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Visson ATV-102 and 108.

Device might be available trough OEM channels re-branded but it al!a"s loo#s the same $it can be in blac# or !hite version%.

&icture o' device(

There are t!o di''erent versions o' Visson ATV. One is V)-ATV-108 One is V)-ATV-102.

*ere is the +icture o' both &,--s $'irst one on the +icture is V)-ATV-108 and second one is One is V)-ATV-102(

VS-ATV-108 has YPbPr output,

VS-ATV-102 has AV output,

Why there are two versions and what is the differen e!

.irst Visson ATV-108 is slightl" modi'ied version o' Visson ATV-101 board.

)+eci'ications 'or ATV-108 (

,&/( Amlogic AM08122M1 3 Mali-400 5&/ ,&/ cloc#( 160 M*7 $stoc# 8OM%

8AM( 612 Mb DD82 9nternal memor"( 2 5b /)- +orts( : 8;46 0A<( =es >i.i( -uilt-in /)- OT5 +ort( =es $but doesn?t !or# on Android 4 'or no!% )D card( u+ to :2 5b .iles"stems su++orted over /)-(<T.) Audio out+ut( :.6mm stereo connector on bac# side o' boA Video out+ut( *DM9 1.: and =+-+8 $com+onent% out+ut Video out+ut modes( 480i 480& 612i 612& 120& 1080i 1080& Audio in+ut( built in micro+hone and micro+hone in :.6 mm Bac# on bac# side o' boA

)+eci'ications 'or ATV-102(

,&/( Amlogic AM08122M" 3 Mali-400 5&/ ,&/ cloc#( 1 5*7 $stoc# 8OM% 8AM( 612 Mb DD8: 9nternal memor"( 4 5b /)- +orts( : 8;46 0A<( =es >i.i( -uild-in AV out+ut( =es 'or ,8T TV )et. )D card( u+ to :2 5b .iles"stems su++orted over /)-(<T.) Video out+ut( *DM9 1.: and ,V-) A@V out+ut Video out+ut modes( 480i 480& 612i 612& 120& 1080i 1080& C( >hat 'irm!are should i useD A( =ou have to choose eAclusive 'irm!are 'or di''erent device.Eg( 9' "our device is V)-ATV-102 "ou have to use the one 'or 102 i' "ou use V)-ATV-108?s 'irm!are then "ou device ma" lose reboot 'ile.

#$ %ow to do a fir&ware up'rade! A$ There are t!o methods o' installing 'irm!are to device

/+grade 'rom Android +rocedure( 1. Do!nload "our 'irm!are 'iles $8A8 archive% and un+ac# all 'iles to root o' "our sdcard 2. 9nsert "our sdcard in "our boA :. )tart /+grade a++lication on "our device and choose 0ocal /+grade 4. )elect 'ile u+date.7i+ and on neAt screen select 8eboot And 9nstall &ac#age 6. A'ter u+grade is com+leted "ou !ill be bac# to Android 8ecover" )"stem. =ou might see some errors such as invalid +arameter or error !riting mac address. 9gnore that Bust un+lug "our device 'rom +o!er and +lug it bac# in

to boot Android $'irst boot ta#es some time%

/+grade +rocedure using reset button on bac# side o' device( 1. Do!nload "our 'irm!are 'iles $8A8 archive% and un+ac# all 'iles to root o' "our sdcard 2. /n+lug "our device 'rom +o!er :. 9nsert "our sdcard in "our boA 4. /se +a+ercli+ to +ress reset button on bac# side o' device and #ee+ it +ressed 6. &lug the +o!er bac# on and !ait 'or 'ront leds to blin# : times. A'ter that release reset button. 6. A'ter u+grade is com+leted "ou !ill be bac# to Android 8ecover" )"stem. =ou might see some errors such as invalid +arameter or error !riting mac address. 9gnore that Bust un+lug "our device 'rom +o!er and +lug it bac# in to boot Android $'irst boot ta#es some time%

#$ ( up'raded &y devi e and now ( have s ra&b)ed pi ture on TV* (s &y devi e bri +ed! A( &robabl" not. )ome 'irm!ares also do u+grade o' bootloader. That means "ou have to install the 'irm!are t!ice. 9n that case "ou !ill have to use reset button +rocedure to install 'irm!are once more. A'ter "ou com+leted all ste+s "ou should see Android booting.

#$ ( up'raded &y devi e and now ( don,t have any pi ture on TV* (s &y devi e bri +ed! A( &robabl" not. >hat "ou !ill have to do is to create recover" sdcard. To be able to do that "ou !ill need >indo!s E& machine. Do!nload this 'ile un7i+ it and read +d' !hich is included in 7i+ 'ile. =ou have to use u-bootaml-ucl.bin 'ile +rovided !ith "our 'irm!are to do a recover" card. >hen recover" card is created reinsert it to "our com+uter. A'ter that co+" all "our 'irm!are u+grade 'iles to "our sdcard and use reset button +rocedure to install ne! 'irm!are.

-.T/$ 0a +up a)) of your sd ard ontent, be ause a)) data on your sd ard with this pro edure wi)) be erased*

9' "ou are more advanced user "ou can chec# Amlogic?s !i#i +age on ho! to burn uboot to device.>ith that +rocedure "ou also have to use "our u-boot-aml-ucl.bin 'ile.

=ou are onl" interested in 'irst +art o' guide. >hen 'inished !ith 'dis# command reinsert "our sdcard.

-e'ore "ou co+" all 'irm!are 'iles to "our sdcard "ou have to 'ormat +artition "ou Bust created !ith&+fs*&sdos command and mount it.

-.T/$ (f you are up'radin' fro& ear)ier version than (1S*203*20120422, you wi)) have to insta)) your fir&ware twi e 5see 6uestion ( up'raded &y devi e and now ( have s ra&b)ed pi ture on TV* (s &y devi e bri +ed!7 8o not interrupt power supp)y durin' up'radin', otherwise your devi e wi)) )ose reboot fi)e*

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