they belong in the sentences below. 1 Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful storms in history, swept 2 through the Philippines causing destruction. 3 Thousands of people gathered in the small village of Qunu to pay their respects to Nelson Mandela 4 In order to save the country from collapse, the government of Cyprus 5 came up with a plan to tax bank deposits. The decision caused a 6 backlash among the local population and expats living on the island 7 The Fast & Furious star Paul Walker met his death in a car crash. 8 Former child star Myley Cyrus caused controversy with her performance at the MTV Video Music Awards 2013.

Developed by Leo Selivan

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