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former Chairman of Princeten Economics International, Ltd. Martin a. armstrong Armstrong Economics ” Cycle Theory & The Sixth Dimension 1400100 1902001 oave001 001901901900 ¥1001097901001 0018001 cou" Coto 9¢8 36190190109109;40' 904007 po7 pega }0 foa¥eroiase7807001aR1 011 119) 01911 {sxe%99300% 001.97 964 D040070070010 THaUToDat gets01 G8 TEQTOD ADT DOT CAD sop ojeyerioroora: oraygtors 30501251 aroujadiactantposoa sda! co1 0036019 Greg ecrapios Tooreg et con 907 Aly 1801 601001 6019070010010 700% 06 Af D¢tE2 #. .748)=77. 391001 007007 Be G1ootee 1964007001 204001007 301 sfopimaioorgoteaiserni(4.2 € & ty a8a 4 e107 bOrDGTOOION t09 A412} # 2 = 224 por co1e0190100 Bots ta7 90390401 core 1091091007 Brtieotooraatt | 2ap70080T0ot Gopnedtt 1991 oo oot et09 7417040 {hor ao1 p4100 1097001 cot c01 0101 Copyright Martin A. Ammer Comments Welengg gcrone ALL Rights Reserved September Sth, 2009 + ArmetrongEconomi erongh jes86Nei.COM (International ly} ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS E would like to thank the many people who have been weitinc fron around the world. Tt 16 encouraging to know that there axe so many people vho ars interested in uncovering the truth. 7 have also special thanks for s0 many providing valuable insight into trends around the World trom China, Soviet Republics, South Africa, Brazil, Auctralian, and India, I believe we can survive the folly of governments even if thay refuse to listen, The key is understanding the nature of events, and that allows us to correctly make the dacision'te be on the opposite side. E vould like to also thank all ny old friend and foxmer clients for their support and to know that they have continued to gather informatioa that satves us all in times of crisis. “ Wa are standing on the precipice of a new era in global-social-economles. How ve enter this new age is of critical importance, Government is incapable to doing anything for any reform of its own abuse of power ts nob. “p for negotiation. We must weather the storm, and to do 80 we need to understand its nature. Just as the 19303 Great Depression ‘net in motion profound changes that were even manifest in geopoliticai confrontations, wo have now eached such 9 crossroads. 4 debt crisis has its tentacles deeply embedded into-every sector right into governnont. This is the distinction fron a mete stock market crash that neyer alters the economy long-term. We are seriously still over-leveraged and sone banks are still trying Lo be hedge funds end have to spaculate to maké a profit. That is a key warning sign that the worse ic yot to come. Comments, Suagestions & Questions Please mall ts Martin A. Armstrong FOI Fort Dix Camp, #12518-050 PO Box 2000 Fort Dix, NJ 08640 PLEASE REGISTER YOUR FMAOL ACORESS FOR FUTURE UPDATED HENS CRITICAL 1 COR SURVIVAL SopyeightYErtin aR, BewStrong, all rights reserved This Reject nay bo forusrdes as yu Luke wisheyt charee ta indivieutls c= soverrments around 2he world. Tk is provided azo Public Service at this tine without cost Gacause of the. critical facts that wa now faced economically. The contents and designs of the systems are in fast mapyrighted, At s future date, © new edition of ine (900 Tre Greatest Bull Rarket In History will be released and = naw toorke will acon be pubkichac en the qadel dteclt - The Georwticy of Time, It i vitel that ve do not farget this’ is @ world ecorony and the arrogance that ary ration can dictate to tha world is just incanity, vary nation affects all others no ditrerent. than if ana ration were to pnur al As toxic ests inta the ocean, fuasything ic interlinked and solutions are nevar isslated events. ‘Aebteay soi RD4 3B gumecoutea awest Cycle Theory & : : : rN The Sixth CA, Dimension by: Martin A, Armstrong ‘Former Chairman of Princeton Boonamics International, Ltd. and the Foundation For The Stndy of Cycles HO in the film Matrix, is an excellent. example of the reality of cycle ‘Theory. Instead of the vorld being mun by machines who have enslaved all of mankind using their energy to fuel the world being kept in a dream state, we live ia a world in which we are ignorant of how Lt works and primitive in cur thinking of cause and affect. Once you see the cyclical nature that is how everything moves and eneray itself is transmitted from ‘one medium to the sext, you become like the character Neo. Suddenly you Sea aot the image cf the world, but you ses behind the inage and the driving forces are everyhere. Wille the Cumodity rutures Trading Commission sav me not as Neo per se, but more Like Darth Vader capable of manipulating the world economy with a single thought, their very harrassment of Princeton Economics illustrated ‘their om stupidity. Their thinking process of redwctag everything to a single cause and effect, indeed shows that for as much es we have edvenced, we ave still xunning arcund wearing just @iapers and chucking spears. What I discovered xecarding Pi and the Tf the sun has a 300 year cycle that 8.6 year cycle, was something incredibly causes its enercy output to rise and fall, important. Thie meant that TIME was not ‘then man did aot create gicbal warming and the exception, but was subject to geometry. | this is a natural avent just as the rivers This meant everything we think we know, must | were frozen during the Revolution at the be re-examined, This offects politics for padix and we are finishing the peak currently. politicians get re-elected by pretending they | Clearing our environment makes sanse fron a are the solution, but if they are primitive | health perspective, but the Prestdent wants and try to reduce it to a single cause, they | to gather scientists to figure cut a way if will screw it up every single time. They will | we can reverse the trond. We are Like ancient effect every person's life, create var, and Goctors who beliave in "bleading" the patient have no sense of even when @ drought will nit, | to cet the disease out, If they died, it veo because we did not. "bleed" them soon encagh.

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