Week 666 Critique of Theory

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I chose Callista L Roy as my theorist and her theory Roys adaptation model also known as RAM.

I feel that this theory is one of the best and continues to evolve with time and can be used on a broad range of patients and situations. Adaptation is part of human survival, it allows us to adapt to changes and is crucial to evolution. Adaptation is also adapting to patients and cultural experiences as nurses we are faced with different patients on a daily basis. I have always believed in not only treating my patients illness but also their mind, body, and soul. You can treat the patients illness but by not treating the mind, body, and soul you will still end up with a non-successful patient. Using the holistic approach involving mind, body, and spirit allows us to adapt to everyday environmental changes. My theory in nursing is to provide the patient with the best outcome every time. By using the RAM we provide a holistic approach to patient care. Patients and the environment are always changing by having a model to help with adapting to change we are guaranteed to provide the patient with the best outcome every time. There are several reasons why I feel that this theory is essential to nursing knowledge. I chose to use Chinn and Kramers theory critique. The RAM theory offers clarity and is simple to use, and it continues to stay consistent with time. The diagram allows clarity to all situations when the RAM is used. The RAM has been used extensively to guide practice and to organize nursing education. It has also been a valuable asset in extending nursing science and contributes significantly to practice of nursing. The RAM is complete and comprehensive and it attempts to explain the reality of the clients so that nursing interventions can be specifically targeted. It helps a broad range of patients by using the four adaptive modes. The RAM is a very valuable and helps extend nursing knowledge by providing a foundation for nursing science. The RAM has been a valuable asset in extending nursing science. Dunn and Dunn summarized the impact of the RAM and stated that it has contributed significantly to the science and practice of nursing. The RAM has been adopted as a component of the curricular framework of widely diverse colleges and departments of nursing. Since 1970,163 studies had been conducted using the RAM. RAM has generated hundreds of research studies and contributed to nursing education for more than 35 years. RAM is the science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances person and environment transformation with the goal of promoting adaption. Adaptation is assessed and measured in physical and psychosocial state, because human beings and groups are perceived as holistic, adaptive systems that constantly change and interact with their environment. According to Roy, health is a process of being and becoming integrated and whole and reflects environment and person mutually (McEwen & Wills, 2011). The overall goal of nursing is to focus on promoting health of the individual and group by promoting adaptation in each of the four adaptive modes: physiological-physical, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. (McEwen & Wills, 2011). The goal of the RAM is to enhance the adaptation of the patient in the four modes to free energy to respond to other stimuli. Freed energy promotes healing abilities and wellness. The RAM is also used to help promote adaptation in physiologic needs, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. By using the

RAM, promotion of adaptation in each for the four modes, contributes to health, quality of life, or dying with dignity. The RAM to me is one of the best nursing theories that I have learned about in this semester. It deals with almost every aspect of nursing care, from new diagnosis, to aging, and hospice. The RAM is simple and is able to be used on a broad range of nursing practice. Any reader can understand the theory and it continues to be useful and help build nursing knowledge. It focuses on the mind, body, and spirit allowing the patient to not only be helped with their illness but be treated as a whole. I feel that by using the holistic approach on any patient you are guaranteed the best outcome for every patient every time. The RAM to me meets just about every criteria for a great theory according to

References Meleis, A. I. (2012). Theoretical Nursing: Development & Progress (Fifth ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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