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Friendship caring for a better life

87, Suhrawardi Avenue, Block- K, Baridhara, Dhaka 1212 Telephone:+88 02 881 82!, +88 02 881 82 , "a#:+88 02 881 8$1 %&ail: in'o('riend)hip-*d+or,

Programme Activities of Friendship

1. HEALTH - Floating Hospital
a#ife$!o% Friendship &ospital


(Total Beneficiaries: 982,80 !p to A!g!st 2009"

The #ife$!o% Friendship &ospital wa) ini.ia.ed */ "riend)hip in 2001 wi.h an ai& .o provide e))en.ial, pri&ar/ heal.hcare )ervice) .o .he 0har and river*ank *a)ed popula.ion) o' nor.hern Ban,lade)h+ The pro1ec. wa) de)i,ned .o reach 0har *a)ed popula.ion clu).er) .ha. are i)ola.ed 'ro& &ain).rea& ha*i.a.ion and have &ini&al or no acce)) .o heal.hcare )ervice) due .o lack o' .ran)por. and co&&unica.ion ' #ife$!o% Friendship &ospital 'ervices: A( )eneral Treatment: 2eneral Trea.&en. o' co&&unica*le di)ea)e) and li&i.ed cura.ive care 3aedia.ric 0are includin, i&&uni4a.ion, A56, diarrhea and li&i.ed cura.ive care 5eproduc.ive 7eal.h 0are 8r.hopedic 7eal.h 0are %/e, %9T and 7eal.h 0are B( Patholog%: 3a.holo,/ and :a* Service) includin, ;-5a/, %02, e.c+ *( +eferral 'ervices: %&er,enc/ 5e'erral Service) Till ,cto$er 2009 more than -.0,/2- registered $eneficiaries have received primar% and secondar% health care services(


0mirates Friendship &ospital

"ollowin, .he )ucce)) o' .he :i'e*uo/ "riend)hip 7o), "riend)hip launched )econd ', ho) on 9ove&*er 22, 2008, .he %&ira.e) "riend)hip ", 7o) <%"7-+ The new ', ho) will provide &edical )ervice) )i&ilar .o .ha. o' .he :i'e*uo/ "riend)hip ho) and .hu) 'ur.her ).ren,.hen "riend)hip=) heal.h ini.ia.ive) in hard .o reach 0har area) o' Kuri,ra& di).ric.+ %"7, )ince i.) inau,ura.ion, ha) *een providin, heal.h )ervice) near Dhaka *u. wa) recen.l/ &oved .o Ton,ipara, 2opal,an1+ 1n addition to doctor cham$ers, medicine dispensar% and the presence of t2o f!ll time doctors, 0F& is e3!ipped 2ith the follo2ing:

Two,, Two ei,h.-*ed ward), 3aedia.ric and ,/naecolo,/ uni.), A roo&, A pa.holo,ical la*ora.or/, an ;-ra/ roo& and an


oph.hal&ic roo& 1n the near f!t!re, the 0mirates Friendship &ospital 2ill provide health services to 2004 5omad 1slands 6 *hars and remote areas in 7!rigram and 5orthern )ai$andha district having a pop!lation of appro8imatel% 9,000,000 people(


Spe iali!e" Healt# Ca$e

There i) an acu.e need o' )econdar/ heal.hcare )ervice) in .he)e area), *u. no ' 'or providin, )uch )ervice)+ To addre)) .hi) need "riend)hip provide) )econdar/ heal.hcare )ervice) .hou,h .he :i'e*uo/ "riend)hip 7o) and al)o .hrou,h )peciali4ed heal.h ca&p)+ The)e heal.h ca&p) are arran,ed re,ularl/ wi.h )peciali). %uropean doc.or) and provide di''eren. ./pe) )econdar/ heal.hcare )ervice) includin, e/e, and %9T clinic and )ur,er/, pedia.ric, or.hopedic, pla).ic-recon).ruc.ive )ur,er/, po). opera.ive care, )peciali). con)ul.a.ion, re'erral )ervice e.c wi.h .he )uppor. o' 7u&ani.era, B97S > variou) priva.e donor)+ Friendship 'econdar% &ealthcare 'ervices: %/e care and )ur,er/ .hrou,h %/e 0linic and %/e Sur,er/ 0a&p care and )ur,er/ .hrou,h 0linic and Sur,er/ 0a&p 3la).ic-5econ).ruc.ive Sur,er/ 0a&p 0le'.-lip Sur,er/ 0a&p 3edia.ric Sur,er/ 0a&p 8r.hopedic Sur,er/ 0a&p 3h/)io.herap/ 0a&p %9T 7eal.h 0a&p 2eneral 7eal.h and Sur,er/ 0a&p Speciali). 0on)ul.a.ion 5e'erral Service Till ,cto$er 2009 a total of //8,/89 patients have received advanced secondar% health care services from on $oard secondar% care and vario!s health camps(

'econdar% &ealth 'ervices


Satellite Clini
'atellite *linics (in different remote chars" Friendship opera.e) 2-2 'atellite 0linic) ever/ &on.h in ? di''eren. 9o&ad 6)land)@char) o' 2ai*andha and Kuri,ra& di).ric.) which reach .he re&o.e). and &o). inacce))i*le i)land) and provide *a)ic )ervice) .o .he wo&en, children and &en+ The Sa.elli.e 0linic)= )ervice) are a) 'ollow): Ano.her .0 'atellite clinic) are, in 3a.uakhali, Bar,una, Ba,erha. and 3iro1pur di).ric.+ Friendship 'atellite *linic 'ervices: A( )eneral Treatment: 2eneral Trea.&en. o' co&&unica*le di)ea)e) and li&i.ed cura.ive care


3aedia.ric 0are includin, i&&uni4a.ion, A56, diarrhea and li&i.ed cura.ive care 5eproduc.ive 7eal.h 0are includin, A90, 390, 'a&il/ plannin, and ST6@5T6 B( &ealth 0d!cation6B**: 2roup,@7eal.h %duca.ion )e))ion and 6ndividual 3er)onal *( +eferral 'ervices: "ro& Sa.elli.e 0linic) .o :i'e*uo/ "riend)hip 7o), 28B 'acili./ or an/ availa*le 928@priva.e clinic or ho) A. pre)en., each &on.h 2?2 Sa.elli.e 0linic) are providin, heal.hcare )uppor. in &o). re&o.e and inacce))i*le 0har) and c/clone a''ec.ed coa).al area) o' Ban,lade)h+ Till ,cto$er 2009, .:9,0/0 $eneficiaries have received satellite clinics health services(



Aa1ori./ o' .he 0har children are &alnouri)hed+ Thi) i) no. onl/ due .o .heir pover./, lack o' awarene)) al)o pla/) a &a1or role+ The children .ake) 'ar le)) calorie .han wha. i) reBuired */ .heir *od/ 'or heal.h/ ,row.h+ Thi) crea.e) lon, .er& e''ec. in .he heal.h )cenario o' .he 0har popula.ion+ 6n order .o provide *alanced, nu.rien. 'ood .o .he 0har children a) well a) .o increa)e 0har people=) <e)peciall/ wo&en=)- awarene)) on nu.rien. 'ood and 'ood value "riend)hip i) i&ple&, a 9u.ri.ion pro,ra& in .he 0har area)+ The pro,ra& i) ai&ed a. children under C /ear) a) well a) A90@390 &o.her)+ The 5!trition Program of Friendship covers: 7eal.h educa.ion@coun)ellin, De&on).ra.ion o' nu.rien. 'ood cookin, "eedin, children under C /ear) o' a,e 2row.h &oni.orin, Ao.iva.ion .o per)onal h/,iene+

0ver% month a total of 292 'atellite *linics are arranged in Friendship 2or;ing area and !nder each 'atellite *linic appro8imatel% /00-/20 children received the $enefits of n!trition programme per %ear(


*hild 1mm!ni<ation (0P1"

6n order .o reduce wo&en=) and /oun, children=) &or.ali./ ra.e) a&on, 0har and river*ank *a)ed popula.ion), "riend)hip or,ani4a.ion) child i&&uni4a.ion )e))ion) a. re,ular in.erval)+ "riend)hip=) 0hild 6&&uni4a.ion <%36- pro,ra& ai&) a. reachin, .he children a) well a) wo&en livin, in re&o.e and inacce))i*le 0har) under i&&uni4a.ion pro,ra&+ "riend)hip or,ani4e) %36 )e))ion) *o.h .hrou,h or,ani4a.ion) own 'undin, and al)o in colla*ora.ion wi.h .he 28B+ Dnder .he i&&uni4a.ion pro,ra& children a,ed *e.ween 0 .o 1 /ear) and wo&en a,ed *e.ween 1$ .o ? /ear) are ,iven vaccine 'or preven.ion o' li'e .hrea.enin, di)ea)e)+ Thi) pro,ra&&e ha) *een )uppor.ed */ 2overn&en. o' Ban,lade)h+


Due .o a nu&*er o' rea)on) includin, lack o' 'a&il/ plannin, )ervice) and non-availa*ili./ o' 'a&il/ plannin, &e.hod) a) well lack o' awarene)) and illi.erac/, *ir.h ra.e i) ver/ hi,h in .he 0har) and river*ank area)+ 0on)iderin, .he i&por.ance o' .he i))ue "riend)hip i) workin, on 'a&il/ plannin, a&on, eli,i*le couple) in .he 0har area)+ Ei.h an ai& .o increa)e adop.ion o' 'a&il/ plannin, &e.hod), wi.h )pecial 'ocu) on lon, .er& &e.hod)+

Famil% planning

Friendship=s Famil% Planning program incl!des: Ao.iva.ion and coun)ellin, o' eli,i*le couple) 0on.ra)ep.ive di).ri*u.ion <oral pill) and condo&)9SF, Tu*ec.o&/, 6n1ec.a*le) 6n), 9orplan. > 6DD+

Till ,cto$er 2009, a total of 22,..2 $eneficiaries have received famil% planning services from Friendship 2ith the s!pport of ),B(


F$ien"s#ip Co%%&nit' Me"i s

Friendship *omm!nit% >edics 6n 2008, "riend)hip in.roduced /e. ano.her innova.ive wa/ o' deliverin, pri&ar/ care .o .he char dweller)+ The pro,ra& )elec.) wo&en o' .he co&&uni./ and .rain) .he& wi.h .he purpo)e o', a self-sustaining, primary health service providing &echani)& on .he char)+ "0A) under,o in.en)ive .rainin, .o addre)) di)ea)e preven.ion, &a.ernal and child heal.h, nu.ri.ion and 'a&il/ plannin, i))ue)+ "0A) have proved .o *e an e''ec.ive and e''icien. &ean) o' i&provin, co&&uni./ heal.h */ )ervin, a) a link *e.ween co&& and heal.h care )/).e&)+ %ach "0A &oni.or) .he heal.h ).a.u) o' 2$0 hou)ehold)+ The pro,ra& al)o e&power) wo&en wi.h an inco&e )ource and )el' con'idence+ Friendship *omm!nit% >edic 'ervices: A( Famil% Planning and *are of Pregnant ?omen: 6den.i'/in,, re,i).erin, and, eli,i*le couple) 'or 'a&il/ plannin, 6den.i'/in,, re,i).erin, and, pre,nan. wo&en on )a'e pre,nanc/, )a'e deliver/, nu.ri.ion, A90 and 390 5e'errin, couple) )eekin, lon, .er& 'a&il/ plannin, &e.hod and pre,nan. wo&en .o )a.elli.e clinic) B( &ealth 0d!cation6B**: 2roup &,) and heal.h educa.ion )e))ion and individual per)onal .o addre)) i))ue) )uch a) nu.ri.ion, h/,iene and pri&ar/ preven.ion *( *hild &ealth and 1mm!ni<ation: 6den.i'/ all childrenG1 /ear and en)ure i&&uni4a.ion+ %duca.e paren.) on new *orn and child care @( +eferral 'ervices: 5e'er co&plica.ed ca)e) .o )a.elli.e clinic) and :"7@%"7 *!rrentl%, Friendship has trained and deplo%ed 222 F*>s in the north and so!th of Bangladesh(



Ri(e$ A%)&lan e
"riend)hip ha) launched .he "ir). ca.a&aran 5iver A&*ulance in Ban,lade)h 'or .he )ervice o' .he :i'e*uo/ "riend)hip 7o) and .he upco&in, %&ira.e) ", 7o) )ervin, .he popula.ion o' .he char) and river*ank) o' .he Ha&una+ 6. i) .he wa/ .o an)wer .he &edical e&er,encie) and di)a).er) 'aced */ .he co&& livin, in .he area+ The am$!lances are lin;ed $% mo$ile phones to the Friendship *omm!nit% Teams in health, ed!cation and income generation, in over /00 islands of the A!mna( The A&*ulance ha) *een conceived in order .o *e a*le .o 'err/ a. a .i&e, .wo pa.ien.) acco&panied */ .wo para&edic) and &e&*er) o' .heir 'a&il/+ 6. i) al)o a*le .o 'err/ 1$ &edical ).a'' a. a .i&e .o a )i.e in ca)e o' &a1or acciden. or epide&ic+ The *oa. ha) )peciall/ *een de)i,ned and vi)uali4ed, */ .he world 'a&ou) naval Ar+ Aarc Fan 3e.e,he&, .o & .he )peci'ic need) .o Ban,lade)h+

+iver Am$!lance

*. E+,CATION - P$i%a$' E"& ation

aFriendship 0d!cation Programme 6n Hul/ 200$ "riend)hip co&&enced an educa.ion pro,ra&&e wi.h an ai& .o provide e))en.ial educa.ion )ervice) .o .he poor children livin, in .he char)+ The ke/ o*1ec.ive o' .he pro,ra&&e i) .o increa)e li.erac/ a&on, .he children o' .he char dweller) a) well a) .o increa)e li.erac/ awarene)) a&on, .he char people+ Dl.i&a.el/, .he pro1ec. ai&) .o develop an appropria.e &odel o' pri&ar/ and voca.ional educa.ion 'or .he poore). o' .he poor in hard .o reach area) which i) )u).aina*le and replica*le+ Friendship 0d!cation Program Achievements: A( B( 't!dent 0nrolment and +etention Sa.i)'ac.or/ ).uden. enroll&en. in all .he )chool) 100I ).uden. re.en.ion wi.h no ca)e) o' drop ou. Attendance Throu,hou. .he /ear ).uden. a..endance ha) *een ver/ )a.i)'ac.or/+ 6n .he 'ir). /ear .he avera,e a..endance wa) 'ound .o *e a) hi,h a) ?8I #earning ,!tcome A. .he end o' .he 'ir). /ear 8?I ).uden.) <2C7 ou. o' !00 ).uden.)- received ,rade A in all )u*1ec.) in .he 'inal e#a&ina.ion 8nl/ ! ).uden.) received ,rade " Additional '!pport 3rovidin, educa.ional &a.erial) 'ree o' co). Ear& clo.he) di).ri*u.ion durin, .he )e))ion School plin.h rai)in, 'or 'lood %&er,enc/ )chool di)&an.lin, .rainin, .o .he School Aana,e&en. 0o&&



Presentl% the /. schools are providing formal primar% ed!cation to /-./ st!dents, (8/9 are girls and 9 . are $o%s"(


"riend)hip ha) 1C )a.elli.e )chool) in re&o.e char)+ The or,ani4a.ion ha) de)i,ned and developed .he CFriendship 'atellite 'chool ProBectD which ai&) .o *rin, .he children o' new 0har) under i.) educa.ion pro,ra& .hrou,h an innova.ive &odel o' coopera.ive &ana,ed )a.elli.e )chool) 'unded */ *o.h .he co&&uni./ and .he or,ani4a.ion+ The curriculu& i) )i&pler and ea)ier+ Tar,e. i) .o eBuip .he& 'or *a)ic readin,,,, &a.he&a.ical, environ& )kill) wi.h ).ron, e&pha)i) on &oral and e.hical develop&en.)+

'atellite 'chool ProBect As of A!g!st 2009, 80 children are learning in these satellite schools


5on-formal Primar% 'chool

Friendship ha) 2$ )chool) in re&o.e 0har)+ Bu. .he)e )chool) canno. provide educa.ion .o children o' o.her .o.all/ )chool le)) i)land)+ There i) a ).ron, de&and 'or )chool) in )uch i)land)+ %ver/ /ear .hi) de&and i) increa)in,+ There are &ore and &ore children and paren.) wi.h )uch de&and)+ Ei.h an ai& .o addre)) .he need) .o .he *e). o' .he or,ani4a.ion=) re)pon)i*ili./ and capaci./, "riend)hip ).ar.ed runnin, i.) co&&uni./ *a)ed )chool) .hrou,h coopera.ive) in .he char area) wi.hou. an/ e#.ernal 'und)+ As of A!g!st 2009, : 9 st!dents are getting primar% ed!cation in non-formal primar% schools(


Teach a Friend ProBect

The CTeach a FriendD pro1ec. involve) .he drop ou. and unaddre))ed children livin, in re&o.e 0har) o' 2ai*andha and Kuri,ra& di).ric.) under .he covera,e o' "riend)hip=) e#i).in, educa.ion pro,ra&&e .hrou,h "riend=) 3eer educa.ion+ The model is an Innovation of Friendship. Thi) i) a 0hild .o 0hild %duca.ion 3ro,ra&&e wi.h a ).ron, 'ra&ework o' .eacher in.erven.ion and &o.iva.ion+ The ke/ ai& o' .he pro1ec. i) .o develop a )/).e& o' non-'or&al educa.ion .hrou,h which ever/ ).uden. will )hare .heir dail/ learnin, 'ro& .he )chool wi.h a 'riend <who i) .o *e re,i).ered a. .he )chool a J'riendK a. .he *e,innin, o' .he /ear-+ %ver/ da/, .he/ will .each .heir 'riend) wha. .he/ have learned a. .he )chool+ Thi) wa/, .hrou,h peer educa.ion in .he 0har, .he )chool ,oin, children will di))e&ina.e .heir learnin, .o .heir )pecial 'riend) who are deprived and have no acce)) .o educa.ion+ This program alread% provided primar% ed!cation to 200 children so far(

A"&lt an" A"oles ent F&n tional Lite$a '

eAd!lt 0d!cation ProBect

Aa1ori./ o' .he char dweller) are illi.era.e and canno. read and wri.e a. a 'unc.ional level+ A) a re)ul. .he)e people canno. i&prove .heir inco&e)+ The/ have li..le awarene)) o' .he i&por.ance o' educa.ion and o'.en 'ind i. di''icul. .o under).and &an/ o' .he &e))a,e) delivered .o .he&+ "riend)hip ini.ia.ed .he Adul. %duca.ion 3ro1ec. in 20 )chool) in 20 i)land)+ The ai& o' .he pro1ec. i) .o increa)e li.erac/ a&on, .he adul. char dweller)+ The cla))e) are held in .he evenin,) )o .ha. .he re,ular inco&e ,, o' .he *ene'iciarie) are no. ha&pered+ A'.er co&ple.ion o' .heir ).udie) .he)e ).uden.) will *e enrolled in .he Foca.ional Trainin, pro,ra&&e, The Adul. %duca.ion 3ro1ec. will increa)e char people=) li.erac/ awarene)) which will encoura,e .he& .o )end &ore children .o )chool)+ Aoreover wi.h voca.ional .rainin, .he/ will *e a*le .o i&prove .heir inco&e and reduce .heir pover./+ Thi) pro,ra&&e i) runnin, */ "riend)hip=) own 'und+ At present a total of .20 ad!lts and adolescents are getting f!nctional literac% and social ed!cation, 2here 9/. are female and :8 are male( -20 ad!lts and adolescents alread% completed the f!nctional literac% programme(


Eocational Training 'chool (age gro!p: /2-/8 %ears children"

The Foca.ional Trainin, 3ro1ec. 'ocu)e) on increa)in, livelihood )kill) o' .he adole)cen.) <a,ed *e.ween 12 .o 18 /ear)- .hrou,h voca.ional .rainin,+ 6n )elec.ed char), adole)cen. *o/) and ,irl) will *e ,iven .rainin, on di''eren. area) accordin, .o .heir capa*ili./ and need) a))e))&en.+ The pro1ec. wa) )cheduled .o ).ar. 'ro& Au,u). 2007 a) a pilo. pro1ec. *u. dela/ed due .o .he deva), 'lood)+ 6. ha) *een re-)cheduled .o *e launched durin, .he po).-'lood reha*ili.a.ion o' .he char dweller)+ A) par. o' .he pro1ec. "riend)hip will provide voca.ional .rainin, in .he 'ollowin, area): :i,h. %n,ineerin, and Aechanical Sewin,@Tailorin, 3lu&*in, %lec.rical :ive).ock "i)herie) 0arpen.r/,

This program provided social ed!cation to 00 adolescents ,Accessing a Better #ife Thi) i) .he second phase o' a previou)l/ in.roduced pro1ec., J5ural Social %duca.ionK, under.aken */ "riend)hip .o provide civil ri,h.) *a)ed awarene)) and upli'.in, .heir */ addre))in, cer.ain ke/ i))ue) .o i&prove .heir livelihood ).a.u)+ 6))ue) addre))ed */ 5ural Social %duca.ion were: Awarene)) Buildin, 3ro,ra& on di''eren. i))ue) .o ,e. .he )ervice) 'ro& e#i).in, ' o' 2overn&en. and 928)


7eal.h and "a&il/ 3lannin, %duca.ion and Sani.a.ion A,ricul.ure, "i)herie) and :ive).ock 2ov.+ :e,al Suppor. 3ro,ra& Eo&en and 0hildren A''air), and Social Eel'are

6n .hi) new pha)e, .he char co&& will 'or& lon, .er& ).ra.e,ie) .hrou,h .he char develop&en. co&& <0D0-, &e&*er) o' which are )elec.ed e#clu)ivel/ 'ro& .heir re)pec.ive char), .o in'luence .he *a)ic )ervice) provided .o .he&+ S.ra.e,ie) will *e developed *a)ed on ;no2ledge and a2areness of their h!man and civil rights+ Trainin, will *e provided .o .he 0D0 .o * eBuip .he& .o de&and and evalua.e .he 'ul'il&en. o' .heir *a)ic need) 'ro& ,overn&en. and non ,overn&en. )ource)+ "inall/, .hi) pro,ra& ai&) .o promote greater economic via$ilit% o' .he &ar,inali4ed co&&uni./ .hrou,h )kill develop&en.


RELIEF. RECONSTR,CTION AN+ REHA/ILITATION - Floo" an" C' lone Relie0. Re onst$& tion an" Re#a)ilitation
Flooding Durin, .he deva), 'lood in 200 and 2007, "riend)hip ini.ia.ed a &a))ive 'lood relie' pro,ra&&e+ 6n .he 'ir). pha)e o' .hi) pro,ra&&e "riend)hip ha) delivered e&er,enc/ relie' */ providin, /,/00,000 rations of food and essentials over /29 *hars in : districts in northern Bangladesh( 6n .he )econd pha)e o' .he relie' pro,ra&&e "riend)hip i) in .he proce)) o' deliverin, another /,800,000 man da%s of food relief Agric!lt!re s!pport is also $eing given+ Thi) con)i).) o' di).ri*, 8 - 10 k, o' )eed)@'ar&er 'or Boro and o.her ca)h and 'ood crop)+ "er.ili)er) are *ein, *a)ed on need and availa*ili./+ @irect agric!lt!ral assistance is $eing made to the lives of /20,000 people <i+e+20, 000 'ar&er) and .heir C &e&*er 'a&ilie)-+ 1n total Friendship has alread% distri$!ted6in the process of distri$!ting a total of -,020,000 rations of food relief and c!ltivation s!pport for the flood victims in 200:( Aoreover, "riend)hip ha) al)o ).ar.ed providin, ho!ses, 2ater and sanitation .o /-00 families over : districts on the +iver Aam!na and Brahmap!tra( -9- 0 comm!nit% shelters are also in the process of $eing constr!cted( 3reviou)l/, durin, .he 'lood 0' 200 "riend)hip, delivered e&er,enc/ relie' */ providin, C00,000 ra.ion) o' 'ood and e))en.ial) over 12$ 0har) in .he re&o.e and inacce))i*le char) o' nor.hern Ban,lade)h+ Durin, .ha. .i&e "riend)hip provided C00 hou)e) 'or .he poore). o' .he poor char dweller)+


8n 9ov 1C, 2007, a ca.e,or/ 'our c/clone LS6D5= hi. .he coa).al re,ion) o' )ou.hern Ban,lade)h+ The c/clone cau)ed &a))ive de).ruc.ion in .he)e area) M .hou)and) o' live) were lo). and unaccoun.a*le da&a,e) .o .he proper./, in'ra).ruc.ure and co&&unica.ion have *een repor.ed+ 6&&edia.el/ a'.er .he ca.a).rophe "riend)hip ini.ia.ed a relie' and reha*ili.a.ion pro,ra&&e 'or .he S6D5 vic.i&)+ 9 assessment teams were )en. .o )urve/ .he da&a,e) and .he need) o' .he c/clone vic.i&)+ Thi) pro,ra&&e con)i).) o' .he 'ollowin, co&ponen.): 3ha)e 1: Deliverin, e&er,enc/ 'ood relie' and &edical )uppor.: "ood relie' di).ri*u.ion ).ar.ed al&o). i&&edia.el/+ Dp .o now a o' 900,000 man da%s of food <2$,000 'ood relie' packe.) con.ainin, C da/) o' 'ood 'or a 'a&il/ o' C- has $een distri$!ted in 9 most affected districts( 6n &an/ area) "riend)hip=) 'ood packa,e) have *een acknowled,ed a) *ein, .he 'ir). .o reach .he people+ 8n .he !rd da/ o' .he c/clone, Friendship sent 9 medical teams from #ife$!o% Friendship &ospital to the affected areas + A .ea& o' C 'orei,n doc.or) and nur)e) were al)o 'lown in a) volun.eer) 'ro& "rance+ The/ have provided e&er,enc/ &edical )uppor. .o .he vic.i&) 'or one &on.h+ 3ha)e 2: 5econ).ruc.ion o' hou)e)@), > )ani.a.ion: 5econ).ruc.ion o' hou)e) 'or .he &o). a''ec.ed poore). o' .he poor c/clone vic.i&) ha) *een ini.ia.ed+ *onstr!ction of a total of 2,000 ho!ses has $een targeted in - !pa<illas( A hou)ehold )urve/ ha) *een alread/ co&ple.ed 'or iden.i'ica.ion and )elec.ion o' .he *ene'iciarie)+ 9o. onl/ .ha. "riend)hip al)o recon).ruc.ed one rd orphana,e and 0 )hop) which were de&oli)hed a. .he .i&e o' c/clone Sidr+ 8ne *oa. He../ <2ha.- al)o recon).ruc.ed */ "riend)hip+ 3ha)e !: 5eha*ili.a.ion .hrou,h inco&e ,enera.ion: "riend)hip ha) ).ar.ed po). c/clone reha*ili.a.ion .o help the victims to get $ac; to their normal life + Friendship #ivelihood proBect, which include) *oa.), )olar panel), *ee' 'a..enin,, a,ricul.ure <)eed) and 'er.ili4er-, 'i)herie) and poul.r/, e.c+, ha) *een in.roduced .o .he vic.i&)+ The pre)en. ).a.u) o' .hi) pro1ec. i) "riend)hip ha) alread/ di).ri*u.ed )eed < crop)-, "er.ili4er+ power .iller), 'uel, deep .u*e-well), )olar panel), *oa.), ne.) 'or 'i)hin,, 'i)h 'auna, Duck > 0hicken, Ailkin, cow, irri,a.ion pu&p) .hrou,h coopera.ive) a&on, )elec.ed *ene'iciarie) o' ! )everel/ a''ec.ed di).ric.) na&ed Ba,erha., Bar,una and 3a.uakhali+ "or ).ren,.henin, .hi) pro,ra&&e "riend)hip al)o conduc.ed di''eren. .rainin, pro,ra&&e 'or .he *ene'iciarie) a. .he )idr a''ec.ed area)+ "riend)hip alread/ co&ple.ed a,ricul.ural .rainin, 'or .he 'ar&er)+ Trainin, 'or .he )chool .eacher, "0A .rainin, al)o *een conduc.ed */ "riend)hip+

*%clone '1@+


"riend)hip i&ple&en.ed .he whole relie', recon).ruc.ion and reha*ili.a.ion pro,ra&&e in clo)e coordination 2ith local government *odie) )uch a) D98, D0, Ban,lade)h Ar&/, 9av/ and other local 5),s in .he a''ec.ed area)(


*%clone Aila

8n 9ov 2$, 200?, ano.her c/clone LA6:A= hi. .he coa).al re,ion) o' )ou.hern Ban,lade)h re), in wide)pread de).ruc.ion in .he)e area) and killin, &an/+ Al.hou,h, no. a) deva), a) Sidr, Aila=) hu,e .idal wave) )alina.ed 're)h cau)in, a )evere )hor.a,e o' drinkin, "riend)hip re)ponded on .he re)pon)e o' c/clone Aila a''ec.ed vic.i&)= a))i).ance */ providin, )o&e e&er,enc/ like M %&er,enc/ "ood 5elie' 3ond 0learin, 7eal.h and Aedicine Suppor. School 5epair "riend)hip=) %&er,enc/ "ood 5elie' packe.) have di).ri*u.ed a&on, 'a&ilie) 'ro& .he .hree )ou.hern co).al di).ric.) o' Ba,erha., Bor,una and 3o.uakhali, en)urin, 7 da/) 'ood )ecuri./ 'or each C &e&*er 'a&il/+


Re#a)ilitation 0o$ Vi ti%s o0 Ga$%ents T$age"'

+eha$ilitation Programme for )arments ?or;ers (Eictims of the 'pectr!m Traged%" The J2ar&en.) 5eha*ili.a.ion 3ro1ec.K wa) ini.ia.ed */ "riend)hip .o provide )uppor. 'or )u).aina*le reha*ili.a.ion o' .he vic.i&) o' ,ar&en.) .ra,ed/ a. Savar+ The pro1ec. con)i).ed o' .he 'ollowin, ).ep): 6den.i'ica.ion o' .he ac.ual vic.i&) and .heir 'a&ilie) A))e))in, .he curren. ) and .he need) o' .he vic.i&) and .heir 'a&ilie) %#plorin, .he o' e).a*li)hin, inco&e ,enera.ion pro1ec. 'or .he vic.i&) and .heir 'a&ilie) Di)*ur)e&en. o' cheBue) .o .he vic.i&) and .heir 'a&ilie) 'or e).a*li)hin, .he inco&e ,enera.ion pro1ec. 3rovidin, &edical )uppor. .o in1ured, ailin, vic.i&) and .heir 'a&ilie) Aoni.orin, and 'ollow up .he reha*ili.a.ion pro1ec.

Suppor. wa) ,iven 'or .he 'ollowin, ./pe o' inco&e ,, :and &or.,a,e :and purcha)e Ailk 0ow S&all *u)ine))@.rade <,rocer/ )hop, .ailorin,"ar&in, <poul.r/, 'i)herie)-

Trainin, wa) provided on .he 'ollowin, .opic): Sewin,@dre)) &akin, 3oul.r/ "i)herie)


Dair/ A,ricul.ure 0o& applica.ion)

As part of the programme //. victims (incl!ding dead victims= families and inB!red victims" have $een s!ccessf!ll% reha$ilitated thro!gh integration into mainstream income generation activities(


Cli%ate an" En(i$on%ent

@isaster management Friendships greatest challenge is the environment. All of Friendships activities are designed to work with the natural environment and also to prepare the communities it serves to remain resilient in the face of a natural calamity. 5e,ular na.ural di)a).er) )uch a) 'lood) and river ero)ion po)e a )eriou) o*).acle .o .he char dweller) 'or in develop&en.+ Becau)e o' .he 'lood) and heav/ river ero)ion .he char people )u''er heavil/, lo)e all .heir a))e.) and live a &i,ra.or/ li'e &ovin, 'ro& one char .o ano.her+ Di)a).er &ana,e&en. i) an in.e,ra.ed par. o' "riend)hip) develop&en. To reduce .he e''ec. o' na.ural di)a).er) Friendship i) i&ple&, di''eren. kind) o' 'or di)a).er &ana,e&en. and preparedne)) which include): 0o&&uni./ Aedic Trainin, <.o )erve in .he a*)ence o' 'or&al care ,iver)- 5e'er .o 1 <'3lin.h rai)in, 8rien.a.ion on di)a).er &ana,e&en. Trainin, o' "0D0 &e&*er) Boa. *uildin, .rainin, Aedical ca&p) :ocal re)ource &ana,e&en.+ 5elie' 5eha*ili.a.ion pro,ra& &ana,e&en. 9e.workin,



The char people are lar,el/ unaware o' .he i&por.ance o' )a'e and )ani.a.ion+ 7ence, .he/ re,ularl/ )u''er 'ro& cariou) *orne di)ea)e+ Since 200 "riend)hip ha) *een workin, .o increa)e .he awarene)) on )a'e and )ani.a.ion a) well a) .o provide * Ea.)an ' )uch a) ) la.rine) and .u*e well)+ The are a) 'ollow): Ao.iva.ion .o u)e )a'e Ao.iva.ion .o u)e ) la.rine Ao.iva.ion .o per)onal h/,iene Behavior chan,e co&&unica.ion, up .u*e well, up la.rine 7eal.h educa.ion


6n Hune 200?, "riend)hip ha) ).ar.ed i.) new pro,ra& .ar,, .o provide and )ani.a.ion )uppor. .o di''eren. hard .o reach area) where Ea.)an ) i) wor). .hen o.her area) in Ban,lade)h+ 6n addi.ion, "riend)hip will provide a,ricul.ural pu&p


.o .he *ene'iciarie) 'or up,radin, .heir cul.iva.ion )/).e&+ The pro1ec. i) curren.l/ in pro,re)) in .wo 0har) in 7alua,ha., A/&en)in,ha and one in Kuri,a& where ) la.rine), .u*e well) 'or drinkin, and deep .u*e well) 'or irri,a.ion will *e provided+ 9a.ional or,ani4a.ion) like BAD0 declared 7ulua,ha. a dark 4one and were no. willin, .o erec. a deep .u*e well over .here+ 7owever, "riend)hip had under.aken .he challen,e .o in).all .he pu&p wi.h an op.i&i).ic view and 'ound )u''icien. ,round Bio ,a) 'or cookin, and *io 'er.ili4er) 'or 'ar&in, will al)o *e in.roduced 'ro& .he ) la.rine)+

1. INCOME GENERATION - Ris2 S#a$ing. Mi $o3Ins&$an e an" Sa(ing

a'!staina$le 1ncome )enerating ProBect (@eveloping a mechanism of s!staina$le income generation thro!gh Friendship=s +is; 'haring >icro-1ns!rance and 'avings 'cheme" An in.e,ra.ed )/).e& 'or .he people livin, in 0har) and riverine area) o' Brah&apu.ra and Ha&una, 'or ).a*ili4in, .heir livelihood, i) an e))en.ial co&ponen. o' .heir reha*ili.a.ion and pover./ reduc.ion+ "riend)hip ha) iden.i'ied and )ucce))'ull/ pilo.ed an in.e,ra.ed )/).e& 'or reha*, o' .he 0har dweller) <9o&ad 6)lander)- .hrou,h a )u).aina*le livelihood@inco&e ,enera.ion pro,ra&&e )o a) .o help .he& .o par.iall/ &ee. .he ha4ard) o' recurrin, 'lood) and i&prove .heir overall pover./ ) The pro,ra& are a) 'ollow):

"or&a.ion o' "riend)hip 0har Develop&en. 0o&& 0apaci./ *uildin, .hrou,h .rainin, Awarene)) *uildin, .hrou,h co&&unica.ion Buildin, up .he )avin,) and under).andin, i.) i&por.ance Buildin, up .he uni./ .o work .o,e.her and &oni.or 3rovidin, livelihood )uppor. .o .he co&&uni./ )uch a)a. Boat b. Mobile Phone c. Shallow machine d. Power Tiller/Plough e. Solar panel f. Agricultural aid g. Livestoc h. !isheries

A. pre)en. this proBect is $eing implemented in 0 chars, loca.ed in .he di).ric.) o' 2ai*andha and Kuri,ra&, .hrou,h 20 &ana,ed coopera.ive)+ A total of 20,000 $eneficiaries incl!ding 2omen and the most v!lnera$le people of the proBect area will *e direc.l/ *ene'i.ed 'ro& .he i&&edia.e o' .he pro,ra& .hrou,h .heir en,a,e&en. in )u).aina*le inco&e ,enera.ion A'.er co&ple.ion .he pro1ec. i) e#pec.ed .o indirec.l/ *ene'i. appro8imatel% 92,900 people( Target being to raise their income by !!" in # years and leave them with a savings so that they have an option of


decision for taking loans.


Vo ational T$aining 0o$ 4o%en

?eaving, @%eing and Printing A .rainin, and produc.ion ha) *een e).a*li)hed in re&o.e char area) o' 2ai*andha di).ric.) where di''eren. develop&en. o' "riend)hip are ,oin, on+ Aore .han !00 hundred wo&en and adole)cen.) have *een .ar,e.ed in .he *e,innin,+ Thi) ,roup o' vulnera*le wo&en are *e ,iven */ weavin,, d/ein, >, .rainin,+ The)e ,roup) will have e&plo/&en. and )el'-e&plo/&en. oppor.uni./+ 2roup o' wo&en, adole)cen.) and .heir 'a&il/ &e&*er) will *e direc.l/ *ene'i.ed */ .hi) pro1ec.+ *!rrentl% this program providing training s!pport to 90 v!lnera$le 2omen and adolescent(

a*!lt!ral ProBect (Preservation of the Ancient Boat &eritage of Bengal" Tradi.ional *oa. *uildin, .echnolo,/ and i.) cra'.) o' Ben,al i) .he olde). cul.ural livin, heri.a,e+ Friendship i) e).a*li)hin, a :ivin, Boa. Au)eu& in which .he &e&or/ o' .he)e cra'.) will re&ain 'or .he ne#. ,enera.ion)+

Buildin, *oa. &odel)@replica .o pre)erve .he .echnolo,/

o' ancien. *oa.) heri.a,e o' Ban,lade)h

%).a*li)hin, a Tradi.ional Boa. Au)eu& o' Ban,lade)h, awarene)) a&on, .he people re,ardin, .he
in).inc. o' ancien. and .radi.ional *oa. *uildin, o' Ban,lade)h At present models of 8 different t%pes of $oats have $een identified and re$!ilt and an e8hi$ition of these models have $een displa%ed in the >arine >!se!m in Paris from @ec 200:(


Travelling 08hi$ition "riend)hip pro&o.e) i.) work o' cul.ural pre)erva.ion .hrou,hou. .he world */ .he crea.ion o' a .ravellin, e#po)i.ion+ Thi) e#hi*i.ion 'ocu)e) on .he *uil. &odel *oa.), *u. al)o con.ain) &a.erial) .radi.ionall/ .ran)por.ed */ .he li'e )cale *oa.)+ Hu.e, rope, *a&*oo and .ea *o#e) ,ive a 'eelin, o' .he dail/ li'e on .he *oa.)+ "il&) and de)crip.ive panel) co&ple.e .he vi)ual &a.erial+ Since now, .he e#hi*i.ion ha) *een held in: Ben,al 2aller/ in Dhaka, 200 , Dhaka 9a.ional Au)eu&, 200$ 9a.ional Au)eu& o' .he Aarine in 3ari), 2008 Au)eu& o' .he Aarine in Bre)., 2008 JSalon 9au.iBueK a. 3or.e de Fer)aille) in 3ari), 2008


>odel Boats

Ban,lade)h=) .hou)and) o' /ear) old *oa.*uildin, .echnolo,ie) have alwa/) *een .ran)&i..ed orall/+ 7ence .he/ will *e lo). wi.h .he de&i)e o' .heir la). &a).er)+ 6n order .o preven. .heir lo))


"riend)hip .rie) .o record .he ancien. .echnolo,ie) */ e&plo/in, .he& .o *uild &inia.ure wooden )ailin, *oa.), wi.h .he )a&e cra'.)&an)hip a) .he/ *uil. .he live )cale ve))el)+ Thi) wa/, &ore .han 100 di''eren. &odel) have *een &anu'ac.ured over .he la). /ear) and .he .hou)and) o' /ear) old .radi.ion) have *een pre)erved+

d#iving >!se!m

The L:ivin, Au)eu&=, which alread/ e#i).) in an e&*r/onic ).a.e, con).i.u.e) o' wooden li'e )cale *oa.)+ The/ are *ein, re).ored and recon).ruc.ed on )i.e, */ cra'.)&an, )uch a), *lack)&i.h), rope &aker), )ail &aker), loca.ed */ "riend)hip+ The :ivin, Au)eu& will *e e#panded and include an open air di)pla/ o' *oa.*uildin, .echnolo,/, .he .radi.ional li'e)./le o' .he *oa. *uilder) and .he re).ored and recon).ruc.ed live )cale *oa.)+


+esearch and @evelopment

6n addi.ion .o "riend)hip=) work on cul.ural pre)erva.ion, we al)o crea.ed a L5e)earch and Develop&en. Sec.ion=, which will *e addre))in, innova.ion) in .he naval )ec.or, a) 'or e#a&ple .he con).ruc.ion o' 'i*re ,la)) *oa.)+ 9ew &e.hod) and )kill) will *e .au,h. .o .he .radi.ional cra'.)&an, )o .ha. .he/ can 'ace .he 'u.ure and have a )ecure and ).a*le inco&e+

.( 50? P+,A0*T'
aFriendship '!mmit energ% proBect (F'0P" "S%3 ha) *een launched in 9ove&*er 200? a) a pilo. pro1ec. 'or providin, )olar ener,/ 'or elec.ri'ica.ion .o .he ultra poor" #omadic $slands i.e. the char dwellers in %aibandha and &urigram district. Most of the population in this area live on subsistence farming or dail' labouring and do not currentl' have and will not receive access to reliable electricit' in the ne(t )*+), 'ears. "S%3 pro1ec. provide) )ervice) .hrou,h Solar 7o&e S/).e& <S7S- .o .he .ar,e.ed char hou)ehold), )chool), li*rar/, co&&uni./, )hop)@&arke.) e.c+


1ntegrated @evelopment ProBect

"riend)hip ha) ).ar.ed an in.e,ra.ed develop&en. pro,ra&&e 'or C i)land) o' Kuri,ra& di).ric. where all develop&en. o' "riend)hip will *e done .o crea.e &odel 6)land)+


Thi) pro1ec. will *e in.e,ra.ed wi.h heal.hcare educa.ion and livelihood pro,ra&&e+ 0o&*ined in.erven.ion o' heal.hcare, educa.ion and livelihood pro,ra&) will enhance *ene'iciarie)= capaci./, )avin,) and oppor.uni./N reduce .heir con.inuou) )u''erin,)+ Thi) pro1ec. will en)ure 'ood )ecuri./ o' .he .ar,e. people wi.hin 2 .o ! /ear) and 'inancial )u).aina*ili./ will co&e up wi.hin ! .o /ear)+ The pro1ec. would include all o' "riend)hip) pro,ra&):

7eal.h <"0A .rainin, and )a.elli.e clinic)- -efer to ).c/ 0

) .f/

%duca.ion <pri&ar/, adole)cen. .rainin, and Adul.

educa.ion- -efer to 1 .a/ 0 1 .d/

6nco&e ,enera.ion <.rainin,, ri)k )harin,, &icro )avin,)-efer to 2 .a/ 0 2 .b/


Friendship Taratari +esearch and @evelopment *entre

The "riend)hip Tara.ari 5e)earch and Develop&en. <2007- 2008- i) *ein, e).a*li)hed 'or .rainin, )hip and *oa. *uilder) in new and di''eren. .echnolo,ie) 'or )a'e *oa.)+ 6. i) involved in re)earch and develop&en. addre))in, econo&icall/ )u).aina*le innova.ion) in .he naval )ec.or )uch a) .he inclu)ion o' 1u.e 'i*re in .he &a.erial) u)ed .o *uild *oa.)+ 9ew &e.hod) and )kill) will *e .au,h. .o .he .radi.ional cra'.)&en 'or a &ore )ecure and ).a*le inco&e+ 0urren.l/, Tara.ari i) *uildin, 'i*er ,la)) *oa.) 'or a pro1ec. called JBoa.) 'or .o&orrowK which i) *uildin, 200 *oa.) 'or 200 'i)her&en a) par. o' .he reha*ili.a.ion pro,ra& 'or Sidr+ The)e *oa.) will *e included in .he inco&e ,enera.ion )che&e 'or .he 'i)her&an who lo). .heir *oa.) durin, Sidr+


>o$ile @ispensar% for the 0arth3!a;e Eictims in Pa;istan "riend)hip 6n.erna.ional, )i).er or,ani4a.ion o' "riend)hip, i) re,i).ered in :u#e&*our,+ . ).ar.ed a 'i#ed di)pen)ar/ and a 'ull/ eBuipped &o*ile heal.h clinic in .he ear.hBuake hi. area) o' A4ad Ha&&u Ka)h&ir in 200C+ A) par. o' .he pro,ra& 1 covered van have *een conver.ed in .o Ao*ile 0linic which opera.e) in re&o.e and hard .o reach par.) o' ear.hBuake ).ruck area)+ Thi) Ao*ile 0linic provide) e&er,enc/ heal.hcare )ervice) .o .he &o). &ar,inali4ed co&& The "riend)hip 0linic in Au4a''ara*ad al)o )ervice) .he people o' .he area who are o.herwi)e a. a di).ance 'ro& .he &ain ho)


*linic and am$!lance services in A$$otta$ad, 5?FP of Pa;istan: Thi) pro1ec. provide) heal.h care )ervice) .hrou,h clinic and al)o en)ure) a&*ulance )ervice) .o .he vulnera*le people in re&o.e). re,ion+

aFloating *linic CFloating e%e-hospital delivering afforda$le, 3!alit%, e%e care to the poor and remote peoplesD Thi) pro1ec. .ar,e.) ca.arac. pa.ien.) in haor area) o' Ki)hor,on1, Suna&,on1 and Brah&ond*aria di).ric., 'ea.ure) are: A 'ull/ eBuipped e/e-ho) hou)ed in an innova.ive ,la))-'i*re *oa. a*le .o reach di''icul. loca.ion) 3ri&ar/ heal.h care and e/e )ur,er/ )ervice) 'or vulnera*le ,roup) Senior )ur,ical ).a'') are on a re.ainer or volun.eer *a)i) Sel'-)u).ainin, ho) wi.hin .hree /ear) "ollow) .he )ucce))'ul &odel o' .he "riend)hip ', ho) and i) a*le .o vi)i. re&o.e )i.e) Friendship 2ill achieve a monthl% thro!ghp!t of 200 patients regaining their sight and earning capacit% and also /000 people for primar% health *5adi Fo!ndation F A,ricul.ural produc. )ale) M 0a..le Sale) M 3ro1ec. M Tailorin, 3ro1ec.) For income generation for the organisation 2ith sta;e holders as share holders( Friendship is presentl% 2or;ing activel% in :9 islands, the pop!lation covering appro8 0,000 families( "riend)hip ha) iden.i'ied a po.en.ial area o' in.erven.ion */ in.roducin, .rainin, on .radi.ional and &echani4ed )ewin, .echniBue) 'or .he poor and vulnera*le wo&en and adole)cen. ,irl) which can *e a )ource o' )u*).an.ial earnin, 'or .he&+



A &icro-'inance or,ani4a.ion will provide &icro-)avin,), &icroin)urance and ri)k )harin, in.ere). 'ree loan )ervice) .o .he poore). o' .he poor char dweller)+



Tele&edicine i) .he deliver/ o' heal.h care and )harin, o' &edical


knowled,e over a di).ance u)in, .eleco&&unica.ion &ean)+ Tele&edicine a. "riend)hip would ena*le &edical in'or&a.ion e#chan,e .hrou,h a &o*ile phone a. a di).ance wi.h .he ul.i&a.e ,oal o' ', .he heal.h )ervice) in .he co&& 6. will al)o *e 'or reachin, dependa*le Buali./ care which i) econo&icall/ )u).aina*le 'or .he co&& when .he 928) and donor) are no. .here 'or )u*)idi4in, .he hea.h care co).)+ Tele&edicine and &o*ile *a)ed )o'.ware, which can *e u)ed */ "0A) .o collec. and )end da.a, ha) alread/ *een proved a) an e''ec.ive and e''icien. .ool 'or deliverin, heal.h )ervice) .o widel/ di)per)ed and &edicall/ under)erved popula.ion) )uch a) .ho)e in .he 0har)+

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