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Sri Vallabha Studies Serres No. 16 SRIVALLABHADIGVIJAYA Also known as §RIYADUNATHADIGVIJAYA BY GOSVAMI SRI YADUNATHAJI MAHARAJ (First Head of the Sixth Seat) WITH HINDI TRANSLATION Foreword by GOSWAMI SHRI BALKRISHNALALJI MAHARAJ Includes §RIYADUNATHASTAKA by GOSWAMI SHRI VALLABHLALIL MAHARAT 1985 Shri Vallabha Publications BARODA DELHI (INDIA) stacerareaaearara. dree Tory uattere sacaatahatay (Aagrafefiasaarea sfreq) afercatteritercard- area ttagara-rgirgar site ferdtararaaraafgay wearft-steregemrarasitag rasa argent aftarq aearfa-sitaeraaraatagreiaga- Magatareendataay gash Sacra cise aay agtar fave (area) PUBLISHERS’ NOTE Sri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharyaji (ca 1478-1530) was the last of the great Vaishna’a Achsryas and cne of the foremost rele gious teachers of India. He spreac the message of D:vine Love for Lord Krishna through hus patlosophy of Suddnadva:ta_and estab- lished devouional service to the Lo-d thzougs Pushti Marga (Path of Grace). He was a profound scholur and defeated ontstanding exponents of opponent sciools in debate, dering bis extensive tours all over India. The present work, Srivallabhadignijaya wrnten m lucid Sanskrit verse and prose by his grandsoa Sr Yedunatijt 18 the most authentic and important record of the great hie of Shri Vallabha- charya, The illustrious author collected tse material for his work not only through his father Shri Vutthalnathn the second son of Shri Mahaprabhuji and the close associates of the latter, out also by travelling to all the places which aad been earuer sanctified by Shri Mahaprabhuji himself The work also contains basic tenets of the Acharya’s teachings Hence. the work 1s venerated and widely studied, down to tus time, by ail the rollowers of che Pushtt Marga, The work proves to be a valuable Cocument to those who are interested in knowing the authentic infe history of Shri Vallabba- charya ‘The work is m Sanskv1. and accompamed by a faithful Hindi translation which will facilitate the readers, who are not much familiar with Sanskutt, to understand the original We want to put on record, with deep sense of giutitude, that Goswamt 1008 Shr Vrajaratanlalji Maharaj, Pushtimargiya

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