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Hey all, So how was your Thanksgiving?

How about your long weekend if you were lucky enough to get one? How about Black Friday? Are you a Be-there-at-4 !!a"-and-buyeverything-in-sight #erson, or a $o-%-look-like-%&"-cra'y?-%-think-%&ll-stay-at-ho"e-andslee# #erson? As for "e, even though % had another blog #lanned for today, since "y holiday didn&t turn out to be anything like %&d "entioned last (ednesday, % thought % should let you know how things turned out) %t was an interesting day) As % told you before, *onathon worked, and % was #lanning this nice "eal for us+without turkey+because it was sooooo bloody e,#ensive) Then, as %&" ready to head to the store on (ednesday evening to get all the stuff, % get a #hone call fro" "y sweet baboo) He tells "e that H- will take care of Thanksgiving dinner) That %&" not to worry "y #retty head about it) .(ell, he didn&t say it /uite that way, but you know what % "ean) 0snerk01 So, since %&" always ha##y 23T to be the one doing the cooking, % waited) And when Thursday afternoon rolled around and he arrived ho"e sans any foodstuffs, % had a feeling his way of taking care of it was taking 4- out to dinner) 2ot that % "ind going out usually, but %&d had "y tastebuds set on a real Thanksgiving su##er with all the fi,ins&) (ell, % have to say % was #leasantly sur#rised when he told "e to get dressed and within a half hour we were sitting down at a wonderful buffet at the 454 casino) And guess what? They had6 T789-:;;;;;; .<* does the rabbit+or should % say+turkey dance1 Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey!!!!!!! And all the tri""ings) 4ashed #otatoes, cranberry sauce, giblet gravy, stuffing, sweet #otatoes, veggies like corn, carrots, beetroot and salads, and fresh "ade sesa"e rolls) The only thing they didn&t have was green bean casserole, so %&" gonna "ake that so"eti"e ne,t week) -ven better, they had all kinds of other food as well) So we were able to not =ust have our s#ecial Thanksgiving dinner .did % "ention % danced?1, but we were also able to try out a whole bunch of other delicious dishes) % had sushi .*onathon hates it, so % did that all on "y own1, and he had several ty#es of seafood casseroles that % tasted) And then there was rack of la"b, a huge ha", fruit, "any different breads and "uffins, sou#s, fresh crab, lobster, cla"s and "ussels and6the list goes on and on) >lus, they had every kind of Thanksgiving dessert you can i"agine) .3kay6% ad"it it6 % danced again)1 >u"#kin #ie .not so hot1, cranberry-a##le #ie .yu""y, but % "ake

better1, #ecan tarts .delicious1, chocolate "ousse "ade with Baily&s %rish crea" .oh-"y5od-%&"-in-love good1, egg custard .*onathon liked it1, and about twenty other desserts fro" green tea #udding to cheesecakes) So, % have to say, % think % like it when *onathon "akes Thanksgiving dinner) ?3? 8ossio+in the 454+was the na"e of the restaurant we visited) The at"os#here was /uiet and en=oyable and the staff e,cellent) Attentive, but not overly so) And, of course, the food was =ust aweso"e) The wonderful night al"ost "ade u# for the fact we "issed out on the 4acy&s $ay >arade and the traditional football ga"e) %t hel#ed soothe the #ain of not being with "y kids for the first ti"e in their lives) And knowing "y sweetheart loved "e enough to find a #lace that had turkey for "e to "unch on, "ade this Thanksgiving $ay one of the best we&ve ever had) Share your holiday story in the co""ents below, and stay tuned for (ednesday&s blog when % see if you are a 8-A? reader or not; 0grin0 Hugs to all, <* -ngland

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