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UNIT I 1. 2. ". $. &. '. (. What is meant by weathering? Describe its effects on rocks and their constituents. Write an essay on River as a Geological gent! Describe the various methods ado#ted in costal #rotection. Discuss the various theories that e%#lain the origin of the earth. Write a essay on the interior of the earth. Give an account on views of the age of the earth. Write notes on ) a* +%foliation 2* River ,iracy "* Differential +rosion $* Run off &* -archans '* toll .* /#it and bar 0* /eismogram and seismogra#h 11* River terraces. .. Give a detailed account of the following ) a* 2ormation of soils. b* Reclamation of desert lands c* 3oral 4slands 0. Distinguish between the following grou# of features) 5a* a young and mature valley 5b* a glaciated and river valley 5c* a submerged and emerged coast line UNIT II 1* Describe the tests you would #erform in trying to identify a mineral in the field. 2* What are the rock forming minerals? Give a general account of their 3hemical and ,hysical #ro#erties. "* Define the term crystal!. $* What are symmetry elements in crystals? &* Describe the following grou#s of minerals a* 6uart7 grou# b* 2els#ar grou# c* 8ica grou# '* 3om#are and contrast the minerals of ,yro%ene grou# to that of m#hibole grou#. (* Write short notes on ) a* kinds of luster b* 9wincrystals c* 8oh!s scale of hardness d* 2lourescence e* 3leavage and #arting f* Walker!s steelyard balance. .* 8ention the most distinguishing #hysical #ro#erties of the following minerals. methyst: ;livine: 9alc: <abradorite: Galena 0* +%#lain how will you distinguish the following #airs of minerals. a. b. c. d. e. ,yrite and chalco#yrite -eryl and #atite =ornblende and ugite 3alcite and Gy#sum 8uscovite and talc

11* Give the #rinci#le ores: their #hysical #ro#erties: 3hemical com#osition and distinguishing characters of the following metals. a. 4ron b. 3o##er c. 8anganese d. >inc e. luminum f. <ead

UNIT III 1* +%#lain the three #rinci#al kinds of rocks? +%#lain the basis of their classification. Describe their chief characteristics with e%am#le. 2* "* $* &* '* (* .* Give the difference between ,lutonic and ?olcanic rocks. 3lassify the secondary rocks and describe an e%am#le from each. Write an essay on metamor#hism. What are the im#ortant intrusive igneous forms ? +%#lain with neat sketches. Give a detailed account of the surfacial features of the sedimentary rocks. What are the different kind of folds? +%#lain the following structural features with sketch. a. nticlinorium b. @nconformity c. =orst d. ;verla# e. ,itching fold. 0* =ow will you distinguish the following grou#s of features. a* b* c* d* e* Di# and /trike nticlinal fold and /ynclinal fold ;utlier and 4nlier Di# fault and /trike fault 2ault and Aoint

UNIT IV and V 1. 2. ". $. &. '. Describe and classify building stones. +%#lain how durability of stones is ascertained. What are the essential Bualities of a good building stone. What #hysical test is conducted to determine whether a rock is good for building #ur#ose. Give an account of the #hysical #ro#erties that go to make a good building stone. Came and fully describe the #hysical #ro#erties of im#ortant rock ty#es that are used as building stone. (. Define ) a* Water table b* Buifer c* ,ermeability of a rock .. What are the im#ortant factors which you will consider in selecting a site for a well? 0. What is meant by Dground waterE ? =ow is it surveyed and e%#lored ? 11. Describe the condition when the under ground water is lifted to the surface by its own #ressure. 11. Give an account of the origin: occurrence and circulation of ground water. 12. =ow does a tube well differ from an artesian well ? 1". What are the geological factors which you will consider in selecting a site for a tube well and an artesian well. 1$. -riefly e%#lain how you will survey the under ground water resources of any city with water su##ly from other sources. 1&. What are the geological factors which influence the choice of site for a reservoir ?

1'. Discuss the suitability of various geological structures and rock ty#es of reservoirs. 1(. What are artificial lakes? 1.. Give an account of the Geological factors that influence the location of artificial lakes. 10. What is D River valley #roAectE ? 21. +%#lain geological and related criteria in the construction of earth dam. 21. What are the geological reBuirements which will have to be investigated for selecting a site for a tunnel. 22. What ty#e of lining would you suggest for tunnel driven in a* @nconsolidated b* 3onsolidated rocks. 2". +%#lain briefly the distinction between <andslide and cree#. 2$. Write shot geological note on a* <andslide b* rtesian well 2&. Write the geological factors which affect the stability of hill sides. 2'. What #recaution will you take against the natural changes to which roads on hill station are subAected as a conseBuence of the action of geological agencies. 2(. Write short essay on the utili7ation as#ect of geology in engineering.

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